PAGE srx waw;,1,,1 1",:,',1.1 ' BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORTCCiON. FRIDAY, MAROn 1. 1912. v ii - in ii ii - - . Our Correspondents J. , . . . X J. , .. DEBENQER GAP ITEMS.. i (Hy Korinnn Gngc.) nurJottci DocIro Jr. returned to Mod ford Inst Saturday after having uncnt about a wook on Ills ranch, tlio "ItlvorBlde," which Is located on ti)ior Hokuo river. Norman Gbro of Debonger Gnu mill C. P. pennlB or Trail mnilo a business trip to Control Point and Medford last Tuesday and Wcduos day. . Carl Potoreon, vlq Is foreman on tlio jfivoraldo ranch, la having con siderable clearing and fonclng of the laud done. George Grey, who has been work ing nt the Riverside ranch, returned homo last Saturday to commence work on his homo placo if this ox cecdlncly flno w'cathor continues for n whilo. Clnrcnco Grey, Robert Cornell and Gcorgo Galbraith of the Riverside ranch spent Sunday evening with frlonds at tlio Delcnger Gap ranch. Mr. and Mrs. George Stacy and family of Wllhltovlllc have been suffering the inconvenience of a very sovero attack of la Krlnne tlio last three or four days. Last Thursday Dr. Klrchgessncr shot and killed iv 13 pound wildcat on his plnco, near Debcngcr Gap. The doctor had been down In the pasture and upon his rot urn to his houso the dogs which ho had with him chased tho wildcat up a tree, whereupon tbo doctor fired. Elmer Simmons of Asbestos camo down to Dr. Kirchgessner's office at tho Riverside ranch to sco the doc tor and get Bomo medicine for his mother, who is threatened with pneumonia. Carl Peterson Is having some or chard set out on the Riverside ranch and will have when finished about 100 acres of the placo set to orchard.. Last Sunday, February 25, there wob a birthday party at tho home of W. C. Chapman of Beagle given In, honor of Claude Chapman, who was 17 years old that day. Theodore Glass, who was 35 years, and Master Randolph Glass, who was 8 years old. Those present were Mr. and trs. Theodore Glass and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stacy and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chapman and family, Miss Ida Simmons of Asbestos is making an extended visit with her brother Luther, and frleuds at the Debenger Gap ranch. Bird Johnston and Norman Gage of tho Dcbcnger Gap ranch made a business trip to Gold Hill and Con tral Point last Friday, Satuulay and Sunday, Thoso who attended the dance given at Abbert Glass' upon Wash lncton's birthday, report having a nice time, and those who attended the dance at the Aborgast place Sat urday also report an enjoyable oc casion. Music was furnished for the former by part of tho Dobenger Gap string band and the music for the latter was furnished by Professor Monty Veuham of Trail, tho leading Instrument being a mandolin. Dr. Klrchgcssnur mado a trip to tho east sldo of Rogue river to at tend a (meeting which was called for tho purpose of organizing n tele phone lino from Euglo Point to the Trail ferry. Perry Foster of Dobenger Gap Is suffering from a severe attack of la grlppo. MImj Ida Simmons and Misses Mary and Martha Gago and Bird JohiiBtou upout Monday visiting with Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Haitna of Trail. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. f X (By A. C. Hewlett) R. A. Newlruul and hla son Wilbur camo out from the Kdsall place wheio Mr. Xcwlnnds has boon spending the winter, being on his way to Medford, tho rest of his family having gono on tho train. He brought his cir nlong with him for he says that ho don't know how a family of sis can llvo without a car. Jrof. Charles R. Johnson canto out Friday afternoon to do some trading with our morchants, returning to his homestead. He has n contract to tench school in the Dardnnell district for nlno months. Tho duuee given by the ladies of Eagle Point last Thursday night fa said to liavo been quite good but tho ladles complain that thero were too many there for comfort, although Splkcrs hall Is about 40xS0 feet. Mr. John Kdsall of Phoenix came over last week aud spent a part of his time visiting Wm. Taylor and a part of tho time at tho Sunny Side. He is thinking of coming hero to live. Mrs. Howlltt returned last Saturday morning from her visit to Klamath Falls, having spent three weeks in Klamath Falls and one week visiting frlonds. in Ashland. Harry Canton and wife camo out from thoir farm north of Medfor.1, to attend the dance and spent a day or two with Mrs. Carlton's brothers and sisters, tho Brown brothers. Mrs. S. B. Holmes aud Mrs. Lottie Vanscoy . Ed Wolfer tells me that he has tho job of plumbing tho now house that Mr. Sprague, out lumberman, is hav ing built. At tins writing they ate putting on the roof. Mr. Croff who has been teaming on the road between here and Pro spect on tho river road had the mis fortune to have ono of his horses drowned in Rogue river last Satur day. He was overtaken by the Eagle Point-Prospect stage and had to pull out of their road a little to let the stage pass and just after the stage passed he got into a mud holo with his horses and had to unhitch thorn and as ono of them attempted to get up In his struggling he fell over the bank and rolled into the river and drowned in spite of all that could be done. It works quite a hardship on Mr. Croff as he depends on that kind of work to make a living. Mrs. George West came out from Medford Inst Saturday with Mrs., Howlltt and spent the nlpht, ie turnlng Sunday evening. Roy Wllltts Is la lug off now for a while and Mr. Ommoll Is driving tho stage lit his placo. Messrs. Newport and l.arkln Reyn olds who have boon doing carpontor work for tho P. & U railioad at Butto Falls, returned last wuok to tho Sunny Side for a few days and liuvo been working on tho railroad bridge Mr. and Sirs. Stought, their koii Fletcher Stought and Miss Ora, f Jacksonville, camo out and took din ner at the Sunny Sldo last Sunday Mr. Stought, Si, Is tho boss of tho bridge gang for tho P. & li. railroad company, whilo his son Is a druggist In Jacksonville. They wore accom panied by Mr. Wood, the timekeeper for tho P. & R. railroad. Our Sunday school Is growing In sleo and Interest. Last Sunday there woro a In nttondanro nnd at tho close of tho school Rev. Lamar gave tho children nu Interesting talk on tho subject of tho traps sot for tho .Noung, uiul dwelt paitlcttlnrl. on tho subject of drinking and card play ing. After Sunday school ho preach ed a sermon on the text "No oi less," rather a novel subject. Not Sunday Rov. Leo will preach hero at 1 1 o'clock it. in. M. L. Dally wishes nto to say "that tho Model Variety store has on hand a flno assortment of fishing supplies of alt kinds, also Is hnudllug tho Singer machine." (Ad.) TO CTJRH A COLD IX? OSH SAT Tnks LAXAT1VK DllOMO Quinine Tub- lets. Drupclata rvfumt money It It fa tin to curt K. V. CIKOViS'8 sljrnaiur Is mi plt lint S5o. GAS IN STOMACH AND BOWELS lWut oil invto vf.nniiit kyrnplotn), lil Ii tr iiflfn li-rotiKitlAmln;. llxwwha I'ftiuiinwMaivll itl )ranvlitttai!lii) oWj1 litnlMac, iitiiivt.tfmi i l( illfl Niiiwt :le a thi Invlti. ltiMp In lbs tlMt anl ttatl, villi nrvMuif, lq n.l atnl.HH Iw'tu round lb lnit tffktn, tuniy, g.M lujs tl km frrl Itvjol tho illt your tamrti,i!tllri (). 6all (lentil)' k fwxl huhn vw fnUlf a 'mur hiwl tail lxtilVNi. lltttivruaWtntinllvinivltt't iwh llh UMili. hlte?Y (luf ill twtkvi. mi(ln 'twins ttfti villi a Mil t a far rihI cnwWtwlMi. Hn, tanJi ir Ii Ii M n .l ami ro In lrt ftTiill)- en riht IJ lVta h Uwtk -til tciu( IhwI fld fMIStilltMI. TUi' K (rem a iwrvou lHfli full c( flu, i,l .11 rtMMtlr tU ar wl& W KUIAm.VS tws.TAUi.inw. Tt )MMUr UUtti art tM (w .W Uy cmy 'lrttW. 9f rffiJ itfttyt to IttaBB llaiwuj', 530 Sailer bt Rti tMittim 9)ihS0p-t&rrr9WMt.& TTMfK DCiPiVfll- v HlVcCWlT, For the benefit of those that arc thlnkinrj of Buying Lnntl In the Hcdfortl District of The Rogue River Valley 2 coixioMr MiS1!!! 1 V A Full Line of Peerless Lamps ji All Kiw ran Iced. Now Js S; tlio II mo to ol. your houso ! wiroil. (loud light adds to tho comfort of wintor ; nionUi.M. . ;; SO. OREGON ELCCTMC CO. ! North Grape Street. J 4t4Mt444NhtW1M'''''mr It will be to your interest to consult the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. Monthly Blooming and Climbing Rosea, Troo Rosos, Shndo Troos, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Trooa H. B. PATTERSON Office in Nash Hotel I.obhy Inside I.'iHittmo Next to Harbor Shop Snlexynril 111) .South Kir Street Offlco l'hoiio Main (Mil Rosltlciice J'honti .Main -MM in rcflartl to IRRIGATION We have the facts and know the reason why. 60 per cent of the land in this valley will not pay Interest on a $20 per acre value, above cost of pro duction of crops. The Best Growing Three Months The government record shows the average rainfall for June, July and August for the last 26 years to be five-tenths of an Inch per month. This being the case it is impossible to get satisfactory crops year after year without IRRIGATION ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 30 lH'Krcu Tost, lit Htevl Dm mil. No Waste. Kenlui'lcy Mark Loaf Arsenate of l.rnd Zinc Aruriiilo Alfuir... Orchard (, Timothy, Volch ROGUE RIVER FRU1T& PRODUCE ASSOCIATION - i 4 TABLE ROCK. Kvcryuody Id imay plowing and fjucdluK. Mirny Table Hock nuonlo attended tlio literary nt Agate labt Saturduy evening. Calvin Noon returned a few days njjo from a week's vacation at Mod lord. Ho camo linoK tho liroud pob- tjutjsor of a now sot of falsu tcotli. 1). D. Sbko of Foreat Grove Is rojmlrltiK Ills liouso ut Table Ilock ond umy biing bio fuii)lly back litjre to llvo. Your correspoudeut avo a lecture Bujiday ovonliiK at Tablo Itook; Biib Jot, "What 1b Llfo?" Some said we tried to tako too big a chip for our hutcliot. Measuroa aro on foot to organize tin nmateur tlieatriqnl society at Tublo Hock. Jtov. Mark C. Davis will conduct horvlcos at Tablo Iloulc Sunday ovo liliiK, March 3. J. I). Baiutiuls of Modoc mado a ImhIhohs trip to Tolo on Jlonday. Tliero lmvo boon some flno trout nnd Btoolhoada caught in tlio river ltUoly. Many mon nnd boys ut Tolo havo Hono to the hills with tlioir ehovols and gold pans nnd aro mild to bo winking good wngos. 3omo of t)io orglinrd pooplo liavo ljucn hauling out spray aud getting roijdy to spray llelr trees. Vo liavo heord thnt B. V. Carlton iii0Ml0!lliMMMl0M'MiMMittf'tMji0 ' ' Great Aiibtioii Sale of Acreage in the ' Pierce Subdivision near Medford, Oregon Wednesday, March 20, 1912 170 acres of the north part of this Subdivifiioii will all sell at purchasers' price on said dale. Should the weather he inclement or all the land fail to sell on thai dale the sale will he continued the fol lowing day, Thursday. This land is going to be sold on this date, and there will be no by-bidding. Jf you are wanting acreage near the best young city in the west and in the finest vallcv and climate in the great northwest this will likely he the best chance you will ever have of securing a nice piece of land in a most desirable location for making a desirable future home buying .the same at your own price and terms. This tract will be offered in tracts of 1 1-4 to 10 acres except lot 8 in block 2, which contains 20 acres with splendid improvements, large barn and houso, 4 acres bearing orchard, spring and eity water, fjne black soil; 20 rods to school. The entire tract is plow land, nearly all under plow or ready for the plow. Tlio land is well adapted to gardening, fruit growing and diversified farming. 11 acres is now in alfalfa. The land is gently rolling, and above the frost line. Just the right distance from the city, with splendid roads. This tract is covered by special contract from the city, "warranting and defending the title lo a prior right to purchase any and all surplus water of the city." TJin city pipe lino passes through the center of this tract and plenty of water for irrigation and domestic use can easily bo obtained. Terms of sale will be on part of the tract one-third cash, balance in four equal semi-annual pay ments; on other tracts one-fifth down, the balance to run five years in monthly, quarterly or semi annual payments to suit purchaser. Deferred payments to draw 7 per cent interest from ditto of sale payable semi-annually. For further information address or call on the owner, C. H. PIERCE, 923 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon f I : -: -: ; -: ; -; : : -: -: First National Bank OK MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $05,000.00 United Slates nnd Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our oaroful attention. r. k. niumij, ihhhiii:n't m. i. ai.ioiio, UllltlH OKAWI'Oltl), ASSISTANT UASIlllvIt Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Orogon It lifts succeeded because of Soundnoss of principlo Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous Jind liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawler, President CI. l. Liudluy, Vico Prca. C. AV. McDonald, Cashier BACHTO'THE FARM I iihiihhiiiih iiiiiiiiwmiiiii mil. jjjJuT WA I COE.ONBST FARES W vh It m Hi to ah. I'ouiTh in oncnnri, tiar MARCH iTOAPniLIO, 1012 souther'n'pacific f.lll tnoM 'CfllCAOO ... $31.00 T. 10UI9 ... UJ 00 OMAHA .... 4.04 KANHAB CITY 34.00 T. TAUt ... J. OO fKOM OTHIH OITIII OHRKPONBiriaiV low qolnulut VatmttD VKWT.(MNIiijiIj liu tlmy udi l ii irMli Iniuiany iHilut lf)ini Imtru Irl'iiilu or reuitlvu. liilliiil'a.t who iln Iro lo "Ui't aim k lit (ho Jriiriii,'' ihi run tliniirn with ytiur Ifioul sui'iiliiail n til ki I will I M tafittvU 'I Inniy luhlriw il Iruil, 1( (Ml I mi thu iiniliir.liiiuxl fur uo-xi la Alriutlvo lliurAtMrn to .on. I l;t WW! H. SCOW, feitnirivuittr ll, rO'IUID, OillGOl y A 4 i i coiitoinplati's plnntlng oO nue tn nut i i" 4 m S tiotntocu.