MunPonD wATti TRrnnNR. MiTOFortn. okhoox. toiday, .waik-it i, isi2. f aoe Eiyn J. ht ?Jf ; v ' I fi ! .& jm "W 0 6 IOCAL AND L PERSONAL I'lutH. Hiiiiliorn mill wife (if Hiit-lno, Minn., who Iiiih linen Hpoiiillni; din wlniitr In nniitluiii Oullfiirnlii. Miciit TlitiiMila.v nlxht In .M ml f 11 nl itH tliu liinmtH of .Mi. unit Mim, V. V Klnyiir, (!, A. Miilnme, III illliil'M" f tlm HUltlynii Light tf I'ounr aoiiiptiiiy'ii iilKinitlium nt Axhliiinl, ttiuuit Thum ilny ttvcnliiK In .Mtidfnrd. Tiixl Co. Plmiin I'arlflii 1100. Home loo. NtiuiilM Moilfonl ami NiihIi hotel. l!il .1. W. Kinder li'ft I'rhluy fin- a brir vuit in (iniii mil. (I. Hlllliiinn of Monlllo. Vah , iiiiiiiufiii'turliiK confectioner. Iimm utiirloil it wliiilnwilu omitly iiiHiiiifKc tin hi); coinpnii) unit will kuoii Im iililn in Hiipi'ly oil local t rutin at Pnttliiiid price, hhIiir tlm loiml poo plo frnli;lit uiul iIih.vhk". K. (' HIIIIiiihii U iniiiiiignr nf tin- now con torn anil linn Unit K. jomim itxpurlttiico In tlm wliuUmtlti inndy InmliiOM Tlm M'tilfonl Cmnly MniiiifHctuiliiK company Iihm IoiimhiI 11 ImiIIiIIiik lit 201 Hotith Itlvomlilo, corunr N'lutli. Wu "nii nt fifty naciiiiiI I111111I mill. Will pay (tmli. Will II. Wllhiin fc Co.. 100 N. Front nt. 20 I Tliu HIiuiiImIkIi ImrdwHru Htor on Buutli I'ontritl will Im opened toward tlm lulitir tmri of thto mouth. Boiiih of tlm fliiMt hIiuIvIhk mid (Huplny cuihm over Huon In Medford will lie IiihIhIIi mihI tlm Mtoi ! to In' limit fin In every way. Ml I'Myntcr, tlm milliner. Iiiih te turned ft out Chlt'iiHo with 11 low HMMirtumiit of Din IhmiI MprliiK IihIm lm rinild find. Her trimmer are nt work mill hii nnnoMiu'Hiiiunt of u HjirliiK opoiiltiK l forilii'onilnic. Y0110K & Hull ThxI Co. IIikiIiIiik offk'o NhbIi lintel. KtmiilH Mcdford mill Nnxh hotel. Phono Pacific II 00. Iloiim loo. For ittlelc mtrvleo ciill iii office. 202 lteprcutntle of 1 Im HpHrry Klnur etimpiiiiy of Tain mn. WmiIi.. urn In tlm rliy iroirliiK to dlMrlhuto muiiiiIhh of their wtloluftUxl Drifted Sliiow flour to dm liowwwlviw of MiHtfonl. Kv.iry Indy tttwwerliiK tlmlr ring on tlm doorbell will bo Klvt'ii it vitutnlo f 1 . Tln'lr flour loot Imkiii 011 tlm market for 26 )uii mnl It In tin iloglro of tlm company I hat Mmlfonl women h iclven 11 eh a un til mtinpln It. Oritur talion for whulewjino home 006k I nk. broad, moat-lour, cuke mnl pith wilintH. Phono Pnclflu 2lftft. 2iM .Mm, It. It. Illnckton or Anhlanil Im In .Moilfonl vIhIUiik filoiulH. Harry I.. .ImmM of Mill. ChI , l MliMiitlliiK n fow ituyH In Mfilfortl on llllllllUMM. It. It. lliyon of Talito Hock In vUHIiik Mmlfortl filiiul. Cnrkln .V Ta)lor (.lolin II. Cur kin. (ilium O. Tiijldr), RttonmyH-nt-lnw. ovnr Jnukioti County Hank IiiiIIiIIuk. .Muilfonl. J. It. TlnUi'rton of St. I.ouIh. Mo., Iihh urrlvtnt In Mcitfonl to iiiiiko lid futiiro lioum. Ah oon um ho fluiU it lowitlon Im will uutiil for IiIh fmnlly. C. .1. WlllllllllH Of IllltlO FllIlN Hpilllt Friday In .Mmirord. Itoal lioum tinido hrunil nt Do Voo' Mr. mnl .Ml. Wlllliiui t!i'rl re tiirimd to .Mfilford Frldny 1110111I111: from middle witiorn p')lnln. Mis. (tiirl); Iiiih Ipwii vIhIUiik hor ilniKhtr In Toiimomoio mid mm In ArkuimaH. Mr. (Ihi'Ik wont oiihI 11 fow wool, m-u mid nccompaitliiil .Mm. (Ihi-Ik hotim. !. It. Jiuutm ol Willow MprhiK Mponl Frldny In .Mini ford. UluK I'uoirii! TtT.M for vnuuiini (iluiiimr. 0. II. Inane. 200 .1. C. AltUoii of Wondvllltt, who Iiiim lii'on Htiundlii' Hovoral duyn In Mod fonl, left Frldny' ror IiIh Iioiiio. W, W. AmIiIoo of 1C 111-I1 piiicliict Im vltdllut; Moiltord filouilw. Wo pny ciiMh for en Hi oft eluthlni', IiiiIm mid hIiouh. Wilt II. WIIkou & Co., 101! N. Fronl Ht. 20-1 Miri. .1, A. llouitoi'HOli or .Mmlfonl Infl Friday iiioiiiIuk ror 11 vIhII with frlouilH nt tlrmitM I'auii. Hiw II. A. II0I1110K. Tlm ItiHiirmico Man, ovnr .IneliHon CiiinU.v lunik. William .loliiimiii of Trull In vlnlt Iiik frlouilH In Miidroid. Muut inn at MoDowoll'H. .iohii W. ThoiiuiH of KuKono In In Moil ford looking ror a locution. Iln In a rollrod Kiororyiiimi, lluttor liuvo 11 look at IIiobo how inon'ti troiiHoiH on hiiIo at a dollar, ion North Finnt Btrout. 'JO I Miu l)'iiii W, Smith, MIhh IIohhIo Dmilnlii mid Mr. ami Mm. Itux l.ainpiimii or tlolil IIIH aro horo to litloud tlm Hi'liiiiiiaiiti-lldluK conctM't (onltilil. Wliun you want to mill thai ovnr coat don't foruot tho nuinlior. 10(3 North Front iitroot. 301 Wecks&McGowanCo. UNDliJRTAJCISRS Say l'lion C371 Klirlit riionssl r, W. Wseki 3071 A, X, Orr, 3093 KABY AflHISTAirX. In Muiiroid on a hIioiI IihmIik-hh dip At III" Fioo MoIIioiIImI ijIiiikIi ltiV II I.. Hiiialloy or I'm Maud will ion iiui'l iiuir(-rly iiiuntliiK pivIcck iii- iiIkIiI. lomoriow and Muiiiliiv moiii.i Ink', iifloruoon and ovoiiIiik. Hiilijeiti tonlKht, "Hiilvnllou." Coino mid hi'in' him, .1, W. Hliiupi., pimlur Fmicy brick leu '-ioiiiii at McMow t-ll'H. Tlm .Mmirord mIiIiik 'imuiit win' fiirnlnli nnmli' at tlm leiopilmi in ilu I now hitllilliiK of tlm Flint Niiilonnl, liniilc Kulurilay. II rnunli ,r Curli I.. Alton. Dr. .1. W. Mm Inn. IMw.n I Itoot anil . Mm luu. J Honmtliliif; now, "(Imiiu I'tirnlt, ut McDowhII'h. J J. I). ManiiiHln of TuliU Itm k hi h it iwiiut vlnltor In Medfnrd .1. T. DHloy of Woudvlllc hii 111 Friday fit Mudford. H. A. Nowcll. liMlli' tnllor. lih rloor M. F. A II. Co. IiIiIk- M II. MminliiK of ThIimh -in-ni Friday In Medfonl. V. C Auiwi or Anlilanil iuimi'iI Uiiounh Mwlfurd loiluy on liU wh to llutto FhIIh to vlMlt li Im tut hor. lioum IjiiI'Iiik mid hiiIiiiU. 110 N'orlh Front. I'liono onhir. Hoino I, J. Owinw loft Friday nioriiliiK for CoutrMl I'oliit. wlmro Im Imd takiiit a coiitract to unil a now burn. I'. F. Kvmm or I'toHiiHct mrlvnd thin iuoiiiIiix from I'ortliiml. wliero ho Iihh been on biislnimg. H. A. UnlliH or Tolo U vlltliiK frlondK In thin city ror u row ilnyw. Mm. F. I). UnmimlH luft FrliUy tor I.i.h AtiKohm whoro ill" will tiid (.('Vi'i-tl iiiiintliN vIhHIiik with Imr ilHiiKht'T. MIm Kll;.nbtth, who In Ht tmiilliiK tii'lmol In Unit city. Word Iihh Ihiiii ii'i-dveil that Mr. mnl Mitr. .1. I) HtHid. who ihv npeiil tlm wlntm In I. on AnnHim, n mjoii to rut urn to Mod ford. Kodak flHlMliliiR nt Sin Uurcl ntiet. 2 I'll Mux .In 00 by. tho Tolo ntornki'epir. uphill Frldny In Mmlfonl op biinlini John I). Olvti'll Inn 'ThurmlHy cf iiIiik on a hindu-MM tilp to Siwttlo. Pi or. Kuber. tirluclpal of tint mdiiHil duttrct tHtwou (ntrnl Point and .l-ukminvtllo, Iihh bwon chIIuiI to HiiKtum to rill a vacniicy on tho faculty of (bo Unlwmlty or OroKni, ocoHnliiui'd by IIIihmw. F II. Cnwliw and family lmvo io lurntHl rroui wliilrr Hpititt in Port ImiiiI, whoro Mr. (.'owIom ilnlhi'md Ktittfinl mldri'MttM boron tlm htIkmiIh of that illy on the nubjecl of tiro provcittloii VAST THRONG TO Indications Arc That Madame Sclm-mniin-Hclnk Will Greet One of the Greatest Audiences of tnc Year. I'Viuii nil iiiilifHtiniiH Miiditutv Sch mil mi I loitik will reut uit nt t' iHtttVHt utiiliiMii't'N over u-i-inlili il i .Mi'ilfiinl wliun !liii iiupvurx nt th .S'litiitoriuni thU ovmiiiig, Mui. o t of town niilt'i'a lmvo bi'tm ii'ccimiI h i lii'koU, nviiu I'lmn im fur iih Yrcki'. Cub, t unity lickoU hit itssx hi'i'ii "''' llii'if. (IrniiU I'iv mnl A-Iiluinl u- vi' it nlht'r vulli'.v lowits will bo wt'll n i IfhlHlllll. Notice to City Subscribers. HiiKimiiiiir Murcli lft till imh'i-. i j bo collt'ftctl for ut plitfo id' tb'lr i r OwIiik In iiicii'iiHf hi cirfiilnli-it Hi' i iniiib nt'fi'iMirv. Colb'i'lor will i ill ni'iit' tliu 11 uiul if niTt'osnn ii -in lutor in inniith. I'lipoin nut pun tor nl end of month will bo stopped u itil tm.vinoiit i iniulii. 'Jltl .OTirHTO K'l)(KIIOI,li:itS. Tho iiiiiiiiiiI mmilliiK of tliu Htoclt hoblurit of tho rltorllug tiolil (Jiiiut. Mining & Milling iiiinpiitiy will be hold lit lltlM oily Match II, 111 11! Wluotlou nf it hiiiird of dlrooturH uiul nthor linportiint bimluoaM, II. II, LOHIMKH, Ht't-rt'tnry. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VOn SAIii:--Throo now timiillod Tor hiiKh for Halo. Viiluo $lo. KIihI (ioiiiii fltHt Horvuri, $ao t ?25 W. W. JOIftirt. J.'IU V. Main ht. ac PtiirTU A UI'J llctiiil lot mi 'oht .IneliHon to tnulo lor iitiloiiHihllo. Hun II. Ilmirtriuld, I or. V. Main Ht. aim KOU RAl7H"-A h'U fooni bungalow two IiIooUk HOIlth of Alain Ht. fm Oukdiilo avo , 71500, Hiuall pay muut down, balnuco oiiHy piiyniontH or Hinull paymont and $ro por iiiinith. Son owner, li'Jo Ho. Oak ilalo. lil'n F(7H TTiWi, TMiidonT fiTruiKluul iiiniiiH at tliu CotttiKO, 00 1 West 10th nt., two liloeki Kouth Mutinied hotol. Hot and odld wntor In i'ooiiih. Until phonuH. Mm. II. M. Cobh. iUO VbTl SAUK ICxooptloniil liiirgalu. Itoro Ih a uiilntrhaii tract cannot bo mitU'hod for a third inoro money. 10 iioroH mi miii'iiiliiiii I'outl two iiiIIuh from MeiUoi'il 1. 0. lllaolc fi'uo boII, boII with clay uuliyoll, no hanlpaii .or rook Fine bulldlim Hit i 5 iioroH are In .loiinthiiii, Now iV.riV."!!la,',,"!r,.,.U,?,.i''a,;Si old Ei iiimoh In alfitlfii l'rlii- si.'itio W 1 1 Ma in ,MiKaiif.lo of llui'O Im m CONCERT Tho Siskiyou UolBhtu Co. 2h P0TM0LL? l-FHJM UNDER ANCIENT GLACIER IM CM VIEW CLAClAl VOTHOLE AMLRICAN AT Afier nnti h inUor n kIhHhI pnlliolH Iiiih been (rnnnporlod tn the MuK'iirn of Nnlurtl UUtorf, In .Nw York. It wan foimi! In HL Iwn-two county, In I bo iturllo-rn port 0 llw Mtale, taut Auj?iit. Tliuro 11 ru tan ton ut crystalline llincalofm fin niifmliiK It. Thin pii(hl la ijpHitiwI to bo from .TO.OOO to TAf00 yearn old. It wan iiutilr by Miinu InrliW Mrwtm which How ml xwlflly buiiwith the Ice c.ip olilfh out fitT"i all .Northern Xw York ttc. Th tMiwMw which went tiiMiltic itlmul mHIi lh wntpra nr (M-ltevml to wmv worn l lb rock the round tut ltj. wblth l now two fot In iIIhoicIit hui! four fcirt In derth. ItOlt.V, In M ml ford. February 2, 1813. lo tin wlr of K. C. Illak. n 13 tMimol '-n. Mother ami child nxn iIoIiik wi'll. i.iup i:it I'lirrv. 'Iln I'mI.Ihii SI1 oh will nic 1 "l.i'ap Yen' ptii. in'X' T'hh'Ih 11I11K Mni'li "I C.thtli h luill Karb AUBURN HAIR THEORY NEEDS REVISING Mrs. Leslie Carter's Auburn Tresses Indicate' Poise And Patience But Not Bad Temper. Mrt. Lcilie Carter lias come to theTItcn what happen when slic arrives at conclusion that her fiery iheck of au-jthc point of explosion? Does she be burn liair 11 iut altogether an unalloyed come a human hurricane, a cyclone delight This prucd possession, which turned loose? That is what ecrbxJ- is as closely allied with her as the lions arc with Trafalgar Square, Lonilon, or Grant's Tomb it with Kiveriide Drive, N'ctv York, has suUiIeuly been discovered tn have its disadvantages. It is not alone that the white horse is ever seen in cl'.e proximity to gulden trese. but, nidi' w, jti unthinking w rid lu cmic ti belt c that red hair anl a MRS. LESLIE CARTER I very fiery temper nrc synonymous. As, all smiles. If Mrs. Carter has a temper, this idea has gotten deeply rooted in the nobody ever sees her display it. This public mind, Mrs. Carter may as well become rciimird to the fact that she will go to the cud of the chapter heralded as n tempestuous Titan, while intimate acquaintances well know this to be an evidence to the "contrary notwithstand ing." as they say in law books, Mrs. Carter does not resent this re llcction cast by her tresses. She can't help it, and as it is a false mirage, she is resigned. It is truth that hurts; shadows arc unsubstantial things and arc not worth bothering about. Those who know Mrs. Carter say that she is a woman of remarkable patience and poise : that she never Hies ofif tho handle and, like a human aeronaut, "goes up in in the air" In consequence of trivialities Her hair says she does; but her hair deceives. She is surcharged with dra nutk temperament ami so must ueces wrtly have an outlet for her feelings. tUiLUM'Or NATURAL HISTOKYv memxr la privileged to frlwnda. Card and dancing. hi Union ftOc h ooiitlo. invite Ad- 291 SAN MATIIO. Cal.. March 1. "Oil, KoiMlnoea! 41 y whet la all broken up." wHlled Amy Slarken after an .iiiI-iii litl had run Into her, hiiihhIi- lui- i'ii llieo hihI hurlluic her t wi'ii ft ct away on her head. thinks and expects whe believes i-i the red hair theory; but iu is not what oc cnr Tlivca tvUr, Iiovk. I.m Lv.l -.c curs. J nose who IiaiMwen closely as sociatetl with the actress for manv ti: say when her patience has reached th breaking point, as is the case with al f us, she immures herself u her r-. m -huts ccrldv crt and wa.'s ti'l 'he Urni has p ci Tl.e-i she e-r.-grs is her way; her method of throwing oil on and stilling troubled waters. The one tiling that she abhors above all else is tingentlcucss and disorder cither in word or action. She cannot endure people who say and do disagreeable things. She. cannot abide any thing the least overbearing and ungracious. This is the real Mrs, Carter, disassociated from the red hair theory, The one thing that Mrs. Carter ever insists on, in a kindly way, from those about her, is gentleness and courtesy. In tbeso particulars sho belies au burn hair indicationspeppery qualities ' of niinu and disposition. Almost every servant in her employ has been with her for several years, and one of these was her maid when a HttLcsirL It would appear then, that the auburn hair theory needs revising at least, so far as Mrs, Leslie Carter is concerned Vmfm4 indigestible. You take your chances. Cottolene is made from the purest vegetable oil; it contains no hog fat, and never makes food greasy and indigestible. It is healthful and wholesome, and is economical because one-third less is re quired than of either butter or lard. Enjoy your food, without the after-pangs of indigestion, by placing Cottolene in your kitchen for all frying and shortening purposes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Shortens Your Food -Lengthens Your Life TONIGHT Mme, vScInumann-HeinK Concert 300 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS On Sale at 6:30 This Evening Price $1.00. "Nat" Box Office top TM Mil I will cuarmntee you (a top Uitt itch la two eoadt. A 25 cent bottlo wilt pna 11. No remedy that I have ever old for i Ecipnin. rsorlBBiH, ond all other dlsoascd , of tlie hKln 108'KUen morc thoroueh satisfaction than tho D. D. D. Prescrlplion for Eczema I guarantee this remedy. MKDI-'OKl) IMIAIIMACV PLAY BALL1 BUT PLAY WITH THE CORK CENTER BALL THB OFRCIAL UALL OP THE WORLD SERIES CORX SPALDING OFFICIAL NATIONAL LEAGOE, The Cork Center Ball $1.25 Each Cork Center base balls trill be used in all World Series games to como for the next Twenty Years. , of Spalding Catalogue free ou request to auy address. . Bend for tamples of IUse Ball Material for Uniforms. Free. A. Q. SPALDINQ & BROS. 138 Qeary Street San Francisco An Apt Salutation - Vrn1Itin.rtv warssu ,i c u i tr. J-ry. ,; Is to usU how aro otio's tooth, for on tho stnto of tho tcuth often deponds tho stato of onu's health and happi ness. If thero Is anything wrong with your molars lot us romody tho uilsuhlof as oarly as posslblo, We aro exports In ovory branch of Den tistry n ml lmvo a reputation for clovor uiul conscientious work, And' yet our charges aro as low as tho lowost. DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-20S Fartnors and Fruitgrowers Hank Dldg., Medford. Oregon raclflo Phono Main 053 Home Phono 3S7-L, J m Ceafer Wrl$ Z iV F r Cottolene is a Pure Vegetable Product Lard comes from pork and is simply hog fat. It is often A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 100 acres, 12 miles cast of Klamath Fulls, on main rond to Lake vie. v. About 85 acres will be tttidor the gov ernment ditch and can bo irrigated. Fine nlfalfn or paiden laud. An abundance of free outside ranch. One of the best propositions there is in that section for a mim who wants to eiipaso in the sheep business. Locat ed just right for a townsitc whun the railroad is built from Klamath Falls to Lakeview. Price 50 per acre. Will exchange for Mcdford city or country property. W.T.York. Co. YOUNG & HALL TAXI CO. Service All Day All Night Phone Pacific 1100; Home 400 TOURING CARS AND TAXICABS Dispatcher's office Nitbh Hotel Standb at Medford and Hotels. Taximeter Rates. One of two jm.sheuyeiv., i'ii-ht half mile or lini-tioii thereof 50c, ouch itutiter thereafter 10u. Throe or more pii8fOiiKort, firt third mile oOe, uuoh ono-bixth mile thereafter 10c, Knch four minutes, uniting time JOa. Rates (or Time Service. f.J.oO per hour; $1.50 por hour wail ing timu. Calling mid dUmi&hfU i-liui-gos. No ehnrgu for nailing or dismissing within it mile nidi in of N'ayli Hotel. The liiilo radius iui'liulo.s nil paved streets in Medio id. After cross ing tho mile radius, tariff will he ehtire.od both ways or $11.50 por hour. Paved streets nt the ono milo Hunt: Wont Main, West Tenth, South Onkdnle, West Fourth, West Jnok bin), North Ceutrnl, North Jtivor-t-idu, Oregon Terruuo .Keddy licsi doui) ) Kast Main, Hospital, South Uivorsido to Eiuhart Ittuiuh. Credit for montlily ehtirgos can bo opened by nil responsible peoplo milking arrangements for such with tho lnunitgor. Absolutely no credit will bo given without first making said urraiigomeutH. Our aim is to please and get your support. Note Four quick and efficient service call up hooking office. COURT HALL There's no 'Squeal' in Cottolene Madam" Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Second-Hand Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER. Prop. 15 North Fir Home 354 Bell 8073 Clark Sc Wright LAWYERS WASIIIXGTON, D. O. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Associate Work for Attornoyi H. Heartfield FKK.VCH DUV CLKAXEK AND HATTEK We make Garments look liko new and more than double tho value of them to you. V.'OItlv AIJSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED Uundles called for and delivered Pacific 3831 Home 380 Near Mooro Hotel "Why not come in and select that KODAK You will soon want lo nso it. Medford Book Store