' POTT5 FOUR MEPFORD MAtK TRIBUKE, MEDFORD, ORTCaOy, TUESDAY MAROTT fi, 1912. JlEDFoitD Mail Tribune tss. .N JNpnpJBNDRNT tfEWRPAPRIt tuKUJ?,Ur" RVRUT AFTERNOON awxjiiwi.- niJtMUAY, HI THE MBDFOHU IMUNT1NQ CO. Mnll, Tho Medford Tribune, The South am Oregonlan, Tho Ashland Tribune. vt f.f " Mall Trlhuno llulldlntf. S5-J7-S9 Home 7$ "trcct! P". - 0SI; OKOnOB PUTNAM, Kdttor nnd Manager -.-il'ftyt- sccond-clnsa matter nt Jcdfortl. Oregon, under tho act of March J, 1879. Official Paper of Jackson County. BUBSCRITTIOK RATE. One year, by wall fs.oo One month, by mall 50 rT.??n,I' "'Mlvered by carrier In Aiciironl, Jncksonvlllo and Cen tmi Point ......... ito nn.urnay oniy, by mail, per year., 2.00 Weekly, per year l.SO 8W0RS czsornQATioir. Dully average, for eleven month! end ing November 80. 1911, 2T51. Full teaiefl "Wlro Unit a rrtn aitpttchog. Tho Mall Trlbuno Is on sale at tho Ferry Mown Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel Now Stand. Portland, npvrtnan News Co.. Portland, Ore. . j. wuimoy, scaiuc. wasn. WOODMAN, SPARE THAT TREE, TN SOUTHERN California, in eastorn slates, in Euro- penn countries, a tree has an admitted value as an enhancer in landscape values a feature adding- lo attrac tiveness and beauty, and hence a eonunereiaf asset. It is no uncommon sight in older lands to find groves under state and community protection, to see vagrant trees given care and attention, to find roads and hiirh- ways turned aside to save some noble one-time forest monarch. "We in Oregon never have and do not now realize the value of the few trees that have escaped the ax of the pioneer and still adorn the wayside. Vandal-like we ruthlessly hew and slash and have in manv places trans formed what nature left tho most pieturesaue of countries .n 4. .,..! 1 . . 1 . I mm a Lrroicss uesoiauon. Trees that took several centuries to grow have been cut tor no better reason than that they were in a highwav, or that a few dollars' worth of wood could be secured. Every time such a feature is removed, tho landscape suf fers in its natural beauty. This generation should be shade tree planters and pro tectors. Xo tree should be cut unless there is a far bet ter reason than usuallv obtains. For nvin- tivn en destrnvprl n flrrrm elimiLl lm nlnnUl MSOrOKD, OREOOJT. TO 1 ," "'" F"J-. Motrnnnlln nt Smtti.nrn nM. .,. MMVlllnl-C niwl AKnlinu.li.i- ..!..-.. .1.1 i...1... !L n. Korthcrn California; nnd tho "faatMt., -"""" ", " 1 wiuum uiku II upon niem- "JSS&tllSLfe SS. mMnii'?plvo8 f. "w? the 'ommcrcial value W their places by "F'ndrKoud dol.ar Or.!,! T?"'' V"" possibilities through shade trCO SS5- a.SRSWrWfilKlaS5uri . 1I"J"'- which will also provide a future source of fuel. IVohXtor y,ar .nd.n' f " J f 0 "10 Streets With tl'CeS Ml4 November so, 1911, show incroa of 19 naustorin our Hat and rather unattractive streets into Banner fruit city In Oregon nopuo. shaded aVOHUCS of boautv. Rlvor Spltienberg npples won sweep-1 V,. ; ai i- 1 S . . 'takCa.&nH & world" !, 1S tl!J, ""? VL?nt h'0CS- lky Vim b OURllt ilM?mMa20RKJSk 1 ,a so!w ?nt llttlc lal)01, is "Pi'tlod to care for them . rimt rri. in 1910 and no investment that anv nronertv owner rin m-iK-n t Canadian International Apple Bhow.t ..in t 1 , , . l'l"F-li. u,ulu -"' J1MKC Vancouver. B, C i",JI .YKMU SUCH a IlCaVV VCtlim. . rirat PrtM in 1911 lim-r- 1 ,, , ... at Kpoknno National Apple Show won !-.-. by carload of Ncwtowns. flFim! rflH Hogue River pears brought highest MhAIIV UllCJ BiBpSl eara.f th6 Wm dUr ULflU f U K Write Commercial Club. !nclolnr 6 w centa for postage for the finest commu. nltv pamphlet ever publlahed. Tlmt OroRou sliouUl 1k roprosonictl in U10 Unitiul Slates homiiIo liy u mint thoroughly hlcntifiod with tho state; a man familiar with tho tiuoils t! ovory M'otioa f tho oonHUoiiwoalth, ami a man who staiuN for inoderu and imrossiva liloa in politic, there is not tho least doubt. Foi'tiiuatoly indeed for Oregon Hen SelUiifj of l'oithmd has, after inaturu deliberation, decided to let his name be ued in eonneetion with tho semi torship. AftorJieitiK lepeatedly lilt ed by friends to eater the race Air. Selling was not content to do m until lie had more fully consulted the peo ple, 111 whom ho has ever had explicit faith. He nceordiuijlv wrote letters to a number of voter in tho differ ent sections uskim; what they would advise in tho matter, and ho received in i-oplv over 1-1.000 por.souul re quests plodding him loyal support and asking that he by all menus en ter tho context. 11 was not until these letters reached his desk that Mr. Selling deeuUd to run. He has POLITICAL CARDS O'nlil Advcrtlfloiucnt.) County Clerk. I horoby aimohnco inynolt ns a ciui dldnto for tho democratic, nomination for tho offlco of county clerk, sub ject to tho will of tho voters of that party nt tho prlmarloH, I promise tho people of Jnokson county that In cii8o ot my noiiiltintloti ami olect'on 1 will fulfill tho duties of tho offlco nc cordltiR to law mid tho bot ot my knowlodKO ami ability. W. If. MIMilSU. Oold Illll, Ore, Tob. 10, 1913. mtrrrnttl County Hctonlcr. I am a cnmlldato for a second term for tho offlco of County Re corder on tho Hepiibllcnu ticket, sub ject to the comtiiK prlmury. 1 have conducted tho offlco to tho best of my ability, tho books are al ways open for Inspection ami fool that 1 urn entitled to a second term. K1U3L) I. COLVIC1. Watch Our Addition Crow tliiekNott and Summit Medford Realty nnd Improvement Company M, T. At II. Co. Uldii. WHERE TO CrO TONIGHT s. COMMUNICATION. Xntloiml Finance. To tho Editer: Many JAP OF GONG LESLIE GARTER methods! Tomorrow iiidifs the iibht, don't hnro'bcen devised to cscapo tho usoffcr any excuses but be there, then of money and prevent panics In cota merco. Chon-ip money lias been tried hy the uso of load at one lme "' the ltoinans. Leather has been tried by others, .copper as a standard of val ues used, and nil produced a failure. ' T do not wish to write at length on the use of money. Thero is no doubt about the right ot counties to Issue bonds, deposit with the government and draw national bank notes In point oi justice. Let us see how it will affect buai- the pink of condition and if defeated iiess. Let us suppose there are throe will Iinve no excuse to offer. thousand counties In tho United This bout is hv f.-ir ilm mn.i. ,.u.,i of bout ever in Medford; it is ti hi-sh yon won't be runniut; around town the day after bavins: that you wished you had been there, for it will be a pood scrap alright one of thoe kind they talk about the whole week f.. m.- 1 .. . . ""' -i"c jooys are as eveniv a matched naFr as ever .stepped into a ,;.... ...... : ..- : ... 1 I,. 1 contest, nip. and tuck all the way. Ever 5i'nec their last bout which was declared a draw, both bovs hnve been training' failhfullv nnd are iu ,i ..:..i. - ,-. ".... . . IN II WOMEN mrm- 1 HHHHHHHHHHI For County ltcrler. I hereby anuouueo myself as a rnn- dldato for tho Ilopubllcau uomliiatlou for tho offlco of County Recorder subject to the will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I was born and raised at Englo Point, Ore. 1 have for tho part two years been deputy In tho assessor's office, and all I ask tho people to do Is to look up my past record bo foro custlug their ballot. CUAUNCKY FLOIU2Y. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no canal on nnrth In varloty ot mineral waters mid cuMuk diseases, thnt medicines will not roach. It you nro In need of health, como now. Wo nro open nil tho year and can glvo tho boat of enro and attention now ns well as In summer. Btago dntly from Hod Hlutf to tho sprint. Furthor par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN Hl'lUNdS, OAL. ISIS THEATRE TONIGHT For Sheriff. I anuouueo myself ns a caudldatu for sheriff, promising n cuntluuaucu Lat night's pln, "Two Women.' was beau tit idly btaiu-d ami eoslutu- taken the people 11 to hi-, confidenee, ed, nnd the players were nil er!"t after nomination, not at a tune States. 13t each county Issue bonds to the amount of $3,300,000 and de posit the bonds with the treasurer r.f tho United States and draw 90 per cent of this in national bank notes. $3,300,000x3000 $9,900,000,000 In bonds. In round numbers 90 per cent of these bonds amounts to ?9, 000,000,000. ; Tho present circulating medium amounts to about 3t per capita, and tho standard of values Is the highest bouts in manv a day class match wherein the principals are well trained men who know the! fjame irom aJj angles and to 6ee theinj m action one can understand "what the word "boxing' menus. Several rattlinp uood preliminaries have been arranged and Manager TYnnkie Edwards assures tho Mp.1- ford public that tomorrow night thel tans will see the chis-jiest boxin evur known In timo of peace, If wo add $9,000,000,000 to the circulating medium we must raibo standard per capita to about 135.00, or four times tho proscnt ratio. Now this takos effect on tho first of Jan uary, 1913, and goes out on the first of January, 1933. Tho standard of values on that day will rise to four times the presout standard. I oivo Mr. Kontnor $12.00 fori goods. I alBo owo Mr. Warner & Co. $15.00 for groceries, likewise Mr. Carkin $25.00 balanco duo on do feuding my land cakes. As the stand ard of values have gone up In point of Justice I owo Mr. Kontnor $48, Mr. Wa'rnor ft Co. $G0 and Mr. Carkin $100. Hut uuiay your contract doas not specify thut amount. Vory true but my land lncicahod four Union In vaiuo and 1 now have four dollars whorous 1 only hud only dollar before On tjio lust duy of January, 1933, those notes nro taken up and the ra tio per capita has fallen back to $3-1. Hut, says the cnthusiust, we have had the uso of $9,000,000,000 for twenty years froo from lntorost and wo built roads, sower systems, wnter systems au.d septic plants and they Jiuvo not cost us one cent. Sou how nlcoly we Jiavo headed off the niouuy powers. Let ns look at this matter and seo. Wo have disturbed business und bro kon up many buslnoss men, wo Inlve, ruined tho manufacturer, wo stalled tho wholesaler, and ruined our com- nicvco with foreign nations. 1 "' JASI'EH N. MILLER General admission will be $1.00.1 resened bents on f-ale at Xa.sh Hotel. FINDS FORTUNE OF $3000 HIDDEN IN FIREPLACE ASHURY PARK, X. J., March 5. A. Jeffreys is $3000 richer as a rosult of tearing apart a brick flre pjaco in the old colonial homestead near hero, which ho acquired from bis mother. When tho bricks wore lifted from their places a stream of coin poured out. Most of It was more than 100 yoars old. Jeffreys will tear apart another fireplace in the old mansion In tho hope of flrid-J Ing another fortune. MARRIED. ('burkb A. Kenard and Lillian Xuiiii were united in iiinrriiiL'u In- Rev. W. V. Shields at the Presbyter ian Manse, March tind at 7:JU p. m. Mr. Iteuard came from Kansas to gel his bride, and Mrs. Kenard was one of the eity'n pleasant telephone girls These young people expect to make their home in Cottage Grove, Oregon. They have imuiy j'riondfc who are in terested in their liappinbs and wel-fiue. Say Mailcro Broke Promise KKW YOltIC, March C. Dochir iug that I'rosldont Madero violated the jiromlsos ho made the people of Mexico, and that tho wholo nation is opposed to him, G. O. Garcia, a cou sin of iho Mexican president, who ar rived In this dly en route to Eur ope, declares that Madero will bo oerthrovn within sUty days. Flour Campaign KiiccccfN. Tho representatives of tho Sporry Flour Co., makers of Drifted Snow flour, have loft tho city woll pleased i with the siiccobs of their work here, They gave a sample of tho flour to every housewife In tlio city and feel that tho results have much more than Justified tho oxpeiiHO. Tho local doulurs who handlo tho flour bavo received many compliments from pleabod users and thore Is no doubt but It bus gained a firm foothold In Medford. ' Stanford Wins. ' LOS ANGELKH. March C. Tho Htaulord university track and field ninletlcs won from tho University if Houthern California In the annual bi'vt here todu) 71 ,to o7. FJtF.F, LECTUItE. Dr. Jefferson, specialist, will give a free lecture Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at tho Ugo theater. The doc tor InvUes everybody, l;i Medford to bo present. ,: ' ' K. A. M. ATTENTION'. Work Iu tho M. E. degree evening 207 Wlhh lllUhMl, 8w, good in their parts. Leslie Carter .' certainly a good actress, but, Hamlet says, "the play's the thing." Tn fact, the play was not the thing that Mrs. Carter ,-hould huve cho-cn as ti vehicle to show her at her be-t. We can but think that Leslie Car ter could be more versatile, if she would. She was first taken up by Ilelasco, and given plays of the Ca mille type, Zazn, and I)u Harry, both of which are built upon French themes that really have mi nhice in the present-day drama. Dumas' Ca mille was quite enough of the demi monde type. The stage should be an educator and u menu-, of moral up lift, and we can see no reasonable ex cuse for n continual wannuil-nvfi- version of Camille- While Hela-co is a reat maimgct and stage director, he seems to huve narrowed the horizon of his great protogos. He seems to study the particular ability of his stars upd to fiMhom so perfectly with plays thut it i next to impossible for them lo get away from the grooves iu which he has started them. David Warfield is as thorouehlv identified with "The Music .Muster'" as Joe Jeifersou was wih "Rip Van Winkle." And so far, he has been unable to find 11 play that will do juniii-v 10 ins special nuiiitv, othr than lhe--particular style in which "The Miisio Master" is written. We can see 110 reason whv Leslie Carter could not be equally great ;ii a play like "I'uid iu Full,' Thoie i, one thing sure, the lady must i-hange her style of plays or loho her stand ing among the stars of the first mag nitude. EIJ ANDREWS. ; MltltAH X. FOGL'E Never In. our history of photoplay exhibitions have wo been In position to present such nn unqualified, ar tlHtlc and meritorious achievement "Arrah-na-Poguo" Is an Irish patriot drama adopted from Houclcault's masterpiece In thrco reols, pnxluced by an all-star company of players In tho most picturesque part of Ireland, magnificent photography, Ideal loca tions, thrilling action iu each reel, and withal, reaching the superlative degree of tho motion picture art. We have been vory fortuualo In securing those clevor comedians, Mil ler and .Mason, who are en route to Australlu, having Just completed a six wcoks' engagement at tho Peo ple's theater, Portland, where they wore big favorites. Tholr act Is a scream from start to finish. Tonight thoy Introduce an entirely different act, a blackface absurdity which Is funnier than tholr Dutch act, If such a thing Js possible If you want a laugh. Just come, that's all. At tho Stur theater. No advaiico in prices any seat, 10 cents. this TOOLN, GORDON AND 'I'll RONE Opened Monday night at the Ugo theater to groat success. TJils big trio )ias Just finished a '12 weeks' engagement In Sun Francisco, This trio will appear at tho Ugo theater lonlglit and lomonow night for the lttt tllilO, SJ97 I when election U near, but before the lirmutrios. y committee biought out Ren Selling, no orgnniwttioii pro moted his caudiduex. It was a straight appeal to the Htplc and that appeal met with n tiemcndous request for him to enter. Many will 110 doubt like to Know something of tho career ot this in.in who would be senator, lie was born in California in' 1S.VJ (cu years later remqvin- to Onjgnn with his parents. Ah as boy he attended the Portland Acndcmy where hu received his edu cation. While very young he started his business career as a clerk, work ing as most clerk.- did iu those dns, early ami late to obtain his start in life. How well he succeeded is beit told bv a business career which has boen marked by such dealing through out as to cause the general expul sion Joward him. "Hon Scllim; is 1,11 the square and he is a good citizen," which can be heard on every ide m Portland at the present time- Selling as tt Progrcsihe. It can truthfully be si,l that Men Selling is one of the original progres. io in Oregon politics. As far back ns 18!)(i this man was fighting for the people and Hgainst ring rule. Dur ing the iiauiitjii "hold-up" Icgis latin e which sent the name of Oregon around the world n n stench to the nostril of xlM),j citizeii'-hip, this man u working to enact Jaws giung moie power lo the people and to de throne tin rrupl machine. lie was responsible for the passage of a bill in 181)8 which ulhjiiuutud (he gigantic steal caused by u fee system iu the office ot district attorney und plac ing that office uii n flat salary, lie is found later lighting successfully for the passage of 1111 eight hour law, the child labor Jaw and many, many more measiiH's which have pioved a Godsend to the people of Oregon, and which huve helped iciuonc this state from u condition that was ivorc than Tammany ewr dured inllict on New York and bring it to tho foreground of progressive government, Applying strict business principles to hi every act a it public oiliciul, always advocating economy iu public expenditures Mr. Selling today stands before the people of Oregon 011 a platform that carrier nsMirniioo of honest effoit iyr many federal meiir fciinw needed by tins jdatc, and indu Hures that can be obtained from the national congiogs if a man is elected who will work earnestly und consist ently for thom, us Hon Helling bus woikcd for (In passage nt' tho peo ple's Iuwh in (ho 8tnu legislature. Among the ismics pledged in his platform are tariff reform with jus tice to producer iijid consumer, devel opment of Oregon1 rivers uud har bors, federal laud court to expedite the claims of settlors, puroch? post, of tho businesslike administration have glveu the office In tho past. W. A. JONES. For Pro-icaillng Attorney. I hereby announce myself us a .candidate for the democratic nomi nation for the office ofprosccutlug attorue for the first prosecuting at torney district of Oregon, embracing the counties of Jackson and Jose phine, subject to the will of the vot ers of that party at the primaries, und I pledge the people of Jackson and Josephine counties that Iu the event of my nomination and election I will fenrlcHsly. Impartially and to the best of my ability prosecute all violations or law In snld district and endeavor to udmiulmor the duties of said office with the utmost efficiency nnd economy E E. KELLY. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OdiialUUvf for Jfavr!buv. 'nntlntln. II rn iIm'Ii, Nlomnrh Troublm. Terllilua p iMnrilrr. nil .Dritrit H'aru.. Th.rllrrnh mi Lalna TrutMr. inSitiotiM. Aul iiiiiimiu Don I accept hwiiIi mW rnrv Aiidn... iniiubHitgtt. a. 3. OLMSTED. La Roy. N. Y. FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in Medford iu ton lots ut $15.50 PER TON $M.75 PER TON nt car. Send postal or telephone (Home) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, OnE. Our nlfalfa is well cured and is not sun Hcorchcd ami retains all its rich juices and nourishment nnd color. Tli a stalks nro not bruised and broken it nun 1110 icuucr leaves ami topi are not bruised and shattered off. THE FINEST TOP-VALUK HAY THAT CAN OB I'KODUCKl). Tho farm Is Irrigated from Itogue rlvor. iu(i Detni.i: nii.ii the i:iti.s Dutclimaii nnd Koiibrctte It Ih to laugh. If you don't itoo them you'll bo worry. VOt'Xtl MlliliV KLWOOO Tho world'n greatenl i-nrliMiuUt. Tin eo rcelH of Latent Motlun Pic tures. Alwnyn bout and plainest plcturen Iu town llent of muide. .lallme Kwry rtalurtiay nod .-sun. day, 1: 1 1. m. ICculug I'crforiu- iiiko 7:00 Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Second-Hand Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Rr II01110 tMt Hell 15072 YOUNG & HALL TAXI CO. Service All Day All Ni(ht Phone Pacific 1100; Home 400 TOURING CARS AND TAXIGABS Dispatcher' office Nash Hotel Stands ut Medford and Nash Hotel. Taximeter Rates. One of two passengers, first hull' mile or fraction thereof fiUc, each (punter thereafter JOc. Three or moro passengers, first third mile f0c, each ono-sixth mile t heron ft cr 10c. Kach four iiiinutcs waiting timo 10c. Rates for Time Service. Medford Roal Estate & Employment Agency nut kali: 1C0 acres -4 ',-i ihIIch nut, J 1C0 por aero. tSO acrcii Improved stoclc and all gocH at $11.', 00(1. 237 acn'rt Improved good ntock or orchard laud, $IG,000. HO acreA Improved ntock and all gootj at S100 per ncru. L'7 acres 0 miles out from Aahlaud S1!00I). 20 acres 2 mllcx out from Med ford, K In pcurn; this place Ih well Improved. 1C0 ncroH 3Vj in I Ion from Wood villi?, U'000. 10 acres 2 mlloM from Central Point, !)V4 In fruit. 25,000 ncreu shuop ranch In Cali fornia, l por acte, with 25,000 acrcn outoldo raiiKc. TItADIi ISO acroti In Iloxeaii, Mlun., for a ranch here. 4 NO acrea In Oleuwood, Idaho, will trade for ranch here, one good for alfalfa. lf.7 acrcH Port lllll, Idaho, for a ntock of good near Portland. Knulty In a ft room modern bun galow to trado for more. MiKci:M,A.r:ot'H Hand spiny pump, make an offer. Largo 20 gallon lion kettle; make an offer. 1 watches to trade for chickens. i;.MI'f.OYMKNT 2 men for pruning. (Jlrls for gonoral housework. Six coal mlnorH. Coal mlnorH to work by tho ton. Phono Iu your oidcra for men; no charges to the employer. E. F. A. BITTNEB ROOMS G AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposito Nash Hotel Phono 1141: Home. M. U-Go THEATRE SPECIAL TONIGHT 'I line Itlg Ails of aiii!eilllo anil rilv Itlg leal iu I'htuirs ACT I JACK I'OOI.K IN CJKIt MANV, Willi Ills I'nuiiy Songs nail Snylugs ACT 'J JAt'K Til HON K, In Ills Itlg Singing, WM-Illng and Music al Aci. ACT llPOOLK A.l (JOItllON, (lie Hoys wild (he Kuleilalulug I'Vel. The C.-lclinitcil Wooileu Shoo llanclug Team. Itciiicmlicri II Itlg Acts and Sl Itlg I'Valuie Plcluics Ailiulssloii Always I lie .Satin-, Hie Wo enrry n vry uoinrduto lluo or ilnipi-rd'S, unt curlDlas, fix lures, etc, and lu all I'lussrn of upliiilnli'ilut; A upcclnl mini tu look nfinr till work uxi'liinivob' und will kIw im koisI Horvioo us s PohkIIpIii to col in tivua tho liirgrnt clllns, WEEKS & MgGOWAN C0 Alitbhu development, free use of the lortst ruacrics by iielual settlers, federal control of corpoj-ations, u monetary system free from the in fluenco of Wall .Street, presidcutiil primarioti, dirooj, election of prooi dir'iit vice-iresidit and United ritnlii senators, thiu plpelng tlio govern ment wholly and entirely, from the imtioiinl capilol to die city hull, the liitiitl-. of the people. (I'dlll Atht'lllsepjcilti $.'J.fi0 per hour; $l,fi0 por hour wnit iug time. Culling uud dismissal charges. No cJinrgc for calling or dismissing williin a mile raditrs of NiihIi Hotel, Tho mile radius includes all paved BtrcetH iu Medford, After cross ing tho mile radius, tariff will hu charged both ways or jjW.flO pur hour. Paved streets at the ouo milu limi: West Main, West Tenth, South Oakdale, West I-'ourth, West Jack Hon, North (Jontral, North llivor bii)c, Oregon Torruco Iteddy Itesi deiio) ICast Main, Hospital, South nivorsido to Karhart Haucli. Credit for monthly charges can bo opened by nil responsible people making nrniugcmeiits for kiicIi with the manager. Absolutely no credit will bo given without first making said iiiTiiiigcmenls. Our mm ih to plcitfio mill gel your support, Notc-ft'our rpticlc nnd efficient senb-o call up booking office. COURT HALL j STAR THEATRE 1 Under Direction People's Amusemont Co. ;!; Always n the Lead ! EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA " ! , UOUCICAULT'H MAHTJSKIMtiOTj, ARRAH-NA-POGUE Complete in 3 Reels 3000 Feet Never Iu our hlutory of Photoplay KxhlliltloiiH have wo hoen In poUlou to present uuch an unqualified, urtbitleii and iiiurltorlnjui acliloveinent THE SIGNS OF THE 3 LABELS i 1000 Feet of Comedy MILLER AND MASON In an outlro change they're a scroiim. If you DON'T wnnt to laugh, don't hoar them , AL SATHER In Song. WOOLWORTHS Thoy play music and oITocls to suit tho pictures No iulvaiH'o in pvifes. V Admission 10c Matinoos Every Day A tttttftftti'fffftttffftfftfttftftttftffffj,