wjrVp PAdE TWO EDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE, TODFWP, ORKOON, THURSDAY. FMniUTAUY 20. 1012. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL TO. r. Dean of Vancouver, Wash., npent Wednesday in Medford on business. I). I Green, n rancher of the Applegnto district, is In Medford purchasing supplies. Mr. Green states (hat sprint; has opened tip Kplcndidly In Ills section. Federal vnouuin clonnor. Home phone 2GC-L, A. 1C. Mnbue. .116 S. A. Qulmby, a miner from the Lclnnd district, Is spondlng n tow dajB with friends In this city, Mrs. V. J. Lewis of Central Point was n Thursday visitor In Medford. Home baking and Balads. 146 North Front. Phono ordor. Home 273-L. S. A. Johannes nud wife of Wood-vlllc- are in from tholr homostond. Air. Johannes has shipped throe car loads of hogs this winter and is correspondingly prosperous. Seo U. A. Holmes, The Insurance Jdan, over Jnckson County bank. Peter Kershaw has returned from n visit at Eagle Point. Meet mo at McDowell's. Mrs. Mary Allen and children left Wednesday afternoon for San Fran cisco, where they will visit Mrs. Allen'a mother for some weeks. Better havo a look at those new men's trousers on sale at a dollar. 10(5 North Front street. 294' A. E. and Clarence Keumes spent Thursday in Medford on legal busi ness. When you want to soil that over coat don't forget the number. IOC North Front street. 294 Frank Whitman and J. D. Dell left Thursday morning to Inspect a mining property on upper Jackson creek. The Medford Conservatory of Mu sic sad languages is the only music school in southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. TalUandler, director. Send for catalogue. 27G Judge F. M. Stewart of Eagle Point was In Medford on a. short business trip Thursday. C. 12. hudlng of Ku'rott, Wash., Is visiting Medford. Something new, "Orapo Purple," at McDowell's. Mrs. .1, I). Hell entertained Mrs. John II. Cnrkin and Mrs. Cora Hotal Ing Thursdny. They are old North Dakota friends. Mrs. Hotnllug Is hero visiting her sister, Mrs,, Curklu. S. A. Newell, Indies' tailor, -Hit floor M. F. II. Co. bldg. " W. I., ltiddlo of Sams valley is spending a few1 days In Medford con valescing from an attack of la grippe. Fancy brick Ico cream at McDow ell's. U. A. Duncan of upper Rogue river Is visiting Medford. Ho reports the roads In a very bad condition. W. U Nichols of Riddle is in Medford for a tow days' visit with friends. Ring Pacific fit 51 for vacuum olenner. C. 11. Isaac 200 John R. Thomnson of Phoenix was In Medford Thursday on a short business trip. Wo pay cash for cast off clothing, hats and shoes. Will II. Wilson & Co., IOC N. Front st. 294 John W. Parker, representing the Portland bond house, who hns boon in Medford the past week, expects to leave soon for Portland. Real homo made bread at Da Voo'a. II! PHONE GOBBLES SEATTLE INDEPENDENT Will Mansfield lins returned from ' a visit at Seattle, moro enthuse than ever with conditions hero. brother also plans to return to Mod- ford. j Orders tuken for wholesome home; cooking, bread, meat-loaf, cake and " pie. salads. Phone Pacific 21 r.i 8H SKATTLK. W'i'i., Felt. 'JO.- The W. C. Crane of Talent spent Thurs-1 t'oreenMcd merger of (he lituVpundcul day In Medford. , Telephone' fnuiiiiin itutl the Pm-ille Iluv. l- Shields has returned , "IVIopH"' N'"1 Telegraph oon,uii.v from a brief visit at Woodvlllo. 1). V. Hillings of Ashland was recent Medford visitor. George Taylor la at Portland on business. K. S. Miller has returned from a business trip north. T. U. Van do Car has returned from a busluea trip to Portland. W. II, Hnrr has returned from a visit at Oakland, Cal. Dr. F. C. Cnrlow Is back from a visit lu California. .Mayor W. H. Canon, W. N. Campbell and J. F. Wortmnn left Wcdnesdny for Portland. D. 11. Hawkins spent Wednesday at Ashland on business. Mrs. H. G. Hoke and daughter of Central Point were recent visitors In Medford. i was verified iodnv h.v Nice Preside it i nml Genera) Malinger K. 0. ll.rndle.v. jot' the I'neifie system, in idler to Mayor Ditlmr. He stated (hul his eoiupuuv luul ultvtrlu'd Hie Indepen dent system, mid operation under one system would begin a soon as plivi- eal ooimliuelioii work eiiinieeUiij; (lie planls luul been eompletoil. Muunjnr llrudley slides (lie rnlvn will not lie rnixijd fay I wo yours. BORN. UUUni lu .Medford, February Ti, UU2, to Mr. and Mrs. George C, Ulrloh, twin boys. HANKOW, Feb. 2l.--Min.v piir sons are reported killed and wounded lu a mutiny Of u part of the lepuhll eai garrison at W'ti Cluing, In di spatched received hero, today, The righting In still In urosrwHs j,, detail woro fclvon. Weeks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS JJay Phono 3371 Sight PhOHCi: P. W. Weeks 3071 A. E. Orr, 3693 r.ATiy ASSISTANT. W. H. Henderson of Hun come is In Medford on business. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carklu, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-nt-law. over Jackson County Hank buildlug, Medford. C. R. Clnrk of Grants Pass spent Thursday in this city. We nant fifty second hand suits. Will pay cash. Will II. Wilson & Co., 10G N. Front st. 294 A high power "Fiat" has arrived for George B. Carpenter, who Is ex pected home soon from a trip around the world. A street -flusher has arrived and is in use on the streets. It is provjng a great success. Taxi Co. Phono Pacific 1100. Home 40,0. Stands Medford and Nash hotels. 294 Mr. Hatfield of Central Point spent Thursday in Medford on business. Henry R. McGee, who has been spending the winter In California, has returned to Medford. Young & Hall Taxi Co. Hooking 'office Nash hotel. Stands Medford and Nash hotels. Phone Pacific 1100, Home 400. For quick scrvico call 'up office. 292 Harry Davis of Williams Is spend- j lug a few days in Medford on busi ness. DIED. At Prosper. Coos .Bounty, Oregon, February .1, 1912, Mrs. I.ucliida Willard, aged 33 years and six months. Interment In Hnnclon cem etery. Mrs. Willard was well known In the valley. She left a husband, four sons and two daughters. She was born in Sullivan county Missouri. She hns a father living at Uuttc Falls. r" LAND BARGAINS L, N. JUDD TALENT. OREGON JACKSON COUNTY Orchards, Homis, Farms In a Thrivlnn Center in One of tho Garden Spots of the Rouuo River Valley. U-GO THEATRE TONIGHT $ sssHsssHHrfsrss sse fg, PLEASURE CARS CIIAlAllvltS, l'Ol'K-HAIUlOUD, lM:i:itl,K33, Hltp.MOltlLli COMMERCIAL PKKULKSS, CHASE, lttiMAXCK (From JjJ ton to 10 tons) THE VALLEY AUTO CO. Finest Equipped (innigo lu Southern Oregon 'tvsor' -r'v 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE OR TRADE 13 fe-lnch machine lathe. 215 East Main. Room C. 292 FOR REN'T Ing rooms. Two light housekeep 322 S. Central. 294 FOR SALE Several tons of nice al falfa grain hay. S. C. George, Perrydale, Medford. 298 FOR SALE 10 acres bearing fruit. 7 acres 7 and S year old Spitz, and Newtown apples. 2 acres best varieties 3 aud 4 yr. old pears, 1 aero small berries and grapes, with four room house, small barn, chicken house, etc. Within milo of 'Central Point on Pacific highway. Sightly view of Mt. Pitt and valley, rich land and orchard in good condition. An ideal home. Can bo had at n bargain for next 30 days by applying to owner, S. C. George, Medford. 319 MAR I HELLO Pimples and Blackheads CAN BE CURED No limit or how difficult the case, nor how long It linn lasted, .Mnrlncllo Treatment will positively Improve any sklu In a low days. A complete cure is only a matter of perslHteucv. Marlnello operators do not pretend to enter the province of the physician. Most of the.lr work is done by roqmwt of members of that profession who have no time to give to this kind of work, yet require their patients to have special care. If you hate even tho first symptoms of this trouble. Investigate nt once. Do not let a day puss without cheeking this tendency. De lay will only coarsen the skin and make the Improvement slower. Full, frco explanation to all who desire iiifurmatlou. Cull or telephone. CORA K. I'Tl.KY Phones tT.1l, HIlMv Marinello Shop 107 (.'anietMMrvy Wdg. OltAIH'ATi: OI'IIK.VIOU r Watts aud I, lie it" in an entlic rhitngi , tiri.viulnKlv funny buxiiiK ciu test .hilinsini . I'luu, (hn plt-tuiiH Mult and lff, Delhi Diuluii', The OtMlHiy PiigllUi, The 1'nlr lleiillil (mime oiikmIJ ) Ft.iir llvlra, three of thexo uro the lilnKeit kind of fonttiriw. I'rlctM to all )ouu ttml old, 10 C0iiU. B. T. VAN DE CAR will save you money if in the market for diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in Medford PHIPPS BUILDING - $ti3 t T T f f T r T f t T T f f T T T t T T f t T T T t T T T f T f T T T t T f T f T T f I THE FIRST NATIONAL T- T . ' - " . ; ; i if' '' " -W.. " s.i - imliaiMunu I wl Vfinanrnnu.mnlTr iyt.t.j.-. , i iii ' ' " mSwjfrj ! mtfmJllBBM '' '"i " mmamm , ( ' " : f.iA'4& ) Mini nil 11 ,IMiiii i, ,- nil i ,.. ! iiiwmiin wiiiwii iw m i wnmnwfnuinvtn",,m!& OF MEDFORD, OREGON Extends to everyone a special in virion to attend the formal opening of their Modern Bank Building ? hi. v SatiiMay Maich & . 4' ., ' 1, ff - 2, 1912 From d to (j and 7:00 to !):.')0 P. M. 'A The banji will be ready for business in the new building Saturday morning, March 2nd. Come and sqe an up-to-date bank in every .respect. V ? V T y r r ? ? ? ? y ? ? t T ? T T t T T T T X f T V t T T f t ? t T T T T T f T T T T T t T I 00IT TTTTTTTTTT ' M. A.J.A.A A . A A. A.