PAGE TWO v IOCAL AND L PERSONAL llcv. K. O. Kldrldgo took trnln No. 10 Monday night for n visit to Mb Bon-In-lnw iind daughter In Itose burg. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Decker loft Mon day night for Portland. Mr. nnd Mr. P. C. Onrrott ro turned Monday nttornonn to , their' homo In Aslilnnd after u visit In Mcdford to Mr. nnd Mrs. I. A. Prnltt. Tho Llttlo Lady lied, onntnclod Jinmllo broom ( copyrighted) wants n homo with cvory good hotisovvjfo who can appreciate her worth, nnd will relievo the burden of Iiouso clennlnt; this spring. For sale by nil first rlnBs dealers In cvory town In the United Slates. 2Sf Real homo made bread at Do Voo's. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Klipplo re turned Tuesday morning to thoir homo In Summer Lake, Ore., after n povernl weeks stay with relatives In Mcdford. Cnrkin & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jnckeon County Bank building, Medford. Dr. It. W. Stearns was In Gold Hill Tuesday on professional busi ness. Fresh candy dally at McDowell's. S. II. Mnrjdo of Senttlo was in Mod ford Tuesday, having stopped off whllo en route home from the east Sco It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. M. G. Douglns returned Tues day morning to her hbme in Junction City, Ore., after a visit In Medford with her daughter, Mrs. K. Hull. Home baking and salads. HC North Front. Phone order. Home 273-L. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Redtield and II, S. Rcdflold returned Tuesday to their homo in Glendale, Ore. These people were readouts of Medford several years ago, II. S. Redfield be ing the first Jeweler to pitch his tent In tho city. Solder's pure milk and cream at McDowell's. H. D. Mills, of Butte Falls, was In tho city Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E. Rice of Spo kane arrived In. the city Monday. The Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages Is the only music school in southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. Talllandier, director. Send for catalogue. 276 Mrs. Vm. Stacey and children left Tuesday for Goshen, Ore., where they expect to reside. Otis Benton left Monday for Cairo. 111., to visit home folk. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Michael Murphy, tho Kerby miner, was In the city Monday on buslaess. E. B. Wing, a Eugene marketman. Hhlpped a carload of fat cattle from Medford to his Willamette valley city. Tho cattle wore purchused from Mr. Donlgan at Jacksonville. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by w.eek or .month. Gus Newbury left Monday night for Salem, where on Tuesday ho pre sented an argument before tho su preme court in the case of Cantrall versus Sterling Mining company. Try McDowell's Ice cream and sucrueis. Mrs. Delroy Goteholl loft Monday afternoon for Minneapolis and other Minnesota cities, whero she goes to participate in tho final division of her father's citato. Snldcr's puro milk and cream at McDowell's. W. I. Vawtor Is In Suloni uu busi ness beforo tho supreme qourU Rooms COo and up. ilotol .Moore. Special rates by week pr month. Mrs. Jennings, who has been In Mudford for n few weeks tho guont of Mrs. II. C. Kontncr, loft Monday night for the east. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & II. Co. bide. ' Mrs. E. C. Guddis retutrnod Mon day from a visit to Ashland friends. Washington's birthday the ladies of tho Roosuvelt district will enter tain, from 3 to 5 p. m., at the resi dence, of Mrs. Geo. F. King, Hit East Main street. An excellent pro gram will be rendered and light re freshments served. Twenty-five rents will bo charged, uud the money thus obtained will bo usod to park and Improve the grounds surrounding the now Roosevelt public school build ing, AH tho Iadlos In Medford aie Invited to assist In this much needed improvement. 2813 P. J, O'Garn. pathologist, Js devot Jng much of his time at present go ing over the orchards in the valley and advising orchnrdists, this liolng the. cleaning up period of the year. WeeKs&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Day Phone 3271 Xifffct FUOUIll T, W. Week! 3071 A. E. Orr, 3693 ABY ASSISTANT. Ha loft Tuesday morning for the Gore orchard near Voorhies. .Chnrles Carnoy, superintendent of tho quarries of tho Oregon Granite company, 13 spending a few days in .Mcdford recuperating from a sick spell. G. A. Hover of Phoenix has been spending several days In Grants Pass. Washington's birthday the ladles of the Roosevelt district will enter tain, from 3 to f p. m nt the resi dence of -Mrs. Geo. F. King, SIS East Main street. An excellunt pro gram will be rendered nnd light re frcshiuQUts served, Twenty-five cents will be charged, nnd the money thps obtained will be lined to park and Improve the grounds surrounding the new Roosevelt public, school build ing. AH the ladles in Medford are Invited to assist In this much needed Improvement. 2SG Mrs. G. W. CoIvIr of Grauts Pass, who was oporntcd upon for an in jured kneo, at San Francisco, has returned to her home with her daughter, Mrs. Uertran Stone. Eagle Point will institute an Odd Fellows lodge next Tuesday night. Miss Elizabeth Putnam returned Tuesday morning from a visit lo friends In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Henton spont Sunday and Monday at Rock Point, tho guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II.; Stead. By attending tho Washington Tea. at the residence of Mrs. George F. King, S43 E. Main street, Thursday afternoon from 3 to " p. in., you can assist In making excellent play grounds of the now unimproved Roosevelt school grounds. 2 S3 Grand Master Bowcrsox of tho Odd Fellows ordor will pay an official visit to Medford lodge N'o. S3 on Saturday night of this week. The Medford lodge has extended an in vitation to all the Odd Fellow lodges of the valley to visit them Saturday night and It is expected there will be from 250 to 300 visiting Odd Fellows In the city. Grants Pass lodge expects to charter a special train and Ashland lodge has also ac cepted the ivnitation for a large number of its members. Gold Hill, Central Point, Talent and Jackson ville lodges always respond to these Invitations and they will be repre sented. A splendid banquet Is being prepared for the occasion. Born At the Sacred Heart hos pital, la Medford, on February 19, 1912. to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Black ington, of Gold Hill, a son. This is the first birth In the new hospital. Dr. R. W. Stearns was the physician In attendance. The Medford Commercial club Is almost daily In receipt of a variety of inquiries from a varied assortment of eastern men and women. These inquiries come from people In all the different business avenues of life and from all .tho states of the union. but not until a few days ago had this club received a letter from a commercial organization, such as Is Medford's Commercial club. The letter referred to is from the sec retary of a commercial club In a South Dakota town and amoug other things said in the letter uro the lines quoted belew: "Wo have had such a bard winter here that a great many people are talking Oregon and other westorn states, and Medford sounds good to me. Our towns bore are overdone." Mrs. J. M. White returuod Tuesday morning to her home at Weed, Cal., after a visit in Medford to Mr. and Mrs. S. P. White. D. H. Miller of Gold Hill was in Mod ford Tuosday on businoss. J. H. Gay, of Central Point, was In Medford Tuesday on a viilt to his nun C. B. Gay and family. R. V. Holde and It. E. Mali! lug, representatives of tho Northwestern Railroad company, aro iu the city on business. I. C. Patterson, brother of C. W. Patterson, secretary of tho mining association of Mudford, left Tuesday for a visit to Los Angelos. J. W. Prall, of Spokane, was In the city Monday on business. While hero ho closed the deal with the members of the Masonic lodge of this city for the sale of that vacant tract of land at tho cornor of East Main street and Riverside avenue, the final payment of tho purchase price or $10,0,00 having been made Monday and a de,ed and abstract given by Mr. Prali. Mr. Prall left Tuesday morning for El Centro, Cal., whero he has land interests, The newly elected directors of tho Rogue River Fruit & Produce asso ciation are mooting this afternoon for the purpose of electing a man ager for tho coming yoar. It Is be lieved that Kldby S, Miller will bo re-elected. Tacoma Manager Seeks Talent. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 20. Mlko Lynch, manager of tho Tacoma Tig ers, loft yoslerday for St. Paul ami Chicago In search of promising youngsters. He wjl try and plgn up a second bnsemun, npw with the American league. Lynch in mysteri ously silent about this man and re fuses to give out his name. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. Bishop Scadding Comes to Inspect Ashland Normal Itt. Rev. (Iin-i. S. Studding, lit. He. Clur"" s .v ".dt h.-' t . of Oregon, Jieeomp.u k1 b Join U Kollock ami liev. C. otimoii ol Oi gon City, arrived m Mcdford Too - Inv moniintr on their way to A-h land, where tltev will consider the r- qmmuiij; of the Ki.hii Scott ehnol, ngroonble to an offer tendered by the Ahluud Commercial club which plans to place the old normal -cliool building at the dipo-al of the church authentic for chool pur poc. EVANS-DIXON GO S CALLED OFF, So-Callctl Lightweight Champion of the Northwest Develops Case of Frozen Extremities There Will Be No Fight. Local tuns will not w m return match between Robbie Hvan and Youn Dixon, principally bocau-e Kvnns bus dcveluHd a caee of iibl feet. lie iint btttm dickering with anagcr Kdwanii- iu rtntrd to the price lor a return i-crnp and o )wr aintent wan hi (iiibbliug that it showed up that it wn bi fet't and not his pucketbook which kept him from higuing. Kvnn cauw to Medford thiitkittg h had picked a soft oue. He vn foolwl and had not Dixou injured hio Jeft early in the gHino a iliflrot xtory might have been written. Dixon wa by far the olevcrent ianu. In the moautime Kvaiip lia- ukud up the Hit ujttion nnd in ready to quit. Manager Kdwnrd Un muwd an-, other man to ; ugniiiM Dixon whicfi will aKniire another lijvt cla ernp. Thifi mill will probably Im tnge MurcJt .". PENNSY'S FLYER CRASHES WITH COAL LOCOMOTIVE irrtkiti t"ii-ni-vr i.. i.,..i. ,i,. I uiwwur.iwn.-., j-H ecu. -- TIlH Pllllllk.1 II fllltfl ! I fi I fill ta. 1 Vt.llJtll " flyer between NYw York and fbieo j Thcre "" IuwiIqii sold with Cotto collided here toduv with an wijtmi' k"- C,,!t economical became pulling 11 coal car. Two Hi-emeu wen., ttttttttttttttTT. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ,' FOIt 8ALK Pour room hotme; wood . Bhod, chltken houtw; yard fenced, blackburrluN. raapborrlen, htraw-, bcrrloH; pardon; water In Iioiihc; I only ?9&0, tonne 737 Wot 1 1th between Newtown and King nt., neven block onth WaahliiKtMii ' school. :i 1 1 j FOIt SALI5 Now buiiijaw with nix J rooniH, bath and pantry; ncreened I in back porch lOxL'i; front jiorch 8x28; cant front; lot fi0x17l feet' doej), or two lot 100x171 with . alley at Bide, wjth bain on. Will give good terniH. Inquire a 1 7 Howard t., eat nldo, 1'hone C261. 310 KOil 8ALH IloniOHtoad rolln(uUh maiits, two cood oiiw, mxnl bulld Iiih 3H ucrwi in cultivation on 0110; SO aoros plow laud on other. Call at room II S Ugo biilldliiK. 280 ! FOIt UJ3NT Alpdorn 9 iliinu houso, oIoko In. on paved at. Also some ' cheap furniture uud range for halo. 620 S. Holly. iS'J FOjt HA I, K six ro7t7rbirmjirio w two blocks south of Main St., on Oakdale ave , $1500, a tmull pa ment down, rest easv jiajni'-nt or nionthb panuiitR If hlnd Hce owner, 225 Ho. Oakdnlo, jko MTWFORD, OKIWON. 'ITKKIUV. KKHUTARV 'JO, j UK HRHme3HHhHk,IIH! l (-.copal UMmp of Orvgon. ' llto A-!,' e d 1 Vll n meeting Moutl.n ,iUn.i. . it winch time matter wore t'.i- u-ed relative to 1 the offer to be wihiIc the men icprv ctitiiiK the rhool it i bcliuvcd that lUMlter. will be jnsted. atitfactorily ail- The Ititihop Setdt choo for boy . established many years ago t Portland, hut it ha been cloed of hit yenr. IIwiriBjr tliMt the church would consider rcoMiitng it, Ashland t"ok tt K cure it. RAY LEASES STERLING MINE Manager of Sterling Gold Quartz Mining and Milling Company Will Operate the Property for a Year as Lessee. R. L. Ray, for tb mat two years nmiMger of the Sterling dold Quartz .Mlaiug & .Milling company, ban taken n 1mmw on lb proporty for a year ami will develop It. Mr. Ha iiteitft to win the ore at present blocked out in the mluu. Lo Mtl luiaers sa tVwt ho has an excel lent proposition. 1IALTI.VORH. r. 20. Whllo the wetttixiund New York and St. Louis oxpreM on the Usltlinor and Ohio wr attending h grade between I'ler pont and Altamout, Va . a inaskwl man armed, jumped on the one sleep ing car and rohhad the pa-ssougei-H of money and alunhle. The Perfect Shortening CotioUnc ii made from the finest vegetable oil as pure and wholcvmic av olive jpil. Lard, o the contrarj, i, made from the fat of the hog, omo timct impure, often indigestible. Cotto-k-nc wakes thing taste better, makes them dkct letter. It give you butter ,-...!.. . t. ,U- .Jm r.ri f t,r,tJ "2 I you uk one-third Isss, At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for mas Yfie Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Tho Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurant, hotels, and fountainj. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your eideboard at home. Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Jiut say "HORLICK'S." flat in Any SWilk Trust Seattle Appraisals Sevoral Medford pooplo bavo employed us to appralso Soattlo roal ostato. Such appraisal Is usually worth more than it costs, Ira J, Dodge of Medford was formerly connected with this of flco. Other Soattlo nnd Medford reforencoa on request, It. d. KHHKINK ii COMPANY 20fl Neiv York Illlc, Beattlo (Charter Member Senttlo Real Et tuto Aflsu.) NOTICE TO SPRAY In lu'cordnnro with tho horticul tural laws of the state of Oregon all orchard fruit trees, shrubs, vino, roses, etc., must be nprnyed with it lime-sulphur solution In order o conttol San Jose ncnlc mid until other Insect petits as may bo controlled with llme-nulphur. This spray nlmll bo applied at a Htrcuxth or tot of not esH than -Lit dugrees llcuumo, or 'l.0H specif lo gravity. In order to dilute the concent rted commercial lime-sulphur solution to the alum tet, tho fulluwiug table nu. bo ucd , Gallons Gallons llmuHiulphur. water 30 degree test I 3 1 degree tirnt 1 32 degree test 1 33 degree tut. ...... I 3 I dogruo tost 1 33 degree test. ...... 1 3t degree tout t 37 degree tost. 1 The above table Is In 71 71-j 8 S 1-3 S 2-3 9 9 1-3 ! 2-3 accordance with tho best pi act Ice, and 110 at ten tlon should bo paid to the directions for diluting as found upon tho con tainer. PonchuM uud peats should bo sprayed as won s tho weather per mits: apples may he left until later lly applying tho spray Just as tho buds are beginning to break will give the best icsults. This order to spray Includes both commercial orchards and tho trees found on city property. Tlieroforo. nil owners, agents or lessees of city property are hereby ordered to com ply with tho law. Failure to do so may necessitate the removal of such trcos, vines or shrub not sprsyed. b tho county luspector. A. 11. CAItSOK. Commissioner Third District P. J. O'GARV. Pathologist In Charge. J. W. MYERS. Chief Inspector Medford, Orogun, February 17 19 IS. 285 POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement ) Tor Joint llepreicnlatUc. I hereby announce mynclf as can didate for tho nomination of Joint roprcnentatlvo of tho Mnth repro- Hontntlvo district subject to the en dorsement of tho republican party nt tho prlmnry election April ID, l'J12 I preaont my candidacy before the people as a proRreMlve. I shall sup port statement No. I because I bo Hove in It. On all other matters If olectod I shall work earnestly for those measuroH which J bellove to bo for tho boat Interest of tho people. C. K. WHISLHlt. County Clcik. I hereto" announce myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for tho office of county dork, sub ject to tho will of the voters of that party at tho primaries. I promise tho people of Jackson county that In case of my nomination and election 1 will fulfill tho duties or the office ac cording to law and the b(Mt o( my know ledge and ability. W. II. JllLLUK. Gold Illll, Ore. Feb. 10, 1U12. Your Druggist Stops That IMi If yAu oro nuffcrlnjr from neoznmn, I'fiorluHiM or any other kimt nf Mn trouMe, drop Into our store for lntunt rllf. Wo will Jitmronteo you to ntp Hint Itch In two Hocumls. We lmvo sold oilxir rumedlM for skin troublo, but nono that wo coulil recom inund as liU'lily us thin, 11 mild wuxli at Oil of Win tii rKn-on Tliyinol anil a fev otlmr IriBroillontH tliut liavo wrought hucIi wcmU-rful cures all ovnr tliu coun try. This compound Is known as H.n.D. Tn-scrlpUori for ICozoma snd It will cool nnd Iwnl tlin Itchy, burning skin am jiothlnic else can. A 2o trial liottlo will prove It, Of courHO all othrr druKKlsts lmvo n.IJ.U. I'rcsorlptlon o to tlimn If )m enn't come to iim hut don't ucoupt hoiiio hlK-proflt siihHtltllto. Hut If you como to our store, wo nro ro certain of what p IJ.O. will do for you that wo offor you u full slsp hottlo on this rtmrantce: If youiio not ''"'' ''"'J It takes owny tho Itch AT ONCE it costs you not a cent, MKDKOKI) I'HAItMACV Medford Theatre THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd MUTT AKD' JEFF Iind Firilior'ti inncli lalkcil ol' hue. cc.h. The bust of all niimicul COMICllic'S, You have 8een then cartooned, come and sco THEM. The talk of the country. I'lickiiifr tiM'tittiru ovorywhoro. Tin- cliildn'ii'h luliKiit. Soulw on hiilu Hutunluy, at IIhk kin'H, Prices $1.50, $1 anil 50c. IDl'J, -"'m- ST0RK IIUVEHING OVER COLONEL ASTOH'S HOME N'KUTOKT. U. I.. Fob. !.- Men. hern of the ultra muni I ol hem In ilin IciiiiH'tl llml lli Mork In oxpocl cd lo iit (lie liimiK of John Jacob Antop in ,lul. A-dor iiniirieil Mi--MiiiIcIiiio Koicc "I lliilnilililiiii a v liiontlw allcr he lnul been duoiiul hv Mi- Va Wilbii ! Medford Book Store sum i I '" if a'af,' I 1 i n 9 u 1 wR. ''''" mm i y w m,vi K i ra iiii j u i H i VVrllrr,, ' iHUnUlllil sn 1 ",.i,n'altt IS! II wv- " Si I II.., Ifv t UfUM,TEDfVAUIt:T,,:9ir s!:'!'''"4l:s STAR THEATRE ALWAVH IN THE LKAD HERE TODAY! Van si Comploto iu Tliroo Full Rools3000 Foot A piTlVi-t presentation of 'J'hakira famous novol coi'rcct in t'very detail. A fortune in siinery and cost nines, luerv eliaraeter port raved hv an artist Pronounced Iv rritie.s to he the Beat Foaturo Picturo Ever Producod AND ANOTHER lOOt) J.Yet of Coineilv The American Girl' A, i. I t Feat tiring imr Il ni'lti?. Miss I'loli-lKi and Arthur .lohuson AL SATHER IN SONG Positively No Admission 10c f COMING EXTRA- COMING Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Fob. 22, 23 and 2d Signor Franco MiSasio Vorld Kainoiis Italian llaijil Superb Musical Attraction I' i See California Ht'ci its attractive .seaside resorts, famous hotels and resorts, magnificent scenery, delightful cliinati'. Outdooi' sports of all kinds and pleasant drives Ihroiigli miles of orango groves. All reached by the "Road of a Thousand Wonders' SUNSET r OGDEN & SHASTA) LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to California, iu of foot daily with long limit and stopovers going or returning 3 THREE THROUGH SHASTA MMITKO-r-I'iilliimn cam and olmervntlon enra. (MMKOIt.VIA IJXI'ItKSS I'ullniiin tmirlut cum, lllnli-oJnHH ennohou, HAN ritANCIHCt) ICXritMSH- Ptilliiuui mid tourlat cnrH. Illnh'dliisa COU!lllH. Unexcelled dining cue hcrvlco coui'tcoiiN mill nllcntlvo eniiIoycM Cull nu our nenroflt H. 1', wnt for liitercHtliiK lltenitiuo Oomci'IIiIur tho vnilotiH roRortfli tr write to JOHN' M, HCO'IT, (JciU'iiil INiBHi'iiRer AW'i, rfHTr-M), OIIKflON SMELTER TRUST NEXT ON LIST mil IMI0UE WAHIIINHTON. IVI. UU. The 11I lorui'.v uciiciul n ir-l.i'il In I'm nihil in loiiiiatinu in icitntil lo I lie hinclli'i' Iiiin). The ictiiiliitinii wirt ni'nii'il to llic coiinnilti'c on iiic- TulK on Teeth K in ii'i'Tcst to pvcrxboily, bui cif. ,,ili 1 mo who nr contctiipbitliitf iino .Iciital work for Ihviniwlrra or uno of the fuiully. NVbiitover It U ou Wtim nunc 111 tuo linn 01 iiikii tlnsi pcutli'ii v coiuo hero 11 ml you w'll t -iiv sutlfmtli'U. Wo aro cncris onip'oy tin bei aiol niont s, iciitlflr uothods In a iihxUiii Wir , and we !nu" oiih reasonably DR. BARBER, The Dentist 20i'-'JpK I'armers and Kriiltrowers Itiink llldg . Medford. Oregon i'luiflu Phono Main ti&3 Home Phono XS7-I,. $ t t t t HERE TODAY! t' t t t t ! t 4- X t i t Laui CIH'C THE WOOLWORTIIS MUSICIANS Raiso in Pricos MaUnoo Evory Day X J "nond of'a' Tliousand Wonders' TRAINS DAILY 3 H Now A