K h"; Z What's the "WCV.MUVr. Cv7v ONToVnAiusoR,,,,, J iJLrrTOocT llYH M(,QWICK. X UJISNY Y6 GO "OR, Vqu. uniH.. v coming (tHr DfHn '"NlftUY REALESTATETRANSFERS A. L ('iihlfk In Ouo, Hiolly, properly in Moill'tnil Henry I'ohliiian o Merle II. Ulovnr, liiml in I). I. !. HO, tup. 117, 'J W Imlhoii 0. (lolitn to Win. H. Crowcll, propcttv in .Mcilfonl Mury Alii' ICiuuaiil to It. 1. Vulliiy ("mint Co., properly in It. It. mill. AnIiIiiiu) Jim. A. It. I'liipps to W. S. CrmvHI, propyrty in Lmirol liunit mill, .Mnlfiuil. .H 1 jii 800 150 (! II. ('tinier lo AIIkii Davit, ll I, lllk. ;i. I'liiii.ir & Snlr ill's mill. Wiuulvillii lf.O Murlii It. (ilovi'r In Mury I.. ('HiiU'Mlur, liiml In I). I.. C. 80. Twp. :I7. "JW W. It. JiirkxiMi In Itojsiic IMver t'tiiuil ('., lot 1, JuuKxiii'h , mnliillvihion Win. If. I'iinior In Kimnxin W. Iliiui'll, priipcily in lllk. (I, Axlilmiil (Ii'n. Ifit'lly to Mitrii Otli'iilnlil, liiml in .Mi'ilfiml John If. Ilollinor lo .Ifiiniti IMIiiiptr. propci ly in lluri'h inlil. .Mi-ilfnnl W. I'. WiumI In ICiitlil.'un Till , ixirl l i,H,lpw"- mint iit'iM u Vt ItKM t Mt K.l A. Hli-H l W. A. Tumor, priipurly in AkIiIuiuI Iuut Smilli In It. A. Smith, lutn II iiml 10, lllk. I, Plmi'iiix Sui(i t, AlUin In Kurt Ituxc, liuiil in twp. :i), IK A, I), llnliim to Kniuk Itottu, lot lfi, lllk. h. Tiilunt I'ruuk Itiwit In I'ultir Sylvlitu I'roviixt nt nl, lut lo, lllk. I., Tiilont Ilu(tu I. IliinkiiiM t( nl to (. Hi .rurliu, U!0.:i'2 minw in xro. ill. twp. ;fj:i(i 00 JoO 10 !'. ii. 1'iikh to Win. V. It. Ciipni- linll, liiml in twp. 218. 1W..;IIM)00 Allen Davie to A. U. Miirimitl, 1(1 iimitM in (wp. Ill, H... -100 Moiiitiir Ori'luinl Co, to (leo, T. Sluiluviiiit, In nit in twp. 117, IW .1000 Win. It. .Mel.enil to t'liim. Iliunplirey, lot 'ill, lllk. II, ('. mill I). MilitliviHinu, 1 Intuit- tun mill. Motlfon! ....'.'.'... ' Itllft notici-: roit itiiis o.v citv I'lll.NTINM. Tlio city council of' tliu City uf Mi.'ilfonl. OritKUiu will ruuulva lilila (or tin,) nlty ii'lutliiir for IIML', ut t ho rinnilur ini-'ctltiK to tin huld ou'ium iluy, Murtih ftlli, I01U, Th In lu Hid Hueuiur ml I (or lilils, tliomt piovlouHly Hiiluiilltoil IiiivIiir lieeu loo IiIkIi. HIiIh iiiiihI lio (lied wllli tliu city reconler by l:'J0 p, m. Muri'li Otll, lUCJ, :. T, KOHS, i;H) , i City Itt'corriur. NOTION. Not lie Ih hereby given Uliut tlio iiuderHli'iioil will apply ut thu temilar iiiot'tlnK of tho city council MarCh-19, 1912, (or u lleeiiHO to Mill mult, spirit mid vluoiiH HiiioiH at the Hotel Mud ford, lots 1(1, 17, 18, block 78, (or u period of six montliH, HAU-MOIIR COMPANY. Dated Fob. 23, 1912. NOTICE. I lit;roiy giyji notlco that my Iuih band, I, T. Btitcoy, loft mo without moano or Hiippoit and that I did not loiivn him. At tlino of IiIk tlopiir turo I wiih lJni bod, undor euro of physician, , Fobruury 2(1, 1012, 203 MRS, I. J, BTAOEY. r. . o. i- Tho team for Kaulu point this ov- (iilni Iuuvuh Medford ut (I till) p, m. A IoiIho Ih to bo litKtullod at Eaglo Point and u largo uttonduiico lu do- SO OURU A COLD XX OKI SAY Tnko LAXAT1VJ0 IIIIOMO Qulnlno Tab. lotH. DruuRlHtn refund inonoy It it fallw in euro. 10. W, 0110 VIS' tf slgnatura Is on each box. 880. r - - Use. of Goin1, if City Treasurer's Notice. Nulin.! ix liereliy jjIvimi tlml tliorti ru fuuiln in tint city trcnmiry lor tliu leili'inptiiiu of (lie I'ollnwiiiK vnr riinlii. Intercut will cpiikp nl'tur thin tliittt. WiUTiintK Now. 1 lo 11 indunivu. I.ulernlH l'J, Dlhlriet 11. WiirrnntH Kim. 1 to l'J incliiblvo. Lutcnil III, DUtriiiL 11: WiirrnulH .Vox. 1 lo ! inuluHivc. I.nlrnil 1(1, DiMlrift 11. WiiiniiitH N'iih. to II ituilimivo. I.iiterul 17, Dinlrift 11. WurrmitM Now. 1 mill L. Lateral 18, !nlikt 11. WiirniuU Num. 1 to 1 inclimivp. Lateral 'JO, Dixlrict 11. WnrnmtH No. 1 ami 'J. lateral 111. Dintriet 11. WarrniitH Xim. 1 to 8 imiliirfive. I.ntcral II, DiMtrfcL 10. Wiirriint No. 1. Lnturnl (1, D'w trii-l 8. Warrant Xo. J. Liilcral l.'i, DiM trict (I. Warrunl K. 1. I.atttral . Dih-ti-ict ". QVS II. SA.MUKI.S, Citv Tn-aHiirer. Datttil Fuliriiar.v '27, 11)12. l0;i XirriOK T S'KK'KIIOI.IIKIIS. Tlio iiniiiini ineetliiR of thu Htock holiler of tlm Htorllnn (!oM Quarts MltilniCi ft MlllliiK company will bo held In thin city Mnrcli II, 11H2. Election of a hoanl of illroctorn ami other Importtntl IiumIuihih, II. II. I.OHIMHIl. Hocrctary. MONIiV T() IX)A.V. MONKY TO I.OAN-J3000 on tin proved real entate, rate nviNouablo must have Reed security. Apply II. M.. Mall Tribune. 95 IlUHIMvHB OITOUTUNITI1CS AUK YOU LOOKINO FOIl A IJU8I NKSB BN'AP? -LlHlen to this. Lot ar.xlOO. ono story building, one. block from main street, $3000. This offer open only (or a (ow days. T. Yoric & Co. FOR BALK Wo will havo to give all our attention to ranch work soon .and will dispose of our wood IniHliiesri very rcanoaalilo If taken at once. Standard Wood Yard, cor. nth and Fir. 291 FOR BALK OK KENT VOIl RENT OR BALE First class garden and fruit tract with houso, barn and chicken park, M. A. Hador, Medford, Ore. FOIl HKNT HOUNKKKKVINO. ROOMS FOU RENT Now and up to dato aparunoui anouorn in ovory partic ular, gas cooking, steam heat. otc. Smlth'a apartment houso, 317 So. Iltvorsldo. FOR RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms, Apply morn tugs 425 South Oakdnle. 290 FOIl KENT HOUSES FOU HUNT Furnished houso two blocks from P, O. Also two fur nished rooms. Inquire- 310 N. lli-rtlett. FOH RENT Ilockonypi bungalow; modorn. 729 West 11th st. Phono Main CU03. FOU' RENT Furnished house close In. M. A, Hador, box 495. In qnlro at Commercial club, FOIt RENT 5 room houso corner Jucksmi and Itlversldo, eloao In, furnished or iiufurutshud. Inquire 522 North Riverside. 204 FOU1 RENT S room modern houso 515 Including wator rent. Phono 711. 292 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR, RENT Largo Blooplng room, $1.50 and 52 por woolc. Modorn housekeeping upartmentB, 515 11ml 510, Home phono 2UC-K. 222 Buuth Holly. FOU RENT Furnished slooplng rootnu by day or week; light Iioubo hooping rooms, at Snell Lodging and Apartment Houso, oaBt sldo of bridge, first stroot north, 21 Gon osoo. Phono Paclflu 4324, . 300 ' FOR RKNTV-OFFICES FOR' RENT Ovor tho poatofflco, with hoat and light. Boo A. A. DrtvU. FOR RENT Largo, comfortnbto of flco rooms with olovator sorvlco, Btfliun heat, hot and cold wator. Low rntoii. Apply Medford Furul turo & Hdw, Co. . Vrt! 11,., ...... i'WU r IhUil u.,7V " 3S2 I ir' 5p-. I I WG CLVOW THAT I if MOYMim ONlV VM .L I" - I TRIP TM0O6M P cl- IDC A ? t W.TC fc- S ' ' ' 4" . . 13 ? W " 9 i ?!0 T? PJfc J 51 Z-g ON TUB RNU?CAD J fc i ybmm. 7 3wCNW!N yHHU I Hew FCK? 7 W'e O BH k J www.rLLTqu "-" iPHiu. wg IHnn llTin " wvzzTzr m hHH s. wnNTwr bOfN'.A 1cuymr ..o Hl V c3 H. "" " tHH . IPs. v , .. ''y.vTZKxJmmmLimm:.--"-JKKm' Tr v'm't t .K WJmm JF4U-:SZ& - ?: tf MBFOTCD MAIL TRTBT3NE, You're Where You Want to Be? VOH IlKNT MIHOICIiliANROUB FOIl I.BAHE Kully cqulppnd placer and quartz mlno. Gold Itay Ilcal ty Co. FOIl RKNTrarRO nnd urnall ranch ed. Oold Uay Itonlty Co. FOIl Li:ABBA producing nold mlno equipped with (Ivo xtamp nilllii, conccntraturB, atr cnmhorH n ml nlr coniproniior, all opcratod by electric power. Will Icafo on cntty tcrniH for percontaRO of out put. Cold Ray Realty Co. FOIl BAM-ACIli:AaK FOIl BALK Aero and Hto acre tractb fldjolnlnc Med ford on long time, eaay payment, or might ex clinnKO. Gold Itay Realty Co., 101 ISIcctrlt) bide. FOH BALK Ten acrea on main Ash land road, small bulldlnKf, (or $U750 f 1000 will handle cany tornm on balance. Flno place (or chickens or enrdon, W. T. York & Co. FOH BALIl HOUKIC8 FOIt BALK li room Iioiihu, about mio acre of uronml. youiiK fruit trees, three larso poultry hiitisn, KiO ckk Incubator ami brooder, womUlied and shop, barn, well of flue water, etc. Five, blocks (rum nftphult pavement In vory deslrablo location; k round IiIkIi, well drained and an Ideal location (or a small poultry ranch. Must bo nold at once, and the price will be made accordingly. Inqulro Wust lllh st. CJrocery. 31 a FOU BALK Four room house, wood shod, chicken house; yard fenced; blackberries, raspberries, straw berries, garden; water lu house; only 0.r.0, terms. 737 WoBt 14th between Newtown and KlnK sts., seven blocks south Washington school. 311 FOR SALE Now bungalow with six rooms, bath and pantry; screened lu back porch 10x28; front porch Sx2S; east front; lot 50x171 feet doep, or two lots 100x171 with alloy at side, with barn on. Will give good terms. Inquire 317 Howard st., cast bUIo. Phono C2G1. 310 FOH SALE Soven room houso, 8 rooin bungalow, modorn. Seo V. II. Everhard, 900 W. 9th. Phono C071, rousALK lots FOU HALE ller.t place In town for n store; 150 ft. front, corner Itlv prnldo ami Jackson, where tho now bridge Is being, built. Inquire of owner, J. W. Jacobs, Woodvlllo, Orogon. FOU SALE Lota and smnll tracts close In, A kIx room bungalow, now, atrlctly modern. Phono Pa rifle 742; Home H3x. 313 FOR SALEA good lot on S. Orango st. 50X131, only 5150. ThlH Is a bargain. Geo. C. Corultlus, 219 W. Main st. 291 VOK SALE LAND FOH BALK 200 acres flno alfalfa land under ditch, us good bind for alfalfa as can bo found In tho (date. This will bo sold cheap. Tills Is your opportunity long looked for. Ollvor 11. Ilrown, 430 N. Uartlott st. FOU SALE Will gunranteo right price, and terms on 40 acres ot al falfa land if purchased from owner boforo Apr. 1st. It's tho best prop erty to havo your monoy Invested lu today. Address llox 7G, Route 1. Contrul Point. FOU SALE Eighty ncroB. 1 Vi imiOB west or Eaglo Point, $3200. Prlco holds till March 1 only. W. T, York & Co. FOR BALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Corawood, oak and hardwood, 5K par cord In carload lots, Oold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1873. FOIt SALE Dry yollow plno (out from largo tlmbor) for kindling and tlm kltcliou stovo, 12-lncU 52, lO.lnolr $2.50 per tlor, at tho Standard, cor. Oth and Fir. Pacific G501, Home 103. All kinds dry wood nt popular prices. 299 FOU SALE Wood ut country prices, ltl-lu fir, $2.50; 12-ln. fir, $2; ltl-ln, plno, 52.50; lti-In. hard wood, $2.7r, All dry wood. OlO South Riverside, Roll phono 5041, 80S FOR SALE EGGS AND POULTRY FOH SALE Eggs for hutching from flno pen of Rhode IhIiiikI Hods. Phono 3841 or Inquire 908 E. MlUn. 202 .mi HALE- Choice tmnorUnl birds for biUo, 207 So, ivy ujrwt. 303 MEDFOiTD, GRIM ON", W13T)SrTCBTAY, TTOTtTJATlY FOIl BALK I'OUIrilY AND KGCB FOIl BALK Full blood Plymouth Uocks and White Wyandottes. Call tJOO K. Main. I'hono 4293. Home 3IS-K. 200 FOR BALK illncksmltli shop with complete outfit. Cleared last year lu six months $7!i0. J. T. Perry, Macdofl. Col. Vii FOH HALK Rhode. Island Rod eggs, 11 per fiottlng of 15. 210 Court st. .V. O. Box H 8. SOU FOR BALK Hatching crkb from my trapncHted Crystal White Orplng tomt and It. I. Rcils. Myra Fuller. Siskiyou HtH. Phono 5182. 332 FOH BALK Six heas and II pullets all In best laying (orm. Also Ma jestic range, new Singer sewing imiehlno and furniture. 232 -fill st. West. 293 FOR SALE: Fifteen eggs, express prepaid. $2. Orpingtons, "Wyan dottes, Plymouth Hocks, Leghorns, Dantams. etc Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto (or circular. Slmp non'B Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Orogon. 335 FOU BALK Eggs (or hatching. Crystal Whlto OrplnglonB, Rhode Island Reds, tlrowu and Whlto Leghorns. W. H. Everhard, 909 W. 9th st. Phono C671. FOH. SALE Daty chicks and hatch ing eggs from our trap-nested sln glo comb Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Prices on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. FOU BALE Puro bred Urowu Log bom and Uarrud. -Plymouth Rpck cockerels and Poland Chlrta hogs. Phono S03-F-S1. llorkoloy Or chards, A. P. Stover, manager. 292 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, am booking orders now (or tho slnglo comb Whlto Loghorn, Wyckoff strain, $1 50 (or 15 eggs, 58 per 100. Place orders now. A. W. Stono. Phono 7302. FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE Horsos, weight 1200 to 1900 lbs. Pest horses In tho coun try. Guaranteed. Apply C. II. Natwlck, corner o( Riverside and Llborty st. FOH SALE Sawing machines, sec ond hand or new pumping engines cheap; sawing done to order. Phono Piic. 742; Home 143x. 312 FOH SALE Two buggies, set of hnr ness, good saddle. Cheap. J. C. Hnll. 315 S. Central avo. , FOR SAM!. ISO foov ot 4-foot picket fence with 2 gates. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR SALE My Stoddard-Dayton touring car, 30 h. p., nickel trim, fully equipped, self starter ordorcd, run about 1250 miles. Had best ot caro lusldo and out. Can bo seen Crator Iako Garage. Prlco 51400 caBh. A. II. MUlor, Medford, Oro. FOU SALE Saddlo pony, saddlo and lirldlo. Price 575. A. H. Howoll, It. F. D. box 94, or phono 811 1 ol)2 FOU SALE Saddlo horso fi years old, sound and well broken. Call Pacific phono 5G01. 293 FOU SALE Airnlfn liny $12 a ton. Geary ranch, 301 FOU SALE Jorsoy cow giving milk, Inquire C. L. Earsloy, 910 W. 11th st. 295 FOU SALE Ono brown work miiro 7 years old, also light wagon near ly now. Call uf 40G Beatty St., Medford, Oro. 295 FOR BALK FRESH MILK COW Good milker and-'gentlo. Prlco $50. Cotuo and bco. Phono or wrlto, via Coutral Point. J. 11, Lydlard, Table Rock. 292 FOH SALE Flno bluck gardon soil, luqulro W. M. Hall, 1010 West 0th st. or 401 Riverside nve. South. . 302 FOIt SALE Ono brood sow, throo ahoats 40 lbs. each. Como pre pared to tako nwny, Vm. Packard, one mllo south of Talent. 29G VQU BALE OR EXCHANGE FOH SALE OR TRADE 5 aero truck farms mllo from Medford. W. II. Evorhard, 009 W. 9th. Phono GG71, FOR BALE OR TRADE A clonn, up to dato stock of Imrdwnra and Im plements at Involco prlco, about 52600; nlBo warehouse Addross llox 75, Mncdool, Cal. 291 FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 320 acres onstorn Orogon, ovory foot plow land. For particulars Inquire ot S. C. (Jodlovo, 31C N, Dnrtlott .. asm FOU BALE OH EXCHANGE FOU SALE OH EXCHANGE Ele gant strictly modern bungalow, good location, furnished, will takoi livestock or merchandlBo for 5000 1 equity, balance any terms. Curtlss, ' 150X51. Home phono 377. 293 FOH EXCHANGE FOH EXCHANGE 10 f,o 20 acres near liagio I'oint lor .Mcuioru prop- orty, improved or unimproved. Ex change prlco saino as cash prlco. , en ml - t r....H jqi v- tim- ' lett st. FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to I exebango for othor property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Eloctrlc bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Flvo passenger automobllo In good condition for real estate. Address Box 2, caro Mall Tribune. FOH EXCHANGE Ono aero ot frrl-J gated land for exchango for Med-' ford property. Call at 221 Knight st. Home phono 73-L. 294 FOH EXCHANGE A magulficent brick business hembu In Caney, Kansas, now rented for $30 per month. Will exchango for modern I bungalow in Medford. George C, Cornltlus, 219 W. Main st. 294 FOH EXCHANGE 10 acres good fruit and berry land 2 miles from Talent. Will exchango for lots or small house and lot. Prlco only 51200. Geo. C. Cornltlus. 219 W. Main it. 294 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED A capable orchard man wants steady work on rail eh. four years experience, good references, married. Box G. T., Tribune. 294 WANTED Trustworthy men or women wanted as local represent atives of responsible manufactur er. High class merchandise and clean selling methods. 512 per week guaranteed on easy condi tions, with possibility of $30 and advance. Experience not neces sary. MANUFACTURER, Box 27S, Philadelphia. 2S6 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Sowing by tho day. Phono Maln.7402. 424 S. Peach. 29G WANTED Family washing or housework by day or weok. Call at 301 South Portland. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY a match team. Addross Box A. C, Tribune. 293 WANTED To purchase second hand safe. Address Box 3, caro Mall Tribune WANTED You can't help buf niako monoy selling our guarantood-to-glvc-satlsfaction stock; tree outfit; cash wcokly; oxcIubIvo torritory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top penlsb, Washington. WANTED Gontlo riding pony. Bou dlnot Conner. Tel. Central rolnt. Lowor Table Hock. WANTED Few, nlco young hens; stnto kind and prices. Addross 100, caro Mall Tribune. 292 1 WANTED To buy a young Jorsoy cow. Box 7S, R. F. I). No. 1, Central Point, Ore. 294 WANTED To buy a good milch cow, Jorsoy preferred. Wrlto giv ing price and description. Must bo fresh or booh to be. Box 40, Jacksonville. 290 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD Gonornl accountant. Your books audited and kept for n roasonublo figuro; your business solicited. Ottlco Medford Mall Trib une bldg.: phono GG11; resldonco phono G302. Abstracts ., ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco. phonos Main 2511, Home 35G, Jackson ville phonos, Pacific, Main 11; i Home, 200G. Assayer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays mado for gold, sil ver, load, copper and othor miner als. Mines and mining prospects Hiirvoyod, assayed and mining maps and reports mado thorpou by com--) potent mining nssayers and cugi noora at roasonublo terms, Capital Hoqiirod for dovoloplng mtnos and imluing prospects. All mlno own- ora aro earnestly requostod to send Bamplos of their ores for exhibi tion purpoBPH, and sond full do sorlptlon of tholr mining property Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, .GtU aud Fir B.18. 2R, 1012. nUSlXEBS DIRECTORY. Attorneys - C. L. RBAMES. LAW YEH Offlco Medford National Rank building. second floor. poRTERJ. NEFF, WM,P.MEALEY I Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postofflco bldg. iA. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garnett- Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (H. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bids. Architects A. D. JOHNS H. D. TURNER Phono 744. Phono G413. Johns & Tnrner Architects and BullderB. Office 31-33 North Bart lett, near Main. Offlco Phono 1931. Billiard Parlor S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford. Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adkins blk., Medford, Oregon. Contractor ami Builder , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER j Repair work a specialty, wni. 1 McGaw, 504 S. Newtown. Phone . " 5211. 314 Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real cstato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elevator. Phono Main 2021. Chiropractors DH. H. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. Oth and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific inassago given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1CS-K. DR. ELISABETH BROOKE Chiro practor, nervo specialist. Tho lat est scientific treatment for chronic, nervous, blood, uric acid, function al and constitutional diseases, In cluding catarrh, asthma, heart, stomnob, liver, kidney, femalo and many othor diseases. Consultation rreo. 247 So. Rlvor3ldo. 84-R. Hours, 1 to 4. 30G Chinese- Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlncso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic ' and nervous ailments, stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 211 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, G: 30 to 7:30. Resldonco phono Main 42. Dentists .J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI- KKH, D. I). S. Dentists, 22S K. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DH. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC DontlstB Gamott-Coroy bldg., Bulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. AHTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Orrico In Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main'. Gas adminlstorod tor extraction or teeth. Tolophouo Muin G$l. Night phono 4432. Granlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; doalora In preBsod brick and llmo. Offlco at tholr brick yard, West Jaoksou Bt. Phono No. 34G1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY. 21S West Main Streot, Doalors and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick and tile. Oot our prices and boo our brick and tlio before purchasing. Garbage MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. OAR RAOE HAULED. Leavo orijors at 29 S. Burtlott, or phoua Rodney Taylor. I'acUiu 3432, Home 107-X. rAGK JTIVW By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furnlturo mado lo order. Cabinet work, otall kinds. A trial order solicited. Insurance) NATIONAL LIVE STOCIC INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered undor tho laws or tho state of Oregon. Insures horses and cattlo against death from fire, accident or disease. Cbas. &. Tull, agent, Medford, Oro. Offices West Sldo Stables. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job of fico in sottthorn Oregon; book binding, looeo leaf systems, cut paper, etc.. etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock U not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. Wo are not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grado nursery stock. Offlco 104 S Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 816 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians nnn Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. OHfco phone 501, resldonco phouo 612. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nott-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnott-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212. phono 5501; resl donco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, resldonco 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices ovor Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001. Home 2S. Rcsidenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgoon. Practlco llmltod to oyo. ear, noso and throat. Eyo3 scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Otrico 21G E. Main st., over Med ford Hardwnro company. Hours, . 8:30 a. m. to S p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKBL, It. D. Offlco Jack sou County Bunk. Orrico phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. G82. DH. E. II. PORTER Physlclau and Surgeon. St. Marks Block. Ofrico phono 4901. Resldonco 7051. DH. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Keutnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Resldonco phono Bell 273. Home 229. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work uono quiCKiy and well. Title Examiners D. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Titlo Examiner. 320 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. TRANSFER & STOIt- AGE CO. Orrico 1C South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right, fiorvlco gunrantood. MEDFOUD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 2 Go; trunks 2So nnywhoro In tho city, Offlco Val loy 8-cond Hand Storo, l(S N. Fir st. Phenes: Main 3072, Home 354. MesBonger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. Undertaken JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmor. Offlco 28 South Uart lott Bt. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, resldonco, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered night or day. Atauuiauca aowce, -i