orcqo r.ltv Halt CSr Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Iti'lnllvn Humidity, 713 Pet. Full. Mux., R.li Mill., :0. DallyHUtti Venr 'nrty-IMriit Yinr MEDFORD, ORICCJON, THURSDAY, mWRUAUY 29, 1912. No. 293. MILLION BRITISH MIR ALL COLLIERIES ISEI Operators nefuscd In Trent with Men on Minimum Scnlo Proposition and Intervention by Government Prov ed Futile Tie-up Is Most Complete Price of Coal Is Already Soarlnn and All Industry Is British Isles Affect ed At Least Another Million Workmen Lose Employment. LONDON', Feb. til).- KikIiI lmn.lr.Ml forty-oh'ht llioiixiiiiil minor tin.l their iiMiHt it ii t x. imiployod in (lie .'.ml miiiitu throughout the llritUh Uluud-, quit work at I o'clock IliU afternoon, iiocordini; to topoiU received hot Ity I'miuior Asquith. II Ik predicted tluil u iiiilli.ni moil will ho out by midiiigit Older for tin strike fnllottt'd iir gntiutioim between government oi'li cluls, mini' owner iiml t lit iiii-n, which hull boon ponding fiii it week. T hlll0 off the IhiTiitoncd Mriko tilt' llritlnli I'llllillt'l IHl't ill n lit! cflirl today lo iiiitlic.' tlic roiil iH'inlii. to grunt tlio iiuni the tiiiiiiinimi wiiko nenlo for oii.'li dUtrict. ItcfllM'tl I.I TlVllt Willi .M.'ll. Tlio operator rofucd nliHiiliilcly to trout with tlio iih'H on this prnpoi tiou, claiming llml tlm minimum wage wu unfair to. thorn. Tim miimir. hto()tpnthiulVliriTi'ffofta,'rttllP(vtT'j bring about n settlement of tlm ilU- )itili, tlio utiiki" loader i-hiii'd order for tlio iimn to quit work to.lny, when tln present working iigieciucnt ex pired. Reports reooiwd up to h lull hour klmw tlmt tlm HHlk-mil of tln uiiimi in complete Strike li'.l.'r declare Hint llm tin-up of thu ii.uil imliiHtry will nl'f.'.!t other imliiMtriiM lo ucli mi .'Nt.'iit tlmt it will throw at leu! uuolhor million men in otlii'i' line of liunino out of employment. Prion of ("onl Hour. ornciiii noiiriiMiiioii of tim strike lniil Imr.lly boon received hero lii'for.' roquolH from operators, demanding protection for tlm collieries, reached government officials. Tlm strike lou der iiHMiirt that thu Mi ike will lie con ducted in mi orderly inuuuor und tlmt them will lio no iiuccWily for culling out tlm troops. - Tlm price of cuul i already Hom ing, tli.' operators refuiug uhcolute. lv to till any orders outside govcrn incut need. Tlio strike followcil demands h tlm iimn for n miiiimiini wage for nil regardless of tlm nature of then ilulio. Tlm miim owners, while agreeing to a miuiiimm wage scale in nliimriiiiil Instances, positively in fused lo concede tlm demand us n general thing. TACOMA HOLDS TAFI CONFEST TACO.MA, Wit., I-Vli. till ohtclinii .lay." Thin '-Ml. -"Wait Ih eoiiMilti- lion today of tlm proreMNivoH who railed iihikII.v of invitation oven lo thu dollar hiimpiot oallod hmt nilit l.V Chiilnniiu H. ', ('oiuerof llm to puhliitiin hliilo ocnlnil oomiiiilteo. The hiiuuuot wiih (loininatcd hy Hit hlniul mt politioiatiH. A noil of Uui liuuipiolors xltoweil l'J7 J'or Tnl'l, -Id ft,r Koosovolt anil kovoii M'liltorini,'. Only ono "proKfiWHivo," (lotirKO II. Walker, of Seattle, wiih on tlio pro Kfiini, he lining asHiyiu'il the ImrinlcM llieino, "(lot together." Tlio Tall oiiiupuigii wiih hIiii-IikI ut the opening of (ho hiiiiiiiet liy (.'Imir nuiiij (Joiner propiihing u (ohhI lo the prehiilenl, whieh wiih drunk, nml (lov orimr liny wiih eulleil upon to Kpouk lo the Ihetnu "Tlio Preniilent," whieh milled more eulogies, The eoneliinlon hy Iho governot' made a fitting up portimity o rink n toimt to the gov enior of the hIiiIo nml (IiIh wiih no I'OinpllHliud at per Heheilitlo. NOW III! HIGHER WAGES JIEW DRMOOll TIO LEA-DIfll. GEORGE tl PALME P ficorgo At, Pnlmcr bus ben elected n tlir new clinlrmnn of the New York Htntn IV nine rn tie Commlttc to tnkr tlio plnco of Nomina lv Mnrk Mr. I'nliiirr tin n Wren tiroiiilu.'iitly lil-ntittiil villi lrmix'mtl- I'OlltlCn for yrnr SPEEBI E1D iP LAWRENCE STRIKE ROW EXPECTED I.AWHKNtT.. Mil'... I-Vli. Ji. lvi 1 1 v t.ottU'iiutiit of tlio Uriko of to. tilo workorx i oxp.i.'to.l to follow u Mlllli-Olfioilll HIIIUMIIIIUIIIIHllt tlmt 1luJJiiit4M.l,tC-.Uionr. Aiiierioiiii, WnnJitn Millti liMil wiroit from Iloston notify hit: In iiHMit-tHitlM hurt1 tlmt tlio ntriko iiiii-I ho hottloil lit once. It it. n.p.M'toiI tin1 mill owuorx will Milmiil to the M liken, moiiio ort of u coin iieiiiie iiKrooiiioiil hoforo I lie end of tlm week. How tlio collude of the mill owt ei' f i;li t HitnitMt the itlrikoix in coiu iiiK illiiol nited hy tlio M'liroily of HtroMlM which .hiily hit hooomi'iK fowor. On Sutui'.hiy forty moil, wo meii nml children were .Ii-ukkoiI Id jnil. On .Monthly thirty mom wore nrronleil. On Tuosdiiy forty-two were churned with pieketinj; and oh MiiietiiiK tlio HldowallxH. Vohtor.hty, with the federal Koscriniioiit invcHii Kiiloiv here, huiu; come u-. the re Milt of the puhlicitv (.'iveii the out I'HKi's h the I'l'ilcl 1'resH, only two Mrikni weio ariV'.t.d. BY LA FOLLETIE MEN rOKTI.ANI), I-Vli. ISO. Kollouiug up his liarge Hint Colonel Koosovolt "ilouhle-erohHed" Uoherl I .a l-'ollette hy iiimouueiug his own candidacy for the presidential nouiimiliou nl'ler he had urged l.a Follette to outer the race, Will tor llonser, La Kolletto'H campaign miinager hero today emue forth with u statement virtually charging that (lovoruor Johusoit aid ed in the allowed kuifng of the Win consin man. He further nhM-rled Ihnl Iho Itoosovolt hooui wiih htarled in Ohio Vy Dun llaima, mmi of the Into Mark llaniin, heavily interoHled in the htuel trust, anil that George I'erkiiiH higher still in Arni couiutilK, nml lliiium nro u'ejvely hnoking Koosovolt today. ENGLISH NOBLE JILTED BY STAGE BEAUTY WINDKOK, Mnghiud, I-Vli. J!l). -l.efl ''wailing at the ohureh," Krie l,odor, u hoioit of Hvitinh uohility, to day was pul in h ridieiihniH ixiHition when (lahriellu Kay, u fumoiiH stage heauly, jillod him til tlm lusl moment, much (o Iho amusement of Loudon Hoeiulv, whieh was out in force to attend the widely heralded ceremony, The bridegroom, Iho choir ami (he priimt were in readiness al (he Catho lic ehuroh, where Iho miimiigo wiih to i take pluco, but tho brido failed lohd Ht mill for lort Union, Costa ill'i-iu She, yofuBOil ul exjtlmiiitiou, MERRICK IS CANDIDATE EOR COUNTY JUDGE Well Known Orchardlst, Banker and Former Councilman Consents to Make the Race for the Republican Nomination. Case of Office ScekliiQ the Man Eminently Qualified for Position Has Lived Here for Past El!it Years Promoted Natatorlum Bldy. !' K. Merrick, orcluir.lltit, Imnkor nml lar;o tiroporty ownor, formor city niiinclliinin nml ono of tlio own tk of tlio Niitatorlum IiiiIMIiik, nt tlio ro.pionl of many I.mi.IIiik cIMzoiih from varloiiM noctloiiB of Juckiiou co n nty, Ihih niiiKoiitoil to become u cnnillilato for tlio republican nomina tion for county JikIk". aalimt for mor JihIko. GoorRo W. Dunn, of AbIi land. Mr. .Merrick will bo tlio candidate of tlio piOKroKtdvoH and bin platform will bo ono of proKroHH and economy. Mo ntnuiU idodKod to busliiOMH moth- imIh and w.vHteniH In tlio conduct of tlio office. It Ih plainly a cano of tlio office K.'okliiK tlio man. Mr. Morrlck caino lioro front tlio Dakotau olKht yearn iiko. Ho ban boon a lioavy luvontor in orcbard tiroporty and only Iant moiitli Hold bin larKOot Krovo, tlio famoiiH Mor rick orcbard, tbroo in Ilea nortbeutit of Medford. Ho bolpod tiroiuoto the Niitatorltiiu and Iiiih boon pronilnent In ImihIiichk and nodal life of thu val ley. Ho lit u director In tbo Med ford National bank, and for four yearn pant him boon councilman from Ibo. fliM.ward. Ho W&gTntmetuber of tlio water comiiilttco that selected and built Medford'H grnvlty water ri.vKtom, am! In widely known n an otitorprlHlnK md procretiMlvo btmlueHH man. Tlio iiuiioiiucomont of bin candi dacy him been received with sreat mitUfiicllou tlirouRbout thu county. TED ID TAFT DELEGATES FIGHT KXCMOLSIOK SlMtlNtiS, Mo., Kob. ill. The flrat uetual clash between Taft and Itoouovelt delegatea to the national convention came hero today and reunited, after Kronen of wild turmoil, In what wn practically a drawn battle. The fight camo at the Third district rongroiodonal repub lican convention. Troublo started when the doors to tbo convention hall were locked on nil but Taft dole KntOH, who wore at onco seated by the rongrcntdonnl commltteo. In tbo Hceuo which followed fist fights were barely averted, and tbo Itoosovolt faction, barred from the hall, erected a platform In the Htreot, Intending to hold a separate convention there. This was later mnilo unnecessary when the Itoosovett men moved Into the rear of the convention hall, olectod a soparuto commltteo on cro dentlalH and, amid a hubbub that sounded for bloekB around, ad journed after electing two delegates and alternates. Tlio Taft forces also elected delo Kiitos and tlio dlBputo will conio be fore tho Chicago convention for set tlement, SACCHARINE AGAIN E WASHINGTON, Feb. 'JIK--Hy a vote of two to one, three inemherK of tlm cabinet having uulhority in pure food oiiros today held that foods t'ontuiniug Hiieehunne nro "adulter ated with deleterious iiiKrudiu.itK." Soorotiirhw Nugol unit Wilson hold Kiu'ohiiriuo ihingerous, Heoretaiy MaoVeagh opposing them. At Colon into this afternoon Knox will board tho cruiser Washington WW, i JOHNSON N CANDIDATE AT PRESENT Til California Governor Denies Charyes That He Sacrificed La Follcttc to Become Teddy's Runnlny Mate Does Not Deny He May Be Named Speaks on Popular Government to Ohio Constitutional Convention Defends Initiative, referendum and Recall Says Judges Liable to Err C0I.UM1JU8, OKIo, Fob. 21. "I nut not nt till time a candidate for the republican ti.lmlnatlon for the vice prenldency," This was thu sumnilug up by Gov ernor lllrntn Johnson of California hero today of rcporta that he is to be Colonel HoohcvuU'h running mate In cane tbo latter Is chosen nt Chi cago. Johnson made bis statement to the United I'rtw, but qualified It by Haying that, while ho did not ex pect to bo In the. vice presidential race, "I would be demagogue If I said I would not, accept." Ho con tinued; In Not n (jindldate. "You may Kay this: 'I am not a candidate nt this time. I am more Interested In othpr thliiBS particu larly In tho defeat of Taft for re nomlnatlon. I followed the president for several dayo on his recent trip through California and found that bo was looking only at tho financial Hide of thliiRH und' neglecting the hu man side. "Tho people, am for Itoosevelt tho politicians urciagalnst him.' The only question is whether tho people or the polltlclanfffSholl "have 'their way." A.hlivM-K Contention. COHMIUS, Ohio, Feb. 'JH. Con viiioing argument in fnvor of the ini tiative, referendum and recall wii.h made hero todav bv Governor .lohn- (Contlnucd on Iut:e $.) DAY DESERTS E OF WEEK I.OS ANOKLKS. Feb. 20. The po lice me seiirehing today for John A. Day, whose bride of week alleges that he diverted her, carrying with him her jewels unit her savings of about $1,000. Day who was puhlieity agent for tho Astoria centennial nml the Ore gon state fair, met Miss Charlotte AdkiiiH, nil assistant in the office of a dentist, February J. February 17 they were married. Four days later, the bride alleges, Day disappeared. The police say the mini cashed sev eral bogus checks before departing. Day is also known to the business men in tlu city, to their regret. He worked the bogus cheek game in this city ono Saturday night scouring .1 considerable sum. Among other places victimized was the .Medford hotel, the Medford Cigar store and Meeker's. Although tho ixiliee sent out descriptions of tho man ho suc ceeded in eluding them. Constable. Singler of this eitv now has n war rant for him. Ho operated here in November. MRS. JACK CUDAHY GUARDS WITH GUN PASADKNA, Oil., Fob. 29. Mrs. Jack Cudahy, frlgutonod bocnuso n masked burglar Invaded hor palatini homo hero Inst night, took out a permit to carry firearms today, and now gtinrdu her homo with a big re volver. Tho burglar out tho telephone wires to prevent tho giving t uti alarm. Mrs. Wilson, who Uvea with Mrs. Cudahy, und tho lattor both saw tho Intruder, but woro bo frlghtonod that thoy cannot furnish a good doscrlp tlon of him. Tho burglur fled whon mo women Druumeu, S OR W. WILSON Commoner Welcomed to Portland by Enthusiastic Crowd Headed by Governor West Following Speech es, He Leaves for Tacoma. "Either Champ Clark or Woodrow Wilson Are Available Candidates" Says Nebraskan, "But Nomination Harmon or Underwood Misfortune. I'OIITI.ANO, Ore., Feb. 29. Will iam J. Dryan was glvon an enthu siastic welcome horo this morning by a largo crowd when he arrived In Portland from Holse. Ho was officially welcomed by a largo delegation of democrats, head ed by Govornor West. Following a series of speeches here this afternoon and evening Uryan will leave for Ta coinn early tomorrow. Speaking on tho political situation Ilryati said he favored cither the nomination of Champ Clark or Gov ernor Wilson, by the democrats. The selection of Governor Harmon or Oscar Underwood as the democratic standard bearer, the Nebraskan said, "would be unfortunate." "Hither Wilson or Clark arc avail able candidates," said Ilryan. He declined to state which of them he believed the most available. HegarditiK thu conditions In tho republican ramp Ilryan said ho be lieved the candidacy of Roosevelt Improved the chances for the election of u democratic president. KNOX INSPECTS CANAL AND SAILS NORTHWARD PANAMA. Feb. 29. Escorted by tbo engineering corps which Is con structing tho blR ditch, Secretary of State Knox and his party today In spected the entire canal. Knox was nearly mired when Inspecting the Gatun dam and laughed heartily at the figure he cut In hip rubber boots. WILEY WON'T WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 Brand ing us absolutely false the stories widely circulated that ho would re sign his present position and seek the democratic vice presidential nomina tion, Dr. Harvey Wiley, government pure food expert, declared today that the reports of his intended giving up of his work in tho cheubtry bureau were the work-of his onoiuiot.. Dr. Wiley said: "These stories that 1 shall resign and seek idlitionl preferment are miinufaetured and circulated by an onymous. I cannot fight an enemy in the dark. Let him conio into tho day light and 111 fight him." Dr. Wiley said the story originated from tho "same lobby that is circu lating anonymous attacks on me, say ing I 'protected' certain baking pow der interests. I have asked Secre tary Wilson to have the matter laid before congress. I should like to know the identity of tho interests paying the expenses of this lobbying The ehargo that I protected certain companies is false." NO PRIMARIES FOR WASHINGTON G. 0. P. TACOMA, Wtu Feb. 'JO. With standpatters in absolute control the slnto central republican conimitteo here today endorsed President Taft and turned down presidential prim aries. The state convention will he held in Aberdeen on May 1, it was decided. With seven progressives back of him Thomas Murnhiuo of Seattle led a fight for presidential primaries, hut tho standpatters sat on mm. "If von turn this down, it menus n htiudpiokod delegation to the na tional convention." Haiti Murpliiue. Kvidently tho eominitteement didn't cave, BRYAN FAVOR HR CLARK RESIGN POSITION ROOSEVELT IN CHARGE OE TRYING TO SUPPRESS MEXICAN OUTBREAKS QENtRAL t" I . MADfcRO . 1 Outbreaks by rebel bonds continue in the Koutheni part of Mexico, and 1 resident Madcro It iimlilii every ef fort to suppress the trouble. In Du-r-iiiro. which Is In the d-iuser zone, renditions are reported to be more tel tied. TO L MHXICO CITY, Feb. 'Jll.His army swelled to an army of 2500 General Cum pa is today making iu tive preparations for a march ngninKt Chihuahua, the capital of the "state of that name. The rebels boast that they can take tho city easily. IiiMirrecto leaden, today predicted that they would he joined in a few hours by General Oror.oo, whom they claim has deserted Madcro. His term of service expires today, and it is reMrled that he has had freqiiont breaks with the Madcro administra tion. Wlipn the rebels leave for Chihua hua they will leave a garrison at Juarezr. of only 200 men, and it is believed that as soon as Ciunpa's mnin force leaves the town, Ma.loro will attempt to retake it. Matlero today officially closed the Juarez custom house. Colonel Sal arnr, of the Vasipiistas, us promptly officially ro-oponed. The American custom houso is ae ceptiug goods exported through tho Juarez cu-tom hoiie. READING IS WEAKEST FEATURE OF MARKET XKW YORK, Feb. 2!). The to"k market opened with fractional de clines. Itentliug was the weak fea ture, being down nearly a jMiiut. Lat er thu market made Might recoveries. American Telephone und Louisville and Nashville led tho list with good gains. The coal slriko in Knghnul had little affect on tho American market except to give pause to those traders committed to tho long ac count. Thu market steady. Hoitds were firm. AMERICAN YOUTH HELD AS SPY IN MEXICO SAN DIKUO, Cat, l'Vli. 20.--Charoed with huiiitr a spy Leonard Nupiersky, 10 your old of San Diogo is today u prisoner in the little outir tel at Tia Juaiia and will be taken to Kuscundn, for trial, according to tho officials in ehargo of the Mexican town, ncros'w the border near here. United States officials who have attempted to interview the youthful prisoner huvo been denied this privil ege 'the local police nave boon noti fied, and will take the mutter up with tho Mexican consul hero. , At Tia Juaiia the natives deolaru tho boy is not guilty. It is said tie was with the insurrectoa at Tin Ju ttun lust May. READY MARCH FEDERA M PER 0 IS CAMPAIGN SENATOR DIXON : TO BE MANAGER I Former President Begins Work in Earnest Vants Names of Com mittee Printed After Ten Days' Rest Hunt for Delegates Begins. Wm. H. Barnes, Standpat Lizdcr in Consultation With Colonel Under stood to Favor Delivering New York Delegation. NEW YORK, Feb. 2!). Theodore Ifoosevelt will take the warpath in ten days time whon, after a rest at Oyster Hay, ho will start out on a personally conducted hunt for Hie delegates to tho republican national convention, and incidentally for the scalp of William Howard Taft. This announcement wus made hero today after Colonel Itoosevelt Iml tuken luncheon with Senator Dixon of Montana, who, it was urrnnguii, will announce this evening that ho will take ehargo of the IJoosicvclt boom. Takes l'ersoiihl Charge. Itoosevelt today assumed active personal charge of his own campaign to secure thq republican presidential nomination by the national conven tion in Chicago June 18. . .Arriving at bis office in the .Out look, the colonel summoned Oliver Carpenter, who will manage tho Now York Hoosqvelt committee, and de manded to know why the nnmc of. the supporters of the Itoosevelt com mittee were not published. Later Colonel Roosevelt conferred with Medill McConnick of Chienco, United Stntos Senator Dixon of Mon tana and Prank Knox, chairman of the Michigan stato republican com mittee. llixou to Manage. It is understood Roosevelt asked Senator Dixon to manage his boom, and that he requested Knox to tako charge of tho Chicago headquarters of his campaign. After leaving tho ctmferenco with Colonel Roosevelt, McCormick tleried that ho was disgruntled Lecnttso Roosevelt had favored Sonata; rixon as his campaign manager. William II. Haruos, junior, of Al bany, standpat leader, ulso conferr ed with Colonel Itoosovolt today re garding plans for securing the yew York delegation for Roosevelt. It ih understood that Harnes will fiis-sl in return for his support of Roosevelt that Vice President Jumes S. Sher man of L'ticu again be noiuinntcd as Roo'-evelt's running rnuto on the pic sidential ticket. KILLS MAN IN WIFE'S HOME OAKLAND, Cul., Feb. 20.- Hurrv j I'rescott, a sowing muohiuo agent, id untler arrest here today charged with the killing last ni-ht nt tho homo of his wife, of Hurry S. Thompson, All employe of tho Wostorn Casket company- Tho killing, whiuh tho police say, I're.uotl admits, was caused by the alleged unfaithfulness of his wife. I'rescott and his wife nro soparut otl. Mrs. I'ro&oott luto yesterday, ac cording lo the tetory of hor sister, met Thoiiiui)ii on ilroadwuy. Tho two wont to a theater and litter went to the homo of .Mrs. I'ruseott. l'ros uott followed them and und hid in tho house. Shortly after Mrs. Prescott and Thompson arrived al hor homo she went to tho bathroom and Thompson wont to an adjoining room. Finding him there, Proseolt opened fire. Vnldez Bill Approved. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20- Henut ir Jones' bill for mi iiniminnutlcin of .15,000 to protuot Valde?, from gla cial floods wus approved today by tho senate committee on commerce,