PAGTC THREE ROGUE VALLEY E 'MW'MSJVJA Attractions at the Medford Theatre A A Full Line of Peerless Lamps All unrnntced. Now is the tirno to tret vour honso AHEAD OF ALL MH8. LESLIE CAnTEH AS JEANNINEBAnTET IN A SCENE FROM "TV0 WOMEN," AT THEATER, MARCH 4 MEDFORD Guy W. Connor notiirns From Ex tended Visit to Fruit Sections of California and Wnsliliiuton and Finds Mini ford Country llebt. Flnlny Will Ulirrato Ooli Whites and Hiiuunrluii Piirtrli!ns If ncfiijji's wired. Good light adds to 2 tlio comtort of winter months. Aro Provided In nontic River Va Icy for Them. SO. OREGON ELECTRIC CO. North Grape Street. MEPFOTCT) MATTi TTlTnUNK MTOFOftD. OKWOX. TrflMDAV, JWBHrARY 27, 1012, " 1 J ; y. - GAM PRESERVES 2 .IT?8?' v"''1'' " 2!r DESIRED ERE Twr"f r- """nfrT -mr irrf- - - T-i-r-Tr "in"'vf 4444l4444444r4444(C4(---4-4f W .te- V (1ny V. Conner, Nfcrnlnry-lioiiif tiror of llio IIokiio HUur Coiimioicliil Oniliunl o in tu ti . rotumcd Hiitnrdiiy from tin oxti'iidml it ihroiiKli Col orado, tlirnritlK wwl WitubliiKlnn, lln hhIiI: ' I !inH Ikhmi Iii .Modfoid for tho ithnrt iiorloil of uIkIiI hioiiIIim uiiiI tiuiNt wi on my rot in n hm tltitt llio Itojtno ((r vulloy lookM linlliir lliiin on ni) flint v I 1 1 limit it nr or moro ko. I Imvo fulled to Mini n rlty of tint hIxu of Medford In tiny of llio Hit vo MntoH I vlnlltiil Unit could iiiirmcli .Mi'tlfoid In tlm nl iiiiih of liiiiriiMiiinU f fueled, Con itltlmiH lioio mo fnr In iidvuiirn of wliul inlc.lil Ik oxiit'ttiMl. "I urn iltillulitoil lo lifiir (hut tin' ptioplo or UiIn lutiitloii aro try lux to oim til llio Mint iiiliKirnl itwoiuvHH HiirroiinilliiK M'dfnnl. Thorn Im no roitmin why tlm Hokum rlvor volley hIioiiIi) not Iwcoino u :ront iiiIiiIiik muter. While I am not IntureMtttd fliiiinuliilty In any inliilnic u'littirn I mil confidant (lint If even linlf of I what linn Imwii told ri'Kar j pnMbllltltm of iiiImIiik In tl . try Im l run tliiin llieie Miuti y tioiililn In tin' iitHir fnttiro i what hurt Imwii tdd reKnrilliu: the l lilrt Colin iuiiIiI do no of Hornr- liiK nnllinlti'il rttnltnl to di'Volon mi inc. "Irrigation In mm feature Unit iiuiHt rccclwt more attunllon from liiottl pronto Inierotdcd In itny hind of Mill niilKldo kikhI Micky. Tlmro In no iwutlon n tin tttwt that run bniul of bettor Mill than tlm fitmotiM Micky of tho ltoi;ii(( river valley. ICvtuy- whero I wunt I foiiiiil Irrlnntlnn it MroiiK fnrtnr In htilldltiK up ami til- I (1 In K (hit fnriiiH Into Hinnll lmldlnwt. Ntmrly evory neotlon of thU wtlley iiixmIm Irrigation ami I am confident that If IrrlgntlnK wim doito on it inoro KiimiroiiH m'hId tho Inrtitir fiimm would Im Mill It iii unit llio ioiiiliitlon would ho Kri'it(l) Inrrcuitml " SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS CLAIM OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC WASHINGTON. I) ('. -Vli 27 Tlm t'nlti'ii Htulwt niiproim' court liori; today .uphold tlm rluht. of tho tjouinern memo coin puny to cico. tlnnn of land nndi'r tho HO-ritllod "main linn ;ianl" hy rtHixrotnt with in Urn grant to llio Atliintllc & I'a clfln rnllroiid. Tlm dorlMnii. a tout tutno. liitolw llio rlalm to $1.000,. 000 worth of California land. Ohio Hardware Association. ('MCVKI.AND. ().. Ktdi. 27. Tlm niiiiiial i'oiivonllon of tho Ohio I laid waro Dt'alur' hm)cImUoii lit'Kan In thU olty today, with lmadiiinrlor at tho llollnndoit lloiol. DurliiK tlm llirtio dityn' mchhIoii many topk-H of common Intercut will Im dlnrimtiod hy ii'oiiilntiiL ri'inoMontativoH of Urn hurdtvnio tin do In nil parlH of llio utato. In toiiiii't'tlon with tho inuut Iiik a hnrdwitrc ovhlhltlon Im IidIiik hold In llio fonlnil armory. Coal Road Cases Ui for Trial. COMl.Mlll'B. ()., I'oh. 'J7.'nio KOVtrnmont'frNiill ai;aliiht (ho I.ako ," JCj; HIiiiiiv & MIi'IiIkuii Soul horn Hallway jT M r",l,",,iy IU"' " "",l,t"' f tUiir rail Y ioad mill coal companloH was cnllud lor trlnl In tho fmlurul niiirl huro to day. Tho dtifntidmit coiiipnnloH uro ohnrKi'd with maliiliilnlni; it comhlnii linn mid roiiMplraoy In nmlraliit or roininorro In llio mining. trmiMportn lion nnd hiiIo of hltnmlnoim coat from vsiwlorn I'oiiiiH.vlviinla, Vnt Virginia and Ohio. Kentucky Farmers' Institute. I-'UANKKOHT, Ky., l-'oh. 27. Tho muiuiil meet hit; of tlm Htato fa mi u in' liiHtltule. mi Iiifluenthit fou luro of tho i uial uplift movement In Kentucky. In thin city today ond will continue unlit Friday. Hev oral hundred proi;roMHlvo aKi'lciiltur iMtn from all partH of tho utato mo In ntttindmico, Tho piopum pro vhlim for iiumoroim iiiIiIiiwhch mid iloinoiiHtrnUonH In tho dlffoiunt linen of farm work. North Carolina R. o. P.Divlded. itAi.icmn, .v. a, i.'oh. U7. Mimy iloliiKiUoH mo iirrlvltiKtto attend tho lopuhllcan atato convonllon, wliloh iiiciuIh at tho YmhorotiKli Iioiihh In thin city touiorrow to nmuo tho dolo K'lteH tit IniKO to attend tho repuhll can uutlouitl convontton In CIiIcuko. Tho "lomilar" oi'Kiinliiiitliiii In Bolldly for Taft, hut iiiuoiik tho rank anil fllo of tho party tlmro aro mmiy HooHovolt Hiipporlorii, mid an a con R0(tiuuco it coutcHt In promlHod on tho pnmlddiitlal luflti'iictioiiu, riltiw Cuiril in (I lo 11 DajH. Your driiKRlBt will rofiuul iiionoy If l'A,0 OINTMWNT fullii to ouio any cho of ItohliiK, llllnil, UlmidliiB or J'rntnullufe' IMIoa In fl to M dnj'H. GOo, Ktatn (Ihiiio Waidcn V I, 'W Im IooUIiik for union littil 1 1 1- - i vch In llio Koxuo rlvnr viillo), wlmro It I can llhohiti) lloh While iiinll and llniiKmlmi pnitrldnt? nnd in ,i.miii.i of tliolr prolwlloii, In a lolii r in loi'iil NpoiUumii Im will oh mh rilliiun "Wo aro mtmiKliiK IHiouiti oral palm of lloh White qn,il) and IIiiiimui'Iiiii pHrtrldHOH In tour pan of tho country and Mince we do mil uu to ndiHino thoin only on InmU wlllih have littil doclnrttil a i:niue i f nj.' wo hhoiild like to know If you would ho wIIIIuk to phue jour laud mulu tho protection of the i;atno rcfiu' net. Your laud Iimh hceii iiintii incndeil In dm iim hold Mltunled for mi Idfiil riworvn for name piuiu and r,niim milmalN. "An InipHhlnii him pietalh'd that private ownurit will nuffnr minm in com ii lent it from the openillnu of IIiIm act- on tlm loulrar). there Ik no o.xpoUHO InvoUod on the part of llio owner, nor Im Dm land withheld from any iiHoful purpoMe. it mere ly h contract hot ween the land owner and tlm utalo kom wanlen ilial the html dencillied Mint 1 1 ho reKiuded hh a ptlvate tetiorte, and when thU In done It U unlawful for any one to hunt i;aiim Idrdit mid Kittue hiiIiiimIm on the liiud io t't HMlde. Tho hunt' Iiik and kllllin: of predHtory niilinalii. however, can ho cnrrlil on hy ttpo- cImI permit from tho warden In cliarr.o- "Wo nliall tipprtH'htto It very luimli If you can moo jour way clour lo ro- operato with iim In IimvIiik n ronorve crouted on your laud. l'lotin write mo at once. Very truly yonri, "WII.I.IAM I. fini.i:y." THREE CAVALRY TROOPS TO MEXICAN BORDER WASIIINCTOX. I) C . K'h 27 Three more Iroopii of etiMilry were ordered thU afternoon o proieed to tho Mexican hordor. Two t roups or cavalry went ordered to DoiikIum nnd (ho othur to NoKnloti, Arlt , hoth near tho lutttruntlounl hoiiudnry Hue. Alt tho troop wore Hnt from Sail An' toulo. , Graves to Defend Clark. rilKHAMH. tt'li.. I'eh. 27. -Adel-hurt Clark, who killed l'reHldout liar of tho Puriiuir and .MercliHiilM Nil Tloniil Hunk at Coulrnllii, while at temptliiK to roh tho hank Iat Uocin hor. will dufundod hy Will (Jiiimw, . Kpokauo attnritoy, It Iiiih Ipcoii an iiotiuced. Tlm trlnl Ik nut for Murch i To Try Trooper for Murder. MI'ltMNUTpN. VI . I'eh. J7. 'llio torm if the rudoral court which convened hole today will ho maNln uotatdo hy (lie trial for murder of Matthew Carl In, it pilvnto In (ho tenth United State cavalry regiment. While MtHtloued itt Kort Kthmi Allotl hint rail Carlylo ran uiuurlt and hIioI mid killed Andiow C. Kov, a fellow liooper, mid MiirloiiMly wouudud two iiokio kIiIm. Seattle. Crimes Dcrrcasc. HICATTI.K, WiimIi., Foh. 27. Three liurKhirieM, uach helloved to ho the work of tho winm mini, wore coinmltted hint iiIrIiL within a rud Iuh of elKhlecn IiIocKm. On Iiik to tho IncrcnHo In Iiiii'kIiiiIoh durhiK (ho piiHt four weekH Ihe police putrol Iium lieon lucroiiHed, mid mi effort Im ho Iiik mudt to discover lioiuliiiarlem of mi orKiiulxed hand or men who Hcein to ho plundering' iteaUle Iioiuoh. Dandruff Goes gulckil. Uamlnifr emit Wen 1 Unit liter Know it, ir you want to not rid of diiudniff In tho HliortoHt ponnlhlo tlnm jml a hottlo of PAH1S1AN SAUK today ami lino it, llculdoti ImnltililiiK dandruff mid miildiiK your nculp luiniiiuiilutoly t'loaii, PARISIAN HA (1 10 Ih Kiiarau teod (o Htop fallliiK hair and KcIiIiik Ht'ulp mid InipuiL llfo mid bounty to tho liulr, Ono of HoohoHtur'u most promtiiout luirhoiH wiitew: "neulluuieii: 1 am it haihor of flf Icon yearti oxpuileuro, mid hnvo uaod mmiy UiIiiku for hair hut uovor round miytlilliK oqual to PARISIAN 8 A (IK for romovliiK dandruff, It Ih iiIhd a uplundld hulr ditmuliiK wu iiulcUly HtopH ItuhliiK Bcalp, 1 havo UHOll It for tho IiihI throo yoaia," T. I). Kniltli, Ohiiinhui' of Oommorco llldK.i Uoohontor, N, Y., .luno 27, 1011. PAUIH1AN 8AGK Ih mild hy CIiiib. Strang, and iIhikkIhIh ovorywlmio for GO contH, i jfflffifr -7BW!sforKmmMWtff&vw&'nrn : ..vat" ?.Ti i n. 1 H ,r ?'! icrf f S .Mr- l,i "he (aitir h Imuiiiij; Ihe emiiili Ho- nii-on ill her liitt-t vriul Hiieii- , "m Women," u ilia main .mil puiilul eiimlional ilniinn lis Knpcit llii'lic- 'I'lu- ila liml i lonjj ikii I.ii ,c.i-jiii til the hfle TO .Mine, Sehuinaimllcmk. ihe ivtntialto, Im- juxl htnrteil on will he the Kicntct tour die hn oxer iiiulcitnkcii in lliiit eoiintry. llei Kuropeuii itiiiorHry whx a ruumrknhte "cnw of ovation. Sho mMf for he knwer to hi entliuninntienll'ev ntHil ilehfilil, ami the luiihcnn. with lior own iuiK'rinl IihiiiI, punted ohiii the -inuer a diHinond liroeeh. The ittynl I'm onto M'cmed to htt "The Himnry." "I have iiIwh.vh been ititttrenlcd in nnt nrl," uniii (ho hiii;tir rmionlly. "mid yet I iiiii tlm mother of eight liapiy, healthy ehililreu. I mil liv iitK argument that inotlietliood doe. not ilelrnet ftoiu (he iiii-Mint of art." .Mcdlord HHidt) will have (he priv ilege of hoitriuir Mine. Scliimiitiiii lleink hi the Xntnliinum, .Fritlnv etuiniitf, .March 11. Conference of Railroad Workers. SPKIXOFMCM). III. Foh. 27-Sv-oral thousand tloloitntos roprimoiitlitu tho four IiIk hrotherhooiU of railroad w oritur, the lAHtnnotlvo Firemen mid ICiiKlimrM, tho Itnllwny Tralu meii. tlm Locomotive linglueer and tho Hallway CoiiduclorH. mot here today In a rrnturiial Mini co-opeiatlve confuiem o for tho puiHno of dh, ciimhIiik matlerM of co-oporatlou and lii((lMlatlon mid for dellhoratiUK m wa)H and meiiiiK for ohtalnliiK the co-opurailoii of the uinuHKonioiitH .if Progressive Wo tlo us wo WK WILL NOT l'raolico litnltoil to ' QAHNKTl'-COKBY ltLDCt. Reliable tiiealre, New York, mill wi "linun ill iiiiiiiv "f the fi'iolinj; eitio1- It ,s Mini (Iiim ii" the only play .Mrs ( urd-r Inth IihiI in icccnt ycaix winch al I'oriU her iiiHnUicciit it)ortiiuities for iietiiiK- tho kind of noliiitf a Inch the rallroadH In muttcra of mutual InteroMt. Thu forenoon was devoted to tho reception of delegatus and In the afternoon a cIomoiI mohIoii wum held which will ho followed UiIm evonltiK y u nx'cptlon nt tho kov eruor'H mniiHlou. Pittsburfl University Celebrates. Piri'SHUHO. Pa., Ft?b. 27. -A three dityH celelirr.tlon wuh bosun to day of the 17Vth Hiinlvortmry of the KrantltiK of Fiilvomlty of IMtttburR'H fliHt charter. I'Mucatorn rcprcxout Iuk niHiiy InrKe IiihIUuIIoiih of Amer ica and Knrope aro attending tho celebration. One of tho feature of tomorrow's program will he Uip con forrliiK of th luinorary tlirr) of LI.. 1) upon Dr. Houiulo S. Napn, tho Aritentlne tnlnUter at WitHhuctou. For Presidential Primary. LANSINU. .Mich., Fob. 27 hi re MpoiiMo to the call ImhiiciI hy GovtT nor Ohorn two wcekH nso tho Mlotil Kiin leKlxlaturo convened In bhc1rI momIoii today to coiihlder mid net up on a moaauro providing for a pio-i tleutlnl prlmury. USE ALLEN'S F00T-EASE Tho antiseptic powder to ho shaken Into tho hIioob. If you want rest nnd comfort for tlrod, tender, aching, swollen, sweating foot, uno Allen's Foot-Kuse. Uollovcs corns nnd bun' Ioiim of all nnlti nnd prevents blisters, fcoro nnd callous spots. Jiist the UiliiK for DancInK Parties. Tntent Leather Shoos, nnd for HrenkliiR In! New Shoos. It Ik tho greatest com- fort discovery of tho nge. Try It to- day. Sold ovorywhero. b ris. uon t accept any Hiihijtltuto. For PRKRi iied, TJnS: n ra AWU a" "nl " What Do You Want to Know? We will for llio next row day gladly give the public in this hwc any liifoniuUlou they may want on any given condition lehithe to tho pre vention or tioatmout or dlsonsoH of tho 1IKAD. Wrlto iim a lojter stating what you want iim to discus), signing jour tiaiiio, mid wo will tako tho matter up In detail mid give thu public tho houoflt of (ho aiiHwer. In ease you tlo not doslro lo tuKo tho time to wilto, call iih on either phono nnd toll us .vour nmuo nnd state tlm sub Juut mid wo will Dion illsciibM it. Wo will treat all commiinioatious con fhloiitlally but miiKt ask for tho mimo in older to protect ourselves. This Ih your clutnco to got FHKK advice and FHKK iiiformntlon and wo will ho glttd to furnish you with It. Wilting advertising nmttor Is hard nnd wo aro willing to tnKo your suggestions for a tlmo and let on tiliooso what you want to hoar about. advorttso- -CONSULTATIQN ALWAYS FHKK Tills Idea was suggested to us hy some of our fi lends mid' wo aro Hiiro wo will ho iiblo to Hiipply you with tlto Information you limy do Hlro. .Wo will also furnish nt any tlmo our itutliorltlos If you hIiouUI bo reiiuest. KNTKIt INTO ANY THIS. DISCUSSIONS It will pay you to hoar uh in mind and don't? forgut L'f por cent off, Drs. Saunders & Green -KYB, EAK, NOSK una THROAT. MKDKORD, OKKaON inmle her fiimoiii some few M-nrs nyo iiik! winch iilwas will he rciiii'iuljered hv tlieativ-j:ocrK who saw il in "Zsim" and ".Mine. l)u Unrr " MrM. ('iirtfp will he seen in "Two Women" at the Mctlfonl, .March iX NO MEETING OF CLUB There will he no meeting of the Couunereial luh Wcluciln veuina; owlni t the death of .Mr-. Willium M. ("olvip, wife of the president ami niHiiaKcr of that organization. Tit? ilirectors of the club mot TucmIii Hfteruooii mill adopted resolution-, of aytnpiithy which are to be tendered to .Mr. Colvis. Indorse Barker's Candidacy. TACO.MA, Wash., Feb.-27. With but thruo dissenting votes, the Ta coma 1 T. U. looal last night In dorsed tho candidacy of Darker of Spokane for president and Duncan of New York for vice-president ngaltiHt the present holders. Get the Original and Gsnulnt HQBLIGK'S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for 11 fleas. c.Tr.. t i-j jr i -i i won.inaiKanaosTngcaren. rcrcNutnUon.upbuiIdingthcwholebody. Inngoralesthcnurslngmothcrandlheagci Rich m'llt. malted cram, in powder form, IfT; J T . . t quick luncu prenarea in a minute. Takenoiubstltule. AskforHORLICK'S. Not in Any Milk Trust Aggressive OT1IKU THAN' J Ethical Monthly Blooming and Climbing Roses, Tree Rosea, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Trees H. B. PATTERSON Office In Nash Hotel Lobby Inildo Im franco Next to Darl)cr Shop Hnlcsjnrd 110 South Fir Street Office Phono Main Gill Itcsldenco Phono Mala 2103 ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 3C Degree Twrt. In Steol Dru ms. No Waste. Kentucky Black Leaf Arsenate of Lead Zinc Arsenite Alfalfa, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Vetch ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION First National Bank OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository "Wc solicit your business, which- will receive our careful attention. ' P. K. DEUEL, PRESIDENT 31. L. ALFOItD, CASHIER ORRIS CRAWFORD, ASSISTANT CASHIER- Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE County Jackson Medford, It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 'W. I. Vawtcr, President G. R. Lindley, Vice Pres. C. W. McDonald, Cashier r- BACOTTHE I LAril-nflHbk. i T X Bis IWI1 COLONIST FARES TO AIL POINTS IN OREGON, OAIU MARCH 1 TO APRIL 15, 1012 SOUTH ERNM PACIFIC rntt prom CHICAao $11.00 ST. touts ... ai.oo OMAHA ... IS OO KANAB CITY U.00 T. PAUL ... 25.00 rnOH OTMCH OITIC COHRK,ONOINQhV LOW Oolonlit t'ttt A IVl'-llOl'Mlonlr, but ther cn b rrvpild twm n iolm. rfjim hi frUn J or relatlvva la the lStti who il. Ire tp "tlot llnik tn tliol'iirut. you ran lono.lttl;8 faro wllh jour local aont uml a tUVt't will bo toWsraphrdtoauy a.UlrfHito. Iro.1. tOallim thouaJer.UiieJ (orttuoM lo. tructtva literature to .and a.t. XWt H. SCOII, Crwilfwfijtf litit. rOITUU. OtlCW II I' in r Bank Oregon mm MJ IT) i I V i-l