PAGE TWO MPITORD MATE TRIBUTE, MEDFORD. QRIMON. TUESDAY, MARCH fi, 1012. OCAl AND i-nrnCAMH rLHauiL 1 T1 -j w minMtinnimmnHinimron'Maiw ' Al. P. Unnloy has Just shipped In it lflrfto numhor of beef cattle from California. Ho will fatten the wuno on his locnl range and rnhlp to l'oitliuul. nfilibrl TJrowM 'hull rtturnW from n visit ofRomo months duration In l orROi tin! ' Carol!! Having bought n lot of rool at a lovTf1srt)ro vio aro oloHnr It out t n nrlttf'ttt "ft'hloh U I Mnml to gd wlltflh 'tho fisxt tfe: Itiqulro of Ends Trausfwr Co. or J. W. Mitchell. 1 d. T. I'owors of ifshland spent Monday ovonlng In Medford. Tho Medford Conwrvntory of M bIc and language Is tho only music school In sottlhorn Oregon with n full uqrp's of tonchrs. 0. Tulllandler, dlrtrtr.' Stfud for tntatogno. H. F. Young of GOld Hill was a roctmt visitor In this city. Fcddrnl vacuum clooner. Home phono 2GG-Li. A. 15. Muboe. 358 S. ly stroot, 31$ AW KT. Somite of Griffin croek spont Monday in Medford. HO brought In somo very fine porkors. Orders takoii for wholesome home cooking, broad, moat-loaf, cako and plo, salads. Phono Pacific 2455. 296 J. W. and Henry Bates returned Sunday evening from a two months plunsnro stay in southern California. Garkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attomeys-at-law, over Jackson County Hank building. Medford. Dr. W. S. Goudy returned n. fow days ago from a wintor's stay in San DIago, Cal. The doctor met raahy hl-tlme North Dakota friends In San Dlogo and together they had the tlmo of their lire. Ileal home made bread at D Voe's. M. J. Hstos, who arrived In Med1 ford not many weeks ago from Tex as, 'Is now erecting a store building at the corner Of Palm and Oloeon stroofs. Tho building will be 20x50 feet in sia dud when completed will be occupied by W. P. Stobough with a stock of family grocerios. Seo'Ii. 'A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Thos. Vogcl and family loft Mon day morning for Seattle, whero Mr. Vogel will outfit for a summer's work in his mines in Alaska. Mrs. Vogcl will remain In Seattle. Mr. Vogel has orchard, Intoi;est , ntiar Medford which , he has 'rented' out for tho coming season. Meet mo at McDowell's. Mrs. D. A. Forbes of Talent spent Sunday In Medford with her parents, Mr." and- Mrs. D. T. Lawton. Koda'k finishing at 210 Laurel stroot. ' 299 J. T. Sullivan of San Francisco arrived In Medford Sunday and ex pects to remain In this locality for several months. Ho may become In terested Ih orchard property? Home baking and salads. 14C North Front; Phone order Home 273-L. It. II. Bonnott, assistant manager for tho Medford Grocery company of this city, and his family left Tues day morning for a visit of several weeks to thdirild homo In Bed Oak, Iowa. Fancy brick Ico cream at McDow ell's. Arthur W. Clark, superintend nt of tho Clark & Henory Construct!' n company, has arrived to spend a few days lu Medford to get the 1912 paving operations mapped out H. H. Gates will build IS new bungalows on Rose avenuo this sum mer. Mr, Oaten has two ni-aily fln Ishod and will start two or threo more noxt week. Now don't let your wife seo the first one that he Is inaklug tho "special price" on or there will bo a family quarrel. If you look nt tho swell little homo you will prdbably forgot about that now nccldont nt Sun Dlogo, wns brought homo Monday. Mr. McClondon Is snld to ho much improved In health. J. )). Otiok Of (1 rants Phsft Is n.vls. Hop In Medford. II. O. Jttfhtehton of Portland Is In Medford fm business. Miss Ainnnlrifc of CKnlrnl Point spent Monday In Medford with friends. Dr. Helms left Tuosday for Cen tral Point on uu3uosb. A. Wfcuidk cfirtf? cafitontor of the Southern Pacific1, Is Ih Mwlfurd On buslnBM. C. It. Wendson of Ashland sprint Tuesday In Medford. Col. Geofft P. Mima lstt fufteday fr n flslt at Gold mil. J. A. Lyons, who Is erecting a ImlhMuK St Tnidt . a itasienxer north on No. 20 Tuesday. M. V, Coffeen left for tho north Tuesday on a short business trip. Dr. J. F. Roddy loft Tuesday for a visit at Iceland on mining business. Fred Williams returned to his home at Ornnts Pass after n day In Medford. M!x Bessie Garett has returned from n visit wltli friends at Ashlnnd. Grover Corum spout Monday lu Ashland vfitli friends. II. G. Nicholson has returned from a brief business trip to Ashland. D. If. Miller of Gold Hill spont Monday In Medford. A. E. Kellogg, coroner, was in Medford from Gold Hill Monday. II. P. Houghton of Itoseburg. who Is in chargo of the Clark & Henory Construction company's work in that city, Is visiting Medford. Miss May PMpps U expected home soon from Red lands, where sho spont the winter. John W. Parker loft Tuesday for a brief business visit at Ashland. "Mrs. C. W. Tracy of Talent wa3 in Medford shopping Tuesday. Claude Inman plans to loavo in n few days for Salt Lake City on a business trip. Seneca C. Bench of Portland, well known throughout the state as a publisher, nud who for many years was a member of tho Oregon senate, is in Medford on a short business trip. V. E. Gates is in Portland on business mission HAVING 601 THE COINVSHPS GLAD "Of nil tho 'one innhtV Anils' 1 Imvo over ployed in, lltU one proved Hu miwt MttrprWitig to nu," Muled Mrs. Leslie Curtor Titesdnv hefoiv. leiivinp Tor Ilio north on Niiiubep 20. "I vasMtrprio(l nud deliltlcd by tlio mo mid intelligence of my tttidieiuv. nnd from wlmt Utile 1 have seen of theelly if tea 'drtndy.' "I wn not f:vOnthiy improved with yttr '(xm lioime' however, jtid it i hrd lo utiderMtnttd wiry a Hly Willi fine hotels puved IrWs dud jf people who so liherallv putronixc lite dranm i Hllfnsr to ptil tip with it. "lint 1 suppose tlinj will he remedied in time for 1 knbw thttt a oily otiii't do ovorythtiisj at rtuec. "I w'Httt to eoiVgrtilulute you oii your hotel. It te :i delight to find one of ils shuidnfd in n t'liy of this xtase. "On the whole, I think I lull come buck next st'non," deiInred (ho not ed m'tre-s us w hoarded Number 2(1 lir the imrltf E VEN MONEY COAL MINERS TRIKE CERTA I ;. .3 Hi iSS AITQN tjhr Im .lisayjfljd and wriUen about-'Mrs, Scinnmum-HcinkV kind heartedues nnd j;oneroity towards fellow artists, a qiuility which seems so rare amonj professional binders. This trait of Iiefs of j;ivinr due re cognition to merit, was strikingly mIiowii ut the reeeption nt the Hotel Holland la-t week, well re Mr-s Aiton, the iolin teaeln r ot the redforJ Coiihepxafoir bcei cnavd to play. The suU'it";. ( t" JJv . thu- NRW YORK, March fl. - Denuuid or the nnthnu'ite coal miners for mi inoreae in witgei ntul a new agree ment were uniTtmoiixIy rejected this afternoon by the operator. A committee was npopinted to in-fomi-'thc miners' comittee from the antlinieite fichte, wlien the jbiuf con ference of the miners mid the opera tor & resumed here March 1 1- As a rctenlt of the rejection of the miuets' demnnd by the Operators, the long threatened strike of the eastern anthracite cOal minehs seems immi nent. If it comet, the strike will involve thousands of men and will parnlyzac the indtistrv.. SEATTLE ELECTION SKATTLK, Mnreli ft The umst desperately fought mid the most iut portmit election in (lie history f SBntlin i bPtilg hold today. A-dde front the election of a mayor mid prm'timllv full tiitinifipnl tttM;el, bond tesues ngjirogntiuif UMItl,tltHi, twenty-seven olutrler mneiidnti'iits, Hie i(tjrte lux fltOnottro nd a doiten illtifrir iui arO involved. The mayofnHi' eonleM I" lielwwu Ilirnm C- Hill, hipubliemt. wide open low'd ndvooaloy win w repnllpd oie yWp uro. nnd Oeorsfe I-'. Cotterill, u progressive datufternt who for twelve years hits hotn' identified with ib sood goveruinimt forces. In lh jni nniry election two weeks mro (lill n lend over Cotterill of 10,0110 voles t'ottetlll has ppucticttlly overcome (ho 10,00(1 handicap mid betliltg which wit 10 to I iiffiiinst Cotteiill tho day ttl'tt'r the primary, is today down to oveji money. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN I lure Is a suburban tract that otiti not bo matched for a thlr'd more money. 10 licloH on liiiiriiiliini roiti) two inllen front Medford poHfofflce. Hhicli roe noil with day tutliBOIl, No hard- or rock. Klho hulldlilit mHo. R aoreH are In .touiithmi. Newtown and Spltx. apples I V4 yeaiH old. ft acres In alfnlfu. Price, linoo. SISKIYOU HEIGHTS COMPANY free (pun V r. New Bungalow For Sale It jon luno u llttlo looso luout'y It villi surely uitk for joii rlglit now If jOu appreciate a real Nprlng Imr. gain. A dandy new elutiontte ntul ni'lMIc litiugnlow Hint would ho it good buy at M I.IOO lu comparison ulth other Medford real cxtnte, xlll ho koIiI this week for $:t7!l. Don't buy tint II yon look this over. II. K. (JVt'KS, Ouuer j;t KosO Avenue Benson's Bargains A Klamath Ranch Georgia's State Chemist Praises Cottolenc VsMr.7. II. JtcCamllcss. State Chcmiit ' I of Georgia, before a recent gathering, gave cnipnatic testimony to tnc nigli tf oiulttv ill C'litloleiir. lie sniil: T),p Mle of this product (Cottolono) Ml' ? ilea east of Klamath nnd the proclamation Unit it t iimiti rall.s, on mail) road lo Lttkeviuiv. rrom cotton oil, lmve loi more to brim? ,,.,,. or. ,..,o ...ill i. . ... n... cotton eed oil truthfully ami tavambly h'"t 8fi nerert will ho tllidor tho gov nerore tno pubiio tiinn nnytiiins vino in iornmont ilttelt mid emi he imputed. fine nllnlla or gfirdcu land. An nhuudmice of froo outside much. On FOR SALE OH TnADE SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. "It was wash day." said A. J. Morse in ex planation of his being caught with 22 bars of soap on his person. Ho was put to work washing (loom. rewnt history Ir McCaiulless then pointed out why nil PA -tlMl tuffitlnlil ml It 10m ! ttill as h used in Coitolenc, h the only a- V t"j' 'f,t rohmltioim there i in surance that a woman has of a clean, that rfocliou for a man who wnnls to digestible cooking product. eiinig in the aheop Iius'ukms. Local. -' . ,,, ' m od jut riglit for n townnile when tho niiiroad is Iniilt from Klmuath Fnlla to Iikeviow. Price $50 pr F0RDE CAN DO IT Do yon want your lawn put In first elasg sliapet AH work guaranteed. Leave nddress with 1 1. R. Pntterson, Quaker Nursery, Nash hotel. acre. Will exchange for Medford city or country property. W.T. York Sb Co. PLUMBING CIark & Wriht 1 I t ! ' IiAWYEES -Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Ouarantcd. Prices Reasonable. COFFEEN & PRICE 35 Howard Block, Entrance on Oth St radli'o 3031. - Soma 343. .4H rr-r. WASIIINOTON, D. O. Public Land Mottern: Final Proof, Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Associate- Work for Attorneys auto. Wi If. If. Ward and George Nlcholx of Portland aro rogUtorod at the Med ford. Something new, "Grope Purple," at McDowell's. Oharllo Young ' rfpBnt" Tuosday roorrilnfe at Contral, Point. S.;A.' Now fill,- ladles" tailor, -1th floor M. P. & If. Co. bldg. Mrs. IT. M. Edwards and Miss Lola Howard of Yrolcu aro visiting Jledford. Best coffoo In town. Manhattan. 1 301 Galo B. Johnson, a prominent busi ness in im of Los Angolos, is spend ing a few days lu Medford. Croam waffles at Manhattan cafe. 301 Sam McCIondon of Gold Hill, who waa recontly severely Injured In an I mm wfc- '&sfS9i ANNOUNCEMENT II. Ileartficltl Preneh Dry Cieaiiing (Company and Star Steam Laundry Jiave consolidated under name of Star Laundry and Frcnili Dry Cleaning Co. Their wagons will call for and deliver anything In their lino and guarantee first-class work. Remember they clean and block hats. Star laundry and French Cleaning Co. H. Heartfleld 1t-4.i B. II. Klrby . 'i '. , ., ', ' :: M I I 'I 'I '. 'I I 'I 'i I ! "Why not come in and select that KODAK You will soon want to use it. i Medford Book Store Wo wish lo impress you with the I'nct Hint we are Exchange Headquarters t I i ' What have yoi ftol, nud wlmt (Id J'ou vil1 'riii'oiigh.tiH you can oxehnne what you hnve.for whnl you waul. (7 acres S miles N. V. Medford ijenr Seven Onlw slntion, about hnir in ciillivnti(n, Imlnnce inliht tlnihtp, IS acres in 1 and li year old pears, I acre in hearing family orchard, 1 ' acres in hearing grapes, entire tract fenced and cross fenced; 1-1 mile from school; good (i romn house, large barn, chicken house, 12 wells- telephone and rural mail; will exchange for other properly, not neces sarily loeah l'rice $180 per acre. S-rooni modern house, !) lots, near high school, completely furnished; will sell at a sacrifice, lerins, or will ex change for property in So. Ariz., So. Cal. or Texas. ( l7o) 1120 acres north of Central Point, about U0 acres cleared, sticky soil, 100 acres light timber free soil, all can be cultivated when cleared, entire tract fenced with woven wire, l'rice $lu per acre; will exchange, not necessarily local. ") 2 lots on S. Oakdale, size UOxlTfi. Price $I(RM) each. ( 18-1 )' IttK. acres near Phoenix Ore., finest kind alfalfa land; want .Medford city or orchard. Price $5000. ( IH(i) G-rooiu modern bungalow, fireplace, new range, large lot, clear; want orchard. Price $111100. (Js,i) 10 lots in Jledford, some fruit trees, good garden ground, .'-room house, chicken houses; want. f to 10 acres dose in. Price $4500. (Kill) d-rooin modern limine with screen porch, basemen!, fire- lear; want orchard, rnce piace, paveo su eci, large 10 $;")00. (101) T'L acres 'I miles from Medford, foothill land, all cleared, To acres in alfalfa 2'X, acres in peaches and apricots, balance readv for plow. Price $12100. 20 acres adjoining above, 15 or -I acres in cultivation, bal ance stump Jand, red froo soil, good fruit land, l'rice j Alton. LotlihO iiinnn-IJeink who, an ccrybody known, is n prtfmiuent WnfjnGr sin ger, was nUrueted by tho playing of tli WccRs&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Day riaonq S371 Vlght Phone l r. W, Weeks 3071 A, B. Orr, 3093 3J&OV ASSISTANT. e "prize BOMf" irom WiiKiior "Aroitrslnger." At the concluiion of tho iiloce, alio left tho recoiving line, wont into the room whore MJbs Aiton playwl, and after eoiiiiiliinoiit- lug lior on her plHying, wished her muMotui in her prol'e8ifual career. And, iik if to hIiow that she meant whul Mhe hiiJiI, she iirehoiited JIifc Aiton with n largo bunch of violets ami lilim of the valley. As may bo iinujthiiid, AH Aiton, who by the way ifs u grndutito of tho New Knglnihl Conservatory of Himtou, 1'uoIb very biiTmv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i m. w " i WANTBU A roaldenpo lot; muut be chonp for cash. State urlco' and location. Hox L. n., Tribune. WANTHD TO itliN't1 A well fur nUhed bungalow on shady sldo of pavod stroet; must have four bed rooms and ovory convenience. P. O. box CUS. 30X WANTMD ny einglo mail, furnished room lu oxchnngo for IiiHtruction on piano, uox u. n., Trlbund. 209 Progressive Aggressive lOIt SALE Kufnifuro of fivo room cottago oithor by ploco or entire lot. Call Friday morning 9 to 11 o'clock, 318 8. Newtown, or phono during doye M. 45C1. 299 J WE ARE HAPPY t We aro nlsoTlUSY. Tho two.niako'a groat combination. Wo bognn work at 8 o'clock and workod continuously until fi tonight. No tlmo for discontent, and tho roason Wo ADVKItTISIO and than WI3 DO AS WK AIJVEItTISE. No tlmo today to write any answera to lettorrt, but wo will Mo our bout tomorrow. You should como up and got acqualntod. It coats nothing to see uh and aftor you havo huoii uh you will find that thin is tho tlmo to gjt that old trouble "in tho head" remedied. OUKS IS THE NEW WAV, THE NEW METHODS and last but not least LOWEST PKICIEH. Evory day now brings us now friends nhd o know thoy aro our frlendB bocauso wo glvo them tho best work at tho prices asked by those who aro not as uhlo nor aH competent In theso Hucrf as aro wo. ItEMEMHEH THE NAME AND ADDRESS In order to accommodate thoso who aro having work dono at this tlmo wo will continue our special discount of 25 jior cent on all work that Is started on or before tho 15th of this month. Do not forgot that you must bring this ad. with you in order to got tho discount. ' CONSULTATION ALWAYS KRI5E Drs. Saunders & Green Praotico limited to EYB, fiAIt, KOBE rind -THROAT. GAnNETT-GORlSY BLDQ. " , MBDFOIiD, OltkaON-" WE AHE.NOT APHAH) TO SAY WHAT WE TillNiC ' -, WE ARE THINKING? NOW Reliable Ethical 2000: want real estate in Willamette valley or Cali fornia. - (IHo-lOU) ."i-room house in Corona, Cal.; want Med ford liome or small ranch. Price $2000. ( IS2) San Francisco mansion to exchange for stock ranch; two story, If) rooms, basement, attic, strictly modern and in fii-st class condition; garden, flowers, palnm, orna mental trees and conservatory, garage, complete, beau til'ully located overlooking city within few hundred feet of exposition grounds, lotMsixlJMi. Price $.'10,000. (200) Pomona, Cal. orchard home, eight acres, f acres in oranges, good residence, barn, double water stock, fine for subdivision. Price $ln,()00. Will exchange for Rogue rivt'l- valley orchard. (20;ij 1J1IJ acres fine alfalfa and beet land within 20 miles of Los Angeles, finest kind of dairy ranch, running water, two 2-inch flowing wells, 2 large dairy barns, 8 room house, Jiu mile from sugar factory where hh can be had for HOc per ton, fine for subdivision. Price !f.LJ per acre. (201; IKi acres near Corona, Cal., 'I room house, barn, good soil, level; want So. Ore. real estate. .Price $'lf00. (,1H:5) Three 'I-room and one ll-room house and 'I lois in Sunny side Wash., l'(i blocks from new $.'15,000 high school; will exchange for orchard, city property or stock of mei'chandiso in Portland, So. Oiu, oi So. Calif. 'Price $'1500. (UJO) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wo have some vevy attractive ones, lal'ge and small, rep resenting diflerent lines of business in Medford and elsewhere. As these matters are somewhat confiden tial, we do not answer phone inquiries. Ask for per sonal interview. ff yoitjiavo a furnished house for rent, list wilh us. have customers waiting. We TODAY ALWAYS THE BEST DAY WE AIM TO HANDLE ONLY REAL BARGAINS Wc are now located in our new quarters, corner Main and Yiv.- . .-, Benson Investment Company Real Estate, Mines CORNER OP MAIN AND PIR PhonoD! Bell, 7991; Home, 234-L