PAtlE 3T0TJR MEDFORD MAIK TRIBUNE, tEDFO.UD, ORrXlON. THURSDAY, "FEBRUARY 20, 1012. S t l MKDFOKD ?,2AIL TRIBUNE i-rg7nTTrr!r Tf. rr-wr.T-wWte aaapc an wnnrENiitfNT Nuwflt'AT'nn roHMHimu nvnrir A,rriinuoou KXCnt'T RnrllMY, I1V TIU3 MKPrOKU I'lllNTINO CO. Tim DenKWrMlo Time, Tim Mlforl Mall. Tim Medforrt Trlhuno. Tli Houth trn OroRonlnn, Thn Aalilnnil Tribune OfflCA Mall Trlliunn.Iliillillnp.aB.J7.2J North 1'lr limn 78. trcet; plion, lnin 1021; OV.OnaK PUTNAM, Editor nnd MniBer tP Kntnrfd fin nccomllnsit mntler at Mftlfonl, Or en on, under th tot of March 1, 1179. Official Piipir of th Oltr of Mrdford. Official i'apor of Jnoknon County. KtraBOniPTIOW BATBS. On yfnr. by mail .IB. 00 Ono month, by mall EO Per month, nllvrnd hy carrier tn MMfnnl, JnrkHn villa and Cen tral 1'olnt . . 80 flMtirdny only, by mall, Pr year.. J.00 Wwifcly. per year . 1.80 BWOltlT CIBCTXtATIOTT. Dally avrraito for rlnvrn month! end In Novrmbar SO. 1911, JTSI. mil X.anscd "Wlr TJnlt-d rrt Slipatoh- EVANS UNO DIXON TRAINING FOR 00 Hohbio KvniiH nnd Yoiiiir 111 ton vim- .ire to box ton round ill 111 Med ford Xutntnrium Athletic club next WoihiCHilny evoniii nro daily linnl at Mork promriii for wltni will turn out to lio mil' of tho fnMot tun round bantu ever hi'on in nny riiif?. Both Imya urn overburdened with pnnfidenec, ouch lius tin oxciim why thev llci not win hint time. Evan" kus lio will lick Dixon sure nml Dixon remark tin muni about Kvntin n there you are. 1'ick the winnor. At any mto it will be iiitcrw-tinjr o wnteh Hi wo two Kiridmtor of the p.uldcd irijtU when thov hook up to determine n to who is the better num. Another return match i on the rani between Jack FlUt-ornld anil Youhjj Kennedy, the pride of the linkers' union. In the last bout Young Kennedy was dofented but pleaded hard for a return match say-in-; that he was confident he would be able to vindicate himself if given another trial. There will be several preliminaries io wind up what may be tunned r.s the best nnd clnsioU lioxintr night in the history of the northwest. Sent, on sale at Xali hotel. COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage Licenses. C 11. Delfenbaeher and Ida Dur l.ce. U. Q. Doego and Nellc MncAllifler. New Cases. Medfonl Huildern Supply Co. v. M. J,. Alford mid D. H. Soli nnd W 1... ('hUdum, unit Io foreclose me Hiauifa Ifen. Carkin & Taylor, at torney for lnintil'f. Crixt 1 Kiukropf and 1 fauna Hin kropf vk D. II. I'alnior, adm. Suit to declare bond for dead a mortgage. Mulkey & Cherry, attorneys for plaintiff. FLORIDA SCANDAL 10 'COST WILSON HIS JOB WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Jamo Wil-iou, wuretary of agriculture it ih leu mud today i in danger of liming lux official head be caiiHi ut the Florida EveVglndo. M-iiiuIal. l'rniileut Taft, aoeording Io report, ha offered, Wilwon'si port folio to tliruo different men. GOVERNMENT PROBES , A . .LAWRENCE STRIKE WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 20. lnveatlgatlon of the. condition of tho m rlliliig textile worlcors at Lawrence, MnH , was urilorod today by tho bit uu of ooinmorco and labor. Seoro taiy Nugol and l)r CharloB P. Nolll, Vliitod Statoa labor ' commissioner, decided that the authorization of ntich an luvofltlgatlou as wua con tained in Senator Poludoxtor's reso lution wait uuiioccftHary. WILSON CLUB FORMED SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA KAN' DJKllo, rnl.t l-'eb. 20. Tlint Woodrow MUon, will iao ntrong -npport in San Diogo cinuily at the prima rien wiim made curlaiu today by the orgaiiixatiou of a Wilson club ivul the hclnctiim of Albeit Sehonnovor na a dolugato pledged to work for the New Jernuy governor u candidate for ho profiiduuoy. I'laiiu are being madu for the formation of WiImhi club in every voting preomet, evil though Home of tho olubk mav huu only three or font inuuibnra each. Tiley Cured In (I (o 1 1 Days. Your driiRglBt will refund inonoy It I'A.O OINTMISNT falls to euro any care of Itching. JJIInil, Dleodlug or J'rotrudlui; I'llua hi G to 14 days. GOc. EXTERMINATING BLIND PIGS. SKVRRATj years ajjo (Irants Pass votiul itself "dry." A Iiu'rc minority, however, wanted il wet and it has Upon more or leas wet since. Kirst a prohibition mayor was elected. The did a thriving business. It was declared "impassible" to enforce the law. An "open town" mayor followed, elected to "wink" at the salt of liquor nnd he winked. It was airain declared impossible to enforce the law. Robt. G. Smith, an anti-prohibitionist, was elected mayor this winter on a law enforcement program. It had been declared impossible to enforce the prohibition laws, but the new mayor has been showing how easy it is to accomplish the "impossible." Raids began at once upon the blind-pigs. District At torney Mulkey cooperated with raids throughout Jose phine county. The public treasury was enriched several thousand dollars and several of the blind-piggers are in jail working out sentences. . Then Mayor Smith drafted an original ordinance that is a terror to the illegal dispenser of booxe. In brief, every eating house, hotel, drug store and soda fountain must take out a city license, fee $1 per quarter, and make affi davit that neither the proprietor nor any one connected with the establishment is holder of a government license to sell liquor. If the proprietor swears falsely, he commits perjury and is in danger of the penitentiary. Jf he sells liquor without a federal license posted conspicuously, Uncle Sam will nab him. As a result of the new law, which went into effect this week, six soft drink establishments closed their doors. This is prohibition that prohibits. As a. result, Grants Pass will for the first time, experience genuine prohibi tion and that under a non-prohibition mayor, who cam paigned the county for the wets. Because Mayor Smith is enforcing the law, an effort is being made to recall him, but as he has not served six months, it is unavailing, and the never ending fight of dry vs. wet goes merrily on, breeding turmoil and discord. Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Miki Mayfleld and s-on who have been visiting their father and grand father Win. Mayfield, for .-ome weeks returned to their home near Princville Monday. Mrs. Myrtle Denton of Klamath county and Geo. I.oe of Youcalla at teudded the funeral of their father, late A. C. Love. Monday morning. Mrs. Wilon who spent the winti with her mother Mrs. X. Obonehain here, ha4? returned to her homo in Klamath Fall. Dr. A. A. Sonll nnd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robinett of Medfonl wore vis itors in our city Monday. T. B- Noyos and J. B. Stevens c-f Tolo, were shopping here Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoke, Mr. and Mr. Albert Painter, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Manning, Mr. and Mr. Seott Peel, Mrs. John Pain ter. Mr. T. F. Kuuckhtent, Mr. Wagner. H. C. Bedford, lind .Air. Yae ger spent Mondtij in Medfonl. J. Hnrtman of Jacksonville sKnt Tuehduy night here, leaving for home Wednondaj' morning. D. D. Sage of Forro&t Grove was here middle of the week looking after property interosts of Table Hock. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Merrick, Mrs. Woodfrod of Medford and Jin,. Ho rner of Foots creek, attended the Eastern Star meeting Tuesday even ing and wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hatfield while in this city. Court Purkeypile of Ashland spont Wednesday here with his brother, Water Supt. I. .1. Purkeypile. Miss Pearl Pankey is clerking at Spink's ltnokot store. Mr. and Mrs. .Too Jlonylnnd and Mrs. Hugh Port or of Seven OakiM, were shopping here Wednesday. Jasper Hanim of Autiouh nnd S. M. Nealon of Table Hock were trans acting biuinosB here Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. and Miss Iloko, Mrs. nnd Jljst, Nomrood, Mr. F. J, Taylor, Miss Piokan, Mrs. MeNassar, Mrs, Elmer Clilldora and Mrs. J. S. Bur nett were among the Central Point people who spent Wednesday in Medfonl. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church met at the home of Mrs. J. J. Grim Wodnonduy afternoon. All re port having u very delightful time. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will give a china shower in the Y. M. C. A. building this evening (Thursday) . All who come are to bring u piece of white china. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLIGK'S" The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Feeddrlnk for All Ages. At restaurant!, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just jay "HORLICK'S," Not in Any Milk Trust EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. John Shidler of Talent was in Medfonl Monday. E. P. Huphos of Ashland was In Medford Monday on business. Louise Colver nnd wife of Phoo nlx were visiting Mrs. Colver'a anoth er In Talent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. U. X. French of North Talent went to Jacksonville Monday to pay taxos and visit rela thes. C. Carey of North Talent was In Phoenix Wednosday. Joe Kader was a Medford busi ness callor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Hendrlckson of South Medford was at Phoenix Monday. Mrs. Lloyd Colver was In Medford Tuesday attending the funoral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Atkln. Miss Elsie Roams of Ashland lias been at home with her inothorrMrs. Laviclu. lteams, tho past week. James McOouuld of North Talent was in Phoenix Wednosday morning. We are sorry to say that S. K. McDonald is quite HI at his home in North Talent. Mrs. A. It. IMilpps of Medford was a pleasant visitor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey Tuesday. Al Rose is quito sick at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Rador, where he was brought last Tues day. Dr. Malmgren of Phoenix and W. W. Wlldor, fcollcltor for the Rogue River Fruit Growor, was In our midst last Wednosduy and Is re ceiving liberal subscriptions to tho much needed magazine, which gives tho much needed information to or chard men and farmers. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A CnlnIUIUf for Fverlli . CoiiHtliinlloii, II e :. Nloiuurli Troublrn, Trrllilii; T-. .".,. .rp' ..'..'."- :.r.vr. Don't sccept K.mpl. tn.ilxl VHKK. Addim. any tubtutute. A. S. OLMSTED. L Roy. M. Y. In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL Benson's v Wo wish to impress you Exchange Headquarters What have you got, nnd what, do you want? Through us '" you nan to.clmngc WlmtVyou have for what, you want. SOOO-aoro tract of land in British Columbia, $.) por aoro; will oicohninro for Medford city proporty or Uoguo river valloy aoi'ongo. 10 acros l miles, from Aledford, Ho aoros in 1 year old pears. Prioo $250 per ae.i'o., 'J00 acres J) miles from Montague, Cal., in alfalfa, yheat and grass:. .UK) acros fenced, small house, barn, chicken house, well. Price $42" per. acre; will exchange for home m Modlord. 8 room modern house and '. lots, close to high school, fdiado and fruit trees, completely furnished. Price $2700; will exchange for property in So. Ariz., So. Calif, or Texas. 20,000 acres in Central Oregon for sale or exchange, $20 per acre. Nothing down and $1.1 monthly buys now 2 room house, sewer and water. .Price $T7.". $100 down'; $15 montlily buys l room house just outside citv limits, largo lot. Price $fi00. 10 room modern house in Windsor, Wis., 10 miles from Madison, will exchange for property hero. Price $1000. Modern 6 room buogalow with ;). acros ground inside eit. limits, chickens and poultry houses. Price, $1 1,000. Ono fJ and ono l room house in Klamath Pa lis;' want ranch property hero. Price $.)200. Splendid corner business lot 100x100. Price $1-1,000. $1500 equity iii $2100 property in industrial district of Los Angeles to exchange for wooded piece of unimproved land within one mile of railroad station, having outlet to county road, including good trout fishing stream; suitable for summer outing camping place. 7 room modern house in ftverott, Wash., 1 block from car line; want Medfonl city property or acreage here. Price $:J500. South 'Oakdale lot, oak trees on lot, size (10x175. Price $2250. 100x100 ft. business property, well located. Price $7000. 1S7 acres 12 miles from Portland platted in 10 aero tracts, best Of soil; want fruit ranch hero. Price $150 per acre. 4-5 acre adjoining city limits, 5 room bungalow, chicken house; will exchange for eastern property. Price $2000. 1 5-8 acres adjoining city limits, fine soil for truck and gardening; can be irrigated from the h'ogue River canal; 4 room house, new barn, chicken house, good well. Price $2000; will take Butte Mills real estate or good team and wagon in exchange. 10 acres I l-l miles from Medford, best Bear creek bottom soil, i'ino for truck and garden; small house, chicken house, good well, about -10 peach trees in bearing. Price $:'5()0. Coeur d'Alune, fdaho, propertj'. Brick business block, $J8,000. Two strictly modern (i room houses, $-J500 and" $3;00 respectively. ill acreage here. 2-room house' and large lot, and berries, located just $000 cash. TODAY ALWAYS THE BEST DAY WE AIM 'TO HANDLE ONLY REAL BARGAINS Wc arc now located in our now quarters, corner Main and ?h: Benson Investment Companv Real Estate, Mines CORNER OP MAIN AND FIR Phones : Bell, 7991 ; Home, 234-L Bargains with tho Taot. that, wo arn exchange part or all above lor small barn, set to fruit trees off V. Main. For quick sale 1 A Klamath Rancfe FOR SALE OR TRADE 1(10 wren, 12 niiliH eat of Klamath r-'nlln, oil iiiain road to LnkcUmv. About 85 iieii'K will he under I lit u -ermueiit ditch and can be it-rivaled. Kino n Ita I i'u or nimltn laud. An uhliiidiuiee of fine outxido raueli. One of the bent iroioiitioiiH theie In .11 that Rcelioii I'm u man who want (o oiiKtiKO in the wlu'op hiiMiuottfl. I.onul od juhI right for u towttnilo whuti the rnilroud iw bulll from Klniuath Knlla to IiflHoyiuw. I'riee $30 pi'i acre. Will e.hniiK0 for Medford city or count rv properly. W, T. York (S, Co. Noyes 6c Black HOl'SM AND SJGN painting Up-to.Dnto Auto and Currlnuo PalutliiK, Gold Leaf SIkd and Interior Decorating a Specialty. Slioji mill Offlio 8. Crapo ami 10th St. Office Phono 7771. Ro. 7212. All Work Positively Gtiarnuteud. TUSCAN SPRINGS flnvlnjc no oiiual on earth !u variety ut mineral waters and curluK dbteasaa that medicines will not reach. It you aro In noeil of health, como now. Wo nro open all thn year nnd can clvn the host of earn and attention now as well as in ttuiumer. Stage dully from Red Uluff to thn ftprlnuH. ITurlhor par tlcularn address K. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPRINGS. OAIi. A SNAP CO aeren, six mile from Medford. Kood itraded road eroiuiwi the tract, all free tMll, at &0 per acre. 51000 will handle, easy term on balance. Part Ik creek bottom land, nu'tabl for alfalfa Sirnl MprliiKM on tin plan TIihIht ilioiiKh to pay for the tract. No lmllillm-.x. In the (iilftlu crei-U dlntibt. W. T. York & Co. Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Sccontt-Hnnd Goods. Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER. Prop. 15 North Fir Home 'Ml Hell .107:2 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water ' Hoating All Work Oimrimtflcd. 1'rlcon IldUHOimlilo. COFFEEN & PRICE OS Howard Clock, Kutranea on Oth St. Faeirio 3031. Horn 310. IF YOU OWN A LOT We will build you a home on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. nnd H. Co. Building FOR SALE i Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in Medford in toil lots ut $15.50 PER TON $14.75 PER TON nt'ear. Send postal or telephone (Ilotnu) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our nlfnlfii in well oiirod and is not huh Huorched and rolaliiH all Hh rjeJi juicen and nouriiilimoiit and color. Tho utalkrf are not bruised nnd brolfon mid tho tondor lonvos and tops uj-o not bruised and Hlialtored oil. TtIK FINK8T TOP-VALVH HAY THAT CAN III? lM.ODUCKJJ, Tho farm la InlKiiied from itoKiit river, frr--ri-trr WHERE TO GO TONIGHT f l MWMF THEATRE TONIGHT A UNNtluro Act Ht'l.taCU'ft (JOATM Seven of tliiiui, piHMOiitlilK a Inir- liHiu on 'Onelt Toiii'b Cabin." Till In a Mttiiru nut tllii'ct ioiii I'MlllllKI'-t. Vlll'Xti DIXON riii.-l.lKhtwulnht Ohumplnn of the Nortliint, ami .IOK I'AltUUIt The Local Pttvorlto, will IndiilKe In Illicit ioiiiiiU of clever IioxIiik Here In your chance to nco them Iionn dlnplny hoiiik of tho leu!. li wr bovliii; STAR THEATRE AIiWAYri IN Till: I.KAI) I'iiiIci- DlMTtloii l'i'oi'a Amuse ment Co. A I w ii)i In tin Lend. r,i:w I'lKnotiitAi'its r. ".s MTU lNl IIICltOIS.M" Wexteril !IHIIH "C. S. VOI.I NTUKIt l.ll'i: SAV lJ CDRP.s' V'K-HlloMHl "Cl'l'.IN ItAltXACIiK'S MIISS. rati:" A lluiuiy Ktmturn TDK IIIMKT OK A "MOSS" Tatted from Runt l.lfo 'I'll IC NICW UIIITOIt" A Real Wenturn Comwly A I. S.VTIIKIt The SlitKor ''WotUiWoR'nis" Tin .MiimIcIruh Ailinlhuliiu 10i Mutliiei'lhrry Hnjr CouiIiik. MpiH'Inl I'eiituii, ComliiU TueMlny, Wi'diirxdny, 'llmriliiy Mai'clt ", II, 7 "AltRAII.NA.POdnr A prodiirtlon worthy In many arluitt y,ut and ho uiiImui um to command crittul ami popular at tenUon i mii nuioint (In bunt 'if tlic mitld i en at I'l.ox Draperies Wn curry n viry romptto llni of itr.iHri turn riirlnlim. fix ttiri'H . mill lo nil vIhuhom nf iipli.ilm.Tinif A n"ill mm i to l"Mik uflnr tlilt work ixoliifiiMl)r ami Mill mIi tin coud nitvIom km In onllil to it ill lit ivu tint IrtrcxNi citlm. WEEKS & NcGOWAN C0. F0RDE CAN DO IT Do yon whir your lawn put In flrtt elitHt MiapeT AH werl: (,'tinnuiteed. Leuvo nddtcHS with II. It. I'alterNon, Quaker Nnrnory, NiimIi hotel Medford Roal Estato & Employment Agency KOR MALI? 100 Heron 'j mlleu out, $150 per aero. 180 Heron Imprnvod Htoclc and all jjotm at H'J.OOO. ;'.17 acroN luiprovod ;ooil ntock or orchard laud, $ (ft, 000. M0 uuron Improved Htoclc and all kooh at f 100 por aure, 27 acreu !) mlluM out rrom AHhlnnd ?'J0(10. -'() ucrut - iiiIIim out from Med ford, in In peaiH! tliln place Ih well Improved. 1 HO acroM :tV4 mlleu from Wood- vine, ir.ooil. 10 iicnw 2 allien from Conlial Point, !)',. In rrult. sri.ooi) acroH Hheop lanch In Cnll- foinla, f I per acre, with .Jfi.OOO acrea outHldo raiiKO. TRADIl 180 noroii In Roiieau, allun,, for a rniiiih lim'o. 180 amen in Gleuwooil, Idaho, will tin do for ranch huro, ono kooiI for alfalfa. 107 anion Port I till, Idaho, for a Htock of xiioiIm near Portlund. IC'tulty In u Pi room modorii bun- ipilow to trade for atoro. MIKCI'JM'ANKOUH Hand Hinay puinp; miiko an otfor, l.aruo -'0 gallon lion kettle; mako an offer. 2 wutihcH to trado for uhlukouu. II.AIPI.OVAIUNT '& men far prunliiK, GlrlH for Konoral hoiiBoworlc. Six coal minora, Coal mlneiM to work by tho ton. Phono In your ordora for inon; lirt churKOH to the employer, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotol Phono 'It'll; Home. tJ. f t t