PA"GE THREE A E SAVAGE liOPl INDIANS ARE THANSFORMED INTO MODEL STUDENTS. runt) noti iNPiMift a. mrv ifjuNtu nvf. YtMfi u:u wiirii mty vritc takth roTiit cwuiA.r hmjj zjk. A real "Home." "Luxurious and Comfortable." Not the largest butTho Best 10 PAY TAXES AS REBEL CHIEF MRDFOTID MATT, TUrBTTNTC, MF1TT,0RD, OTtKriOX, TTTWDAY, FEP,T7ITAT7Y 20, 1012. PHON COMPANY ooz MED i i A i V As Result of Supreme Court's De cision In Initiative anil Referendum Case, Pacific Status Concern Will Pay License Tax of $10,150. PORTLAND. Ore, XO - Ah a rctaiill of tin t'nlicii MiHtim Mtipieme Court's mllon lit liH'lntlHK the On MOli initiative hiiiI referendum law coiiHtltiitloiial, hy Infm tunc, when It decided fiiiinlili'iiillnii nf (ho Oregon system una not a iiitlti foi the rnurlM. tin- llruimo lax of J I ".!'". MmpmoiI iikuIurI tin Pacific Htni'" Tblophniie A Tolcgtaph roiiipmi). tin dor tho authority or Iho Initiative, will Ik (mill hy ilic eorpoiutluo Tlilrt wit admlltodtoday by .1 H Kerr, cotilitiol fur the telephone rom jraiiy. Il milil there wan ihiHiIiik iiIbo to ilo lint incept Judgment ami foul Iho bill. Tim telephone coiu'i'iii watt Hi" flint to ruliu tin iiietlon of Hid vul lillly of (In OM'hoii )uiii. It ii filHi',1 to pay tlm lax on Ilia Kroiuid t hat tti" Initiative and lofoiuiidiim win a uuroimlllutlouul. EXPECT ARREST OF "SIR" COOPER SOON OAKLAND. t'al I'eh SO Pie tilottoil tliut Dr. Mllina Al.raliani. HllRK "81 r" Harry Wetwoud CiMipoor, wjio fled flOHl UttklHIIll lM"t WH'k With MIm Anna Mlltirwlli. with whom ho Ofllilmrted Mil alleged hlKiimmi niarrluM't after Illegally uniulrliiK money 1hIhnIiik to tho girl' mother, wiftild Iib MirhfiiliMl within week wan mad hero today hy Cap tain of OotHvdM1 P tenant. "WV know MHlilv'ly." wild Peter son today, "that Abraham left here on February II for Seattle, on '' to Vaiiijoiiviir. II. l' W lwu flood ml tlm entire unrthwent with dew-rip-Hoiih of tlm iiihii and wo do not be lieve that hi can oeapo. I alao be lieve (hat an noon h MIm .Mllbrath ImtriiH tho trini character of tln man lllHt HllH Will lllVUlgO IllH WlU'Ht' aboutii. When ho finally U taken Into i-imtody there will be llttli' delu In ri'lmnliiK him to Oakland for trial. Wn alHiidy he eeiind the warrant (or hi arrimf and tho mo imtiit new' I f bodied hum of hU nop dip' atop will be taken to bring about bin extradition." Mm. Ilnrinan Mllbrath. mother of Cooper' hIxIIi wife, la prontrated at bar homo hero a a remit of hot daughter' entanglement with Abra ham. The police charge that Abra ham obtalni'd $ I Ono from Mm. Mil hratli by falno pretence. DEAVERS' PITCHING STAFF TO BE STRENGTHENED PORTLAND. Ore.. I'eh. SO. The pitching HlaTf of tho rhainplon Heav lira will bo Htrcnglheiicd by tlm uddl tlon of two morn heaver within the unxt two or three day, according to Mnnngor McClcdlo. McCrodlo vouch unfed tho Inforinatloit that thu duo worn of Htrupptiig built, but ho de clined to give Oielr name. Mr.Credle wild lm IiiIuiiiIh to wirr nix pltidiora tbla Hotimui. Ha now Iiiih Minidariioii. Lamtliio. Kooalimr. HaikiiiiHM and HthiKor. With four morn uudor ooiiMldnrutiou. tho Don- vnr boHH thluUa ho won't havo miitdi trouhlo In IIiiIiik mil A I plU'hlnK Hiixtut. "" v wmgl Riff' 'Si jpS" w, ' smhc VNL viAia mo. S..11-A.'liV.aV4 .M3ES - i ; lJMMM-M8. Reports From Juarez Say Dozen Ar rests for Mutiny Made Hundreds of Rebels Opcrallnfj 2000 Troops j Preparing, to March on Capital. , KL PABO, Tfxad. Kdi. iiO. In aplio of Ida reported loyalty to Prutil dent I'rundico I. Madoro of Mexico, 'a(iilta at Caaaa Orando today la- i mied a man If onto naming Oansral I'ancnal Orozco, commandur In chlof of tho revoliitlonlffta. No rwont word baa biwn rfc'lvil hon from Orozco at pruaent la In Chihuahua. I KoportH today from .luanv. aay that u iluzun arrsta have boon niadii there of peraoua charad with Inciting mii- , tiny. Anothor report aaya that hun- ulroda of rcbHH an now oporatln i near .luaro. and an attack upon tho city la foarad. 1 Tin force of Vuiulntax an Caaas O ratal la now aald to oxeed 2000 'and It Ik alxo reported they are pre paring to march on Mexico City. I'll ii i a mliiiiiitcrkiaiiillii of 'In it bile iiiun'x iiittliii'K ban I it i'i of i lit. i-MUe of the IihIIbhk Ii h 1. w Mil ii-m III (4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K chlllr"d iiii'IIuxIh ainll .o tttrhtlUK I'dnrMllon U lainu ib"i i tinU'il at the (.'uu'riiiiu nt' ihiMj In Carl lite, !., Hlur iwcu iifinbel of tin' Hop) nalloii. mio wir bippt'm mid paxaim. wli -aon u r. Itt jt'tint atto virtually ax prl"iii'r or .iir. wn now prrparliiK to ko Unk t liflr pt-upln and NpitMil the ilx-tiiiic of lie iit'W life ulileti they hae Kindly uc I'pllHl. 'I'lnie imi'Ip llopl I ml I int wlii'n ilii'y i i im lii-rv ni-ri' i-riidt' mvIiiu'H of ii li.vv i rid r of i lllalluii I i-itli "lew iiiliiri. uiii of tliivj M'litu' wi r'i ntul two years ago, while rcpre iiiiMr America at the Olympic pinies ri l'arn uiui the main Marathon cwnl. lie vni rcpreMfHt thlH (uuulry at the ii xt (Jiyinplc gamut. WaxhliiKtoti l.i ynuipti'wa haa altw rhlctrd a on tioTial reputation aa a lim dlatauce runner. '1 he twelve llopl IiiJlani who have lat'ii m wunderfully transformed In tue e..r are 'fawn Ventewa, William NolKuiK'.n, Puuaima Tt-wa. Andrew , Ili'rineuatewa, I.ewU Tewanlma, AriliL'tjuaiuala, ltd ward Tew.ine. Wah hue Hiiyuma. (jleun Jonytew.i. Jonliua Nitncei flo ji iri ijo. U t day the lJi'rinee i. T.ila Yatutewa aud Wash-(.it-uit-kt ln.u Ui t,ih c luiinii In tin) iiitctuii l.iiy unit wa. avuc CJuAMf-A Aa ne uok ol;. I ABE ATTELL SHOWS GOOD FORM AT LOS ANGELES ARCHDUKECELEBRATES 'NAT PAYS EDNA TAR'S BROTHER IS WITNESS RAY CASE LOR ANOHLKS. t'al.. Feb. 20. Lo AiikcIom lllit hiiRH apparently have experienced a change of heart overnlKht, for today Instwid of "ra ven oroftka" tliut Abo AtMl "baa Keno Imck." the thouamid fans who watehiMl him In Ilia first training stuntH here unanlmoiiHly declare that lie la a faat, If not fuator, than over hofore. At tell entertained a record crowd at his camp. He boxed ceveral rounds and did two hours' light gymnasium work. He Is happy and husky, and luiiKhlnsly disparaging of Kllhauo'H aklll. j Kllbauu'u Kallery was no less than , the champion's. Tho little Cleve i lander worked easily until the hour tor donning the mitts arrived. He then treated the crowd to eight ; rounds of lightning work. He already Is near the stipulated weight. vti:ss r. i s'liHi'H'd Willi iii. igiiitli fin fill' and i.niKinlti iatloiiK, Vnbduki' It.tliii r of .utilu. the oldiMt living member of the royal bonne of llMpaburx. ami Ida wife, ArchduchoM t'arnllmi. today relebrat tNl their dlaiuoud widillug HHHlver aary. On January 11 thu archdukw eli'lirated his SMh birthday. Ilia Hire Is ST. The eoupu won married lu 1k.2 They Iihvi tiu ebllilren. m Archduke Italiier la an uncle of Kmtror Fran losef. who la thife years younaer.) ami la one of the few llvlug wit aeasea of Kraux ,1 thief's roronatloti lu IMS. Italner and Ida arrlidiioheaa rmilvml a moat beautiful gift from the t-jupoioi'. while the null re Haps Intra houae vied with earh other to honor the aaett fouple iimii rom pb'thiK the half century of their mart led life. ni.i:i.i:s r.,t im 20 Tho matiluii 11I11I mi mint of Nat (iotelwln anil Kilnu linoilrlcb nu bal anrxl today, with Mlsa CMdrleh re Mrlel to be J.'.f.,Oi)0 richer aa the result nf a compromise of her suit which baa beeti pending for months In the I.or Angeles county superior court. At the lime of his marriage to Miss Ooodrlch, Ooodwlti la sa'd to .have put naif of hla property In trumt for her, but when their separation rmna he endeavoreil to bleak tha Dual. Aceordlng to report a settlement win reached out nf court, the prin cipal compromlalng ou a payinent of IMI.OOO, which releasea the actor from all claims of his former wife. WSHITO, I) (V 1't'l. 20 - Taft of . Admission that Ctutrhii P (t'liulnnatl. it brother of President Taft. would lie called to testify in the Imeatlgatlun of Paymaster lleecher H. Hay on charges of polit ical activity was made here today by member of the house eommltteo on expenditures lu the war depnrtmont. KNOX TO1 ADJUST COLOMBIAN QUARREL WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 -An In terview between Aicbblsbop lielnud and PioHldout Taft tonight led to the ruport tliut high church offlclula In HiIh country Hynipathlo with tho ef- forta of Ooloinblan government to ob tain niblliatloii and weio xeekliu; to Hiuootii out the difficulties between tho two I'ountiieH. After n conrer oni'o AnihlilHliop Ireland declined to tllamian hla visit. Another repoii iiurrunt tonight was Hint Keeroltiry Knox when ho Htoppetl ut I'ai-tngen.i. Colombia, Intended to xuggosl the up polutmeut of n commission of repre mmtiitlvos of the two couutiieH to iidJiiHt all dlfforouciis. Chinese Laundry Man Insane. aKA'ITLK. Wash . Feb. an - Hopelessly Insane, Woo Konu (low la lu Jail today charged with tho mur der of his two uncles, Wah Ting (Up audWoo f'hee Dip, laundry propri etors. The two Chinese were found dead lu their beds yesterday with liullel holes In their heads. Stand ing over them was their nephew. PRESIDENT MADER0 FAILS TO MUZZLE MEXICAN PAPERS MUX ICO CITY. Feb. 20. The ef forts of President Madoro to muzzle. the press are declared a failure to day. The permanent committee In congress turned down the appeal of Mndero and his cabinet to suspend the article of the constitution pro viding for a free press. Madero be- in a letter hearing on tho Itay case Sieves that the Insurrections against President Taft Is uuoted as saying the government are largely a result that Itay did his brothor a political jf the publication of sensational service ihi one occasion and slncelnewg. then bad "presumed too much on the 7 : : value of the erK' " ITALIAN CONSULS MUST IF YOU MXli A TR1FLK SK.VSITIVE About tho size of your shoes, It's jome satisfaction to know that many Best Location in Town. Auto Meets all Trains Rates $1.00 With Private Bath $1.50 and Up The most beautiful Hotel in Southern Oregon The Hotel that is "Different" ORTHO LIME SULPHUR SPRAY 3C Degree Test. In Steel Drums. No Waste. Kentucky Black Leaf Arsenate of Lead Zinc Arscnitc Alfalfa, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Vetch ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION LAND BARGAINS L. N. JUDD TALENT, OREGON JACKSON COUNTY Orchards, Homes, Farms In a Thriving Center in One of the Garden Spots of the Rogue River Valley. Monthly Blooming and Climbing Roses, Tree Roses, Shade Trees, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Trees H. B. PATTERSON Office In Nash Hotel IiObby Insldo Entrance Next to Barber Shop Salesyard 110 South Fir Street Office Phono Slain Gill Residence Phono Main 2103 JMJt y "PMEOSBexyCAOQ STTCSRIE Is There a Smelter Trust? WASHINGTON. Feb. JO.- Infor mation ns to the existence nf a suiel- ORFV AMPniPAM I AVUS peoplo can woar shoes a slro smaller I by shaking Allen's Foot-Ease, autlsoptlc powder, Into them. tho Just UAMIIMilU.N. fell. "JO. My a'tho thine for Danclne Parties. Pat ileeiHiou (' the niieme couit here ent Leather Shoes, and for Breaking lottn it i held tint Italian eon-u!- In Now Shoos. When rubbers or over- ..... .. . , ,i. -...i., i. ,,,,, , isnoea oocomo necessary nnu your ter trust Is asked of the attorney gun- e '( U"ei the nulii by lrenl f ghoog Mlm Foot.Eu80 g'lvc8 oral in 11 resolution iniioiiticeii uiuay i "u-m-ne u t--iHi fiuu' """""i-' instnnt relief. Sold everywhere 25c. by Hepresentative Martin of C'olora-I lie- in xeltliiur the estate- or -uii- Samplo FKER. Address, Allen S. do. It was ri-fcr red to the committee 'jecU of I111K wlm die in tlii- couii- I Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. Don't ae on rules. ir leaw,u aiII-. cPt any substitute. Australian Boys nt tho Capital. WASHINGTON, 1), 0., l'oh. SO. 1'mty viiHtnillan boya, sent to this country by tho AiiHtrallan goveru uuinl ou 1111 educational tour 1111,'lved hero today and wore taken lu charge by a tipoclal committee of tho Olimu hur of (.'omutoiTo, which bun urranged oxteiialvo plaiiH for tlm outortaliimuiit of tho yniiugHtorri, , Deckecpcr In Session. WINONA, Minn., Fob. SO. lloo l(eoi(ii'H of HoutheiiHtern Mliiiiosotn and weHlont WIhcoiihIii met hero to day for tho annual convention or their asHocliitloii. Tho hchhIoiih will continue two dayH and will bo devoted to tho (IIhcuhhIoii or All phitHOH of boo ciiltiiro and tho production of honey for thu iiiurkut. Masonic Memorial of Washington. AMCXANimiA. Va Feb. 20. All arrangement have been comph't'd for the Hfrntid nuiiual convention ot tho Oeoige WaHhliiKtou MaHoulc Na tional Memoilal iissoclatlou, which will he held tomorrow and will be attended by the grand masters and other represent at Ives of the grind lodges tbioughout the United Stilton V " V -5"v-v-J--"v ---Ja' -$a"$a$"a$a--a$--- Hair Quickly Stops Falling Hilling Scalp Vanishes Overnight mill llauilt'iiff Ik AlmlMieil, There Is 0110 hair tonlu that you can put your faith lu and that Is IWU1SIAN HA OK. It idopH falling hair, or money back, Driven out dandruff, or money hack, Stopa Itching scalp, nrmnitoy bnuk. Aud C'has, Strang, tho druggist you know ho woll lu tho man vio Hulls it. PARISIAN SAOK Ih 11 splendid hair dressing; It Is so daintily per fumed and rofreulilug that It malum tho sculp feel flue tho minute you apply It, It la used dully hy thoit- HiimlH of clover women who realize that PARISIAN SAOK keeps their hair liiHtroiiH aud fascluiitlug. If ou huvo hull' troubles get PARISIAN SAOK today nt ('has. Straug'ti and drugglsta every where, utrgo bottle DO cents, ? r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y THE MAN Who makes Two blades of grass grow where one grew before is a Public Benefactor. v By this token how great benefac tors are those who will transform a region of indifferent crops, because of Lack of rain at the Crucial growing period, to a re gion of Luxuriant Crops. Irrigation Will Do It. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO. Fred N. Cummings y y y y y y y y y y y y y 1 4 1 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ii A Full Line o f I Peerless Lamps All guaranteed. Now is the time to get your house wired. Good light adds to the comfort of winter months. SO. OREGON ELECTRIC CO. North Grape Street. aywyawfrwasay First National Bank -OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United States and Postal Savings Depository We solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. P. K. DEUKI. IMtKSIDKXT M. Ij. AM?OIW, CASIHEK oums citAWi'Xmn, assistant cashier "K Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness offprinciplo Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous mid liboral treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtor, President G, R. Lindloy, Vico Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier