fflX" Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Max. I1J4, .Mln. l:t, Hunt. It Ilnln tomorrow. 1 . Dnlly- HUlli Yrnr. Putty Flint Ymir -UP OF LAQOR LEADER! IS Arrests Mailo In Clilcnno nml Olliw Cities, Despite Assurances From Indianapolis That They Will Nut Oc Made Until Tomorrow. INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS ACCUSED OF CONSPIRACY No Announcement Made ol Definite Number Involved More Troulilo Tomorrow. CHICAGO, Feb. i:i. I'mli'd Slntim ('oinitmwioner Foute imtnv inwinl warrant rir the urn1! nf Pitmulenl Frank ,M. Hynu ol' the Inlciuuliuiinl AiMMH'iiiUnii of Hndjtc nnd Slnieliir.il IruiiwurkttrM; tii'i'ietim lloiililiiiu of tilt1 'Im-niio I(hmI of the himh union lllnl 10 OlllHl' jHtllHilll. TIh nrmnU wete mkihiI Ihi uihU hill were kept tn'emi until to (Ihv. All Htv IihmuiI on the linliiiiiiip iilin inillrlmttnlt. Th lloiitiliiin nml It vim indni in cut (')mriftt iKJHHi'Hev to cunmm Hit HrilHwfut MCl HlHIIMl lllf I'lllted Slate legNidimr '!" ti'iihiit(ili"ii of iiilioglyiteritic mi MMHuj(ir triuiii t'HRngfd in inti'mlai comou'ieo. The officii! of tllf ill'IWllmi'llt ol juntiett mitiotiiicml Huh iilleitiiMiit tlnil it rr ct of nil Cliicim.i hi imi indicted by th tinlii4iiMMiliM Kiuiul jury were 'tainted fin tomorrow. Itotiutl t'p Toiiioitou, IXMAKAPOLIK. Intl.. Fob. 13 -OwIiik lo tUlny In imiuImm of federal kthhiI jury liidlcliitoit found liar rwtflMng vrloim cltlwi wIiwkj iiihii SJiinim'il ln1thif32'ror. lnoro'triiij lillln rutin nod nwlilii, It wan minouticod lier Ihla nftrtrunon Hint n general roiiiul-ui of the int'ii hi'ciiim'iI or com plicity In u eniinlr-.-uldo tliiuuilfi plot hIII not coiiik until toiuoiroM Home fen nrriwU limy ho iiihiIo to liny, loit they will Im only In Isolated InatHtiriM. No uiioutmmtnl of n definite m tur )imi yot lon mnilo hh to tho ex net number or iHhor iiihii itrcuuHl or Imrlun been In eoHiinuuletUliiu or or eniiaplrliiK with tliu MeNainttriiH. It Ik IiuIIiivmI, however, tliut moro tlmn CO urn timiind In tliu 32 liiolrluiHiitM lelurneil. Of uf, uiot nio do lll'VHll tO lilt III till) OMtft. II In llllllllt- fill whotliHr any .moil urn to lio ar retted wont of Mull l.ko othur Hum thorn who Iiiimi already limm iihiiiihI publicly u iimlnr Misplrlon. or htiv- I UK llHI'll rOIII'DI lltl III tllll Hllt'lU'lt m- rli or plot which tlio KovHiiiiiit'iit iIikIhi'im culminated In tliu iltwtruc (0 of lllll l.im AiikoIum Time. Others I'ntler Ani'M. ItOOIlURTEIl, N. Y.. Ko.li 1. -(ifwioncu Dowil, liiialuimii UKHiit of llm liicul liriiiuili of tho uiimliinlHtH' iiiiiou, wiih nrniHtoil Imro toilHy on u fiulorul wiuriuit In uoiiuuntlDii with tliu ro turn of ilyiiiuultlii); ImlUitiiiuiitH hy tliu IiiiIIiiiiiiiioIIh fcilcrnl rnnd jury. CI.HVUI.ANI). Ohio. Koli. 13.--Tho ninwit of I wo Clovolanil iiiimi Iii illctcil ul IiiiIIiiiiiiiioIIh for connccllon with tho nlli'Kt'il ilynnuilto iilot uro cxpccicil liiuionow. Tho cuiiIiihch in i hod today. GERMANY TAKES Murders nf German Subjects in Mex ico to Bo liivosllfjnlcil May Re sult In International Complications nml Force Undo Sam to Act. HI3UI.IN, l'il. I a. Tho (liinunii I'onilKti ofrico toduy uniioiinroil that n iiiiiuhur of iiiiirilorH of (Ionium suh. JoitlH In Moxlco hud houn onluroil In VUMtlKlltud. Thin Id tho flint Intimation that (ioi'iiiaiiy nilclil taKo a hand In tho JMiixIcuii ti'iiuliliiti, Only tho liaro aiiiioiiiicumuiit. wuh mnilo hy thn fori'lKn officii nml ovory ol flclul approached positively ref.iKoil,0 o iiimciihh uie move in any way. I ROUND UNDERWAY MEXICO an MINTED! KYyN INIMAN M'nl.ls .,, l.i, . "Till' I ullril Sliili - iiiiIIioiiIich Hill Mini it ic nuhl lii'ic wlicncvcr limy mil inr." wniil I'nii!iu( yn of tint Irnnwoikci on IciininiK Iui1h tlmt 11 win mnt hit tl Iipi'ii Uotttiil for him in ('liii'Nitti. "I mil not Hfrnid of the fliHiytiM Mini nut eoullilcti! Il.-Ht I will hi' ulilii lo itovi my iimoi'i'tii'ii of mii.v criiiiicflKui wilh llif MiNiiiniiiii iImih- lllllillt!-.' WILEY predicts E TO Pure Food Expert Says Wealthy Will Soon Face the Underpaid and the Underfed Insane Worship ot Money Is Country's Greatest Vice. WASIIINfiTo.V. I'.th. 111. I'rmltn. (ion of ii icvoliitioii hy iiuiloi-jmiil hiii! iiiiiliirfi'il Aiiu'rii'uiiM uiim iniitlc licrc toilnv liv Dr. Iliuvov V. Wili'.v, yov ciiiiiicni pine fooil cvpcil. "TIih tuiii' in rapidly npii'oni'liiiii,'' .mil Wih'y, "hIii'ii tliu wi'Mlthy will In en moll vinli'iii'H on the trutiU. Thin Mitiiiiiion will lie din to (ho 1'nxt up proiiHiini; diiy when working people will Iih ditprixi'il of iiiciiiik of niiIi ilcncc. lively iIh.V tliu ohitiiui of thf workuiif mini h liHconiiiic woix'." Siippleiiientniif hw Hint I'liii-ut ie UHrdiiiit moll viiileiiee, lr. Wiley nid: "I thoroughly iiKrce with .IihIkc (ihiv thai unleHh oiiiethiii in iliuie to iilleMiile prooiiiil eoiiilitiiiiih of lin K'it in tho iiNtion, uioh rule im hound to eouie. Tho Heiiliiiiciil. of unrin( mill liiii'lcllce conn Iioiii ovur enp iliilixuii; llie Ki'i'iit iiiiliihlriCH, the sell iiit; of Hiitt'ivd xloi'k, the promotion of uuiUiIck hiliil Hi'liiMiien, (he e. tortioiiM of iixpii'HK, telephone ami lelcjiiiiph HVHleiiii. Mini iluii'im of other McliemcK for (lecithin and do fi'iiiiiliiiu thn people. "The ui ttil vieo of llm eoiiiilry i ilH iiikiiuc uonthip of uninny. My plan for relief ix not moli violence n ictlinlriliulo wcnllh, hut education Hull will hriiiK u xlutu of mind for hiddiiiK tliu illiitinuite iiuiMiuinhitioii of wi'iillh nml iuKiue fi never to thii Million it fiiiidiimi'iitul piineiplert of llheily, jubilee and eipial uppor tlliity." NKW YORK, Fob. 13, At tho opening of the stock market today pi'lcos weui slightly lower after yea tiMday'H holiday. Heading and I.o- blgb Valley worn off l'j mid othur Icudni'H declined uniull fiuctloiiH. A slight riuiry kuiiI United Slatea Steel down to fiS'i, tliu IowohL flgtuu of (ho year, mul had an uusettllug In t'liieuce on tho general market. Sup port noon sent tho market back to tho opening level. Pacific Mall lout a point. Tho inarket cloKod atrong. lloiulrt wetu firm. ANTI-LOAN SHARK BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE WASHINGTON;, Feb. CI. An null loan bhiirlv lull was pnsbcd today by Hie house, II uhliihlUhcd J'J wv eeiit nu IIiii lixni 1 rule nl' inlei'iiril Hull iniiv (llllW(( ,y oa uKoiutos in the )iMrto( of ('uliimhiii ill Hffi ri sr Bm . mAf i wmm - v. r -m IB EXTflBTDH TwlODlTOttD, TERDY SAYS ) Wll TALK FOR HIMSELF Roosevelt Says McKinley Is Not His nfflpl-il Mnolhiitnrn nml Ic Pntinliln uf Doiiin His Own Talklnji Reply to McKltilcy's Statement. TAFT SAYS TIME'S COME TO CLEAR ATMOSPHERE flnlljtti itl niinnrii n llfnll n f f (nncn I r unuy ui UIIC031; is iicii us uiiitiuu to Be Followed Henceforth Fol low Up Attacks on Insurgents NKW YOHK. Kelt. I. 'IMunno my for mo that CoiiKreioinuiu Mo Kluluy Is not my official ininithploco. I am rnpnlilc of iIoIiik my own tnllc Iiik." TIiIh wan tho only leply forihi'oin Iiir from Colonel Theodiiro ltooovelt loiUy. to a ntnteiiiKiit IhhikiiI yimtor lUy hy CoiiKrimnman McKlnfy or IIIIiioIh to tho effect that Colonel IIoohovoII whh ronccntnitluK the HiroiiKth of the pronreHnlvcti, ami thai UiIm liriiucli of tho inpuhllcan party would lluo up ho Idly In Hiippori of President Taft whun tho propor lltne nrrlvuil I'lihlie uiinouiicciiieiit of the receipt !' n letter M'tit from ('liii'iixo hy eijiht Vovernoi of wextorn wtat. in which he huh urcd to iiiiiiiiiiiii'c his can duliiev for the republican presidential iioiiiiiiatioii, wiim miidu this aitcruodii bv Colonel oomelt. llcHaiil: "I mil Kvir tliu letter careful at tention nml fhall reply to it within n "hurt time, probably iodide n wuuk. I'ntil that time 1 can iMty iintliin on thn ubjecit." The lut tur, it in roiortid, wiih ile livi'rcd pnrMiiuilly to C'oloinil Itoose vol! by former Tinted Stnle- District Attorney Kdwin Sinn., cliiiinnan of the Knoxeudt tinlioiial coinuiiltcc. WAHIUNCJTON. I). (!., Fob. 13. Indication that President Taft linn "IiihIiIo Information" that Theodore ItooHcvelt will not lie n cnudldato Xor tho ropulillenu pretddentlal tioiiilna llnn Ik Hoeii In a Htatement tnado hero today by tliu president upon bin return from Now York. "The tlmo luiH comu." tho prenl ileiil hhIiI, "whun tho political atinos phero niiiKt bo elMiroil. Tho next four motitlm will bo cotisunmil In mIiowIuk up Hch, hypocrluy ami vinls ropritnoiitalloii. ".MlHreprenuutulloii must ho ex pected ami met ilurltiK tho coiiiIiik ruiiiinli;ii. The conflilonco of the ilnmocralH In clearly mlnplacoil. It Ih duo to a iiilniind(irntandliiK." StiniK by recuiit attaekH on It Ib ml iiilnlntratloii. Prenlilent Taft clearly Indicated that In tho futuro IiIh pol icy would be one of offonso an wall iik of dofenn'. He opened the attack tlurliiK IiIh recent tour of Ohio ami followed It up but night In bin Bpoocli at the Hepubllcau club ban ipict. Pi'ooliluut Taft told bis cullers at tho white bonne today Hint bo would continue "to combat inlHrepronentu tlou of bis iiilmlnlHtratlon both within and without tliu party. Ho declared that liorimfter ho Intended to mako n "direct altael; mul u firm defentio" In eeiy upeoch he delivered. "I am not iipoIokUIiik f'r my ud mlulHtratlou." tho president told his frlenilH. "Hut I tun anorely moothiK attack with attack," BIG SMOKE'S GEMS (WICACIO, Feb. 13 -United Stulcs secret service oporatlvoa today raided tho home of Jack Johnson, champion heavyweight pugilist of tho world, and ffolzed a JfiOOO diamond neck lace which ho Is charged with having smuggled Into tbla country upon bis return from Buropo, It Ih roported that Johnson will havo to pay $ia,000 duty mid ponnl tlca on tlio ueokluco It be redeeuia it. The socrot servlco inon declnro that when Johuson'8 houso was Hoiuehed and tho diamonds) wuro founi, tho prizefighter tried to Bot tle tho cane for $1000 but Unit IiIh offer wor refused, OM'XJON, Tt'KSDAV, mUlUAUY 13, 19J2. PARISIAH BEAUTY COMES TO AMERICA TO DANCE. 1 19BK -' '5i8raPr WMBMm M15J CLARA FAUK.ENS f '. 4 , Miss Clara Faurcns Arrives With 33 Trunks for First American Entjayc ment Will Sinn at the Winter Garden. Another homily of lh hUo of Paris, MIh Clara i'nitrimii. 1hm JuhI come to thin country. She was en Kiinihl for tho winter wnlon, In New York, by Lite Kliuhert when be was In Parln. MIkh KaureiiH nlugi! ami dances. Slut has appeared In Hie Moulin Houro mul the Folio Itorxere, In Paris, ami also In St. Petersburg. Vi enna, llerllti nml UrusM. the Mcb srs. Khubert report. This will be her first appearance In America. She lias played In South America. Wllllnm J. WlUqM, staRo director for the Moss. Bhyni, niw the act In Paris anil will stapo It here for MIm Faurens. It toSk S3 trunks to hold her wardrobe, nnd the ship news reportern heard rumors of a collection of diamonds ami pearls. ENGENE STAND-PATTERS ORGANIZE FOR TAFT Kl'OBNB. Ore. Fb. IS. Hesular republican leaders will meet hero to night and sIkii a eiuniwlmi list to foster the CHiiilldncy of President Taft for renoinlnatlon. State Senator llean Is nctlvely pro nintiiiK tho tueetliiK. He knIiI that Itoosevell sentliiieut was troiig in Lane county but that "Taft senti ment was growing." ARIZONA'S ADMISSION TO BE SHOWN BY FILM WASHINGTON. Feb. 1.1.- When President Tuft sijim tomorrow the proclamation linking Arizona with the histcilmoil of sta,teti, the net wiH he porputimted in a inoiu; picture liliil. The piesideut hud iMiiuninted to huve the inctiiic taken, hut he ha. not yet decided what shall he done with Hie lihn alter it is taken. TAFE PETITIONS IN GENERAL CIRCULATION LA (JltANOB. Ore., Fob. 13. Pe titions to place the namu of Presi dent Taft on the Oregon primary bal lot woro placed la gouoral circula tion throughout wtorn Oregon to dny. The pelltloiu aru backed by the Taft campaign coiamltteo. According to J. H, Poaro, chair man ot tlio local Tuft committee,, tho petitions uro not wanting tor blgn era in Lu lirmule. SECRETARY KNOX OFF ON CARIBBEAN TRIP WASHINGTON. Feb. 111.- Start ing" his diplomatic lour of the repub lics BuiToumliuK tho Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sou, Secretary of State ICitox is today on his way lo Piihu Honeli, Fla. Ho will remain tlioro u week before eiulmrkin on the armored cruiser Whinglon for Co lon, llih itiuorar.N has us yet not been completed. gompers"refusesT(T discuss indictments WASHINGTON, Feb. i;i." tiut not discuss (he Indianapolis indict ments," said Samuel Gonipern, presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, here today. "All I can ii,y in Hint I hope the nccuscd men are in-noocnti" . . - . -ari. ' ' H e"''' f w&fynexm mi BEAUTY W. m FIOIIWHUIB Mt:M COMES TO OUNCE Wm I I K E L I COUNTY CLERK Well Known Real Estate Man Would Invest the Income of the Office in Rogue River Land and So Keep the Money at Home. "Yon etui announce my candidacy for county elerk," tutid MosO Hurk dull, the uell known realty operator, thii, morning. "My platform is sim ple. I lure it i: "All the money I Uke in, including yame nd fh as well as marriage li eeiiM's, will be iiiM'uted in my own name in Juckion eounty rout estate. Thif will keep the money in circula tion as well ns keep the price of roul etate goiiu; upward-. "At the end of my term, whenever that happens, I will sell out mul cash in. keeiiiiur the nrollts myself. The use of the money will, in the menu time, Imve elected me president of a bank and I can easily borrow any amount, if 1 am short. Tho county can't lose, because I urn under bond. Hvervbodv will be bettor off to have the money used at homo and I need the profits myself. "Yes, that's niv platform nnd I ex pect to win hands down," concluded Mose, E TO TRY SGHMITZ SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Feb. 13, Nine permanent jurora are in tho box for tho trial ot former Mayor Eugouo Schmidt on a cburgo ot complicity In tho brlbory of tho supervisors In connection with an ordinance increas ing gas rates. A venire ot 7fi nppoared boforo Judge Luwlor today anrt tho remain ing soat was filled by tho ipialifylug of Noah Swanson. Tho dofonHo then exorclsod threo of Its poiomptorloa, leaving Swnunon, Henry Pausmau and Hernial Harms to bo sworn ns porinanont jurors. This was done and tho examination ot talesmen to till tho remaining three seats was proceeded with. CLARK AND WILSON BOTH CLAIM OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla., Fob. 13. Although both Speaker Clark and (Jovernor Wilson's supporters toduy claim tlio Oklahoma delegation for the presidential nomination, nothing doNntto will bo known till the pro duet conventions moot on Saturday. Heturns are yet Incomplete MOS BMKDOL GAND DATE 0 STEEL IRUST REPORTS FALSE STATES Hill Railroad Magnate Says on Stand That He Quit Readinrj Annual Financial Reports Because They Were Not True. OFFICIALS BECAME SCARED' AMD CANCELLED ORE LEASES Igncrance of Mesaba Claims Shown. Controlled Ore Fields, But Did Not Know Whereabouts. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 13. James J. Hill, the railroad magnate, was again called to tho stand today when the Stanley house committee resumed its Investigations into the steel trust. Hill aMcrted that the Lake Superior Holding company which had held the Mesaba ore lands for the benefit of tho shareholders of the Great Northern railroad was reorganized Into the Great Northern company. This, he said, "was a trust pure and simple, as tho company held the lands for the railroad shareholders." Hill Shows Ignorance. Hill betrayed remarkable Ignor ance regarding the location of tho Mesnba ore lands. Ho said whon he leased his ore holdings to tho steel corporation he. and his two asso ciates, Longear and Ucnnott, con trolled practically all the oro fields except thoso hold by various steel companies. Declaration was made by Hill Hint the United States Steel corporation cnncellcd its lease on the 1UU ore lands because its officials were frightened, adding: "They just ot scared to death, hst their nerve completely and went white." Asked to pivc some reason for this Hill said that he know of none, but the stool corporation's attorney vol unteered : "Hoeauso the several departments of the jrovonimont were camping on their trail." Found Report a Fake. Chairman Stanley then questioned Hill about statistics in the roport on tho steel trust by the bureau of cor jtorations, which indicated that the trust was over capitalized. Hill re plied: "I started to read Uie roport, but I found it so fur from the real facts as I had found them, that 1 did not finish it." When asked to show some of the alleged inaccuracies, Hill evaded the issue, declaring that he was not an export on the subject. SIR EDWARD GREY LONDON, Feb. 13. King George today nominated Sir Edward Grey, Urltlsb secretary ot stuto for foreign affairs, to tho exclusive Order of tho Garter, an honor which many rolgn Ing sovereigns covot. Only four otbor commouors bavo been privi leged to wear the hluo ribbon during tho oxlstenco of tho order, and It is nearly 200 years since the Garter was conforred on a commoner under sim ilar circumstances. Sir Edward Grey, who rcprofconts tho conservative wing ot tho 1'boral party, has beeu prominently men tioned us the successor to Premier Asiiulth, whoso retlrouiont has boon porslstontly rumored. AMERICAN SOLDIER OF FORTUNE DYING SHANGHAI, Feb. 13. Genoral Homer Lea is reported tonight to be dying. The American soldier of for tune, who is 8ufferiii from diabetes, was largely instrumental in the down fall of tho Munch it dynasty, having been u chief military counsellor to tho rebels. Says McClendon Is Better. A telegraphio report from Sail Diego states that Sum MuClonilou of Gold Hill, who wiib thrown out of mi auto Sunday and sustained a brain concussion, is much better and will probably recover. No. 279. EIS TO RESIGN 0FF!GE CJ-wmecsT) TXikct Jam n. Duke, president ot tho American Tobacco Company, It was announced nt the offices of the com pany In Now York, Is to resign his position in the near future to accept the chalrmnnihlp of the Hrltlsh-Amer-Ican Tobacco Company, Limited, a for mer subsidiary, with Its bead offices Is London. ONLY BOLE OF State Officials Convinced That Diaz Methods Were the Correct Ones for Southern Republic Only Way to Insure Safety of Americans. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. "Only a rule of blood and iron, such an Por firio Diaz k!1vc, will do for Mexico." This, in substance, is the expres sion of morabera of the state depart ment here today on the Mexican sit tiation nud the apparent failure of. President Mndero to insure the safety of American citizens and American property in Mexico. At the department it was declared that the United Stntos is not con cerned whether Mexico is a republic, an oliparehy or a dictatorship America wants only to bo biiro that American citizens will be protected. The Ptato dopartment officiate bc liove Mndero's moderation is largely rospousiblo for tho disturbances. They point out that Diaz' iron rule lasted more than a score of year, and that only when his methods be came inure humane was ho over thrown. MANCHOS OFF CHIMRONE Abdication of Crown Complete and Edict Was Perfectly Clear and Sat isfactoryNew Republic Is Ac knowledged by Premier. NANKING, Fob. 13. In a letter to Dr. Sun Yat Son, provisional presi dent, of China, Premier Yuan Shi Kul acknowledged tho now republic to day, greeting the president and the inlntstors of tho Nanking government as brothers and expressing tho hopo Hint the futuro ot Chi nit would be prosperous. Tho loiter was couched In tho most friendly torins, Yuan of forlng his cooporntlou In ovory pos sible mutiner. Discussing tho abdication ot tho Mnnchus today, Tung Shao YI said; "Tho abdication ot tho throno is nbsoluto mid tho edict was perfectly clear and satisfactory. I bavo no connection with polities now, but am only a plain and humble citizen ot China." TRAMP POET DESERTS WIFE OF UPTON SINCLAIR NEW YOHK, Feb. 13. Harry Kemp, "tramp poet," has, uncording to mutual friends today, deserted Mrs. Meta Sinclair, divorced wife of Upton Sinclair, author of "Tho Jungle." Tho "affinities" havo been living in a bungalow at West Point Pleas ant, N. J., hiiicu Mrs:. Sinclair's nf. feetiou for Upton waned, and she de clared her lovu for Kemp. The di vorce followed. Kemp was a guest at Sinclair'n home when his intimacy with thu au thor's wifo was discovered, JAMES B D miiauaiiiniL. VKfltitC K -HI ml OB OLD Ml 0 ?;-