Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 04, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    r ?? Mr?
THIWtBm&J- -
1 ' I I I I I MH ' I I I I Jf. I 1 ' I. ' I .11 I II I I I I i i I M
Sample of Letters Written by Com
mercial Club President to Persons
lii Frlrjftl East Scared Away by
Falsehoods Sent 'Out by 'Labor.
Dwells Upon Desirable Features and
Resources Ohof Lonh' 'Boost for
All of'Orcflon.
Just how much ot a hoostor Judge
W. M. Colvlg is, is plainly shown by
his corrcspomlonco nnd answers to
letter? of inquiry rocolvcil from nil
parts of tho world for Information
regarding Medford, Particularly do
his boosting qualities loom up lumU
nouafy in compalsun with thoso of
tho knocking circular sent out by
tho Portland labor council in tho
effort to make Oregon a "closed
shop" atato. Horo is a sample one
of hundreds takon from his files, n ,a discouraged communica
tion from South Dakota, tho writer
of which represented a colony Hint
contemplated coming to Bedford but
wore scared off by tho labor knock kneck
ers: .
Donr Sir: Your favor of tho 22nd
instant, nt hand. Replying to your
Inquiry, it is not improper for me to
say'that I came to Oregon more than
sixty years ago. 1 am well acquaint
ed with every portion of tho state:
and I may further say that I have
traveled over your splendid state of
South Dakota, and In fact have bpont
considerable time In very many
states of the American union. I am
jn i J i i. P v .
K 6 4
P. J. O'Gani, Etitlrologist. ' ,1. W. Mycin, Clili-f luspcclnr.
iqr 1912
HOW TO SPRAY. Use plenty of pressure, 200 pounds or nioi'o is bolter ihan lower pressure. Apply lliormitfhly, dreneliiiiK wpry pari, ol, tins
tree. Do .not fay 'to save Jv (economizing. on spray. It' your trees are tall, usu a.tower and spray clown from it. .Kxaiiiiue Irees after they ni'o
sprayed, especially for codling moth spraying, and see that poison lias onturerttjm ealyx cups Vlhlng shorl, of good work should bo IpJuratM.
Do not think that a spray applied out of. season will be effect A spray is only .effective when, applied at the', riht. , lime, Sprays ara.-not
"cure-alls''iusu the snrav suited to the-ease in hand.
For .further information write this office. Send for bulletins of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, I). ('., also Station
Bullet ins. tThoy.avtt,fr.ots. .. . , i. . i,. . i ,
-- SPRRsTa-
(I) When buds arc swelling.
what TosraAT TOJR,
not Intorcstod in any way in tho sa'o
of real estate, and have no
consorvo when speaking of Oregon,
othor than to give a correct and truth
ful statement in relation to tho clim
ate, resources, etc. I am naturally
very loyal to a stato in which I
have spent- so much of my life, and
thercforo I may not bo able to speak
of it entiroly impartially.
Dwells l!K)n Features.
Oregon is divided into two great
divisions, known as Eastern Oregon
and Western Oregon. Each has con
ditions of climate, soil and produc
tion peculiar to itself. In the first
place, tho stato contains 90,500
square miles, which is in itself an
area sufficient to cover all of the
Now England, states, with New Jar
soy added thereto. Thore Is no arid
region, in Western Orogon as thore is
in tho eastern part of the state. -The
Cascado Range of mountains that
traverses the stato through Its en
tire length north and south, is tho di
viding lino between these two por
tions of the state. This mountain
rango commences at ML Hood on the
nortli, and, extends southwardly in
Mt. Pitt in the south, about thirty
milos distant from ihis city. There
arq numerous peaks perpetually cov
ered with snow, which rise from the
summit .of this range.
Western Oregon contains a great
deal of timber land. Magnificent
forests of fir, pine, cedar, hemlock.
and spruce. It also contains mflch
oak, some asli, and maple, and othor
timber with which tho people of the
eabt aro totally unacquainted, such
as madronu, myrtle, manzlnltu and
other species of timber native only to
tho Pacific coast, a great many
streams of pure cold water como from
tho snow of tho Cascade rango, and
cross the valley, omptyJng into the
rivers which wind their way through
tho Coast range of mountains. This
coast range is not so high as the
Cascade, and Is covered with a douse
Three Largo VnllojH.
In western Orogon we have throe
prlnolpal valleys, tho Willamette vnl
ley is tho largost. It occupies nearly
nil tho northern portion of western
Oregop, and contains a duop, rich and
fertile soil, capable of supporting a
population of two or three millions
of people. Immodlatoly south of It
1b tho Umpqun valley. Roseburg Is
tho principal city, and tho seat of the
United States land office. It in a
mftst beautiful valloy. While It con
tains much level land, yet portions
of It aro filled with picturesque hills
covered with onk trees, nnd I am told
looks very much like some of the
most boautlful parts of Scotland.
South ot it, reaching nearly to die
California lino, is Rogue rivor valloy.
which I can truthfully suy Is one of
the fairest plcturos on tho face of
nature. It has average elevation of
about 12)50 foot. It Is well watered
with cluar, cold and pure mountain
streams. It Is bordored on the west
by hills aud mountains, from which
gold has been mluod for moro than
half a century, and which mlnos havo
produced not less than forty mil
lions, of dollars, and thoy aro still
producing und ongugo tho attention
of mon who havo boon attracted hero
by tho lure of gold only.
Roosts tho Climate.
On tho east aud north is tho Cas
cade rango und tho plateaus which
pxteud. from tho baso of tho mountain
to tho YUlloy proper. This plateau la
mostly covered with forests of com
mercial timber, yet interspersed hero
and there with beautiful small valleys
which open out into the main, oue,
and In which are situated many boa
tlful homes. Rogue river valley is
mostly contained within this Jack
son county.
Wo have what wo think tho most
delightful climate to be found nny-
whoro on tho continent. Yqh will
se that I am drawing this pretty
strong, but 1 want you to notice the
weather records covering over a per
iod of twenty years, and token from
lolinblo government reports. As I
xm now dictating this letter, the sun
is shining bright, the grass of our
lawns is green, the wild buttercups
and lamb's tongues are blooming on
the commons, the people are getting
ready for gardening, and wo feel that
tho advent of spring Is close at hand.
It will not be such a great change
from tne weather which has been
predominate throughout the entire;
wlntor. There wore only three days
In tho month of January, 1912, when
tho thormomoter was lower than 25
degrees above zero, and tho lowest
point reached was 20 1-2 degrees
above. Now, look at the weather re
ports from Los Angeles, and you will
see that on the 1st and 2nd days of
January, of this year, the thermp
inotor went as low as 19 1-4 degrees
above zero, which was cold enough. to?
cause tho loss of fifty per cent ;t
their orange crop. In Los Angeles
they have not had but one rain since
last May.
I 'i in Arc Exploited.
Thero is no part or tho world,
which contains such a large area de
voted to pears as Rogue river valley,
and no country in tho world pro
duces pears of more excellent quality,
nor thoso that command as hlgh
prices In the markets. We have about
G2.500 acres planted to apples and
pears in this valley alone. We raise
a great variety of fruit.
I would not induco any one to
come hero with the expectations of
taking up a homestead or govern
ment land. There are other parts of
tho stato where opportunities of this
kind nro much bettor than in south
ern Oregon, jot thoro is some wjld
land here still unoccupied, from
which a man with hoelth, pluck, and
energy might make himself a com
fortable home. Fruit raising, nnd
general farming, Including poultry
raising, -is very profitable In south
ern Oregon, nd l feel that I am not
doing any man a wrong when I In
duce him to leavo the frigid climate
of tho northern stato, and como hero
to live. Because, I know that ho.
can enjoy JIfo horo more than it Is
poselbJo for him to do Jn thoso states
of tho Miauiiwlppl valley, or any th-,
od state of the north. We havo but
few, if any warm nights in summer.
Tho c,ooI mountain air settles down
In tho valley at night fall, and tho
heat of the day rises.
Animus of Knockers.
That you may understand tho ani
mus of tho Central Labor Council of
Portland, Orogon, permit mo to stato'
that tho men composing this council
are malcontent wherever they arc.
'I hey are always clamoring for short
ter hours, and larger wages. -They
huvo been disturbing eloments in the
city of Portland for mnn years. -Tho
rank and file of tholr membership,
is opposed to nard work, and they do,
not waut to see anybody else succeed.
If tho communication which they
sent out to tho governors of tho sev
eral statos will havo tho effect to
koop out uny of their class, wo will
be greatly ploasod, as wo havo atj
many of thorn in our Jargo cities as
wo can woll stand. Tho purpose of
their lottor is to mako a "corner" li
tho labor market, nnd also to hurt
tho railroads as much as possible, by
prevouting tho people from tho eas
from coming heie; and tho statei
monts made by this council aro nl
moat entirely falso and misleading. ,
Don't Waut to Oo Hack. ,
If any of tho people of South Dai
kota want to know about southern
(2) When bmUscalcs arc. opening.
(3) When last ratals nro falling and
lieforo calyx closes In.
Hun i1)n Scnli.
IImkh ot Orcvn Applo Aphis.
W'txilly AphlM,
flrovn Pouch 'Aptil
)nr Leaf llllmer .Mlto.
-KrtK" of ltl HpMcr.
'lt-xch t.viif Curl,
lynch Moth
M(v.m urn! Lichen.
Hu.iplx-rry Cano IiIIkIiI.
Apple MllllHW.
Ito.oe MllOevv.
ItulihltH inn! field mice.
Tear Thrlrw. (Other kpccIch of Thrlpi)
Codling Moth on Pcnrs nnd Apples.
(4) About first week In May.
(5) When they appear.
When pests appear.
Apple Mildew.
Peach nilsht or "Shot-hole."
Twig borer, caterpillars.
SprliiR Cunker worm.
Aphides (apple, pear, cherry, etc.)
"Woolly Aphis on limbs und 'branched.
IliI Spider.
Oyster abell bark louse.
Loaf hppper.
Aphldeo on truek crops.
Green Peach Aphis.
Pear and cherry slup.
Before Ut rains begin.
Striped cucumber beetle. (Dtnbrotlca.)
Xtoot'MarcKot. etc.
Squash Bugs.
Cut worms.
Flea beetle.
Potato bllKht.
Codling moth. (Heo note.)
Haspbcrry Cano Ullnht.-
Insect pests and fungous diseases con-
iroueu by other means than spraying.
Applo antliracnone.
Peach blight, or "shot-holc.-
Tear blight. (All species of the porno
Raspberry cano maggot.
Smut af wheat, oats, barley.
Cabbago worms.
.Climbing cut worms.
Qurden cut worms.
Wlr wc-rms. (Larvae of Click Ucotlc)
Potato Scab.
Orapo mildew.
Tussock moth.
Flat-hc-adcd borers (AppJe, pear)
Poach borer (crown and root of peach
Asparagus rust.
JJt raw berry crown,-bo're'r, "and 'root
Melon, cucumber, cantaloupe wlt.
'. l
,Ilabbltn, ground .jujulrrolo, inoJuB.
' 'i i l i mtf '
Poultry mites and llco.
. . . t . j
Tied bugs, cockroaches,
(Iurnlpotion pt nujjtcry stocc, fruits,
Alfalfa crown gall (Urophlyotls). 'V,
Crown gal,
InsegtH In stored 'grains and Triills,
.fi Deglees llenume.
(I 030 Hp.-olflu
HcHln-ltoiiliitnx mixture.
Iron Sulphldo.
4.3 Degrees lloiiutuo or stronger.
Mot Iwtik of this cwl.-ndttr. ! hullsUn on UiiwulPiur" 'V1!"1 i,,yi 'IlJjiS.ii1!'.
ISmch ninth muv hImii l .Hiiliofie. by wpplvlnn nrimli nf m. I "
I0it kmIIouh of oilier, uhell neh IiIimmhiiiin le uHiilnK. ,, , woolly uphlH. Ut not foil in spray l"dl and wowiw 'hurMUBbllf. JI ,
godd phut to iinoover riMild. at IwihI iiiic foot ffoni orowii, iiiul drmioii tltrtilHT.
Spray firnl bfoio Urn Iwmn uiihi. hiwnd. when inm leaVi Ml )YH mmI and
the voting HlumlN Hie uIhiiii lx InolieH hi hi'lglil. llilnl. Jnl lifrii lh li)wn
X iKiuK or eitii'iiiiHr ror roinium. ..
Soo huek of UiIm iM'eiidur. hIwi bulleiln mi "Llme.'Hnluhur" iMueil by lliU offte
-r'm m over
on Im over
on bui'K or
M u lepelluut. Not entirely wffeiilUp If IliM'd iHToie (lie rainy
ll.lVlir rlllllKKl llll IMMIKM "l HISII lll'l mjiiiwill. ni m.'n"."
In eiileiidrtr .
Distillate Oil KiiiuImIoh.
with Tolmcco Hluek-LiHif.
Arnoimle of Lend
4 pndiulH to 100 gnllonn of wntr.
Iron Sulphide
10 pound Iron sulphate, 10 uunrtx
lliiiesultiliur. 100 gullons of water.
S.S-50 Self-bollcd Lime-Sulphur.
Arnennta of Lead
4 pounds to 100 gallons of water.
W'rlln fer
OlroulrLNii 1.11.' Iliireu o'f Knloinolouy. II. S leMrlniiit nf AmiIhuHuih. hU-
Nie ImeK or tlllM UMIellllMr
1'iHirM, )eiehen, olierrles. iiriineM, are nil mtoelieit by lilJ limwel.
.nglon. I) '
Uhh u niitxle with an hiiuIm ii f I itvurevH. und ii'uy with pi
III.1IIU 1II.M lllt.l ..V.if V.lllfll" irilll III1N IIMII BOIMl l.llf'V.
' '"..'".' ' ' :- . v. .: ;.ii' ..i.k.;s .. ...
ii ii ii. Sumy minimi he immmhi huh, ir ireiw lire iuh. h iwuuiii uii iih. mi
200 poiindc.
to or 1TI It.
n lit emyx
lank Mhoiild be lined
onlyee r.'timln open
uiiy with itiMtut
See that eer young friill hn Imd npiiiy mrel lull
1'enrH need lint b ulirnyil ntitll Mppl r a psr
4H inoififi H
IHit enlarge rrotll their rmimiiK HI Ilia
lle'Hl the ne Ifi n WMk or ti dsjf.
Illle time
ilihiI miiue trM Willi alata:
Mm niunlier of wotnm oiiiikIH will lndlpnl Hie iffrelUeili n uf lht almvc IrWJ
inent Uiter iniy ulionld mil ! eonr'. Imi film mist, In tuner fruit ami-
folmge One npru) for p"rM imuiiii) muiii-o in
To be eoiublued Willi Hie first eodllng imill1 mnn) He bulletin mi
Sulphur" Iwmed by this oflUv See Uok uf tMlwiiiUr fr futmulu.
Do nut apply within n inunth of picking. n fruit will he hUIimhI Tn Iw t(lltM
where full spraying with llordeuui mUltiii has been oiiillled A -cmh1 lrlmllt
Ihe latter tmrt of May, If imeeiwHry fiirmuls en ln4Cl of ewUtidar
Tolmcco mack-Leaf
1 to CS; or Illuek-I.oaf 40 (Sulphato
of Nicotine) 1 to SOO or 1 to 1000.
lllnrk 40 Im no doubt tho bent
und must effective uf sprays of ihlti
Arsonute of Lead
4 iiounibi to 100 gallons of water: or
uhu roud dust, lime dust, or nshes.
Arsenate of Lead
4 pounds to 100 gallons of water.
Carbolated Lime.
Whnlc'Olt soap and Quassia; Kuroscnu
Uordoaux mixture as a repcllant.
The first codling moth spiny will be tiior) ur Uiiiety.
J)e sure In spray rHion an the colonies of the Insects appeur In lli e
of nihlilH It Is very dlfflmilt to erdlote them after they Iimmi ourlml Hi mvm
iHidly. Hemeinlmr this Is a contact spray ami Urn Iniwrts wti only m hllll y
dlroct contact with the limcllel1s tIm blfll..leif may Im iiilxmt with urMMtf
of tend, If neeeMmiry. to stive hitHir of iVmilile nprwylng, wlmr aphis siul OWtlUg
moth are to be oontrollvd ui tlm iwnio time.
Pur red spUlrr. dry siilpliiirlpg alio
Do not spray on ripe fruit, as spray Is poliumnupi.
Poriiiula for oarbolatml lime: 0 iwmiikM of Ihnn, water. 0 kwIIi: irltll'i
arid, I pint or more. Slake IIiiih with a Utile water, utld rsl of wiitsr hi1 Dim
curlHillo ueM Work tho mixture Into Mm wMI
UIikiii cutturo Is luiporlunl All ruhblMh In Mm field anil mJuhk fMHMN 4nliJ
In destroyed. Pall pUiWUig should be priiolleed limrels limy lw IrwpMtl !)'
pluqlitg shingles or boards anion k the vines
ug rrom squusii u
Week or fo earlier I
rpruy as lutllciiled
In I'lioiunlier and melon fltililM
ngu from sauush bug limy Ihj lasmHied by Mm u of siiiwsh vIh" llitl u
wiMik or ho eurller between the othsr hills as trap plants, ror Mm young inseois.
Ii i r cutworms, kalnlt, which Is a potash fertiliser. Is effective.
1'or grasshoptmrs, It Is iimuuIIv necessury In oovrr yuUHg tteM with -4ihrv
cloth where tin y me numerous. This should lie ilnm promptly upon first ppsr
nnee I'yrelhriuii powder may nleo l used for flea. Iie'lle
Iiord'iiux Mixture. S-5-50.
Amelia to of Lead
4 pounds to 100 gallpnn uf water.
Iron Sulphatn (Copperns)
20 cent solution.
Uordeaux Mixture. S-S-SO.
ITse corroslvn sublimate, 1 to 1000
as a disinfectant.
No spray remedy.
J pint lo 30 gallons of water
il'arlu Green 1 part, bran- 40 pfirls
Paris Grcon 1 part, bran 40 parts,
Poisoned slices of potato, llluck-Lcuf
4P, Tor.
wntor. "
1 pint to SO gallons of
Spray thoroughly first week In June and two or three weeks Inter If
Third application dcitendeitt upon scusiui, hut usuallv latter mii uf June Am
application the latter iwrl of Julv in.iv nflm be nee.urv If Mm ealyx spmylliK
Is well done, few worms will be lift for Just two spmys
ii ' ' ' "
Mini ullivr bniad-
This spray destroys mustards, dundellon. tlilsilr. rwgwtv!,
iivml plants.
After the field has been Mioroughly cleaned up, spray before Mm rains Usitln.
See Imck of calendar for formula.
lie sure to spray nil stone fruliM as well as apples before fall itMnn Iwgln, Do
not wait for leaves lo fall. Wlivre tipple Irns are entlrrly free from Hiilhrauim
cankers, lime-sulphur will prove unite erfitlve However, llordeuUK Is itmeh tlm
siifer Full spraying for pours unneoensary
Thero Is no spruy remetly fur this bacterial disease, t'arefully rriuovs sll In
frctlons In thu bodies, limbs or roots before the hlossomlng smsiiu ohs. If
blight nppears during the growing season, remove It, using urtmt Our In out
well below Infecllnu point. Wipe tlm Instruments and cuts with iHirToslve b
llmitte (blchlorld of mercury) 1 In 1000 This Is Mm most sarluUM Of all ornhrit
fruit illKijauf's ;id Mm mm most to he guurded ngHlnst
Cut nut und burn nil Infested oaues.
Sprinkle Mu grain thoroughly, mix on u bin floor, Iwt dry und sow.
Mix well Dust the plants Well before worms eat In.
use while hellebore, oun ounce to two gallons of water.
If plums are Imsdlnir,
Make n mash by milling some water; mid n little mnbiSMen ami suit; t1'
p.. I
scatter In small piles among PtanlH ur In Imil Iveforn planting Us iufaJ Hist
uhlokeiiH do not get tit the poison, lllurk leaf 4o (I to xoo) may also ba itewl
to Haturatu ground.
I'olsonud slices of polatoeM may or may not be readily uulnn The use of blank
leaf 10 (1 tn too) ntipMid to the ground about the plunls will drlvn thsiii nwtiy.
Set) other sldn of calendar.
Flowers of Sulphur.
Wruppors, Shades.
Poison Wash.
FJowurs of Sulphur.
No remetly to save uffucted plautH.
Tartar cmutlo 1 purl, syrup 00 parts.
Soak lite potato seed before cutting for two hours
ground from which scabby potatoes have been dug
Do not Plant potatoes In
Itutate witli niher limit.
Dimt the sulphur on Mm vines frmiuontly during tlm Huiuiiiwr. If iipplliel while
ilow In on Mm vlnws. It Will udhuru much belter. AppllnuMou by dusl spruysr In
more effvctlve than dusting by hand, t'oiunmrrlat llniu-sulphur. 1 to it, has
given fair rosulla In California whura mildew Is serlotiM.
Hand tin tries with 'Tree Tiingle.fotit " Tar or oilier sticky preparations should
lint bo applied directly lo the hark of trees.
Wrap young trees with Inavy building iiuper at luust u font nliove KrvnmJ,
ami liuVH wrapper extuiid two or three liirlii'M helow Nllifiuv Young (tear Ire
nro tint troubled so Herlously H Is also it good plan lo shadt Ihe I rites by'ilrlvlng
11 shake Into tho ground on southwest (title I'laee shuko lltlee to four IllOhMt
from inn. lutvr-crupplug with corn also effeetlvi.
Use wash nmdo us follows- B gallons whitewash; I pint lltultl glim; V6 pint
curbollo uchl; 1 ',4 nuuiies Pulls Green. Apply uboiit May 1st. This rmiuiily .Im
not entirely effvotlvu. uml trees should Im examined for borers. Tumih moy also
J10 wrapped nil for applo borers
Three weeks after culling Hlmis, spiny with whale oil souii and wnler (! pounds
snap lo 50 gallons of water), then ilimt with floWni'M or shlphur tit tlm nils of
lio to 160 pounds per mo. A month later, apply on dowy moinlngs, ISO to 200
pouiulM Of flow em uf Milplnir per iiure,
1 Thero Is 110 known remedy,
replant In Infested ground.
Destroy Infested plants ht-foio May )hI. Do nut
Do not plant In moIIh In wliluli dlseused plaulri havo giowu.
Willi other iiropM,
Pruclluo totutlou
Arxenlo for gophers.
, n " '
Klryclinla HUlphu''
trnpi) for mrilbA,
Strong llincsulphur.
Dust balhs.
Curbollo ucld solution.
Corrosive Sublimate
1 oi, lotuHsnit;i Cyanide 98 per cent,
1 ui. Sulphuric ucld, Z ot. water,
No spray romedy.
Destroy (nfectod plant.
i .
Carlton blNiilphldu,
Mix woll Ingethur iind lemn whym unts can feed upon It, Tho until will go
to tllolr nests after eating uml will die. SneuleM which urn Miuiilhiillsllo will ho
killed upon tutting Mm poisoned uueH wlilcfi loturnutl to the nests.
Cut potatoes In two lengthwise,
parts together with tooihplvku or m
grhiihtt wheru gopherH 1110 working.
1 iirsniilo on nut surfiiuo and pin thu
.'tl luiltuhes. Put pitlwoiltitl potalOtJH III
itiihhlts und grniiiul Htiulrrels may bo poisoned with strychnin, sulphatii, Tlidi
poison iiuiy ho applied directly Hi apples whom they will bo enten. "Thorn nut
nisi) proprietary poJsotiH piirchnNbli' at drug stores, MiiIoh miiHt Im liuppud,
Poulliv luuisiiH Hhniihl ho llinroji
11011, witiio in
wnraved with a utiomr Hiiii..uiiIi.i.i o,.i.,
111, while tlm rooitts may bo washed wllh cmholld nnlil snlullun (nix tninttos of
ildo imrbollo ncltl lo nun gallon of hot water) Dust Imtliii uiny bo of flnt iiiJil
m, eitual parlri of sulphur ai)d powtleretl tolmcco or wood ashes
Walls uml furnllur may bo sprayed wllh 1 to BOO imliitlon of cnnoslvti sub.
Jlnpiln In ulcoho . Alcohol w II iIImhoIvii pulut or vnrnlsh on wootl nnd witter
uiny lio iiseil luitU'uil, Whiiro It h iiohhIIiIo, ftimlgntloii Ih best. Pho oynnliM of
iihtiiRHlum 0S per cent), nn6 uiince. by weight, siiiphutiv ucld (eriith.), omi mmim
Jluiilil nieiiiiuro; wn er. IWo oiinceH, Phtco wnler In enrihtniwiirii dish add tin
Htilnllllr 0 lie hi anil Minn ilrnn (in cyan tin of noliuiiiliiin lo. 11..1 .m ..r.i... ','.''..'
iiulokly. and oIomii dnuiii and windows tlwlilly
thoroughly ventilated. Thin Ih a most dentil
1I1011I1I ho exercised In Its use. Tho above foiuiula Ih HUfflohmt for 100 oiihlo Hiut
of spurt. For fumigating hiihuiIiiiiisiih, It Is Hiifflclent fur IIB0 citblo fntjt.
ind wintlowM tlglilly, Do nut ouler until room Iiiih hoy
hln Ih a innrit tlemlly poison If Inhiile.l, und gi'.it VutiA
nun ri'iii. tii.tif rniinuiii iu .,..01 ..t... t m ...,.''. 'ft" "
Plow up Infyulod flolilH uml riilutu In ginlii for nt lenst Iwu years.
l'luco In shiillnw dishes In tlm'blnw. Tho gdH, being heuvy, will go 'tltnvnWml
This Is u bacterial IIiuho of u Itirgo niiiubar of specleH of plaulH of wldulv I
IIHiulett gonoiii. T ieo Is no ouio or reumtly. All phuits, Hiich iim puuig, lijiiTnAi V E
ncties, ale to Im Infect ml d bo toJeoU'tl. 'VMu nimii Is or V
rloim In our dry legions. "m.11.1 t niyju lf
rrr- r- ' . . -r-r-. rr - T
(Continued on Page 6.)
iJi'sYrifeetloii of uircedii.
tiva puck of calendar.