MEDFOlin MAIH TRIBUNE, atEDFOttD, OKEnON. AYflDXIOSTUV, liTOmUKY 31. 1012. PAtJE FOUR Medford mail Tribune AN INDKPBNniiNT NEWSPAPErt PUI1LIHMI3I) RVKIir AlTKllNOON KXC15PT 8UNDAT, I1Y TUB MKDFOIW PniNTINO CO. Ths Dernocrntlo Times, Thn Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune, The South ern Orcgonlsn, The An hi and Tribune Offlco M&ll Tribune Building. X5-S7-59 North Fir street; phone, llnln 3031; tlomo 75. fJEOnaB PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Knterod an second-class matter at Medford. Oregon, under the act of March S, 18TB. Official Paper of the City of Medford. Offlclnl Paper of Jackson County. RUBSORXPTXOK RATES. One year, by mail ,15.00 Ono month, by mall ,60 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point ,,.. .60 Paturday only, by mall, per year., S.00 Weekly, per year 1.80 BOY TELLS OF MANY THEFTS Charles Leon Arrested for Stealing Copper Coll Astounds Authorities toy Confessing to Series of Petty Crimes. Evidently taking great delight in his recital, Charles Leon, a Mexican, arrested charged with stealing a roil of copper tubing from the old dis tillery m tins city, on Tuesday after noon in the court room of Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Taylor made n clean breast of the affair and told of n dozen other robberies which he says he has committed in this city. He endeavored to shield his companion, Pedro Lopns, but without great suc cess. Both were bound over to await action by the grand jury. Leon confessed to robbing the Model Clothing company, the Rogue Rier Electric company, the flour mill of A. A. Davis, the Southern Oregon Produce company ami the Medford distillery, aside from a score of minor thefts, lie told his story freely with a touch of bravado. Led on by a series of clever ques tions by District Attorney Mulkey young Leon, who is but a boy, un folded section after section of his story and laid bare the particulars of a score of robberies since last July. He told all and with a touch of bravado mentioned several plans which lie had concocted but later abandoned. Leon arrived in this city last July and according to his story started on his career of thefts at that time. He told of entering the Model Cloth ing company and from that plnce of business stealing many hats and suits of clothes. These he cached nnd later lot when some other thief in turn stole them from him. The particulars of entering the warehouse of the produce company and the flour mill were told. From thorn he stole mostly flour. It is believed that Leon is protect ing several others who were impli cated with him but this he strenuously denies. AUCTION LICENSE GOES TO COMMITTEE An effort to pass an auctioneer lic ense ordinance at the city council Tuesday evening did not succeed ow ing to an impassioned feech ou the part of Couneilmnn Millar who de clared that the proposed license fee of $10 a day was exorbitant. Tho cntiro matter was referred to the lic ense committee for recommendation. Tho matter will be threshed out at the next session of tho city council. In nil probability an ordinance cov ering all forms of licenses will be pre pared and presented soon. ODD FELLOWS TO T Grout preparations are being made by the local lodge of Odd Fellows for tho entertainment of their grandmas ter who will bo in Medford next Sat urday evening for a visit. Oddfel lows from all sections of southern Oregon will bo present. Following initiation work the visi tors will bo entertained with u pro gram of speaking and with a bumpier. Murderer Planned Escape. CIIEHALIS, Wash., Fob, 21. A search of tho coll occupied by Adol bort Clark, tho alleged murderer of Lawrence liar, Contralia banker, to day brought to light a saw and com bination saw and knifo. Tho Imple ments are alleged to havo been do vlaed from a stool spring from Clarke Shoo and from n portion of. the steel bunk in tho coll. ROOSEVELT'S COLUMBUS SPEECH. COLONEL ROOSEVEIrs Columbus speech, printed elsewhere, is n clear outline of the pint form upon which he will make the race for the presidency. .It is ultra-progressive, insurgent, and populist ic. The speech is the most radical utterance yet delivered by the former president. It lines him up fairly anil squarely, against the administration and all that it stands for. It's every line is denunciatory of the Taft stand-pat policies and administration. It shows that lioosevclt has developed during retirement that he has a truer concep tion of the political ills that afflict the nation than he had as president than the color-blind Taft can ever have. Whether he has developed far enough to ignore party for principles remains to be seen. "Roosevelt's utterances are sin argument in behalf of the Oregon system. He dofines the issues clearly when he says: "Wro are engaged in one of the great battles of the age-long contest waged against privilege on behalf of the common welfare. "Ve hold it a prime duty of the people to free our government from the control of money in pol itics. For this purpose we advocate, not as ends in them selves, but as weapons in the hands of the people, all gov ernmental devices which will make the representatives of the people more easily and certainly responsible to the people's will." To show how far the nation has drifted from its former ideals, and how completely the republican party has be come the party of privilege, he quotes frequently from the speeches of Lincoln, and likens the party of Taft to the party of Buchanan. It is the same old issue with scarcely a change in form the democracy, of Jefferson against the federalism of Hamilton, the republicanism of Lincoln against entrenched privilege of Buchanan, the populism of Brvan against tho plutocracy of jMeKinley, the insurgency of La Follette atrainst the stand-pattism of Taft the same ceaseless struggle that has brought to humanity freedom from bondage and that wiil end only when equality of opportunity becomes an actuality. Roosevelt hits hard at the Taft policy of trying to re store business conditions of half a century ago, as being as foolish as "an attempt to arm our troops with the flint locks of "Washington's Continentals, instead of modern weapons. Jnirtncrmoro, lie it vent combination is bound to fail and holds up effective regulation of corporations as the corrective instead of farcical bluffs at segregation by long winded lawsuits. The rights of man are7 placed above the rights of prop erty by the former president, and he espouses the right of the state to proscribe conditions governing labor, compen sation acts, hours and terms of labor, etc. He would make amendment of the constitution easy at all times, to respond to the will of the people. The initiative anil referendum, the short ballot, direct nominations by the people, the presidential preference primary, tho popular election of senators and the recall, even for the judiciary, are favored. The contrast between Roosevelt and Taft was never more sharply shown than in their relative positions upon the judiciary. In Taft's eyes the judiciary is something holy, a thing upon which has descended the divinity that once hedged thrones. Says the Colenel: "Nero, fiddling over burning Rome, was a patriot and statesman in comparison with judges who trifle with and frustrate the aroused moral sentiment of a great people, for that sentiment is politically the vital breath of both state and nation. Moreover, never forget that the judge is just as much the servant of the people as any other official." EIGHT HOUR LAW S DEFEATED City Council by Vote of Four to Two Fails to Pass Ordinance Governing Work for City. By a vote of four to two the city council on Tuesday evening defeated tho proposed city eight hour ordin ance which provided u minimum wage of $2.50 a dag. Tho ordinance had beeu considered by the council sit ting as n committee of the whole and hud been reported back without reco mmendation. The council therefore did not dis cuss tho measure Tuesday evening. A vote was taken us follews: Watt, no; Mitchell, no; Kmerick, no; Sum merville, no; Millar, yes; Ireland, yes. PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY TEA The following Is tlio program to bo given at tho Washington Birthday tea at Mrs. G. F. King's, 843 East Main, from 3 to G Thursday ufter noou: Tho Oolden Scoptro .....Mrs. Daddysuruno Orchestra Vocal solo... Miss Fielder Inst. ..,,...., Miss Mears Heading Mrs, Webster Vocal solo Mrs. Van Scoyoc Reading Mrs, Johnson Inst, solo Miss Mears Reading Miss Durto Serenade by Schubort . , , , . Mrs, DaddysuruiiH orchestra NOTICE. Tho city council will recolvo bldB noxt Tuesday evening for tho con struction of cement sidewalk In front of tho public library. 280 STREET COMMITTEE. savs tnat too enort to pre BOBBIE EVANS TO MEET DIXON Denounces Report That He Has "Cold Feet" and Will Clash With Clever Lightweight Once More. Denouncing rejwrts that he had "cold feet" in regard to meeting Young Dixon again, Dobbio Evans Tuesday evening agreed to meet the Kansas City boy in tho local arena again on March 0 and settle the little dispute between them which dates from round ono of a recent clever exhibition at tho Nututorium. Man ager Edwards has signed the hoys up for ten more rounds and the fans are jubilant. Manager Edwards states that he will stage ono or two corking good preliminaries and that the go will ho a pippin. GAS IN STOMACH AND BOWELS rnxlocM tu aorta tf annoylfl aymjvnt, id.Idi vtry of tea become alwinlfli. e unouunat atul Uart preuure.cli&cultaoil 0prtwl LrcatMn?, ilgkint, vxmt ii If patient runnot UU a Iji lireatli. Lump la tlo throat tail chut, with prtuurr, paiu and anilou letting arouod tho leart region. Kmpty, naInjc art-) ton eel kattlopUVyuurttuniiich,riUey(ilLyriitii)K. Bmtll quantity U fuxl imU ou fw.1 ci If a heavy inesl had bun taken. Kiceulto ruBihlinj In tWoMii and ttomaeb with LeUliIng. Ctetpy feeling after eating, Starting during tleep with a rt (A a fear and apprelierului). Flnjtra, tunda or lil fed numb and go to !'. especially on rijbt aide. Puis In Luis and (op of Lead and conitipatlun. That'a all from a nervous tomic!i M fcfflaa, awl all permanently don atriy wUli by DAAUIANN'fi OAS-TAIILl.TS. Theeo peculiar tablets ara Bold for Wo by every druggltt, or tend direct to UaLowiauo FUruiacy, 330 Sutter fit, fan Traulico. L WILUCT SOON Dr. R. W. Steams Prepares Recom mendation Regarding Plumbinn In Schools of city Changes Will Bo Made at Once. The matter, of rearranging the plumbing in the school of tho oily which is in u deplorable state will he taken up by the school hoard in the very near future. Dr. It. W. Stearns, health officer, has arranged fop a meeting with the hoard nod will make several nrrnugvmeiiti. lie has coin piled considerable data ou the subject and is prepared to answer every tpios. lion of the board in connection with the improvements recommended. In all probability improvements will Jio made in each of tho school buildings of the city. This winter the toilets have boon most unsanitary and parents have entertained fears for the health of their children. POLIIIMfCliRDS (Paid Advertisement.) For Joint Representative. I hereby announco myself as can didate for tho nomination of Joint representative ot Oio Ninth repre sentative district subject to tho en dorsement ot tho republican party at tho primary election April 19, 1912. I preseut my candidacy beforo the people as a progressive. I shall sup port statement No. 1 bocauao I bo llovo In It. On all other snatters If elected I shall work earnestly for those measures which I bellovo to bo for tho best Interests of tho people. C. E. WHISLER. County Clerk. I hereby anuounco myself as a can didate for tho democratic nomination for the offlco o( county clerk, sub ject to tho will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho peoplo of Jackson county that In case of my nomination and election I will fulfill the duties of tho offlco ac cording to law and tho best ot my knowledge and ability. W. II. MILLER. Gold Hill, Ore., Feb. 10, 1912. so curb x coz.d rrr oss sat Take LAXATIVE UROMO Quinine Tab let. DruKelsta refund money If It fall to cure. E. V,'. GHOVirS signature Is on each box. 25c. First showing of . New Spring Styles New Tailored Suits New Long Coats New Dresses New Skirls New Royal AVaists Inspection invited SCHQO BOARD m :! 1 1 Drink Habit UKUAIlU: HOME TREATMENT Tho OR1UNE treatment for tho Orluk liahlt can ho used with abso lute confidence, It destrnyii all de sire for whiskey, beer or other alco holic Htliuulautrt. ThoiisaudH have successfully used It and hao been restored to lives of sobriety and use fulness. Can be given secret ly. fonts only 91.00 per box. U you fall to get results from ORRINE utter a trial, your money will bo icfuudcd Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE, Leon W. Ilnsklns, E. .Main A Klamath Ranch FOR SALE OR TRADE 1150 acres, V2 miles cast of Klatuiilh Falls, on main road lo Lukes lew. About S. aerch will be under the uo ennuent ditch and can be irrigated. Kino alfalfa or garden land. A" abundance of free outside ranch. One of the best proMtsilions there is i that section for u man who wants to engage in the sheep biuineH. Locat ed just riht for it townsile wh"ii the railroad is built from Klatniitlt Falls to Lakeview. Price $.0 per acre. Will exchange for Medford city or country properl. W. T. York p Co. TalKs on TeetK uro of Interest to ovorj body, but espe cially to thoso who are contemplating some dental work for themselves or ono of the family. Whatever It Is you want donu In the line of high class Dentistry coino hero and you will get overy satisfaction. Wo aro experts, employ tho best nnd juost scientific methods In n modern way. and wo charge only reasonably DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Fnrmora nnd Fruitgrowers Rank llldg., Medford, Oregon Faclfla Phono Main CG3 Home Phono 287-L. II. Heartfield FRENCH DRV CLEANER ANO HATTER Wo make Garments look like now and mora than double the value of them to you. WORK AHSOMSTELV (il'ARA.V TEEH Dandles called for and delivered Pacific N.'I1 Home :IH( Near Mooro Ilotol VAltlETlCSffi vJ,V' Medford Book Store jjuNLiMiTEpy wvAiuETiesy.'rj) (- v: 1912 CATALOG MAILED .FREE ..-AND BUILD IT F0H LEJ3 MONEY Uuv llio millwoik dim'! fioni our l jr lor one.lliiril lo ball ol )ou WeuUl y your local oValci. Wo ofle our on null nd can cum antra every ptfee f hum t l wcll.inailei ami ul choin kiln.diwd lumlwl. t. D. WILLIAMS' SASH nnd D00R3 5.nc1 do.Mi. 15 aura. $1.30. Culuroan bungalow dooii. $1.00, Hu.ialuw liu .l.i.n. ill anil Stl. lnntle turn, 10 pci. to let, 80c. tlM'a ,.ll U1 ft ct J.. JJn i. win It uW u lit. F0RDE CAN DO IT Ilo you want vour lawn put in first class shape f All wort; guaranteed. Leave address with II. It, Pnlternon, Quaker Nursery, Nash hotel. In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in .Medford in ton lots at $15.50 PER TON $14.75 PER TON ut car. Sond postal or telephone. (Home) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our nifalfa in well cured and in not Hun Hcorehed and retains all iln rich juicoH uud nourishment and color.. The (stalks are not brained uud broken nnd tho tender leaven and top are not bruised and shattered off. THE FINEST TOP-VALUE HAY THAT CAN UK l'ltODUCKI). Tho farm ifl irrigated from Jlogtto river. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency FOR HALE 10 acres Improved, houso, barn, orchard, etc., $8000, 9 acres Improved 1 Vj miles out, $7000. 100 ncroH I ', miles out, 1C0 por acre. 180 acrCH Improved stock and all goes at $11!, 000, "i'&l ucniH Improved good stock or orchard land, $ I n,000. 110 ficrcii Improved stock and all goes at $100 per aero. 87 acres, a good buy at $175 por acre, about 0 miles out, 11 acres U miles out, U0 aurea li alfalfa, 5 room houso clone to school. $!MO0. Houses for rent and bouses for iiiilo lit different pails of tho city. 2 farm wagons good as now, now Is tho time lo buy. TRADE ISO acres In Roseau, Minn,, for a ranch hero, 180 acres In (lion wood, Idaho, will trade for ranch here, one good for alfalfa. 2 largo lots and other building". or will tako small payment down, balance monthly. A fluo bungalow, lingo lot out, want a bungalow close In; must ho n good one, EMPLOYMENT 2 men for pruning, Girls for general housowork. Six coal Illinois. E. F. A, BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM J1L0CK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono llilj Home, 11. jRW?v f -- - " " ' 'i I)"- - ' "'1IT' i iwwiiiiiBi i all'i WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISIS THEATRE TONIGHT THE CORNKLIhS In u Comedy Sketch IIIRINH A PORTKU Something very Interesting. CARELESS CURT The world's greatest bicyclist Mr Curt direct from Orpheuui circuit and t IiIm alone Is enough to assure you of his ability. Three Heel, 11000 feet of MOTION PICTURES Rest of Musio Special Matinee. Saturdny and Sunday 2 p, m. Evening Performance 7 p, in. TUSCAN SPRINGS Ravine no ouual on enrth In variety ot mineral waters and curing diseases that medicines will not reach. If you are In need of health, come now. Wo are open all tho year and can kWo tho best of caro and attention now as well as In nu miner. Stagu dully from Red llluff to the springs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPRLNOH. CAI. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Mntters: Final Proof. Desert Lauds, Contests and Mining Cases, Scrip. Assoclato Work for Attorneys Valley Second Hand Store Guys and Sells Second-Hariri Goods, Cupper, Rubber, Drnss, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Fir Homa n.Tt Hell ItOTU i Dr E. Kirchgessner Practice limited to chnuirt disease. HOTEL HOLLAND WeduosdnyH. Hours, 10 to .'I. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work nunrnntoed. I'rlcnn lluiuoiinhlo. COPFEEN & PRIOE B3 Howard Block, Entrance ou Oth Bt. raolflo 3001. Horn 940, NoyesS Black HOUSE AM) SKIN PAINTING Up-to-Duto Auto nnd Carriage Painting, Oold Loaf Signs and Interior Decorating a Spoclalty. Shop mid Offlco H, Orapo nnd lOUi St. Offlco Phono 7771. Ron. 7212. All Work Positively Ouarantood. Draperies Vo carry a vory qninpletu lino of draperies, lce ourtoliiM, flx turuH, ulo., and do nil i'Iiihhis of upliuiiitKrlng. A spucliil until lo Ionic after this work oxcliislvtOy uud will kIvii us uood service us ' Is poimllili) to koI la uvun the litrKest cities. WEEKS & MgGOWAN ce IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will liulltl you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M, F. and H, Co. Building A y A Y t