MRDFOmi MATT. TRTBUNJi, M1WFORT), O'M'flOV, TFfTINT)AY, FTOBKrAlJY 13, 1012. paotc Timrcrc JEW MAIL ROUTE COMPLETE JULY 1 Ro&ldt'iits Alonii Proiosnt Rotito of Monti Slii Ui Atermenl& to Per vitin Mull Boxes, anil Delivery Will Start This Siiiiiinrr. l'Vnin Aitmil I'uNtiiiiioli'r llulpli Woudford il u Iciiiiu'il (luil i u m I until Urn io No, 2 nut, of Madfoid will In' in operation not Inter tltnti July 1 of I In ywip. Olio hundred niid Ii 1 1 1 y r III" l Irnna of HiIh ion In Imvo idgncd an Httrooinpul to put up lotliM' lioxw uud the agreement have Iibhh forwnid pit to tli iliiiirtmiil lit ViiliiiiKlitii, mid Mr. Woodford Im evpeetiuu il viro from elm depurlinenl within few cIh.vh m in nirtlii'i uli-pn to lit tnkon tending up ! tli) commence itivnl of Mwifit on the imil. A tin"' i- im carrier "wmlliux lUt" for thin mule, it HI lu ii'i'iMtU'y l hold civil urn-ire examination In order llinl u eomjilPiil enrrier in Iio awmml. Il will prolinlily leipiiie (10 dgy Io ilo thin. Till mule U pi ninthly hm doimely popiilnlwl h mil 111 moMt of Iho Hi nil route lit iliu wlftle, "till ua Dm illMinnt'f covered im diilv 'J2 mile tin' PKI'iWh miiIiiIV rliniliil exceed $"' per month, t'uiilil l here be itilili'il t till' (IK' ! Itllli'x llddlllolllll Inucl lilt' llllll Wmllil lie HXI'I HO per llliinlll COURT HOUSE NEWS Itenl IXitt TniHrfem. C.H. l'riHlinliHiir l l Mry ,0"U, property in lilk (hi, Atmlfonl J Win. II. IwiIm in ,1. ,. WHftufJi taid in l. 311. 'JK in .John l. C'mjHHitt'r ti (. H. t'urllnii, iwinvrtv in Carl I on mill, Mmirunl; title limul. .10,0(11) (I.-.-. R. Mnrmtmll Io ( It. ('Hilton, properly H Carlton mill.. . ". 2,.0tl (Jwi, i;. Miit-MiMtii to .i"ltn It. I'nl ikmiIci. properly in t'ml- tmi mill.. Medford 10 Knllieiiue A. Murrey to ('him. II. Murrey, lot 3, bk 1, Tut. IIo'm eroml mill., Mi'ilfi'iil. . l(.ll HjH1 AwJi'i Tuft Hii'l flw. DWrlnli, "pmivirty In Mingu mmImIIvUIoh 10 C. Iiuw to Chniloy Caldwell, lot 10. MX I, ItiifliiokH mlil., Medford in 0'o. Mfcr In l'.iirl 1'Vv, piop- orly In lilk 'Jtl. It. It. n. LI. . Phoenix l' . I. II. Willinm to .My Hi.' M. llnrrin; rtlue bond f.n ileml. 0. V. WtltHix to L A. AlHitin, IhiiiI in Tp. :, IW UiniinlH iiuk to S. I. Wil- Hhiiim, 70 nrr.'N in Tp. ;tS, 1V .MiHOJi I''" Io .Mwilfiird l)iinf- lii' IjhiihIin Cu., lumt In Tp. :i7, 1V; Ii'iim., I.. I'niriMli to .1. Al. Wil- liiiHiM1, Inml in Tp. 30, Hi W II. Hiown (4i I'Vcilvrii'k Tl'Hip. SO HlTt'M in S'V. fi Tp- 10 10 :I7. IV 'J1.000 AumIiii I.. Dick Io ClHit'iu'K llvorly, Jul II, lilk 1 1 l(otn. onk mlil., Ali'ilfnril AU0 Win. Hlmrfrr to V. II. Ilmwii, HO iuiii'm in Sf. .", Tp. !'7, lV 10,000 1. K. IUwiIim' to .1. K. AluCturun, IiiiiiI in Tp. :U, IK 10 llun-y ('. .Slo.lilinil to H. C. I'lpwr, IntN 0 mill 10, KiiKlti IIpImIiI I'Vuit I'm urn t,r0D IS. Ii. Alillur Io IIhitUoii lli'ffu, in Tp. Ill, aV IJ90 County Court Noun. ('mini v hoMpltnl ropoil for I'Vliru ai'v Hied mid iippinvcil. Oidi'iiul llnit (Im follouiiiK Im iid inltli'd to ('Dimly poor fiirin: CIiiiiIuh AIIhikIiI, I'M ifnckMoii, Alfii'd Koliin on. Al tint lit v atiiti'iiu'tita of officora lllttd mid iippinvi'd. Older iippniiitiuK 'i'111 l' ''" ilnpiily ii.('iini'i-. Order ullowinir (luoinn Wi'mII'uII mid Tltnroii Alnyiiiiid .flf fiom holdii'i'M' itilidf fiiiul. Ordur mti'opliiiK roii!ii'ilioii of (1. Ii. Ditviw, county iMMiiiutMHiotior, nml oriliir appointing J'ruuk llrowu In till vminniiy. Komi Niiporviiior'a IuiiiiIn lllod uud lippi'llMlll. I'liuil ropoit of V. Iluiiiinii iik roiidiiiniitor Mini ami nititi'pUnl. Niv'H. Aiidi'iiw A. SiiiiIii vh. ,1, 10, Sliuiirnv; iinlinii In riiunvur nunitiy. W'linila liiiiuliovCo. v. Pnlnr Voiiiik d ill; null In fdi-nulino iiioiiliuiiioV linn. Aluriliimi lilcoiiNi'N,. Kriiofel 0. Hnyil uud Oluru Al. Kd- HOII. I. K. Smith mul jMi'h. Mituiio Alihw, I'lolmti'. I'M ii lc of Dmlil Piniiiiiotvi inwn DEDICATE NEW HOSPTA u Archhlbtion Christie Vlll Officiate at the Uctllcalluii Crretninilus of Sn- crcd Heart Hospital Many Local Men Will Take Hart. Tlio now lir.0,000 HmitoiI ll.'i.n liiwtillHl In Meilfonl will l ilf.1l. in .1 Hiiniliiy HflrrniHin, Kwlinmry th ut ( il o'clock. Arclililtliop Clirlil- will OfflclNlO Ht lll llwllCUlBry TVlli-h j AiinniK tli" liromliii'iil liimliu-aM nml j PhiOmIoiimI uii'ii of MHilforil who J will Ink pni l In thy proxrniii m' Dr. IS. II. I'lokel, JihIku V. il Col-1- vlK. Dr. .1. I'. Hwlily Mild Mayor V II. Chikiii. Tim 1iomiUhI Iiiik lioon romiilHti'il mill ociMiploil for n.ivkinI wwKk. lint I lit ili'illcHtnry MrrlroK werH ilHlnytl iiiilll tliln Him. to li.'ltor Hri'iiiuiiiuiliiii' II WW I1HIMII HI-IHIIKI'IIH'ln Will" 'II Imvo Inn rwi'iitly Iwon roiiipli'ii-il i Tlio .MiMllonl lioMiltiil In Ho li hi mi.l ino)t cuinpltiUi itnii'iniH or u kind IioIwhi'ii Hun KrtHi'lueo nml ( Pnrtlmiil. Tim liimpltMl ciiniiti-t loot I!OMl $ If. 1,000. TIiIm IiicIiiiImi Hi)'! furnlaliliiK niiiI modlcal mill surglm! flllllpillOllt. A IrMluliiK iK'liuol fur iiurami I moiiu to y .tilIUIml nml iimln IhIiiimI In (Iih lnwplt4l, mid In thl H'KI'iMt I ln MwKoril liiflltiilion will ln i In' only wliuiil of it h klml In orcKou iiil..' of I'ortlaud. Afi-r iIih ili'illcatory nwYlroa mxl thi upcaKliiK fliimlay the ImJIfii f iln- Cnlliollc I'lmrrli Hill imtvp h HkIiI lunrhMiu. AMERICAN CAVALnY INVADES OLD MEXICO Kl. I'ASd. V... lVli. l.i. All 1.1 I'mmo niid .Iiihiv;. vi'ri' llirowu into nil uproar odn hIh'ii h topiml of 1H Aini'ii.'iiii lyivitlry iiiMidfd .Mpmciio IhiHIoiv by nn-laki' nml piwipitiitc.l n NiliiHlion wliifli at onn lime pruin innd to reMiill 1.1'Hounly. Tin t'nitlryimn, tryiuit to wir (inn1, went limn om inliuiiMtionnI ItHdKc to miollicr uxor Mi'ienti l-r iH !. Tlii'.v hiti' ut oni'o iirrfMiml liy tin Mt'.inui imihIoihm jr'"d, iml worn lalur rnltiNHud. All Mtirot rnr bulwwii l'.l I'umi and .lniiii- ! alopptid for nit hour xlnlc tliw Auit'ii t'niiM wH' liH.I in .Inn rex. 'Ilir"wii frmt o.vuitoiMdnt in both ultiiffc and for a tlino thfre whm itmvH dmigor of mi onllnunk mNiitMt Aincri i'hii roKidfutM of .luuii'X, wliirli would Iimi iiiiiile inti'i'M'ntion hv lli Cniti'd Stnlri iiiiitvoi(!iililf. WOMEN MAY BE Governor Foss and His Council Arc Conslilcrinii Bill to Make It Un lawful for Women to Work in Foundries. IIOMTON. Miian.. I'ob. 16. -Tho lU'hoal iiiiiii In Now ISukIuiiiI, Cout nor Kuguno N. l'tm of .MawNichuaotta, mul lila cM'i'iithd ciniiu'll toduy mo roualdorliiK u bill piohlbltliiK wouiiMi fi'oiii utii-klnit In th foundi'lo mul Iron uinuiiftit'torltHt of tho atntt. In vmUlnalhui by Iiitcruntlonnl Vlco Pritdilwnt U'l.i'ury of I hit lion iiiouhl ura' union hIiowh that 700 wouuiii lu .Mnaaiu'hiiNi'tta, which atuto prlilua llaulf on Ita ciilturo ami luwa fur tho proliictiiiii of iho pdOilo, aro riilulug tholr li.'iiltli lu fouuilrloa by work which MhortciiM thu llvi of IiIk. KtnniK moil. Aftur hovoiuI niiintliH of Impiln, O'l.iKiry Iiiih laid tho facta bofoio (lovonmr Koaa, who la a' IiIk atock- holdor lu tho tiixtllo nillla at l.uw rouuo, wliuro tho ouuatlca aio now on ntrlko bvcuitao thuy fnitml tlio coat of Iking ovp.rlmhiuc.tnl thulr Incoiuoa. lu toHtlfyliiK bofoto tho Kovonuu' mid Ida muuuiltlmi, O'laairy Ktilil: "I Imvo uiiiii woiiiou lit tho fouii ili'loa lu your statu, tho hiiiiommI hniiio of ciilturo, Hcautlly atpl linprop orly chiil, liaiillnif wiikoiih paut thu nintal ovinia, Tho lumt wna ho ntlf IIiik thai It wiih aluiOHt luipoHblo for tlioiu Io liioatlio. Tho anna uud ahuiildora of thu woiiiou worn Imrod, tholr KiiriiKiutu thrown back ut Iho iici k niid tholr pomouH oni'd, Tho work Im oiitlroly too lunch for thoni." HAN FUANCIHCO, Cal. Mia. Mary Mcdoo appeared ut Iho warrant olui'K'a offhjo. "1 want a warrant for Tlniniy MeOulro. IIo'h got imi gnat." Tho (dork iiHkeil, "Flgumtlvoly or lltorallyV" Hho loft to llud out. lory mid iippi'iuxi'iui'iit, allowing es tate valued ut iMl.l'JO. 1'Miilo of Junior Cook; order to hIiow i'Iuino wli real c-lnlc Mumld not In xolil, BARREOFROMLL GERMiNY RECLAIMS II 111 IWWIWOM IM) ! MM JT M " - ... HIT l nil I I I . -.. . .1. I f $fak ' -i w ' .26 Jim, ' ' -I I . ,1 M II 1,1 lllaMWMIlW.IMIIIMMMW""""..! I I 11 III I , f tuc ptsuiT on tln YrAro'1Mx.r - jthl samc waKvtTt r. ac; itappcax im 191 i" - in . 1.,; ;,.,.. ...nwi.,!. meHgtMig!)gn, ft , fj3, zftiff"' i A VPONt. ftKCAKWATGR KukIi r oil tlil Midi of lln A liinutlt of tin' I;iIm. In (irruiiiii lin ttMlinforiiiiiiliiii inn- In- n wrn;-li' Tin- fi i I iIiumI liii'tl litii nriiMt) li j ,tPn Hiiiillc(l f..r i.uili- '- i i FREE SPEECH FIGHT BITTER! San Dlcfio Faces Loan and Hard Fijjlit Over 100 Street Speakers Are Locked Up With Bail Too to Raise. RAN Dllino. Cal . Kh. lfi.- -II Ih cmno apparent today Hint tht fight for fref miwIi lu Han DIoro I to lw Iouk ami bluer. With inor than 100 atrnot aKakcr In tht rliy and roiinty jail, with bull flxtrtl al $7&0, loo hlich for th prlaonvr to raltie. chaiRa aru ImIuk tnail iwatmU the IMille and folinx ran high. It 1c i1rlaril thai tht prlaoaert in Inx on a lar ftwir with no IimI!iik hihI crowtl forty or mora In a amall MHIIII. At a IiIk tnaaa mHlua of fro hi'hIi adwiratca laal ulRht Hut dty ..Mimll wan nltMrktMl for Ha action iu . nntliiB h iTNtrlt'tnl illalrlrl, ami i ricn fur tho rcraU of Suiwrlutemlout Si'Iiom of tho uolire dpartment worrt Iii'tiril. The local l"idratel TrailtM ami Mulldiim Tratlea Council have iuiel resolutloua corlna tho olty (-'iiincll ami tho mayor anil declaring ilit'.v will tako an actlvtt (Mtrt lu Hih flKht for fru apooch. A big hrlior parailo la to bo held on l-'obrunr) id an a protest Hgttlimt tho ntiicli((l ilowutowu dial riot. WILL EXPERT THE BOOKS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY SAI.I'.M. Oic. Fell. l"i. tiovcrimr Went tmluv nppointcil A. S. .Miller of Sellwoud. (ieoixe A. Ilnrtinuu, A. (' Cunninjshmu uud J. M. Wiley of 1WI liiinl to expert the hook f the conn tv I'oiirt of Multnomah count v. Vancouver Express Ditched. TORONTO. Out.. !. l.i.Fic eni of the Ymicouwr pn,.. wre ditched near llalu in the Aluxkokn (litiict lnt infill, but no mie m. . rioualy iujured llioiiuh miciiiI pan Ki'Ujji'i's I mm the conM were luidlv -liiiknii ui. GRAY Our Friday and Saturday Bargains are of interest to shrewd buyers Infants Hoso, 25c Grade, 2 pr. for 25c I Murk, pink, litfhl liluo, in all sizes, I'ino lislr iluvad, double heel and lot', 2 -mil I'm- i 25 $2 Corset to closo out 89c Wo disoontinuo tlio 0. 1). Corsot lino thi.s Hoiuson. All wo Imvo on hand must bo olosod out lViday and Sat urday. Thoy soil Iroin $1 to $4J, nono rosoi'ved, and your ohoioo S9 19-inch Linen Crash 7c This is regular lOo tpmlity, ox Ira hoa, and sol'l, Tor two da,s only 7 LAND FROM NORTH SEA W1TWCEMTJIB rvlAINLAMD ANP HAMBURG HALLIG A5 IT APPEARED IN I900 limit t. nrp IntrroHtril In rw-lnmntlon oprratlons now blnp: carried on al Itie .im) djk.H Imvr Imm!! "riKirti'tcd by the (I'lTiiinn Kovennm-nt. Wonderful iml Mi. n ix im tillliiK .1 this time how fur It U Inti-ndi'il to ko uliti llif ork In- i.f irrt' it .'UUO. crutm hmu Ifti ltiiuh nml Hi. crnliii' Im - - ;WILSDH AT WORK I OH COUNTY BOOKS Expert Starts Work of Clicckinfj Up Officials at Court House in Jack sonvilleTwo Months' Time is Required. .1. II. WIIboii. itociM'rt ncfountant. la how at work oh the hooka of tin county, having atartetl work Imino illalfly upon thu atgnlng of a contract lth thu county Murt WwlneiwUy. Mr. Wilton tarttl bla work in the elvrk'a office St(jtW Tha work will coat about $700 ami will require two month time. The booko will Ii" gone over back an far an July. 1U0S TEDDY'S KEYNOTE SPEECH HAS O.K. OF PROGRESSIVES NBW YOHK. K.-h. U. Theodore tOMMVll' "keUOta" lUHNNth to bo iltUvrcil at Colunibm, Ohio, next Wednesday waa aent U) ths printer today with the cndurwuient, Il la ilwlared, of the leading progreaetveis Theae Include Governor .lohuaon of California, Colonel William II. Net xiu of ICaiiMia Cli ami (Toorgo Kec ord of New Jera'y. Thla autlon of ilia proreaalvtM. It la reported, haa liealwl tlio breach b' tou Kooavelt and that wing of tho republican part), and It la how bo- ll...k,l cArlnlii lluil u'liian t f. (Iiiia I comet, ltooaevelt wiJI bo at lonal n receptive oaplruut for tko prealdentlal nomination. Uooaevelt, at lb tollultutlon of thu pi inremtl veit, in Mid to have inoillfhwl hlc liitfiuled remarks re garding tho Httltmlo uf thv goern iHMiit toward coi peratlOHs. llecause (lOvernor Johuaou nrofowtw hlinnelf atlafled with Un- i.iruim prealdetit'a Hland. It la licit. 'wd Hooaovelt will plainly ludorao the Initiative, tefer ciidiini and rc'i.ill f JudKoa. Senator Clnini " Minnesota visited Colonel HoohcMli loilny. & Consisis of ('ambries, Nainsooks and Linens, edges and insertion, from 2'io & inches wide, regular price up to ,luc a yard, for .Friday and Satur day .' 5? aO-in. Hope Cotton bleaehed S 300Q vds. Oornian Clunv laeo worth np to loo, spooial 7 Saxony Yarns, all colors 5 shoin AT MOUTH OF ELBE - - - - - -z . r. ..: VALLEY HIT BY i RAISE IN OIL Advance of 5 Cents a Barrel is An nounced by the Standard Oil Com pany, Which Means $200 Increase on First Order. Standard Oil Iih jut nunouueed nn iiirrvHMt of ." ccnth a Imrrol for crude nil. which mean Hint thu fruit grower if lht district will w forced to Hit up an additional 20D In sf- cure their lir-t order, which mnounth to nliout 200.0(111 jfidloi. Mnouiii the irtixi teiiimn lie n lengthy one thi- ordur tuny lie dupli uted. DYNAMITE PROBE TO CONTINUE AT LOS ANGELES l.OS AN(1KLI-:S. ("al.. Fell, l.'i. The I? Anijele-. vounty jrrand jury will continue it investigation uf the ilyiiainitiuir affairs tomorrow. Oluf A. TveitmM, K. A. Clancy and .lo hnuiixn, labor leuderx under iudiet ment, probably will ho witneoie-. The men have beeu ulioenned mid are e.p.ctel to nrrive from Sun Frnn ciscn tonight. EDDIE WILKENS0N GETS CONTRACT WITH OAKLAND Kddle Wllkenson. Medford's star ball plaer, has signed with Oakland for the 1912 sea.on and will leave noon for spring practice. USE ALLEN'S F00T-EASE Tho antiseptic powder to ho shaken Into tho ahooa. If you want rest and comfort for tired, tender, aching, swollen, sweating feet, uso Alton's Koot-Kase. Relieves corns and bun Ions of all pain and prevents bllstors, sore ami callous spots. Just tho thing for Dancing Partlos, Patent Leather Shoes, and for Breaking In New Shoes. It is the grontost com fort discovery of tho age. Try It to day. Sold everywhere. 25 cts. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package, uddross Alleu S. Olm sted, Lo Uoy, N. Y. i MOE 1000 yards Embroidorios 5c PICTURES AIO TO TAFT FIGHT President Has Films Made Showinrj Chief Executive and His Clerks at Work These Pictures Will Bo Dis tributed. WA8IIINCJTOX. I). C, Fl. 18 Confident that he can reach more people through moving picture Ihan any other in oil I tun, Pnwddent Taft to day haa decided to uao "nlckle mleona" am) phonngrapha to further hla candidacy for thu republican pres idential nomination. Thla Innova tion In jiolltlcal campaigning ! the Idea of the president and hla cam paign managers aro btwy cotnpletlng arrangement to crry the achaine Into effect. I'llma have already been inntle showing tho preeldent and white home attaches at work. Theae will bo dlatribulod throughout the coun try to moving picture concern who will llhmtratf; speechen President Taft In to make into phonograph with the films. So Tired of Tired Feet! Use TIZ ('.ft lii "Tired" Out iu n I'ew .Min iiIck. Make Your Fft Sore I'roof "O fudge! ICa awful how tired feet mako you feel tired all over so dead tired. Then, when you've got a corn beside, and a bunion, and a few blisters, and your feet are terribly swollen, you don't care If ou've got "Pull, Johnny, Pull!" a million dollars oure tired, that's all. A million dollars can't help you, any more tahn 23 cents will." A quarter buys a box of TIZ a wonder for tired, sore, tender, chafed, blistered, swollen, sweaty, smelly feet, corns, callouses and bunions. chilblains and frostbite. Tlio moment you use it. you give a sigh of relief, and then you sir He. There's nothing as good as TIZ, so don t accept any attoniptod imitation. TIZ draws out all tho poisonous exudations that make foot troubles. TIZ, 25 cents a box, sold every where, or sent direct, on recolpt of price, by Walter Luther Dodge & Co , Chicago, HI. Recommended by all drug stores, department and general stores. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. C. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contests and Mining Cases. Scrip. Assoclato Work for Attorney! ggg Jfc LAND BARGAINS L. N. JUDD Orchards, Homes, Farms In a Thriving Center in One of the Garden Spots of the Roguo River Valley. See California Now See its attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels and resorts, magnificent scenery, delightful climate. Outdoor sports of all kinds and pleasant drives through miles of orange groves. All reached by tho I V7 SUNSET 0GDEN a SHASTA "Road of a Thousand Wonders' LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to California, in effect daily with long limit and stopovers ' going or returning 3 THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 3 SHASTA LIMITKD Pullman cars and observation cars. IWlilKOUMA KXl'itUSS Pullman tourist cars. High-clans conation. SAX FUAXCISCO KXPRHSS Pullmtm and tourist cars. High-class coaches. Unexcelled (lining car servicecourteous nml uttentlvo employe Call on our noarest B. P. agent for lntoreatlng- IHoraturo dcscrllltie tho various resorts, or wrlto to JOIIX M. SCOTT, General ViiHsmiger Agent, I'OHTLAM), OJICGON "Jusi Say' HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Tho Food-drink for Ail Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with tho weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted pain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. AskforHORLlCK'S, B" Others arc imitations. " j Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Second-Hand Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Fu ndi 30713 MW VAFUCTIESj "Sf Medford Book Store BE WISE 0l m sd? rMS-'" does not consist la driving n cheap Imrgaln, but In securing tho best service. A llttlo Inquiry will reveal tho fact that my patrons aro satisfied patrons. There is a reason. Bo wise. Dr. Rickert Kye.siglit Siieciitlist Over Kentner'a TALENT, OREGON JACKSON COUNTY "Road of a Thousand Wonders' Home not M Hit f'BJ M I Mmntir-m "gW -'"'J ra v vm fiT3) UNUMtTEDV m 1 wll wfk CSflVW3 i