Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Til All .at
city Haft
Medford Mail Tribune
I'n I r tonight ami tomorrow
('older. Max. HO, mln. U7.5
Dully HUlli Yimr.
Koriv-Clrnl Ynir
No. 295.
' V
Frenzied Mutineers Continue Cum
nlrjn of Loollnu, Kllllnu and Burn
Inn Onc-slxth of Pckln Devastat
ed by Fire.
American Troops Ordered to Capital
Many Executions of Leaders Do
Not Stop Mutiny Rclun of Terror.
PKKIN, J. Pnniilfiit Yuan
Shi lClU tonight Mlllltlllv Hllltllltfd
tlint I hi vn titinlil In prescne order
III tlC I'llplUl Whwi !l HIIIIUtUPIH'll '(
piililli'iiii lnntMi from Nanking.
ll is probable that (loiierul l.i Yuan
HllHK. former roitiiiianiler-iii.ehiel' of
llio rebel army, will neeoiiiwnv t lie
hiiiim here Id put iIohii the diftordor
Willi HH inill ilMlltl.
()h)ii eliHtyeM IIimI Proaidciit Yuan
Shi ICai Mlntlnl tin trouble n hii o.
aunt! to mmhiiuim (h ilirtntoiliip of
(,'liitia Htti hoard on nil side. It t
said lltMt li planned a mild iiprinintc
nail that Uih nnitiiiiH'i-M xo beyond hi
'Ilia loyally of lltn ifiiveriliuiitt
Iroop in whVHhk nml If they tie-
Hurt, o0 iff the llllHttliimt miltUCIV
in history Ik almost eeitiiin to t'ol
low. PISKIN, March V. Coneenl rating
iilfao 'nine Fnyniuilunu woldjcm lo.
day iniiriluritO several French priunta
there, nml destroyed Ilia ,v!lhiK" hy
fire. Thou the Holers returned to
I'ckin Mail robbed the jwluco of the
former dowager eiMpnj' father.
All foreign ri'Milt'iil lute hne tak
en refug in the lortiwi (citation emu
poutoU, ami the iotiil alnnit the
building have liwa ilnnlilt'il.
An appeal ! I lie foreijfii offieor
al Tiou TMij for aiil met with an im
mediate ioHiue ami I. (Kill IhmiviIn
ariniiil soldier tiro on route In 1',
ninoni (Item a iliilnehmciit of I.'. U.
In(i'ri'iillim Conies,
Tim Mohlicrs ulin ImiiuikI I'uo Ting
Fit ami murdered the French prion!
lal't Pokin on freight cur which llicv
seized and piled to the doors with
loot. The minder of the French
iniHrtimiiiiioA open the way for for
eign intervention.
Confronted on nil aide hy fronr.icd
lnutiuvciK, who throughout the day
continued a cnnipaiyii of mussnoro,
"" IContliiuotI on Pngo Two.)
LONDON', March 'J. I'liiiiHlmiuul
for tho Htiffrii(;i)tto oulhrcak which
tboy handed in tlm huiirt of the iiy
hurn wiih today handed out to iIn.
Fuiuiulino I'lUikliui'rit, loader of the
Avonnin mid Mi'H, Muhul Tuckcucli and
Mrn. Kiiima MiiikIiiiII, who aucoinpau
ii;d lmr xyhuti a (!iiinpuif;ii of .window
HiiuiHliint,' Htailcd hy the throu linrlinn
hIoiuih IIuoukIi 1 1 lit wlndowa of Fruiu
liu Asqullh'ri Iowa hniiho. Mrs. Fank
hui'ht and Airs, Tuokeiich xvero unuh
(,'ivdii two nioiitliH imprisoiiimmt and
i'ifly-ono jIiij-h was nllotiod tho othor
During tho uiTitij;uini!nt of tho loll
woaioii urrorilod iih taking port in tho
raid IhoiiHimdH of wouiuu Kiithorod in
tho fitrcolrt iiiul chuorod wildly. Pro
Kuuutor 1uhIoU callud th" Niiffra
goltcH "fnninlo cranks" mid "wild
AriH. l'tiiiklmi'Hl, when urnii;nt:d,
iidmittud HiniiHliii),' wIiuIowh, Hiiyiiif,'!
"What tho Biii'ftaKuttcri did wuh
only ii i'lnahito to what tho iiiinoi'H
nro prepared to do to win tholr strtko.
Wo mo willing to pu. tho prioo tho
Kovoruiuuiit (louiuiidH. Until wo pit
tho power to liiako tho lawa wo shall
coiitiiiiiQ to hrcuk thotn."
tenced rnpidlj, Jlost of them ndnut
tod (heir kuiII
Final Decision to Stand Firm for
Llvliin Wanes in Mills of Lawrence
Reached by Strike Committee Who
are Lcndlnn the Workers' Flnht.
Four Mills Offer Further Increases In
Wanes If Men Return Monday
Foss Said to Dc Weakening
LAWHKNVK, Miim., Mnich 2.
Final dcciion to wlmnl firm fur liv
ing wage in (he mill if Lawrence
wiim i cached here Him iiricnionn liv
tho strike committee of I'nriy-sovan
who mm leadline the workout Ilitht
uguinwt the mill owner. The fn'l
commillee received a rt'port of n oli
eoiiunitlee which voted to reject over
I ii iv hy (he mill oh tier mid nimnim
oiioly vnlcil o print n proclmiintion
which i wnl in wit :
"The Hlilke in not over. Stnnd
film and we will win. The lwtllo in
lorcU me yieldinic to the inevitable
ami (lovernor Fom i witHkoiiini;.
Colonel SwecUer, in cliHrjjc of the
inililia will he removed. Stmid lo
Kcthcr mid don't lut (he mill ounor
pull the wool of their mill over your
eyu hy fnUo promneM."
Four iiiiIIm today offered finlhvr
iiicicHf-cit in (he jwy of their opera
live if they would iclutn to work
on .Miinday. One the United Stale
W'oi-atcjl Mil lie, pnmod n6iTiKM i lml f
npmnmHN who had Iiii mceiviiiK
$7.Ul) wonhl feit ii five per cunt i:
creatoi mid that thoc who receixed
leH than $7.(10 weekly iiicludiiiK u
nkilh'il Inhoict-M, would receive in
ereitue of 7 1-li per cent. Other nniU
otfernur die -mac conccfiion aic die
Aiucitcaii Woolen conipau.x, the m
lence Duck mill" and (he Atlantic,
KiiiiIi.iiiII and IViahcrlon .MilU.
1IOHTO.V. Miikh . March
HwecpliiK xlctory for tho hIioo trust
wiih recorded hero today when Unit
ed KlutcH .IuiIko Puliium hunded
down a decision on demurrers to
liiillnlmoutrt nnuliiKt offlclalH of tho
I'ultod HtatOH Shoo Mnehlucry coin
puny, which practically controls tho
mIioo lnduwtry In tho Uultod Stilton.
.IiiiIko Piituaiii ruled that tho de
fendant! could ho hold on only tho
flint count In tho Indictment, cliurK
In K combination In restraint of trade,
Tho Hocoud rotiut, which churned
coiiHplrucy to monopollxo the alioo
trado, wiih (IIhiiiIhhciI.
OfflclalH of tho hIioc tniHt nffepted
hy tho dochdon nro Hldnoy WIiihIow,
(ioorKo Drown, William Harbour, Kl
in or Hull nml Kdwln llurd.
To tho editer: I scarcely know
whether to douoimuuto (his u solilo
quy, u reply, or an arliolo to my
self, since overnight have crept Into
fame, or rather had it heaped upon
me, hy the Ireuohaut pen of tho Don-uelly-liko
genius Hint radiated light
ami reason IIuoukIi Hie coluuins of
your distinguished contemporary, the
Abhluud Tidbits.
I am above nil thiiis, I hope, hu
man uud the subtle flattery of tho
distinguished litcrute who T am in
formed hails from tho birthplace of
genius, tho homo of Carrie Nation
and nine foot sheets, has been as a
draught of wine to my htunhlo mid
jaded spirits I
How sweet indeed to hnvo one's
geiiluu appreciated while yet in the
flesh mid not he compelled to await
tho slow appreciation of u dullard
public that, crowns tho sepulchre of
departed immortals.
It is certainly an ill wind (hat
blows no good to any one, and wlnt
a fortuitous cyolono it wita that up
Walkout Probable Over Refusal to
Handle Troop Trains Into Coal
Mining Districts Sympathetic
Strike Also Under Consideration.
Government Makes Another Effort at
PeaceFamine Threatens Country
Poor Clamor for Food.
LONDON, Mnrc 2.--l'racticHll.
ooinplctc mrIyi of all coantwiM
tniffic, tho nmiilt of the noal mincrx!
strike, loday Iiiim momI price of food
Miariui,'. Siiffcrinjr in the poorer dis- j
Iricta, already intense, Iihs heeii mi-!
iiiuntcil mid Hie city ovcriuaunt u '
hwicKed hy the piwir who are olaiuor
intr for food.
The railroad- wiih thoir Mipply, nl
moil oxhaiirtled, today commandeer d
coal ahipiueiitit and the officials ad
mit Hint union a nc(I lenient of the!
n like i anpeedily reached the roads
will he forced to Micpcud operations
This would throw thou-mids of addi
tional neihoUH out of work.
Hair liMliiHirlcN Threatened.
The home otfice i.- greatly concern
ed over the Mliintiou, officially cx-pret-aiiiK
I he fear that ouc-hulf of the
iiidiihlricM of the country may lie
forced to susputpt lurntioiis. It
admitted Hint -iinlivs iTHj-nprittnoiil
hetweou the mine owtiern and tlu
men i reachitil wilhin two wocks, that
more thmi live million pctxms wi
lie throuti out of work as a direct re-'
suit of tho ft like. .
The government will innkc another
effort Monday to effect mmiic norl of
cotnprouiioc. Kittle how for a actlh
meat is entertained, however, in- ho?i "
the owners and the men are appar
ently determined not to yield a poii t.
IteporU received here today mi
that the miners in I.aiica.slurc, m
cludiiii; Imtli union mid iion-iiuiou
men, are out.
Itallroad Strike I.IKely.
DuiiKcr of a railroad strike devel
oped today and the strike situation
, throtiifhout the British Isles is irrow-
iuk more acute hourly. The iiuiain
ence of n rnilway strike came late
today when i wiih learned that the
executive committee of the Ainulpi
ni(ttcd .Society of Railway Servants
wits consideriiif; dciuunds from rnil
rond employes for permission for
them to rofiibc to handle trains to lie
used to send troops into the mining
A ircnernl syiuputholic strike iu nl
so under contiideration. The eonmiit
tco is e.)cctcd to approve tho request
of tho rnilway employes.
tloverntnont oftleiuls nnnouueed
Hint the government would take over
the railroads if attempts were made
to interfere in ntiy way with the
transportation of soldiers.
rooted this literary flower from tliejtiuction in superabundance, but
pregnant, sou 01 Kansas ana wultm
it via Oklahoma into tho valley of
(ho ltoguo where under the sunshino
of mi ideal oliniale it may give bloom
to (ho mot wonderful creations of
(he imagination.
Like Itichard HI.,
"I do mistake my person all (his
Upon my life, she finds, allhoiigli 1
Mysolf (o he a mavvellous ' propor
I'll bo ut charges for a looking-glass,
And entertain some Huoru or two of
To study fashions to adorn my bedy:
Since I am crept in favor with my
self, I will maintain it with some little cost.
Shine out, fair sun, till 1 have
brought u glass
That 1 may see my shadow as 1 puss."'
To have been crowned a leador in
politics were in itself enough; to ho
tho superman that moves tho pawns
over the political chess board is dis
Palatial New
"William .Iciuuuks lirxan seems to
have (he same hold upon the at I'm -tious
of tln American people as he
bus always had," stated Major Can
on today upon his return from Port
land where he nltonded the Hrynn
nicctiiie; Thursday cviiiiinsr.
reach out with ghoulish hand and
pluck tho laurel wreath from the edi
torial brow of Putnam, is, alas, stag
ing mo for a part that I am unable
to do juutice, not that I lovo fame
less, hut that I love truth more. Were
yxm and i as dead as Hneon and
Shakopearo thoso honors might ret
lightly, hut unfovtuuntoly, in life, I
am only the small rhind of a llaeon,
and since I cannot fill the part, I
must not wear tho crown.
To tho genius who vadiates light
and inusio through tho Tidings, the
light of reason and Iho uiusio of the
llurro, 1 aoknowledgo my evorhibtiug
debt, and I assure him that I shall
never chargo any nmsonuhlo person
with writing oimonalis lor him, nt
ut least while the liliul laws are in
forco and operation. His work bears
(ho stamp of an originality that
marivs it lor its- own nml die Donnelly ,
that inuules the sacred precincts of
Ins ltteiavi lUl will miked bo ju -
11). ANpUhNN, I
' JkBRjX' " . s site's JWnr- ,'9m4&2! JjCSiB
jW:'A' f y&AQMKOr y jk wM$S8L
n rmtmrF v" km " ah a.. xm hcm s vajfMOBrnaa
ll lmrMiJM' : &"''& r - mm BtwriiuaiiiMif
iBBBHHHHH&f I 'BI --.-. sis StH! WjBIUteM&iXAl&J3B.
uflnHBidHHBHn "" I -.-mmt "TBl sMffil''IBtiBiHH
Home of First National
m ' --.-JKkjlM 8MBL-. .BrBB '
'- .: '''fjEemJl WmKKm rMBl
flic doors of the new home of the
First National bank of this city were
thrown opoon to the publio for tho
first time Saturday. At II o'olook an
informal reception was held to whiuli
the public was invited.
The city has just oauso to bo proud
of the new building, as it is one of
the liticst of its kind in (ho Pauifio
northwest. While most beautiful in
every respect, oonvenionco has not
been saerifieod, tho building boiug a
practical banking home.
Its design is Grecian Ionio and it
is probably (ho purest example in the
northwest, tho scheme being followed
(ircclau loulo Plan.
The interior finishing of marblo is
Okpooiully fine. The wainscoting and
counters are of Hreeehio opal, quar
ried near Genoa, Italy. The base is
of a black and gold marble from Aby
kiuia. This is from tho same quarry
as the olio which furnished tho mar
ble for the tomb of the Emperor Na-.
poloou. The vestibule is finished in vein tumble from Kuoxvillo,
Touuossoo. The woodwork is of Af
rican mahogany from tho Congo Free
State, and is very bountiful.
The interior of tho banking room
conveys mi idea of spaciousuess, (he
(.,,iim benn ! teet lne-h. On en.
tcninj tho bank to the rmlit is first
(Continued on Page Two.)
Bank Opened
NKW YORK. March 2. The stock
market opened Irregular todaj, kuIiib
predominating United States Stcol,
Headline ftud St. Paul gained nearly
a point. Tho niarkdt w more than
usually active. Canadian Pacific
was down half and Northern Pacltie
and American Smelting; a quarter.
Uondlnp dropped sharply, taking a
number of the othor leudors with It,
but pricM again advanced. Amul
Kiituated Copper and Union Pacific
rose to the best prices of tho day.
Tho market then lapsed Into dull
ness and closed steady. Honda wore
W. H. Stewart and George H. Dag
gett have amicably battled tho dis
pute which arose between them re
garding Mr. Daggett' purchase of
tho well known Stewart place on tho
wost side of the valley between Cun
tral Point and Jacksonville Somo
t'lmo. ago Mr. Stewart instituted a
civil action in tho circuit court
ugalnat Mr. Daggett, but a compro
mise being effected, the suit has boon
discontinued deed has pant and
Mr Duuu,.tt
now has title to tho
Taft for First Time Formally Takes
Cognizance of Mexican Revolt
Proclamation Follows Meeting of
Citizens of United States Must Leave
Country or Remain at Their Own
Peril No Protection From Madero
WASHINGTON, I). C, Mantli 2.
The first formal recognition by the
I'nited States of the Vnstpiistu rebel-,
lion ciirac today when President Taft
officinlly proclaimed the neutrality
of the 1'nited Statea in the Mexican
situation. President Taft called ;i
meeliiis of tho enhinot before Ienvin
lor New York and it was decided to
l-sue the proclamation. The procla
mation is intended an u Avaniiu to
Americans that war exists in Mexico,
and that Americans rcmniui in the
disturbed country do so at their own
Prior to the issuance of today's
proclamation by Iho president, the
Tinted States government could de
maud protection from President Ma
dera for all Americans hi Mexico.
Xow American residents must either
oue the country or remain ut their
own peril
PORTLAND. Ore.. March 2. War
between the Independent Telephone
company of Portland and tho Pacific
States Telephone nnd Telegraph com
pany was doclared hero this after
noon, when Prosldent Samuel Hill of
the Home Telephone company gave
out a statement declaring that tho
independent company would tight
the 'trust" without quarter and In
timated that tho battle would soon
become nationwide.
Hill Just roturned from confer
ences of indepondont telophono offi
cials of tho northwost hold at Se
attle. "What this country needs is com
petition under regulations," said
Hill. "Wo Intend to fight for It
agaliiMt the 'billion dollar trust' that
now seeks a monopoly throughout
the I'nited States."
SALEM, Ore., March 2. Mrs. L.
F. Jollisou, n divorced woman aged
about forty years, residing nt dC9
North Liberty strcut, last night pois
oned her four children nml herself.
Tho first intimation of tho tragedy
was a letter received by Chief of Po
lioo Hamilton this morning. Tho let
ter begins abruptly:
"I know tho law roquiros an in
quest. Do as little us possible, Plain
fact is 1 cannot earn enough nlono to
keep my family, Someone induced
my boy to leave, and I um too ill to
work. I cannot see them starve.
Thoro is a littlo money, $21, in my
purse, make it bury us all together.
I Jim very sorry to inako so much
disturbance but am too confused to
(Signed) "Mm. h. F. Jellison."
Officer Uurkhardt was sent to tho
house, uud found all in bed us though
The fluttbo of death was cyanide i
Tho woman left a note saying she,
was sorrv she "had to llo to tfet tho
stuff, Tho children nra two boyn and
two girls mid their ages range bo
twoen nine and fourteen ycarp.