: V p. I w t? u v ii :5. i ' It Isn't Fail - JCVr. lC 'VIotHtK.MHBUMS -rn i n? H. You KNOW. WTktTIVCANOOio OUT AND sCM,njR 'QM POLITICAL CARDS (I'alil AdvortlHoiiiont.) For Joltil Ili'iintti'iilittUo. I hereby announce myself tin can illiliilo for tliu nomination of Joint representative of Uio Ninth ropro Hoiitnltvo dixit lot nuhjiHit to tho en (lornoiiuiiit u( tliu ro)iil)lrtin party lit tint primary election April 19, 11)12, I present my candidacy huforo tho people iih n progromilvw. I tiltoll mip port Httitoiiiunt No. 1 been lino I bo lltivn In It. On nil other anultcrn If elected I tiluill work cnrmwtly for tlioo mutiHiirnti whluh I liolluvo to hu for thu bout lutoroHln of tho pooplo. 0. E. WH1HLER. Ciimily (Jlcilc. I huroby iitinoiiiico-ntyNoir iih a can illtliito for tho democratic nomination for tho office of rounty chirk, sub ject to tho will of tho voter of that party at tho prlmitrh. I promlso tho pooplo of .Incl.MMi county that In en no of jMy'nomlnatlon ami oloct'on I will fulfill tho (tutu of tho offlco uc I'orilltiK to law ami tho bwt of my kuowlodgo no it ahlllty. . W. II. MILLER. Gold IIIII, Ore, Fob. 10. 1,912. City Trrasurcr's Notice. Notice t houihy kim'ii tlnit thaie lfi- fiuulr mm llm ulty intiiMiryMVir tliu iiiitiiiiiiltoii vf llio follow injc wnr i'hiiIm. lntort'Hl will oi-m-o niter tlilx ilulv. WiiirniiU No. I o 11 incliirtivc J.hIoihU l, DiHtnct II- War mill j. No, J In l- imihisivo. Uloml lU, Dinliiot II. WurmitU Xim. I to -I inoliiwvo. Utoral It), DUtiiot II. W'hithiiIm N'om. 1 to H iiiclimivo. UIiiihI 17, DUtilot II. W'niTHiitM No. 1 nml 'J. l.utoiiil JH, DiHlnct II. WnrrnnU No-. o I iuolinmc. J.nlonil -tt, Dintiict 11. WiiitiiiiIm Nom. 1 nml 2. I.ntnrnl JU. DUliicL II. WiiriiinU No. I to y imhinic. I.ulornl :i, nihil id 1(1. Wnrrniit "No. 1. J,ulunil 0, U.w-lii.-t 8. Wiumnt No. 1. Laliiriil 1.', Du ll iot (I. Win runt No. 1, l,n(imil I), Pif iiict r. IWJti II. SA.Ml'KhS, Citv TrmiKtiii'i". Dnlitil iMibiimry -7, 11(12. -IK1 NOTICE KOU IIIDH ON (J1TV .l'lll.VJ'l.NO. Tho city counull of tho City of Moilfoiil, Oitmon, will rccclvo IiMh for tho city pilutlntt for IIH., at tho riiKtiliir .mimtliiK to ho hold on Tiioii day, March nth, lilt.. 'I'll Ih In tho Hocoiiil call for hhlu, (Iioho tirovloiiHly uuhmlttcil havlnc hi io n too IiIkIi. IIIiIh iniiHt ha film! with tho ulty rocortlor hy 1:30 p, in. . Miuoh nth, lilt-'. E. T. 1'OHS, .90 City Itocoulor. NOTICE. Notice Is heioby given that tho underHlguud will apply ut tho regular mooting of tho city council jMnrcli 19, 1912, for u HceiiHO to hell limit, spirit and vinous liquors at tho Hotel Mud ford, lots Hi, 17, 18, block 78, for a period of six mouths, RAU-MOIIR COMPANY. Dutod Fob. 23, 1912. NOTICE. I huinby glvo uoHco, that iqy hus band, 1. T. Btneoy, loft mo without lueaiiH of support and that I did not leave him. At tlmu of his depar ture I was Ml In hud, under euro of physician. February 2(1, 1012. 293 MRS. 1. J. BTA013Y. Legal blanks nt tho Medford Prlnt Ing company. NOTION TO STOCKHOLDERS. Tho annual mwtUiK of tho stock holders of the Sterling Gold quail. Minim; & Milling romrmity will bo liehl In tlila city MuioU 11, 1 1 1 a for Robbers to II, . - . . , , . . .-. .,11 ... - " - - TMC Election of honrd of illrcctorH nml other Important IiiihIiichk. II. 11. I.OItlMKIt. Houotnry. MONEY TO lOAN. MONEY TO LOAN In hiiiiih from $500 to C'-'fiOO on iinliicumhorcil cloo In riiuclt or city realty. Hco lliimphioy, l E Muln- LMiK MONEY TO LOAN--$3000 on Im proved real ohtnte, rate ruMHOiiahlo -iniiKl lmvu jjood nociirlty. Apply II. M Mull Trlhuue. 2'Jfi IIUBINEHH Ol'l'OUTUNITIEH AHE YOU I.OOKINU FOU A 11U81 NI3BS HNAI'7l.lHten to this. Lot 20x100, otto Btory hiilldlnt;. out. block from main Htrcot, $3000. Thin offer open only for a few day. V. T. York & Co. 'OK HALE OH KENT VOU KENT Oil BALE Klrat dam unrdon and fruit tract with houso, ham nd chlckou park. 11. A. Itadur, Medford. Oro. IOK HUNT IIOfKEKEnriNQ HOOMB FOR KENT Now nnd up to dotoi iiiiiriiiiuin guiiiiui u in uvury imiiit-. uinr, i;nn coukiiik, ni?nm ncm, oig Builth'H upartuicnt homo, 217 So Hlvomldo. FOR RENT Two fitrnUhed IlKht hoiihekeepliiK roouiH. Apply iiiorn liiKK 42S South Oakdale. 290 l'OH RENT IIOU8I-S FOR UKNV - 2 modorii buuculowii. --Cnirni-IB-ItoHOTtVjf. I'aoirlo 1331. 29 I FOR KENT A new modern ft room buiiKitlow fiiiiilHhod or a two room furnlNlied houco with Hireencd porch, ftll South Crape. 2 lift FOR "IIICNT -Two "mom furiilHlied Iioiikh, larno pantry and closet. ICIectrlc IIkIkm, city water t'loun and uoy. 317 V. Senoiul Ht. Frtl RlCNT-" New in(MleriT7"""rooni houmi clone In. Imiulre :tll North llartlett wt Home phono 21'J-K. 2 9 7 FOR KENT -FurnlHhod Iioiiho two lilockH front P. O. Aluo two fur ulHhed loiiina. Inquire 310 N. Ilarllott. FOR RENT Hockenyos UiinBnlow; modorn. 729 West 11th at. Phono Muln CC03. FOR KENT ft room Iioiiho oornur .IiicKmoii and RIvniHldo, clime In, furiilHlied or unfiirnlrihed. luqulro ft22 Noith RlverHlde. 291 FOR RENT-5 room modern Iioiiho $15 Including watur rent. Phone 711. 292 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT Largo Bleeping room, $1.50 and $2 por weok. Modern hoiiuekecplug upnrtmoutB. $15 and $Iti. Home phono 2GG-K. 222 South Holly. FOR KENT FuriilHlied suite rooms cIoho In. luqulro 311 North Hurt lett st Phone 219-IC 277 FOR RUNT Furnished slooplng rooniH by day or week; light house keeping rooms, at Suell Lodging and Apartment Houso, enst side of brldgo, flrflt street north, 21 Oon osoo. Phono Pacific 1224. 300 FOR KENT OFFICES FOR RENT Ovor tho iiostofflco, with heat nnd light. Boo A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Largo, comfortnblo oN flco roninn with olovntor sorvlco, Bteum heat, hot and cold wntor, Loyy rutos. Al'I'ly Motltod Furul turo & Hdw. Co. 1-X)K IH'N.T .MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Fully equipped placor nnd quartz mlno. Gold Ray Ronl ty Co, FOR RENTLargo nnd Btnall ranch OB. Gold Kay Roalty Co. FOR LEASE A producing gold tnilno oqulppod with flvo etnmp mills, concoutriitorB, ulr oriiRlioi-B find nlr compressors, nil opornted hy oloctrlo power. Will Kuiso on ousy tormn for poroqutngo of out pht. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR HALTS ACREAGE FOR SALE Acio and flvo aero tracts Qdlotnlng Medford on long tlmo, onsy paytnonta, or might ox olmngo. Gold ay Realty Co,, 101 Elootrlo hldg, FOR SALE Ton uoreB on main Abu land rond, PmU lullU'i, IPV $275011000 will linnilli), onsy terms on Imhuico. Flno placo for chickens or gavilon, V. T, York & Co, i mu'j .mhou& umilu Man ' ' 1 if . bt v rW 1 . . . i r " : ' - i -"" - ' MTOFOTtt) MATTi TRTBUNT, Hold Up a Detective roit BAM1 irouHiaj I'Olt HALE fi room Iiouho, about oiio acre of ground, young fruit trMM, three laruo poultry Iioiihok, 100 okk Incubator uml broodor, woodHliod and Hhop, barn, well of fliitf vatur, etc. Klvij hloclm from imphalt pavoiueul In very dilrtibIo loratlou; ground hlxh. ell drained nnd an Ideal location for a ninall poultry ranch. Must ho Hold ut onco nnd tho price will be inndu accordingly. Jmiulro Wumt 11 tli st. Orocory. 3ir VOH BALE Four room Iioiiko; wood nhud, chlckou houHc; yurd fencod; blaclthorrlcs, riiMpherrli'H, Htraw berrUm. unrdeu: water In lioiue; only 9C0, teriim. 737 t Hth betweon Nowtown nnd Klnie nts., iiovon lilocka Houth WaHb-liiKton Kchool. 31 1 FOR BALE New huiiRalow with bIx rooniH. bath and pantry: Mcrvvned In back porch 10x28; front porch 8x28; cant front; lot S0xl71 fcH deep, or two lota 100x171 with alloy at Hide, with burn on. Will i;tvo good torniH. Inquire 317 Howard ut., east side. Phono G2C1. 310 FOR SALE Seven room houso, 8 room bungalow, modern. Set) W. II. Everhurd, 909 V,'. 9th. I'hono CC71. 1--OU HALE lX)Tfl FOR SALE Rest placo In town for a Rtore; 1C0 ft front, corner HIv oriildrt nnd JnckHOn, whoro tho now lirhle Ih beliiK built. Inquire of owner, J. V. Jacobs, Woodvllle, OroKon. FOR BALE LotH nnd hiiiiiII tracta olono In. A hIx room IiuukiiIow, now, strictly modern. Phono Pa cific 743; Home M3x. 312 FTTR-ffALIC -Choice lotB In tfie clfy of JacKKonvlllo, 2.10 by 230; three hoiibOH, two woIIk and one sprliiK on lotH. ToriiiB $2000 caHh. A Kood bargain for u home. Mm. leonine Sahlfflen, JacktouvUlc, Or egon. FOR SALE -A jwud lot on S, OraiiKc Ht. ftOxlSI, only $lft0. ThlH Ih a barKiiln. Geo. C. CoruttliiH. 219 V. Main t. 291 FOR SALI fiiNI) FOR SALE 200 acres flno alfalfa land under ditch, as good land for alfalfa as can ho found In tho Btate. This will bo sold cheap. Tills In jour opportunity long looked for. Oliver 13. Drown, 4 3G N. llartlett st. FOR SALE Will gunrantoo right price and terms on 40 acres of al falfa land If purchased Trom owner before Apr. 1st. It's tho best prop, orty to imvo your money lnvetcd III today. AddrobS Uox 75, Kouto 1. Contrnl Point. FOR SALE Eighty acres, 114 miles woht of Eaglo Point. $3200. Price holds till March 1 only. W. T. York &. Co. FOR SALE StumpiiKo. 100 acres finest timber In Jackson county. V. E. 11., 352 L Ith st., San Diego, I'll I. 300 FOR SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Corrtwoort, oak nnd hardwood, $5 por cord In carload lotH. Gold Ray Roalty Co., 218 West Main. lMiouo 1873. FOR SALE Dry yellow plno (cut from largo timber) for kindling nnd tho kitchen iovo, 12-Inch $2, Hi-Inch $2.50 per tier, nt tho Standard, cor. 9th and Fir, Pacific G501, Home 103. All kinds dry wood at populnr prices. 299 FOR SALE Wood nt country prices. lG-ln fir, $2. GO; 12-hi. fir, $2; lG-lu. plno, $2.50; lG-lu. hard wood, $2.75. All dry wood. G19 South Klvoifaldo. Doll phono 5011. 30S FOR HALE EGGS AND POULTRY FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from fluo pou of Rhodo Island Rods, Phono 3811 or luqulro 908 E. Main. 298 F07fSALi: Gholco Importod TTTrtls for stilo. 207 So. Ivy street. 3Q3 FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth RockH and Whlto Wynndottca. Call 90C E. Main. Phono 1293. Home iH8-K. 290 TOR SALE Blacksmith shop with complete outfit, Cleared last year lu six niontliB $750. J. T. Perry, Mocdoel, Oil. 294 FOR .SALE Ithodo Island Red eggs, $1 par BOtting of 15. 210 Court Bt. P. O. Dox 08. 800 FOR SALE FUToon obkb, oxnroBB propuld, $2. Orpingtons, Vyjn dottes, Plymouth Rooks, Loghorns, IlnntauiB, oto. Also duolts and tur keys, Wrlto for circular. Simp hou'h Vlioomuit Fiinu, Coi'vallls, Oregon, 335 MT)FOTlD, ORWltiyr, TTTTTTCflTMY, FEBRITABV 20, FOR HALE POULTRY AND IXIGS WILL BELL 'my iir eilliiK potiK of S". C. Wh. LckIioiiih and (,'ryntal White OrpliiKtoitH, or tho entire plant, very reaKonabte. C'oine and He iih. (lood rcanou for hoIIIiik. Third Iioiiho north of JnckKonvllle depot. Mm. E. E. Oman, Jackuon IIIc, Ore. FOR SALE Hatching eKBB from my traiincfltod Crystal White Orping tons and R. I. Reiln. Myra Fuller. SlHklyou HtH. Phono 5182. 332 FOR BALE 81 heiiH and 14 pnllotH nil In bent laying form. Also Ma JchUc range, new Singer Hewing machine and furniture. 232 4th Ht. Wofit. 293 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Crystal "A'hlto Orpingtons, Rhodo Island Rods, llrov.ii and Whlto Ijghomfl. W. H. Evcrhard, 909 W. 9th st. Phono CC71. FOR SALE Puro bred Brown Log horn and Ilnrred Plymouth Rock cockerels and Poland China hogs. Phono 803-F-21. Derkelcy Or chnrdB, A. P. Stover, manager. 292 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, am hooking orders now for the Hlnglo comb "Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff Btrnln, $l.G0 for 15 eggs, $8 per 100. Placo orders now. A. W. Stone. Phono 7302. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CHEAP One wagon, double hiirucBM, runge, furniture, la) lug pullets and canned fruit. F. II. DrcHsler. 1052 W. 9th. 295 FOR SALE--Jersey cp.w. Ajiply St r.v's Academy. Mary FOR SALE First claws alfalfa heed. Write Central Point. R. F. 0. 1. Uox 73, or phone, 114 l'armor II. 298 FOR SALE Horses, weight 1200 to 1900 IIih. Heat horses In the coun try. Guaranteod. Apply C. 11. Xatwlok, cornor of Riverside and Llborty st. FOR SALE Sawing machines, boC' oud hand or now pumping onglnes chonp; sawing done to order. Phono Pac. 742; Home 143x. 312 FOR SALE Two buggies, sot of har. ness. good saddle. Cheap- J. C. Hall. 315 S. Coutral avo. FOR SALE 180 feel of 4-foot picket fnnco with 2 gates. Gold Ray Roal ty Co. FOR SALE My Stoddard-Dayton touring car, 30 h. p., nickel trim, fully equipped, self starter ordered, run about 1250 in II oh. Had best of euro lusldo and out. Can bo scon Crater Lake Garage. Prlco $1100 cash. A. 11. MUlqr, Medford. Oro. FOR SALE Saddlo pony, saddlo and bridle. Price $75. A. R. Rowoll, R. F. D. box 91, or phono 814- F-2. 292 FOR SALE-Saddlo horao G years; old, sound and wnll broken. Cull Pnclfle phono 5001. 293 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay $12 a ton. Goary ranch. . S01 FOR SALE Jersey cow giving milk. Inquire C. L. Earsley, 910 W. 11th st. 295 FOR SALE Ono brown work tnaro 7 years old, also light wagon near ly now. dill at 100 Uoatty at., Medford, Ore. 295 FOR SALE FRESH MILK COW Good milker ami gentle. Price $50. Coma and boo. Phono or write, via Central Point. J. H. Lydlurd, Table Rock. 292 FOR SALE Flno black gardon soil, luqulro W. M. Hull, 1010 West 9th st. or 401 Rlversldo avo. South. 302 FOR SALE Ono brood bow, three Bhoata 40 lbs. oaoh. Conio pre pared to take away. Wm. Packard, ono mllo south of Talent, 29G FOR SALE OR KXC1IANGH FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 ncro truck farina & mllo from Medford. W. II, Evorhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono 0G71. FOR SALE OR TRADE A clean, up to dato stock of hardware nnd 1m plomopts at luvolco price, about $2500; albo warohouso. Address Rex 75, Mncdoql, Cal. 291 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 320 ci'08 oa8torn Oregon, every fpot plow land. For pnitlculurs inquire of S. C, Godlovo, 3 15 N. Hartlett. 295 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EIo- gaiu sinewy uuniuui uuhkihow, good location, furnished, will take livestock or morcliaudlso for $000 equity, balance any tonne Curtlss. Uox 01, liotno puouo 377. 293 for exchange business imtKcrour business directory FOR EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eaglo Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or unimproved. Ex-j chan go prlco same as cash price. I Sco Oliver D. Drown, 43G N. Dart-1 lott at. I FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchango for other property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. , FOR EXCHANGE Flvo rjassenecr nutomobllo In good condition for' real oatato. Address Box 2, carol Mall Tribune. I FOR EXCHANGE Ono aero of Irri gated land for exchango for Med ford property. Call at 221 Knight st. Home phono 73-L. 291 FOR EXCHANGE A magnificent brick busluoBs houso In Cauey, Kansas, now routed for $50 per month. Will exchange for modern bungalow In Medford. George C. Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 294" FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres good fruit nnd berry land 2Vt mites from Talent. Will exchange for lots or small house and lot. Price only $1200. Geo. C. Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 291 FOR EXCHANGE 40 acres good fruit land three miles from Wood vllle. Will exchango for good close In lot, or as part payment on modern bungalow closo in. This Is excellent soil with unlimited depth, and my client was offered $1000 for the wood that is on the Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 295 HELP WANTED .MALE WANTED A cnpablo orchard man wants steady work on ranch, four years experience, good references, married. Dox G. T.. Tribune. 291 WANTED Trustworthy men or ' women wanted as local roprosaut-j at Ives of responsible mnutifactur-' or. High class merchandise and ' clean selling methods. $12 per, weok guaranteed on easy cotidi-; tlons, with possibility of $30 and advance Exporlonco not neces sary. MANUFACTURER, Box 278, Philadelphia. 2SG WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Sewing by tho day. Phono Main 7402. 421 S. Peach. 29G WASTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY a match loam. Address Box A. C , Tribune. 293 WANTED To purchaso second hand safe. Addross Box 3, caro Mall Tribune WANTED You can't help bur mako monoy selling our guarantecd-to-glvo-satisfactlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; oxoluslvo territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTED Gentle riding pouy. Bou dinot Conner. To!. Coutral Point. Lowor Table Rock. WANTED Few, nlco young hens; stnto kind and prices. Address 100. caro Mail Tribune. 292 WANTED-To buy a oung Jersey cow. Box 78, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point, Ore. 29 4 WANTED HoibO for ranch work, pair If chonp. Phone Pac. GQ11. WAN'rifD To "huy'n gooo! uTflcii cow, Jcrsoy preferred. Wrlto giv ing prlco and description. Must bo fresh or soon to bo. Box 40, Jacksonville. 29G BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonornl accountant. Your books audited nnd kopt for a roasomiblo figure; your business Bollcltcd. Offlco Medford Mall Trlb 11110 bldg.; phono GG11; resldonco phono G302. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco, phonos Main 2511, Home 35G. Jackson ville phonos, Pacific, Main 11; Home, 200G. Assayer anil Analj.st 1 SOUTHERN ORE"GTN MINING BU REAU Asbiiys mado for gold, bII vor, load, coppor and othor miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports mado thereon by com petent mining nssnyors and ongl uoors at rqasonablo terms. Capital secured for dovoloplng mines and Bulnlng prospects, All mlno own ers nro onruostly roquoatod to Bend samples, of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, nnd send full do Hciiptkm u their mining property Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, GtU uud Fir uts. 1012. Attorneys O. L. REAMES, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Dank building, second floor- PORTER J.NEFF, WM.P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2 Postoffico bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Architects A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phone G413. Johns & Tumor Architects and Builders. Office 31-33 North Bart lett, near Main. Office Phone 1931. Billiard Parlors S. T. DROWN &- CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot aftornoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Dank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adkins blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor and Builder CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ropalr work a specialty. Wm. McGaw, 504 S. Newtown. Phono 5211. 314 Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real ostato and mlnos. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Take olovator. Phono Main 2021. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvn specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advlco in die tetics, medical gymuastlcs, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. DR. ELISABETH BROOKE Chiro practor, nervo specialist. Tho lat est scientific treatment for chronic, nervous, blood, uric acid, function al and constitutional diseases, in cluding catarrh, asthma, heart, htomnoh. liver, kidney, female and many othor diseases. Consultation free. 247 So. Rlvorsldo. St-R. Hours, 1 to 1. 30G Cliincso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat nnd lung trouble doafnoss, paralysis, privato diseases nnd nil kinds of chronic nnd nervous aliments. Stomach trouble constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soo mo at 211 S. Front at., Medford, Ore, to 4, C:30 to 7:30. Resldonco phono Main 42. Dentists I J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI- KER, D. D. S. uontists. 22s w. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnott-Coroy bldg., Buito 310, Medford, Orcgou. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dontlst, ortlco in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Mam. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Tolophouo Main G81. Night phono 4432. Granlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O. D, Nnglo, Goo. T. O'llrlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; doalerB In pressed brick uud Umo. Offlco nt tholr brick yard, West Jackson Bt. Phono No. 34G1, GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealors and manufacturers of prosscd and com mon brick and tllo, Got our prices and soo our brick and tllo bofore purchasing. Gaihago MEDFORD GAItBAGE CO. OAR UAGB HAULED, l.oavo ordora nt 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor. FacltlQ 3i32, Home 107-X. jaoe imn? By "Bud" Fisher Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sta. Medford. Mission furniture mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE 8T0CK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of the state of Orogon. Insures horses and catt'o against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West SIdo Stables. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job office In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., otc. Pprt land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mail Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees arc budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. "Wo aro not in tho trust. H. B. Tatterson. Office removed to offico Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growors of high-grado nursery stock. Offlco 104 S Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor at. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, resldonco phono 012. Offico hours, 9 a. ra. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN3 CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gar-nctt-Corey bldg. Phono Main G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Corcy bldg, rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resl donco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, resldonco 109, offlco 130. DR. S A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rqaldonco Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 3G7-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tostod and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main Bt., ovor Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Buuk. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Offlco phono 4901. Rosidcuce 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physlclun nnd Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and G Kontuer bldg. Offlco hourB 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Resldonco phono Bell 273. Home 229. Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work douo quickly aud well. Titlo Examiners B. F. riATT LAWYER Land Titlo Examiner. 320 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. TRANSFER & STOR AGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvlco guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY -Parcels 10c, 15c, 2Gu; trunks 25c nnywhoro In tho city. Offlco Val loy 8-cond Hnnd Storo, 15 N, Fir st. Phonos; Main 3072, Home 3C4. MeBsonger Bordco. Fred Crocker, Prop. Undertakers JOHN A. PERI Undortakor and Embalmer. Offlco 88 South Bart eott st. Telephones; Day, Roll 471; night, ronldonco, Bell 47.1, Home 179-L, Cullft nusworod flight or day. Ambulituco sorvlco, -t4