MrcnrortD mail trtbune, mrdford, ohwjon, SATnvnAY, iwhiutary 17, .1912. PAGE TIIREIB A A Wv L( 8' lhM)iiii l.iiirui 1,1 or tiio j'h 1 M H, chinch In 1 in mi 1 r fully ?r Mitlhnieil nl Mi.' home nf Mi 11111I Mim (1 .MlU'ltOI lllHl I'll! rlllU I'M II 111 k l'"l lOWllIK till InmlinnH ni'i'lliiK ll" IihiI till OXfOllelll 0llllltlllll In Kt 1 - I - tor ncipiiilntotl iIiiiIiik Mm Valentino hmcImI which wiih followed by Hub! HirioMlinii'iittt. Mr. ICuMtmitit ('HirliMl off tho Ihiiioim f if thu ovoiiIiik Tur llio bent m Initial fmir Hint vio "to My Valentino." IliifiiM' dm iuhkIIiik whh lewohoil Into it orlHl kiwoii iilto 11 tnimhlnruhln iiinniint nf hind Hum win iininliloi imI mill tllpmotl of. Mr. I.lnililoy'n MwlKtintlnu wi con fllliioil lift pnmhlont, whlln Mr. K. V. Hlnno'n win nrropiiMl a neeroiHry, Mr. I. T. Parrltt IioIiik olccteit In tho officii nf mieinlary, Ilnl ly far (tin oiin inninnntoiiK plow of ImikIu'W tnilllNII'lllll WIU lllU lll'flllltll iiIdiIxu of ihu Iimikiim lo iiiIkh 11 MiiiilfUiil mini of inoniiy lowunl tho now church hiiililliiK riiiiti. After wuiio iiiwMt- llltl II I'Olllllllllllll Of IMVOl WIIH Hl- polntoit to moIIi'U for Mniiu. 'llio matter of. iiiH'urlim i deneonowi for Ihu ohitich umno luifiiio Him inaolliiK unit In view of olhir nwponHlbllltloH no mil Inn wan taken lit tho nmltor, wive roferrln ll lo a commltl" of three (o Invtwllgulo Hint ilhtcovur wityii nml moan. I'oiir imw member worn elected ! hcIIvm nniiilMrhli. Tim Iihikiih from nil iirnnllnn oliit of vlnw ha boon on 1 Iik ilown nrmln HjiiunvliHt for Hih IhK few moullm. hul ll In fully nntlrlpntod from now 011 to pick up nil not it'"" hlp mIihhi ami tiiijoy a lody itrowlh nml rxpmiMliin. Thu attendant'! nl tho Hlinilny ovonliiK moodiuc of tlwt Iomkiio ktiH kooiI with tho lntoret wnll iiiHlntallioit folio Iliac tho opi'ii Iiik of tho vnrlnn bailor. Although in)iiniwhiit ciowil'Hl IhmI Tinmdny an nlr of Jollity anil nood feltnwhlp porvntlod tlio Hlniiwphcrn from tmt to IIiiIhIi. TIih ItniKiio Ih Kreally In debted to Mr. ami Mm. ('. Mooknr for thflr hospitality In throwliiK their hoim'i opn; nml itewlriM throimh It offlunrM to expro the appretUtloii of each ludlvhlmU inuMibr. ,Th in.Miili.irH of Uih Oornittiiltt nluli khmi a iiovnl ilanco 1 itiir4lu -iiIiik In tho miiihII hall of tho Nat. Tho ImiIUm IimiI oliurm of tin. floor tho flmt half of th ovcnlim, with Mr. Now an floor mniwm'r. Tlimo wro nlxty-flvn couple pri'mnt ami all hnil a Jolly tlmo oxrtOiiR tlw fw mini who woro w popiilm' thny ilhl not hvi' tlmo to intok hut nil thty ilhl wan "Kiowl (T) H llttlo." At I I o'clock honrt wru iiwhiI ami thu liulltm uiitti'liml tiiiuilior for mippnr pitrtuom. I.luhl rofrtmliiiionw of riiko anil lc cream wmo iwrvwl hy tho comitilltiMi. who worn ilalnly cu phi nip ami aproim. After thla Urn unullinni'ii claluunl Iho rwl of tho ovoiiIiik " tholr own. Iloiut. Hwccl lloiim win pluycil promptly at I a. in., ami all wont homo, llrml hut happy, ami otlnn tho (iorinniiln tho Jollli'til cltih In Ori'Rini. Th imrvlnu coinmlttoo won iiiuuihurn: Parker, I'aiiiilmiiKh, Otlluger, I'uuU ami Klnyon. Mn, ,1. V, llniiiini iiulvrUlmiil tho Hiitro Nena WhUt club at liwr hiuiio oit Hunt Hluvunth Hlruut Wuilniwihiy nrini noon. Tho aftuinoon wim ih voUiil to oinbrolilory work ami 10 oiKiinlr.iilliin of tho club ami no whUt wiih pluycil. I.iiiicIumiii wan ncivcil lo tho followhiK kiiwIm: Mih. I). (1. KoliiiMibiioli, Mrrt. .1. II. Uolwlon, Mm. 13. W. Wltto, Mia. '.. .1. HitRUiiiin, Mm. Win. WalHHiir, Mm. Warner, Mm. llrown. Mm. 1-3. V, Coffin, Mliw Min ion Hlianniiii, Mm. Ilowior ami Mm. A. I' Hlonnott. Tho cluii win mini llu noxt moolliiK at, Mm, Iliiirows' Tuywliiy aftut noon. Tho hoino or Mr. ami Mm. Clar onuo Monitor wiih imiiumI Tiii'mluy in nboiil lxly nminhom ami kuchIh of tho Kpwortli I.eiiKiiu or tho Moth oiIIhL ICplHcopitl diuicli for tliulr innnthly IiiihIihihh ami nodal imiot liiK. Tho pleiiHiiio or tho houm fol lowliiK HlQ bllHlllltKH inOOtlUK WHH llUO to tho offorlH of MlHrt Mao Monloff, itHMhileil hy nil offlolont coinmltUio or liiilpnni, A pltiiiHiint HiirptUo oiii'iinnil on "Wutliit'mliiy ovoiiIiik whon a Urvr r 1-Mwiinl lllauk'H filonilH walkoil Into liln liointi iiilU linoxputitoilly. Tho yoiim; pooplo hail miitlu all pnipaia thin to Imvo tho houm iiuhm pluaB uutly ami thoy Bhowod tholr appio dial lou of IiIh proHiinco at homo onto worn artnr tlio Hovoiul inontliH' ah iioiiuo In ClilniKo, M Tho youiiK lailloH' HorvlilK ll wn WoiliioHiliiy nflonionn wllh Mm, II. C HeilfloM nl Inn- homo on Wont Tenth uU'oct. DC INTERESTING O ETINGS OF WOMENiS CLUBS7 At l lie thliil iiniiiinl ii union of Hie Illinois hoi letv nl Mooho hull M'li fihiy iiIkI'I the followliiK offlum weir lei foi (ho ciikiiIiik iiu I'icnI ilcllt. Ir. Itlllieil, i piimlil.iilH, Dr. M, (V. HmliHi', Mm. .1. K. Mumly, John Tori; miirlnry, Mm. .Inhu I'orl; lieimuror, K. C. IrelHiul. A very plotmliKC til iimIcmI pronoun wiih mui ilmeil la which MIm Doiothy WIckM ami Minn All. 'en Coil partlcltiHtuil. A imuliiiK by MIhn It dm Dwlxhl ami moIih'IIoiim on III.) Vli'lrolu Weill fill lowed by lltflil rofiiwIiniiiulH. At pKwelit tho Kochily uiiuihorrt iilinut two liun.liwl iiidiiiIm'im ami tho mi nimi IlieetlllK l nilllclpHttiil ll H one of I liu iiiomI jileiniMiil oventa of tha ir. Tho IohiIIiik nodal ovntil of thu week wii tho mn'oiiil iiiiiiiinl IhiII kUcii by tho II. I'. . IC. In tbw InrKO hall al Ihu Katatorliiiu WiMluunilay nlKlit. Tho bull wan ilwoialeil with Ibe eiubluiiiHtle enlom of Hit onlnr nml wan Iiiiiik wllh pHuuiiiitn. Knlly two humlreil couplim iitlclt(il.Kl lit thu Kraiiil match ami tho avcuu wan one of exceptional KMlely nml baaiily. .Many now nml linintaoiiitf Kowua wore worn nail Hio ordiuntra of nliio pleroa ftiriilnheil ilMllRhtful iuiihIc TIih Auction llrlilno club wiih me IoiIhIiii'iI iiiimI diariuliiRly WimIii.h ilay HfUTtiiMiti of thin week by Mra. Chnrln llrown at Imr country honio, nnrllienHt nf Mmlfonl. A 1 o'clock IiiiicIiooii whlrh whh ilalntlly ap tHilnliHl In orory ilotall pnH!ieil Hit plnylnR or brhlRo. Tho latitat of thU cltih aro Mm 11. A Uray. Mm. Ilert llarinoii, Mm. I.. l'rklna. Mm. Union Oalo. lru. ClutrlM llrown, Mm. Idl itar llaffr. Mm. Waltor Slka ami Mm. K. Kim. i Th Catholloi rmvm a boiiuflt ear. I IMttty TuewlHy oenliiK In tho imrlab hall, on Hiiilb Oakitnto aviiu. An thl la ihu tnal or Uxw affalra until Mftwr lout, ll waa oapwlally well al leijik'.l ami a wry plHuamii ovduIiik wan HttHil. Tim IiIhIohk laily'n worn wan but. I by Mm. Hulen Mlitklnr. who wiih prtfiiiiitu.l with a beautiful plciuro, ami Mr. Iji Itudtu. who won tho hlRlieal kouIIi'iiimii' iH'ore, wa Klveii a Immlwuitn nllver itioiiutotl clotlion briinli. Tho niottilwH of llio I'. I. I, no- doty, n wK'lal orRaulaMtuiit of aoiuo yoiiaK hmi1h of (ho l'ronbytoriuit church, MMit a ry ploaaumble ovonlux Krhlay at thu homo of Mr. ami Mra. ltocoo .IuIiiimoii oh Citthor Iiim atrd.'l. Tho fun lieRitu with thu arrival of tho twenty-flvo Kuoatn, all of whom woio imiHkotl, ami Into In I be ovoiiIiik MkIil lofroahmoiitn woro xervoil. AmImIIiiic Mr. ami Mm. .lolmaou worn Mr. I.oll Taliiior ami Mr. .1. W. KoitRor. Tho Imlloi BilHil "f Maiha church, which mot Tliunnlay aftor iiooii, haa plauiieil u nil bur iinliii affair for Tuoailay luoruliiR, tho aoth. when thoy will aoro broakfaat in St. Murk a hall fiom i'.:!0 till 10 a. m. for Urn nominal mint of ir conln. Thin broakfaat ahoitlil bo wall pat ronUotl for former oxporlonro tolln un that ovorythlitK will bo tho very bl'Mt. Tlio diolo ir Woman or Wooilcrafl liimlo I heir nodal owrnlux, Tuiwihiy. a foaliito Viileutlno arfiilr. An olali orato lunch wun mirvoil ami nlxty-flvo nioinboni ami Kiiontn woio prownit. Tho I'ommlUoo wmo Mm. Muttlo Truo, dialrinaii; Mm. Oittmau, Mr. ami Mm. Mcllrhlo, Mm. II. 1. Wotl iiiiin, Minn Juno Wllion. Mr- N Mm. I'ayno. Minn I a ii in I'm;.. i;avo a ilollphUtil Valoiitlno parly to about twenty or hot- filonilii Krhlay ovoiiIiik at lmr homo on (Jenova avoiiuo, Tlio Iioiihu wiih (locorutoil appropilato to tho no nunion, nuniitroiiH Hiimoa woro In ilulmul In ami lli'.bt i-ofriiHlimoutH worn Horvod. Mr. W. II. (lord mill Mr. T. W. Mamh wllh tholr uulonioblloa toolc Hiivoml Moilforil jieoplo to .Imiknou vlllo WoiluoKility ovoiiIiik to nttontl tlio I'roHbytorliin olitirult Borvlcoa w-hioli "' 1""IK ,1"111 ''' ltov- Hi '' (IrlKHhy of IUI olty. i Thm-Hilay ovoiiIiik, tho 22tl, tho (Irtmlor MoiUonl club will Klvo ono of Un popular tlani-ofl at tho Nnt- ntorlum, and it In liopod that thla will bo woll alloiidud. ' Mm. 10. 1). Ilrlb'iss nml dniiKhtor, Mm. J. J. MoNuIr, lmvo boon tho Kitonla of Mr. and Mm. William AiirIp tltti'litB tlio ptiHt wooh, M e tnix Wgjgjf The Liiihc Aul -iijiulv of Hit M, l i-liuii'li in-L in h 'ii 1 ji r CHiini Wi'ilucihn iil'lcrmiiio in I lie rllureli, wiih un imuiiuillv lai'ue nlU'iiilniieo, Tlio hocielv ih KrowiitK in iiunilifrH ami Ihu iulurent in Hie wmk to be .lime Ih mIho on Ilia atonily iiiereime. DitMilioiiMl oxerciMiM wcio coinluotpii by .Mm. W. I,. Lawtoii. Klie reiul the heuiilirill loaMiiii mi charily, lliirlortith elutiler ul' II CiinntliiittiH, nml it in IiojihiI tho opiiil of ill.' Ionoii will eoiiliuiio Ii. iieliotitilc the hotly of Hid Hooinlv un it haa over tlono. The atib ject of iliviiliiir Ihu noeiely into n iiuinber of iitrjcln cnveiiiiK tho en- lite teriilory of Hie town wan again tllneiiKne.l m t Kieat Icnutll, it ll tl on lO'il WeilneHiliiy it nto will ho litkeii. Mortoiie mcciiin to favor Hie new bleu an u tin proved Miitieonnfiil in many plMeeM where it Iiiih been tried. It i urRed that every iiicmlier he proKonl Ml lh next miMtthiK to vole lor or iiKitiiirtt the luoHNiiro iik Hid ciihc iiuiv ho. The diii.n of thu nocieiv will onithle (b.He living at groat ilintHiti' I'l'n inllie cliureli to iinkihI in the work, an int'dinRM will ho hold in endi din triet eery week ami onoe a month n union moditK of all tho ilintrioN will bo held in Hie oliun-h. (I real and miiuli iniich muio woik onn ho Hi'iH.wiplwlie.l in thin way, ivihi - ng at onuo Hio exonna no many !iHe "I livu no fr from thu oliHroh,"' olo. Ignition, ho nnro to ciuhh noxt Wwlncmlnv at 2i'IU ami loml your voico jo I his matter. 'Hie IMhinii Hintom will Imvo a mieial (ueuiiiK ot Wtluoiliiy evou-K- ii'-- IaH WlntiiiR in Ihu elmir inan of tho ooiniiiittcf in diMixe of Hie affair ainl will ho aHnintnl hy Mr. ami Mm. OluiHtenil Mr. ami Mm. A. A. KI.miii, Mr. nml Mm. lieu Trow hiiilKo. Mr. ami Mm. K. It. Trow- hril;e, Jr., and Mr. bmin Whiting. 'Hie (tinrtat of In. lion ropronontliiK Allwny wiIIori! wan rIvuii h rncoptlon al tho I'renli) terlnn church Thumday aflHrilimii that wan woll attomletl no-l-wlthalauillux tho downpour thai pro mlltxl flurliiK thu aftoruoon. An li ttroalltiK mnlcal proRrnm waa rvu ileio.l ami rofreahuitfiiU aervisl. i Tim youtitr nteu uf the oily who hoih onlorlMtuotl hy thu ytHiitff lndien wiih a lNi oar tlanuo h faw wuoksi iiro will rcturti thu eoniliiHetit Tuo ilav iibl. Thoy have oiiirnROtl tho niuall hall nl tho Xutalorinui. Mian Nora Wilton, who npout tho lant wwk at bur homo on Griffin crook on account or tho llluona or her mother, him ruturnutl to coiitlnuo hor Uullett In thu St. Mnry acaileniy. Mian Kxlu lliirmmn, ilniiKhter or Mr. and Mm. Frank llurnenn, guvo a tlellRhtriil Ht. Viilontlno'n party WoiIiiimiIh.v ovoiiIiik to about twenty or hor actidomy frlomln. Mr. ami Mra. Uleuu O. Taylor on loilaluud a row fiioiuln Wudnonday oveitliijt for Mm. llotallui;. who Is hero for aomo tlmu with lior alntur, Mm. Johu Carkiu. Mr. ami Mm. J. !'. Hart (uoo Mar RHtot Moray) of Lon AiiKohtn nro loculviuK.roiiKratulatloun upon tlio hlrtli of 'i daiiuliter on I'obruiiry 10. Tho lnillon of tho Altar nooloty or tho Cathollo uliiiruh kuvo a curd par ty Woilnonday nftornoon for tho bon oflt of thu gnercd 1 limit honpltal. Mm. W. l- Holt, wllh hor tlaiiKh lor, Minn Holt, in up fiom Itodlamln, Cal., for an oxtomlod vl.slt. with hor nlntor, Mm. K. IC. Douol. Mini Vwx Hmy In phiunliiK a lu plla' rodttil for Thumday afternoon tho --il, In hor Btmllo In tho Kl Minks building Mm, JounliiKn, who him boon the Kttoat of Mm. II. C. Kontnor Tor tho pant fortnight, louvos Mutlford Mon ihiy. MlrtH Mary Douol In oiitoitaluluK thin nttornoou with 'IuIiIko for hor i-oiihIii, MImh Holt, who In hor liouao yiUMil. Mm. II. 0, Kontnor uiitoitaliiotl Monday iit'tonioon for hur Kiioat, Mm, JouuiiiKSi with four tahloa of hrltlgQ. Dr. Ii. V, lllnok ami son Kdwuril woro tlown Wotlniwday from tholr riiutih al .uhliiinl, Mints Mario Suoloy waa IiobU'bh Tuomlny ovoiiIiik to qulto a nunibor of youiiK noonlo, ! THE SOUL'S WINDOW I Uv Miiilairia i nulla. i Xofoaluro of Ilia li'iinnn face in no nure to hIiuw oiirt'a Uini.uliln or oiio'm cliiiriifliir iih lite oo. Nn ni't;iilHoiitn aro neeilcil lo proro Hie iiiipotlnneo of n lieiiiitiful ono. I'.'H liav.i writ leti mom lino ithout it than any oilier charm of wdtimn. Tlio rIhik1 alwayn nioak ninj "l it nayn do pemht on ihn H-Oilllin. It ohh Inro a liuiuiiii' hoifiK into 'iliifrwlntioii; it enn clan' n lb real lino a boiiled khii or an innull liko h hi; it can throw mil beaiiirt of kiii(llloH Hint mako Hio heart ilanco wild jV. ll i'iiii xprcnH Hlleh K.'iilletiona 1111(1 I'ndenicttM thai will hot ray omolfoiw nludi umvo hor lo Hie depth of lmr "nl. If ie ha not nil thin ami nugh-cU iln etilliva tmii, wli,. noilet a xoiirco of reat power. Think how it can Hnnh liko a twii-odRei! aw'onl utul in the next hinlmit mi radinto with warmth nml love "That through thorn ono anon Ike noiil." Tho jihynioal liUHiitv of the eyo tie- IK'niln iiihiii it aIiiiM nml nho mom than it ) Mm color. Jf iln form in lino or fi it in not wdll sol in thu bond no color '-an mako it hiiaulif nl. it ih hrt HoHiblo lo delliio or enplnin tho in fhiftieo of color in rejH"ct to oyea NjHin (lifforenl naliiron. Ono mini in nwopl off bin foot l a hiiilo Iiince from a pair of niollinc dark brown oyon, while aliollior niati in romplduly eajilivntcd whon fttii'il to n oon tiuiioiiN Iiro from it pair of MparkliiiK wippliire orhn. It would itcetn Hint olin motor lind aomelhitiu' to do with tho inotlor, hut that of ton only make tho (piowtion more of a riddle. TIih pupil of the oye expand with linpMtierf and n jowm foolinvr nml ltrRhtoii tho color wonderfully, but tho woman who uic tlniim to liriu? about thin roan It in von foolinh in deeil. ltolh firotriiilinj; nml deep-Mt oyo are iiiifnomble. The former indi onto h nelllnli intout on noarch for plonnure ami Hio latter a mortwe ami liiolaneliolv dinposltion. If placed too olono together thay indicate johIousv and innlt llmliti; when the Icmth of ono oo apnrt, inli'lligoiwu iiu.l a lunnoioiix meinory are nidieati'.l. Kx ajOionite.I breadtlt Is a -ipi of htu inility. In ohililhootl tho eyes are round hut with growth of the mind Hiev clouifittc to u iK-nutiful oval, wide open, ntarimr, roiinil eyo mark tho mind Hint dnue not iioclnp, hut ih bound up in bigotry nml conceit ami him no other point of iew hut ir. If tho oval of th oyo lo clops into a lontr, Hlen.lor Ahnoml with tlio outward (lwftflp nltjiBt-nier Imrp ouiiiK to ii'iKiiot. IfuT&ro of a Rti. iwoioun, orafty iinttird. (5ray co arc Henemlly oyas of intullocl nml a well lialnncotl oiiaraoter. If Uiey turn to n blue ami green oast in alitor, a treachoroun, 0111111111 di-Witi.iii i trnyoil. Itrowu ami Iwter.l oyo art?, hh 11 rule, tiffe.'li.iiiHto nml cour ngooiin, tltoiifrli tho Imxiil oyu can he Woklo nml with an arched ojebrov. often (HMtnonnon nit untiertain tonir. Very dark, elvely. liiptiil lirowu vye nro inlounoly hii.iiiwIo. Kot much BoihI in wrttl of tho oonl blnok eye. l'lirtiojtiuimUtn declare thoy faoi imlo at llmt hat evpross netliinj: and that there ih no soul behind thorn ami their po-sonwim 11 to Htupi ilniul look only for innleriul thiiis. JJul thoso nro only opinion. Tho ( 1 rooks claimuil the laiije, briiu'lil blue oyo I ho liij;lioit typo. Tho violi'l hluo ojo nro ooiidurotl lov intr ami ardent, but not Very HrIiI, icmn blue, eyes nhow oiiuiitiijr, oruelty and proiiotinuod do uoit. II has been -aid Unit blue eye, iiro offoiuimite, hut thitj in not true, for hluo oyo am found only iuiioiik Ca1101ihi.u1 iintmn-. mid Ihu white moon rtilo Hio world. Wouioii who hae no iutorost ont Httle of tlidinnole hiivn drtll, vacant alnro anil nfoo their oyen hliiKKilily. Thoro in niiiuli of dmnn in tho trifling not of llio more niovoniuul of tho eye lids an thov n-o and fall. In a dreamy mood, the most thoiiglitlon butlorfly of n j;irl j;ivos hor eyes :i BE WISE .-tt'd - m tyt u r GLASSES that fit your oea nro worth nil thoy coat, DON'T III: TOO OUKDIM.OUS A llttlo Inquiry will convince you Hint my patrons aro nutlafloil patrons. WIIVV Hocauso tholr ghiBsoa nvo rltslit, and my iirlctm aro as ronannablo an Ih niiiHlHtout with Mtllfnl hotvlro and tlio hcjjt inatorlals, Dr. Rickert Kyoalnlit Specialist Qun- Kvnliui a, Modfonl, n J aiiWCL mtoi Wt l- Iiiiiliii-linijr droop under half cloned .oyoliiln which nlto known very woll in vantly hoooiiiiiK. Ily llio woman wh'Mc life in full of ititoront the culm, ntondy x"o of nttotifioii deuolen ikmbo ami jnnlilln a eoiillilenoo lo ho admired by every 0110. Nothing eoniieotcd with (bo oyo in no ntincopliMe of im provement nn llio cyttbrown, and it in amazing that iimlead of penciling and dyoiHK Ihime, women tlo not cultivate homily in them, 'fhero are eyobrow hrunhon in the nliopn for sale now, but a hiiiiiII toothhriinli will annwor tlio putpOHc. The eyebrows wliould bo brunhod nilit and moniiu; to give litem $Joss nml (rain them into f)baKi. If thin, 11 drop of cHHtor oil nlioiild ho rubbed into (hem lief on bruMbing. Thu oyo needs tlio protection of tb brown an well an for beauty's sake. Course, brinKing bairn can bo made to grow an thoy nhoultl by nitininK thtt mucilage brush aero Hi em at nilit. Let ttm dry on and wnnb off in the morning. A mouth or two of (rent wont will reiUicc quite, unruly brown lo wibjoction and the, ooarae bium will drop out. I do not ndvisc the use of anything on the lushes except what is proscribed by an oculist. The laabes are in too eloe touch with the eyeball to use anything promiscu ously. "The eye has 11 mysterious power, weilded by human beings over each other's hearts and emotions; capable of nil kooiI and all joy, yet perverted through willfulueriK or ignorant blind nes to baest use! A look may wreck 11 life or a home, or open the Elites of Paradise!" Voum for ohnnninsj womanhood, MADAMK Ql I VILLA. SSfc w 33? () unlimited M var.1 etiesj Medford Book Store (A l'''-fr'4'' I Hotel Medford DINNER tPricc$1.00 Fresh Oral) 4 Celery gii Branchc X Cream of Tomato Bouillon Filet of Sole fargeruitc Pommcs Nouvelle Bouclice oC Calf's Sweetbreads Pineapple Sherbet Koast Stuffed Spring Chicken, English Bread Sauce loast Prime Ribs i Potatoes AValdorf Apple Pic Glace Romain Neufchatcl Cheese lixed Nuts All Bread and Pastry used in this Hotel are made on the rrriMirT ArirTn.Ti-nT-i 11J Xi'JlJ J.111-LX' JX.U ? Rau-Mohr Co., Props. SPECIAL WHHMMfX'W-JWWWM'MMt Marinello Face PoAvder Benefits and Beautifies The Powder that Sticks. Affords wonderful protection with no danger of injury. Made in three tints white, flesh nnd brunette. Price 50 centd. Ask for a traveler's package. This will cost you nothing but will convince you that it is the one perfect Powder. Marinello Shop 407 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Every Story Every Book Is too short, when read at home by Electric Light Rogue River Electric 5 to 9 P.M. :: 3'iipo Olives '' Cocktail Cauliflower r of Beef au Jus 1 Spinach a la Creme x Salad Lemon Meringue Pie Assorted Cakes Bent's Crackers Demi Tasse t premises SUNDAY February 18, 1912 MUSIC Phones 6751, 343-K 1 w ? i Co.