h. PAGE TWO" atEDFQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, anSDFORP, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH .1. 1012. JDIXREFUSES TO BREAKS HER ENGAGEMENT. 'TEDDY'S CAMPAIGN rsaJfcar IcfsjfrspT ' pppDJ rmammggfKmmmmmmmma $,80,0(10 OFFER FJK ST. 'HELEN'S - i ii Mcdford Parties Said to Have Of fered Bishop Scaddinn Site and 8bmisibr ftcmovnl of tplscophl Vbtifin Ladles Scliool. " A report In the Orogonlnn of Feb ruary n2$ states that Mcdford lms nuulfi excellent offers for tho mov- lng"ot St. tlclon's Itnll from Portland to this city. An onrtovor to confirm the report was mntler but apparently no onb know, of, tho origin of tho ar ticle. Tho report follov-B: "Mcdford cltfoons nro ondoavarlng to Induce tho trnateos of St. Holon's UnlM an ISptscopallnn school for girls, on IJortlnna Heights, to movo tlio school , to Mcdford. , Bishop Scaddfnc, chairman of the board of trustees, received n communication yesterday, offering thirty-six acres of land in the suburbs of Mcdford, wprth .$30,000, $2o,000 worth of furnishings, supplies and groceries and a cash bonus of $25,000, total ing $0,000, It the trustees will place tho school in that city. "Bishop Scadding said this is the most generous offer the Episcopal ians have over recoived, but that as it Is doslrnbla for n girls' school to he In or near tho city, lie does not think It will go to Medrord. " 'Many living in the country feel.' ho said, 'that it Is part of the girl's education to send her to a boarding school in a city like Port land, where she will have an oppor tunity of hearing good music, lec tures, attondlng the theater and bo coming acquainted, under propor re strictions, with city llfo. Tho best educationists say it is an adrantagc for a girls' school to bo in the city." " UlrMflfwf UISS ANTOINETTE HECKSdiER. MINING NEWS ALBANY, Mnreh 1 Brnndlug Folk M. Brandt as u confessed forger ami declaring until It was shown con clusively tho former nlet of Morti mer I,. Schlff d,ld not commit the crime for which he was sentenced to thirty earR' Imprisonment, t,over- uor Blx In a stntotnqiit tuulght says ho will justify and mntutalu his de termination that Brandt is not worthy of a imrdon. , In tho course of the statement l)!xj says: "j tiooimul upon Brandts own administrations and statements that ho Is not a propor person for execu tive clemoncy, without regard to the truth or falsity of his sworn state ments and admissions In court. Tho 1 letters submitted to mo that he has attempted to disprove tho crime to wnlrh he formerly pleaded guilty by I stating facts and uttering Inslnuu f tlons which would make him guilty I of a still more abhorrent offense t. Sw.etary 17. H. Inritncr of the Sterling Gold Quartz Mining & Mill ing company tins announced official ly that It. L. Hay, formerly the su perintendent of the company, has lea&ed tho property for one year on a royalty IMsIs. Tho mlno Is already splendidly equipped and -Mr. Hay will bogla active operations by March 1. an offenso against tho sanctity of a home, by nn accusation I utterly disbelieve." IMPRISONED SPEAKERS TAKEN TO NEW JAIL SAX DIECIO. Cal.. March 1 Sher iff Jennings will leave this afternoon for Santa Ana, taking with him 30 of the Imprisoned street sneakers, With the announcement of tho os- who win ho n,acei1 ,l1 tho 0ra"K tablishmnt of a custom mill In Gold j comil" J"11- Sanitary condition-? in Hill, a large numlH-r of prospects are Ith0 ,ocal " ca,,B0l thls nc " getting out oro thut they may lio'""' 1,iirt Ul ",e am"uruils- u,e Jau largur quantities on the dump by the J be,,,S overcrowded, time that the mill Is completed. Thei company exuecUr to have the mill in Hdftd irmi Jim rt-TNN operation within tho next thirty days and it Ib understood that they hae a largo amoMut of material waiting the starting of tho plant. RURAL CARRIER SHOT; MISTAKEN FOR THIEF EUGENE, Ore., Mar. 1. Mi-taken for a burglar when lie entered the oomlinntion .lore and post offiac owned by Edward Smith, at Lowell, Joshua Cain, mail currier, was shot and probably fatally wounded by Smith early today. Smith shot Cain through the back. He fired from u window above the Btoro entrance. BE BARRED FROM RING The report of the year 1011 of the stnto bureau of mines has been made public py the state secretary of that organization, C. D. Mahono. The re port placed particular emphasis up on tho fact that Oroirnn was Rhlnninci .. . . nroman mreo times inc nunorai prouucis into the stato that the stitc produc ed. This condition, according to the roport, could be easily changed and fix the balanco of trade upon the other side. NEW YOIlK. March 1 Laboring under the delusion thut the New York state boxing commibslon controls the whole country, Hugh Mcintosh, Aus tralian fight promoter, wrote a let ter to the commission asking It to suspend Jim Klynn and prevent him from fighting anywhere in tho Unit ed States. Mcintosh is sore on tho declaring that ho broko a contract with him to fight Sam Mc; Vey and Sam Langford in Sydney. NEW YOftIC, Mmcli 1 That Wall Shoot Is more puzzled than uvir over the political situation Is the amotion here today of Financial America, or gan of the "street." "Speculative . Interests are not agreed," the paper says, "whether the Columbus speech of former President Hoosovolt hns cleared tho political situation to any meat intent. On one hand the. Idea Is advanced that It was so extremely rndlcal that It has com pletely eliminated him as n possible nominee of tho republican party. On the other hand, It U claimed that while this opinion may be entertained u the eustjuul by lepiosontntlvos or largo corporations, he has greatly strengthened himself In the eye of the radicals and ptogiesslvcs and tlpit consequently tho contest between President Taft and Hoosovolt for the nomination hiift been made much keen or. "If Hoosovolt Is practically out :l tho race for tho republican nomina tion because of his radicalism, Is claimed that President Taft will bo able to got the nomination without muck difficulty. Evon granting this, It is further pointed out, that the nomination might not by any means spoil rc-olucllon, and that from the Wall Street point of vlow the situa tion Is still very much mixed, practi cally as so great uncertainty exists ' as to the identity of the probable nominee of the demon nts," hi IJuii SUPPER Saturday, March 2nd Misses' and Children's Drosses, nil sizes !1 f M years While working on tho old Bradon mine, J6hn W. Opp, who has leased the property and is sinking n hun dred-foot shaft, struck old workings I of the mine Friday, covered com pletely with water. Tho water will be pumped out immediately and the work continued. It Is reported that tho shaft has been in good quartz down to the presont level. FIVE MINUTES Sournesi, (5ns, Heartburn and Stem itch Distress will Disappear Distress after eating, sourness, gas and heartburn can be quickly relieved by taking one or two MI-O-NA stom ach tablets. They aro guaranteed to banish any caso of Indigestion, acuto or chronic stomncli, ujlmout no matter what It Is called, or money back. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are small and easily swallowed. They uro sold by Chas, Strang and druggists every where for CO cents a box. They are put up in a neat metal box that ran conveniently bo carried In tho vest pockot. They aro especially recom mended for nervousness, sleepless ness, bad dreams, constipation, dizzi ness and bllIou?&?s. 50c, 79c, 98c, $1.1C, $1.49 to $3,50 Special Prices' ' 1 . I . $rShecX 10-1 siitf, SeaiAleSs Pofuioi qurilily, full bleached. Snlo 75 each 4 -H r LACE CURTAINS Ono-lhird ol'f of our regular" prices Saturday evening only. T.unalow Nets, Noiiinhanis, 5-1 ineies wide. rtllues !j1.75 to $0.50 pair Percales, 1;V values, lull width, heavy quality .. .10 Investigate our Domostic Stock WE'LL PLEASE YOU FIRST AND OURSELVES AFTERWARDS Until you are perfectly pleased in every purchase made here, we shall remain dissatisfied and shall not consider the deal closed until you arc satiniied. "Brins hack the merchandise when you regret a purchase made here ami tell us your desires. You shall have them filled, and williiu reason all displeas ure rectified. We don't mind exclrtmginj? the floods or refuhding the purchase price. 1V1 Hj M2j Jv I2j XV o $ty&Hfa t T t T T T T f t T T T T T t T T f t f f T r T f f f T. T T T f T T f f T T t T T f I V THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ,. tip. . , t .,' '' "' " '' ... - .-U.v-1 . .-, ., t" ,"'" J.5-' t " '. . t -" If ny ? t . , , ( 1 ' '' tyiparj-U'm, 'Its ijSSKTOllffi&M ' ' I t -'- r.n... iter.... Wf lifcfG mi- P'-4 !" '. 7 "I" . "Vx ; sty' 1 "III !! i i ii. i in m 'mil I li'it OF MEDFORD, OREGON Extends to everyone a special invition i' ... . , to attend the formal opening of their 4 V J t Modern Bank w . 4 2L . W $JrJi, i If BuiLding y Saturday, March ""- "i 1--J:l .Arm, , j.' i'oura ii) u ami i ; l "!' 1 '( 'v MAi Jmi ho to o;yo p. ai 1912 I The bank will be ready for business in the new building Saturday morning, March 2nd. ' Come and see' ,an up-to-date bank in every respect. t T T T f T t T T f T T T T r t t T T ? X f T T f f t T T f T T t f T T T T f T f T T T T T : woaj- 'XM" . w -..