T?AQB FOtfR JfEDFORtf MATE TRTBTJNE, atEDFORD, ORTCflOK. MONDAY. FRRRrARY 1!), MIL!, Medford Kail Tribune AN JNMSPKNniWT KBW8PA.PRU I'UHMHMIOtJ HVr.Iir AFTKHNOON KXCUl'T ntJNIlAY. HY .TUB mr.DKOUD l'itiNTiNa ca Tlio Democratic Times, Tim Medfnnl Mall, Tho Mcdfor.1 Tribune, The South ern Orcconlnti, Tlio Anhtaml Tribune Office Mall Tribuno llullillng. 2E-37-J8 North rir direct; phono, Main 3021; Home 76. blSOnan rUTNAM, rcdltor and Manager Entered an sccond-rlnss matter t Medford, Oregon, under the act ot March S, 1879. Official Paper of tlto City of Medfori Official l'apcr of Jnckiton County. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Onft year, by mall fS.flO Ono month, by mall SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Mciironl, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point BO Saturday only, by mall, pr year,. J.00 Weekly, per year 1.S0 SWORN OISCOXATIOK. Dally averog for eleven month! end tnc November SO, 1311, S751. roll eed Wlr Unltta Pxm Dtpatche. Tho Mall Tribuno is on Bale, at tho Perry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel Nws Stand, Portland. Bowman Nitv Co.. Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Waah. XSSroSD, OKSGOK. Metropolis ot Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho faateat growlng city In Oregon Population U. a censua 1110 SS10; estimated, 191110.000. Ftvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Riving finest upply pure mountain water, and 17.S miles of streets paved. Postofflco receipts for yoar ndlnc Novpmber 30, 1911. show Increase of 19 per cent. .... Banner fruit city In Oregon nogue Itlvor Spltxenborg apples won sweep stakes prize and title of "ApplB xtngr of th World" at the National Apple Show. Spokane, 1969, and a car of Ncwtowns won Xlrst JMm la 1910 , st Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C Tint rrfr In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Snow won by carload of Ncwtowns. Ito cuo Hlver pears brought highest prices In oil marhets of tho world dur ing tho past six years. Write Commercial Club, Inclosing cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. SELLING PANTS 4 lien Selling; writes he'd like to be A enn(or for you and me. "Who's Bont" yon nslc. 1 think, porchance, 'Twill jog your mind f If I say pants. Den's ns progressive ns can be; Least that i3 what he writes to nic, Yet, he's aboard The slandpat raft Who'd turn the state Over to Tnft. T answered, "Ben, you hnvc a chance Also the gall, and cash, and pants. GO ih'atid win, Your scheme's immense A platform on Both sides the fence:" If Ben does run I'll bet a plunk His boom will fall like so much juuk, And if we go tTp north by chance, We still will see Den Selling pants. TOM OSGOOD IS TO BE An announcement has reached here from Fargo, X. D., the former homo of Colonel and Mrs. John D. Benton, that their duughter, Miss ifury Ben Ion, who hhd the honor of chrifetoning tho battleship North Dakota, is en gaged to Thomas Osgood, a former largo resident and successful civil pujrinuer of this city, who graduated from tho North Dakola agricultural college and later from the Massachu setts Sohool of Technology at Boston. Tho Bontons removed from Fargo to California n few yenrs ago and until recently lived at Chain Vista, whore thev had a magnificent home. They are now residing in San Diogo, hav ing disposad of thoir home at Cbula Visla and acquired a handsome resi dence iu San Diego. INTERESTING SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH The services at the Methodist Epis copal church Sunday wuro well at tended both morning and evening. The subject in 'the morning was "Peace," not tho inertia and inactiv ity of tho lako or mlllpoud, but the steady ourront of the river, ever mov ing onward. In tho evening; the subject was "The Claims of Christ on tho Bnsinoss Men of Medford." Tho church was well filled and largely with representative business men of tho city, and the con sensus of opinion was that tho ser mon went squarely and truly to the point and llial the remarks were an honest, concise word picture of Med ford, as any portion could plainly see who would take tho time to give tho matter serious thought. Lenten Services. Lenten services of St. Mark's church will bo ns follews: Ash Wednesday Penitential and holy communion at JO a. m.; evening service and bormon, 8 p. m. TImrMluy Service nt 4:3(1 p. in. Frida. Holy communion, 10 a. in.; bcrwev ami t"lk 7;"J0 p. in, A NEGLECTED INDUSTRY. INASMUCH ns the Rogue river valley luis been pro iiounml by experts ideal for the poultry industry, some .statistics with regard to its revelopuieut at Peta luma, California, are int cresting. Poultry raising eoines near being the sole occupation of the district, a stretch about 20 miles square. Natural conditions are not as favorable as they are in the "Rogue river country, and chickens and eggs enough for the entire state could be produced here. There are close to 5,000.000 chickens in the Petahuna district and poultry products bring in $5,000,000 annually. The average number of eggs per fowl is from 150 to 175. Ten million dozen eggs per year are shipped, two million baby chickens are exported annually and from 75,000 to 100,000 broilers and hens. At Petahuna, a cash market, over $10,000 a day is paid for poultry products. The average size of a chicken ranch is five acres, and from 500 to 2000 hens are kept upon it, the investment being from $1500 to $5000. San Francisco takes the entire Pctaluma supply and has to import much from the east in addition. Portland imports still more from the eastern states, both chickens and eggs and the average retail price in Portland is from 25 to GO cents during the year. A thousand ears of Rogue river vallev fancv fruit will bring from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 to the grower. Poultry can be made to bring in much more money, and no veal's of tedious waiting. In neglecting poultry, in not making it ono of the principal industries of the valley, we arc overlooking one of our greatest assess. FAKE FLOOD NEWS. ONE' has to go away from home to hear tho news. "Vc learn from Sunday's issue of the Portland Ore gonian that "flood threatens city of Med ford" and that "Bear creek overflows its banks." All of which would be interesting if true but it wasn't. Bear creek was not within five feet of the high water of last season, and never reached the danger stage or the noint where its banks overflow. Medford is some ten miles from the Rogue river and some 300 feet higher in elevation, so that danger from the Rogue, as hinted' in the Oregonian's news columns, is an impossibility. In fact, few cities can suffer less damage than Medford even from a protracted deluge if such an unusual storm should occur. . Last summer the imaginative Oregonian sent broadcast the lurid assertion that Medford had suffered severely from a cyclone that "lifted the opera house from its foun dations." Any one that cares to inspect that flimsy struc ture will be convinced of the utter falsity of the assertion. The Oregonian should caution its correspondents that facts, not yellow sensationalism, is expected if such is It he easy.. , .; Del Norte County Should Bend (Crescent City News.) Del Xorte county occupies a unique position in this state. It la one of tlio least known and ono of the rich est counties In tho state. Whero can you go and find Such a body of gi gantic Redwoods, such rich copper and gold deposits, such bonutlftil marine and mountain scenery, flno dairy ranches, such possibilities for stock and orchard industry, such flno salmon streams, such latent, hydro electric power possibilities, and Its attendant Industries? All these ly ing hero practically undeveloped and unknown 'because of our poor trans portation facilities and our poor roads. Thero la no one thing that would develop this county moro than good roads. It would opon up our county and I Us numerous possibilities to tho vlow of thousands ot tourists and monoyed people. Thoso tourists bring money into our county and seeing tho opportu nities, some are suro to Invest. One InvoBtment begets another. Then if wo had n good road running from this county to the Hogue river val ley, wo would develop a commerce for our harbor that would warrant better ship servlco and better and larger 'ocean commorco would get better harbor facilities. But tho greatest benefit ot all would accruo to tho fanner. HO could hatidlo his produce for less than half its present cost, could go and como at all' seasons with ease and comfort, would be In quick com munication with all centers of trade and would save In breakage and wear enough to pay tho Interest on the cost of such a road as this county needs, und the Increase to tho value of his land would bo enoilgh to build tho road. But tho farmer or tradesman of this county would liavo to pay but very little for thoso Improvements because tho timber Interests pay about 7C per cont of It. If u irian needed an artlclo very badly and It would savo him a groat deal of mon ey und It would lighten his labor and add greatly to his wealth and would' inoroaso his pleasure and comfort, und somo person offered to rtay tureo-fourthB of It, he would soom liko tho proverbial ass If ho wouldn't dig up the ' other one-fourtll. Hut to nrguo for good roads seems liko trying lo argue that daylight Is daylight. The nmlir" thing Is how to J get them. Wo want the roads now so that we can get tho use of them during ail ordinary lifetime. Wo wnnt to enjoy the benofit of our labor and wo want the onos who como after us and share tho fruits of our labor to share In 'the cost of them. Tho only way that can bo done Is by a bond issue. But when you say .bond Jsauo to somo people you srnro thorn neatly to death. Thoy seem to loso sight of tho fact that our wholo tax system Is really a bond Issue. Tho lawB of our county bond us to pav taxes for the maintenance of our government and If wo do not pay thorn our property Is confiscated. But a -bond lssuo In going' to reduce your laxos by incroasing your profits. Take, for example, a bond issue of ?200,000r for "Jo years at 4 por cent. At tho end of 25 years wo will have paid out ?::CM,000, and clonued up tho debt and had tho uso of $200,- 000 worth of good roads. Undor our present way wo pay J 10,000 a year and at the end of 25 years we will have paid out $400,000 and tho interest on these $10,000 payments brings It up to $008,000 and wo liavo had rottou roads all tho time and can keop on 'paying our $10,000 ad finltum. If tho roof of your storehouse Is gono and damages your produce to a groat extent you aro not going" to put on ono shinglo a year, but you iut on a wholo new roof, If you liavo to borrow tho moliey to do It. Why? Because you save enough goods from damago to pay for It. When you look at any great work that is dono, calling for the expendi ture of a largo sum of money for the public good, you find it Is dono un der u bond lssuo. As an example the Panama canal, all irrigation' and reclamation projects, all railroad and street railroads, all gas and electric propositions, all water and newer systems, all pormanout htghwuy sys tems all over tho United States are built by bond Issues, without excep tion, so why should wo attempt to do without It? Now, to go back to n bund Issue of say $200,000, how would It effect tho taxes of' a iriuu with $5000, as sessed property? If you figured that you still paid your $10,000 por year as at present and had a $200,000 bond Issue his taxes would only av erage an additional $15.20 per year. And what man Is there In tho coun ty who pays on $0000 assessed value who wouldn't benefit $tC a year. But as matter of (act ho wouldn't have to pay that inurh hecanxo the coat of upkeep would ho less and our present $l,000 por .Near expenditure could bo ciit In half. It Is safe to (my that there Is not a resident of this county with JMlOli assessed property whoso bveakago and wear due to had roads does not exceed thnt sum. So let ua hope that our elllnoua will grasp tho oppoitunlly and ben oflt that may bo had by bringing at least $200,000 of outside capital Into our county and turnlnic It loose among our worUngmen. NOTICE 10 SPRAY In accordance with the horticul tural laws of the stale ot Oregon all orchard fruit trees, shrubs, vines, roses, etc., in tint bo sprnyod with a llmc-sulphur solution In order to control Sau Joso scale and such other Insect pests ns may ho controlled with lime-sulphur. This spray shall be applied at a strength or tost of not less than 4.5 degrees Benume, or 1.03 specific gravity, ""in order to dilute tho concentrated commercial lime-sulphur solution to tho above test, tho following tnblo may bo used. Gallons Callous lhno-sulphur. water. 30 degree test 1 ?1G .11 degreo test I 7 32 degree test..' 1 S 33 degree test 1 S 1-3 31 degree test 1 S 2-3 35 degree tost t 9 30 degree test.! 1 0 1-3 37 degreo test 1 0 2-3 The nbovo ts"blo Is In accordance with the best practice, and no atten tion should bo paid to tho directions for diluting ns found upon tho con tainer. Peachw and pears should be sprayed ns sooa s tho woathor per mits; apples may be loft until Inter. ny applying tho spray Just as tho buds are beginning to break will give tho best results. This ordor to spray Include both commercial orchards and the treiw found on city property. Therefore, all owners, agents or lessees of city property nro hereby ordered to com ply with the law. Failure lo do so may necessitate the removal of such trees, lncs or shrubs not sprayed by tho county Inspector. A. II. CABSON. Commissioner Third District. V. J. OV.ABA. Pathologist la Charge. . '; f! W. MYKISS. Chief Inspector. Medford, Oiegon, February 17, 1012. 2S5 L (Paid Advertisement.) Por Joint ItcprcM'iitnthc. I hereby announce myself as can dldato for the nomination of joint roprosontatlro of tho Ninth ropro scntativo district subject to tho en dorsement of tho republican party at tho primary olcctlon April 10, 1012. I present my candidacy boforo tho pooplo as a progressive. I Bhnll sup port Gtatoment No. 1 hccaitso I bo llovo In It. On all other matters If elected I shall work earnestly for thoso measures which I bollovo to be for tho bout Interests of tho people. C. K. WIIISLKB. County Clerk. I hereby announco myself as a can didate for the democratic nomination for tho offlco1 of 'county dork, sub ject to the will of tho voters of that party at tho primaries. I protniso tho pooplo of Jackson county that In caso of my nomination and election 1 will 'fulfill tho duties of tho offlco ac cording to law nnd tho best of my knowledge and ability. W, II. MILLKB. Gold Hill, Ore, Fob. 10. 1012. i. : .z-jl-a - Doitt Say You're Old Von Can IVcI Younger By Keeping l"p Your Bd'cngtli. It is n nrlatako for elderly people to let themselves think they nro get ting old. What If you have had 00 or 70 birthdays? You can koop your mind young und actlvo? und you can also fo6l youngor than your ago if you guard your bodily strongth. Mr. George II. Hinlth, aged 71, of Hmlthvllle, Out,, says that Vino! cured him of a caso or stomurh trouble of long ftandlhg, mid that ho now feela as strong und can do as good a day's work as he did thirty years ago, which ho owes to Vlnol. "I thlnk It Is worth lis weight In gold for any allmont of aged peo ple," says Mr, Smith. This delicious cod Bvor nnd Iron preparation without dll strengthens add invigorates all foohlo, run down pooplo, and In tho malnstuy of thou sands of old parsons who say It has prolongod their lives. Wo guarantee thnt Vinol will do all that wo say. and pay bach your money ir i' ....m not. Mcdfoid rhiirnincy, mill' B O POLIICA CARDS FINLEY WANTS A FISH CAR Gamo Warden In Letter to Governor West Points Out Work Now Dclnii Cnrrlcil on In the State Outlines Plans. SALKMj Ore., Fob. 11). In u Idler lo (lovornnr Vnt, Stnte Hhuip War den William i. Kinloy nn.vn Mini when Hie work of utncktuK river and lakow witli IImIi xeU into full xwIuk, It will be neeesMiry to have the railroad re model nu obi enr lo provide sjeiiil transportation tiieililics for the oung IMi. Tho letter details (lie plant whleli Mr. Kiuley hn made for work Mm M'nuui. In full it U ha follows; "We have scoured pome lluiiKuriuu partridges and I wind to release about a doKon pHlr iu mime favorable pnt on a reserve near Salem. I judge the bout place for lhi is on the asylum fuitu. l'ltnv lot me know whore the bent locution will bo and to whom to ship thoao births. Boh While gunIK "I am expecting to, got a good bunch of Bidi White uuils (runt MU uuti. 1 have liccu trying for some lime, but theno bird nro very scarce. I shnil also want to releno onu ! tlioo at the anvliim farm, and aUo .-cud a good buueli down to Rogue lliver valley. "hunt year we ordered some 1110 or f00 pair of Chineou pIionmuiiIh di rect from China, through .Mr. Andrew Khan, but lie failed to whow up with his bird, (lo 1ms recently jftii! to Cliiiu), himself, and tins promised to see that we get a ltipmeul within I lie near future, if possible ; if he cannot get the birdn immediately, he b.ts prnmhod a good shipment et fall I hope th'iK plan will ma to re. "Things look erv favorable townid us xeltiui; a good, big supply id' trout eggs for liberation. During the com ing xumuier we are plnniiiinr lo take iroitt egjc" the MeKensio and Trk river. Klk creek, Yaipiiim liny, South fork, Tons rfor, Wiillown rier and Salmon river. .-.0.0(10 Mure Kgg. ''Iu addition to the million eastern brook trout cgg we bought in ithottc Uliiud, wo have xuiMit'cd .'ill, 000 more through the bureau of tUhtfrlcK nt Wellington and they lime iceentl.v promised ."(1,(1(10 rainbow I rout euu ami 'J(III.IUII) black nlted trout cgiv. "We are working in clone toinli wilh Jlr. O'Malley, who in in charge of the go eminent work in thin Mlnlc and through him we expect a good tiiko of rainbow trout ec in houMi ern Oregon ami nlo at xnni! take iu tho upper ClnekMuinM county. We shall liavo, undoubtedly, from eight l ten million of rainbow trout ogg for liberation the latter wrt of tho nuiu mer. "When we get thin work in full swing, wo xhull hnvo lo prevail iim'mi tin1 railroad to remodel an old car und muke ua a Mpoeial lUh ear, which irf'iioeoHwnry in the tniiiHrtii!inti ul young fish, in California they Imve currf of thib kind and it in very ad vantageous and iiiM'ttMi'y when woikiug on a largo cnlo." J'OBTI.AKI). Ore. An cxproM iiihu, the owner, of two dismal look lug skinny homos. Ik looking for a sign painter who decorated (ho mi' sides with this legend: "OatK Wanted InMldo." 'J'he sign was done In paint tlidt won't wash off TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no caunl on earth !u variety of mineral watora and curing disomies that medlclncn will not reach. If you nro In need ot health, como now. Wo aro open all tho year and can glvo the best of enro and nttontlon now ns well as In summer. Stago dally from Bed Bluff to tho sprlngfl. Further par ticulars address E. B, WALBRIDGE TU8CtN HPllINOfl. CAh. !' WflO UNLIMITED VAiuuric(,r.) ' "CSSi'J Medford Book Store lltn.1 (3 , rTO&ifd IUn.1 U W,ller IgA'' ,A$ tijl Willw f3 SWfWpl!. ,BjWull lllj 7 1 AW4J l'n ImW v'l 1 ' ur ' "vgryt.M r vy Draperies Wo carry iv very coinpleto llun of (imperii, hii'i eurtutiiN, rix tiirctt, elo uml do all cIuhncm of upholstering A vulit nuiu to look uftur Ibis woilc eioliilvely mid will ul iih ipmil hitvIok hh Is noNNllile lo got In uvea Hut InrKcxt eltloit, WEEKS &MCG0W AN C0. Clark S Wright LAWYERS WAHHIN!TON, l. O. Public Laud Matteru: b'lunl Proof. Desert I. anils, Contesta and Mining Cases, tiorlp. Associate Work for Attorneys Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Soils Sccoml-Hnml Goods, Copper, Rublicr, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Flr liouio nm Bell :1071! In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, "we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in Medford in ton lots at $15.50 PEn TON $14.75 PER TON fit oar. Send pout nl or telephone- (Home) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our alfalfa in well cured and in not stui Mcorched und rctaiiiH nil it rich juice nnd notiriNbment nnd color. The itulkrt are not brained and broken and tho tender leaven and topa lire not bruiMCd nnd shattered off. Till' 1'INKST TOP-VAN'-: HAY THAT CAN UK l'KODDTKI). The farm in inigalcd from Rogue river. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency POU SAI.K 0 acrofl at I'uglo Point, $200. U0 ncreu n juIIuh out from Medford S'JOO per aero. 10 ncrea improved, houso, barn, orchard, otc, S0ll. 0 acroH liuprovnd 1 l ml km out, ?7000. r. room buugnlow with Itltchen furnltiiro, ?2200. r. room bungalow, floGO, I room Iioiiho, 5115 down, $10 por mouth, $700. 3 room Iioiiho, lot 00x125, S12C down, bal. $10 por mouth, r. itcroM 2 a; ml Ion out, Improved. IIouhoh for uale. Call and hod iih. 1 (10 urroa i'j in Hen out, 31G0 pur aero. TltADI r acrcH, will talco Iioiiho aa part exchange, 10 ucroa nonr Central Point for Iioiiho in town. 20 Heron up (Irlfrln croolc good for chicken ranch. R ncreu at Kaglo I'olnt for a good lot or a team, 2 Boo cure to trado for ncroago or loin. 1 liuvo all hlmlH of tradea to offer. TradoH, tiildOH of all Hindu. RMPr.OYMI'JNT 2 men for pruning. OlrlB for gonornl hoiiHoworlc. Hlx coal inlnorB. E, P. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono till; Home, ll, ) WHERE TO GO TONIGHT T H J A T R. E AI.WAVH l.V 'I'll II MCA It n New l'linoplii)N Toiluj n Today' Piiigram "Tin; i,rniiK wiuow" A milling story "BICrWUK.V I'A'l'lllIU AM HON" Thrilling Himulih rilorv "I'lBBS OP BBIITUOOII" luteiisely Draiuntle t'Nfl.H IIHtA.M'S M ST" Bent t'oiuedy. Al. SATIIBB Sliming new song. "WUOI.WOUTIIS" The Motion Picture .Muitlrlutm. t'OMINO KXTUA t'OMINO Tuesday Wednesday -Thurmlwy Kelt SOIb. 211. KSild A coniplelo and perfect prenenta- tlou of Thackeray" fHiinnu iimel. In three reeln 3on0 fe.-l. Mntliioim Kvery Bay. ADMISSION lOo THEATR E TONIGHT I'lll t'OBNi:M.S lit n Coined) Sketch IIIUINO A I'OBTCB Something ery liiierchllag. CAHICMChS C't'ltT The world' grmiteat bleyrlW. Mr. ('nrl illrtwl from ()rpliiiui i In Hit "Mil thin alone In enough to Htmiiro you of hlit ahllll. TJireo Keel, :t000 feet of MOTION PICTURES b't of Muio fieclal .Matinee. Saturday and Hundny 2 p. in. Kvenlug Performanco 7 p. in. Dr E. Kirchgessner I'mclitio limited to nlwuirt d'weaww. HOTEL HOLLAND WeduwidayH. Iloum, 10 to !l. FORCE CAN DO IT Do you waul our lawn put in llr'l da's -diiipe All wmk guaraiilcid. I,eue adilre4 with II. It. PalleiNoii, liuakir Nailery, Nash hotel. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Heating All Wurk OimrHMtnAd. 1'rlccM Ituaxniiiiljlo. OOFFEEN & PRICE 33 Hownrit Illoek, Jlutrnnco on Otti nt. rrtdfto 3031. nmnu 310. Noyesft Black 1IOUHI3 ANO HMIN IVUNTINO Up-to-Dato Auto and Oarrlago Painting, Gold 1ont Blgnii and Interior Decorating a Specialty. Shop and Offlco S. flrapo and lOlh Ht. Offlco Phono 7771. Boa. 7212. All Work Ponltlvoly Ouarnntood. IF YOU OWN A LOT We will build you n homo on monthly paymonts. MEDFOnD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. nnd H. Co. Building ISIS A y A j i v