(l! PA'GB FOUR atEDFORD" "MAXV .TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON. TUESDAY, EEPRTTARV 13, 1912, If EDfcORD M'AIL TRIBUNE AN tMDIU'KNnnNT NBWBPAPnit FUIIMHHHU KVKRT AFTHUNOON KXCIiPT HUNDAY. IY TUB MKDKOUD PIUNTXNQ CO. Th Democratic- Times, Th Medford Moll, The Medford Tribune, The South ern Oregonlan, Vh Ashland Tribune Offlco Mall Trlbunn Uulldlug, S5-57-2B North rir lroot; phono, Main 1021; Home 75. QUOnon PUTNAM, Editor and Manager JACKSON COUNTY'S WEALTH. Kntcrcd nn second-class matter nt Medford, Oregon, Under Uto not of Marcli 3, 1879. Official Paper of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. StTBnCRrPTIOW HA.TSS. Ono year, by mall ........... .....5.00 One month, by mall SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Moil ford, Jacksonville and Cen tral lotnt ........ .HO Bntnrtlay onlr. by mall, per year, . S.oo Weekly, per year .. 1.60 SWORN CrROXJIATIOlf. Dally nveraRo for cloven month! end Inn November SO, 1911, S7E1. mil tBert Vrtra TTnltta TrtM Sltpatcht. The Mall Tribune Is on Mlo at tho Ferrv News Stand. San Frnnclnco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Itowman, News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. MBDrORD, ORES ON. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest grnwlne rlty In Orepon. Population U. S census 1910 SS40: ntlmated. 191110.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water system completed, civmr nnesr supply pure mountain -water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. Poatofflce recolpls for year endlnr November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent Banner fruit city In Orejton Horuo Itlver Spltienberjr apples won sweep stakes nrU and till of 'Apple Klajr of the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and ft car of Newtowns won rirst Price la 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B, C rirst Prize In 1911 at fipoknno National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowns. hojtu mver pears nrougni. nicnesi prices In all marSets of the world dur lntr the past six years. "Write Commercial Club. Inclosing S cents for postatre for the finest commu nltv pamphlet ever published. ACCORDING to simnlni'ies furnished by tho slalo tax eoiiiiirission Jackson county, as equalized, ranks fourth among tho counties of Oregon in assessed valuation, being rated at :8,027,OSl. and exceeded only by iMulino niahi Umatilla and Marion, in order named. Jackson county's wealth in tillable lands is given as follews: 80,021 acres, valued at $7,(109,147 or $95 an aero. The non-tillable lands are listed at j,iulf,5J;lii acres, val ued at $11,429,805, or $7.87 an acre. Town and citv property in Jackson county is assessed at $7,225,363 and improvements thereon at $3,501,1:10. Machinery is assessed at $182,330, merchandise at $874,- 9G2, fanning utensils at $334,272. money at $03,835, stock at $419,895, household goods at $345,900. There are 5390 head of horses and mules valued at $,373,500 or $09.31 per head; 8251 head of cattle, valued at $140,249 or $17 per head; 8S04 sheep, worth $28,915, $3.28 average; 4200 hogs, worth $13,013 or $3.24 apiece; 1048 dogs, valued at $403S or $3.8o each. Public service corporations are equalized by tho stale board at $4,G15,1S7 in Jackson county, and assessed at $5,494,270. Railroads are assessed at '$4,839,175 and ap portioned $4,064,90S, sleeping car companies assessed at $20,005, apportioned at $10,0 W, electric companies as sessed at $265,8S0 and apportioned at $223,339, express companies at $77,157 and apportioned at $04,812, telegraph companies $41,899, apportioned at $35,195, telephone com panies assessed at $214,305, apportioned at $180,01 G. The item of tillable lands evidently needs revising, for according to the census taken by the fruit inspectors there is m the neighborhood ot 7,000 acres of planted orchard and not more than a quarter of the tillable land is planted to orchard. PAID IN FULL WINS PLAUDITS Ono of tlio Few Very Stronu Plays Written During tho Past Decade An American Drama, Well Acted ijy a Good Company. COOPERATION AN ESSENTIAL TO FARMING. ARE REtDYFOR GONG THIT Bobble Evans, Northwest's Light weight Champion, to Meet Young Dixon In 10-Round Bout Tonight Eugene Visitors May See Bouts. eeted pro- Tonight's the nielit. Those who stay away will bo sorry tomorrow, for tho befit lO-rounil boxing contest ever staged in tho northwest will be pulled off tonight at tho Nntntorium Ath letic club's smoker in tho large skat ing rink of the "Xat." Bobbie Evans, northwestern light--weight champion, will defend his title against Young Dixon of Kansas City in a 10-round bout. Both men have showed plenty of class and are in the pink of condition to go 10 fast rounds. There will.be several good preliminaries to precede the main event. Seats on sale at Nash hotel. Gen eral admission, $1. 1414 ME COURSE IN HORTICULTURE CORVALLIS, Ore, Feb. 13. Registrar II. M. Tennant of tho Ore gon Agricultural collego estimates tho total enrollment In tho winter short course, farmers' week and poultry show as something over 1G00 although the final figures have not beon turned In by all departments of Instruction. "There were S42 students regis tered In the regular short courses," ho says, "and a conservative esti mate places tho number that at tended tho poultry lectures and de monstrations at 7C1, making a total of 1C03 peoplo benefited by the short courses this year, lien formed 7C per cent of tho attendance, and women 21 per cent. "Tho total enrollment may bo classified by courses as follews: Agriculture, horticulture, including poultry demonstrations, 1414; do mestic scienco and art, 1UC; special courso for forost rangers, 7; mechan ic arts, 32; commerce, including courses in business methods and ru ral law, 14. FARMERS of the Applegnte valley have united, eri and equipped a ereainerv to utilize their dairy duets. In this they have set a commendable example to other farmers. Cooperation is an essential of successful fanning. The farmer, like the dairyman and fruit grower, must learn the value of uniting to market their produce otherwise but little will go to the producer. Cooperation organizations have made corn and grain farming profitable to the fanner in the central west, where for many veal's he had either to feed or burn his surplus, It has made orange culture profitable in southern Cali fornia where it was formerly a breeder of bankruptcy. In scores of lines, the value of cooperation has become an established fact. ' Farmers of the Rogue river valley should heed the lessons taught elsewhere and profit by the example of other localities. As the orchardists have united, so should the truck raisers, gardeners and diversified farmers, of this section, so as to supply in businesslike manner the collecting and marketing machinery as well as the grow ing end. x "What use is it to grow produce and let it rot upon the ground? Growers should organize and force the market for their output. Each farmer is a manufacturer in a small way and marketing his product is just as important to him as to the manufacturer. Therefore the selling end cannot be overlooked and the only way the small farmers can solve the problem is by cooperation. (Hy Kil M. Andrews.) "Paid in V'ull" N one of tho few very strong plays (hut ha been writ ten during the paid HI years. We say the lust 10 year, for during that pe riod a new suhool of Anierionn drama tins come into its own. Prior to this time, the theatrical trust thought (hut nothing good could come from uu American author, so often hud tho Knglih play often made over to give it a local flavor ami others were trnndutcd front Ihe French. David Helnseo was the Hrt to take hold of our home product. He brought Chin. Klein to the front. "Paid in Full" hud the usual hard time in receiving recognition. Its author, Kngeue Wal ter, faced hunger before he found a buyer for his ware". Iust night's c.r-t was in the uiaiu u good one. Frank Marlon as Cap tain Williams is nn experienced actor. He has marked out the liner x)in(s and shadings of his part. lie knows the value of a vue. Mr. Maucroft was splendid as James Smith, lie is a careful, paiutakiug netor and was at all times a favorite. Lester Masselt is not quite up to the part of Joseph llnmks. His men tal ision docs not comprehend the character 'the author had in mind when he wrote (he play. Mis per formance is without color, lie puts down the loud tednl in the llrst act and keeps it down until the drop of the last curtain. Miss F.dnu Hrotliers as Kiniiia Mmoks is an emotional actress of far more than ordinary ability; her stage presence is good; -he has a Hue voice, and has graceful action. The rc-t of tho east was very good, indeed, the play as a whole was one of Ihe real enjoyable theatrical events of the season. 600 000 MINES TO QUIT WORK Men Employed In Cardiff Collieries to Go Out March I Operators Re fuse to Grant Minimum Scale Men Demand. LONDON', Feb. Ul.Tlml more than (100,000 i'oul minors employed iu Ihe Cardiff oollerioS will quit woik March 1, when the present wage scale Agreement expire, Mppears ceilain today. Tin-operators have flatly refused to grant the minimum wnuo scale dc. unwilled by the men and the officials of the .Miners' federation aiv iu mn sion here to discuss the situation, Although nothing official litis been given out, it is believed that the gov erning body will iiutlioriKo a walkout luring the next few days. Several weeks ago the men voted on the strike proposition in the event of their demand being refused and III" balloting showed them almost unaiii uiottsly in favor of a walkout. COURTlOuuE news Dr : Kirclijjessner Pmelluu limited to elionle diseases. HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesdays. Hours, 10 to II, PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wntor Hoating All Work (lunrnntfcul. I'rlocii HoiiNOUuliln. COPFEEN & PRICE 03 Howard niocfc, Ontmnrt on Stu Ot. rnolflo 3031. Horn 040. t- j Noyes& Black II0UH1C AND HKi.N l'AINTINO Up-to-l)nto Auto and Cnrrlago l'nlutluK, Gold I.cnc Ulgua nnd Iuterlur Decorating n tipcclnlty, 8bop nuil Orrieo H. drape nml lOtti St. Office Phono 7771. Hot. 7213. All Work l'OBltlvoly Ouarnnteed. Isaac N. Van Nuys Dead. LOS ANOKI.K.S. Cal., Feb. 13.- iaue .M'wtnii au Miys, pioneer business man of Ios Angeles, is dead today after fire year illness. He came to I.o' Angeles iu 1871. His fortune is climated at $.'1,000,001). Even the Spectator Shudders (From tho Portland Spectator;) It was with deep sorrow that the Spectator noticed the shocking lan guage tho Oregonlan employed on Tuesday in referring to tho Medford Mail Tribune. As every ono knows, tho Oregonlan does not love tho Mall Tribune; indeed, our Portland con temporary has an unfathomably deep disesteem for our Medford contem porary. But wo submit that no news paper should allow Its feeling of contempt, hatred, or loathing toward another to betray it into the use of such wicked and approbrios epithets as the Oregonlan employed toward tho Mall Tribune. Tho Oregonlan called tho Mall Tribune a laudator temporis actl. This is not only libellous, but It Is billingsgate; not only billingsgate, but dangerous, as it Inevitably tends to a breach of tho peace. Wo feel certain and the certainty arousesjn us tho very darkest forebodings that tho Mall Tribune will not tame ly submit to this brutal and uncalled for Insult. Nono but a poltroon may bo called a laudator temporis actl with immunity. Tho Mall Trlbuno Is not a poltroon. So wo fear the wo said bofore, wo shuddor, worst and more. And shudder. Tho Spectator had hoped that tho days of ruffian, swashbucklerlng Journalism had passed. Hy following a course of sweetness and light our selves, we have ever sought to set an example worthy of emulation by our contemporaries. We thought that by an exhibition of gentleness and cour tesy and kindly patronage wo might soften tho rankerous hatred that our contemporaries feel toward each othor. And we had flattered our selves that our amelloratlvo efforts had not boon wholly in vain until wo found that the Oregonlan, becom ing even more brutal and vicious thun ever, had deliberately and wan tonly insulted tho Mail Tribune by anathematizing It as a laudator tem poris actl. Thero's no use trying to pour Sa maritan oil into the ruw wounds of the Mull Trlbuno, nor will It avail to preach peace. When one nutyspapor applies tho opprobrious epithet of laudator temporis actl to another, there can be but ono result. Wo expect to seo tho pale air pf Oregon streaked with gore. And, as MEDFORD MARKETS Retnil Prices. 'Vegetables. Potatoes $1-50 por cwt. Cabbage 3c. Parsnips 2 ',!. Lettuce 10c head. Carrots 2 & c. Beets 2 Kc. Onions 3c. Celery 60c Jl dor. Cauliflower 10020c hoad. Turnips 2 c. Radishes 5c bunch. Onions Green, Cc bunch. Fruit. Cocoanuts 10c each. ' Prunes Dried, 10c lb. Lemons 25c dozpn. Bananas 10c to 30c per dozen. Oranges 15c to 40c. Cranberries 10c quart. Hutter, Kggs and Poultry. Butter Fresh ranch, per roll, G5c; creamery, 8Gc. Kggs Fresh ranch, 30c; storage, 20c. Poultry Hens, dressed, 18c; live 12c; sprlngj, drosscd, 20c. Turkeys 20c to 25c, dreued. Meats, Wholesale, Beof Cows, 4,4c; atcera, Cc. Pork 5 di 6c. Veal Drosscd, V'jflOc. Mutton 3 SVfcc, livo; lambs', C 7c . , WARRING CHINESE TONGS SIGN PEACE TREATY BAN FRANCISCO, Col., Feb. 13. Warring Chinese tongs hero have pre pared to sign im armistice until March 7. Representatives of the tongs meet at tho offices of the Six Companies this afternoon to sign up the pact. This insures ponce in Chinatown through lliu Chhiuso new year festivitien at least. , Had this pact not been ngreed upon m nnswor lo Chief of Police White's ultimatum, the authorities would have blockaded Chinatown. All tourists and non-residents of the Chinese col ony would have been kept out and CHAMP CLARK GUEST OE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Speaker and Mrs. Chump Clark will be the guests of President nnd Mrw. Tuft nt a dinner at' the White House (his evening. ' The speaker's dinner, which was inaugurated last year by Presi dent Tuft in honor of the then Speak er Cannon of tho house, is the last formal btato dinner of tho White llouso season. Unofficially, however, the White House eutcrlaiuiiig will continue until Lent. TAFT SECOND LINCOLN BALLIN6ER A new machine wrench of German invention bus a pivoted jaw, which BRATTLE, Wash., Feb, 13. "Somo prefer Washington, others Mr. Lincoln, still others Mr. Roose velt' us tho Ideal representative of true statesmanship and tho friend of the majority," said formor Secretary of tho Interior Ballluger at the Lin coln day banquet heio. last nlKht, "Hut without tuklug tho glory from any, I want to suy that Mr. Tuft is ,iim king history that will place him In tho front rank of the presidents. "The greatest dlfferonco botweon Lincoln and Taft Is corporal, hut tho principal of fidelity to truth, to tho eternal laws of Justice and tho rum- Hoy and I'eed, Wliolcsalo. Hay Timothy, ?18; alfalfa, UC; grass, ;iC; grain hay, 10. t Grain Wheat, 11-02 bushel; oats. J37 ton; barloy, 5-10 ton. thousands of dollars' worth of trade permit it to grasp live of tho six ut"U 'aw J"" a? "' jvould havo. hoeq Jost, . &wa of n JimchboimI mit at once. J'"0" I'00'10 characterizes both. Oh, How I Itched! Uliat lone nervo-racklwr days of con plant tortura what slceplcus nli;litH of terrlblo agony Itch Itch Itch, oon Unt lton, until It seemed taut I must w off wjr vry Wn then instant rtlUf tny Uln cooled, nootlicJ and healed! Tljo wry first drops of D.D.D. Pro Bcrjytlon for Kczomu Htopped thut awful Uc.,.'.JnM,ori"y! yes. the very moment p.DJ). touelit-a the' burning skin tho tor ture ceased. A SGo liottlo proves It. D.V.l). Jihh Iiecn luiown for yeuru as the only absolutely reliable eizeinu remedy, for it washes away the dlHeao Kerrim and leaves tho Hldn as clear und healthy us thut of u child. All other druggists have D.D.D. pre scription eo to Uiem It you can't Como 10 us nut don't accept some iiii; piont ffubstltute. But If yon como to our store, wo nro so certain or what D.D.I), will do for you that wo offer you a full slsso liottlo on this Kuaruntee: If you do not II ml that it takes away tho Itch AT ONCE, it costs you not a cent, Medford Pharmacy, Real ICMnti TrituxitrtloiiN. Jennie (I. Jones to V. .1. Km eriek, land iu Ahlaiul Home stead assoi'iation $1,0(10 K. K. Cook to Ida M. Neil, laud in Tp. 30, IK 1,800 C. I). Rroek lo M. W. Wagner, land iu Tp. 35, IW 1.10 Reua It. Piirdiu to Hoi (if Marie Hciiiii'll, property in Crowell ndd.. Med foul t Thomas Thomson to Jnmun A. Kane, laiul iu Talent 1,000 Kdwiu P. lliigluw lo W. A. Turner; assignment of eou- tracr. A. K. Reames to Kdwiu P. Hughe, laud in Tp. 38, l. 10 F. W. Wald to Rosa Wald Kliiigeuberg, laud iu Tp. 37, IW. 1 lltiin Wald Klingi'iiberg lo K. V. llnlhne, laud in Tp. 37, IW 10 K. V. Guthrie to Knmi Wald Klingenheiy, land iu Tp. 37, I). W. Day to S. L. (lrigshv, lot 1, I.Ik 10, Mitlto Falls. .. r.00 George l.owd to Sidney F. Pot tor, hind in Tp'. IW, -IW. ... 1 C. 11. Freiiidi to (luorge l.owd, land iu Tp. 3(1, 4V 10 L. F. Kirkpatrirk to L. I). Aek ley, land in blk -I, Medford. . 10 Graeo S. Oxborn to Awhlaiid Kloi'trie Power and Light Co. lot 13, blk -ID, Summit add,, Ashland - 1 Clam ('. Anderson to I), llnight, lots and 'J, blk 11, Ilekiiiu'ft amended add., Gold Hill 10 ('has. M. Knglii.li el al to Julius A. Munke, land in Tp. 38, IW. l Pert Anderson to F. A. Palmer laud iu Graudview Orchard tracts io POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) For Joint ItcprcKcntutlvo. I herohy uunoiinco myself ns can didate for .the nomination of Joint representative or tho .Ninth repre sentative district subject to tho en dorsement ot tho republican party nt tho primary election April 19, 1012, I present my candidacy before tho people ns a progressive, I shall sup port statement No, i hecauso I be lieve In It. ,On all other inatters If elected I shall work earnestly for thoso measures which I bellovo to bo for tho best iutorestn of tho people. C. E. WHISLKR. BE WISE V A E N T I N E 5 THE MERRIV0LD SHOP 134 Wit Main. fia docs not consist In driving n cheap bargain, but In securing tho best service. A Httlo inuulry will roveal tho fact that my patrons aro satisfied patrons, There Is a rouson, lio wise. Dr. Rickert FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered iu Medford iu ton lots al $15.50 PER TON $14.75 PER TON , at oar, Sand postal or telephone (Home) SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. Our alfalfa is well cured and is not sun scorched and retains all its rich juices nnd iiotiriihuieut nnd color. The stalks are not bruised and broken and the tender leaves and tops are not bruised and shattered off. Till', FINKST TOP-VALPK HAY THAT CAN' IIH PROIJUCKI). Tho farm is irrigated from Rogue river. Kycslght Hpcclallst Over ICentner'u Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency von SAlii: 20 acres nt Knglo Point, Ja00. 20 acres .'I miles out from Medford -'00 per aero, 10 arrcH improved, house, barn, orchard, etc., IK000. 0 acres Improved I Vj miles out, 7(I00. 5 room bungalow with kitchen furniture, fOO. 5 room bungalow, $ I lino, I room house, filli down, $10 per mouth, $ 7 Til), .'i room house, lot OOxllir., JILT. down, bal. $10 pur mouth, 5 acres 2!)i miles out, Improved, Houhoh for sale. Call and seo us, 1(!0 (ici'oh I Vi miles out, $ 1 CO per acre, TltADK d acres, will take house ns part exchange. 10 nures near Contral Point for house In town, 20 acres up (lilfflu creek good for chicken ranch. 5 acres ut Kuglu Point for u good lot or a team, 2 Rco cars to trade for acreage or lots, 1 have all kinds of trades to offer. Trades, trades of all kinds, KMPLOVMUNT 2 men for pruning, (llrls for general housework. Hlx coal minors. E. P. A. BITTNER ROOMS 0 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel I'liouo II ll Home, 1 1. WHERE TO GO I TONIGHT r STAR THEATRE ALWAVH .V 'I'll I j liHAIl 1000 feyt. of fonluro Flint IOOO ft Photoplays Today ft "IIUOCKTO.V KAIU .N HOIINI-: NIIOW" A complete tour of tho ureal fair of l!ll, showing run, puradi. homo and dairy cuillo show. A film all will wntil to seo. "TIIIC Hlf A W.MAN'S ltl?'MNi'l" 'I'alhe" wootuin diniiia, "8KHI.VU lin-VAI.O" Kducatloiint t'ulc "MINI PNO.K'S CONNUNT" Iteflued Coined)' "A Night oft" The film of a thoinouid kIkkIom. '11m motion picture musicians a i K.vrmm "WOOLWORTHB" Tho Photoplay MiimIcIhiim Itemeiuber our cIiiiiiko days Suudny, Tiicftduy and Friday Mntluoort Kvory Day. AD.MIHHIUN 10c ISIS THEATRE TONIGHT Tine om:inLNs" trio Present "111 ,NI '.al" Their nrlsimil comedy drcwtlng room net, by Pert K Oheriuun. Hcene Two Dressing Room. Time lloforo llm Hhow. Cnt Liii'Mo IllKh Salary, Ailn llelst Ohermnn; Ktlod Fluffy (her imrtutir), Maud Wlltlauu; Ilei'tlc (A FriMit), Itert K. Ohermnn; lludweliter, JiiNt a dog. Three Reels, .'tOOO feet of MOTION PICTURES Rest of Mux in Hpeclal Matinee. Raturdity and Huudiiy 'I p. in. Kvenlug Performance 7 p. m. Seattle Appraisals Bovoral Medford peoplo haro employed us to appnilno Reattlo real estate. Such npprnlnal is usually worth inoro than It costs. Ira J, I)od;o of Medford was formerly connected with this of fice Other Seattle and Medford references on request. It. O. K1USIUNK .i COMPANY i:00 New Vork Illk., Henttlo (Charter Momhor Seattlo lloal Id- tato Assn.) REAL ESTATE Willamette Valley Fnrms of nil descriptions, Garden and Frolt Lands, Timber Lands. Some excellent bargains iu AL HANY CITV PROPKRTY. Wrilo or call on J. V. PIPE 20:i West riccoml .ML. Albany, Ore. W. E. Fhlpps has removed his law office from the Philips Otilltl Inii to First National Bank Culltl liifl rooms 207-208. Telophono number chanucd to 1272. IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will hulld you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY . M. F. and II. Co. Building - up