PAGE TWO' atEDFORD MATT. TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OMWON. SA'ITRIWY, VNURrARY 17, 10112. : RATES FROM SI FRANCISCO TO SnERMFGONMfflRrjSOW ! EXPLORER PEARY IN MARBLE, So declares Interstate Commerce Commission In Its Thursday's Rul fng Cwiuiiissloner Lane Declares ThcyiERipiiasizo, Discrimination. Lntor ilispnlclioi ropanlinp Tluirs ilny's ruliiii of tlio interstate com merco cotniitiHtion wliioli permitted tho Southern Pacific to charge le.s for tho freight haul from San Fran cihoo to Portland than to intonncili nto Kiin(?, in order to meet water competition, show thnt the Medford traffic huremi, which launched the fight 1ms won nn important victory for southern Oregon, for tho com mission deelnres that tlto rates to points in southern Oregon nix "ex cessive itnd Unreasonable in them selves, thereby emphnsmng the dis crimination between Mich points and Portland." Tho commission says plainly that rail rates from San Franuico to Portland and vice versa are clearly fixed bj' water competition and that it seems that four-ilfths of the traf fic between these two territories ac tually moves by water. Railroads lmvo to meet the water rate in order to pet business. But the commission snys: Situation Xot Justified. "Tho carrier has not justified the rate situation presented in its tariff in these respects: "J. Application of same rates from other points upon San Francisco bay and points inland to Portland us are extended from San Francisco. "2. Application of higher rates southbound from Portland to points inland thnn San Francisco. "3. Application of higher rates Jo point on Willamelto river on tmffio northbound from San Francisco than are applied on traffic southbound from Portland to points on Sacra mento river. "4. Application of rates from Snn Francisco that are higher to joints between Snn Francisco and Portland than combination of locals on Port land. Further Showing Permit toil. "5. Application of unreasonably higher rates at intermediate points. Instead, however, of denying the sip plication of the carrier, we shall givo permission for it to mnke further showing under its application, in ac cordance with tho views herein ex pressed as to requircemnts of law." In the course of his ruling, Com missioner Lane Rays": "Disregarding almost entirely tho wide spread be tween its Portland and intermediate rates, the Southern Pacific sought to justify its violation of the prohibi tion of the fourth .section by establishing- the fact thnt it was cnlled upon to meet water competition in its haul between San Francisco and Portland. This contention is fairly established. "There has, however, been no suf ficient justification shown for the widespread difference which exists between Portland rates andthose to intermediate )Ktints. "For tho long haul from San Fran cisco to Portland, the Southern Pa cific charges less than one-third the rate which it upon an in terior city little more than half the San Francisco-Portland distance. From Sacramento, the rate to Port land is less thun one-third the rate from Sacramento to points just one half as far. Umluo Discrimination Unlawful. "Jt was not the intention of con gress to permit the carrier to dis criminate in favor of A more distnnt point to such tin extent as to effect not only undue discrimination against nearer points, but the imposition of an excessive, charge. It would seem fundamental in the enforcement of tho fourth section that the carrier shall niako proof, not only of tho water competition, ns in this cusc, but of the reasonableness of tho rates as appliod to intermediate points. "Jn milking rat as to intunnediuto points, based upon a more distant point, tho carrier should give tho in termediate point tho benefit of the Portland rale, plus tho local buck. Moro than this would bo unjust. Com bination of loculs may not be ex ceeded, even when the locals arc in purl duplications (,f uncli other. Thit. combination, however, is exceeded lo many points in Oregon. Moreover, tho back haul rate, jt permitted as u factor, must conform to the restric tions of tho act us lo reasonableness. iho commission has made an invest! gat ion into rates fo points in south ern Oregon, and finds them to be ex cessive and unreasonable in them Kolves, thereby emphasizing the dis crimination between suoh points anil Portland. "While extending tho Ran Francis. oo-Portlmid rate to bay and river points on (ho south, the carrier does not extend tho San Frniicisco-Poil-luml rntes to joints on the Willamelto Wvur on tho north. If there is a rea Kon for treating- tho southern points in u group, why should that snuicj policy not bo applied to northern I l i i points f Of this there is no cxplana Hon offered hv the cnrriei. Sacra mento has the uiue rate to Portland that San Francisco has. "Sacramento has tho .-.nine IIM elas rate to Oregon City, Salem, Al hany, Kugene and H.ebnrjr, but to Medford Sacramento has n lower rn'o than San Frnnei-eo. What is the ex planation of this? "Albany is 80 mtlcsN south ir Port land, approximately the .same dis tance down the Willamette thnt Sac ramento is froin Snn Franoi'ko. The rate from Sacramento to Portland is the "same n Hit4 rate Tram Snn Frtiu eieo to Porlhind. The rale from Sacramento to Albany is also the same as from Snn Francisco to Al hany, but the rate from Albany to San Francisco is 15 less than tho rate from Albany to Sacramento. There is no reason given for thi difference. Furthermore, if tlio' Southern Pacific makes no differential fietwceu Sacra mento and San Franeieo on traffic nioVhig to Portland, why should it make n differential on traffic moving to San Francisco from Oregon City and Portland? IFerc is violation of the 'long nnd short haul clnttse en tirely uhexplniiicd.'' The railroad was given until March 4 to file farther answers to the com plaint m. M BUST OF MR.15C&EST PEART tYtfZ yitUAM OOOP&R Arctic exploration Is to hare a place In the niches of fame In the American Museum of Natural History, Id New York, for Mr. AVlllIam Couner, tho sculptor, litis just made n marble bust of Jlr, ltobert K. lVary, U. S. X, and It will soon b placed In tho foyer of the. Institution. The bust represents the discoverer of the North Pole In a fur garment, symbolical of Ids quests in the froxen tonw. The explorer oseC for Mr. Couocr soou after bis last re- UrU -..-.UAJbJtftil CLARK AND CANNON ARE - Mm ENTHUSIASTS WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 17. Although Speaker Champ Clark re fuses to bo given an automobile by the government for his official use. he does not refuse to ride In one. He Is a frequent passenger in tho pri vate car of former Speaker Cannon. Tho "automobile cronies" is the name given Clark and Cannon, be cause of their frequent gasoline jaunts. Cannon became so addicted to the buzz wagon whllo enjoying ono at tho expense of Uncle Sam as speaker that he invested after he lodt the speakership. Ho has a high power six passenger limousine. Automobile salesmen are watching Speaker Clark's political boom, but hopes for a sale, to the Mlssourlan will be lost If he goes to tho White House and gets a number of govern ment automobiles at his disposal. GOVERNOR JOHNSON "If VICE-PRESIDENT COLl'MBUS. O., Fob. 17. Indica tion that Governor Johnson of Cali fornia is to bulk big in the coming republican campaign, possibly hs a candidate for the vice presidency, is seen here in Die announcement that he has agreed to address the Ohio constitutional convention here, possi bly next Wednesday, whun Theodore Ilooscvult will explain his public stand. Johnson was informed that Dele gate Harrison intended to present .i resolution asking that he he invited Jo sH?ak and agreed beforehand that if requested to do so by the conven tion would make nu address. WILL DEMAND GENERAL ADVANCE IN WAGES CHICAGO. Feb. 17. According to announcement made here today a general advance on wages on the ox plration of existing contracts is to be asked this spring by the building trades unions. Lathors will domand $G a' day, an Increase of GO cents over tho present scale. Carpenters, now receiving $4.80, want $5.25 dally. Plumbers ask an increase from $G a day to $ti. Plasterers al ready have renewed their contract at an advance of 50 cents a day. GOVERNOR WEST FIRM FRIEND OF SUFFRAGE WOMAN, YOU ARE NO SPHINX TO THIS BOY CIIICO, fill., Feb. 17.-Charles Roberts, 17 yours of uge, and u mom- bor of the junior class of the Chico high school, has written nu essay de scribing the ideal woman his ideal woman. It reads: "A woman iff ti human being of the finer sox, whoso peculiar construction, manners, customs nnd wnvs make her a vastly important factor of man kind and lis progress. "Woman's mission in the world is lo look pretty, dress in outlandish ways and torment man till he is happy. "It is tho nature of nirui to find fault, and he is never satisfied until he has found it, so woman wai sent to help him out. "Woman is just k important ns man, at least in California. If she wants to vote, man should humor her by consenting. Kvcn Sf it docs no good, it will do no particular harm. "Womait ist tho most perfect nuis ance in the world, but, nfter all, she is a uccosMiry evil nnd a pretty good thing to have about the house." Morris to Meet Wells. NEW ypK, Feb. 17. Carl Mor ris, the Oklahoma giant, will bo tho first opponent of Bombardier Wells, the English heavyweight champion, who is due to nrrivo in this country .March 10. The two white hopes will clash for 0 rounds before a local club on either March 21 or March 31. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 17. Governor West, presiding at a suffrage meet ing at the capitul Thursday, nidoted the movement, saying: "While I have been preaching suf frage on the quiet for a long time, this is the first tune I have been rocd and brought into the open and iniidc to declare myself. I inn in favor of equal Miffrago bectiuse I believe it is right and because I have faith in women. They stand for hotter things. The majority of tho men aro so wrapped up in their selhli affairs they do not give the time they should to good government. "So I have decided to give the women my supixirt in this fight. "The old cry that the bor.t women will not come out and that tho unde sirable will bo the only ones to vote is absolutely unfounded. And oven if it was true, J would trust in the un desirables, because women, in my opinion, are nil to the good. "I want to say that if women nrc given the same chance they will he as big and brainy as men. Many men are whut they are because of what their stenographers know. Many men nre traveling through life cm the brains of their wives or their office,, stenographer." THINK COOPER HAS ANOTHER WIFE San Francisco Police Say That Clever Swindler Has Added Another Vic tim to His Lotifi Sttini) of Malrl munlal Escapades. OAKLAND, CtU.. Feb. 17.- -That 1 Sir Harry Wostwood C'oopnr, hourt- j breaker, forger and swindler of In teruatlonul notoriety. Iron added tin v tun i v-tiiM i III idhii ! vwwi pades as well nx another forgery to the Ioiik tdrlug of words his active pen has "doped" l the bollof of Cap tain of Ootecttves i'eterson, who has secured additional proof that Ctionor, as "Ur. Abraham" on Fcbrutiry 1 was married to Anna MllhraOi in St. Marks church iiuro. Though the chief has verified the fact that Ur. Abraham was married to Miss Mllbrath, h has been un able to secure any trace of tho Issu ance of a local license by the county clerk, mid ho is of tho opinion that Clark forged tho license What has become of tho fugitive's latest wife Is a, mystery. Tho police do not believe that she Is accompany Ing the penman, but bollavo that she has Kouo Into hiding. Tho girl Is only 20 years old. The search for Chadwlck-Coopcr-Abraham, etc.. has spread throtiKh out tho state. Tho Sun Francisco po lice are on the outlook for tho fugi tive, though thoy have not been ad vised by tho Oakland authorities to take any action In the matter. The Sacramento police are watching all trains and every effort U being made to provont tho getaway of tho pa roled prisonor. Captain l'etorson believes Cooper will be captured within the next iM hours. A fact upon which tho police are counting for tho arrest of the Iiokuk nobleman is that ho was tho most disliked convict in Sn Quoiitlu. and that his whereabouts as noon as dis covered by any of 61s former fellow Intimity will bo quickly "tipped off" to the authorities. WATER SYSTEM FOR BUTTE FALLS Little City Ootids for $10,000 for Pure Supply of WaterOver G000 Feet of Dcard Walk Is Laid In That Place. ( , roMilutlonlHtH have not, so fur, ma tcrlally decrimned tho work of the straw gatherers or lira Idem In China and thorn appears to be Hltlo chauo' of Intorfint'iioo with this woilt. As proof or this the consul shown that the urtgronnto net vnluo or straw braid expoits to tho United mitten rroui Talmituu dm lux Iho December (Itiartcr. IIU0. was ?80U.7-I; while the value or tho braid Mioilod dur ing tho Hiiino ipiailer for 10 1 1 vim !t7!t,t00, TrilllKtitu l Iho iccomtlied Htruw braid center of China and the lending export tlniw f the far east have lurxo braueht with evpcris lit jKuniiMii coiiiitrlc CHICAGO un ;4 MHT WAYNE, hid., Ed.. ITO'Iih Chicago liuiiled on Hit I'ciiunylvnnlii railroad collided today with n wreck uenr l.iti-w ill. I'our were killed and ten injured III the Huuttdi. vrsse" r urn irn ur urn i 1 1 i i n tliai'K" of iho trade to Ainurlimu mill llutle Ealls will hue a first ehis gnnity water synteni, having voted $10,000 in bonds for its const ruction. The vote was l'l to S and reflects tin unanimous sentiment in tiwor ul mu nicipul improvement which prevails. Over (1001) IVI of hoard walk his been laid and mole will be put down soon. RESOLUTION HAS BAD EFFECTJJN INDUSTRY WASHINGTON." Feb. 17 The general four thnt the Chinese revo lution may have a dcpicxslug effect upon tho Mtrnwhrald Industry In China and, coiiMxpioutly, upon the iiuautlty of straw Imported Into this country for the making of straw huts Is not founded upon fact, ac cording to a repot t just iiiudo by Constil J. V. .McNnlly, nt "TsliiKtuu. China, to the statu department. McNnlly states that tho straw hat Industry In this country Is In no dancer of being hampered hy lack of material because the iKtlvWos or the Cage ilitas LIBERTY BFLL MAY NOT COME WEST PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Kch. 17. City coiiucllmeri here today say thero Is little likelihood that the famous Liberty bell will ho permitted to lotivo Independence square. Whllo Shii Francisco's official roUt for the rolic as an exhibit nt Iho Panama Pacific fair la l'JtC haB as yet not been received, It is a foregone con clusion that such a roquest will be denied, as an ordinance exists for bidding the removal of the hell from Plillndclplila. ltevocalion of this ordinance is Improbable. Vllcs Cured hi O to 1 1 Days. Your dniKKlst will refund money If PA.O OLNTMKNT falls to euro any case of Itching, Blind, Weeding or Protruding Piles In C to 14 days. D0c Disgusted POItTLANJ), Oro. A. C. Cnrpen tor, un Idaho mining man, loaned two strangers $125 In bills to play U "disappearing trick" in a local sa loon, Ono of tho mon disappeared and tho other guvo Carpenter a check for $980 and likewise disap peared. Tho bunk would not cash tho check, J and Will Leave Home pobplp wore disgusted' with Mcdrord and the valley because It did not rain all tho time as they were told If Would, and now slnco we lmvo had this delightful rain are disgusted and will not Ktay, Uhih things are always nt cross points. Hut It will ruin and tho sun will shluo Just the same whether you go or stuy. It mnkcB no dlfforeuco whother you paint your, ho ti boh and fencoH or not, your neighbor will not bo u moss- back Just because. you are. Tho streets will ' bo paved nnd Medford will grow whother you wish It or not. Your poor old wlfo can uso a washboard, but initio will use a 11)00 washer. You can uso a coal oil lamp but others want tho best and uso electricity. You can cut tho wcftdH In your yard with a case knife, but up to dato people have grass and cut It with a ball bearing lawn mower. Yob, you can kick and snort and send uwuy for your coffee, but Medford will grow Just tho same and when you tuko your last rldo to tho top of tho hill people will wonder why you over lived. Paint up, got In tho push, bo us other people and bo happy and once In a whllo look into tlio big store and see what Is going on. West Main and flrapo Ht. aAltNim'.COUHY HAKDWAHK CO. F0RDE CAN DO IT l)o you want your lawn, put in first clasH hupo7 All work guaranteed. Leave address with II. H. Patterson, Quukcr Nursery, Nash hotel. MS tx& If you xvnnt to nwihl trouble on the lulls, py spceml atten tion to your oil. Urmcmbrr thnt the me of the low trr.-r lueant extra heal in your engine. 'OI.A!(INi:OIL iflvw such perfect lubricHtioii it materially lessens the load on tho engine. It keeps its Ixnly nnd feeds uniformly under, all running conditions. It does not cnrlxmlc mrk plugs or valves. Whut l'olariiic Oil means to the motor, l'olariiic TniiisinU siou Lubricant ami I'olmlne Circnsf mean to the other wear ing surface of our cm clR clcnt, uniform, rcluthlc lubri cation. Scrit (or the Volutin llmikU't lit Hi t nrnrifjl niti-m y 11 ii.r Standard Oil Company Srrr. Inco.icrtil) "" ..1 4.;r 1 '!-.., Draperies Wo carry a very complete llnu of draperies, loco curtoliiH, fix tures, etc, uml do all cIuhhom of upholattrlnt; A prclal man to look aftur this work exclusively nnd will kIvu an Reed service as Is poHRji to gut In ven tliu larK'-Ht cities, WEEKS & NcGOWAN GO. Medford Theatre THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd MUTT AND JEFF Ifud Fislici't much talked of kiiu cchh, TIiu lutt of nil miiHical comedies. You have seen then cartoonctl, come ami see THEM. Tho tall; of lljocoiiiilry. Packing theater everywhere. The childrcii'h delijilit' Keatw on sale .Siilurilay, ut Huh liiu'H, Prices $1.50, $1 and 50c. Kvery garment that leaves this laundry Is carefully Inspected be fore it Is wrapped and It must look right before It loiivos. Our machinery Is tho Intest and our help competent. Let your clotheti como to us, STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Pacific 1 !()!. Home or,, MKDKOItl), OHM. In connection with our complete line of feed and poultry supplies, we have added a complete line of WHIPS for retail and whole sale trade RUSS MILL B. T. VAN DE CAR will save you money if in the market for diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in Medford ,: PHIPPS BUILDING NATATORIUM, FRIDAY EVE., MAR. 1 ONE NIGHT ONLY MME. ERNESTINE SCHUMANN - HEINK World's Greatest Contralto In Song' Recital Sent sale (or subscribers Wednesday. February 21st, nt 10 n. m. General sale at Hnsklus February 23. Prices $2, $1.50 nntl $1. B enson s Bargains V wish o ini)HKrt you with I lie fnet 1 1 wit we are Exchange Headquarters What lmvo .von 1, nnd wlmi ! u wniil i 'riiroiixli iw you can cNcliaii' what you liiivt' I'lir what you wanl. Ll acicM near Ocrvaln, Orcjmu, near electric Hue riintiliiK t I'oitlaiul, Im- lirovcil. will oxchiiiiK' for IiiihIiiow or iiropcrty In Mcilfuril or Mcrouti" nmir city. I'rlco 3nu per aero. 10 iicivh K iiiIIch from Wooilvlllo, partly linprovcil, lu lltl n jc. lrlct $0O; will oxcIiiiiiko for .Mwlfonl, Southoru (Inllfiiriiln, or Arlaniia pioporly. I 'JO acres Hlilo hill fruit luiiil, ImiIIiIIiik, young family orcharil -fXfitlO, Will oxchaiiKo for city pioporty. s.l ncicH In poarH ami alfalfa ; wltl oxcIwiiiko for .Mcilfonl lioiuu. ItiiKliH'MH piopcrty lit Mcilfonl, kooiI lucouiu puycr. Will noli or uxcIihiiR KlrM-cluhw KMinilnu Iioiino J 1000; will oxcIiiiiiko for real otdalo. .Several retail hiiHluctoiori In .MiMlfonl to oxcIiiiiiko for tool ohIiiIo. Ittnl eHlati to exchaiiKo for uutomohllu. Will excliaiit;o hiiMlmwM property for other property. II acicM tiuiir tho UatoH .0. Merrick oicharilri, pint of which lit In liuliiK. I'rlco, 11(5,000, turiiiH, 10 ticro tract nour Coutral I'nlnl, (I acreH la 2 year old poilrg, iimlur (Htoli. I'rlco 1175 per aero, "' . 10 aero (met near (Nmtral I'olul, under dllch. I'rlno $!&) pur aui'U. H Ioih hutweeu Nowtowu ami I'onch HtreetH, I'IIIO. it IoIn on IJakola avoiuie, f 2TiO each cuhIi. Improved n ucru mirdou Iniut, Juxt oiiIhIiIo city. ii:,NiuNi: KAcitii'ici: I'lne Oakdale avoiiuo corner lot, wlti hIx room modern hiiiij;ulow on lot. adJolnliiK. All for IJI200. Vormor price $ni)00. 1-IhI your alfalfa laud with tin. Wo lmvo liHpili'lOH, Lculiluiaio ipliilni; priipoHllluiiH fluaucod at thia offico. Wo can Mill your Ikiiimu If you will wel Ion uaay Imitallmotitti. A iio.Mii koh voir 15100 down, halauco lllio rent. Wo aro hoIHiik Iioiihom II If 0 that now. TODAY ALWAYS THE BEST DAY WE AIM TO HANDLE ONLY REAL BARGAINS 'Wo aro now localod In our now quarloi'tf, ooi'iiei' Alain and h'ir. Benson Investment Company Real Estate, Mines CORNER OP MAIN AND FIR Phones: Bell, 7991; Home, 234 L A Y V A"! A