ixaE mawv WEDVOUV MAIC TOTBOTE, lyrRDFOTTO. OlREHO BATTTUUT. ?RTTXRY 17, 1012. h HE TO CLEAN UP THE0RCHARD8 Professor P. J. O'Gara Issues State ment to Orchnrdlsts Informing Them That This Is the Season of the Year to Begin Cleaning Up. CHARGED WITH STEALING COPPER Two Mexicans Arrested on Complaint of T. C. Barry Said to Have Pur loined Copper Piping From Old .Distillery. V J. O'Qnrti, pathologist, has sued a notice to orchardisl of the valley calling ihoir attention to the fad Hint this is the season of the year to plena up orchard. Profes sor O'Onra says: "In another column of tlio Mail Tribunc will lie found a notice to sprnv all orchard tniit trees with lime sulphur. The olijeot in apply ing a lime-sulphur solution i not so tnueh to kill or destroy any insert pest as it is to prevent future in festation. This is alo true of fun gous disease. Therefore, at this time, it iloes not matter whether treo.s are going to bear fruit or not; every tree, obi and young, .shonbl he Sprayed in order to keep it free from infestation or infection. Whon a young tree it is important that the foliage bo kept free from injury. Young pears are very subject to tbc attacks of the blister mite, and they should not be neglected. The orchard practice at this season of the year does not take into account their con dition so far a.s hearing fruit i con cerned. It is a very nice thing, -f course, to know whether trees are go ing to bear or not, but at this eaon of the year it is not a difficult thing to determine this and no special ap paratus or facilities are necessary. So far as the stone fruits and the pears are concerned nil that is neces sary is a good pHir of eyes and the ability to count. With the apples, we are so near the blooming period that no sH'cial difficulty should be found in making a fair estimate of the crop. Even this examination does not need n microscope. For those who do not know how to determine whether buds are to produce leaves or blossoms, I may say that the easiest thing to do is to cut a few twig, which may be representative of the average condi tions in the orchard, mid then pat them into a vase filled with frosh wa ter and keep them in a wnna room. The water should be changed every days and it is also a good plan to cut fresh, from day to day, the ends of the wigs submerged. This is done in order to preevnt the plugging of the vessels which would tend to reduce the amount of water necessary for the twigs. If anyone cares to take tho time, he may go to the display windows of the Kogue River Canal company and see Spitzenberg blos soms that have boon in full bloom for more than a week. Therefore, all the apparatus and facilities necessary at this time of the year will be a sharp knife, a vase or Mason jar, water and n warm room. A few days will determine whether buds will produ"c leaves or blossoms. If any work re quiring facilities or apparatus is necessary, the time for it has pnsed. Embryological work along this line could have been done months ago." Attractions at the Medford Theatre A ROSEBED OF PRETTY GIRLS WITH THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY, "MUTT AND JEFF," AT MEDFORD THEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. Friday Afternoon T. C Harry swore out eoiniJaints against Peter Lobes and Charles Loan, two Mexicans, charging them with the theft nf 701) ltmds of copMr ping, valued at about $.)U0. They were arrested by Constable Simrler and were brought before Justice, of the Peace Taylor and in default of bail were remanded 1 to tho custody of the constable to appear for trial at 2 o'clock today. The property alleged to have been stolen was copper pipes used in the old distilling plant which became an extinct business enterprise in Med ford nearly 20 years Net. The piKis. together with other materials used in the distillery, hae been stored in a warehouse at the extreme north end of Cntml avenue for a number of years. The pipe bad been cut into small pieces which makes its identification more liitncult. .Junk ileaters nave been known to refuse to buy metals of any kind uutilvthey had been brok en into small piece, presumably as a safeguard against identification should the question of ownership arise. THREE BASKETBALL GAMES ARE PLAYED TO CUBS A COLD I OWE SAT Take LAXATIVE CItOMO Qulnlno Tab lets. Druggist refund money If It fall to cure. K. W. GltOVK'S algnaluro Is on nrh hnic 25c. Three games of basketball were played Friday night, teams from Mod ford participating in two of them. The sceres: At Central Point Medford high. 35; Central Point high, 10. At Ashland Medford high second, IS); Ashland high second, 27. At Grants Pass Ashland Indies, IS); Grants Pass ladies, It!. BRAVE JAP WAR AND TAKE FALL OUT OF H0BS0N . L-, Land and Water Facts lly (Jcnigo'K. linos. It is renoiled from Washington, I). . be 21:1.7 per eenl, but will swell 1000 C., under data of Febiunry 13. 11)12. that the number of fauns in 1010 in per ecu I. Tim lucnmse of mnitgiiKs may be greater, but that will lint cnlilliMi'ii willi llin niiliniiKiiiniiiil ill' Mill Oregon increased -zt per ecui met ""M,,,,,,, UU( (u, , , ,. ,., ,v ,( Mllnl number reported hi WHO, us compared with 02.7 per cent ilicicum' in Oic gun's population. Oicgnn has -15,002 funns with an acreage of 11,085,110 acres, not tak ing in account the Indian lewcrvulion lauds in ('tool; county. consUttug l 181.000 acres, which win leimrted .n 11)110 as faun lands. The decrease of farm over 1000 10.7 per cent nures. The increase in nlite, not in eluding buildings, implements, ma chinery and live stock, but laud abuie, amounts within the last 10 ,ciu ( over 203 per cent. The average value per acre of faun laud alone rose from $11.23 to i35.23 in 1010, an ilicicnm of 213.7 per cent. The fm in mmlgugo debt, which averaged 20.0 per cent in 11)00, he decreased to 22.0 per cent in 1010. It Is estimated that of the 5,502 farms in Oregon, 33.7 per cent nie free from mot (gages mid lieu. The above facts show a healthy condition. It shows that the farmer is improv ing bis laud to a more paifcct state of WASHINGTON', D. C, Feb. 17. Congressmen Hay of Virginia nnd Fitzgerald of New York in the house today jointly "took a fall" out of Congressman Kiehmoud Pearson Ilob son for his criticisms of their atti tude on the army appropriation bill. Hobson was absent. Concert by Madame Schumann-Heink. Madame Scbumann-IIeink's versa tility shows in the variety of ex pressiveness with which she is able to sing songs widely contrasted in color and mood. It has been truly said that the distinguished contralto has n song for every mood and that she does each one equally wejl. It matters not whether the composition be viva cious, pathetic or noble in dignity when Madame Schumann-Heink is in the act of giving it hor masterful in terpretation. She is the one nrtist of whom it can be said: "She does all classes of song with sincere, lofty and effective art." Madame Schumniin-IIeiuk gives one soug-rccital in Medford on Fri day evening, March 1, at the Nata-toriuni. Gils Hill's production of "Hud" Fisher's peculiar character cieaiion. "Mutt and Jeff." is undoubtedly en titled to the well worn aud ott used expression, "The most tnlked of play of tho year." This is one instance when a play, or at least the inspira tion for a play of the same title, was immense popular before it was ever written. The "Mutt and Jeff car toons now running in the N'cw York American and hundreds of other daily newspapers throughout the i I'imi isioies, n;ne n'.irin'u u point mean r mi I'ciiru.liv Ji, lor nil ell of Mipuliiiitv never before achieved siagi'iiient ol one night, a i ouipany of by any other series nf e.irtoons m the ' il) wople especiollv titled to present hwtorv f jounialisjB. You may call "Mutt ami Jeff in a musical comedy them "-illy." "iiti.iwl." or by any form. It is openlv acknowledged bv other name you plefc-e. bat the fact all that this is the real novelty pro of their unprecedented popularity re- dttction of the current year. Much mains the same. A tew off-hatidU expected by admirers, of Finlier's dashes 0111 piece, ef chalk in the .peculiar character studies nnd the bands f a clever orlit has made two (play scheduled to apear in your city continents indulge in a daily "laugh will fully realise your most ardent fest." All glory to the brain that expectations. Ity all means wait for conceived tho idea, , J ".Mutt and Jeff." It is one grent, big f!os Hill is senijbg to the Medford laugh. UNCLE SAM HAS SECRET EAR plicity in the dyiWriiTfE conspiracy. tor." wnti all thai bo bad to way. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 17. It became known here today that the government bus had a dictagraph in the office of the International As sociation of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers here for days ami ba taken records of conversation be tween Pre&idont Frank M. Kyan and Acting Secretary II. S. Hoekin aud First Vice President John T. Itutler and their attorneys. The wire was connected with a downtown office away from the fed eral building and two stenographers recorded what was said bv H.vau and hi.s associates, particularly since the arrests of the men for alleged coni- Government aceab. after hcnriinr '" ovent Hooaevolt will return that the Iron Workers' officials were ' Snn Fraclneo whero be Is ran aware of the mrhiue's presence, to- jneeted with an eastern carpet con day entered Itywi' office and re-,ern for a while and ho may nn moved the instrnwitt which bad been 'nouace bU acceptance of the offer attached to the end of a drawer in from there. his desk. Kyan declared that lie did Colonel Theodore lloonevelt did not know that bit conversations were not rome to the city toduy, upending taring overhcanL uioki of the morning chopping wood Today a stengraher rcKirted that at Sagamore Hill he hoard a woman's voice over the) diutngrapb aying: "Well, I guess they are hearing whatever we ay now. TO BRING CANNON AND GROCE'S BODIES BACK SAN J CAN OKI. SUIt. Nicaragua, Ktb, 17. Executed by order of I'rewltlent uluya In 1900 after they 1 had been captured with the revolti- jtlonary army, tho bodies of I.eroy .Cannon of HnrrlMhiirg, Pa, and TEDDY, JUNIOR, MAY WORK IN WALL STREET NBW YOKK. Feb. 17. Admliwloa that be is contlorlnK nn offer to become a member of tho Wall street firm of Hertron. Orlncom & Jonk ijnard (5. (iroco. of Galveston, was made here today by Theodore Texas, It was announced today, will ft owe veil. Jr lt) exhumed nnd sent to tho United "I am midei tiled about the mat- states March 5. if cultivation and itrigatimi. Much of the increased value Irilgatlou, Oregon fai ins is due in a great mens, are to pioper irrigation, especially so in the arid districts of the middle, eastern ami southern purls of the "late, and while the government ie polls show mi average value of oulv f35.23 per ucrc. it states in an iiri gatiou report that "fauns which arc equipped with irrigation facilities anil which are not dependent on thu rain fall, but with an assured water sup ply are worth from 100 and upwards and in distnets where the etopH run it of alfalfa, vegetables and finit. pi ices' of 2llllll'lo $3000 per tuie have been fieipieutly received." Tb e districts of such values ro few u iiiiiuber. The Kogue Kiver valle one of them nnd it will be oulv 1 question of a few veap when tin major part of the valley lauds will be served bv an assured water supp!v oi can offer, Ihciebv procuring cheii) cr money, better (irin ami luM wony FISH COMING ' UP ROGUE RIVER Trmpornry Woollen Fishways at Anient Dam Arc Dolnn Their Work Well, Says Samlry Courrctc FUh wtiy to On Constriictctl. 'fhe eniMirarv lUliwitvs which have been iiiitulhil at the Atiivul dlllil alt) serving their puipose well, iiiicniiliug to Sam L Sundry, chief deputy game vvaiden, ami many fish ate nsciiiidhiK the stream. However, th liver i riiitg rapidly and as it In iilunmt liu pimsililc to eouHtmct wihmIhh llihways which will stand high waler Ihs lulu Hirnry stitieliiies niay go out at nny moineiit. .Mr. Sundry stales that Agent San ders has ugieed lo construct 11 tmtj crele INhway as soonaa the witter ill I be river recedes. NKW YOltIC - -Heerat stall easim, vaalMbliiK iIimm-h and uiidiirKrouud tunnels ate today declared to ho concealed In the uuwislnit of the Into railroad million. ill c. IMvvlu llnwley, at Itnlivli'ii I. I Shctect ifctMc! Qat the Original and Genuine HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK second to none, and the laud owmr ti. Cnnd.drtnlc In, All . who is fortunate enough to own r 1 r . 1 1 i -in water right will command the top . ForInfanti.JnvnJidi,andGfowmjidiMru notch values of his acres, and again PicNuron.upbuildInBtlwwWobody. when the farm cc.kus is taken in Inv,Rnttl.onura8mo.,crnndlien8cd. iMdi n', innncti pnin, in powuci loinv, A quick lunch prepared la a mlnate. Take no substitute, AikforHORLICK'S. Not in Any MHk Trust lOl.'i the increase in values will not IT'S SO EASY TO END CATARRH do to I'han Strang and say I want a IIYOMKI outfit take It home open tho box pour a few drops of IIYO.Mi:i from the buttle Into the little bard rubber Inhaler- broatho It for five minutes nnd note tho rc freshlug relief--breathe It four or five times a day for a few days and catarrh and all IU dUgiiMtlug symp toms will gradually dlnappcar. IIYOMKI contains no opium, co caine or other harmful drug and Is Hold on money back plan for catarrh, iiHthinn, croup, colds, ooiiijIih anil ca tarrhal denfnoss. Complete outfit $1.00 extra bottles If needed f0 cents at Chits Strang's and drimgUts everywhere. Simple linttructlons for Hue In every package- you can't fall to banish catarrh If you follow Instructions. Dr E. Kir cfigessner I'racticu limited to chnniu diseases. HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesdays. Hours, 10 to 3, Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O. Public Land Mnttcni; Final Proof. DcHcrt I. undo, Contents nnd Mining Caned, Scrip. AfiMichito Work for Attorney! ' -- - - -- ' v v - "jr FOR INTERIOR TRIM 'A . . . A. .. .A. .. .. .. .. . .. AAAAAAAA,,AAAA.AAA.AAAAA.A.AA.AA.A.A.Ja.AAA.A.A.A.AAA.AA... iiiiiVt TMiTTTtiMi4MT- t I t f f T T T T f y T T T f T T T f f T T f T T JJmJJm We manufacture all kinds of sash, doors, balusters, etc., in oak ash, cherry, and all hard woods, white and yellow pine. All kinds of millwork, mouldings, posts ancf wainscoting. Our prices are right and the lumber we use is fully seasoned, of the best quality, and our deliyeries are prompt and reliable. y J.-jJ AffiBr a V frjfffri'itafl ' 'It ' 'Iff"1 1 itJr" 'pfc LNiev-.'yi'i.....tj.. ':"fiMy,t'i' ShC Jslll' i iff ni lAivteflftAi r I J uiiiiiiuiiiuiuuuiru - U g i&, hMs III II I A"'"! 'IrVbi W mimm MEDFORD SASH ! COMPANY ix$$ttMwiw Mto DOOR aaa ::: t T ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y