PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATfi TRTBUK15, JtBDTCmD, OlilMlON. TIIVKHIIAY, WWIM'AKY Hi, 1012. IOCAL AND I- PERSONAL a Mrs. ICtl Coker or ilornbrook, Cnl.,' nml hor sister, Mrs. Frank Gregory, of Cotllrnl Point woro In Modfonl Thursday visiting Mrs. M. 10 Fielder nnd family. Mr nhtl MrB. ll. A. ,)nrvls rif Port Huron, Mlrli., arrived In Medford Thursday htflrhlng1 ahd oxpebt to lo cnto horo. Thoy nro acquaintances of Miss "Harriett Qtix, teacher of sclohco 'hi the Medford high hchool. Conio tb Ind Fish Mut-kef for fresh, fealt nml smoked fish, nyators, crabs, clams,' Utilttsf. oggs anU rfriultry. We alo carry k 1fbbd line of clicew and lunch Roods. Give ifs a cull. Wo nro horo to please jou. W. II, Kenworthy & Co. 283 Snldor'a pnro milk and cream at McDowell's. 13. n. Taylor, of Spokane, arrived Iri tho fclty Wednesday. 11. Ij. 'Wnlthcr, manager for the Rogue Kher Electric company, was In Grants Pass Thursday on business. Tho Medtord Conservatory of Mu sic and languages Is tho only music cchool In southern Oregon with a fall corps of teachers. Q. Talllandler, director. Send for catalogue. 27C Mrs. Cecil Morslthew returned to her home at SIssou, Cal., after a visit In Medford with Mrs. F, J. Watson and family. Wm. Ostor or Toledo, Ohio, who has hecn horo for a week looking around, loft Thursday morning for Ixs Angeles. Rooms GOc and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Mrs. Phil Loosley, of Central Point, was In Medford Thursday vis iting friends. H. H. Taylor visited friends In Ashland Thursday. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. J. T. Gagnon returned Thursday from a business trip to PortlanU Mrs. E. Grant, who has been in Medtord several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Hall, returned Thursday morning to her hbnlo in Etna Mills, Cal. S. A. Newell. ladles tailor. 4th floor M. P. & II. Co. bldg. Fred Balch was in Talent Thurs day on business for the Rogue Rlter Fruit association. A. A. Aken, ono of tho proprietors of tho Golden Rule store, returned Wednesday from a several weeks business trip to a number of eastern wholesale cities. Try McDowell's Ico cream and sherbets. R. W. Hitchcock, of Eagle Point, was in the city Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. 3, M. Keeno returned Thursday morning from Portland. Snlder's pure milk and cream at McDowell's. C. P. Drlggs of Butte Falls was In tho city Thursday. W. I. Vawter'left Wodnosday eve ning for Portland. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. C. L. Reanies returned on train No. 1C Wednesday evening from Klamath Falls and left on train No. 14 tho same evonlng for Portland. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. C. C. Meesin or Cayuga, NT. J., and J. A. Katchlan, of Lldgorwood, Wash., arrived In Medford Wednes day. Thoy aro acquaintances of Leo J. Mlksche. Wunted, a toolroom boy at the Valley Auto Co. Mrs. E. D. Brlggs and Mrs. James Mc.N'ary, of Ashland, woro In Mod ford Wednesday, tho guoats of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Angle. Mrs. Addle Rlppoy, who has been spending the winter In Klamath Falls, has returned to her homo in Medford. Tho Home Millinery Is showing all tho latest styles In Paris street hats and mannish walking hats, 1021 West Ninth streot. 283 Attornoy Newbury was In Grants Pass Thursday In which city lib had n caso on for trial in the circuit court. Tho Home Millinery la' showing spring hats In all their glory. 1021 West 0th. 283 Mato ahd Ernest Bidon, C. L. Bon ton und Joo Hlbbnrd woro nt Gdld Ray Thursday gathering In u harvest of ducks. Thursday was tho last day or tho open Beuson for ducks. Early Roso, Fall bunks' Early Sun rlso and American Wonder boed pota toes In any quantity at C. L. Shelffelln'a grocery. 281 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ponbo, who have been employed up ut tho Prospect Construction company's camp, came down from Prospect Wednesday and nro now visiting Ashland friends. C J. Humphrey of Derby was In Medford Wednosdny and Thiusdoy on business. Rev C, It. Lninnr fclurhr-d THurs day to MitUii after a tew days stay In the city.' ' Real homo mtidu blend Si Da Voe's. kxul ixd or mi os a micjucijt note ltbiuhv sjt i: rx xror venr: 'Br- SSSSSgSi JMW.49 J iiU? . ftrf - saaarfs Wt wmil. Zrvi Vrx ie . HWf w iwh4 M-. j MlfJW'll? Bfc ! T tMUMMMAMtt : hlK kw. Sraassssg .-- v.v . IWil.l Mil &9fMftV M.MM MiMitAiM rt kfenvMicMM W MttMin I M4 KMI MMUMM OHMMl tlWf IHCWIIK MtM WK iwMmVh Wp iW Hvtk iii nJ ru t yHm tlt tVlli (: 'utfaKM mux) n EKwsBt .ii" Plll"iB tuS i"i"mM it , MMimnim " l Wmi r4 it VT.?'1 ; 4tlHitaWl,MMl MmMliMlMM W Ki i kA fH M feUM (M hA fit UliMk MWWIII1U linM wH pmtpm4 na MuMinMMtit ttmHimn M '"" W 'Tlfr TI School Superintendent J. l'orov Wells was In Wood vllle Thursday on business cnnnvcllnT with tho schools, J. K. kendrlcks was lit Grunt Pass TltHrsWuy on bifslnes. Carkln vt'Taylof (John II. CaVkin, Glenn O. Taylor), ntlorncya-at-law, bver 'Jackson (bounty Bank building, Medford. JVttortioy V. J. Nufuhan was in Central Point Thursday on lOKn) iinstnws. Ubrattl Sflliy-Smllh loft Wetlnesdny vonliiK fur a ploHsurfc trip to Port land. Tho Cottnxo bnrbor shop has nunod to 19 S. Central. 280 J. W. Llndqulst left Wednesday afternoon fbr Red Hint's, Cnl. Mrs. K. C. Caddis Is visiting Ash land friends. T. G. DorllUK of Rosoliurg was In Medford TuoMlny nnd Wqdnetday visiting Mrs. l.Ulle Ray. Fresh candy dally at McDowell's. Misft 1,11a Moo. of Jacksonville, Is vlsttlhg Ashland. County Assessor W. T. Grieve Is In Snleni on business before the state tax equalization board. Try tho Modern Wood Yard for dry wood. $2 a tier and up. Phone 7SC1, Pacific. 2S1 Roy McCrlte, who has been visit- t MnilfuxJ (uilnffi am f n tW .' 4 . ' , , , . . , Kntlaiul Is bulrj: up a uinjonty of the preclou tx)ok? now being nucUonel 'fT i.t t' e H. M'iumU in Ni-iv nvuKs, .uiuruiu i vuiiuauuj ,- '" ...... u,.rI,ir,'u li. of 1. ml 'ti. at the second tlai'i tie captureil a OnU-iilHW it ' t " U tint his homo In Walla Walla, Wash. stunned las r.vais. The Bible N In two oluiues, at the end or each of which In mi utti 4.4t.uii d Ai I i 11,1 Mi wI.ik Irvine Worthlncton left Wednes- that It belonged to a priest luunvUvd with the CathetlMl of LtrvctiL day evening tor a business trip to Portland. B. P. Anderson or Sacramento Is In Medford visiting relatives. Ed Ilanley left Wednesday evening for Alaskfi. whlthor ho goes to look after his big salmon canning Inter ests. Klrby S. Miller loft Wednesday evening for a business visit to Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Laldley were In Gold Hill Wednesday night on business. John A. Honey, who Is very low with rheumatism ot tho heart, was reported this morning to bo not so well as yesterday, whon there was thought to be a slight chango for tho bettor. Brooks Spencer returned Wednes day from a three months visit in St. Louis and St. Paul. B. T. VAN DE CAR will save you money if in the market lor diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in MecU'drcl PH1PPS BUILDING OlttfHO LIME SUkPHtm 6PRAY :t(! IIi'kiit T xt In M ''I Hiiiuii No 'mU' Kentucky l.liulc I .on I' Aisoiinlo ul' l.mtl Xino Arnonito All'nirn, Oivhnrtl (Iras-, Tiiiiolliy, Vololi ROGUE RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIATION ARMY CAPTAIN FLEES; LEAVES WIFE AND DEBTS Weeks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Xajr Phono 9871 HIlTut Flionest r. VT. Weeki 2071 A. S. Orr, 3093 I.ADV ASSISTAKT. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. lo. Captain J. I). Renins Company II, 30th United Slates infantry, m ntli letio office nt the I'rcMio, i iiiiiii today, lenuiu:, it in declared, n trail of lebt behind him and deserting lit wife nnd two young children. Ten j-enrj ago, in the Philippines Captnin ReausiB' troubles are Miid to have begun when a Chinese tailor tendered his bill to the regimental adjutant. The captain was eourt mnrtialed nnd it wan found Hint lie was .$4000 in debt. An agreement wan reached by which he was to pay flOO a mouth until he wa dear. When the regiment wan ordered to the Mexican border last hummer, Captain Roams vn again pressed far funds, but he struggled along un til Christmas when he told Colonel MeClure that he could make no i'ur- thor -payment. It wiir not known thut lie had iolated hb ngreement nnd eonlrueted other debts, hut IiIk resig nation and disappearance todn.i hrouglit nnotlier expose. APPORTION mm OF ROGUE RIVER Superintendent Chinnock Prepar. Exhaustive Information for Public Will Have Statement Ready to Issue Soon. TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. KViaitWTT, Vsnh.-AihoHnu Iihh boeu hold at ptiMlc auttlou lo nullify a debt. Sheriff J. II. Smith wtn It's thu flmt time .1 Imwmo htii liwn auc tioned off In the tM(i of WnMhliiK ton. MOTHERS 10 BEET WITH TEACHERS 1T0 Every Owner of An Oil Lamp Would you lil morn liijhtU HuUit lilit lot U'h iuomy'f Tho MARVEL VAPORIZER tlm-H il. Hunt air with (he oil. A IK IS KKKK. Tho Vnpoi'izoi' (urns tho oil into pis or vapor, mixon tho vapor with the air nml thou hums it. UohiiII n pure whito, soft, stonily litclil. I'oiiVi-t liht rm' hall' the cosl. Vaporizor onlv Jlo o'iits, with lniruor :() oouls. lOvorvhodv on n ari'ord ono. AInil n onrd to T. Henry Callaghan 102 Mistlloo Slroot, with uuir niinihor and nddross and mt a I'roo trial. Adonis wanted. Heft n lire J.irkifMi t'oiintr ll.tnk WOULD AMEND SPEECH MADE BY KING GEORGE LONDON, Feb. l.'. Sounding the keynote of the labor parly in the hotifco of commons here today, J. It. McDonald moved to amend King George's addros to parliament. He expro.fed regret that his nmjosly had failed to recommend minimum wty ro:ii!iitid!i legislation, the nntioiiulizii tion of railroadB and other ineaHiircH dcKiyiied "lo procure nil equal divi sion of t!10 fruits of Industry." Stocks Gain. NEW YOltlC, Teb. 15. WJien to day's Block market orionod Heading, In good domarid, rose 0-8 and Cana dian Pacific was up Xi. Northern Pacific gained 1 and tho eullro market was steady at about yester day's close. Later, under weakness of United States Stcol, tho market foil back, Lehigh Valley dropping l and Heading 5-8. Duylng soon sout tho loadors Up again briskly. Cana dian Pacific jumped ' and Union Pnclflc 1 point. Tho maiket closed firm. Jlonds wero steady. Schooner Wrecked. SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 1C Caught on tho treacherous shoals off Otter Point, Dlscovory passage, tho fishing schooner Carrier Dog, of this port, Is hard ashore and In grave danger of being lost, A wrecking crew was sont to tho scono of tho accident toduy. According to word received hero, James T. Chinnock, superintendent f water division Xo. 1, is prewiring to open to public inspection next month the proofs and testimony taken be fore the board of centred in the ad judication of water right-, of the Hogue rhernud its tributaries. Tlii uill he followed by the taking of tes timony in content ities. In connection with the adjudication of the wuter of this t renin Superin tendent Cliinnock -Miys he is prepar ing the most complete ttnd exhmiHtivc index nnd digest of all claims tiled on Hoguu river and its tributaries wvtr attempted in thin slate in h ense of this character lie is silw inn king complete itmps of the li cnins and the districts the sene. All nl tliiK in formation will also be open for pub lic inspection next month. ADJUTANT GENERAL IS CALLED DOWN FOR LETTER SNOHOMISH, WmIi.-L V. Km- sin was struck b a bull In his fluid nnd knocked ontlrvly throuxh n board fouce. Two of Krawln rllm were broken, and h lia deeldod to slnughtor the bull. SNOHOMISH, Wah. While dunn ing a "HlghhMd ftliiK" here lust night Mns. (!orj;K NcIhou. a brldo of a week, full anil broke a I or. PORTLAND," Ore "CJlo mo my hat; I am tttft working bore any more," said Karl Hoockel, an Iron worker, lit had fallen from the toil of tho now OroKon-WnHhlnKton rail road bridge with a sheer drop of 130 feet beneath him nnd had saved hltn solf by striking and dinning to a steel eable after falling 2& feet. THE DALLES, Ore. "Yon are charged with forgery," said Judge Hradshaw '(Sullt)," replied Dan McCnne. "Sentenced to from one to flvo yenre." said tho Judge and Me Cuno was hustled to a train already at the station. Tho judge looked at his watch. "Threa minutes, u rec ord," Ktld be. "No.U cn." WASHINGTON, I). C. Feb. 15. Hcoause of "Insulting letters" writ ten to tho secretary of war nnd to General Wood, chief of stuff. Major General AlnRHorth, adjutant general of tho army, was relieved of his du ties today and hold awaiting orders as n measure on discipline. Tho ao SAN p-jtANOISCO. Cal. Mrs. II. iwn was uiKen uy oruor 111 i-ruiuiii ; A 0rll wflM.c,, ... ..u, si1B.u fro, SAN KHANOISCO, Cnl.Suhtrn gotten her aro right on the Job for tholr rights. Why not? Who pays the taxes If tho oltleus don't? The) want, and aro getting, tho use of city automolillOH to carry them to the registration pluuos. Taft. Thieves Ransack Church. PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 15. The police today wore askod to find two thlecs who broke Into tho First Congregational church, ransacked the place 'and departed with $100 worth of clothing that was being packed In a missionary box In the basomeut. THE MOTHER-IN-LAW AGAIN. J3 xStyi F-l 21T65 tho desert. "Where do I roglstor?" she Hk(Hl the clerk. He turned the book around to hor. "Right here.' Sho signed. "Front!" ho called to a bellboy. It was a hotel. LOS ANOHLES, Cnl. Pin 00 of alfalfa, roasted alfalfa mots, ultli alfalfa loaves nti'gratlu, alfalfa salad, alfalfa pudding, alfalfa onfo nolr. This Is Clmrlos Farrell's menu for dinner tonight. Flvo friends will tttko a chanui. LONG UKAyil, Cnl. "You waijt an animal trainer I'm n school teachor," sohboil . pretty Margaret Walker to tho board of oducntlon. oho said the big boys btoke U tho furniture. Hehool olosod. " DHRKKMSY, Cal. Hero's a wom an with a worthwhile fud. Dor nniuo I Is Annie M. Aloxnndor a "Miss" If you please and hor stunt Is flnaiu lug und itcompunylug veitehrate zoological expodltlons. Just hack, from a trip. KO6S. KCGk-UADS. The mother-in-law Is responsible for more troubles between oung married people than anj thing elso, with lovo for stioilg drink 1 close second." This Is the opinion of Miss Rose McQunde, 1 probation officer In ono of tho New York cnur Sho 1 js she bus static les to prove her nssertlon. , , SAN RAFAEL, Cal. a. Jojioe read "Treasure Island," Thun ho droamed of a pot of gold in his back gulden. Ho didn't want to look foolluli, ho ktpt putting off tlio hunt. Hut to day thoio's a holo In tho gnidon and bo's rich. VALLMJO, Cal. Tho colllor Noro will salt from Mnro Island Kolnnary 2S, carrying coal to tho torpedo flo tilla off Hun Diego. Tho uilllor may proceed to Pnnumn later to rellovo tho Justin thoro. A .Mothcis and Ten In in 11 U''--rtf Hie Itoo-ewlt iwclioul will In hcid Frlditr nrteniooii at .1 0VI01 k lliisincss of iuiMittanci will he taken up ami 11 large iiitcndiuicc 1 desired. All small children Hill lit taken care of bv the kiudegiirtvu com mittee. Follow iiiy n the prugmm 1m Iho ul'IcriHieii: I'nir. Addres,- Dr. HtcnnH. .Musicnl m'IccIhhi Mandolin club. Remarks -I'rol'. Hrvendgc. MuHinc. UeHi1tna Mm. Webster. Refri'shmrnix. t-f-f -f'f---f-- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- FOR SLE llarrct Rink TuTl and htiis li:t IhIii 2s I PfTni"tETifFriMmTuFiilshiMr hou. lights and wulnr in the rear of L'.'" So, f.raiw. I2 r.U UHrt , WANTED --To rent small uoumm' h i ! chicken purk and acre of garden Terms must Ik- reasonable Ad dress "A." Mall Tribune. Htl WANTED- Three laTTRSTto take or ders for Vaporisers and gas burn ers generating gas from coal oil without mantels; good commis sion. Apply nt 102 Mistletoe st 1X2 FOTTSaT.E A" getintne' sai, six room modern house dose In, $100 cash, Including Intnrml. PrU , 92200. C. A. McArthur, I'm Iflc 3881. Home 279. 2H1 Monthly Blooming and Climbing Rosos, Troo Rones, Shndo Trooa, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a General Assortment of All Kinds of Fruit Trees H. B. PATTERSON Offlro In Nn.i Holrl libby Inildf Kulmtirn Next (o Itnrbcr Hliop Snlchjnitl IIP Houlli I'lr Hlrcct Offlro Plionn Main Hill Itclilciun Pliouo Main JIU:i '-A''''-e'''-'---'i V V WWW' A Full Line o f Peerless Lamps Tl- lit 11 VT C-T3 1 aii miaramiM'tt. inow is J Ali v iiv'A-c.M-vnnrfffiirrkV 1 ttjmrnmsm 7 tisrilkWSmlXamfKSS l Wi'mm Sli'4M Z CoeyKUMf 5i 1 ' Si i ft Rl I 7 AHtg Ll Ulllyf 1 1 aJv i tlu limo lo w your wired, flood litfht adds (o the comfort of winter months. SO. OREGON ELECTRIC CO. North Grape Street, 4'4T4'rr4T4444rt4tT4r4W-i:r-T--T'--T lIW10WVMH-nHiWHaWM FOR lirc.NT B room modern Iioiih. 915, Including watei. Phone 711 2H3' 'A NT 5D Second hainl"TIaek" h.p for cash. Ilpx U.. Tribune 2X0 AllU'YOlf LOffKINO FOTtA HU8I N1CH8 BNAP7- -Listen to this Lot 2,'xlOO, one stoiy building, oih liIiH'k from main street, i.inoo. Itils offer open only for a few days. W WASTED T. York & Co. snooo for 2 or '. vl-urv on 1 111 proved Rear (rek bottom al falfa is mli near Mdfoid, or JH'.oi) for 1 ar on other gilt edge se cdrlty. :ia2 So (VnHal nvo 2NI L00K at Your Child's TcetH ife orcnBlonally, to see ' it tl cy aro all light and have 110 i,:ip.omJ or do cay. If In doubt bring tho child to us for an examination. Wo aio corn potent Dentists of long and vailod practical oxpuihmco and do tho host woilc In ovory branch of tho profes sion. Our charges aro most moder ate, ns our many plousod patroim will toll you. And nut work novcr falls to glvo satisfaction, DR. BARBER, The Dentist 207-208 Farmers and FrultgroworB Dank llldg., Medford, Oregon Pacific Phono Main GC3 Home Phono 287-L. U.i .- - First National Bank OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undividod Profits $65,000.00 United .Slides and Postal Savings I)o)osilory "We'soliuit your business, whiuh will receive our careful attention. 1'. K. DKULL, PRICSIDKNT M'T, ALI'ORD, OASIIIKIt ORRIH ORAWKORD, ASSISTANT (MSIIIICH Nearly a quarter of a century under tho sanio management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because oil Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of invosliuent Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. T. Vawter, President 0. R. Lindloj Vico Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashior A A v V