PXdlB HVH! Jeff Is a Wonderful Diplomat, Yes, Indeed, a Wonderful Diplomat By "Bud" Fisher a riC SOT IT. fAUTT ! ) Sun wo'i'7 VOU GOT ML tXJLCl J f-iOvi VTfMiOt'.lt.HT TMJIUrSMO I'LL HIDB MUXJUn Tilif Ci A&.R TO OP OWULU fN0 TrND LGLtyr w SOMQPiisttf VJMQR.G I COtNft ,s,iD Ten. sue 5H FAWB'j. YOU'W LPOri io TvLt. COU VJItt4 SMG'! chu'li. got stuck. , Comwjo. G ' On tow (M-V, QNtt -COv.' UOOK. Ci&(mm y SVJUUU MTDPlTOnD ISfATTi TRTBTTNE, TEDFORD. OftTCflOX, WTCDNTCSDAY. FFIVRTTAftY 21, 1012. AY Wll'ir To YiVf.it f,m ' La ST v UACK. LCT'S Tii'un . ,-.. X niMKoiSotxq J m . -- Jl vS.Nlt.VJrMta I THINK? ' pi in . wrs J VmW 3 fWo- soo? J I m -.mtf v . ; v 'hIM Hf i"B .TEauRW' I a". '? all i ln2& id! Tbld fP k V V lliiiiimiimii -.,JgJ.Kl'4 -v.mi i lrf fjc I . !I)M UV-I vX iLffrl. VA TlSA itill iiiiiiiiiiiiliffiyji'. 4?;w4 JfiLSflS" " if uei P-I 1 III Mill I , F aHBB MEDFOflD MARKETS Italiill l'ricc;i. Vi'jti'Jahli-H, l'otntoon $I.fQ jtor cwt, CnbtinKU Hn. I'arHiilp 'i'Ao. l.mtui'C 10o lioad. OnrrulH 'JJ4c oiiioiu :io. Colory riOcflll dm. OniilKluivor 0J20o Iiond. Tumlim 2 lie ItaillnhpH r.o Inindi. Onliiii Grt-oii, Co bunch. Kmlt. Ooconnuts 10c onch. ITuui'ii Drloil, 10c lb. LmnoiiH lOo ilorutt. Ilntiiiiina lUu to !t0o jior doxen. OrntiKi'fl lBc to 40c. Crnnburrlim 10a qunrt. Iliittcr, KkU" mill Poultry. HuttiT Krttuli ranch, per roll, fifie: cronmery, S5c ICnnn Frtwli mui'h, 30c; storage, 2 On. Poultry Hnni, droiocd, 18c; Uvo Hn: nprlni;. ilninoil, 2Qc. Turkoyn 20c to 2fic, drcnHl. Mcntn, Wlmlcunlo. llonf Cown, 4V4c; litem, 6c. pork r Vi ff 'c wf-X Vital UroHlQd, 7 V5 tfMOc. Mutton 33 ',4c, Uvo; lamb, C( 7V4c liny mill 1'i'cil, U'IioIchuIo. Hay - Alfnirii, I2 to flS; Krnliv. Ui to $11. CrMln Wlicnt. M per bunliel: ontn 3ii pr (on; barley, rolled, M0 por ton; barlvy, whole, J3G. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES UNIFIED AT BOARD CALL HT. I.OUIS, Mo., l'eb. SI, Hell toliiphouo coinpuleM of eleven mid dle wiwloru nlaliM, with u capital of iiiiiio lliuu $20ll,U()(i.lMli) were inil fled toda at Iho annual pieetluic of tho MloekliolderH of tho Hell Tele phono company of Mlnnourl. Offl elaln of tho coiupanliHi lu tliono ntulen went ehoneii from the dlreclorn of tho Hell Telephone company of .Mln-j Hourl, which, uiidui' tho now plan, Iomm Mm bloutlly and hccoinoH a purl of (ho Aineilciin Telephouo & Tele Kinpli company. DOMESTIC STORM LEADS TO DOUBLE TRAGEDY BKATTMC, Wn , Feb. 21. -Ah Iho climax of iloutcHtlc iiulmpplnem e teiiilliiK over oIkIiI yeiii'M, II. II .lohunon hint ulKht Mliol and killed bin wife lllaiicho JoIiiihoii, and then Mint u liullui cniMhlim into IiIh own lirulu, dealli lonultluiJ! Instantly. .IoIiiihoii wiih Janitor of an apartment houne. Tho dead bodlen wero found by l.awlou .lolumou, In year old kou of the couple, who later told Iho udory of coul Ipual iiuurruls between hln father nnd mother. Oration by Dr. Alderman. PIIII.ADKMMIIA, Pit., Feb. 21. FollowhiB mi aiinuul ciihIoiii Iiiiiuku ratnd lu 182(5, 'iho Pnlvernlty of PoniiMyJvanla today observed Wnsh liiKton'H birthday with oxen-lion up pioprlato (o tho occasion. Tho prln elpal nxnrulHOty wore hold this morn Iiik In tho Aeadomy of Musle, whoro it Inrtto crowd Ktithorod to llKton -tci mi oration by President I'M win A. At ileriuau of the ITulveiHlty of Vli'Klnla. At tho conclusion of (ho exorcises u FOR SALE, $1500 A flno ilttlo new 7-rooni liuiina, Inw, on Roso nvcmio near Main. This house Is striotly modern, well built and a liaroaln for somebody, Dost resilience district In tho city, Four blocks from Medford JjQtol, Inqiilra H. E. GATES, Owner, 23 Roso nveiuio. wvro ItirKI.VKKS OIM'OUTUMTIKH Altli YOU I.OOKINU KOlt A IIITHI NUBII HNAI'T- Union Ui tlib. I.ot fiXlOO, ono iitory bllllillllK. i)li(, block from niiiln blnit, :i00(l. Tlili offor open only for a fow dnyn. W. T. Yotl( ft Co. I'OU HA Mi Urorury biiliiwi Ht In volet, Htoi It anil Mxtunw will In volco about I'JOOU. ItoiiHonnblo runt. lurluilliiK iipart inuntM ubovo utoro t'otiinluliiK hIk. Iurni ruonih. All tuoiluru convuiilourofi. Now ntooli, ui'tv bullilltiKM, good onlali IIhIhhI I mile. Wrllo (o own or. Hox I, itirn Mull Tilliuiu'. SSS I'Olt 8AI.I5 Opportunity for KHicrnl morit. n tplintlld opiuliiK "t Kdi'ii bowor. I will liulld for tonoiit A. V. 1'crKUnon, ItomtburK, Oro 2HC FOH Ill.VT IUltNlHIIKI) IIOO.MB I'Olt ItKNT I.nrRii nlooplnc room, I1.C0 and 2 por wook. Modern liouHoki'opInK mtnrtiniMitit, MS nud 10. Iloinu phono 2CC-IC. 223 South Holly. FOU ItKNT I'lirnlHlu'.l nlcoplnt; rooniH by day or wook; IIrIiI Iioiiho- kui'i'lup rooniH, at Buolt LodcltiK nnd Apartinont Iloim oaitt hIiIo of brldKU, flrvl ntrcot north, 21 (Sou unco. Phono Pacific 4224. 300 KOlt HKNT OKFIClfl VOM ItKNT Over tho pontofflco, with heat and llcht. Boo A. A. Davln. KOlt HUNT Larue, comfortable of ffro roomii with elevator service, nlonui beat, hot and cold water. Low raten. Apply Medford Furni ture & lldtv. Co. FOU ItKNT Flic well llKhted of flow In St MarkH block unliable for phyHlclan, deuilxt or real dm lute office, tilth heat and water. Come nee them between 1' and 10 a. in. or on 1 1 phone Pacific 2 HI 201 FOU HKNT IIOI'BKKKKPINO IIOO.MB FOIt HKNT Now and up to dato apartinont anodorn In ovory partic ular, r.aa cookliiR, ntcntn heat, etc. Bmlth'H apartinont hoiuo, 217 So. Hlvomjdo. FOU HKNT IIOUBISS FOIt HKNT llockenyoa hungalow; modern. 72U Went 11th at. Phono MiiliGOOS FfiltlfitNT- -2" room furnished houso llnhln and water In tho rear of 220 Bo. (irape. M2.B0. 3 SO F(5iV"Hi4.N'T- Furirislie.l house"eTTJso III. M. A. Under, box 105. In uulro ut Commercial club. FOIl HKNT T, 100m bunpilow well furiilnhed. J'lo 11 Mouth, water paid or will sell. 212 B. drape. 2SS KOlt HKNT MI8UKM1ANKOUH FOIt I1KA8K Fully cciulpped placor nud uiiarU intiio, Cold Hny Itoul ty Co. FOIt UlCNT I.nrpo nnd nmoJl ranch es, (lold Hny Healty Co. FQlt LKABK -A producing ROltl niilno ouulpped wllli five stamp mlllfl, concoptrntorH, nlr crushera nun air compressor, nil operaieu by olectrlo power. Will lenso on easy termn for porroiitngo of out put. (lold Hay Healty Co. F()H BALK OH HKNT VOU ItKNT Oil SALK First class garden nnd fruit tract with houso, barn nud chlolton park. M. A. Hndor, Medford, Oro. FOJt BALK QH HKNT 2 room fur HlHhod'houuo with screened porch. IiiMUlro 511 South Ornpo st. 280 F()U HATiKr-XOTa, FOU BALK Heat plnco lu town for it store; 150 ft, front, corner Hlv orsido nud .lucksou, wliero tho now brldgo Is liotng built. Inquire of owner, J. V, Jacobs, Woodvllle, Oregon, FOU BALK LAND KOlt BALK One. of Iho choicest furum In Iho WlllamgtlQ vnllqy, Bltiinleil -l'i mlloH from MeMinn vlllo and 3 miles from Carlton, Oiegon, ISO ncres, 150 lu high Btato'of eiilllvallou, new uiodoru ten room house, now barn 10x00. Other out hillldluus all now. Owing lo nlcUuesH lu family am ndvlsed to go lo southern Oregon, und will take good city property up to fSOOl) In Medford or Ash land. Hnlnnco purl cash and tonus. CiihIi mice or form M--' l1(,' "'"i-0-Address. 11. I lloueti, Cniilon. Orogon. UoU iniuilier of boiioror)' tlcxrcvit roiirvrnul by tint imlvi'Mlly. lt)lt HAM-fiAM) KOIl HAI.i: lib-til fnruiH- the cbolo tut -10 ucro Iructii In ull tbo 'J'ur loolc IrrlKitllon illBtrlut lit tho crmit H Jormnli) vtilb'yj rloio to mil load Motion. Ilcudy to Irrlnato only $l'.'5 pit ncru. Jiiiuioillato poHHiKnluii on payiiiont of 10 per cent down mid r0 monthly nud nix pur cent Inlorritt, or -0 pur runt down and annual paynii'iiLn. MIkh ICinuin ICawliaofor, JacliKon vlllo, Oro,, 'Till roproHPiitntlvo (or Turlork'Dollil IrrlRati'd LandM Co.. lflOl WoRturu Motropolls Hank lililK-. Hun I'ranclnni. Cal. 2S7 I'Olt HAM-; 200 acron fino alfnlfn land under ditch, an Reed land (or alfalfa an can bo found In the rtatr. Thin wilt bo sold chonp. 'Hi In In your opportunity long looked for. Oliver I). Ilrown, 43G N. Unrtlott nt. KOlt BALK Will Kiinrantf-o rlslit prlro and tonus on 40 ncren of al falfa land If purchanod from owner lief oro Apr. Int. H'n tho bot prop oily lo hnvo your money invented In today. Addrotm Iiux 75, Ilouto 1. Central Point. I'Olt SAM: KlRhty aeron. 1 inllen wont of Kiiglo Point. S3200. Prlco holdn till March 1 only. W. T York & Co. FOIl HAM-; lloinemead rellnmilnh muulH, two good oiion, pood build Initn. -tTi ncren In cultivation on one SO ncren plow land on other. Call at room t IS I'ko hulldlUK 2S0 I'Olt HAM-ACItKAGE FOIl BAM-; Aero and Ilvo ucro traclo ndJolnlnB Medford on long tinier, easy payments, or might ex chniiRo. Hold Hay Itcalty Co., 101 ISIcclrlo bldB. FOIt BALK Ton ncren on main Ash laud road, miiall buildings, for $2750 M00O will handle, easy termn on hnlnnco. Flue place for rhlckenn or pardon. W. T. York & Co. KOU BAM!. 1TOUBK8 FOIt BA1.K Four room house; wood shod, chicken house; nrd (eueed; blackberrlon, raspberrlon, straw berries, pardon; water In house; only $1S0. terms. 737 West 1 Ith between Newtown and KIuk sts,. K'ven blocks south Washington school. 311 Ft) I f BALK--Now buimnlow with" nix rooms, bath and pantry; sereoued In bank porch I0.2.S; front porch 8x2$; (at front; lot 50x171 feet d'ep, or two lots 100x171 with alley nt side, with barn on, Will give Knott tonus. Inquire 317 llowurd nt., east side. Phone (5201. 30 FOU HKNT -Modern H room houso. close In, on pined st. Also some cheap furniture nnd rniiKc, for will". f2U B. Holly. 2S0 FOIt BALK- A six room IiiiiiriiIow two blocliH Month of Main st., on Oaltilalo ae., M'00. a small pay ment ilntwi, rent easy payments or monthly payments If desired. Bee owner, 22f. Bo. Oukdalo. 2SI5 FOU BALK -A I room cottage, elec 1 1 lo lights, city s water, dose lu, paved street, largo yitrd, big burn, cost MI00, but must sell at unco , nud will tuko $000, on terms of $350 cash. A bargain. K. B. Tinny, 201 G-aruott-Coroy hldg. I 2 SO FOU BALK Seven loom modern houso on South Oaltd"lo nvonuo. Paving. hovqi" and wntor paid lu full. Prlco M700. W. T. York & Co. FOU SALK Sovon room Iioubo,' S room bungnlow, modorn. Seo W. II. Kvorhard, 909 W. IHh, Phono C071. FOU SALK Lot 50x220, with two room houso, chicken yard und house, Water on lot. Host of soil. Hearing prune trees, in northeast Medford. K. W. Drnlnurd' nt Hutchison & Lumsdon store. 280 FOIl BALK FOUIntY AN!) KGGS FOU SALK Incubators, uroodora, fancy oggs for hutching, Ordor now nt Schmidt's Food Storo. 28G FOU SALK Hhodo Islnud Hod oggs, M ncr sotting nt 15, 210 Court st. P. O. Hox 9S. 300 FOU SALK For hatching, Crystal Whlto Orplnglon eggs, Kollorstvnss Btrnln. Also it few cockerels, samo Orpington strain as tho oggs. Penbro Orchard, Medford. Phono 010, imvty It 1. 2S0 FOU 8ALE HutchlUk oggs from my trnpuostou urysini wiuto urpmg tons anil nhodo Island Hods, Got your order jn early, Wrlto for lirioca, aiyrn Kiiuer. Misuiyou llolb'liti). Phono CIS'J, m , If ,.,,.... HI! 'KIWI mm HAW-V--kb and pourriiY KOlt BALK Fifteen okk, cxprcaa prepaid, 2. Orpingtons, Wyan ilottoo, Plymouth Hockri, LcRhorns, llantainB, etc. Also ducks nnd tur loys. Wrlto for circular. Slmp hoii'h I'boauant Kann, Corvallls, Orocoii. 335 I'Olt BAf.K Pkrh for hatclilnp. ('rytal WJilto Orplm;toii8, Hbodo Inland HcdH, Ilrov.ii and White l'Clmrnn. Wt II. Kvcrhard, t)09 W. Oth at. PHono CC71. FOIt SAM: KKB8 for liatchlnR. Crys tal Whlto OrplnKtoas, Whlto Wy niidottcs, Darrcd Hocks and Whlto Leghorn. Will book orders for early hatches. Como and sco tho stock. 711 8. Central. Pacific phono C412. I). H. Huttcrflcld. 28C FOU SALE naoy chicks and hatch Iiik cxrr from our trap-nested sin Klo comb Whlto LoRhorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Prices on request. Mn, K. K. Oman, Jacksonville Oro, KOU BALI-: WOOIJ AND FUKL FOU 8ALE Corawioa, oak nnd hardwood, $5 per cord In carload lots. Gold Hay Healty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1873. FOIt BAM: Dry yellow plno (cut from largo timber) for kindling and tho kitchen stove. 12-inch 12, lC-lnch $2. CO per tier, nt tho Standard, cor. Oth and Fir. Pacific CHOI, Home 103. All kinds dry wood nt popular prices. 299 FOU SALE Wood at country prlcos. lr.-in fir, ;2.fiQj I2iln. fir. J2: 115-ln. pine. $2.30; 10-ln. hard wood, 2 75. All dry wood. CIO South Hivurslde. Hell phono 0041. 3 0S FOIl BALK MISCKLiaXKOUS KOU BALK My Stoddard-Dayton tourltiR car, 30 h. p., nickel trim, fully equipped, solf startor ordered, run about 12!i0 miles. Had best of care lusldo and out. Can bo sen Crater 1-nke (Janiee. Price M00 cash. A. H. Miller, Medford, Oro. KOU SALK Onesorrol driving mnre. harness and buKRy, nud single har row. P. W. llarmou, box 520, City. 200 KOU SALK Fairbanks Morso spray outfit complete oxcopt for truck and spray hose; -four years use. Prlco M00. Apply'to H. H. WUsou. FOU SALK Two buggies, sot of liar- noss, good saddle. Cheap. J. C. Hall, 315 S. Central no. FOU SALK Heforo storing complete dluliiR and bed room sot, carpets, sowing machine. C0t- W. HUh. Phono 111. 2S7 FOU SALE 180 feet of 4-foot picket fence with 2 gates. Gold Hay Iloal ti" Co. FOU BALK Machinist Intho nnd turbine water wheel. Mrs. I). Sharp, Woodvlllo, Oregon, H. H. No. 1, box 00. 2SC FOU SALK Seed potatoes, Early Sunrise. P. O. box S34. Pacific 4524. O. M. P.trkor. 2S7 KOU SALK Tent. 10x12, furnished or unfurnished. Hox 031. 2S7 FOU SALK Fresh Jersey cow with calf at her side; young Poland China pigs, and baled grain hay. W. .1. llnrtzoll, phono 40S-.1-1. 287 FOU SALK Alfalfa hay. M2 at the barn. J. J. Skinner. Home phone . J3-II. FOU SALK-Cholco Hooky Ford melon seed, delivered anywhere In city for 75 cents n'-ppund, Wrlto Hox 723, City. 7 ' 280 FOU SALK Flue much team, good travelers, reliable un'd truo, In per fect i-ondltlou, guarauteod; ulso liractlcnlly new harness und wag on. Prlco cheap for liumodinto sale. Call at 53 1 South Fir st , or phono Mnln 0S3 280 FOR BALK OK EXCHANGE FOU SALE OU TUADE 5 aero truck farms mllo from Medford. W. H. Evorhard, 800 W. Oth. Phono 0071. FOU EXCHANGE FOU KXCIJANGK JO to 2.0 acres near Englo Point for Medford prop erty, Improved or unimproved. Ex chango prlco snmo as cash prlco, Soo Ollvor U. Ilrown, 430 N. Uart lett st, ' FOU EXCHANGE City property, lots, noro tracts and ranches to nvolmnl'n fni- other iirnnnrlv. flnlil Hay Uoulty Co., XOl Klootrlo hldg. - tiCT7T JSSi - FOIt EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Now 3 room modorn bungalow und 7 lots lu same block lu nlcu suburb to Los Angeles, lu foothills', for Medford or Ashland small Improved acreage. Submit nothing over $5500. Glvo full par ticulars In first letter. Mrs. I). H. Taltt, It. D. So. , box 191-IJ, Los Angolos, Cnl. 289 FOU EXCHANGE FIvo passenger autoinobllo In good condition for real estate. Address Hox 2, caro Mall Tribune. TO EXCHANGE For Seattle prop erty, a dandy little ranch near Medford, also house and lot In Medford, both desirable and worth Investigating. Address owner. J. J,., 203 21th avc. N., Seattle, Wash. ' 2SC HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for housework In private family Pcmbro orchard. Phono C10-H-1. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Mnrriod man for general orchard work. Address Pcmbro Orchard. Phono ClO-H-1. THl'STWOHTHY MEN or women wanted as local representatives of responsible manufacturer. High class merchandise and clean soil ing methods. M2.00 per week guaranteed on easy conditions, with possibility of $30.00 nnd ad vnnce. Experience not necessary. MANUFACTUHEH, Hox 27S, Phil sidelphla. 2SG WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Widow with baby year old wants work cither in town or ranch; prefer ranch. Phono 247-U. 2SG WANTED Woman wants work by hour. 25c. Main 41SI Mrs. Heroes. 2SS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Ono unfurulshod room with private entrance. Address P. O. box 7SC. 201 WANTED Hunches and orchards in exchange for other properties and Seattle and some for cash and on payments; your description should bo completo In tho first letter, price, how much cash, tlmo of mortgage, how much or all trade, legal description and locution. Ad dress 2G2U Mayfalr ave., Seattle, Wash. 280 WANTED To rent small houso with chickou purlc nud aero of garden. Tortus must bo reasonable. Ad dress "A," Mail Tribune. 20 WANTED Second hand hack choap for cash. Hox G.. Tribune. 2SC WANTED To purchase second hand safo. Address Hox 3, caro Mail Tribune. ' WANTKD To rent rurnlshed bun galow of flvo or six rooms for spring and summer mouths; two in family; excollent care given. Hcnt muxt be reasonable. Hox 70, Trib une. 28G WANTKD You can't help but mnko monoy selling our guarantecd-to-glvo-satlsfactlou stock; treo outfit; cash wcokly; oxcluslvo torrltory. Yakima Valley Nursory Co., Top penlsh, Washington. WANTKD To purchase sldo spring buggy with long body or good light buck. Address 023 N. Cen tral ave. 287, IH'SINKfcS lHUKCroilV Accountants D. H. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for a rousonnblo figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mail Trib une hldg.; phono 0611; residence phono 0302. Abstracts HOGUK HIVKU VALLEY AHSTUACT CO., INC. Medford offico, phonos Mala 2511, Home 350. Jackson ville phonos, Pacific, Mnlu U; Home, 2000. Attorneys V, L. UKA.MKS, LAWYEH Offico Medford National Hank building, second floor. POHTEIt J. NKFF. WM. P. MKALEY Attqruoys-nt-Law, Nos. 1 nnd 2 Postofflco bids. A. E; REAMKS Lawyor. Garnott Corey bldg. MULKKY & CHERRY (R. F. Ml'L KEY, GEO. W. PHKHHY) Rooms 11 ami 12 Jiuksou County DanU "Hill. . ,. . , "Trn?i - xm Xii.u'd It ... , lB i' ""l --T pi 'i.'- -1H-' Is'JS. -Ohk - lSLsf, ii2i,. -iv Iil'SINKKS MKKCTOHV A.ss.tjer anil Aualjit SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sll vor, lead, copper nnd other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers nt rcasnnablo terms. Capital secured for developing mines und saining prospects. AH mine own ers arc earnestly requested to send samples of tholr ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of tholr mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Huroau, Cth and Fir sts. Architects A. D. JOHNS H. D. TURNER Phone 714. Phono 6413. Johns & Tomer Architects and IJuIldors. Offico 31-33 North Dart Ictt, near Main. Offico Phono 1931. Illllbin Parlors S. T. DROWN & CO. DIHIards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & IJall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Hill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Roam 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. II. J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1CS-K. DR. ELISABETH BROOKE Chiro practor, nerve specialist. The lat est scientific treatment for chronic, nervous, blood, uric acid, function al and constitutional diseases, In cluding catarrh, asthma, heart, stomach, liver, kidney, female and many other diseases. Consultation free. 247 So. Riverside. 84-R. Hours, 1 to 4. 300 Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Wator filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur oys, subdividing, building grados, city engineering, drafting, sowor design, concreto work, pump nnd canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real ostato and mines. Collections our specialty. Room 112 M. F. &. II. Co., opp. P. O. Tuko olovator. Phono Main 2021. Chlnoo Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese modiclnos will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvato dlseasos and all kinds of chronic and nervous allmonts. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front St., Medford, Oro., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Rcsldenco phono Main 42. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. HINI KEH, D. D. S. Dentists. 228 E. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C, VAN SCOYOC Dentists Gnrnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon, llotn I'nones. DR. ARTEMUS W. PEANE Dentist, Offico in Rlatto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gus administered for oxtractlon or tooth. Tolophouo Main C81. Night phouo 4432. Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS-r-Corner 8th and Holly sts. Medford. Mission furniture mudo to ordor. Cabinet work of ull kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Grnntto Works MEDKQHD HUICIC CO. Geo. W. Piiddy, O. D. Nngio, ueo. t. Q'nrlejt Contractors and manu facturers of brlcki dealers In pressed brick and lime. Offico at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 2 IS West Main Street, Doalors and manufacturers of pressed and com mon brick nnd tile (let our prices and seo our biieU nnd tile heforo piUCUnBlug, v U4Mtl fr . . J i 1 - rri yia.i'iiinJi y. B s --2 BH-SirftS msjmmzr-mk ., ;l??- Qfep''- Hi. 'ts- "'Jsazr' 1 nmwtTto j i y jrtrca BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gar lingo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo orders nt 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor. Pacific 332. Home 107-X. Insurance NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORT LAND Incorporated and char tered under tho laws of tho stnto of Oregon. Insures horses and cattio against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Toll, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Sldo Stables. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees nro budded, not grafted. Our ttoclc Is not irrigated. Wo guaranteo everything put but. Wo aro not in the trust. II. B. Patterson. Offico removed to office Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grado nursery stock. Office 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phone Pac. 3843. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho host equipped job offico in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians and Burgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-2U. Office phono 501, residence phono 012. Offico hours, 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnott-Corey bldg, rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdulo, phono 7171. Home phono, residonco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Physician nnd Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of womon. Offices over Hasklns Drug Storo. Offico Phones: M. 1001, Home 28. Rcsldenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-IC. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 E. Main at., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E. B. PICICEL, M. 1). Offico Juclc son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phono. M. 082. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Murks Block. Offico phouo 4901. Residonco 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and 6 ICeutner bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to p. Phono. Bell 271 Residence phouo Hell 270. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work done quickly and well. Title Evaminers B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 320 Garuott-Corey Bldg. Transfer EADS BUOS. TRANSFER ft STOR AGE CO. Offico 10 South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 3B2-K, Prices right. Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY -Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 2!io nnywhere in tho city. Office Vol ley S-cond Hand Storo, 15 N. Fir st. phenes: Main 3072, Home 354. Messenger service. Fred Crocker, Prop. Uililertnkern JOHN A. PERL Undertaker und Embalinor. Offico 38 gouth Bart Jett st. Tolophonen? Pay, Bell 471: night, residence, Bell 473, Home 170-L. Calls uiiHWorod tilulit or tiny. Ambulauco aorvlco.