( aX&tm te K " m' M Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight nnil tomorrow. Max. rl, Mln. lf).tt. Dnlly Ninth Your. 'nrlv-Klrat Vtnr MISDiTORD, OUIOOOX, JWIIMY, .MAIK'H 1, 1912. No. 294. CHINESE MOB ATTACKS LEGATION TEXTILE STRIKERS WIN GREAT VICTORY AT LAWRENCE ,p t EAUTIFULVALLEY.ILOVEiT SO DECLARES GREAT SINGER MADAME SCHUMANN-HEINK. Mmlnmc Schumann-Hclnk Unqunll (led in Hrr Praise of the Ronuo River Valley Displays Groat In terest in Local Conditions. Noted Songbird May Return to Mud ford Says Tills Is Surely an "Italy" May Invest In Orchard. "Ah I ll in Nil mi bountiful! Tin wonderful v(hy how I love il (Hormus utthnltliio llif blue, lilitt k - -beautiful, bwnulifiil, beautiful. And tlmt view from my window! Ami did you mm tho wonderful iiiH"i'l In' injtht Tint exquisite pink of I In' kv Iioh tln iiitonito blue o tin inoiiiiliit! WliMt h liiipy, liii place in wltit'li lo lit! I1nu it o!' in h torrent of fooling, induced hv n single dy hi III" Koguo liver vullu. iiml vfith word which omiiio no fwl that I hoy Iwft no qiiewlion h lo their sincerity. MmiIuiiic Kchuiumiu-lloink, , oiio of tin world' grontc! Hinger, Ufc MMimHiH fm ki' Hij)riH-lntiuM of lll valley. Sim spoke in wiporlu ttvot only Hinl thou iiMvcrtcd Hint ho hrnl failed to fully e.pierf her itt Prom one who pictured Mod- ford n m hllli' town, in which hi might iot. Mttdumo Kchumnuii-llcink has hmuiu flit indent "ImohMoi," mid die Iihm pruiiilwd In onuio again, il not lo ing, to enjoy iho nllo.' iiinIiiIiIom oliiiiatc. il i uvtmntly ttiilik'ly iIihI Mad n me Schiimnnii-lloiiik Iihm rend any ot llic liloraluty iiwueil hy I ln ('omuior i(il club, no it would It" niil'iiir to ne Huso lifr of quoting loiuiulti Miller, when nIip declined till morning Unit th'iH vx indeed .nn "Itnly." Vet tlmt in the iuiirtmiiii mIio bus roeoicd mid the o.prewiiin mIic lined. Mnduiuo Holiuumiiu-lloiuk in do- IIkIiII'iiI us ii porwiuugo lo interview. Shu wclonmon oiio, not n tin giont aingor mIio in, hut wilier iin u wouiiin who lui hor work to in I lie uoild, mid who consider hor work to In), above everything nine, keeping homolf u woinuii, full of mother love mid kind lines. To moot her under oiiouiu hlnnee uhoro her I'iiiihi n ii winger hud not proiiccdod hor, would he to meet a niiuplo woiuaii, intensely iu teivxtod in her family. Efforts (o gel lier to diotiM hor triumph and Iter wondvrful voiou fail. Yet kIic over ready, yon, minor, to lull of her hny, and the. hoaui nIio lain laaiutaiu ed for thuiu. It in to her n xrenl le lU'iel that mIio Iiiih had to ho the breadwinner, for nhe in most hnppy doiiiK the Mimplo lliinn uhottl the home. Madiiino Soliiimnnu-lleink loves the wont its ooloriiitf, iIh viihIiicmhi Iih oputi-luiai'tudliotiH. .Sim dwells on lliix lluuiio to a cruitt extent and nivm that ho uiuuli Iiiih hIio pniimeil' the woxt, in interviews, that custom pa lie i. luivo lakon her to lank for it more than oneo. "Tliny Hay thai 1 tnkii Iho oiihI'h money hut that I liuvo only words of pniito for tliy wot," hIui loiaarkod todav. "yot I lijvo all of Aiii(iiioa. it is Hiieh ii wondoi'ful country yot lovo I no wast for hnro is Hinoonty mid opoii-hoarti.'duoHH. "I am iitt)isuy inturustod in your valley hgio. I havo hoon turning J'roin Mootat to laud for my iuvtmN inontn iih it douri not worry mo iih nuieli. And 1 may return to your vallov hum, for il is ho hoautifiil." .Madnmo Heliiiuiuiiii.lloink displayed peal InluruHt in oity and valloy ak iii iuuiiiiKU'ahlo (pieslioiis rolatiu to Hie I nut industry, Iho price of laud and the like. A9E INCREASE IN WAGES GIVEN MILL WORKERS LEADERS OF CHINESE REPUBLIC AND MEMBERS OF DEPOSED MANCHU DYNASTY. H DISTANCE TUIFF RKTE5 IRE m INTO EFFECT Tlio now illolmico tariff ruto on th Soiilhurn I'liolfle, which provhhi a nwitortul mduottou over tho old rtm, wore put Into offwt today by tho rnllroaij In mjcord with tin? order fif Clio vRfu(o ' nitirOnd finifllHIOi. which Ntnelflud .March I. Tho rull roud did not carry tho flKhl nKnlimt tho order Into court iim was expected. Tho reduction ordered by tho ooiuuiliwlou amounted to approxi mately 30 pr cout. It Is n flioclul Ikhiii lo oHMlorn and soutlieru Ore gon Mild mnkoti II pomtlblo for tliem to oiijoy KpiiroxluiiitliiK low rntoH al roHily enjoyod by cllloti within 100 lo ami tulle nidi us of Portland. JOE SMITH OUT Lotto Strike Ai)roaclilii Conclusion Only Release of Imprisoned Lea ders Stands Between Strikers and Victory. Concessions of Mill-Owners Practi cally What Operatives Demanded Fifteen Per Cent Raise in Wages Joo Smith, formorl) with Smith & .Moloney of this city and an old tlnio rtwldoiit of Medford, on Friday announced hit) candidacy from tho Kviiuh Crook district foi county com mlHxInnor on tho republican tlckut. After tho firm of Smith & Malonoy dUsolvod Mr. Smith was for koiiio time oiiKHKOd In tho huriiOHH IiiibIiiohr In IIiIh city. Than ho purcliatiod a ranch on Pleasant crook ahovo WI mer, where ho Iiiih since resided. l.AWIlICNCi:. Miihh., March 1 Victory, which promhc to become complete today, neoniB to rot with tho Lawronco textile workers nftor a throo inontlm' battle against odds nearly unparalleled ttv the hlHtory or Amerlciin IndiiKtrlul confllctH. Clubbed by pollco and charccil by mllltla with di awn bayonets, .who aro alleged to have acted under tho) orders of tho mill owner, tho Mrlk-i n mini iiiu nil) uiuir piiKOi Kllineil . publicity throiiKh tho 1'nlted Press I havo Been tho thin turn In their fa vor, until today they aro offered a I settlement ,y tho mill owners of practically tho IT. por com which they asked, and negotiations are un der way wh Aruhy Joseph lit tor, it xtrlko hmdor. and (iloyanlttl, his aide, hr to "bo roloaaod on ball. Thono mop woro charged with liav- Iiik cautod tho death of Anna I.n plKKn, a striker, dosplte sworn evi dence that thoy woro a mllo away when the woiuaii, iim was also sworn, foil from a ballot from a policeman's plxtol. Only tho roIoaHo of Kttor and his assistant this afternoon seeum to stand between tho strikers and tho KaluliiK of tholr eaiiHo. 'Ilio first In oak In tho ranks of tho mill own ers came when tho Arllnxton mills, iho IiIk woolen trust factory, offered a U par cent raise. Then tho Ameri can Woolen company, with :t0 mills, and the United States Worsted com pany alpo anuouncod concessions which affect 20.000 striken). Tho Increases offered aro prac tically the in per cent demanded by tho Htrlkers whon thoy wont out. When SO hours' pay for f.l hours work and tho r per contHtrnlKht In crease In tendered, It will lirliiK the total of tho operatives' wages to 15 por font iiioro than It was before the MnHHiichiiBottH R 1 hours a week law became effective, causlui; a cut In the wukoh and hours of the workers to what thoy claimed was below a IIvIiik level. III ;'.f' ' ll L I Mli ' -I THE EMPRESS IJOWAGEr!! I lkV' ft. SV. kH n I MtB'X rkKr' ukl DR.SUM VAT-SEN I j jB ln I U - tM fl RESULT IFSHKEi ISBFU " RAIDING MOBS FIRED UPON BY II6HINESE ARMY 'Loyal Troops Acting Under Ordws of Yuan Shi Kai, Sltott-Up Mau- rauders Many Mutineers Killed Mob Reforms in Other Parts. emperor, py-vi. FUMINFTMTFrW - i-nAHNLin rflid S40Q0 FINE FOR GENEF2A1. HOMB2 LEA- LONDON', 3lHroby-Xitification I to oiiiploytfs today by Innje industrial firms mid (he railroads that they may ho forced to suspend operation, bc eause of a -diortap1 of fuoJ, thrcatfim to oaii-o iho lay-off of four million moti iiiiIokh tho uiiucm strike in the Ilritiah oolliori. ir spoudily adjusted. With the home office ostimntiiu; that l,0lll,-ltl7 miners are out, this would brintc tin iiumhor of idle persons up to the tremendous figure of .'1,0(10,000. The situation in London already is acute, it heiuir culeuhited that the present food supply will he exhausted within two weeks. With only passen ger vessels leaving l,ieiMiol and the limited suppl.N of ooal liein hushaud od, the authorities joalixo that they may have to cope with a food famine. Government officials again con ferred with representatives of the mine owners and the men in an ef fort to effect some sort of a compro mise. The strikers are .standing pat. N JUROR LOS Bert II. SAN FUANCISCO, Cal., March 1. M. Muyomnlsu Is simply crazy about San Kranclsoo, Ordered do ported, ho could not hoar to leavo and leaped twenty feet from tho do parting liner, landing safely on tho wJ.nrf, He was shipped, just the same. GENERAE 0R0ZC0 DESERTS PRESIDENT MADERO Preparation for the Advance on Chi huahua Hastened hy Salazar Who Hopes to Leave Juarez Today. HAN KKANOISCO, Cal., March 1. doing out to tnko In tho dny'H sup ply of 'broad, II. W. dray found a pair of loudly IhiwIIiir twins In tho KL PASO, ToxiiH, March I. -Con-firiuatioti of reports that (leueral i'aseual Oiozeo has severed rolaiious wild l'rosideut i'Vaueisicrt I, .M micro of .Mexico was rcoeived here today in u inoKsnge from Louis Keriiaude, ohiof of staff of (lonoral Salazar's army who assorts that Orozr.oo will assume eliuige of the ViiHipiista unity when the force roaches Chilniiilum. Feriiiuule. is biiid lo lie (he man main ly respoiiwihlo for the success of the Vusquislu inuneiivors. l'reparaltou for the mlviinco on C'iudad, Cliihuahiia, is being hastened today hy (leueral Snlazar, who hopes lo leave Juarez lliis iiflornoun over (lie trucks of the Mexican National railway. The rohol force has boon de layed hoouuso engines and ours huvo heeu rushed to the American side of tlie hordor, ostensibly for repairs, mid cannot ho brought hack, Equip ment from Iho soulli, liowover, is ex- ptioted lodny, iiml the mlvaueo on I'hlhniiluiu will be begun wtih the ur- GEXER.tLOIWZCO xmf rriLYS rebel broad bimkot. Ho is lookliu; for a ,...i c n.,. i,.m.i.iiunu l ...... homo for tho rotindlliiHH. a(laziu. w mnv lv,H)r,ea to liavv JSf'XIw v3ff Shij vl m my lz- j nm mv Twenty-five Hundred Men Under Arms Ready for March Upon Cap ital Shortatjc of R. R. Equipment. ANGKLKS, Cul, March 1. Franklin, who pleaded guilty to oorvuptly infhieuoiug Juror Robert F. Main in the MeN'mnam trial, today was fined $1.0(10 hy Superior Judge CabmiLss. sitting for Judge Willis, in tho superior court here. The amount of Franklin'.s fine was exactly the sum taken from hjm at the time of his arrest, while talking in tlie street with Prospective Juror George X. Lockwood. Assistant District Attorney Ford, who lias had charge of this money, turned it over to Franklin, who paid his fine. The probable result of the Franklin plea and fine on the case of Clarence Harrow, who must stand trial under a bribery chnrge was discussed freely hv Harrow sympathizers and othors, following today's procedure in court. It was tho general opinion tlmt the Harrow defense will jnako much of the train of incidents in the Franklin case in the contention it undoubtedly will make that tho Franklin affair was a "plant." GENERAL PA5CUAL OR.OZ.CiO. 2,r00 men under his conunaud, and the ranks are being welled daily. Tho revolutionary commander expects to hriug about the surrender of Ciudud Chihuahua as easily as ho aecomp lisliod the fall of Jim rex. The international bridge over the Hio Grande here is heavily guardoci. Traffic over tho structure is impossj. hie as the tracks are piled high with building stone. General Saluznr is jubilant over tho nows that General Oitizeo is to join his force in Chihuahua, if (he movement against Chihuahua is sue- eessful, Salazar plans an immediate. advance on Mexico City. WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 1. Tlie ways and means committee, this afternoon submitted to the liouso tho democratic caucus bill for tho free listing of sugar. To make up for the lost revenue, iho bil provides lor nn excise tax extending the present cor poration (ax to iudiuduuls and co pavtnorships having an annual incomo of more than $5,000. BIGGEST RAID BY SUFFRAGETTES LONDON, March 1. The biggest raid the suffragettes ever held in F.nghuid occurred hero today. Neatly all tho pinto glass windows of tho department stores and clubs on tho Muymnrkot, picadilly and Bend streets atu) many on the Nogent and Strand and Oxford streets were smashed simultaneously, Tlie women used lumps, iron and stones in thoir crusade. Their work finished, tlie suffraget tes, including Mrs. F.niolino Pankliiirst and most of her prominent associates quietly submitted to arrest. Tho win dows at the home of Premier Asquilh as well as (he windows in tiio homos of many other cabinet officers were smashed because tho premier failed to press tho suffrage movement. Following a mnss meeting the wom en dosoonded'on tho fashionable West Knd district, Defovq Iho police inter fered Ihg district llooked us if n bat tery of artillery hud been ill work thoro, LITTLE BOB NOT TO ILL TO RON; STILL CANDIDATE i . MADISON, Wis., March 1. Flat announcement tlmt he still is n candi- date for the republican presidential nomination and emphatic denial of charges that broken health has im paired his availability s n candidate, are made today hy the Wis-coiisiu senator in a signed editorial in La toilette's Weekly. The article says: "I take this means of answering many inquiries mid misrepresenta tions. Tlie stntement that my health is broken i, false. A brief rest will pat me back, as of old, 'on the firing line. ''I shall continue as n candidate tor all tho prinoiplos which I have defined and for a definite program of legislation which will break the hold of privilege on tho industrial life, of the people and free them from the burden imposed by fictitious capitali zation. In twenty years of fighting for tho progressive cause I have nev er halted or turned aside to find nn easy way. 1 have steadfastly refused to make combinations in anv wav in volving the issues in uncertainty. I want the support of such delegates onl. as are willing to win or lose, if need be, on this basis." SPEEO RECORD FOR LEAP YEAR WEDDINGS Legation Compounds Barricaded Anarchy Spreading Threurwut Country. PEKIN, March 1 Acting ou direct orders from President Yuan Shi Ivai, a force of loynl troops today fired into a mob as it was moving toward the buildings of the foreign legations. Although many rioters were killed, the mob dispersed, only to re-form in another section of the city. Further chinhes between the mutineers and loyal troops are certain to follow. To IK-fciul Legation. The situation is so serious that tho legation compounds have been barri caded and the various of fieials' arc meeting to plan for defense. President Yuan, it is believed, will bo able to control the situation as long as a mnjority of the troons re main I&YoI,JmkuM3eimd4hntJhe success of the mutineers will effect the loyal soldiers. Killing, burning nnd wounding thousands of disgruntled soldiers hold sway today in Pekin, the gov ernment being powerless in their ef forts to cheek tlie atrocities. Scores of fires are raginjr in tho northwest section of tho city, hundreds of per sons have been killed or wounded and thousands of homes looted. Efforts to stop the spread of the flames by dynamite havo failed and It is feared that the entiro northern section of the city is doomed. Resiliences Looted. Tonight residences throughout tlu city are being looted and the resi dents who protest slain. It is report ed that the soldiers are pledged to continue the disorder for three das as a protest apiinst the failure of their leaders to secure better conditions. TIEN TSIN, March 1.A portion of the Fen Tni native troops revolted when they heard of the Peking riot ing and attempted to kill their offi cers. The loval nortion of tho nnm. mand quelled the outbreak. Foreign residents of Feng Tni took refuge in tho British legation, where British infantry wero on guard. Tho Peking mutineers hnve out tho lino between the capital and Tien Tsin at several places. LOS ANGL'LES. Cal., March 1. Proposed to, hustled to the county clerk nnd a Justice of tho peace, mur- rled and sent to his work all within 20 minutes Is tho unlquo record claimed today by Oharlos Llsonbard. Charles was driving an automobile truck along Spring street when ho was hailed by Sarah Hall. Miss Hull buntorinnly romlmlod him that tho day was February 29 and dared him to take hor to tho llconso clerk. Without a word Llsonbard lounoil to tho ground, swung tho matd to the seat, clumbored back and smashed a spood record to tho courthouse. Aftfcr tho coreiuony ho remarked: "llettor movo your trunkH In right mvay, glrllo. I'll ho homo for mipnor at G." and ho swung to his seat and chugged away. FIGHT PICTURE! ARE BEST EVER LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 1. Tho motion pictures of tho Attoll Kilbano battle are among the best over tukon In Amorlca, according to tho verdict today of the newspaper men who woro g'von a prlvato exhi bition of the films. Attoll's angry, surprised and des perate expression whon he realized that ho was up against an opponent worthy of his efforts la pl'ulnly shown. AIbu Attoll's contention that Kllbauo held throughout Is boruo out. McCaroy stated today that the San Francisco and other coast cities dates tor the films will bo announced in a fow days. Minneapolis Oil Fire. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March l. A gouoral uhmn of fire, was vung in hero this morning when u blaze starled in tho Stnndurd Oil wure house, nnd spread to tho other btujd ingH or tho plant before tHmiriM. ?S. ;-M-n' Hfae