PAGE POUK MEDFOttD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEQON, FRIDAY, MA"ROIT 1, 1012i MEDFORD MAIL tribune AN 1NDKPKNDRNT NEWBPArKn PUHMHIIHI) KVBllT AKTEIINOON KXCRPT SUNDAY, BY THE MEPFOnD I'KWTINQ CO The Remocrntlo Times, The Mrdfonl Mall, Tho Mcdford Tribune, The 8outh rn OrcRonlnn The Ashland Tribune Offlc "Mall Trlbuno nulldlnp. SK-27-SJ North Fir strftfit- phone Main sojlj Home 76 IKOnOE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered as second-clam matter at ttedfard. Oregon under the cl of March I, 1879 ifflelnl Taper of the City of Medfonl Official Paper of Jackson County suBBCRrrricm katcb )n- year, by mnll . Ifc 00 ne month hy mall er month delivered by carrier If Medford Jacksonville and Cen tral Point 40 uiturdav only hv mall per veat 100 Weekly pe year 1 S" sworw oiRcruz;ATioir. I hilly nvernRe for eleven month -.i . November SO 1E11 8781 mil Teased Wlra United Pro. Slspatchea Thf Mall Tribune Is on sal at 'he Vrry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand Portli Bowman Newa Co., Portland. Ore vV O Whitney. Seattle. Waah MSD70KS, OKZOOR. Metropolis of Southern Orenot. and Northern California, and the fastest rowing city In Oregon. Population U a census 1910 iMO estimated. 191110,000. , Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, Kivtng flnea fupply pure mountain water and 17 S nlles of streets paved Postofflce receipts for year riding November 30 1911. show tncroaso of 1 oer cent Banner fruit city In Oreuon Bolrue River 8pltstenbera; apples won aweep takes prise and title of "Apple Mag of the Worl4" tt the National Apple Show. Spokane. 1909, and a car of Newtowns won Tlrat Prise 1b 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, B. C. rtrst Frits In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowns. Regno lllver pears brought highest prices In all markets of the world dur fnu tho past six years. Write Commercial Club, inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. COWBOY WINS OSAGE INDIAN GIRL AS BRIDE LOS ANGELES, Feb. 29. Prince ton Don Colby, a full blooded Osape Indian girl, and Eifwnrd Davies, ex cowboy and rancher, are man and wife today after a courtship that be gan on the plains of Oklahoma and extended over the entire western sec tion of the United States. Miss Colby, who is the daughter of one of the Osage warriors who made a determined attempt to save Custer at Big Horn, is an equestri enne of ability and has traveled wide ly, performinR for motion picture companies. Her face is familiar to thousands of "movies" enthusinsts throughout the country. She surren dered after Davies had pressed his suit in a dozen cities. Double Crime of Father. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. Suc cumbing to a fit of murderous Insan ity caused by business worries, Sam uel A. Fischer, formerly a prosperous tamalo manufacturer, emptied the chambers of two revolvers Into the breasts of his wife and two daugh ters today and then killed himself. Tho crime was not discovered until 10:30, when the smoke from the smoldering bed clothes attracted neighbors. Alabama Christian Endeavorers. ATHENS, Ala.. March 1. With a preparatory service this afternoon, tho twenty-second annual convention of tho Alabama Christian Endeavor union was opened under conditions that give promise of one of tho best meetings In the history of the organ ization. Tho proceedings will con tlnuo over Sunday and will include addresses by a number of religious workers of wido prominence. Spokane Has Women Assessors. SPOKANE, Wash., March 1. Seven women deputy assessors, bo llovod to bo first of their sex to bo so employed in any part of tho coun try, started upon their official du ties In Spokuuo today. Chief As KOBBor Olenn It. Crelghton (jngaged tho women In the belief that they are better fitted than men to get a proper valuation of diamonds, Jowelry and the artistic and expensive furnishings of wealthy households. Auto Pathfinder Arrested. LOS ANGELES, Cal Maich 1 -T. J, Boaudet, drivor of a "pathfinder" automobllo sent by un automobile hotiBo from Los Angeles to Mexico City, Iuib been arrested, with his mechanician, and is hold under sus picion ftt Atzcapotzulco, near Mexico City, according to a messago received hero today. Ueaudot'u employers at onco telegraphed tho state depart ment at Washington asking un In vestigation, Scandal Causes Shooting. OAKLAND, Cttl., March 1. Ralph Thompson, a shlpplug clorlc employed by tho Westorn Casket company, was shot and killed about mldulght last night, in tho residence of Harry Proucott, u mining man from Trinity county, Prcscott was urrested short ly aftor tho shooting und Is hold pending an Investigation. Tho po lice say the killing was tho rosult of a q,urrol ovor Mrs. rroscott- ED ANDREWS E D ANDREWS is too busy doing polities to write to day. Watch for his reply tomorrow. ASSERTS TAFT DOWN AND OUT NEW YORK, March I. That President Tnft's name will not oven po before the republican national committee convention wns the declar ation of Governor W. H. Slubbs Stubbs thinks Colonel Roosevelt will capture the Ohio delegation and that the Tnft rc-nominntion boom then will collapse. Governor Stubbs Amo Piuehot, C. P. Connolly and other conferred nt length today with Colonel Roosevelt on the political situation. Cotonel Casey Retires. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1. By direction of tho president. Colonel Thomas L. Casey, corps of engineers, was placed on tho retired list today on his own application, after more than thirty-six years' service. Colo nel Casey Is a son of the lato General Casey, chief of engineers, who com pleted tho Washington monument, the congressional library and the state, war and navy department building. Ho was born In New York and was graduated at West Point In 1S79. Ho has been on leave of ab sence since last December, at which tlmo ho was In charge of river and harbor works nt Baltimore. De Sabla Robbery Puzzles. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. Detectives today are at work with re newed vigor on the Do Sabla jewel robbery case, becauso of tho further incentive added by Eugene Do Sabla, who has offered a reward of $5000 for tho recovery of tho Jewels, val ued at $50,000, stolen from the De Sabla apartments in the Palaco hotel. Governor Johnson Coming Home. SACRAMENTO, Cal., March 1. Governor Hiram Johnson has tele graphed that he expects to get back to his desk in tho capltol here next Monday or Tuesday. Ho plans to start west from Columbus, Ohio, to night after his address before the constitutional convention. Asks Divorce From Capitalist. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. As serting that her husband treated her in a rudo and sarcastic manner, Charlotta Conway today filed suit for divorco against James T. Conway, capitalist. Judge Graham issued an order preventing Conway from dis posing of his property, pending the settlement of the suit. La Follette Forces Organize. LOS ANGELES, March 1 La Fol letto republicans will meet tomorrow evening to form a committee to fight for a Ca'lfornja La Folletto delega tion to the Chicago convention. Three hundred voters signed tho call for tho meeting. Explosion Destroys Arms. PORT HURON, Mich.. March 1. Fired by the explosion of a gasoline tank, a warehouse containing $750, 000 worth of national guard equip ment waB totally destroyed by fire hero this afternoon. First Sunday Theatres. WENATCHEE, Wash,, March 1. For tho first tlmo In tho history of Wenatcheo tho theaters will bo open on Sunday. At tho city council meeting last night it was decided that tho theaters and moving plcturo shows be allowed to run on Sunday and aUo that no llcenso fco bo charg ed tho various lodges for operating pool tables. DonrWaiTsoTong One of tho most surprising things In tho world to druggists Is that so many people endure unnecessary suf fering and trouble. Every day thoy hear peoplo Hay, "I have been feeling so weak and miser able for the last few months that I finally decided to como and ask you what to do for it," For Instanco, Miss Zuluh Teagur ilon, of Conuellsvllle, Pa says in a letter: "For years I had beon in bad health owing to run-down system and general weakness. I had no ap pctito, was tired out, und had no strength. "Hearing so much about Vinol I decided to try it, and I find it tho greatest of all remedies. It has built up my strength, restored my uppotlto, and mado mo as well us ovor. I might just us well have had this benefit years ago it I had taken Vlnol thon." Now If you aro weak und In poor health, don't wait another day, but let Vnlol, our delicious cod llvor and iron romedy without oil, make you strong. Wo guaranteo it you got your money back if not satisfied, Mcdford Pharmacy, near P, O, BUSY TODAY. TAFT BOOSTS AFTER'N PAPERS WASHINGTON, D. C. March A renmrknble "boost" for tho after noon paper by President Tnft i the subject of much newspaper discus sion hero today. Speaking before the National Press club at 0:110 o'clock last night, the president said: "I am glnd to be hero nt u time when those who have published the day's solid facts have laid down tlu pen and those who are about to re publish the same, fads tomorrow morning are just starting their MAN INJURED A James Thompou wns badly injur ed Friday morning when n team he was driving ran awny on Tenth street He was thrown from the wagon nml struck on his head. The wagon wu-. demolished. Open Roosevelt Headquarters. SEATTLE, Wash.. March 1. Roosevelt headquarters wcro opened at the Seattle hotel this morning, with Kenneth C. Beaton in charge. The first skirmish for tho control of tho republican stato organization probably will take place this after noon at Tacoma, whero a meeting of the stato central committee will bo held. Search for Missinq Girl. OAKLAND, Cal., -'March 1. A state-wldo hunt, centering In Oak land and San Francisco, today Is be ing mado for Miss Adella Voland. a pretty 23 year old Oakland girl who disappeared February 22. The po lice say Miss Voland left home of her own volition. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 1. Two ounces of whisky must bo put in a highball to mako it legal, de cided Justice Reevo in a back-salary suit. V. Dobbins, plaintiff, says four It has been commonly thought that ounces go in New Orleans and San Mr. Putnam wrote the Mail-Tribune Francisco. His Los Angeles employer diatribes. Not so. Edwin Andrews, balked at one. inchoate and incognito, has been pro - ducing the oliticul slop Unit has LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 1. from timo to time trickled down the "How about some cbop suey?" qucs- editorial spout of the Mail-Tribuno tloned Policeman Howe of Policeman AVhy Andrews wrote with a mailed Childress, both off duty. Thoy en- hnnd is not in evidence, but that h tered Quln Bong's establishment. "All wrote ifi beyond dfapittc. light, all light," whined Quln, pro- Not doomed, like Hamlet's ghost, ducing a bundle of lottery tickets, but choosing to walk the. night, be Tho officers had to do their duty. cause his deeds are evil, Edwin An- drews, under tho nom de plume f LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 1. Putnam, has written the cditoiifl "Has any gentleman hero seen tho vaporing which attempt to set all late Mr. Kelly?" sang Lllllo Tettraz- Iln,,s ngninst Mcdford, and now the zlnl. TremendoiiB applause. She nmc hidden voice cries out ngnhut was illustrating to two friends tho "Greeks bearing gift." harmony in popular music. Sho had Unfortunately Mcdford is the habi been asked to sing "Kelly" during ' f 011c of the most daring gangs her engagement here. of llticnl buccaneers Hint ever i,i- fested a community. The Mail Legal blanks at tho Mcdford Print- Tribune is its inurnment and Aii imr company drews is its mouthpiece. In ord.jr Progressive Reliable Ashland's beautiful hills ivveibciuto with the bray of n new llnuitelly from Hie v clone belt of Ohlulioiun, who discovers a mliTobe.grnm that proven that Andrews vviolo Putnam nud Is Iho t inl colored uctil In (he political woodpile. Armed with Sampson's famed weapon, this literary Sherlock HoIiiicn nnhon to the re cue of .ludge Dunn. THE VEILED HAND. Front the Aflilntiil Tidings of Feb. ail. Tho Honorable Edwin Andrews of Medford, singer, editor, actor und till around fixer for tho political gang that has dominated ltickson county for four years, luu hoeti busier then n cranberry inoruhnut for tho pant ten days. Ho sooma to he afraid tint some of the county office will go begging. Ho has been in Ashland several times, attempting to gel can didates in the field, lie did not say who was paying his expenses or what great necessity called him to the work. About tho lime George Dunn decided to becomo i candidate for conn'" .piuge, Atuirovvs ursi appeared in tho Ashland fiold in an effort to tnuddv the waters by introducing other candidates in tho race, but he failed, after which he called on the Tidings to say that George Dunn wis the best candidate ever. Then he straightway ru-licd to Central Point and urged C. W. l.eever in enter thr race for county judge. His trail if so devious that it is hard lo ee just what he is attempting tt) do or wh he is attempting to do it. Put he seems interested, init'hlily interested. It has beon fairly proven what was behind the great efforts put forth by Andrews in tho interest of the present incumbents of the county court, some four yours apt. Candi dates picked by his own hand were elected then. Judge Neil was of his picking, and George Davis yielded lo his persuasive pica to run for com missioner. These officers have been absolutely dominated hv n certain coterie of Medford politicians, the county is run in debt about n half million dollars, rumors of graft are. rife, and gross , incompetency and loose business methods uro the re sult. It is frcoly claimed that the gang dominating did not lose nny money on the deal. It is sure the county did not gain any hv it. Wonder if Mr. Andrews is hit' in the same interest again, with the same design 7 If so, God forbid. The work has hceu (piite a tin upon the slight constitution of .Mr Andrews, for his time is well occu pied in writing tho editorial, for the Mail-Tribune, as it has been from the first. His latest editorial mouth- uigs arc about "Gift-Hoariug Greeks," ami it is n fine speech with full complements of stage setting. Continuing Our First Reply Tho preventive treatment of CATARRH In early llfo depends entirely on tho parent In that tho prevention Is purely duo to teaching tho child how to breathe properly. The first question then Ik how to toll that tho child Is not breathing correctly. Kusy ouough to toll this, watch aiiyouo that has no obstruction to tho respiration and you will see flint that their facial plcturo presonta tho following points First, tho lips aro not thick beyond that of a family characteristic and when thoy brcutbo thoy do so without any effort on their part and the net Is ono requiring no special effort. On tho other hand tho plcturo prcsoiitcd with ono who bus an obstruction Is first wo find unduly prominent lips, wo boo tho nostrils collapsed duo to tho constant mouth broutblug and non-development of tho nostrils, wo find tho child laboring for Its breulh mid moro so If sleeping, duo to tho fact that when lying down tho obstruc tion Is more complete and necessitates moro of an effort to get a (suffi cient amount of oxygen through tho mouth, In fact tho face of a mouth breuthor Is AHSOLUTKLY CHARACTERISTIC. Mouth broathlng Is tho vory earliest beginning of Catarrh, Its euro In childhood muaus tho ob viating of this condition In older llfo und Indeed oven In tho largo ma jority of cases deafness would not exist woro It not for Catarrh. Tho best method to pursue then In to huvo tho child examined by competent physicians as soon us tho suspected condition dovolops and thon huvo tho obstruction removed no matter what tho ago of tho child may bo tor right hero It mlgnt bu appropriate to say that thoy aro never too young to bo treated. For an examination of this kind In order to be nt all satisfactory tho child should bo gono ovor vory thor oughly in a dark room ami as has beon our exporlonco lately wo huvo found in sovoral cuses whero a careless examination had boon made and tho parents notified that mi opoiutlon was necessary that such wns not tho case at all but that some other conditions was causing all thu trouble. WE WILL TELL YOU MORE AGAIN SOON Drs. Saunders & Green Prnctlco limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE und THROAT. GARNETT-COREY BLDQ. MEDFORD, OREGON Ignatius Donnelly Out-Don that the gang might hold its gi-UNpiug fingers tightly upon the throat of Mcdford, every ait of the netor, every stage setting of the driuim, every iutieiido known to the vocabu lary of man has beon iweii'ined by this wily champion tlirntwlt the editorial columns of the Muil-Tiihtmc until the people of Medford uro net against themselves, and now the un seiupuloiiH political manipulator raises tho cry of "tho whole county ogniiiKt Medfnrd," "anything lo heat Medford," and the like rot, with the intent of forcing tho scattered vote of (hut town together in the hope of agnin controlling the county offices. That cry of wolf has been echoed hv tho Medford political muchinutors i long it is entirely threadbare. The good people of Medford are fully aware of tho intent. They huvo hud , full illustration during tho past four years and they will have no more of it. For some two weeks Mr, Andrews has been too busy to write ami dur ing that brief hcuoii the Mail Tribune wns silent un it sphyn. on mutters political. Necessity for quick action in and about Ashland was urgent. Ashland should he nppeased with a few candidates, and who was better equipped or more willing to name them than the gang represent ed by Andrews? He flew to the tank, but it was hard sledding. The peo ple in this end of the county had their faces .sternly set agaiimt the erstwhilo political buccaneers and would have none of them. Then the necessity for a Mining editorial aro-e. It must he made to appear that the whole county was up in anas agiiinsi Medford because that splendid city had been progressive. It was neces sary to call everybody outside of Medford knockers and obftruetion ists, noifiirognWives and do-noth ings, chumps, idiots and fools, audi who had proven so worthy of the task us Andrew At the .same time George Dunn U'Hti 111 tlllt filtlil fnf. ftflllllll't , ., , , i i ,i and l would never do for the gang ' " " ......, J.,..' to allow him to he elected. With Mich a county judge as Dunn their chubby hands would he excluded from the county till und the taximy ers' treasure box would be forer barred against them. Thai would never do. He must bu dufcuted. The best way to do it, thoy thought, was to coax a number of candidates into the arena from this end of tho coun ty, so Andrews could write u MhiI Trihuuc editorial declaring that Ash laud wanted the earth, thus neutral izxing Dunn's strength in thu cam paign. Immediate action was neces sary and Andrews could not wrtie political editorials and hunch candi dates at the same time, so Putnam nud Sonutor Von der llellcu were sent into this field "candidal hunching," while Andrews grabbed his editorial pen und wrote "llewsn of thu Greeks Hearing Gifts." Mr. Edwin And row, as thu veiled representative of tho Jackson county political tricksters, is the tnoit dan gerous man in this county. II wields n trenchant pou. He is un accomplished actor. Ho understands the art of stugu setting better thai' any man in the county. He is trained in the sly tricks of politics. He has successfully impersonated the villaii on the stage and the hero, Hamlet Aggressive Ethical nellized ami the ghost, lie is mi adept nt dramatic effect, lie Ioiown the cun ning of Shylock, the nivhiHs of Hutu let and the soft, eloquent speeeh l Portia. He has toyed with the per souulliy of King John and listened to the mad waves breaking on the bleak rock as Lear, He hn by lieuit the speech of the injnicil hero and the court villain, lie is familiar with the intricacies of plot und knows how best to weave a utocy to n given effect. II is ittifm Intuitu for Mud ford thni Andrews hua hotfn nllowTil to iio the editorial columns of Ilia Mitil-Trihuii' and leave Putnam lenpoiisible for bin unwarranted and rookies ut (crane. Duugeious indued i ihs cunning iiiu nipulntot' when he is allowed to work with a mailed liwiitl. The political editorials of (he Mail-Tribune me writ ten by Edwin Andiews, (hn clor, nnd the stage ef fects from front nuiUiu to wing art hniinoiuxed lo every speech. Now that tho piopi'o understand the origin of the uohtical ulleraneen of the Mail-Tribune and the full de sign in them, it will he hnrd for (lie false Poloiiius lo advise the (teoptf of Mcdford ngniiiHt their own goi! hv making it apwar Hint all of .Inch son county is arrayed auriwM i. when, in fact, no such feeling exist., in older that few M)llicnl hue cancers resident titers can keep their hands in the public treasury. Andrews, not I'ulnnui, is slinging the political tint Ihnl is mi.unf; brother against limther and m! against section in Jaeksou einiulv "The voiee is .luenh's nifc, but the hands me (he hands of K-uu " Medford Printing eonipmi) carry a full Hue of legul blnnki) TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no eoual on oarth 'n vorlety of mineral waters and curing dleiue that ineillrlnrn will not reach. If you aro In need of health, como now Wc imv upon nil in" j I'll r mm wan y.uii mr hwil , nf0 g( Mt,.I)U()n now Wl, I ........ ,l .1 .., ,1. jus In summer Stage dallr from Itee Hluff to the iprlnu Further par tlculnrs dilrenn E. B. WALBRIDGE Tt'SCAN KI'ltlNRH. CAL A SNAP GO acres, stx miles from Medford. good graded road cronscs thu tract, all freo soil, at 50 per acre. Jluoo will handle, easy term on balance Part Is creek bottom bind, su'table fur alfalfa Several sprliiM on the place Timber eiioiiKh to pny for the tract. No bulldliiKH In the Griffin ereck district W. T. York (Si Co. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Heating ii Work Oimninti'i-n I'rlCKM Itt'MMdllulllfl COFFEEN & PRICE 35 Howard nlock. nntrntiue un Utb raclfto 3031. ltorac 213. fii IF YOU OWN A LOT Wc will hulltl you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. and H. Co. Dulldlng FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in Mcdford in ton lots at $15.50 PER TON $14.75 PER TON nt car, Hmid postal or telephone (lloinel SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our alfalfa well cured and is uol tun scorched and ictiiiiiH all itH rich juices and iiounMniicjit and coloi Tho rilulks aro not bruised nud broken and the tender leaves and tops are not bruiHcd mid Hhultorud off, THE FINEST TOl'-VAUJE HAY THAT CAN HE PRODUCED, Tho farm Is Irrigated from JUmuo Uvir, WHERE TO 0 0 TONIGHT y 4. - 9-0 - AI.WAVH N THU LKAD t'lidce nli-cellou People-" Allium- incut 'o. Alvvnya la the Lead 6--HUUIIIT PIIOTtl PLAYU-H TODAY'S PUOUUAM ".IKA.N I.VlHUVKNKB" A Vltanruph MnatcrplecH "SICKIMJ HPOICANK" A lleautltul Bceiilc of Hjwkmio. Waah. "A SAI'K PROPOSITION" Splendid Comedy Miama TIUCHIlirX'H CAVICOK DKATIP powerful Indian I'wUiir '11113 LADY POIiICK" A Utp-ltoailuR Karc Coinwly AL SATIIKIt In Soint wooi.wnimiB The MovltiK Ph'iurv Mutlcutim At nib Nn Pokuo AiIiiiImkIoii Hie Mntlnee Uveiy Mny (.'otiilnu, Special Kent ore, t'oiulliK TucMluy, Weilueiiluy, Tliuiiihiy Mnnli n, (I, 7 "AlUtAII-NA-POUrK" A production i worthy In uutiiy variant wn. and no uiiliii an to command critical mid popular at tention even aiuoiiK thu beat of Ihti world'H Ki'at plusn THEATRE TONlGiiT A I'Vnluro Set 111 MiKU'ri tlOATS S ven of th em, predentin a bur- bMti on "Pitch- Totn'a Cabin." ThU Is a feature act (tlroct from Pautag. VotJ.Vfl ntxo.v Tho Lightweight Champion of tuu Norths at, and .IOi: PAKKUlt Tho Local Favorite, will ludiilga In tliret round of clever boxing. Hera la your chance to o theao lioya dliplay aomu of the rval, Clever bog'ttg. Draperies VVr carry a vory cmnptnlr liar if lri4'-rl' . irc inirlelim, fit ter. )'( . unit tin all rlitniwN of uplmlgi. mi A Hl'.rlnl limn 10 lima wflir lliln work exrluwlvnly niul will lw ua K'Xxl rli'r A Im iollil" In Kill In ivmi ti 'irrtii rltlvN WEEKS K MCGOWAN CO. F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your laun put in lirM eh', xliupc? All irorh i;u(irmileed. I,cuu ihUIiush uilh II. If. I'uttcmoii, (jimiLir Nurnery, N'llrdl hotel Pllw W WWH I mwtp STAR THEATRE ISIS Mcdford Roal Eatato & Employment Agency l'Olt HALK 100 acre I mllou out, $150 pur aero. ISO airaa Improved Mtock and all Hoos at 112,000. 237 iiciok ImpioYiid uood hUicJc or orchard land, $15,000. 110 Keren Improved Hloek'and nil Ko at $100 pur aero. 27 nerea 9 iuHvh out from Aahland $2000. 20 acioM 2 inllaa out frniu .Mad ron!, 5 In pea in ; thli plncu Im well Improved. 100 acre H mllou from Wood- vlllo, $15000. 10 acrou 2 in 1 1 oh from Central Point, DM, In frull. 25,000 ncroM uliecp ranch In Call. fornln, $1 per aero, with 25,000 (tcroH outside niiiRo. TltADi; 180 ac ron In Kouumi, Minn,, for a ranch hero. 180 iioioh In (Uoiivvootl, iduho, will triidii for ranch hqro, otic good for alfalfa. 157 ucrcH Port nil), Idaho, for a titock of rooiIh near Portland. lOtjulty In a 5 room nindurn bun- ijiiIow lo trade for atom. flIIS(Ml(lNK()UH Hand Hpruy pump; innlco an offor, l.aruo 20 allon libn ltottlu; mako mi offor. 2 wutchoa to tnuio for ohlukonu. U.Ml'liOY.MKNT 2 men for prunlUK (JlrlR for i;oneral IioiihowoiIc Hlx coal niliiorfl. Coal minora to work by tho ton. Phono In your oniora fop monj no cliaruoa to tho omployor. E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nach Hotel Phono llli: Home, 1 1, 0 i 4