' PAftE FOTJK " MDFOttD MAIL' TRTOTJOTS, MEDFORD, OaON", THURSDAY, VIWmTAUY 15, 1012, Mritfflr-n Medford M&il Tribune AN INflKPENDKNT NISWRPAPKIt PunniBJusi) hvriiv aiteiinoon KXCI5PT SUNDAY, BY THH AIKDFOIID PMNTINQ CO. The Domoorntlc Times, Tho Medford Kinii, iiia iiivuiiirti iTiiiunc, j no sauin em Orrgonlan. Tho Anhlnnil Tribune. Orflcn Mat! Trlbline II ill Ml tip. 15-J7-S9 North Fir strict; phono, Main 3021; JIUIHO ID. QKOnan rUTN,ur. Editor and ManRer ajr Kntered nn tooni!.clAii9 matter nt Mcdfnrrt, Oregon, under the act of mi:u 4, ,l&tv.B Official Paper of tho City of Medford. pfflclfil Taper of Jackson County. HXTBSORrPTIOW RATES. Ono year, by mAll 5.00 Ono month, by mall , .SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville and Cen tral Point SO Bnturday only, by mall, per year.. S.OO Weekly, per year 1.B0 rwo&ir cracrmATioK. Dally avcraco for cloven montlii ena Init November SO, 1911, 2751. 2oll atA "Wire TJnltofl FrM Dispatch. The Mall Tribune Is on nale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Howman News Co,, Portland, ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wnih. MsoroKD. o&raoir. Metropolis of Soutlmrn Orejrnn and Northern California, and tho fastest Krowjnp city in orepon. Population V. R. ccnBus 1910 8840; estimated, 191110.000. Flvo hundred thouwind doltar Gravity Water System completed, clvlnfj finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets raved. Postofflco receipts for year tndln iNovcmoer iu, u, biiow increase or is per cent. Banner fruit city In Orcpon Rogue Itlver Spltxcnborp apples won owecp- siaxes pruo ana una or 'Apple Klnir of tho" World" at tho National Apple Show, Spokane, .ISO J, and a car of Newtowna won Tint Frit In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B. C Xtrst rrise In 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Ncwtowns. Rokuq Hlver pears brought highest firlces In all markets of tho world dur nc tho past six years. Write Commercial Club, Inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. WATSON IS NOT A Writes That He Will Be Active in the Campaign If His Health Permits, But That He Will Not Be a Candi date for Any Office. Tho Mail Tribune is in receipt of the following letter from G, B. Wat son of Ashland regarding hie candi dacy for county judge: To the Editer: My attention has been called to an item a few days ago in your paper suggesting that I am seeking tho nomination on the re publican ticket for county judge. Please say that this is a mistake, that I am not only not seeking such nomination but under no circum stances would I accept If it woro offered to me unanimously. I have had all the experience In politics ns a candidates -which I desiro and feel that I am too old to engago in such turmoil as must follow such incum bency. I am not and will uot bo a candidate for any position whatso ever, though if in Jackson county when tho campaign comes on, It my health permits it, I may bo active. C. B. WATSON. PROGRESSIVES MAY NOT SUPPORT COLONEL TEDDY KEW YORK, Feb. 15. A suriouh split between former President lloosevelt uud tho prorebhive lender, who nro griiotniiu; liim to opMso President Tuft is irnondiifr today, according to reports from the Out look office, us a result of Jtoosevelt'h disinclination to adopt n radically progressive stand in his address lo the Oiiio constitutional convention at' t'oluinburi Wtitliiebdny. It .is reported that tlio clash has resulted over an indorsement of the trusts' plea for Iob business hysteria, which Koosovoll threatened to incor porate in his hpeecli. Tlip progrotjbivo leaden here told Roosevelt that sueli an utterance alienate the western pro;;ieMV0B anil Mould cost him I lie nomination. The conference is proKi'Oftbhi;; thin ufteinooii and every effort is boinj; used to induce Roosevelt to eliminate this feature of his speech. SECRETARY NAGEL CALLS ' SUBORDINATE DOWN WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 15. Angered by quotations attributed to P. G. It, Gordon, up immigration In spector, assorting that tho strike of toxtllo workers In tho woolen mills of Lawrence, Mass., was called "merely to muke soulullst proimgau du" and not bncauso of Intolerable conditions in tho textile Industry, Secretary ot Commorco and Labor Nngel wrpto to Gordon demanding an explanation. Under the rules of the commorco department all employes nro forbidden to talk for publication, Sucrotary Nagel thinks that, since Gordon lias not completed his Inves tigation of tho strlko, "his tempera mentally unsympathetic attitudo" Is seriously Interfering with his dalles If tho BtntcinoulB attributed to him rQ tru. -,,. CUDDAT DOC KEENE TO AFTWU months of poliiii'nl eclipse, our gonial ami hand some, fellow citizen, T)r. .1. M. Koene, has emerged from the baleful shadow east by popular government, pre pared to rescue Oregon from tho grip of the people and restore the state to the politicians and corporations. The valiant doctor would lead the famished horde back to the pie counter and revive the lost lustre and departed glory of the machine. Like a voice crying in the wilderness he trumpets forth the charge: "The time has come to go down the line and call a con vention, to ignore the foot laws passed by the people! "Oregoiriias been U'Ronizod. We have been dri fling along for years, letting F'Rcn have his way. It is time to act. " Call a convention at once and point out to the people the way things are going!" Those who know Jackson county's distinguished states man can well imagine the expletives which garnished these emphatic utterances. No cold emphasis. Hie doctor is more than willing to lead wnero any dare to follow, and always fights a good fight. But what's the use of being a statesman, when the fool laws passed by the fool people instruct you? What's the use of going to the legislature, if the Statement One non sense cuts out the senatorial going to Chicago convention instructed, when you might bargain for federal patronage or, better yet, for cash'?' When these fool laws of the tool people prohibit con ventions, what chance is there for a statesman'? Ifow aVO we going to deliver the goods for Taft when tho fool peo ple want Teddy? AVhat can the statesmen do, but "go down the line, ignore the fool laws and call a convention"! Less than two veal's ago the statesmen met. with wild enthusiasm, waving of banners and shout of oratory, and in defiance of the "fool people, ignored the fool laws and held the "assembly" as the convention was dubbed. The ticket was named and slain by the fool people. We all admire the unterrified front of our statesman. Defeat hath no terrors for him. His bourbonisin is so thick an ax can't split it. Only TJnele Joe is as staunch a stand patter. Lock arms with Doc Keenc, and "go down the line," ignore the fool laws of the fool people, call a conven tion and deliver Oregon to that other staunch standpatter, William Howard Taft!' SCHOOL BOYS KILL COUGAR Eugene Moore, 9, and Frank Hillis, 12, of Woodvillc Kill Large Cougar as They are Going Home From School. Eugene Moure and Frank Hillis, aged 1) and 12, of the Mays Crcok school, at the head of Evans valley, on returning from school' -Monday night heard Mr. Moore's dogs baying near by. Supposing they had a rat or squirrol, the boys proceeded to the place to have some fun, but on arriv ing saw n large yellow animal in a tree, which glnretf at them and growled fiercoly. Eugene ran to the house for his father's 30.30, leaving Prank to guard the tree. Gene soon returned and with one well directed shot brought the animal to the ground. It was only wounded, how ever, and set up u fierce tight with the dogs. Gone, fearing the dogs would lose out, ran up and plnciug the gun nearly against the aniuinl fired again, this time with deadly ef fect. Then, dropping the gun, both boys beat it with clubs and stones, mnkju? sure that life was extinct before pro ceeding to drajr it to the house where, upon their arrival, they were greatly surprised to learn that they hnd killed a cougar. This takes the palm for young hunters. CHICAGO TRIBUNE SPEAKS GOOD WORD FOR S00Y-SMITH The Chicago Trihtino of February 1 contains' tho follewing: General William Sooy-.Smith write the Tribune from Medford, Ore., thai he is anxious to secure the passage of senate hill .'l.'t'-M, which places him on the volunteer army retired list, The hill was introduced by Senator Chamberlain of Oregon and referred to the senate military committee. Genoral Hooy-Smilh is in extremely poor health and suggests that lie craves tho honor and needs tlo emoluments his retirement will bring to him. Ho is considerably over 80 years old, having graduated at the Ohio blalo university in 1810, He settlqd in Chicago about the time the civil war closed and was superintendent in engineering and construction work in Chicago for many years. t BANKER IS JUTE WORKER, AND A GOOD ONE TOO WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb. 1,1. A. J. Welty, convicted ex-bniiker of Bellingham, will make a good jute lig worker, according to Warden Heed today. Welly is employed ill tho jute mill where he is "stuffing" jute. He will work in (he mill for u time and Inter may he put to work on the peniten tiary books, THE RESCUE. print can convey the proper craft"? What's the use of ASHLAND AFTER I Commercial Club Makes Effort to the Bishop Scott School, an Episco pal Institution, Which Is to Be Opened Again. News comes from Ashland that that city, through lis commercial club, will make a vigorous effort to secure the establishment of the Bish op Scott academy there. At a meet ing of the club this week the mat ter of urging tho school's establish ment thero and the offoring'of the old normal buildings for its use met with unanimous approval. The re port of tho special committco ap pointed to investlgato tho matter was to the effect that as a result of cor respondence carried on with Episco palian officials the lust month there was every prospect that Ashland could havo tho school if she would guarantee the possession of the buildings. Tho report met with approval and the club decided to go after the school with a zest and bring tho mat ter to n consummation as quickly as possible. Tho club polntn out tho superior geographic location, delight ful climate and pure water supply that make Ashland an ideal educa tional con tor. Tho Bishop Scott Academy, a mili tary school for boys, flourished In Portland many years, hut was aban doned several years ago. Recently It was apnouncod that In 101 :i tho acad emy would bo re-established. PORTLAND CHINESE TO DISREGARD NEW YEAR'S POUTLAND, Ore,, i'eb. IT.. Chi noso Now Years, which properly should begin Saturday, will be dlsre gardod by tho majority of local Chi nose anil tho goods imported for tho fostlvltlos will be used to celebrate tho abdication of tho Manchu omper or and tho birth of the new republic, Grout preparations had been made to celobrato tho now year, as there was a fooling that this year would bo the last under tho Manchu dyn asty. But tho emperor "beat It to thpjn" so to speak, by abdicating flvo days boforo tho now yeur'H expiration, and China became a republic and the cal endar likewise progressed to 1012 uud now yours for tho republicans was not. To Probe Money Trust. Washington, n. c, Fob, in, Declaration that the workings ofthe money trust will bo tho subject of a comprehensive Investigation was made hero today by Senator Albert Ii. Cummins of Iowa, a mombur of the sonuto Interstate commerce commis sion. Tho Interstate commerce com mission, ho fiald will conduct the In-Yt'8tlga.Uoii. AN e SCHOOL r " --T THE OPTIMISTIC JUDGE -1 in irnit customer cwuu imu mv vum- niorcinl dub ono day, Ho put his dripping umbrella down, and fiercely began to uny; "You udvertlivQ jour weather hero as soniuthlug past sublime, Your booklet would lend onu to think it surpassed any other clliuo. I came out here Jut to escapo the winter bleak and drear, And I have never sewn it rain an fierce ns It does hero." Tho Judge thon smiled his most oily smile, ami Knvo his guest n chair. ' "My friend." he said, "you don't un derstand, or you would scarce ly daro. To crltlelxe oiir weather eo, for every drop of rnlu Is heaven sunt, and like nuggets full For the growth of fruit and grain. Wo pray for rain this tlmo ot your And it it dqes not come, Our orchard roots would so parched bo That the crop would bo quite limit." "That may lie true," tho man replied, "But Inst mouth was worse yet, I nearly frore from tho terrible cold, The frost wits Mforno than the wet." "Again, nvy friend," tho Judge re plied, "I seo I must". act you right, It the frost did unt come at this time of year, The crop3 would suffer n blight. The blessed ftmi keeps tho sap down So early in tho your. For now if the trues began to bud, The outlook would bo most drear." Kxaspcrutod, the man again Said, "What about this mmlT" You can't drive through It, you oon't scrape It off, It's worso than any flood." Said the Judge: "This mud Is composed of pond, old, lava ash, Its sticky quality Is the host of all, It's Just ns good as cash. I'rofessor O'Gara will toll-lo.you, It is good on any laud, For fruit culture It enn't bo bent When mixed with a little Band." "Your summers here nro far too hot, The sun Is a disc of fire. I came out here for summers cool, So it doos stir my Ire To bo burnt alive In an nwful glare Whero coolness was expected. I've got you now, you old skinflint," To himself the man reflected. Tho Judge brlRhtoned up and took n pear From tho clod's' Very finest exhibit. "My friend, seo the color on this fruit. And think if you'd prohibit Tho smiles ot old Sol, Who In an aimer comes To paint our fruit so bright; Who mellows the flavor and adds to the color By his radiance warm and bright. This Is a fruit country first of nil, Tho seagons respect our need, And sond us tho weather we mostly crave, So now the world wo load. Sunshine, frost and rain Come nt tho given tlmo, None In exco nono too inuoh But ttll in needed lino." Tho Easterner gasped, then took his leave And a few booklets to send away. "Tho country inust bo all to the good, And the Jtltlo Is all right I nay." Ho mentioned to a friend as ho wrote To come and Invest In some land. "Come whom tho weather favors fruit And tho people boost In a band. But when you come, tako thlngB us thoy slide, And never argua at nil, No matter If things don't suit you at first, For tho Judge, will make you fool small. I'm suro If a oyclono blew through the town And loft not a shred nt host, Tho Judge would proclaim with all his might It had blown away every post. And if nn ourthqiiako should shako to tho ground Evory tall building In view, And fell la Its wake evory troo In the laud And blight all tho Hrciiery too, Tho Judge would crawl out From all tho debris, Ah the people were having fits, And calmly say, "This Is Just what we need,. it will break all the hardpau to bits!" Tonn War Feared, CHICAGO Feb, 15. Pollto hcyef four u renewal of the Chinese long war. Thoy regard the shooting of Mock Chun, a Chinese carpenter, killed ioceiitly,.as n signal for an other outbreuk NOK Hong, or an opposing long, kll"d NON F0RDE CAN DO IT Do you want your lawn put in first cIiish Hliape? All work guaranteed. Jvo mliln8 with If. II, Pallet-son, Qiltil.er Niir-rrj, Nji-Ii lintel r t COMMUNICATION. To tho Editer: Your clipping from tho Now York Journal pub lished In today's Issue In regard to capital punishment certainty does uot coincide with my views on the qtfcstlnu. A short time ago I hoard Governor West speak In ono of tho churches of tho east sldo In Portland. During his talk ho read a letter writ ten him by an e.vconvlcl from c'rosuo, Cnl who told n hard luck story about a family to support and no work, but who nt tho sniuo tlmo nd milted that ho hud quit a Job or his own volition and evidently ashamed to give tho reason why.- Tho gover nor admitted that ho had helped him financially. And tho follow was proh ably looking for more unlntunco along the same Hue, What struck mo very strangely was to see tho governor shod tears during the rend ing of this common, placid IcttVr. Studying hi in ns cloudy as I could during his discourse and Judging from his actions during the hist few months, his sympathy for tho crim inal elomentlieeius to bo a weakness, n falling which ho Is probably iiuuhto to overcome. It Is strange how nil apparently well moaning man's s.mii pnthliM can al Mines bo warped. They bccui to lose sight ot the desirable, Inw-abldlug citlxeii and those do pondunl iipiui him, who peacefully going about Ids work during some unguarded moment was struck down by one of those. My sympathies may too, bo wurpod a little, but thoy are first and nit the time with the one who Is trying to make nu honest liv ing, and If I thought that capital punishment would be abolished In Oregon I wohld not care to make my homo In this state, for I am con vinced that It Is tho greatest deter rent of crime of any law ot man and If invoked every tlmo that a www Justifies It, will nave more live of God-fearing men than could posalbly be saved In crlmlnnl by tho reprieve or pardon, for oun criminal at large puts the live of many In Jeopardy. We not only need what t It t lit capital punishment we Imvo In the state, lint we need more to make It effec tive. I believe that Judge Cavluniigh of Chicago was right when ho said that It was not the greatest punish ment, but that It was tho greatest deterrent of crime possible to meet out to the criminal element. It seems ample proof when ono though rich will spend every dollar to divert tho punishment from tho noose to tho penitentiary. TUEOnOUE ISLEY. Do You Think, or Are You a Dreamer These dns are not dreamy days with us for we can plainly soo that things are looking up and In order to have tho best nt a price we must gut In touch with thw market and make things hump. The ohMlinu cheap locks and hinges are no tenner usod In Medford for tho haiikos go ing up are class. But we expected Just such u thing would happen and have a Hue that Is fancy sad mndc of solid bron.u and brnw. Wo know you can buy paint for 12.13, but you can't buy S. W. P. for that price and you know why. You enn buy spray hnso for 21) cents per foot, but oii pay :i() cents for Purugu gladly. You can pay $75 for a rsr.so, but you don't. There are reasons for all things and you know you enn't carry elder In a handkerchief, neither can you make common glass look lll;o cut glass. We can show you plumb ing. Wo can show you trimmings that are good and rich at a very mod oratc, price, f.'nll and see. West Main and Grape streets. OAItNETT-COKEY HAIlDWAItE CO. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) For Joint Itcpicseulntlve. I hereby announce myself ns can didate for tho nomination of Joint representative of the Ninth ropio sontatlvo district subject, to the en dorsement of tho republican parly at the primary eluctlou April 1'J, 10 11!. I present my candidacy heforn the people ns a progressive, I shall sup port statement No, 1 because I bo Iovo in It. On nil othor nnattora If elected I shall work earnestly for those munstiroH which I bolluvo to be for tho best Interests of tho people. C. E. WHISLEU. Ati automobile wind shield pat ented by n Vermont woman has a small window In one sldo, which can bo udjiiHtcd to admit as much air as may be desired but which will keep out rain. '., . .- '-- - - - j i Draperies Wo carry a very comploto lino of ilrupcrtcs, lucu curtoliiH, fix turuH. uto., and Uo nil cIiinhgh of iiphulslnrlng. A spuclul man to lofilj (ifior this work cxolimlvoly and will kIvo iih good norvlcu ns Im poKnlbhi to uot In ovun tho JUI'KCSt cities. WEEKS & NcGOWAN C0. Dr E. Kirchjjessner rraolioo llniiloil to ohoulo iIIhouhoh, HOTEL HOLLAND WoilnoHtlnyfl. Hours, 10 to it. PLUMBING Stoani nntl Hot Wfttor Hoating All Work (lunmiitrml. l'llcou ItlUlHUlnUllO, .OOFFEEN & PRICE 03 Jlownrit niook, llutrsuce ou Otti nt. rnolflo 3031. noma 040. NoyesS Black HOUSE AND HJH.V PAINT1NO Up-to-Dnto Auto and Carriage Painting, Gold Loaf Hlgus and Interior Decorating a Upoclalty. Khop nnil Office K. Grape ami 10th Ht. Office Phono 7771. Bos. 7213. All Work Positively Gunrnnteud. V A L E N T I N E THE MERR1V0LD SHOP 13 Wnt Main. FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered in Medford in toil lots at $15.50 PEIt TON $14.75 PER TON , at car. m Bend postal or tulephouo (Home) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our alfalfa U well cured and U not sun scorched uud retain nil its rich juiccH and noiitiMluurut mid color. Tho ntnll(H are not bruised nml broken mill the tender leave and tops are not bruised and shattered off. THE FINEST TOP-VALUE HAY THAT (.'AN UK I'HOnUi'HIl. Tho form ix irrigated from Hoguo rivor. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency I'Olt SALH 20 acres at HhkIu Point, 2-'00. 20 ticnm .1 allies out from Medford J200 per licie, 10 ncros Improved, bonne, barn, orchard, etc., $K000. !i acres Improved 1 ml Ion nut, 17000. 5 loom bungalow with kitchen furniture, f2200. T room hiiuuulnw, $1550, 1 room house, ?;i!"i down, $10 per month, $750. a room house, lot 00x125, $125 down, bal, $10 por mouth, 5 acres 2 31 miles out, Improved, Hoiisoh for iialo. ('all and soo mi, Kill acres Wi inlleii out, $150 por acre. TltADM 5 acres, will tnhe houtio an purl exehaiiKU. 10 acres tionr Central Point for house In town. 20 aermi up Griffin crook ood for chicken ranch, 5 acreii ul ICiikIo Point for n i;nod lot or a team. 2 lloo cant to trado for acroiiKo or lots. 1 have all Itluds of trades to offer. Trades, trades of nil kliulu, tt.MPLOYMKXT 2 mnii for pruning, Glrhi for Konoral housowork. Six coai minors, E. P. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM DL0CK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono 1111$ Home, 1 1, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR theatre: ALWAYS IN THE I.IMII 1000 feet of feature Him 100(1 fi Photoplays Today rt "UltOCIiTO.V I'M It AM) HOUSE SHOW" A complete tour of thw great fair of lull, showing races, pnrndos, horse and dairy cattle show, A film all will want to sow. "THE SOFAW.MAN'S ItKVICXmt' "Pntho" western druiun, "SEEING hpjtai.o" Educational scsnln. MIMIt I'NTUJ'S FOXHUNT" lteflnml Comedy "A NIGHT OUT" Tho (Urn of a thousftud giggles, The motion picture luuslnlnus Ah SATMIIU "WOOLWOIITIIH" Tho Photoplay Musicians Uoiueiiibur our change days Siiudny, Tuesday and Erldny Matinees Evory Day. ADMISSION I Do 3 THEATRE TONIGHT I'HOM.LI. AND WlNVHKt.L The IrUh Millionaires The 'I'nn Heal Miming. Untieing anil Talking ('oini'dluot CAItUI.USS fl'UT The Worlds UriMlmt llloy. lint Three H.-cls, .'1000 feet of MOTION PICTURE'S llest of MuhIo rplnl Mfttltioo, Saturday and Sunday '-' p. in. "Evening Performance 7 p. ni. TUSCAN SPRINGS flavliiK no canal on earth u variety nt mineral waters and curtim diseases that medicines wilt not reach. If you are In need of health, cmun now. Wo nro open nil tho year and can Rlvn tho best of care and attention now as well an In summer. Ktar.o dully from Hod Illuff to the springs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN Hl'KINGH. OAL. Seattle Appraisals flavorul Medford pooplo have employed us to appraise Soattlo roal ostato. Such appraisal Is usually worth inoro than It costs, Ira J. DodKO ot Medford was forjnorly counootod with this of fice. Other Seattle and Medford roforoucoii on roipinut. Jt. V. KHSKINU & COMPANY U()0 New York llllc, Seattle (Ohurtor Mombor Soattlo Uoal 1C- tnto Ansu.) REAL ESTATE Wlllnmotto Valley Farms of nil description, Garden nml Fruit Lnuils, Timber Lands. Home excellent mt'c;n!iiH In AL- UANY CITY PJIOPl'JKTY. Write or call on J. V, PIPE 'J0:i WoHt Koeon'd NI., Albany. Oro. IF YOU OWN A LOT - Wo .will liullil you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M, F, anil tl. Co. Dullillnu A A