PXGE TWO ItfEDPOBD MATti TBTTONK atTinFOET), OlilWOX, JIONDW. WfflHl' VIIV I!). lOI'A IOCAL AND 11 PERSONAL - Thu junior association of the Greater Modrord club will moot In St. Mnrkn liall February 19, at 7:30 1). in. Important moot lug. All ftro urged to bo prosont. Mrs. Walter Reynolds lotl Satur-' day for a visit to nor fatlior, W. X. Savage, nt Saluin. H. 0. Ilrown roturnod Saturday night from n hmduott) trip Into north ern California. Como to tho Fish Mnrkot for frosh, Bait and Hinokod fish, oysters, crabs, clams, Imttor, eggs and poultry. We also carry a good lino of cheese and lunch goods. GIvw us a call. wo nro lioro to ploaso you. V. II Kon worthy & Co. 2S8 Mrs. Jf. J. Mnloy and daughter, Elma Noedhnm, roturnod Saturday to their old homo in Hoscburu. W. M. Young, of Kowlorvllle, Mich., who lias boeh In Medford for the past two months visiting his son Harry Young, and family, left Sat urday for his home. He is so well pleased with southern Oregon that he will return within n few months and make Jnckscn county his home. C. W. and W. E. Krrct. of Harlan, lown, arrived In the city Saturday. Mrs. Frod Itopor returned to Grants Pass Sunday after a few days visit In Mod ford, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Davis. Ileal home made bread at Ds Voo's. Prof. Abo lilsh, of Ashland, was In Medford Sunday in attendance nt tho funeral of his cousin, Oscar Stln- son, Carkin & Taylor (John H. Qarkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attomoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. S. M. Wllcor. who was fnrmorly Southern Pacific station agent In Medford, now nt Drain, Ore., was in Medford Sunday for a brief stop. Mr. Wilcox has land interosts In the Sams valley country and was hore on busi ness connected with theso interosts. Mr. AVllcox was hero Sunday Just long enough to get himself lost in the labyrinth of new buildings erect ed since ho was a resident of the city. Fresh candy dally at McDowell's. Mrs. W. F. Smith and daughtor, Miss Blanche Cox, returned to Aslv land Sunday where .Miss Cox is at tending school. In order to demonstrate the Le Paris system for cleaning gloves, the Pantorium will on. Tuesday, Febru ary 20th, only, cloan one pair of kid gloves, any length, for each customer sending or bringing us gloves on that day, for five cents a pair. Remem ber that we allow but one pair of gloves to a custom or. Do not hosi tato to send In the gloves, oven though you may havo nothing else to send. Pantorium, No. 5 N. Fir st. 284 Mine Louise Fraloy of Ashland was in Medford Sunday visiting friends. J. F. Hale loft Sunday night for Eugene to bo absent soverul days. W. T. Beverldge left Sunday night for a fow days' business stay in Portland. The Mutual Life of New York gives you insurance at actual cost; pays tho largest dividends; provon best by statistics. J. F. Hutchason, room 205, First National bank. Prof. F. C. Holmor of tho experi ment station loft Sunday evening for a few days' stay at the agricultural collego in Corvallii. See R. A. Holmes, The Insuranco Man, over Jackson County bank. J. L. Davis, of Ltanaford, N. D., arrived in tho city Sunday. F, L. Cranflll left Monday morn ing for a visit to relatives In Eu gene and Itoseburg. D. H. Jackson roturnod Friday night from a four months' business uud pleasure trip into southern Call foruia and Old -Mexico. Mr. Jack- eon visitod many of the larger cities In Mexico and aside from this he traveled quite extensively through much of the Interior country, this interior travol requiring that he make ovor 1000 miles on horseback. Mr. and Mrs. J. n! MeCaw of Wal la Wallu, Wash., stopped olf In Mod ford Sunday night for a brief stuy in tho city. Mr. McCaw is ono of the county commlsblonors of Walla Walla county nnd ho has boon travel lug for Bovoral weeks in California looking into matters appertaining to good roads, Mr. McCaw In also a moinbor of tho Washington good roads commission. ttOOO littlo ladles arrived in Mod ford last week looking for homos. All first-class grocory dealers in every Itoguo river valley town uro Inter ested In locating them. Ask your grocorymnu why. 281 Weeks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS pay Flump 3371 Wig-lit fhontu r. W, Week 3071 A. V. Orr, 3G93 ZjABV ASSISTANT, The men's adult lllhle class of the! M. K. rhurch had n "tent full" nt I tendnnco at its Sunday morning ses sion. Much Interest is shown In the study of the New Tostnniont nnd the teacher, Nil Steep, Is In his I'tomonts wlihn tilling of the Instances asso ciated therewith. Mr. Steep Is a lllhle student of more than ordinary ability nnd tho largo class attendance Is n constant romtndor to him of the efficient nnd thorough work ho Is doing. ' Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Konmos loft Saturday night for a visit to rela tives In llorkoloy, Cal. Home faking and salads ltG North Front. Phono order. Home 87-U Mr. and Mrs. Chas. U. hobo re turned Saturday from a pleasure trip to San Francisco. Snldor's pure milk and cream at McDowell's. Kd Andrews was in Ashland Mon day on business. Mr. and Mrs. 1. It. llaxter spont Sunday with Ashland friends. Miss Frances Mcintosh, who has been in Medford for the past six weeks visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Cunningham, returned Saturday to her home In "Worthlng- ton, Ind.' Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages is tho only music school In southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. T.alllandlcr. director. Send for catalogue. 27C Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olwell will re turn this afternoon from a several weeks' stay in southern California. .Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Clifford, of Grants Pass, stopped off in Medford Saturday for :i few. hours visit. These people wore en route to California.' Mrs. M. K. Gardner, of Sams val ley, spent Sunday in Medford the guest of Mrs. L. L. Ream. M Rooms SOc and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by weok or month. Mrs. Salade loft Sjumlny night for, her home in Philadelphia. Her hus band expects to remain 'here several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Peck of Vis count, Saskatchewan, Canada, spent Sunday in Medford. C. E. Whisler of this city will meet Pat McCarthy of Portland In Joint debate on woman's suffrage In Eugene on Friday night of thfs week. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Fort Hubbard and John Burt left Monday morning for Edgewood, Cal., where they will put in operation a considerable amount of John Deere machinery. E. W. Carder was in Grants Pass Saturday on business. J. W. McCoy of Ashland and his fathor, J. W. McCoy, of St. Joseph. Mo., were Jn Medford Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. King. Try McDowell's ice cream and sherbets. The hearing in tho case of the two Moxicam, who wore arrested chargeed with having stolen copper pipe from the old distillery plant, was postponed from Saturday until Monday at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson, of Spo kane, stopped off of No. 1G Sunday night for a short stay In the city. Snldor's pure milk and cream at McDowoll's. F. C. Elliott and family spent Sun day with Mr. Elliotts parents ou Foots creek. Mrs. H. T. McClellan, of Roseburg, who has boon In Medford for a couplo of wcoks, visiting relatives, roturned to her homo Sunday night. V'o-J was received In Medford Sunday telling of tho deatli of Mrs. Roberts, mother of Mrs. W. II. Rardon, in Oakland, Cal., a few days ago. Mrs. Roberts was quite well known In Medford, having lived here with her daughter. Her death was tho result of ah accident, she having fallen off of a porch, breaking sev eral bones and receiving Internal Injuries. Olive Robekah lodge will initiate a class of 20 at its regular mooting Tuosday night. Rooms 60c and up. xlotel Moore. Special rates by weok or month. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Huno, of Spo kane, arrived in Medford Sunday night. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. Mrs. S. J. Bethel, mother of Mrs. It. II. Halley, is suffering from t fall recolved Sunday evening. The lady Is 83 yoars old and In stepping out side tho door Sunday night alio slipped ou a board, falling so heavily as to Injuro hor back soveroly. Mrs. C, Caroy, of Phoonlx, was In Medford Sunday attending tho Sacred Heart dedication sorviccs. Edgar Hafer left Monday morning oii train 15 for San Francisco, whore ho will meet Mrs. Hufer, who Is re turning from a winter's stay In tho middle western states, Mr. and Mrs. Hafer will arrive in Medford Tues day or Wednesday evening. Rev. I). D. Doyle, pustor of tho Christian church, was unablo to fill his church appolntmoutH Sunday bu rnt u so of Illness. Ho is very much Improved today. MRS. REDDY DIES DUNNTORUN FOR , b I M HOME OF SON COUNTY DO E Lovable Character Passes to Last Reward Leaves Six Children, Five of Whom Aro Residents of This City. - Mrs. Bridget Roddy died Sunday morning, February 18, 11U2, at tin home of her sun. Martin J. Rthldy, ut 33.1 South Riverside nvonue. aged 70 years. Mrs. Roddy was a native of lr laud. She mime tq the United State when quite young and for 60 years lived in Cleveland, Ohio. For the past four years the had lived with hor son In Medford. She leaves to mourn her death six children, five sous and one daughter, five of whom live In Medford, they being Mrs. Chns. M. Delln. Dr. J. F. Reddy. Martin J. Reddy, Owen Reddy and Thus. Reddy; and Patrick Iteddy, lli'lng In Cleveland, Ohio. Tho funornl services will bo hold at the Catholic church In Medford ou Tuesday at 0:30 o'clock a. in. Tho funeral cortege will leave the Into residence on Riverside avenue nt '. o'clock. Interment will be made In tho Jacksonville cemetery. . Mrs. Roddy was a noble woman, a kind, loving mother and none were there who came Into her presence and became acquainted with her who were not made better men and wom en because of this acquaintance and in the hearts of all those there Is to day a feeling of sadness, and their sympathy goes out to the relatives In this their sad hour of deepest afflic tion. Ashland Man Enters the Lists Analnst W. C. Lecver of Central Point Juduo Neil to Run Analnst Mayor Canon. WfNESAPS BRINO $1 inpriPFNMrtfiPW uiiTuuui Lmmuu. Oorfo Dtiun of Ashland, county judge from Ifibl In IHfHl. will He a oandidattj fr (lift nffteo iignin. ne eorilin to ropoiN from Anliliiuri. He will xoek I lie republican naminntioii, nsHured or tit solid Ahlunri vol. Thti assures n feudist fur the re publican nomination between (he north and suuili em. of the enmity, tVntrol oint haviuir put forth Mayor (on l.eevcr na candidate for count v judge. There promise No to lie n content for (lie deiuooratic nnuiinntion be tween .liulifo NVil. incumbent, ami Mayor Canon ol .Medford. INITIATIVE UPHELD (Continued from Page One) Producers Fruit Company Get Splen did Prices for Car of Applos Shipped Amiss this Sea to Another Continent; to pas lnvws by the initiative wntt unconstitutional. I'lie iimin issinhi were bitted ou the HENDRICKS MUST DO 'TIME FOR CRIME WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 19. The supreme court of the United States today affirmed the conviction or Hamilton Hendricks, who was found guilty of subornation of per jury In connection with Oregon laud frauds. claim that tlio Orqgu ytoiu violutod the gtmrnntee of ft rcpublipuii form' of gnveruiuoMt, l It wiik dcclm-rd the ."y-itam wn- revolutionary; that il htondtid (ho three dupitrttiictifc or xoveminoMt ; tha it eoiifiiaud Italutorv with eon- stitutiotial letrtalMion ; Unit It provid ed two ouroes of Wtlntion nnd wa Mihversive of IhnrepreKenlMtive form of KOveruuiHiit. The s-lttlo contnnled I bat Hie law " ooiiimiuuiif ani imhi (lie tiie. tion at issue' wfc not one for the courts' at nil. Ju this point Jh? stale wiii unlield by implication by (he supreme court today. Just wliirt further Mi-pi will ho taken now by Kiernan nnd the telephone comimay is not known. The ease is.l.iolod uioii as a di- tinct victory r popular iiwrnmii t in Oregon The Producer lnilt oompiinv of ledford reantly wold n oHrhmd ! WiiMMtp HH)le in CuiKtiiliairvn, Drn mark, which, afler all exiieimeji, audi ai tranaMirfatlon, atoraK h! eotn itioKim, had been dedueted, netted the viniwero ifl.dll per box. t'oimid- crin the fuel thnt in the eaiiond of tltlB Iiom'm .187 of Uiem ran in ai1 Irom IDO to 'id) hpik In the Ih and that the ivniniiiiiur '21i bovr wore nil four and a half Her in nine, tho price leeeived i aiirvly n mm one. Thin enrlnnd of apples wuk Nhippftl November 'j:i, iioerly lluee moiilhs ago, hut the comniinion men reHrt that the fmit "at nod up" well, in rnci there wan no shrinkaito whatever. The fact that this- ariety of fruit ean le iro(lthly HhipNd Ilit reat dlntaoeo in tnily an innovation to the I mil grower of tliia seetiou. Ileietnt'oif the Newtown IMppiua uud the SpiUeu- lierjc have ben iHMmideretl the onl variolic of apples whieh would stand tlie lnjr MhiHiieiU and at the same time allow rot urns which would he prutltnlde. This nliipfnent of Wine hjm Imviiu; proven to w proflUihlf there ia icaon to prtnim that even tlionpli Hie fmit In inferior in sue next season will nIiow a great increase in the exmrt trade from thi hoii( fi this particular variety. NO PICK. 'Ilie elty eouiicll will rewlva lildn next Tumday evonlim fur the cou nt met Ion of cement Idewntk In front of tho public library. SMI" STRKKT COMMITTEE Died. John MrNabb. aaed n )enr, died from heail Itoitble at Hit llMcred Jlenrt hnipltui Wuuilay night, Fehru- ary is. una. Deeeaaad wa U tinllvo of OntiM'lu, t'nmulH, nnd has lived tu Central Point nnd Medford Mr the pant nine year. Ilia wife died about u year ait". He liuM's Iwo t- hi lit 1 1 ti , ('(Uh erliie lli'lie n III) John Alllini, tued unit It mi in. lie had no other lol ntlvea on the roimt, hut fl'lauda of III aro now I'liileMvorltig to got In tomb w1ltli ulallrdfj In Him ohmI, hIioiiIiI tlii.'iu bu any, Legal hliiului at Ilia Madfnrd I'llni. lug eouipniiy, Benson s Wj Wo wish (o iiniTPs 1 1 with ilu- i',w dial. v arc Exchange Headquarters What lmvo ytiii til, jubl what do you want' Through uh you can cxehanjjt' what ou have for what you want. lit nncs near (lurvala. Oregon, near nbrtrlr line rniinlug to Portland, Im- proveil; will exchange for bimlnoaa or pmprt In Mlfort or aerwiga nwr city. I'llr ja60 pr acre. 10 iiii-cs S mlltoi from Wood vl lie. partly Improved, hdllUlHft. 1'rlew fttAO; will Mxehangx for .Mtalford, RunlhefH Calirornla, ir AriWHH j0wrty. -0 oeios Hidti hill fruit laud, biittdluga, young fwnilly i)rehgrd-llt)0. Will exrhaiiKo for city proKrty. -it iu'i-os In iieara and alfalfa; will oxchaugo for Medford Wetna. Iluxhicss piopcriy In .MiHlfmd, good Ineotno uaywr. Will mt or 8lrtl j it, nun. l'ht.i'lass iiHtnilng Ionise $1000; will exchange for rwM ilit. h Scxerol lelall hiiMltii-w In Mwlford to oM-baiigK fur nl ((, Itenl ehlitto to ttxt'liaiigo fou aiiiomoblle. III iM'luiiigo bualuoaa property for other proprty. ' II mi.- near tlio lliti.m Jit Mrrli'k orcwanla, tort of whh Hi 111 iMUrtM I'rlro, Jllt.umi, taruia. 10 mw tract a wr Cenlral Poloi, n aero In 3 year old nM IIUV ajtti. Prim J 1 76 per acr. , - lo any tract near Cwnlral Point. undtr dlleb. Priet f 180 r HBt. .- in i.vi.. .rf(i iivmumi mm I'CBCII Itrtta, 3IUII. tols on Dakota avwiiui. J3&H mth eaah. loipiincd C acre garden tract. Jilut oiiihl city. CK.VI'I.Vi; SACUIFIPIJ . with nlv room rood bttgjCKkta' on lot Formr pilco iaiiuu. Talks on TeetK PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 10. Ham ilton Hendricks, whose conviction for connection with tho Oregon land frauds caso of 1903 was affirmed by the United States supreme court to day was formerly United States land commissioner at Fossil, Oregon. Ho was secretary of the Muttes Creek Land Livestock company of Wheeler county, also. In this capacity he was convicted of persuading a humustoadcr to swear falioly rogardlnR land entries and was sentenced to 13 months oh McNeil's Island. Ho is supposed to be In Fossil and a United States dep uty marshal will be sent to j;et him. - - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- .f FOR SALK-TenViOjcl?. fmnW- l or unfurnished, llox i31, 2s" NO MORE EAS ' IK STOMACH AND BOWELS 1 arc of Interest to etenhodv. toil tmiw. Not Only Relief, but Cure r lallv t.. those who are (..m.-oiplailni-for All Time. Uome dental woik for IIi.-iiim Um or .. -. -P-i v, ,w...v . -.-'v.: ,.. i.r M... r.,.,ii vi't....w..- , i "v inmii, it oairii'i n MINORITY REPORT FILED IN STEPHENSON CASE WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 19. DIsaBreoliiB in every particular with the report mado by majority mem bers of tho senate elections commit tee which absolved Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wisconsin of charges that he bought his way Into office, the report of the minority members filed today specifically charges that Stephonson "was not duly and le gally elected." Tho minority roport was signod by Sonatore Jones of Washington, Clapp of Minnesota, Konyon of Iowa, Korn of Indiana and Lea of Tennessee. The majority roport hold that while Stephenson had spent an unii-j sually largo sum of money In his campaign that no cvldcnco had beon adduced to show that any of It had been spent -Illegally. In direct con trast tho minority roport says that tho methods whereby Senator Ste phenson carried tho primary "were corrupt and violative of tho funda mental principles of the system of govornmont," Stunuh tad Hmifa. UU tu MAI-itANN A. TAHU.TSffnrrfrf. BAAUIANS 0A.-vtABI.FTS- re pwrtil illrUVtir aatl irulh foriRoMtli (inn. nrtMUlarlylurMl tht kail rfp-tl (naiiic (ram (ia i'm"rr. Thatwipt), pee nul tttfiw. Inling at UtO fit M your tUxuarti toll ! ilMMariaitfnrrfai; that auloui ta4 tnw ItHtiM. un lrt (JUUti, M Tmo iixt 4U oar sort k alh tu Ulraitri' IraOB, to 'i (KMtel by cu prcwcg nihtl ytu Uarl it.1 krea. YovrlinU. inu iml fisrm won't M r41 mxl rn to ). Irfouje ttUI JtA..S"8 (i LS-TABUTfl prtvtt nt mtzintu uh the emiuif: imi iwrtwa iIpiw aaJ tlrtpr ltth4 IUr iltntut ill vmu imJawI hv A iUm inr vvn. fnrm rf ffe4MtaIllinflt. Vour ilutM'lvl drmatl wiH rrlwr br tatlrtArtmum J 2 0 7 pi HiaMy i-o no lurm alter alnruanriiuN iiaai. JHWH (iAK-TAM IOH, . .. , TUmti i-uluf utt aro kI for COc ly mty InHt. or K-o-l ihrttt to lUbamaBD rUroucy, 330 Sutter St, tiaa Ynsdtax. one of you wunt done In the line of high class Dentistry come her and you will get every mtlnractlou. Wo are exports, employ the brut and moal scientific method In a modern way. and we charge only reasonably Flue (wkdalo aivnue eornar hrt aiijiMwng. All for I3SHQ. Former pi Ice aiiuu i.im your niiaua land with it. W havo Inqulra. lgltlmato mining pronlion fliiiuued at ihla of flew. Wo nut .-nil jonr liotiau If yttu will ! Ion ny ltttallmNtM. A IIO.MIC POK votr lllo down. Iialaiire like rent. We ar arllltm lioime like that HOW. TODAY-ALWAYS THE BEST DAY WE AIM TO HANDLE ONLY REAL BARGAINS Wt aiv now ItHNtf c(l in our new ijnjirli-i-s, cornel' Alain iiinl l-'ir. enson Investment Company Real Estate, Mines CORNER OF MAIN AND FIR Phones: Bell, V901; Home, 23-1 L S DR. BARBER, The Dentist -208 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Illdg, Medford, Oregon Pacific I'hono Main 053 Home Phono 2S7-L. THE Sunrise Laundry I'AMILV WASHINO A SPKCIAIrV. Ahh WOUK fll'AHANTUKI) Orders called for and dollvered. First class worlc dono by hand. Ladles' and men's aults cleaned and preHscd. Tel. Main 7831; Home, 37. Cornor Eighth and South Central Avenuo. HW'i"H'HW'''Htt.:-tai4iAj.iAA.ij.J.J.J..t,J, ..... .j. .--... ......rrr r r ttttttvtv i.wr.v I A W A K t t i 1 STAR THEATRI TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY February 20, 21 and 22 .NO HAI.SK IN I'lUCKH. MATIM-I.; i;itV l.V. AOMIKSION I lie FIVE MINUTES licit DlhtrcHs will DiHtijipeur Distress after eating, sourness, gas and heartburn can be (iilnlcly relloved by taking ono or two MI-O-NA stom ach tablets. They aro guaranteed to banish any case of IndigOHtlon, acute or chronic stomach ailment no matter what It is called, or money back, MI-O-NA stomach tablets aro small and easily swallowed. Thoy nro sold by Ohas. Strang and druggists every whero for SO cents n bo. They aro put up in a neat metal box that can conveniently bo carried in tho vest pocket. They aro especially recom mended for nervousness, sleepless ness, bad droamsconstlpatlon, dizzi ness and biliousness. ROSSES ROSEvS It's time now to plant roso bushes. t A J'ino line of home-grown stock two years old. Special on Hyacinths, $3.00 per 100 Medford Greenhouse Home 2.T7-X Main 37'11 923 East Main B. T. VAN DE CAR i , i will save you money if in the market for diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in Medford PHIPPS BUILDING t I J 5' I t t I t t t 1 7 f X A Stupendous Production of Thackeray's VANITY FAIR COMIM.KTK IN TllltKK IIKCIM, ItlHIO FKIffP " J IIKICI. NO. I. Aniolla Sedley, aicompauled by Miss Ilecky Hlinrpe. rnlunis from Doaniing school, ilecky Is a imtural born flirt. Ilnshful Josopli Hwdley rails desperately In love with her. Ho tnkes her to Vniulmll 0mlini, where he makes an msh of himself, Is vuy much ashamed and rurusuM to kiwi hla nppolntmeiit with Ilecky the iiwKt day. sulllug for Auotlaud lo esciipo her wiles. Aniolla, with her gentle swotiiwui( hands Ilecky u hitler from Sir Pitt Cmwloy, ro(iiestln hor to rplr to (Menu Cruwler'n nt once. The next mornlnu, bright and early, she lakes her ilepHi'tiim lo en ter Sir Pltt' lioiisehold us h Koni. wlium Nh intiHtu itiiwduu Crawley, youngest win of Blr Pllf, who rails rapllvo to her elmrnw. bringing upon lilmwdf the dUplesauie of the wholw Pitt rmlly. Ilv, uotwItliHtaudiiig, mnrrlvri Ilecky. 9 S5 ! HI, ,o. After tholr innrrlnKe, ilecky Hlmrpo and Itawdou Crawlay tUe "V Jjmniit lodgings nt .Mayfulr. Itnwdon. who Is cHpialu In tli ICnu Hsh army. Is rnapiundunt In hUi flulform. They me vlaltod by tlielr nillllary friends; Caplaln Dobbin Is ihip with Amelia Osborne uud her hualmml. Lieutenant Onhorue, who la m.riiiuil by Alia. Crnwlwy. A week later limy sail for Druaaela. At UiiiwoIh Ihey nttiind a ball given by the HiicheaH of Ulchinoiid, nt which IlueUy meoU Iho Muniula or Hleyuo, ami whoro thoy receive notlno or tho batllo of Waterloo. All Is ojcoltoinont uud tho off bora are soon ou tholr way lo tho field of action, where Lieutenant Onliorno Ih hilled. A month nflor tho Initio, Ilecky Crawley I urns to tho ouaiiarlng of Lord Hiiyiw, who with crafty and villainous intent, luya a slug to tho overthrow of Captain Crnwloy In urilar that ho may eoulluiiu hla alliance with his wir. Cmwloy golu huuvlly In doht nt I ho ginning tables or Lord Hteyna, hi nuahlo to pay, and tlio uiiMuiupiiloiiM filoyno throws him Into prJaoii. " " J ' lUtlii, SO. St. Colonel itnwdon Crawley wrltoa a nolo to his wife to rnlao-"'! money to Hiimiro his rolnnsu. Hlio replies rulsely that alio Is sick but 'X win iiupioro Lord Htoyno to show llnwdoii leniency, Mlgulug herself, "Yours nffiictloiiiiloly, Ilecky." Colonel Crnwloy, In deupalr, sends lo hla brother for assistance. IMI t haateus lo his brother's miitoor. Itiiwilon liiimedlalely goea lo his wife's aparliiieuta and flmlii hor with Lord Htoyno, whom he throttloa, mid loiivon Ilueky rorovor. Major William Dobbin iitari low Amolla Oshorno. Aniolla and Alajor Dobbin luurn or llecky's downrHll. Thoy visit hor In hor ml forliuio nnd rind her dlsHlpatod Jml iiin'onquoieil. Hho rormw old from Mr. nnd Mr. Dobbin mid la loll by hor friends In liar own wuywiiniiiosM t i' I i i X ? t i ! t 4. A U 'nt ,.Vf'.- i 1 n f i , i ., .A '