; rr.ni"-'" ' t ? MOB SDC METVFOttD lrATti TRTBUITE, amDFOTtf), (HUM ON, THURSDAY, FKRRFATCY 20. 1012. W COE REBUKES G. 0, P. LEADERS Henry Wnhlo Coo, a prominent ro publican, litis written tho following open lottor to tho ropubllrnn state central committee, regarding lliolr uffort to modify tho president litl primary law: "Your committee appointed a delo. gntlon to attempt to nullify In courts tho principal feature of ono of the people's laws passed by a large ma jority under tho Initiative and refer endum relative to tho selection of delegates to tho national convention. This In order to restore in effect tho method by which tho bosses may send n list of delegates to the local leaders throughout the state, and toll tho people whom they must se lect for tho national convention. "It has also been stated In the public press that both regulars and progressives of all shades arc with your committco in this fight. "You will pardon me, therefore, for respectfully . stating that the ltooscvclt clement In tho party Is overwhelmingly opposed to any at tempt, to ovorthrow or modify In court this or nny other law passed by a direct vote of the people. If place to tnko the matter Is before the people again In another direct sub mission of the question. Let them decide. Any other course would be another blunder of the party. "Tho supremo court of the United States has finally declined to declare Illegal the initiative and referendum nnd the Oregon systom Is now con stitutional. It Is time that the re publican party should officially get Into line. "Some of the cider of us with ear lier prejudices have been slow to tnko this position. Wo must can dldly admit that some of us have been whipped Into line. "Today wo stand pquarcly upon tho platform of Theodore Roosevelt, and with him aro opposed, and will oppose in court if necessary, any at tempt to take from the masses any powor they have wrenched from tho bosses." I'KKIN. Kob. 2S1. Serious fighting Is expected today as a result of the revolt last night of hundreds of sol- dlors who, dissatisfied because they wore not paid nnd becauso of Yuan Shi Kal's surrender to the republic ans, paraded through the streets, firing rifles, threatening officials and wrecking the native buildings. Loyal troops are under orders to suppress the revolt. KILLS DAUGHTER WIFE AND SELF SAtf FHANOISIU I-Vli. 1) l)m en insane by overwork, Siuuuel Ki -titer, wonltlty proprietor t the Klk, Tu mnlo factory, -onto! into enrlv totlw shot ttnil killed his wile, Uenru'U.i. ami hi two daughter, Aileen, ugeil IS, and Kullt, 17. Me then ended his own life. The tragedy was not diM-oveivd until nearly noon, when (lumen were seen teMiiiu front the Fisher rei denoe in First avenue. Xciuhbors broke into the hotioe, firt coining call of the judiciary, cxplaiuim; that experience showed that the measure upon the hotly of Mrs. FUlier lying tended to make judges more eurcful.'m the hallway. The boriie of the JOHNSON NOT CANDIDATE AT PRESENT TIME f Continued Frcm Page Onei eon of California, speaking before the Ohio constitutional convention. Johnson especially advocated the re in rendering decisions. Heforc ad dressing tlie convention at 11 o'oloek Coventor Johnson .said that his ac tivities in the east and his trip to Ohio had tired him, and he rested for several hours at his hotel before go ing to the convention hall. SMMiks I'pon Hot-all. Johnson dwelt at length on the theory of judiciary recall. The gi-t of his remarks was: "There are two kinds of govern ments; one that rules in secret auit in which the eople are unaware of the secret influences that are brought to bear on those who make and exe cute the laws, and the other, an open govonnneut that takes into its confi denco the people of the state. In California we ore trying to provide (lie latter kind. Ilnlwnrk of Interests. "There now seems to he no objec tion to the initiative and the referen dum. That is the logical result of its trial. There can be no objection to these principles unless- it is founded on public distrust and suspicion. Our opponents have given up an impossi ble fight against the referendum and initiative and have gone back to the Inst stand of private interests, the bulwark of special privilege, and say to u! that though the recall may be applicable to others, though it may apply to governors and legislators, jt must not apply to judges. "Judges are but men. They have the same blood, are actuated by the atnc impulses nnd by the same and bad spirits of action as the rest of us. The recall will make no weak judge weaker nnd it will make no strong judge less strong. It menaces just one kind of a judge the cor rupt judge and he ought to be menaced." two girls were found in a bedroom, while Usher was found dead in an other pint of the house. The origin of the J'ire, which started in the girls' bedroom, is not known. Their bodies were badlv burned. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 20 Pltter denial of the report that Gov ernor Johnson or California deliber ately deserted Robert La Follotto In the latter fight for the republican presidential nomination becauso or the promise that he (Johnson) would bo named Colonel ltoosovelt'8 running mate was made here today by Congressman Kent of California. 28th Friday and Saturday SURPRISE SALE This will be Silk Week. Now is your chance to get a new spring suit for very little cost. All new goods 2e 27-in. Semi-silk, all colors, n bargain at 2; per vard 19c , 2(-ineh Messalinc Silk, all colors, special at S9e, yard. ' A"? Extra special J J THAT "GEE" with the requirements of your vision, not approximately, but exactly, aro awaiting you hero. I study tho hu man eyo and its varied requirements, nnd uso corroborativo tests. I also give you frco advice about them and furnish absolutely correct lonses to suit all sights. Young and old with weak eyes will be benefited by deal ing here. Dr. Rickert Eyesight Specialist Over Kentner's, Medford. 'Ju'-ineh Natural Color .Rajah Silk, while it lasts, yard , 59c Ladies' regular Hoc Bib Aprons, each 25c "Regular 15c Bleached Crash, yard 10c Ladies' or Children's regular 15c hose, pair 10c .Good 10c. Ging hams, 12 yds. for....1 S1.00 50 pieces of Fancy Silk Ribbons, values to 75c yard, very special, yard 25c Hutchison L sd umsaen XKXX Y T Y Y Y T T Y Y T Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f f Y Y Y t Y Y Y i Medford Theatre, Monday Night, March 4th John Cort's Stupendous Production and Great Success AMERICA'S GREATEST EMOTIONAL ACTRESS I MRS. T FQI IF Lj Lj kJ Lj 1 Lj H m ft IH V H H H V In Rupert Hughes' Powerful Five-Act Drama T?" TWO WOMEN Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t t t X I I This play will be shown in Medford exactly as it was presented during a long run at the x Lyric 1 heatre, JN ew Y ork, last season, and as presented this season m Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco Two Carloads of Magnificent Scenery and Appointments. A Superb Company of 50 Players J Y Y Y Y X i t Y Y Y Owing to the late arrival of the company from 'Frisco, and the extensiveness of the production, the, curtain will not rise before 8:45 p. m. PRICES FOR THIS EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENT Orchestra Circle $1.50 First three rows of Balcony $2 Balance of Balcony $1,50 Gallery 75 Cents X Orchestra, $2 r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J i J . i ill A.A.AvA.A.A.A.AA. T02K0IC1Mift AA.A.AA.A.AA wrwrr-wTrrwFrgr T T TT '