PAGE THREE MINI SECRETS GIVEN TO TRUST KELLY TO 'h)(.'rtiiuwa'JfjiO .vMiil ufln ulluKut CITY'S GROWTH IS SURPRISING TO LEWIS it American Electric Irons OF MUCH INTEREST FOR TVfEDFORT) MATT) TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUIWOV, TTUSDAY, MAKCF! !, 1012. RUN PROSECUTOR A The Iron which linn the ImprovmentH of nil others embodied In one. H M W 'M HAN KUANOIHCO. dill , Mmcli fi I'"ruh li,or wiui lidded hero toiliiy to 11 comd-wlde piototit ncnliiMt u pliin to cIoho I lio tJuii Frniiclnro mint, which Ik how bnliiK eoiiMldcirod both by Houiotuiy of the Tioiuiuiy Mac ViuikIi ami tho doinoorntlo coiiktoM' hIoiiiiI roiuinltlen on npio)i Int loan, when ll wiih HtuUnl (hut tho tu'crotii of tho KOveiuniiuit,luid hoi'it thrown open to tln Hini'lti'f mini liy tho nil JiiliilNtriillon. Definite clmrcoM tlutl thin wuti clone wrn iniidn hy II mold French, a for inur clmiiilut In tho mint, who lt flitrnd OIiiuIoh .Mlntloleff, chief rlimu hI of thii Aiuorlcflit HiiiiiIHiik & Ho. flnliiK compiiny, hint liemi "IoiiihmI" hy tho (liiiiKonli'tltim lo tho iuIuiImIh- 'trillion; that ho hud be-on kIvoii nil tho' hi'iti'Im of tho inlnlH ami atomy offlrcii at I toad wood. Iloli'iin. Halt l,aho Clt), Holm. Ciiihwii City. Rent tlo and Han FrunolHco. anil that Im liKMllatoly after ho hail ivporli'd every oho of tlu KovoriiiiimU offlnm except that at Han FrancUm hail Ikm'ii clotted to the I'lirlehniiiiit of tho mnoltor tritHt anil tho crippling of inltilnt; In tho tlliilrlrtH uffoi'tud, FOR BASEBALL tSA.V KKANflSiO. Mim-li .V Willi Hnorwuu'iilo in tiiuoioi' iiiiii at .fiirymillo; I'lirttitiul no tho way to HitutM Marin i Vernon noil h Ait Hlw o leiuo for I'mmi Kohlc to night, llic l'orHHiil movement in tin I'ni'lfio 'oiit Iohkiiii today is on in earn cut. On pnper, San KriiM,i.i,o, with 110 oiM llnri'N to hlart iho triiniiiiK mmi mod uith (ho piimtcftt tdri'iijith, nl (IioiikIi Vernon, with its J'.Ul tcntn irtH)ti('a)ly inliii't, iiiiihI not Im nwr looki'il. Tint Oak'", hint mmiii strength iv tin1 Kiiiilinitin of Wnri'H, Ciitnhnu anil .Mhjc'khiI. Portland n liil hanlcht of nil l iliiiltint; mid miIch. "Sij? Six" Stcod, tho Hmtvi'iV inimt nliiibl twirlo". IVokinpiiiiKli, thi iIiimIiiiik hlmtthtop. mill Buddy Hyatt, tin- demon hlnnr of tho Ituitjuc, will not liu in llui line up hut thlrt i'a it t in not tliHcournt;inK Wither Mi'L'iTilin, who in confident that tho I'hmnpionH will miiLe it tlie.r third pennant in n row. Siii'iiinii'iito will lino 11 1 nliniit a it did liiht .si-ar, Shiiiii and ll.wmr liavint; lii'i'ii ii'liiini'd' Tlu Itoht'iii AiiinriiniiiH hrti lurnnl a number i Ycuiiitjatorw over lo Milliliter (Iriihiiin I.oh AiikoIoh due not xliow- milt'li ptmuio, iiHIiihikIi it look belter tlino liiNt .viuir. Captain Dillon Iiiim tniiii'l i'il upa number of new inen, hut tlon are mi unknown iptnutity. Danny Long tint done the lumt ol nil Coiibt lenuo innmii'h, Ho IokI Vitt and Weaver, hut ha mo iniieli other iniiteriiil to piek t'roiu that hi iIiioh not I'cnr tho team will he wouk-nuud. TEDDY ONLY CARES FOR SUCCESS OF PROGRESSIVES OYRTKU IIAY. N. Y., Mtireh T. -Much luteretit Ih relt helo today In tho Htatouiunt of Colonel Ituonovolt of IiIh roiiHiniH for heeoniliiK u rnnill dalo for tho republican presidential noinliiatlon. "I don't earn about the nomination piiiHoually," mild Roono volt, "hut I i'iiio for tho IntoroHt of tho priiKroiitilvo cause. The principled of KOViiriiHiont iloiHiiudeil by the whole people uiuut bo carried out, mid I am koIK to do all I -an to liulp." I'!, ll. Kelly ni lllw e lodllN MM uouneeil IiIm eiiudidnev I'nr dislriel ultoiuev upon (he deuioeinlti' Ijekil MiibjeeL to (he uppinwil ol' Iiik pnil. iih oxprehNcd ut tho piiiniii'i elcelii n in Apiil. Mr. Kelly Iiiim oii ninl liixorulil.s licen known lliroiixlinut llie ili(iiit iih iih attorney r iniieli expeiienee. Il hint been lilentil'ieil willi iniiiiy im I Mitt tin t eiiuiinnl ami civil hiiHh. His plat Tot in call lor 1ViiwIoh enloree niciit of the law. Mr. Kelly irailuiilud from the ('In eauo t'ollcKe of l.nw in IHII7, mid him been notiwly ciikokciI in the piai'li-e of law MJuee that tune with the ex ception of one M'itr npeul in I li him -ieo of the I'uiled SIiiIch Hiiinl eorpH durinif the Npniilh-AHiciienii war. lie enliHte.l with North Dakota voliuilcers mid wiih trmiNfetred to lit eompauy I'mliil KtuteH oliiutuei -if mil eoips mid went to Miiniln with the lirt expedition; wu emumi Hiiiiicil a heiileuiint of that oi'KUiii.-i-Hon by I'icMideiit MeKinley uml her; eil on the m'licial ulalf diiriiiK the enilv pail of tlii Fili-iuo iiiMitToe tion. Ho won honorably ilihcluucd from hoi vieu in 11)00 ami reeoiimii'iiil eil for it eoiiKrehHiomtl medal for mcriPinoiiK eoiiiluet under tire. Mr Kelly Iiiim been a iCHidcut of Juekhoii eounly lor the pant Jie cin, mid Iiiim been aelte in pohtii'Ml ll well h profeioiiiil riielex. CONFESSES TO ROBBING MANSION OF JEWELRY MI.HHOt'I.A, Mont. March U. Itobert Jliitko today mado u full written eotifetoiloH of havliu;, on tho nli;ht of Kehruary :t, rohbod tho Thatcher iiildeuco at Pueblo, Colo., of 111,000 In precloiiH hIoiioh and Jewelry. Hurko wait arreiited hero Kebruary -ii on Htmpli'loii, followliiK tho iirreHt In llutto of u Mbmoitla man named F-lk Sorbets, who wan taken In clinrno while attomptlni; t itlHpoMo of mnnu illamomlH lit a a loon. HorbetH, who Ih In Jail at Unite, told Kheilff Kolley of Mln Mttila that ho obtained tho htonch, valued at noarly $:t000, from Durko, who arrived In .Mlniioula on Febru ary '-'1. In hln confexHlon Hurko mini Its havliiK boon tho nole perpetrator of tho robbery. Knur dnyii later tin wiih arreted In Denver, hut had cached all tlio vulunblo.1 except a roM Je rnno rentalnlni: about $2000 worth of Keinn. TIiIh pnckaKQ ho diopped at the feet of tho nrroutliiK officer, the net oHcnpliw; notlro. Hurko reached MIsKoula with but n000 li Jewelry, mid iiiohI of this ho nave to HorbetH to dlKpuvo of. f V MI33 VIOLA TRCC rue I'licnRiMiient In ntinoiinccd In l,inidoii of Mr. A In ii Leonard Jloiimliic. .,iil Miti of the Itcv. I'. V. Parker, VI,, it or 'I'rltildad anil Denn or Cod. ...iif. and MIih Vloln Kuiinlc Alda. eld .i diiusbier of Sir Herbert und Lad lieerbolllll Tieu. Loral mombiTH of tho Catholic '(liurili aro taklnj; reni Inlort-Ht In tho vIhII of tho chiijiel ar "HI An thony" owned by Hie Catholic extcn iilon Roclety or tho United Hinted. Tho tar linn ben In Medford and vicinity for tho pnm two wcekH. 'Ilie cuir Ib fitted on Jtu Interior iih a chapel and Ih ured In all out or tho way plnceii wl i-rn no Cathollr ill inch Ih oMtnldlnhed to hold nrv Ici'H A larKo portion or tho car Ih tdovotifd to tho chapel, tiu. remainder belitK HvlriK nparttnciitH for the prloMt In charge. TIiIh Ik tho only cht owned by the Hoclety, hut recoiilly an all-ntcel tar wiih Klvi'ii by n weMllhy eaHtenier. TIiIb car Ih now bcltiK fitted up mid will hooii bo In iihii Tho "81. An thony" wan recently loaned to the OreKon tUoreHo, BRING SAN QUENTIN CONVICT TO COUNTY JAIL SHACKLED SAN ItAI-'AKL, Oil.. March 5 Heavily Kuardcd, Kdwnrd Delehatf tie, the Klant niiKro convict who killed William Kaufman, u fellow primmer In the hrenkfiiHt lino In Han Qnentlu, wan brought hero from the prison today and placed tdiacklcd in tho county Jail. II wiih Intended to arraign him to day on tho chaifio of murder, for which he wiih Indicted last week, but tho arraignment wan put over until tomorrow. COUNTRY ROADS ARE IN BETTER SHAPE The fair weather of the pahl few daM Iiiim dried out the couutrv roailH to a great extent mid iiutnmnhl'oft mo beginning to venture again Into the country. Willi the exception of mud hole occaHloiially the roadH aro In good condition. TIiIh Ih enpeelally true of the roadn over on tho Applognto Tho road bedH have packed hoIIiI and are not rough. The .lackmuivllle hill Ik In good condition and earn aro being demoiiKlrated dally there. Tho road between Medford and AhIiIuihI In In good condition and recently a large number of rum have mucin the trip L. A. LowIh, of Portland, a brother of Hunt IwIh, formerly owner of the Hear Creek orchnrd near thin city, Hpent Monday In Medford vIk Itlng frlomlH. Mr Lewis han not been In Medford for ome time, but han a Hcoro of frlendH In this locality. "Tho city han grown marvcloiiHly Hlnto I lHl looked It over." Htnte Mr. LowIh, "and I wan much Httr prliwl and plenned. I expected a large growth owing to the report which have reached mo from thla Hcction, but I wiih HtirprlHCd at what I really found." Mr. LcwIk wbh accompanied hy MrH. LcwIk and MIsh Lcwln, Wo have JiiHt received n largo hlpment of these Irons nml Invito you to look them over heforo buylnn Southern Oregon Electrical & Heating Co. - - rj!c Cured In 0 to ii DnyH. Your druggist will refund money If PA.O OINTMENT falls to euro any eauo of Itching, lillnc, Dlccdlng or Protruding Plica In C to 14 days. nOc. "Our Personal Guarantee to all Skin Sufferers" MEDFORD PHARMACY GAS THREATENS LIVES OF . THREE DURING EXPLOSION SAN FHANCISCO. Mch 5 Three porHotiH narrowly encaped todny when lucuuiulated ganeH In tho bimement of tho Hall of .lUHtlco exploded with n terrific roar. Chief Engineer Hurley wan severely burned about tho bend and body mid Kdwnrd Dennett and Henri K. Vlner wero badly bruised The nxploHlou hat tercel u score or moro window h, nud tore down a. hol low tile wall Texas Independence Day. AUSTIN, TexuH, March 5 Tho Hoviinty-Hlxth nnulerwary or tho dec liiratlon of Toxiih ludopeuduuco wiib oliHorvod iih a puhllo holiday through out tho utnto today. In 1 81! 1 Mexico nchluved her ludopeiideuro from Mpaln and ontabllHlidd a republican govern ment, llutitauieiito, tho UHiirpIng Koviirnnr if Toxiih, prohlbltod fuithor Immlgrntlon rrom the United Stiitcm, rearing that I ho whllu iiettlorri would not bo dominated iih worn tho Me-lcnufl, Another Victim of Electric Chair, AiniUKN, N. Y March Pi. Tho week beginning todny huu boon fixed an tho tliun for tho oloctroc.iitlon In Auburn prison or Edward llurnnlt, convicted of murdor at Dunkirk two yearn ago. Hurncitt'a victim was John Doughorty, whom ho uhnl and killed In u ipiurrol. (lovurnor Dlx huu denied elemeney In tho case. Sick Boars Knnw Trees. KLOHENCE, Oro., March C.Tho whoolH of tho government which worn sot In motion to dlucovor tho poutii that huvo boon pooling bark off I'lr'iteuu, liuvo boon Htoppod, Hick heat'H, uwukoiiod from tholr winter Hleepi gnawed tho tvooB to got tho uap cih (i tonic, It wiih learned, Jailbirds Build Jail. POItTLANI), Or.. March fi. Arm ed with toolH piovlded by their Jail ers, n scoio of prlsoiierH In tho city Jail today toie down tho bars. Thou they carried them to another Hltn where they are building another Jail to confine thouiKelvcui. Sprlnrj Golf at Pinchurst. PINEHimST. N. C, MareH T.. Tho eighth annual spring golf tour namont ut the PlnohuiHt Country club opened today wltl'i mi entry lint that promlHCH Home keen competitions, Tho play will continue until the end of tho weok. "Just Say" HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a ninute. Tskc bo substitute. Aik for HORLICK'S, Others are imitations. 'W liovo been In hunlncin In this town for loinr time, and we are looking to tin I M up triulo by alwy advlnlnc our jiutron riKlit. Ho nlicn we tell you that wo havo found tlie eczema remedy and tliat wa Mljind back of It with the manufacturer' h Iron clad (ruarantee. backe1 by ourselvcn you can depend upon It that ve five our nitvlco not In order to nelt a few bottlen of medlclno to okln KUltcrcrji, 1ut be rauan wo know how It wilt help our puslneaa If we help our patrons. Wc kep In stock and tell, all the well known kln remedies. Hut we will any tlilHi If you urn MifferlnK from any kind of skin trouble eczema, psorlanln. rnah or tetter, we want you to try a full bIio bottlo of D. D. D Prescription. And. ir It dotd not do the work, tills Mi:iFom bottle will cot you nothlnc You alono to Judge. AKain and attain we have seen how a few drop of Oila clmple wash npplled to the skin, takes away the Itch, in stantly. And the cures all seem to be permanent. I). I). I). Prescription made by the I). D. D. laboratories of Chicago. Is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlnterKrocn and other hcnllmr. sootbtntr. cooling InRredlents. And if you are Just crazy with Itch, you will feel southed and cooled, the itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this D. D. D. We have mode fast friends of more than one fatally by recommending this romedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it now on our posltlvo no-pay guarantee 1MIAKMAOV The Only Way to Help Oneself Is by Helping Others I aim to follow this teaching In my Let mo help you by properly correctltiR your eyen, relieving the tension of your over wrought nerves, thereby restoring your tired body. DR. RICKERT, Eye Specialist Over Kentner's MARINELLO Pimples and Blackheads CAN BE CURED No matter how difficult the case, nor how long It has lasted, Miulncllo Treatment will positively improve any skin la a few days. A complcto euro Ih only a matter of persistence. Mnrlncllo operators do not pretend to euter the province of the physician. Most of their work la. done by request of members of that profession who have no tlnto to give to this kind of work, yet require tholr patients to havo special care. If you hnvo even the first symptoms of this trouble, Investigate at once. Do not lot n clay pass without checking this tendency. De lay will only coarsen the akin and make the improvement slower. Full, freo explanation to all who desire information. Call or telephone. COKA K. VTLUV Phones 0751, ata-K Marinello Shop Monthly Blooming and Climbing Rosea, Tree Hoses, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds oT Fruit Treea H. B. PATTERSON Office In SmU Hotel Lobby Insldo Entronco Next to Barber Shop Salesyard J ID South Fir Street Office I'liono Main Oltl Ilcaldcnco Phono Mala 2108 4rrrrr4 PLEASURE CARS f 'i :: j! CHALMEItS, POPE-IIAHTPOItD, PKEHLESS, HUPMOBILE COMMERCIAL PEERLESS, CHASE, ItELIAN'CK (From J$ ton to 10 tona) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. Finest Equipped Garage lit Southern Oregon 107 (inriiclM'orcy lllclg. (JKADUATE OPEHATOH ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 30 Degree Test. In Steel Drums. No Waste. Kentucky Black Leaf Arsenate of Lead Zinc Arsenite Alfalfa, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Vetch ROGUE RIVER FRUIT& PRODUCE ASSOCIATION J)ON'T buy a watch by the case. The movement is the im portant thing. We sell themost reliablemove ments in the world namely, the Waltham. We carry the WALTHAM WATCH ' m all grades each grade the best possible time-p'iece at its price. You cannot make a mistake if you buy a Waltham. "It's Time You Owtud a Waltham' Sec our complete display of Adjastecl Waltharas of the Colonial Series. Made as tkiq as it is, safe to make a reliable watck. MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler Near Foitottlce Ask Mr. Brown IUto'h Home Important Nowh for Men Who tiro (rtnvltij; lltilcl Pooplo who hnvo taken our word for It Hint I'AUISIAN 8AGI0 la the real hnlr power, beitiitlflur und dan druff euro huvo novor been cllHitp nolnlod, Hero's tho word of u jior hoii who took our word. "I huvo been iihIiik PAU1SIAN RiVOK iibout a year. When I boson to ubo It I line! only n Unlit 'f tixK on my hoittl. Now I huvo a 150ml thleU Kiowth, unci It Ih biowIiik thlokor und loiter rlKht hIoiik. Many peo ple don't bollovo It ean bo clono, but I know from my own oxporloneo with PAHIHIAN HAQW that It win: I rou- nmmeud It In tho fulloHl conflclonco. QiiIubo Urown, 708 North Klllmoro St., Maryvlllo, Mo. Tho ubovo Htutomont wnn antido to Dr. C, I). Koch of tho Koch I'htir nmey, Muryvlllo, Mo., April 29, 1911. Lni'KO bottlo r0 eonts at OIiuh, Btraiih' ucj ilruutjlBtB everywhere, For the benefit of those that are thinking of Buyinrj Land in the Medford District of The Rogue River Valley It will be to your interest to consult the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. In regard to IRRIGATION Wo have the facts and know tho reason why. 60 per cent of tho land in this valloy will not pay interest on a $20 per acre value, above cost of pro duction of crops. The Best Growing Three Months Tho government record shows tho averago rainfall for June, July and August for tho last 26 years to bo five-tenths of an inch per month. This being the caso It is impossible to get satisfactory crops year after year without i IRRIGATION , -A, First National Bank OP t MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT M. L. ALKOItD, CASHIER ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASHIER Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000,00 W. I. Vawtor, President G, R. Lindloy, Vice Pros. O, W. McDonald, Cashier w.-