Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 13, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A number of women residing In Kills lodge No. 121? will hold
Clarence Keanios, nn attorney ot
Medford, Ore., nnd nephow or Kvan
It. itonthos or this city, la In Klnm
ntli Foils on legnl business. Mr.
UcantOB Is exalted ruler' ot the Med-
1 ford lodxe or Elks, and owing to his"
I high position In the order Ivlniiiuth
tin) western part ot tho valley were
rnlled together on Friday, tho 0th
ot Felirunry, for the purpose ot or
ganizing a club, thn.objegt to bo for
civic and eoclnl Improvement. Offi
cers were elected nnd n name, "Tho
Sunset club," decided upon. The
next meeting will be held nt the resi
dence of Mrs. .1. MacOlatchle,
February 23,
J. 8. McCrolght, a rocent arrival In
Medtord, from Twain, has purchased
the Medford ClennliiK ami Dy Works
on North Front street, from F. 1.
100 ncrcs of good land, 20 acres
tillable, balance pasture laud; small
Jalic; 300.000 feet of yollowplno saw
timber, 1000 cords of oak wood tim
ber; only C miles from Eagle Point
Can bo taken for tlmbor claim or
homestead. Price ?17f. Sec A. B.
Sallng, room 21 Jackson County
bnnk building. Residence No. 6
Tripp street, or phone Main 4271.
Mrs. Itlcbard h. "Wilson at Hooll
Lnno, who has been In Los Angeles
for the past month, returned to her
"Valley" homo on Monday ot last
Snldcr's pure milk- and cream nt
McDowell's. "
Horn In Los Angeles, on Febru
ary 10, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Hart, n daughter. Mr. Hart Is a son
of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hart of 43
North Orange street, Medford, and
Mrs. Hart Is a daughter of Mrs. II.
F Mender, formerly of Medtord, now
residing near Talent. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Hart were formerly residents of
Miss Marian Stancliff, of Phoenix
was visiting Medford friends Monday.
Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu
bIc and languages Is tho only music
school In southern Oregon with a full
corps of teachers. G. Talllandler,
director. Send for catalogue. 276
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elmer, ot
Phoenix wore In Medford on business
Mrs. J. J. Haielwood, of Portland,
haft purchased the Mistletoe grocery
from her sister, Mrs. It. Smith, who
has conducted the business since ear
ly last summer. Mrs. Hazolwood ex
pects to enlarge tho present store
building and greatly Increase the al
ready -quite complete- grocery stock.
Clifford Hazelwood, her son, will ho
In charge of tho store. Mrs. Hazel-
wood left Monday night for Portland j
to close up her buslnoss affairs there
preparatory to moving to Medford to
remain permanently.
Tho ladles of the South Methodist
church will glvo a chlckon pie din
ner Wednesday at the parsonage at
25 North Oakdale. 2 S0
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Flood and two
children, of Spokane, stopped off in
Medford Monday night for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Loomls. Mr.
and Mrs. Flood aro on route homo
from a ploasuro trip to Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Follettc of
Eugene aro In Medford for a visit
to IS. M. Ward and family.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Noble and daugh
tor, Miss Gortrudc, who have been
visiting In Medford a few days, re
turned Monday to thoir homo in
Rooms DOc nnd up. Hotel Moore.
Special rates by weok or month.
G. M. Jonoe or tills city look train
Ko. 20 thin morning for Ronoburg.
Ore., whero ho will tako up his rci
(Iciico at tho Soldiers homo.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Murker of
Belleville, III., arrlvod In tho city on
Rooms G0c nnd up. Hotel Moore.
Bpcclal rates by weok or moath.
Mrs, S. Phlllipps, of Jacksonville,
left Monday night for Missoula, Mont,
whero her husband is omployed.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Portal left Mon
day afternoon for Son Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Uurtholf loft
Monday night for Donvor, Col.
S. A. Nowcll, ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. & II. Co. bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Burgan of Pull
man, Wash., arrived In Medford Monday.
Mrs. II. A. Mack, of San Francisco,
arrived In Medford Monday night for
u visit to her friend Mrs. A. Mc
Naught. Try McDowell's Ice cream and
A. C. Randall returned Saturday
from an cxtumled visit in eastern
Canada and the Atlantic coast states.
II, W. Barron, ot Ashland, was In
Medford Monday. ,
Carkln & Taylor (John II. Carkln,
Qlonn O. Taylor), attomoys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank building,
Informal reception In his honor to
morrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock, at tho
Elks' clnbroonis nt Fourth street and
Klamath avonucr Klamath Falls
Mrs. Farmer roturnud Tuesday
morulng to Gold 1 1 lit after n visit to
her aunt, Mrs, A. S, Hoftoiibatitu.
County Judge Noll was In Gold
Hill Tuesday with Comity Surveyor
GrlsK looking after road matters,
part ot which was tho matter of
widening the approach to the new
Snldcr'a pure milk and crenm nt
M. B. Palmer ot Detroit, Mich.,
was registered at the new Medford
Rooms 50c nnd up. Hotel Moore.
Special rates by week or month.
H. Offenbacher of Applegate was
in Medford Monday on business.
Mrs. M. Gust and son, C. L. Gust,
nnd daughter, Bcrntce. left Tuesday
fifr a visit to their old home near
Pierre. S. D.
Sco R. A. Holmes, Tho Insuranco
Man, ovor Jackson Count- bank.
Dr. J. F. Roddy loft Tuesday morn
ing for his copper mine, near Le
C. A. Hough was in Central Point
Tuesday on business.
The Cottage barber shop has
moved to 19 S. Central. 2S0
Clarence Meokor was at Ashland
Tuesday on business.
Real home made broad at Dc Voe's.
Parly of Twenty-five Business Mm
Arrive o) Special' Car ami Spend
Day Sizing Up City Auto Rides
and Danquct Provided.
The Dally Hint from Paris.
Mrs. II. C. Kentner and her friond,
Mrs. Jennlnps. were visiting Phoenix
friends Tuesday.
Fresh candy daily at McDowell's.
Mrs. D. L. McNary was In Phoenix
Tuosdny visiting friends.
Wanted, a toolroom boy at the
Valley Auto Co.
Mrs. It. IC. Sutton arrived In Med
ford Monday night from Klamath
Falls. Mr. Sutton is expected to ar
rive In about a week when they will
commence work on their new homo
in East Medford.
Try the Modern Wood Yard for
dry wood, S2 a tier and up. Phono
7S61, Pacific. 2S1
The Young People's Guild of St.
Mark's church will hold their meet
ing Thursday. February 15, iustcad
of February 22, as planned.
Tito Kurojio morulmiitf, U.1 in ttuiu
tier, arrived in .MedYoril this moron ,.
They were neoonipnhied here lv Pros
ittdiit Colvi r tlio Medford Ot
mereitil club. ,who got liimveU nuc
up with them in s-onto way while t n
the Irain, Mr. Coh'ijt being on Ins re
turn homo from Portktmh
Mr. Oolvijr promised thec goi'tk
men from the WillunuMIe uillov u
that they would be siven nn oppor
(unity to bak in ploriotf miiiIiimo
upon iirrivins; here, but thi Matemc t
could not be given full credit hci.m c
to them it wtw the seeming impos 1
ble. However. Mr. ('ohi'- nimn
wax kept and upon the arrival t!
train here the mih wji shilling buM
ly and the little birds wore clinpi
in the treetopx.
A delegation of Medford people n it
the vis-itor at the train nnd esc-orler
them to I lie exhibition building wlie.e
there wore it number of Niitnuwbiloj
in waiting to carry them nrounil Co'
city and fo Jneknonvilfc. The p.irt
rotunied from Jacksonville n lit t
after 12 and took liineh at (lie pen
Medford hotel.
Another ntltouiobile ride !. planned
for tlii- afternoon, and ome of thorn
will the Medford schools. Tin
evening a banquet will be give.i the
visitors at the Medtord hotel.
1 111117 i
H 11
m mm
m Si '
Ny; ww f T f UT 11" T"! sHCI
Election nf Directors for Cominn
Year and Discussion of Work ot
Past Season amj Plans, for Future
' Occupy Stockholders" Attention.
Vtinuul uioctliiK of tlio Utytjio Ith
cr Fruit and Product fcoliftlin I
biim; hold TiiMdn at' the nHMorlii-
tli n waiehouM. Tlioio Is n larnc
rprcMi'titiUlon of nrweri luesoiu
..nd the work of the past .scar ami
oiit'.nok for tho ftitiuo dlscusnod. A
jioiiimlttoo will bo appointed to carry
on negotiation for a uiorger with
Hood Uixi'i" and Weiiatehoe to
tablNh a sellliiK agencv, eltner b
purcli.iM' of the Northwtwturn Fruit
Exchaiigo or otliprwht. '
Dlroitoia for the euuliit year will
li I'otted thin afternoon utitl the
(In 1 1 tout will elect a mwiinger.
Mother OrnyV Swwl I'lnvdcm ffii
t'hlldrcn, a (Vituln relief for Fcyar
Ishnow, HwidiicliK, Had Mtoiiincn.
'IVetblng niaontoii". movo and rogii-
Into Iho llowota nnd Hi'stuiy Woiiiih.
They break up colda In 'J. I hour.
Tliov mo m) pleasant In thu taste
Cl.lidri'ii llko them. Over 10.000
loslliitonliilH. I'sed bv Mothora for a:i
Mills. They never fall. Hold by nil
Di'iiMKlals. 2f'C- . Sample mathMl
FUEW, Aiidir!, Allen S. Oliusleil.
I.o Hoy, N. Y.
I MiivIiik no ootial on oat tli u variety of
'mineral wrtlein nml cm lug iIlieitHOii
that iiiodloluea will not loach. It you
ato In need ot health, cento now. Wo
aro open all the year nml can plvo Iho
I best of cam and uttentloii now an well
as In summer. Htngo tin 1 1 v ftom Itud
Bluff In the spUngti. Fuitlier par
llutilnrs adilriiHii
Tl'HCAN KIMttNtJH. t'Ali.
1U loading 7-r7l ton of coal into
i Mssel In four hour and ar "iitlii
otcs a few weok ago. a Italtlmoro
ijtllrout established a new record for
mih nn oprratton.
A conductor' iMineh conlniiiiug a
li'i o i''ck to emlM iihhi a tiekel
the lime thut it i i-iuid ha hoyi
dci :ucd for Mlroct railway me.
rhrt Cue -n.
M CtotM. VG. '" ' (fen l
Youlhf Jt r' rci- p "k brocaded oven.
'nc Rimn io c i- or I curti of liom
Btltchrtl ros pir.k raoj sc ;na Uo oIo.
t'ruai Marcir. Pan.
Textile Workers Denied Vrit of Ha
beas Corpus on Charges of Being
Accessories to Murder Now Ac
cused of Inciting Riot.
LOS ANGELES, -Cal.. Feb. 13.
The trial of A. D. .Maple, charged
with complicity in a pot to blow up
the Hall of Hocords here, was be
gnu today before JudKe Ooorgo Ca
bannlss, sitting in place ot Judge
Willis of the superior court.
Tho second trial of Hort II. Con
nors, clmllarly charged, was set for
April IC. Tho Jury In'the first trial
of Connors disagreed nnd was dis
charged. The trial of F. Ira Bender, the
third of the accused trio of labor
men, Is being continued from day to
day, to ho set.
Weeks &McGowan Co.
Dy Phono S371
Night Phoneis r. W, Weeks 2071
A, K. Orr, 3093
LAWItHNCE. Mass., Fob. 13.
Denied writs of habeas corpus on
ohnrgos of boing accessories to the
murder of Anna Laplzza, klllod here
during a parade of striking textile
workers by a stray bullet, J. G.
Ettor and Arturo Glovnnnitti, strlko
loadors, wore today made defendants
on charges of having incited rioting.
Like tho first charge against tho
Imprisoned anon, the strlkors assort
that the now charges wore trumped
up by hirelings ot the mill ownors,
who hopo to doul the atrlkcrs a
(loath blow by tho incarceration of
thoir leaders.
Detective Charles nencardo, who,
according to the strikers, is em
ployed by tho wool trust, at tho hear
ing today of Ettor and Giovanlttl on
charges ot being acco&sorlos to tho
death of Mrs. Laplzza, testified that
he had hoard Glovannltti make the
following statement:
"Sloop in tho daytime. At night
prowl around llko wild animals and
look for blood. At night you can
knock the heads off the scabs. In a
few days we will bo ablo to count-
tho broken heads and they won't bo
on our side." Tho charges aro do
njed by the prisoners.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1.1.- -Attar linv
iiij; her tenr frozen to her ohc0k
during a hysterical' experience in n
biplane, Mrs. William Duulitp today
doelnroil her ambition for neriul ad
venture has died. George W. Hontty
took her up 1000 feel over Heliuoni
park. Thou (lie motor stopped.
Heatty managed to lhle the Machine
to earth. .Mrs. Diuilap i under lin
en re of u pliyieMii.
TIEN TSIN, Feb. 13. Yuan Shi
ICal uaked the foreign powers to rec
ognize tho title conferred upon him
!y tho Manchu dynasty that of presi
dent plenipotentiary of tho Chinese
Thoro booms llttlo likelihood that
tho powers will grant tho reiiuest.
Fifty years ago the average con
sumption of fuel por horsepowor hour
was about five pounds; now It Is
less than half a pound with Internal
combustion onglnos.
Tho French gmornmont now re
quires aviators to bo llconsed, to
have their nornplniicH numbered and
to carry slgnul lights at night and
horns for use in fogs.
Epwortii League to Meet.
Tho Kpworth league of the Fiit
M. K. church will hold iu regular
monthly biiMiio-s iiicefiny, In be fol
lowed with u valentine social, til the
homo of Mr. and Mr. C. Meoker, Uir
North Hnrtlett stroel, this evening,
Tuesday, Fcbruarv l'.t. As there w
much neciimiilated mid overdue fini
nehh to be deposed of, it is urged
upon nil members to make u speciul
effort to show up nt 7:1(1) p. in. hhnrp.
Much iutuii!t in beintr mIiowii bv
all members of the league iu ruxurd
to the biiildinj.' of Hie rniw clinreh.
The litaguc expect ft to make u largo
donation as well as the new
league rooms wifh Iho nccesary l'ur
iiihliings, which will be in keeping
with the piogreshiveno",!. of this de
partment. It in expected that the league will
also tnke up the matter of fice-iiring
deaeoiie for the (hurh. The mem
bership of the church is so huge mid
so scattered that it ih next to innins-
sible fo'r the paitor to keep in touch
with every one and by scouring thi
added help the influence of the
church will be greiltly increased.
Montana Federal Judge.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 13.
I'rosldent Taft noiulnntod George
Dotqtilu to be fodcral Judgo for the
district of Montana.
Elks Ball Wednesday.
All rvn ration for iho Pk bail
Wcdne(duy niyrht Iim hifii eiiutilet
cd; the hall i bemt decorated Mudrr
the Miperviioii of Blaui Klnm; ex
cellent miimo has eei Mijiijfd : floor
has been kept iu the boM of iottdition.
and xevcral novel feature hove been
arranxed. Dancing will commence
promptly at S'Ao.
II. Hwirtfleld will open a French
dry cleaning and bat establishment
In Medford Wedncxdny and says be
will have the nst complete plant
of Its kind In tJ' state with the lat
ost lniiroed Machinery. The plant
will be locatodjkt the corner of .Main
nml Laurel streets and the up-toHii
office will h tho Second door oast
of tho Moore kotel. Phones Pacific
:t S 3 1 . Home 0. Mr. Meartfleld Is
experienced U his lino and asks for
a share of the) bnaines. 2 So
Vi carry a very complete lino
of ilra rirK i i curiums, fix
l i i il tout tli) it 1 1 i l.tuxt'tr (if
iip'ioImI, ruijr A k. cinl tnnnti
KK nftrr id's i.ik i '
Rml Will ll . RoO.t k.TWlll HN
In iHiHititil.' to al III rt'ii lliu
l.irK"l chips.
1 T .
Marinello Face Powder
Konufits nnd Huuutifhis
The PoWlItT that Sticks. A Mollis wondeiliil pitilcclioii nith
no iluiiKor of injuh.
.liide in thlee liutx while, lie b mid hiirietle. Price fiO iKWls.
Ask for IV triixelci'l pnekoi-r. Tli will en .1 you linllllllg lllll
will eoniiioe you Hint it w the MtO ir"!'frct fjWlllT.
Marinello Shop
407 Garnctt-Corny Dldfl.
Pliones G75I, 343-K
To Every Owner of An Oil Lamp
Would von like iihhv lilit I MUv WitUi I'm' less iuoue f"
Burn air with A IU IS KU'KK.
The rnKH'iy.t'i' turns the oil into '.ms or vapor, uiixox tin
vapor with tho air and thcil burns it. IichuH a puro
white, soH, steady liu'ht. IViTi'i-t lixlit Tor half tho cohI.
Vaporizer only :3o cents, with hurucr "() criits. Mveryhody
I'lin afford one.
Mail a card to
T. Henry Gallaghnn
0'2 .Mist let ot Strci't, with your iiuuihei' and addres and
;i't a free trial. Agents wanted.
Itefeieiue Jaksiit CoiiHty Usnk
Clark & Wright
WASIIlXfiTO.V, l. O.
Public Land Matters: Final Proof
Desert Lands, Contests and Ml nine '
Cases. Scrip.
Associate Work for Attorneys ,
Second Hand Store
Monthly Blooming nnd Climbing Ronos, Trco Roios,
Shado Trooa, Small Fruits, Strawberry Plants and a
Gonoral Assortmont of All Kinds of Fruit Trooa
Office Iu Xasli Hold libby nilo Iviilrntico N'cl lo llnrber Shop
Hnlcsynril 111) South I'lr Street
Office Plume Main (Mil ltildemo Plion.- Main Ulliil
You might It tlieui all and they
never could tstl, Iwesuse they do uol
know. Neither do we. We will not
argue hecuuse it takes time and with
us tlmo Is tb Ijsmo. We could not
srgutt with ou that our sprs.v hose
vvss the lfest rer insde, no srgumeiit
coining. We know It is tlm best he
causo we know how It's made, lie
cause It's nisite u order, the article
wo had to hare win the best the fac
tory could uikke. Let us show you.
In selecting a line of Paint we
chose the kind that covers tho earth.
Hurls Sam buys more of S. W. P.'s
Paint than all others combined l
cntis It stand the test. We lan do
your plumbing for you chtsipor Mum
any one can do It. but wu won't bo
cause we do not do cheap plumbing.
Wo do your work I lie best It can be
done and you get the- htt work at a
living profit to you, not always for
us. Von might orill us foolish If we
said we exiieetud to do more busi
ness this -r than lu any year In
our history, but that Is just what
wo re going to do. You just look
In mid see th minors currylug shov
ols and picks out of the stole, Just
notice Him net houses goliiK up all
over town and uxk the builder where
he gets his hard wars and why. They
can tell you and will. If one auto
mobile will not deliver It two will
and oii Just notice tho one Is al
ways on the toad. Youih for the
largest hiiHn yet.
West Mala and (Jrapo strooti.
ivs?3--rs j-'-- -jKsri''.' - --r.i
utiys .inti sens bcconn-Marui lioous, 1 1
Copper, nuhber, Br.iss, Etc. : v
M. J. PUCKER, Prop.
15 North Fir
vt" y
Home Il.'l
Hell IIIIT'-i'
Look at Your
Child's TeetH1
Two Holei in the Household Pun e
Tf you use butter otherwise than' as
a spread for bread you arc watting
money, because Cottolenc will make just
as light cake and pastries as jou ever
made from butter, and it can be bought
for about the price you pay for lard.
One-third less Collolenc, moreover, ii
required than of cither butter or lard,
with rvwinio.... .. - !. ..
,, v.wiuiEuw ym uvc jji anoiner
way. Lard-cooked food leads lo indi
gestion, add indigestion sooner or later
lands you into the hands of the doctor,
Use Cottoleue and your bills will be
less both with yo ir grocer ami Willi
your family doctor.
4 -
t ,, " -i-4-
WANTi:i')- Women to ivork on In
dies' coatK and skirls. Must hi
oxporlcuied. Address llox !IIG,
cggH.' 'iitfwii'Fiv ' isr"
I -lM. r
1 1 .jtiiite&
mm j. mm
A Full Line of
Peerless Lamps
All Kiianinleed. Now is
Iho lime to '! your Iiouho
wired, (loud lijjht mUfo to
the roinfui't ot winter
North Grape Struct.
or af(iiialh-. to Hi-fc that they aro ujl
right and liao no siiiploms of de
cay. If Iu doubt bring tho child to
us for an examination. We are coin
potent Dentists of long and varied
pinctlcal experience and do tho best
woik In every brnnch of tho profes
sion. Our cliai'K'-M are most moder
ate, as our many phased patrons will
tell you. And our work never fulls
to k'vo satisfaction,
DR. BARBER, The Dentist
207-208 Fanners' and 'r ill tern worn
Hank Illil., Medford, Oregon ,
Pacific Phono Main 003
Home Phono 287-L.
National Bank
CAPITAL STOOK $100,000.01)
Surplus and TJndividod Profits $GD,000.00
Unilnd Slatos and Postal Savings Depository -WcTrJolicil
your business, which will roooivo our
(jarel'iil alien! ion.
FOU HALI5 A homo for sale.
looms, cuxt front and latgo lot
Am goliiK awail will sell (heap
and on good toffn. fall 128 W.
Main st. 1J. v Allen
Do von n.uif. your Iniwi put m
fiixt clu- .ipe7 All wo,
ifiliir.i'ili'i i la'liii' liddl'e . villi
If. It. I'iIIii .,n, (u.ikci Nut f j . ,
N.i I. b Id
I r Of mu STj Vnt j B
lM m Wu 'H ,ll" 1 H
ll.nd H k-t mp. linnd - n
IVili..; k y' ' iitf. t a
'"" w mkwi " ' u
Is . mi c2W.H "" V M
1 i M $mw'' II
-II ''.t irKSt ' 13
I II t flry,. I Hi
Hi ) fcn'tffr Ki f'r a MB
a J VrllOi ipl U g?g , ,' l '
1 li hi .(-UT'" mm i n
sf " " IjKUwiMIHMMOirS W
I1 Medford f
Book Store'
Nearly a quarter ol' a eenlury under the sauio
Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon '
It luiH aueceeded heeauHe of
Soundnefl of prineiplo
Economy of nianagonieiit .
Safety of invest nient
Courteous and liberal treatment
W. T. Vawtoi', President 0. It. Lindloy, Vieo Pros.
O, W. lrel)onald, CiiHliier