PAGE TWO aPEDITOKD MATL TRTRTJNR IMWFOftP, QlvIWONT, FRIDAY, VMfiRlTAKV 1(1, 1012. "' "j ' ' -" ' "t t'nffcy'it tilling, John I). HptciUelH Mini Ailoliti Hpieil.elM eiii'h nfclo t, 00,001). :.- ujljj -!.; "i r 3 r-rj I0CAL AND ll'DPRQAMAI i, nvvi ir Mr. niul Mrs. K. W. Hnudolph of OroRun City, stopped off In Mint ford Thursday night for a brief stay. Thcso iouilo nro on, route home from a several months slay In honlhcm California, whoro Mr. Randolph Rtiys thoro has boon pcorcoly no rain at nil thin winter, and Unit thoro will surely bo a drouth next summer as a consequence. Mrs. P. S. Slcontrup and child ron rottirttcd Thursday evening from a ploasuro trip of sovernl weeks In Houthofn California. Vq just rucolvad n big lmnkrupt stock of now ah6o6 that will go on sale tomorrow morning at B0 cents on the dollar. 100 X. Front. 2S2 Merrltt Drown of Ragle Point was in the city Thursday. Conio to the Pish Market for frosh, salt and smoked fish, oysters, crabs, clams, buttor. eggs and poultry. Wo also carry a good lino of cheese and lunch good. C.lvo tis a call. We nro lioro to please you. W. II Ken worthy & Co. 2 S3 Mr. hud Mrs. A. H. Cook, who are in southern Orogon from Seattle, wcro in Grants Pass Friday. Mr. Cook is vory favorably Impressed with Medford and tho surrounding country and will In all probability locato here. New shoes for men. women and children at half price. 10(5 North Front. 2S2 Tho Douglas county grand Jury. this anornlng filed an indictment against Ed. Grimes, charging him with larcony by bailee. Grimes, while representing himself to be pro prietor of the Contral hotel in this city, accepted for safo keeping- $35 from John Connell, of Sutherlin. Then he spent the money for booie and fled to Mcdford, whoro he was arrested. Ho Is In Jail here. Hose- burg Review. Snider's pure milk and cream at McDowell's. J. W. Jacobs, tho "WoodvHle mer chant, was in Medford Thursday on business. Better have a look at those new shoes; 10C North Front. 2S2 Mrs. Carl Hoots returned Thursday afternoon to her home in Ashland after u two weeks visit In Medford with her mother, Mrs. Itay Satchwell. Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages Is tho only music school in southern Oregon with a full corps of teachers. G. Talllandier, director. Send for catalogue. 27C Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marden, of Whlto Bear Lake, Minn., and Thos. A. Sudden of St. Paul, Minn., who havo been hi Medford visiting W. J. Alton, loft Thursday night for the cost. Mr. Sudden stated that for six weeks straight tho thermomotor in St. Paul registered from zero to 45 degrees bolow. Something now all tho time. Bar gains every day at 10C North Front street. 2S2 E. H. Croon, of Portland, repre senting the National Livestock Insur ance company, was in Medford Thurs day on a visit to C. C. Tull, tho Med ford representative of this company. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Mooro. Special rates by week or month. Mrs. W. E. Moador returned Thursday to her vhomo la Ashland after a visit with Medford friends. Wo pay cash for cast-off clothing, hats and shoes. Will H. Wilson & Co., 10C N. Front street. 283 Mrs. T. T. Slmw of Jacksonville was In Medford Friday tho guest of Mrs. Oris Crawford. Seo R, A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. J. D. Cook of Grants Pass was in tho city Thursday on business. Tho Home Millinery is showing all tho latest styles in Paris street hats aud mannish walking hats. 1021 West Ninth Btroot. 283 Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Boncom, of Jamestown, N. Y., arrived in Med ford Thursday evening for a several weoks' visit to their sons, P. M. and W. J. Bencom. Tho Home Mllllnory Is showing Bprlng hats in all thoir glory. 1021 West 9th. 283 Mrs. W. HookonyoB arrived in Medford Thursday evening from Lob Angeles. Miss Fayo lloguo returned Friday morning to her homo in Klamath Falls after a visit in Medford, tho guest of Miss Waller. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. The ladlos of tho Episcopal church will glvo a breakfast Tuosdny, Fob ruai'j' 20, from the hours of G a. m. to 10 a. m., at St. Marks hull. Please remember tho duto and tho place. Mrs, Mabel Yocom left Friday for Phoenix, whore she expects to reside Rooms r0c and up. Hotel Mooro. 'special rates by week or mouth. , John Arnell wan up Ashland way j Friday looking after his orchard tntorestft. ARMY AVIATION CAMP SEEN FROM AEROPLANE, S. A. Howell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. H. Co. bldg. Clnrenco Pierce and M. G lluj were in Central Point Friday on busi ness. i Try MoDowoll'a Ico' cream and shorbcts. ' Mrs. II. W. Lampmnn o'f Asbestos, this county, who hits boon vlsltlni, Medford friends, returned to her homo Friday morning. S trior's ptiro milk and cream at McDowell's. Mra. lid Curd wall, of Merrill, Ore , who is visiting relatives in Gold Hill vas In Medford Friday. Early Roso, Fairbanks' Early Sun rise and American Wonder seed pota toes in any quantity at C. L. Shelffclin's grocery. 2S1 T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of a now hotel which ho has but recently built and is now occupying in Wood vHle. Mr. Taylor Is saying all man lier of pretty things about tho little town of WoodvHle, Its people and its prospoctivo growth Into a town of considerable Importance with its electric lights and public water sys tem. Real home made bread at D9 Voo's. R. F. Antlo of this city and his cousin, R. M. Thompson, of Seattle, were In Gold Hill Friday on busi ness. Carkin & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law. over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Frank Derrick and family arrived in Medford Friday morning from Council, Idaho. Mr. Derrick's fam ily comprises a wlfo and six children, the youngest bolng twin girls four months old and the combined woight of tho twins at this time is 12 pounds. When they were four weeks old they each weighed two pounds. They aro seemingly enjoying excel lent health and are as bright and wide awako as are most babies at this age. Mr. Derrick1 Is a relative of G. W. Stevenson and comes here expecting to remain. Fresh candy dally at McDowell's. In order to demonstrate the Le Paris Bystem for cleaning gloves, the Pantorium will on Tuesday, Febru ary 20th, only, clean one pair of kid gloves, any length, for each customer sending or bringing us gloves on that day, for five cents a pair. Remom- ber that we allow but ono pair of gloves to a customer. Do not hosi- tate to sond in the gloves, even though you may havo nothing else to send. Pantorium, No. 5 N. Fir st. 284 The Mutual Life of New York gives you insurance at actual cost; pays the largest dividends; proven best by statistics. J. F. Hutchason, room 205, First National bank. 1 ARMY AVIATION CAMP SEEN FROM AEROPLANE," i 1 1 HrejMtHEHHHIJVA wBIP'' I distribution of the propetU, Rudolph! Final notion will ho tnlu-n In the tuiri O A HpiwKelH, iih executors, mutter of distribution VVciIiicmIiij uindo the petition. ,)ii't I'mlff tho terms of Judge AMTxT SSIATION- !ATP, TA-KEiK FROM ABROELAtr Reports received from Captain Charles do F. Chajdtor, in chargo of tho Unltetl States army aviation camp nt Augusta. Ga show the value ot the acroplano for scouting purposes. Observations and nnuw showing the tojwg r.iphy of the couutry In the neighborhood of Augusta accompany tho reorts much of tho materia! being obtaliiiHl with the aid of tint en mom while In rapid tilght ntovc Uie earth. 8eoml plates made at au altitude of 700 feet guvo such pood results that Brigadier General Jnuioi Alloa Is encouraging the aviators to further cxierlmeuts at greater altitude. FROM SUNSSlNETrAND 5 Coilolcnc is a vegetable product without an ounce of hog fat in it. It is made from tho choicest cotton oil, extracted from tho seed picked on the fields ot tho Sunny South. It is a product of Nature, and makes wholesome, digestible, healthful food. Coilokm is made in a cleanly manner ? CollonJJuld to Kilchon human hands never touch the oil from which Collokno is made. It is the one high-grade, absolutely pure and perfect cooking fat and far preferable from a health and economic standpoint to butter, lard or any other fat. Coilolcnc is more eco nomical than butter or lard because it goes one-third farther. Mndu wly by TIIIv N. K. FAIKtyVNK COMPANY ULRICH THINKS HIES 1 6 Will Probably Institute Mandamus Proceedings to Force Sheriff of Jackson County to Accept War rants for Taxes. EU0NH1 Willinm Ulrieli i jlmmiu;f to iui tute lnuiulrtinit- proceedings to eoniH?l Sheriff Jones tx eollootor, to ac cept county warrant in payment "f hi tnM. lie heliavcw that Attorney Heameti is inihtaken in hi.- opinion fiirnUhed the bhuriff, stating that tin1 greater part of the tuxeri ittunt he jkjxI in oa-h. Mr. ririch slatod lliis iinmiiiij; that lie will tender warranto to Mr. Jtm- and if lie rcfiiMv. to accept tliuiu lie will start iimmlunnis irt)ceedin$;s lo comKl him to take them. FLED PROW HIM Man Afflicted Willi Smallpox Wan ders Into City But Chief Hittson Hustles Him to Isolated Spot and Quarantines Him. it : r;V VK L s fig&mmf?1; 'A SS ''Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" S SlBSHitflijI J RECITAL WILL BE GIVEN AT BAPTIST CHURCH SOON ilrs. Jfnttie II. Jones will apponr in recital nt the First Jhipti-t cliurcli in jredford on the evening of Folj rtinrv 20. Her topio for the evening will he "Tlie Sweet Story of Old." The McMinnville News-Reporter says of her iiertd recital, which wai. Kivon in thai city on Janunry 14: ".Mm. .Mutlie II. Jones in a talented render and made the service excep tionally iinpreMivv. The story of the Savior wax recounted intcrchtiiijjiy, iinproKKivoly mid reverently. Score, not iiuetiHtoiuutl to attend church were in nttendnnce and tlio inosHa'o tiutt. delivered wuh of liniihiiul power and beauty." Tlw recital will he freo and the memhurn of thin church are o.xlendiii;; an invitation to everyone in Bedford to attend. LEEVER FOR . COUNTY JUDGE Central Point Herald Announces Can didacy of Central Point's Chief Executive for the County Judge ship. . Wccks&McGowanCo. TJOTERTAKERS Day riion 3371 Might rimet r. w. Wcekt 9071 A, S. Orr, 3093 X.ADY ASaiHTAHT. Lineman Shocked. TACOMA, Wabh., Feb. 1C D. H. Allen, a Jlueman, for tho Seattle Tacoma Power company, Ih serloiiHly, perhaps fatally burned today from coming in contact with a wire carry ing 2500 voltB of olectrlcity. Tho current pausing through hi in wuh so strong it burned holes in his hIioob as though red hot irons had boon passed through tho soles and Ills un derwear was scorched and burned. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) For Joint Heprcscutativo, I hereby announce myself as can didate for tho nomination of joint ropresontntlvo of tho Ninth repre sentative district subject to tho en dorsement of tho republican party at tho primary election April 1U, 1912. I present my candidacy before tho people as a progressive. I shall sup port statement No. 1 becauso I be lieve in it. On all other auuttors If electod I shall work carnostly for tlioBO moasuros which I bellovo to bo for tho host interests of tho people. C. K. WHISLUtl. , The Central Point Ilorald announc es the candidacy of v C. I.eover for county Judge as follewn: Protest against inefficiency In tho administration of county affairs cry stallized last Monday ovunlnx at u meeting of tho commorcial club whon after some comment along tho llitvs of "What Juchson county ueds, and why?" Preeldont J. W. Myern pro iioned tho iimnt! of Mayor W. C. Loover for the office of county Judge and as soon as (he Applause subsided a resolution endorsing tho suggestion was unanimously adopted. it was urged by a number of mem bers, of all shades of political belief, that what tho county .most needH Just now, and what it must have, if the 'people are to continue in such a condition of solvency as will en able them to pay thoir tuxes, Is a striatly business .administration of county affairs. Too much money is being squandered and too many fa voritos aro being player, was tho bur den of many remarks portalnlng to county affairs, and it seamed patont to practically ovory speaker that Borao radical change Is now duo. Friends of Mr. I. cover huvo since been acting on tho suggestion of Monday oveulng and It is reported that a strong element of suppoit has boon developed for him in other sec tions of tho county TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -f FOR SAI.K 5 good haek, Pac. C472. horses, n wagon nud W: N. HUorslile. 285 Oiven a will ImtIIi 1v tlie who eortvetly red Us face, a wood chop per from llriffio creek, afflicted with MiinllMY, drilled into the eify la-t nilit mid appealed to the polic? for assistAiiee. ClUtf llitl4in -cciircd mi Pointed hhiiek'on Hr creek, placed the urn ntlierein, iiHraiitimd hint and Munitioned )V. . Stearnx, citv health oftieer, who treated him. lie ik now tloiiiff nifclv. As soon n Chief IIiKmiii di-co-cri.'d thc.ooiMlittwi of the man he kept liim in the cuilcr of the tict until In had got liimto a sate place. Had the m not hcep promptly isolated In would probahlv have started an epidemic in tin- city. FREAK OF FORTUNE SAVES MEN AT SEA SAX IKD1I(7 Ciil.. Kill. 10. Saved I'miii certain death nt sea, by a fwak !' lortiiiie which wa-died a Miiull bout utt it davits mi the aitcr houe nf th 'm-Imhiiivi' Ida McKnv when hc tunivd turll Hit) miles nil' the northern Cttlifoniia cxiist Felirii iirv -. t'uplsiu l.llldgrcii and xeven iiii'iulH-i-K u( tliv -ldu'h crew reaclicil Shu IVdro ttMUy on the mcIiimoici- Auiliu. which p-irked them up after thev hud dnUeil helpliMMl lor iiinn than two ihis. , lie Ida McKay, owned ly the I'.i cidu States Truiiiiig couipany, left Coo,uillc llivi-r, Ore., for Sun Kiniici--co Janunry 27. Sits uhh caiii(lit in terrific gale nild t-prmig a leak, lliiull.v tuniiiiK ner in latitude II north. loiigidtudc 1. 12 wext. The little lioat, which fhmtcd rioiu the wreck, wad ciirul and a giiiuiy Huck hoi-ti'd am m dintresn Mgnal. The men were without food or water uiHil picked up ,v the Azalia. All tln crew wen- xavcil. Spreckels Estate Split. SAN FKANCISCO, Cal , Feb. 1. -DI.IhIoii of tho Chilis Hpreckels es tate Is iij.hi-id hy Superior Judge Coffey. He ,(.nled nn order for finul HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of Cardul. Progressive Aggressive CJ. CO u Ul X a ui ui O O a ui o a -j C cc UJ X I- o UJ X 5 We Heard Two Women Talking NEW IDEAS We nill It'll von uImmiI it tomm-to. , 00NT FORGET ' ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE NEW METHODS We itre both grHiluate IMi .ii-iiuiM unit SurxcoiiM, CONSLM.TATION uUay I'ltKK. (IKT ACQUAIN'THI) dm' OUIt IMtlCIW HICKIN'O IS ni;iji:vi.NH!. II YOU CAN'T SKK, Me im, hiiiI then you will SIJI8. SltytjT . VK HO AS WIS AnVHHTISIt . . . H guru and liriug thin ml with you, m it imil iiHuxy, mMOKKOWii I'AI'KK will contain iwil I'ACW for YOtt SOMUTIII.N'O NliW KVKHY ILW. (lAKKK'lT-fOHKY IthlHI. .MKDKOItU, OKKdON. (lurk U. Swundcrh, .M. 1). . V.. Oiwn, i. D. Drs. Saunders & Green Prmdice limit.',! to- RYK, HAIt. NOSH nml TIIKOiU'. HUSINKSS AS ItUSUN'liliK .MI4N. o S H X m o a r- CO C a o a to m i o 3C O C -I o H X m o H X m -n m r-r-o 3: Reliable Ethical v FOK SAhK Ileforo storing eompleto dining aud bod room set, carpets, sowing machine. U0 1 W. 10th. Phono 141. 287 VANTKJ)-Miui and wlfo to take caro of place, rent freo. Ton miles oast of Medford. flood housn and burn, some cleared (mid. Address P. O. Ilox IWl. In answer give your address and phono number. 2S.'S WANTIOD To purchase side spring buggy with long body or good light hack. Address 0'i'i N. Cen tral avo. a 87 Tampa, Fla. In a letter from this city, Mrs. K. C. Corum writes: "I wan nil weakened and worn out with wo manly trouhles. My husband brought mo somo Cardul as a tonic, and, from tho first day, it seemed to help. I had almost lost tny reason, hut, thanks to Cardul, I did not. Soon, I felt and looked llko a now woman. I think tho remedy Is wonderful. I recommend it to my friends, for I havo received great benefit from It." Cardul acts specifically on tho weak ened womanly organB, atrcngthnnlng tho muscles and ncrvco, and building them up to health. It holps to rofrcsh tho worn-out ner vous system and relieves tho effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful uso fully provo tho merit of this purely vego table, toriln rnmoilv for wnninn. .-, , ....-, . --- - I A. in ovory community, thora llvo somo. a V T t y. t r t ? t T T T T T T t f t T T T T T THE MAN Who makes Two blades of grass grow where one grew before is a Public Benefactor. By this token how great benefac tors are those who will transform a region of indifferent crops, because of LacK of rain at the Crucial growing period, to a re gion of Luxuriant Crops. Irrigation Will Do It. i i who havo boon benefited by Cardul. Tho bonefloial effects of this tlmo tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves In many different ways. Try It. N. li.-Write te: ladUVAdWiory Rcpt., Outt flwza MeJU int Co., ChatlanooKa, Tenn., lor tipeelcl Jnttrucliwti, mj 64-pag book, ' lom Trcilmnul lor VVowvii," MniJn plain wcipptron iwjut, 1 T T T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO. i Fred N. Cummings