II I J 1 t ) V i s l t a Jl v It n it T ft l it U U K tl ti E s tl a b IV JY CI S J H li a ! s a it it p Ci cl 0 a w Ji ' A in li A e U s ill u tc II ic in K & to hi in i 61 V R 01 Id oi PA'GE SIX i"i vnt'jri mm w MEDFOTTO MATT, TRTBUTTW, MTCDFORT)', 0T?F.00:t SATURDAY, TOTOU AKY 10, 1012. Hi STATE! AND IAN RESCUE CIA Two Governments Unite In Prcscrv lii Integrity and Insist Upon Ob servance of Open Door Individual Intervention Is Opposed by Both. JAPANESE CEASE PLANS FOR GRABBING PORTION GKUAT SPORT! Proclaimed Republic Is Granted NeiV Lease of Life Jap Gar risons Reduced. 11ERMN', Fob. 10. The German foreign office today, through Assist ant Foreign Secretary Zimmerman, Issued n statement to the- United Press today on the recent exchange of notes between the United Statos and Germany. These notes, seeking to protect the open door in China, are regarded as the most important step yet made toward German-American diplomatic cooperation. The official statement follews: "TJie scope and object of the American-German exchange of notes were to make known that preservation of neutrality by the powers, towards Chinese events, are necessary in the mutual interests of both countries." Tho exchnngo of notes is believed here today in diplomatic circles to have a two-fold purpose. The exchange notifies the world powers that America and Germany are unitedly opposed to Individual Intervention with possible territorial designs. And It notffles China that Joint ac- CATARRH, ASTHMA, COLDS AND CATARRHAL DEAFNESS QUICKLY GO Hero are some symptoms of ca tarrh; if you have any of them get rid of them by breathing 1IYO.MEI. It Is guaranteed to banish catarrh. Is your throat raw? Do jou sneeze often? Is our breath foul? Are your eyes watery? Do you take cold easily? Is your nose stopped up? Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form inVour nose? , Are you worse in damp weather? Do you blow your nose a great deal? Are you losing your sense of smell? Doob your mouth taite bad morn- IllgB? Do you hae a dull fooling In your head? Do you liavo a discharge from the nose? Does mucus drop in back of throat? Comploto IIYOMEI outfit, which includes inhaler, ?1.00, extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents at Chas. Strang's and druggists everywhere. ill I Si I Jmfi" ROMANTIC PLAY DELIGHTS MANY Applause Won by Principals In Grnu stark Yoiiiiu Star Favorite With Audience Class of Play That Do llljlits Many Company a Good One. (Ilv IM M Amliews.) "Clnuihtnik" (lie jiluv, like tin' llOIlk, in it ill'liKlllt'ul lOIIKltlCC. Il i till ctiteitmtimeiit to lie cnn('(; u book lo umd on it mininicr'a nltcr- iii. on. Tin' htry i md fnuiil. II I ,iin u limiiilil'til eiitciliiiiimoiil. W'lilli' il Ih lino Ihnl 1i.m of 'hi I'iii'l "' KlMtiit wu In tin' luolih'in pht. M' di aunts like "Oniifdnik" will nlwuv tin in ili'iumiil. They ui" iiu'kI l'w I'liinlini: In iiiiuk' pimple. Tlii'ii' U mi uki' in tlio lilV of ''iv ii'i"im lit which romance li ciirtuiiilv H Kiiuili clt'llll, ullllll'KIIIIII' Itlllllllll'l'. Tin' east tit' last ii'ikIiI'm production wiim n ir uoml mil'. ('.Mil Knummd llillilt' il koimI liioklinj luu'i llllil pIll.Vi'il Inn pail with ii "I'll it mill ilitli tluit lit OlICC lllllllll llllil II I'lixiniln with llm nddleiice. Fiiulciick Mcdiiiik wn a (ni Hi'i'iiiiil iii popular In iir. Alkiu l.tiwieiiee, it minister nl' ! Iii'i, plu.M'il IiIh pml with ti tlm-li which mil v chiiich f i mi liik' I'll"'!! cure, .Mr. Itiiuii'iii'i' i n M'tmmi iti'liir, luiiiiir ln't'ii ii li'iuliiiK Miippml In Mni'v Aiitli'i'Min in lii'i uilnt iiii, -. I.IIUIhO VII H lllll plIlll'CNH III' (IiiiiihIiiiIc wai ii t'lixoillo t'lmn Ihm Ill'Ht I'llllllllCll tint 1 1 till' ill Kp ill' llm IllM I'lltlllill. MiHH VlllllllllllO n MMIIIrf, hIih Iiiin iiiiI n( lilildfii I'm i'h I'll iii her tiu'iiNi hIii' mIiiiiiIiI itiukn n kumiI iii'Iii'mm; hIu Iuih lii'uuly, n iIi'iihuiK Miii'i', toitipoimiii'iit, kuii'i' oi iim" iiidiiI, IiiIi'IHki'Iii'i' unit mtiliitliui. Tlio lllllIM' lllll V llll'llllll'rn III' till' l'll"t, MlHK IIim I mill l.miU Itlitm, wmc miv uum) III lllll' pill I H. ill fill'! till' N I)) iv ho hiiIiI n' all tin i'IimI. "(Iiauolmk" WIIK It Hlll'I'imM, A imir llidit fin iiiitiiiiiulilliH, wlilrli hud tin Mwuiig frmii liolilmt a urii'i-n lulu Ikv to nIkiiii! folluwIiiK M'lilili'H thill tin' mio rni'DlliK It In i;iiIiik Id Ninp, Iiiih Iiimui patmiloil by u New Joimiy mini. Ne Yufk irr tion of the powers Is certain If for-) elgn Interests go unprotected. j SHANQHAI, Feb. 10. Concentra-, tion of Japanese troops along the northern border of China conned sud denly today, following word of the exchange of notes by tho United States and Germany, on tho question of intervention. Many Japanese garrisons havo ac tually been reduced, following Jap an's receipt of the attitude of the United States and Germany. The unusual size of some game fish caught in irrigation dltcliee In the state of Washington led to the bolief that they had fattened thorn selvos by eating alfalfa, and an in vestigation proved tho theory correct. For rostaurant purposes a coffee beater has been Invented which In jects a Jet of steam Into a cup of cold coffeo Just before It is sorvod that door. PARSONS SPEAKS 10 MANY PEOPLE "Strive to Enter in the Narrow Gate" Is Subject of Sermon No Diminu tion of Interest Shown Much Good Being Done. Ifev. Pflrmn'o kmIjW at the Pr byterfttii liurclt 1'riilny night vea "Strive to Knter In." Mr. 1'arwnn. tiil in part: "IillemMri lead to destruction, lint it take effort to hevmtif h Clirintinn. .Men don't drift into the kingdom. '1 Min the door,' bh Jeux. The per sonal relatione to .lcus into which we may enter nic mir iiitnuice into In the Honl h ill ex- to snve Impairing its aroma by keep-1 pcrieiiee lie are simple, it is to make Ing It at a high tomperaturo for liim our teacher, our mii hearer, our hours at a time. advocate mid mir F.onl. "He called tin k MHrrow door bo cauii it is u simH' experience tlmt .ill must pa. HimukIi. It may wiry in turut and ntiin4iicc, lint for all jt k switiallv (Jie sutiie. "Mirny tliiupi tend to llslit ii)eititiht ii-. as vi xict to cnler this expcii ince. Iciic iii' Muster said. 'Strive to enter in.' "The pride of intellect that prefer its own tliouitht to (!oil' icelatina. the pride of heart that would rather take uuv deltiHiou tliiia humble itself to the hiiuht's place, prejudice tlmt hIuiIm the door of in tellect hikI emotion, the loe of the world that drap the miiiI, the slawny to the ill iihs of the pus 1 1 hut makes moral eoftitrih) of men, the natural in ertia of sinful human nature that make men prefer inaction all thexe are the cuewws of the soul that ap proaches tliM narrow door. "Hut we oucht to Mtrive to enter, hut'Hiie that door will never he wid ened. If we iiiimh its eulrauce it will he ii toil'iniie course t ocomc back to llic adaptaliilily of on tit when ate lias iiimle mind it ml heart rittid. Tlmt door uiciiii". life and to miss it the Hceoml death. Then the glory that lien hexmd it in wortli it. It Is Just as Important to use labor-saving devices in the home as in the factory The Electric Iron does the ironing in half the time necessary with the old iron, BECAUSE YOU NEVER CHANGE IRONS Rogue River Electric Co. ;XmmX AAA 't :, M$M$ aTa-ata, aT& aT. .$..$. .. , : V"-WV-VV f f Y T t T T f f T f T T f f t T T f T T f t f T T I 44 Back to the Woods We have the facilities that give quick service to our customers and a stock that will meet your requirements. -m-v; Our Own Timber Our Own Mill Our Own Dry Kiln k Our Own Yard Save the Middleman's Profit WOODS LUMBER CO. Pacific 11 MEDFORD, OREGON Home 1 3 a T ? T T T ? T T T T ? T T ? t T f. f, T T T T- ? T t t T ? T f. t KK '