City Hall " Medford Mail I WEATHER I Fair. Miu., (10; .Mill., iH. I Preclp,, trine. SECOND EDITION Dully HUlli Vrur, Fatly -Hint Yi-nr JUEDJ70RD, OINMON, MONDAY, KKHIM'AUV 1, 1012. No. 284. SUPREME COURT, BY IMPLICATION, DECLARES THAT INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM IS CONSTITUTIONAL Tribune '? REFUSES TAKE JURISDICTION OF TEST SUITS Verdict Looked Upon as Distinct Vic tory lor Popular Government In This State Question Raised hy Phono Company. TWO CASES COMBINED AND TAKEN TO COURT Frank Klcnan of Portland Raisnl 'Sntiui Question In Injunc tion Suit. WASIIINOTON. I'kIi. 1 I'wli inl Mfflriniilioii ihHt ill" principle "f the Initiative mid lefcrfiiiliun, k Ill'tPll ill Olf"ll, i IMIIl-littllHIIial. vnim hen tdty when lli I'kiIimI Kuti MupriHnt imhiiI rpfneil l"' jurMiclluu in ll nil. eoiilo-ting th validity of llu lnw. "Tho dadaioH of Uih I'nilud SIhI Miiprmtto waul, which w uinuiimou. nffiwl ninny (( wheic diiocl lei: Ulntltin agitation i" heloro I In people Cliiof .ItiMico White deliwicil Hi opinion. IMtid: 'Tht iMiw in xlili'Hl nud govern- It.PlltHl Mild tlieiefiilO IHtl WltM" willtin or JitrlfMlIcttlftH mid tlm wrll of itriitr IhffHfiiii- muM lie, nnd i. IimIhImim1 fur whiiI f junmlicttou." Tin ilei'iHioii of tin court leiivc the Oregon law in fine mill tiiiiriiiiiiiiclrtl operation tiiilw mtuiH win! rry hi lum to moirlde it hould In1 inkcn b oingfwM. 'lit oiiiin imj: "Whil th niHilniiry i imir tmit, it in not' no id. It mil hhm iih to dwid whether it lite public duly of thu iiiiirl or the priiviinm ol (HiHfnw l dduiii whim h tn'e Iihm i'0ifwl In he repulilienti in form. Tim! Imiir ine Iiii been doloi mined hy a com! to In Hi)ltiMil in chnr ili'tvt', it ml lliMirfoii widely committed hy lh coiiNtitutlnii to tin judgment nf niiiiui " Tlin opinion thou iociie. that Iho adoption f the iuiliMtivi mill icfor ondiiin in t)nnii won n hIiciiiimiI liidwiukiiijtf of legilMtlin. "Illt'OllOllivHlllo OXMII!xillll llf ju dicial iwivwir" and "riiinoiiK t!Mt rn lion of IwiHlfttiM Hiithoiily" (iiv iHiuin ('hint' .ltutioi White iinoh in dnuyiujc the jnnxilii'tioti of iho conn. Tim opinion oeiioluilos: "'I'liai'o in ii iiiixi'oiii'i'ptiou icxultiiiH from fa II u ro to iliiliiiKiiili la'twocn lliiiilfpi which urn widoly diftVrtoit that thu I'oiirtH' li'Kixhitivo duty ix to ili'lt'iiniim politicitl iiinxtioiiN inolvi'il in dt'cidinn wliollmr n xintu povtu'ii inaiit. nipiihlii'an in I'ouiu i'ixtx; uml whi'lhi'i' jmlii'iiil povvi'r ix cut proxont on duty wlu'ii it hin'oiniix iiiiix.nry to (infiiicc anil to npliolil apilii'iililo pro vixionx of tin I'onxlitntion iix In cncli iiinl I'vcr.N If'W)' k1 v '"'l of komtii imuilnl power. Tln xtiitc liovoin niuiit, h politii-nl I'ntilv in lid i'iim1. wax ttiillnil In tin Imr of tldx foiirl lint o lent judii'inlly xoiiic ou'ivUi of ilk pnwor, hul wax axxaili'il ax to ilw light to liigixlutu ax a xtnli-." Tin i-oiililutioniililv of tho Orison inilialivo and rofori'iidum law, wliiidi mux pniulii'iilly iitliina'd in piiiu-iph-hy thu UnltDil tatou hiipionio I'oiut to day, wiih llrwl rulHi'd in Oruuiiii win'" ' I In'i hIiiIo atliiiiipli'd to ivcowr from Iho Piudlln Stiiliix Tuh'plioni and 'IVh Ki'uph I'ompiiiiy $10, MO I iiv on itx (fiotw (iiuniiik'n iiiulor tin aitlhorily o Iho iiiilintivii law MUKI. Tim tiiluphoiiii Koiupiiuy oppoMod tin la.v on Iho ki'oiiiuIh tluil tin law wax iini'onMlilulinniil. I'Vank Kiniuiiu of I'orlluud raixi'd Dm hiiiiui iiumt!on in mi iiijiuii'tion nj,'iiiiiNl tin t'ily of Porihiiid and tin I wo (MiH0t llnnlly warn cuiiiIiIiumI and Hiiliiiiillcd lo Iho Ihiilnd Blntim hii pii'iiio coiirl for final ndjiulhtiillon luxt fall. Tin Kit'i'iiiin ni'lhui ulxn iibxoi'IimI t lint tin nulhoiilv c'onforrt'il on i-Umt (Contliiuod ou l'uuo Two,) ABKB 120,000 AMMONY I I ffiripYw? 'J'liw milt Tor illvorcu of .Mr, riorvncn .MoCiinuliU Thaw iikhIiihI Clmrlurt II Tluiw, n cousin of Hurry Thnw, wlilcli unit KtHrtnl three iiiutiths neo In Now York, will coiiiii up fur Irlnl In tliu Hu prenir Court us tin uucoiitititfil ru'lloii. Mr. Tluiw, It Is until, linn put In no uu nwr to Ills wlfn's chiiruos. .Mlniony to Uu Hiiiiiinit of f'.'OrrfX. n )cnr III Ik nski-it hy Mm Tlintv FAMOUS POCKET HUNTER IS HERE Man Who Has Taken Over $1,000,000 From Hills ol Southern Oregon Visits City Larijcst Find Was $130,000. rjV.ft i Kmim M. l(hotiii tin iiioiit fniuoitx Micki'l lui'itfi' in lint world, who lui "(will lux lift among tin hill ol -oiiIImmii Oit'ipm, takiiiK out ovi!' ?l. 11011,1100 duriiiif IhHt tiuii'. in pock fix, if in .MkiIIohI ou m xluirt iit. Mr. Klmleii Intx juxt dixpotfi'd of hit. riini'h on thu Applt'itnto and i'.pclx to turn nitiiiu to lux favorilu oU. Mr ICh'itt'ii i-uim to .liii'kxon ihiiiii t in IH.'iD ulii'ii ii xiniill hoy, fominK iiM'tluiiil v i t It lux piui'iitx from lown. Ilix fin I y lilV wax xpont in tin iiiininu caiiip of thin ilixtrii'l mid In wax vol ii vohiiKKlor whoii he fouiiil lux llrsl Mn'ki't and tii'iuiivd u tuxlo for xiii-h hoiU which In hax never xiu-(-ceded in HiihdiiinK. In llio paxt ."() yenrx ho luix uni'OM'ii'd liuiidrnds of poi'kotx ruuiing in alui fiom .f'-Ti to -:I0,II00. lux ni'hi'xl find lioiiiK on Kiiui'x cifck. "Tin ix tin Kri'tili'M mininic dlx t x it t in tin woild," xtnlox Mr. ltholou, "for.nowhi'ii an i'onililioii xo ideal. Tin xiiifncf hux nx il hut lioon xiTHtidii'd and wt uiuxt ko down. "1 d it I'laiui that a porxon enn 'go down' ou uny proopci'l nud xlriki it i it'll, lint llu'.v i'ihi folow a pay uliult) down nud llml lii'hcr ou than hax yet hi'i'ii uneovered. "The plneer ttold in llii dixlriet coiiiex from lediiiix nud il will xome day he found in xueh rich iuautitiex that will Mm tie the win Id." Mr. Itholen hax xeveral iniuiui; lroportiix now, hut iluriiiK' the pu-t four yearx he hax heeu rnneliun;, miikiiiK n home for hix faiuily. He lias now xohl hix ruueh, iniide hi fain ily iMiiufoiluhle, and ix planning to turn hix attention to mining at oui'c. Ami thoxe who know him hex) hu that Home day he will stroll into town again with u fortune wrested from some mountain htroughohl, ACTOR, RECENTLY HERE, PASSES AWAY SANT FRANCISCO, Cal., 1-Vh, ID. Alkiux Lawi'i'iieo, one of (ho oldet ai'toiH on tin Amerieuu Ktage nud u memher of the (Irmixlark company, now uppenring horn, ix dead today followiuif n xhoii illness from iueu iimuia, Though nearly 70 years of age, ho played the pari of the iniiiistm' of police in Iho drainn until Tliurxilay and wiih thought to he in excellent lienllli. Liiwrenco had phiyi'd lending roles wiih JMury Andei'xou and had nlno heen with Month nud Huni'tt during htu long (,'iii'cer, TAFT SCHEME ARBITRATION A DEAD ISSUE Such Is Belief In Paris Followlnij Re cent Quarrel With Italy Its Im ractlcahillty Is Said to Have Been Shown by France. NATIONAL HONOR CANNOT BE LEFT TO ARBITRATION When France Jumped Italy Enylantl Nodded Her Head In Approbation. , PARIS, Kuli. U.--.lrclilont Tafl'u nrhuiiio to nrliltrnio fjuiwitloiiH of na llouitl honor Is believed to lio hh iluuil h the proverliliil door null. Slowly tlio eyx of MtutoHumou arc opening. ho It Is -wild, to tlio fact t lint tin rercnl ipnrrl with Italy clearly le inoiiHlrHteil Hh ultr Iniprnrtllilllty. Kor kIiuiiIiI gcivcnununtH HKree to nrliltrati hiicIi canon public uiilulon woulil force of an entirely illffctcnt fort. The HnUure of the Krouch uteamcr Miiuoulm unit tin anet of tlio 20 cHptureil I'rwK'ont liop!lu! nttaclicM iiv tint liallHiis chuhihI I'rauco to lilnut with lnillKiiutlon. Tlii Itullnn cottKiiliitii at MnwollNto wag Rtianluil liy tin police to prevent uttaclt. When Italy HugRiHitori taking thu affair to Tho Hague, n cry or ilorlnlou went up from France. Neer! "Hut urn to the French flag the 2'J Turks you took fiom tin ami wo will arbitrate tho rust." Prime Minister Polucalro wild, thu people to a iurii bucking him up. "Tin taking of thorn TurkB placed a Htaln upon tho French flag wipe out that Htnlii first," tho premier ile clareil, "anil then wo will talk. It In a ipuwtloii or national honor," and "iptoHttons of national honor cannot be Htthmlltcil to arbitration." Franco mild theso things to nltly, with which country nho Itaa long been ou terms of wuruiotit friend ship, anil with whofio people she Is akin by blood ties. Knglnuil, who, with Franco, signed the Taft arbi tration treaty, applauded France unite vigorously and'tho tone of the KugllRh presx wnu the buiiio an that In Frnnce: "Questions of national honor cannot bo arbllrntod." So politicians and stntosmon hero aro Btnlllitg itud asking thotnsolvos If Theodore Uoosevelt Is not right In Halug there Is no use making treat ies Just to break them; that Ques tions of honor aro not debatable. MEN WIIH PLOI i i i Federal Grand Jury of Indianapolis Returned Indictments Analnst Tveltmoo and Clancy for Nation wide Dynamite Plot. SAN FIJAN'CISCO, Cal., Feb. 10. Olul' A. Tveitmoe, secretary of the Cnliforniu State Huilding Trades council, nnd 10. A. Clancy, foiinerly nu'inber of the executive hoard of the tutcrnulional Association of Hridge nud Structural Iron Workers, wore amis ted here todny hy United States deputy murshulH on indictments found at Indianapolis, charging them with n complicity in n country-wido dynn mitiug plot. The warrants charged hoth Tveit moo nnd Clancy with Illegally trims porting dynamite from one state lo another, ltolh woro immediately vo leusetl ou honds, Cttluoy furuishitig f 10,000 and Tveit moo .fSOOO. Jnfet liindehcrg, uu Alaskan milliuuitire, and Mrs, Tvcitmoo iptulillcil ou the honds Tor hoth men. CHARGE FRISCO Banker's Valet, Said to Have Been X nVBjLw VV ,J J tJBfc M JSl JP jf Uf 9 o& PITNEYPLACED ON UPREME BENGH Officially Announced That Chancel- lor of the State of New Jersey Will Be Named Justice of the Supreme Court. WASHINGTON Feb. 11). It officially niiuounred lit the While House today that Mitlilon l'ituex. ehuneellor of the Mate of New .Jer sey and former coiigrayinnn, will In appointed to the vacancy on the bench of the Mipremo court of the Tinted State-. Pitney wus for two terms n member of emigres nud i a noted lawyer ami jurist. Chancellor l'ltuev bus heen under consideration by tltu president for several weeks, lie is 54 yours of age and lu" boon a pi.icticiug lawyer and judge Miiee 1SS-. NEW FLAG OF CHINA FLIES O'ER CONSULATES LONDON, Feb. 19.- Tho repub lican flag of the Chinese republic was raised over all Chinese legations lit Kuropo and the old flag, emble matic of tho Munchu dynasty, being hauled down. All Chinese diplomats today have dlhcnnled their Queues, In accordance with orders by I'tcsldeut Yuan Sltl Kill, and hereafter will appear at of ficial functions In occidental attire. Noted Trarjcdy Recalled. HOSTON, Mass. Fob, ID. Forced to pass the Vlbl y'-s of her life practically penniless, Mrs. Louisa Flsk, widow of James Flsk, Jr., part ner of tho late Jay Gould, illoil In South Uoston today. Rivalry between Flsk and Fdward S. Stokes for tho smiles of Joslo Mansfield led Stokes to shoot Flsk moie than 10 years ago. Ht 4- ATTENTION, B. P. 0. ELKS - All Klks will meet at Klks hull tomorrow morning promptly at S. From there the lodiro will innrilli to tho Catholic church to attend the t'lmmiil ill" Mrs. Hoddv. tho " mother of our brothers, Mar- tin ,1. noddy and J. 1 Roddy. Hy order f C L. UKAM.KS, " " KxnllcdUuler No. 1U18. 4. .t4. 4--f '"""" JUST1GE TO SET SENTENCE USE j District Attorney May Also Move to Have Other Indictments Against Brandt for Burglary Quashed hy the Court. NKW YOItK. Feb. 19. Justice Gerard this afternoon expects to set aside the 30 year prison sontonce against Koike K. Brandt, rormer valet to Millionaire Mortimer Schlff, who Is said to have been "railroaded" on a burglary clmrge to save the name of a woman member of tho Schlff household. It Is expected that District Attor ney Whitman will als,o move to have other Indictments outstanding against Brandt for burglary and as sault quashed on tho ground that the man already has suffered enough in his five years imprisonment. No Intlmntlon of the expected ar rest of Schlff, his attorney, Howard Cans, or the detective who is said to have 'framed up" tho caso against nraudt has yet been given out. YOUNG WOMAN OF PORTLAND DISAPPEARS POUTLAND, Ore., Feb. 19. An oxhaustlvo search of the Pacific northwest was started today for Miss Hlols Harris, 22, who disappeared from tho homo of hor motlior and stepfather. Mr. and Mrs. William Shafcr, at llitlsboro. Although the young woman has several thousand dollars In her own right, she loft with loss than S10. THOUSANDS SAID TO BE STARVING IN CHINA PORTLAND, Oro., Fob. 19. An appeal to tho people of tho north west to aid In the relief of COO.OOO starving families In China was issttod here today by tho China fiunlno re llof committee of Now York, which Is cooperating with tho Red Cross society. According to tho circular 3,000, 000 people aro practically destltuto and south central China on account of heavy floods which last years de stroyed crops In GO.OOO uquaro miles of territory, "Railroaded" TROOPS CHARGE BODY OF WOMEN , Detachment of Infantry Aided by 200 Police and 15 Cavalry Hurl Them selves Upon Women Strikers at Lawrenceville. LAWRENCE, Mass., Feb. 19. Without warning and apparently without cause, u detachment of In fantry today, aided by 200 police and 15 cavalrymen, charged a body of 100 women, composed of striking textile workers, who had gathered on the common here, pleading with other operatives "not to return to work nnd scab." Three of tho ivoraoa plckoters wero arrested on charges of Intimidation nnd disorderly can duct. Dispersed by militiamen whenever men plcketors attempted to approach strike breakers, leaders of the tex tile workers hit upon the plan of using women for this work. The plan, however, was betrayed to the police, and when tho women gath ered on the common tho police and mtlitlnmon wore In watting. The charge camo when several of the women approached a body of men who wero on tholr way to the mills. No warning to stop picketing was given by either the police or militia men. Instead the police and soldiers with drawn clubs and bayonets swept down on tho body of plckoters, knocking down the women right and left. Several of tho plcketers were thrown heavily to tho ground, sus taining painful bruises, but no cas ualties woro reported. No nttompt at retaliation was mado either by tho women plcketers or other strikers. Instead the women filed quietly and separately to their homos. OREGON CO-EDS WILL WORK FOR SUFFRAGE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EU GENE, Oro., Feb. 19. With Miss lllrdlo Wise, or Astoria, ns Its presi dent, tho co-eds at tho Unlvorslty of Oregon have Just organized an equal suffrage association and aro planning today to plungo Into a "votes for women" campaign. A suffragette parado will be hold horo soon, At present the co-eds will hold to tho plan to confluo tholr efforts to converting the mere man olomont of the unlvorslty to tho equal sutfrago Idou. JOHNSON OUT FOR ROOSEVELT FOR PRESIDENT Governor of California Deserts La Follette's Standard and Declares fpr Teddy as Leader in Flffht (a Defeat Taft and Reactionaries. NAMED AS RUNNING MATE UPON PROGRESSIVE TICKET Radical Speech Planned by Strenuous One for Columbus This Week in Which He Announces Campaign. FRESNO, Cal.. Feb. 19. Chester H. Rowell of Fresno, president of the La Follette league of California, today declared for Roosevelt and called a state meeting of progressives to be held In San Francisco Febru ary 28. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Governor Hiram Johnson of California, appar ently released from his allegiance to Senator La Follette as progressive candidate for the presidency, today Issued a formal statement declaring for Theodore Roosevelt ns leader ot tho fight to beat President Taft. Johnson recently conferred at length with Colonel Roosevelt and other leading progressives, and last week saw La Follette In Washing ton, when, it Is believed, tho Wis consin senator released tho Califor nia governor from previous promises of support. While Jo'hnson refuses to discuss the matter In any way, It Is strongly believed that when the progressive slate Is made up he will be found in tho position of Roosevelt's running mato as a candidate for the vice presidency. Johnson's statement endorsing Roosevelt's candidacy is Interpreted also as an endorsement of tho senti ments to be expressed by the former president in his speech on Wednes day next before the Ohio constitu tional convention at Columbus. Johnson extended his stay hero In order to urge on tho colonel tho ne cessity of taking an ultra-progres sive stand In his Columbus addrres, and as a result of his lnfluenco It Is believed the speech will be much more radical than It was originally Intended by the colonel to be. LOG UNO DEBRIS CHOKEDJNTAKE George Trana Returns From Head of Water System Stating That Everything Is in Good Condition There. A huge log and debris enst up by the flood witters of Little Butte creek was responsible for tlio failure of the city water supply Saturday. The loj; lodged in such n position that it turned the water from tho iittuke to tho creek again. No duuuigo was done. Superintendent Trana of tho wutor system visited the intuku Sunday mid states that everything now is in good shape. Stocks Change Slightly. NEW YORK, Fob. 19. Today's stock market oponed with small and Irrogulur changes. Tho buying of United States Steel nnd Amalgamat ed Copper sent the leaders up frac tionally for a tlmo, but profit tuklng again sont It back to tho opening figures. Oporntots took iidvuiitago of feoblo rallies to sell but tho general prices did not ,go much bolow last weok's figures. The market closed firm. Uonds woro steady,