A! MEDFORDMATL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OIHMIOX, TnTRWDAY. FRRRFARY 29, 1012. page rimm A r V A wt I m , , 1 "(A! 'y m EASTERNER 10 LOCATE HERE V f O. li. I hull.') an iittonii') (if lyn- (ton, KitiiHiiN, N hiiimi Iii Illinium n mhI limit of Minlriiiil, iih .liulKit Colvln Iiiih IllOllril'll MM Ullltlllll'llltllll flaiiiu" In ll In liii'imt lo Ih'Kiiiio tin uf .MiMlfot il'ti IioohIhi'h. Hum Ih wliul In nii'h In 'i li'tli'r tn Him JikIkh. Vour luttttr in iitmwiir l my lu iMlry riimitiiiliiK tin IiiihUIiik illy nf Miuiriiiil ciiiihv duly to liiiinl ami It tiiKKlliur wlili fui'iH unit riittiioH mill tlin ntlinr lit unit it I o Hunt inn luiir.ldn illinl mi iiiiijiiDiU'lmlilo tlunio mill ! Him in Join Miicli a ininnninlty of lniiiNtDiM I null wluii on miy nlwiit tin nuinliHi' of Iiiwkih now IiiciiIimI In your illy mill your favnrnlilo coin- IIH'tlt tllllllHIII, Of i'oiii-hii I Iiiivk lin it no litoit of rinilliiK .Mi'ilfnnl or any other lonitlon llkn limit In iiinii'Ct to Iiivmh, Unit Ih without an), ami In fuel I wotilil oxjkii'I in ko sluuii tlii'io 'arc a it'i'iil ninny for Ihn rximon (hut liiiMliitnn Kinrnlly tinttur Tim furl thai Mml- fonl Iiiik icrouii ho rtiplilly In mo Hhnii n Hum hUim tlm nnwioinur u iiioih (iiiml cIiiuuh' Imi'iiiiHi of (tin fuel Unit tlm lurHi'i- iiiinilitir of luwyoiH Iiiim lirolinhly count In tlm piiHt four or flvn yimiM. At nny into no wf mnl aro vnry much lntiit with Ihn outlook mul Ktimily for uioru liiforuuilloii. "I it it r i'Iii'IohIiik my I'hi'Clt for f 1.00 for whlrh I wluii you would Iiiivd tlm M ml foul Coiutuuiilty Hook nut ui iih nt forth In lliillcilii No I, ami k"' .MiurM'lf Hiiiui miiioIk'h CANAL TOLLS FIXED BY BILL WASHINGTON. I) C, IVIi !!.--Tlm I'aumuii tttttul hill to Im roiortiil to tlm hotiM liv I he roiuiulltiMi on Internum ami forolKit ciiinnuirco. It Ih limrni'il loilay. will provldo Hint tlm prixilili'iit hIi till liitvo authority to linmorlliK Iho ratiiil toll, hut t It tit tlimtit IoIIh mIiuII not ho IiIrIut than II, IT. mr ton net. ll Ih provldi'd iiIno thai tin loll for unrli imtun'iiKcr thioiich Iho ciiual ttliull not oxii'imI 11. Ml. Tlm rnio rlittir.ml Aumrlimn kIiIiih ,t.TpfiifP)MH'iii'HUiriiiH;li h cniinlHlinll not hi lownr than that imltl hy tin vtn unlit of other iiutlnuM. Any utleiiiit to ohntrui'1 or tltwtroy tlm ennui xltall ho puiil nit tt lilo hy a flue of 110. 0(10 or (en )iurn Im prlNouiiient. or hoth. MEN SAY IHEY ARE NOT GUILTY ('oiiHliilile Kinkier ri'lunieil 'mm Viiiii'oiiM'r, Wiii, TIiiii'miIiiv iiiiuiiliiH, llllillK in I'IImIoiIv (I W. I.iiulllolt u'lil W II, llowiinl, Imi yoioiK men who llle ueetlheil ol oliliiiuiii timiiev un der ftilm iiciiihcm. Tlm luo uii'ii ilijeluie Mini I ln-v me not Ktiilly of nn iiiiilcci mnl Hint their opetiilioilH lieie will Im nIhiuii in In )ejilimnle. They me ueeiixetl lit lleiiiv l,eurei of nun liim ileeiJH in leill I0M,, mill f III t Hllell I ('III pin. ieil,V ilo( not iin. The Iwn men uill he urniipiied I li nriernooii. Thev eiime I mm Wnxli iiiKlon villioul reiiiiiliiiu. WAM.A WAI.I.A, Wit., l-'eh. 8J. - After 10(1 yearn a eloek owned h Daniel llurr Ih In ftervli'o el ami keeiilitK kooiI lime It Imih junt heeil tei'iilveil from IIiiii'h old homo in Maine Tho whei Ih mul iiIiiIoiih an' of wood Clark ft Wright LAWYERS WAHIII.NflTON, I). O. Piihllo Lnnd Mntturn: Final Proof Deimrt I.andH, ContcnU nnd Mining Cniien, Hcrlp, AHuoclnlo Work for Attornnri TO UNIVKKHITY OI-' OIIKOON. Kiik nun, I'eh. SSI. Ureal plnitH mo helim inailii to entertain the uiemhei'i of lint different IiIkIi hcIiooIh of Oregon who will he KiioMtH of tin Uulvitmlty of OroKou ilurliiK the liilerhehohiHtle Trunk meet which will ho held l-i Kimono May llth. At a mcetliiK of Ihn Dramatic' chili hint nli;lil It wan decided to kIvo half the proceedH to liiHiiro the miutohm of the timet. The date of the play wih del for May llth mul coiupllumntary tlcketH will ho f; I von to all the lilult ncliool HttideulH In lOiiKom at that time. Thin iiicuiih thai tint meet UiIh your will he hotter than over. HairQuicklyStops Falling Hilling Si alp Vaulslii'N Overnight anil llaiidioff In Ahollxheil Tlmie Ih oiii hair tonic that you can put your faith In and that Ih PAKIKIAN KAOIC. ll HtopH fallliiK hair, or moitey haclc. Drlvex out dauiliuff, or moiiey haek. Htoiw ItcliltiK Hcalp. or money hack. And CIiiin. Strtm Iho druKulnl you know ho well Ih (ho man who mcIIh It. PAItlHIAN HACK Ih a Hpleudid hair dreiwiluK. It Ih ho daintily per fumed and tefriwhliiK thai It uiakcH tlm ncali fret flue the mliiutit you apply It It Ih lined dully hy thou HiitnlH of clever women who realize Hint PAIMHIAN HA UK keeps their hair liiMtroiiH and fiiHclualliiK. If you hne hair trouble gel PAIt lHIAN HAOK today nt Chan. Htran5'H mid drtiKKlMH everywhere. Uitkc holtlo 50 rentM EMBEZZLING UNIONIST CAUGHT AT PENDl.ETON CIIICAnO, l-Vli. SSII ('liieiip police toilav were untitled nf (lie urrcHt ul I'Vcewnter, Ore., of A. W. Monnu., who In wunteil here on n eliitine of eiiihe.liiii; .f 1 100 1'ioui lite I'iiiii of the Americuu llrotherlioiul oi' ('euuit WoileiH of which he wiih mi olTiciM'. SlierilT Tn.lor of I'euillelou eouu ly, OickoHi lele;inplicil llu Cliiciifjo iiutliuiilieH Unit Mnuotix, fleeing lo . lY'iiilletini cotiulv uiiilci' Iho iiHHiimcil ' imiiu) of '. A. Van Huron, hml pur l!niHi)(l mi tipple orcliiii'il there mul wort llvinj,' on il wlicn iwioxteil, .Mou oux'h iiithhI follow cil his eoiumii'ii 'tiii,' wUh his family in t'liicno, MRS. AHRENS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT; WILL LIKELY RECOVER Mm. M, M, AhiotiH waH fieiloimly lujuieil ThuiHiluy iiiornliiK when n revolver foil from u droMiliiK table and wiih illHcliiti'Kiiil, Tho hiillot pon (ttratud hor left hIiIo. Hho wa niHhed to tho Haoroil Heart hoHitltal. and Ih tiuld to liavo an excellent oliauco to rm'ovor. YOUNG & HALL TAXI CO. Service All Day All Night Plione Pacific 1100; Home 400 TOURING CARS AND TAXICABS Dispatcher oft ice N'iihIi Hotel SIhikIh at Mcilfonl ami Xn-li Hotels. Taximeter Rates. One oT two ptiH-eiiKorx, firnt half mile or I motion thereof ."die, ouch ipiuttcr therenlter llle. Three or nunc pacaKer, first third mile ,0e, encli ouo-xith liiile theroufler 10c Knch four iniuutcri waiting lime 10c. Rates for Time Service, in.rdl per liotirj .11111 per hour wait- ititr lime, ('nihil anil iliMii'iHiil cliaiycM. No oIiiii'ko for ealliitj; or ili-miHiuK within it mile imliu of N'ush Hotel. The mile rmliu iiieluiles all paved sticeln in Meilfoul, After eros.. itiK the mile riiiliu, turiff will he charjioil liotli wnyh or .;t.r0 per hour. I'nvcil hliecls nt Iho one mile html: Went Main, West Tenth, South Oillulnlo, Wch( Kotillh, We-t .liieli hoii, North Central, North River hiilo, Otomui Terrace .Itoildy Honi done ) Id)! Main, lld-ptlal, South Riverside to Kurluifi Hunch. Creilil for monlhly eliar(e. can ho opened hy all roiponsihje people milking nrrannoinenlh for Mich with the inuniiKor. Ahsolutoly no ore lit will he nix-oil willioul first uuil;iu; sniil iirrunjjouionts. Our aim ih to please and jol ,our sitppoil, Nolo I'Nnir quick mnl efficient service call up hooking office. COURT HALL Notlco to City Subscribers. HcginniiiK Match tut nil jinporn will ho colleoteil for nl pluoo of ilollvory, Owiu lo Increase in circulation Una in miiilo necoHHiiry. rollootor will call iicur tho Ut mul if necessary iigaii) Inter in inoulli. 1'apet'H not paid for nl oiul of mouth will bo slopped until niiyineiit ia iimilo, 12U1 Why not conio in and soloot (lmt KODAK Yon will soon wani (o uses it. Medford Book Store An Apt Salutation THE Sunrise Laundry I'AMlliV WAHIIINfl A HWCCfAIrV. AUi WOIHC GUAItANTKi:!) OrdorH callod for nnd dollvor;il. KlrHt cIuhh work donn by hatnl. LadlcH' and wcn'ii ntiltn cleaned and proniied. Tel. Main 7831; Home, .17. Corner Klghtti and South Contra! Avon no. JHJrJ0-Pp0mJMM0p0HM tmob o(Ptjwir.on mV(wtn 13 &M;jyomttmh Srorf ZrA ,. X0Wj2lli?J Ih to iihI( how are one's teeth, for on tlio Htato of tho teeth often dopundti' the Htato of one's health mid Imppl- iiohh. If there Im nnylhliiK wrotiK with your uiolarH lot iih remedy tho mlHchlof an early iih iiohhIIiIo. Wo' aro oxportu In every liranrh of Don-, tlHtry and luivu n reputation for . clever and couhcIchiIouh work. And yet our charges aro an low as the , lowcHt, DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Fanncri nnd Fruitgrowers Dank HIiIk., Medford, Oregon Pacific Phono Main 053 Home Phono 2S7-L.. )ONT buy a watch by the case. The movement is the im portant thing. We sell themost reliablcmovc ments in the world namely, the Waltham. We carry the WALTHAM WATCH in all grades each grade the best possible time-piece at its price. You cannot make a mistake if you buy a Waltham. "' Time You Owned a JVatAam" See our complete display of AdjHStcd Walthams of tl Colonial Series. Made as titin as it is safe to make a reliable watck. MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler Near Poitoffico $0 Amrl m f '"i TTCSBBI m ' l A Full Line of Peerless Lamps aii i...i vr J 1 1 ivji guunuiiueu. row jh flirt f itnn fr rtr- ifnitn limicin ! i wired. Oood light adds to tlio comfort of winter -! months. i I! SO. OREGON ELECTRIC CO. rwKrtf4Virrir North Grape Street. Progressive Aggressive ffi IT'S A POSITIVE FACT Wo had Intended kIvIiir yon so mo more of tho reply to your letter, but yustorday wo had all that we could do and In fact wc had to extend koiiio of our appointments over until next week. 13VKHYTHINO. TAKES TIME You know that It Is ImpOBHlblc to do good work In a hurry and con Hoquontly we work slowly hut wo stand back of all that we do and ovon If wo are working at a ridiculously low fee we cannot afford to Hllght our work In tho least, for as we said before we aro hero to stay and want to build our reputation on tho solid foundation of thorough ness, competency nnd absolute satisfaction. HUT TOMOItllOW WK W.ILL 1)0 BETTER Wo will work again tonight and will' endeavor to give you In this spare tomorrow some moro real facts and while we are sorry to disappoint you today, yet preparing answers to questions like you are asking takes time and WE AltE WOHKING OVERTIME NOW. NEW METHODS NEW IDEAS DEST WORK CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE DON'T forget that you still nave n re w$ days left In which to save a fourth of your bill. Good time to goV that old trouble fied up. Just bring this ad. with you. It's worth 25 per cent. Drs. Saunders & Green Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. GARN'ETT-CORKY BLDO. MEDFORD, OREGON Reliabl Ethical Monthly Blooming and Climbing Roses, Tree Roses, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kind3 of Fruit Trees H. B. PATTERSON Office In Nnsh Hotel Lobby Inildo Kntmnco Noxt to IJarfocr Shop Hnlcsyard 110 South Fir Street Offlco Phono Main OIII Kcsldcnco Phono Mala SUDS ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 3C Dogrco Test. In Steel Dm mil. No Waste Kentucky Black Leaf Arsenate of Lead Zinc Arsenite Alfalfa, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Vetch ROGUE RIVER FRUIT& PRODUCE ASSOCIATION For the benefit of those that are thinking of Buying Land in the Medford District of The Rogue River Valley It will be to your interest to consult the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. In regard to IRRIGATION Wo have the facts and know the reason why. 60 per cent of the land in this valley will not pay Interest on a $20 per acre value, above cost of pro duction of crops. The Best Growing Three Months Tho government record shows tho average rainfall for June, July and August for the last 26 years to be five-tenths of an Inch per month. This being the case it Is Impossible to get satisfactory crops year after year without IRRIGATION First National Bank OP . MEDFORD, ORECON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. K. DEUETj, PRESIDENT 31. L. ALFORD, CASHIER ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASUIER Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of u Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter, President G. R. Lindley, Vice Pres. C. TV. McDonald, Cashier BMJCFTHE ra FARM w It Al COLONIST FARES TO AIL POINTS IN OHCQON, OAIU MARCH TO APRIL IS, 1012 OVIN THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC rAIK HOM CHICAOO ... $11.00 T. kOUIS ... 32.00 OMAHA .... 2,00 KANSAS CITY . . 21,00 ST. PAUL ... 21.00 f ROM OTHCH onm OOaniI'ONDINOHI low (Viloul.t Funxtro WISrr.llOU.Mlonlr, but (he can bu prvpiU .from n point. Iru Intro (rlvntla or ilntlv lu the Ejit wLo Jo Iro to "Oct Haiti to tlii.liiruil"iuurn iicpo.lt thu firowltb X"ur locul f-ni ud a tUki't will lu tvUvrapbtHl tomir mKlrrx " ulivl. HOilton thuumtrlanJ fortuoJ la truitlvu lltef Aturo to tooit Kut. Nun h. scon, cciui iruiMitf km rotruu. mum llM