'. W f C . . V! There Must .Irili .. -m t l r . . JL:!9 custody oi , ..rw wumn vii . . - ..u roo. . .-. rsiw r-rr i i . i . ' ; . r -'-'.'" ,, Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Dr. A, A. Hotilo loft Wmlnodiiy afternoon mi a vlxlt (it hi parent In California to ho gone wlHMit it Ili'Mltll. Mm. Hurry (iurvlii returned to lnr Ikiiiiii In KoHuhttr k 'Ciioniliiy nviuiliii;. Hon. ICiik.'Iih Clmflii iIoIIvommI it latino luri) ut tin- Y. M. C. A. hull UVilmwility itftiiiiiociii. OwIhk to li lunir mill tli lttitl wHiiliir In illil not li1vi iiiurli of an Hinlli'uc. W. K. Kulilor Ih vlaitliiK frlniulH ut Alliniiy nml runallU thin winOi. Anionic tlto IViilrul I'nliit hhiIh In .Mmlforil WiHliiraiilMy won Mm K. J. 'hiylor. MImh MrNwwir, MIm UurrliiK. Jt W. Myorn. A. V. Moon, (lorK Nlnliolii, II, !'. 1'iwrl, Mr. Hholl. Mr. Diinton, Dr. AnuVriton inn) Mr. Niko la. 'Ttio I.ONKHO roiitiMt ut tint M. K. nlmrrli Iiith Iiiih i'IumihI. tin whlt mIUo (mmiiIiik out xlolorloiiM. TIiIh Iihm liiMii -tlic iiumt IntoruMtliiK ov'Hiit In itlmrcli clrrlim Hint linn v'r lnmn In Cmitrnl I'olnt. Tim inititliiH, MIm Aimii (3lihM'll Hinl MIm Anilroy I lulinoH, lUworvo iiiiu-n infill In thi'lr xiHiloiiH woilt nml iiiitliiiiK "tfortrt In tIiIk koiiiI . inon To lw tlm nmnlt of tliB yuiitiK Iih1Im' work, tlio Ithkh now hhi n iiii'iuln'rnlili of Jirt ' or iiiory now innilllmrt. A Imiujnot will do kIVmii liy MIm Anna Cntilwoll nml iillinr ini'intKitu or tho l.ixiKiio on W'nil nimiluy vt'nliiic. I'tilirunry 1 1. .Mrn. I.ixxln Ucn of Ornl l'itw VH tilt KIII'hI III' .Ml. I It'll I'l'lllt Moll- tins iininir. .Mr. nml Mrn. A. V. Moon hti' (Irtinttt I'mmm vioilort. ThttrilM.v. t.t'u Itfnll rrtwrtM'tl (o'Iim linine in lkoHi-w Tlinrniliiy rtniuon flT -ttitinir hit niotlii'r, Mi-h. Ann lion II, Mini otlit'i' itilnliVH). in Ibht xifinity for tliO lmt two wih'Ivh. Itihii (Irinr nml hi on l.inlo wcif Imjvo frtnii lniMPt (.ttvcntl tliiyit lliin w'l'i'k nml rt'lunii'il homii I'ritlnv. I'tirry I'lliott of Hiitlu I'ltllH wh viftiliiiK licic thin wtu'k. IC. .loiii'N Ihih moved hit family frin (Vntriil I'oint to I'liiiccl, wlu'iv tlmy will ninkt' tliuir fiitnio luuui'. Mix Mi'u of AiliKiit(', who lia lit'iiii viniltiifc Iiit ilitiiKlilt'i'i", Mo .Mary A. Mt'i' nml .Mw. Hiiiiiwi llflili, for hoiiio inontlih, Iiiim mtiirncil Ihmiu'. !Aiiioiik tlm Ci'iitrnl I'oint t'oih thnt Hiint Thnrxiliiy nftuinoon in Mfill'onl wen .Mr. mitt Mi. Hiinloii, ISjrM. Ilnlili, Mihm Mury Mm, Mr. ami Mr. M. It. Knulmitl, A. .1. I)iuiliii nml Ji IC. Ilrmwcll. SUTTON SISTERS WIN TENNIS TOURNAMENT HAN DIHdO, C'l., Koli. MIsh Mny Hntton ami MIhh Klorvnou Hutttin Hwi'pt tho coiuIh at Coroiuulo ilnr Iiir tlm flrflt iliiy'fl piny of tho tomil tonrnuinimt horn. Thny onHlly tlo ft'iitt'il tho local playoru who woro pKtmt UKiiliut thoiu. llotli hUIoih tiro koIioiIii It'll to play In tho' inlxotl tlonhltiH Into today In i-uuo n iIoiiho foj? llftH by Hint tlmn. OITV TltHAHimull'H NOTICH. Nollco Ih horoliy kIviIii I but tboro iirii fiiuilii on hanil In tho city tram ury for tho vodoniptlon of warrantH iiiiinlmr Ufl, 7. 'J8, UO. !I0, ill ami :p, IhhiumI ii;aliiHt water main Im pi'ovoiuiint fund iiiiuihur II. Intoiont op iiaiuu will ccuhu at (Into of thin nollco. , Moilfonl, Oipkoii. Kobniary 7. 191U (iya ir. HAMinoi.s. City Trcamiror. i I'OH HALIO OK HKNX i'Odt RKNT OR 8ALK Flrat claim garden and fruit tract with Iiouho, barn nml chicken park. M. A. Rador, Medford, Oro. llA)K ItKNT IIOUHICKKKl'ING ROOMS FOR RKNT Now ami up to date apnrtinnnt tinodorn In ovory partic ular, gaa cooking, atoam heat, oto. Binlth'ii apartniont Uouso, 217 So. Klvoralilo. FOH RKNT -Two fiiinlHlicd iTght hoiiHokeopliih' niouiH. Apply morn. Jlijju. -12b South Oilkdillo. 270 a Be StronglFamily ResemblanceBetween Mutt nts tmi? U30Mr(C MO vov evuv. sew M5'5 GOT Tnf iVllUl.Jl.T ffVffS ND HtSfSD ww " -- J EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS ' r P. IHrrll of Kilon Vnlloy vIhIIoiI North Talt'iit Tiiomlny, IniyliiK ourly M)(t potuloi', (iooiKo (lanluor, Tiiti'iit' roal ou tfit!) man. sn In Anlilmnl Momluy. Ho fliiil ii grout nuiiiy iitrmiK")' In (ho vnlloy ulrcHily tliU HjirliiR, inont of whom urt lookliiK for homo. IC. K. Antlorwin, foriuorly a ronl ilciit of Talent hut now of AahlHinl, um uiiioiik the inuiiy old-llmt- minor who vlalttHl . cil ford on Huturdny. Work coiiiiiioneod UiM wt'tik ill tho PMicrlniiHit uliitlon In North Talt'iit, mill UN oou a Riiltahlo hiillillim m cri'diiil tho family of tho Miiporlntond oiil will inovo In. Mr. CliArltMt I.Hinli of Talent wax In Mod ford Huturdny. Mr. ami Mr. Kimnott lloon ami Mr. Hull (loddaril wurw In Mmlford on ImrKnln day from Talonl. Mr. rtml Mr. ('. Cmty of North Talent Jolnodu tho throiiK from tho noil Hi unit of tho valley Saturday, V. I). I'tM'klinin, one of the lllno l.t'dKf mine ownor. wa hijoii on the troH of Mmlford Hatnrtly at tho miner' conftireuco. 1). II. 'Hilent of I'hooutx wn ninoiiK llitHii' who wont to Medford Kntiinlay. Mntt Oillionii, I'lioonlx lemlluic politician, wan amniiK the many who won viewing tho mining uxhlhlU In Mmlford Saturday.. Chnrln Urophy oatno ovor from Klnmnlh county last week and I vln ItiiiK hi brotbor, N. W. llrophy, or Mwlfonl. Mr. llrophy wiy they have hud h very mild winter In KlHimtlh etiiiuty thl ytmr ami llwt (here I a kooiI ontlonk for laud altm next Hiiuiiuor. Ho will return next week to hi homo. Mr. and Mr. K. C. Howell uf ICtlt'ii Valley returned a few day ago from l.o AiikoIoh ami Mr. Howell duel a nm that Bent Hon cannot ciom imro with Hokiio river, ami noy ho would not live there. He called It a dry, windy place, iinthlm: Kieen out In tho coiuuiou there, HKe It I here. FOH ItKNT I'MIIINIHIIKI) ROO.MH FOR HUNT Largo nleeplng room, ll.nO and $2 per week. Modern houuekiH'pliii; apartment, $16 ami Jit'.. Home phono 2CtMC. 222 South Holly. FOH HKNT '-Furnlahed roem: hot and cold water, bath, light and heat. 221 North Holly. 27B FOR HUNT Front room, unliable for ouo or two. Hath couui'ctlon. 29 Ho court. Phono 52411. 278 FO 1 1 RHNTFiirnlrthod sleeping room by day or week; light Iiimibo kuuplitK rooniM, at Sued Lodging nml Apartment Homm, eiut itldti of bridge, flrt at rout north, 21 (Sou eee, Phono Pacific 122 1. 300 FOR HUNT IIOUSICS FOR RKN'I FumlBhcd C room cot- tage, modern. 518 King ut. " FOR RENT Hocktinyoa bungalow; modern. 72D Wosi'llth Bt. Phono Main 0003. FOR RENT OFFIOIC8 FOR RKNT Ovor tho postoftlco, with hunt uud light Seo A. A, Da via. FOR RENT Largo, comrortablo of fico roonta with olovntor aorvlco, Htenm boat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOH KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LKABK Fully oqulppod placor and quartz initio. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR RKNT Largo and small ranch es, . Gold Ray Realty Co. F6lt LKABK A producing gold ,'uilno oqulppod with five ntamp mills, concontratoni, air crushers - and air compressors, nil oporatod by oloctrlo power. Will lonkso on oasy terms for porcontngo of out put. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOH RKNT Flvo acres orchard and ' garilim adjoining Coutrul Point. ilaa pumping plant, Inqulro W, K. Hruyton, 1 mllo north Central Point, 283 nSPFORD MATT, TRTBTmiD, weu.vr M)ST I.O.ST lu Medford or on road to ('mitral I'olnt, mlf of nickel frsme Htiectuclwi In new ci with Dr. Hlckerf fimm An It. UldrtH or phono J. If. Lyillurd, (Vulral I'ofnt, It T I). No. ! UM VOH HAIiIv ACHKAOK I'OH BAI.K Aero nnrt flvo ncrw tmctM adjoliilni; Med ford on lom; time, onny paymnut. or irilcht ox clmm;o. (lold Hay Hcnlty Co.. 101 Kluctrla lildi;, KUCKNIC HHOI'KHTY KOIt KX-CIIANdK--Ouod rvNlilvnco proper ty In KuKene, also clime In acrcaxo. Will trade for HouiothliiK In or near Medford. Adtlrow I'. O. box 305, Metirord. S7D FOR SAI.IC An Ideal chicken ranch tritcl. within the city limit. (Jootl oll mid 'My acce to city wntor. alio ft. front, and 131 ft. deep. Will oxclmiiKo a )irt imymeiit on u homoj and lot. Uoo. C. Cornlllii. i'J W. MhIii t. IIV I'OH SAI.H Ten acre on main Ah laud road, Hiimll IiiiIIiIIiikh, for $2.B0-1000 will bnntlle, y term on balance. Flue place tor chicken or garden. W. T. York A Co. FOR SALIi, IIOUSK8 FOH HALK- Hiivon room modern hoiiKe on Koutb Oalcdalo avenue. Paving, newer and water paid In full. Prlco $1700. W. T. York & Co. I'OH SALU Modem house on paved lrftet, ownor leaving city. Inquire fill 9. Holly t. 278 FOH RALIv Sovoif room Iioiibo, S room liunnalow, inodvrn. Hoc W. II. Kverhurtl, 909 W. 9th. Phono r,ti71. I'OH SALU rive room modern hoiiMo with large ulceplng porch, iilno range, hot water attachment, and window nhade; on paved Htreel cIohp In. one block from Host .Main. Largo lot. fruit tree, Hiileml Id view and flno location. Can bo botiKht from owner for ft 100, pnymout, Addre.i Hox 22 euro Mall Tribune. 277 i 3 FOR SALK LAND DON'T WAIT 5 YKAHS HUY CALIFORNIA Fl'LL-HKARlNG ORCHARDS. MONKY HACK IF NOT SATISFIED. 190.00 cash and $30.00 per mouth buy flvo acres with full bearing fruit tree lu the famous Hldwoll Orchards nt Chlco. Cali fornia. Payment Include Intorest and taxo. Your money back If not witlHfled upon Invimtlgnttou. Tlio Illdwell Orchard are tho most noted nml productive lu tho won derful Sacramento Vnlloy of Cali fornia. It'H our confldouco In this laud that prompts this gouorous offor. We've peaches, unities, al mond, apricots and Haitlott pears. Huyers' railroad fares, not exceed, lug $20.00, will bo credited on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriving town of Chlco (14,000 pop.). (References: Any bank of Chlco, American National Hank of San Francisco and First Nation al Hank of San l.eandro.) Send for valuable Information and facts to Hldwoll Orchards, Inc., Chlco, Cal. asa FOR SALK 200 acres flno nlfnira laud under ditch, ns good land for alfalfa as Can bo found lu the ntnte. Thin will bo sold cheap. Tills Is your opportunity long looked for. Oliver H. Brown, 43G N. Bartlett st. FOR SALK WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALK Big body twelvo or Hlx teen Inch fir wood, best w'ood in city. Call if. P. Flury. Cl9 So. Hlversldo, or phono 50 1 1, Prompt delivery. Will not bo undersold. 281 FOR SALK Corrtwood, oak and hardwood, $5 por cord lu carload lota. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21S West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE Dry yellow pine (cut front largo timber) for kindling mud the kitchen stove, 12-Inch $2, lti-lnch $2.50 por tier, nt tho Standard, cor. flth nml Fir. Pacific (i not. Home 103. All kinds dry wood nt popular prices. 299 FOR SALK EGGS AND POULTRY FOR BALE Eggs for hatching, nm booking orders now for tho slnglo comb Whlto Loghorn, Wyokotr Htrulu, $1.50 for 15 eggs, $8 por 100, Placo orders now. A. W. Stouo. Phono 7302. 280 FOR BALK Incubators., broodora, fancy eggs for hatching. Ordor now tt SuluukU's Pood Storo, 380 -- """ ' ' tesj " "V" ' (Taper ' TVmBFORD. 'OTWaON; TTOTUY. FEBTUtAiTy" 0, 1012. Ml"., -lNt v(V l-rvKA OP (A( , dVIM if t Uo Wf AtU O0jP- r ,il''' mm HAi.ii I'ouiriiv and kgh I'OH SALKKsci) for hatclilne, aln fSlo comb Whlio IKhorni!, Pota lutna utility stock, 1 for lf vkw. $5 por 100. I). N. Jannoy, It. V. D. No. 1, box 24. Phone: Sub. 500-H-5. 284 VOU HAliE Ilatclilntr orrh rro;n tny trapiK'Htcd Crj-atal Whlto Orping ton ami Hhodo Inland Hod. Got your ordor la early. Wrlto for price. Myra Fuller. UUklyou HolKhta, 1'bono C182. 'J 80 KOIt BALK Fifteen cukh, express prepaid. 2. OrplnRton, Wyan ilotto, Plymouth Hork, Leghorn, liautaiuH, etc. Alo duck and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Sltnp ftou'fl Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 335 FOH SALK Rhode Island Red esc. $1 per Betting of 15. 210 Court st. P O. Hox 98. 283 FOR SALK-Kgg for hatching. Crys tal White Orpingtons. Will to Wy andotte, llnrred Hocks and Whlto Leghorns. Will book orders for early hatches. Co mo and eco tho stock. 714 S. Central. PacUlc phone 5412. 13 II. Hutterfleld. 28C FOR hai.I'J Muni moth Ilronio tur key from one of tho best strains on the coast. Phono Tho Canal Company, Farmers 1111. 278 FOR SALK Haby chicks and hatch ing eggs from our trap-nested sin gle comb White Leghorns ' and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Prices on rotiuest. Mrs. K. K. Oman, Jacksonville, Oro. FOH SALK Eggs for hatching. White and Huff Leghorns and Ilarrod Locks, nil thoroughbred stork and good laying strains. Also a few choice Darrcd Rock cocker el. Prices on request. D. W. Luko Orchard Home. Phono Pa cific 539-J-l. 2SG FOH SALE Pure bred Ilarrod Ply mouth Hock and Brown Leghorn cockorols. Phono S03-F-21. Ber keley Orchard. A. P. Stover, mnunger. 27C FOR SALE A row pure, blood Hou dau cockorols and pullets and Ilronio Turkey eggs engaged. S. C. George, Perrydale, Medford. 270 FOH SALK Egg for hatching. Crystal White Orpingtons, Hhodo Island Red. Brown and Whlto leghorn. W. II. Evorhnrd, 909 W. 9th at. Phono CC71. FOR SALK Will take ordora for hatching day old ciilcks. Zenith Poultry Co., Talent, Oro. 270 FOR SALK White Leghuni eggs for hatching. Zenith Poultry Co., Tal ent, Oregon. 27C FOR SALE A new Old Trusty incu bator, very reusoiiablc. Call phone 0411. 207 FOR SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE -Pi It p.. gasoline en gine and 3 Inch rotary pump in good condition. Cheap if taken soon. Inqulro of O. O. Plorce, M. F. & II. bldg, Medford. 279 FOR SALE One span black mares 5 and G years old this spring, wgt. about iSOO, well broke, sound and true. Addross F. L. Titus, Ash land, Oro. 283 FOR SALK Grain nml alfalfa hay at tho Geary ranch on Griffin creek. 277 FOR SALK Grain, liny and com nt Isaac's ranch, l'houo 591-K-4. FOR SALE Cheap, slightly used plnno, first class condition. No. G .S. Orange. Tel. 2903, 2 rings. 275 FOR SALK One sorrel driving maro good and gentle, for family uso; 1 harness, 1 old biiKgy, 1 old wagon. Robert Harmon, Capital Hill. P. O. Box 620. ' 27G FOH SALK Hubs, nlco furniture, OrnlugtoiiH and other chickens, C04 West 10th st. Phono 141. 2S0 FOR SALK Good buggy and har ness. Cheap. Seo L.'B, Warner, Sr., nt Warner, W'ortninn & GorO's storo. FOR SALK-Seed potatoes, Early Sunrise. P. O. box 834. Pacltlu 4524. C. M. Parker. 2S7 FOR SALE Horse, Union Stables. Call. 277 FOR SALK Hay driving horso. Ad dress P. O. Box 312 or phono 597-R-2. , 278 FOR SALK--Rocks. Inqulro of street cutuniUsloner or city recor der. . 279 FOR SALK Good clean Beod barloy $37 por ton. llanloy ranch. Phono 2U-J-3, 5570 1 I II and HisKid whkt?1 foh balk misckmjA.vkous KOIt HALE Machlnlct J.itho and tiirtilrio water whcol. Mr. D. Sharp. Wooilvlllc, Oregon, It. It. No. 1, box OG, 28C i I'OH BALB Two buggies, set of bar. ncfl, good gaddlo. Cheap. J. C. Hall, 315 S. Central avo. K5ilSATKI80 feet or 4-foot picket renc with 2 gates. Gold Hay Real ty Co. FOH HALli Oil TCHANOB FOR. SALE OR TRADK G acre ' truck farms Vi mllo from Medford. W. II. Kvcrhard, 909 AV. 9tb. I Phono CC71. SACRIFICE SALK OR TRADE Fine Uttlo bungalow, large lot. Will take horse or other personal property up to $500, balance any terms. P. O. Hox 51. 277 FOR KXCHANGK FOR EXCHANGE City property, lot, ncro tracts and ranches to exchange for other property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. TRADE 10 acres ia Lake county 5 miles from town, under ditch; want small cheap homo In Med ford. Humphrey. 275 FOR EXCHANGE Five passenger automobllo In good condition for real estate. Address Box 2, care Malt Tribune. F?)R EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acres near Eagle Point for Medford prop erty. Improved or unimproved. Ex change prlco same as cash prlco. Seo Oliver H. Rrown, 43C N. Uart lett at. FOR TRADE Well located clear lots to trado for your equity In a houso and lot. Will pay some cash difference. Seo mo at once. Goo. C. Corntlus, 219 W. Main st. 279 FOH TRADE Flvo passenger Over land car to trade for good lot. Car Is in the best of condition. Price $750. Geo. C. Cornitlus, 219 "W. Main st. 279 HELP WANTED FRMALE WANTED Competent housekeeper for family of three. Addross P. O. Box 257. WANTED Roliablo womnn wauts work on ranch. Call or address 307 East 9th St., Medford 27S WANTED Woman to do chamber work, mornings. Phone Bell 541. 275 i WANTED Chambermaid at Seattle Rooming House. 2S1 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position on ranch by married man with orchard expe rience. Address Box 29, care Mali Tribune. 27S WANTED Position hy girl at gen eral housework. Address Box ll, caro Mull Tribune. 281 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't help but make money selling our gnarantcod-tc-glvo-satisfaction stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; excluslvo territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top pcnlsh, Washington. , WANTED To purchnso second hand safo. Address Box 3, caro Mall Tribune. WANT TO RKNT OR BUY modem house; must hnvo shade mid lawn, nicely located; pay sonio cash, bal nnco paymonts, Addross 100, caro Mall Tribuno. WANTED "Light hoitsokcoplng rooms. A. L.. Mall Tribuno. 277 WANTED REAL ESTATE I need more listing of good property for sale and exchange. Have n buyer right now for u 5 room modern bungalow. There aro pi oro buy ers in now titan thoro havo boon for some tltno. Havo several good prospects for orchard property. Geo. C. Cornitlus, 219 W. Main Bt. 979 WANTED Second band f irobox boiler lit A-l condition, cheap for cash, About 40 horsepower capa city. Address P. X., Tribuno. 277 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROCJUB RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INO. Medford offico, phonos Mnln 2511, Home 356. Jacksou- - villa phonos, Pacific, Main 11, Home 2000. Accouutnuta D, R. WOOD Goneral accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trlb utio bldg; phquo GGH; residence phono 0303. ! mXitiii i1ii Haw s PictJR. of I YOUR. 50N,CIC6X.' T' iiyfi u WON THC- f'O'?. tn MorsMcevr MO H CSOOYOR.K UUSINKSS DIRKOTOKir Aayer nntl Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and raining maps and reports mado thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers at reasonable term. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and snd full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Cth and Fir sta. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architect and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main; phono Mala 3471; residence phone 744. A. D. JOHNS II. D. TURNER Phone 744. Phone G413. Johns & Turner Architects and Builders. Office 31-33 North Bart lett, near Main. Office Phone 1931. Attorneys C. L. REA3IES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, epcond floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WU. P. MEALEY Attorneya-at-Lav. No. 1 snd 2 Pcstoftlco bldg. A. E.. RE AMES Lawyer. Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Roomi 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, lonng & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend tho hot afternoon. Bill Poster VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1GS-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work n specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Collectiou Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and initios. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & II. Co., opp. P. O. Tako elovator. Phone Main 2021. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNO'S Chinese tmedlciues will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phono Main 42. Contractors and Builder. Pacific Tol, 3590. P. O. Box 738. BOYD & SON Contractors and Builders. Job Work a Speclnlty. Cablnot Work. Painting and Paporlng Brick aud Stouo Work. 283 Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. 8.; A. J. HINI KER, D. D. 8. Doutlsts, 238 U. Main. Phono Main 3191. Home 124-K. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phones, DR. ARTEMUS W. DBANE Dentist. Offico la Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main G81. Night phone 4432. Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Hotly sts,, Medford. Mission furniture mado to ordor. Cabinet work of all kluds, A trial ordor solicited. PAOI3 SEVEtf By "Bud" Fisher ?' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Garbage 4EDFORD GARBAGE CO. OAK baob hauled. LeaTO ordor nt 29 8. Bartlett, or phone Rodney Tnytor. Pacific 3432. Htrma 10C-3C Gran I to Works" MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lirao. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 24C1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main 8treot, Dcalow and Manufacturers Of Pressed and Com mon Brick and Tile. Get our prices and seo our brick and tilo beforo purchasing. Notary PuMfc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to ma at the sign of Tho Mall Tribuno. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES our trees aro bndded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated. Wo guarantea everything put out. Wo aro not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offico 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Printer and PaMfeuera YEDFORD PRINTINQ CO. Has the best equipped job offico in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leat systems, cut paper, etc., etc Part land prices. 27 N. Fir at. PhJicluHs and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-213. Offico phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-312, phono 5501; rest denco 307 S. Oakdale, phons 7171. Home phone, resldenco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Stirtreon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. rractico limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Storo. Offico Phenes: M, 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, car, nose and throat. Eea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 E. Main st, over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. PhyBlcIaa and Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Corey Bldg. Pac. phene: Offico, 731; resldenco. 4542. Home phone, office 48, resldenco 28G-L. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon. St. Marks ninolr Office Phono 4901, Residence 70C1. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and burgeon. Offico Rooms 5 mid . G Kontnor Bldg. Offico Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Boil 271. Resldonco Phono Bell 273. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block! Stenographlo work done quickly, and well. TItIo Exniiilncra. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Laud TItIo Examiner. 320 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Trnnsfor DADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. urnco 10 Houth Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-IC Prices right. Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY Parcels 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 25o anywhere in the city. Office Val ley Second Hand Store, 15 N, Fir st. Phonos; Main 3072; Home 354. Mcssongor scryico. Frod Crockor, Prop Undertakers, JOHN A, PERI Undertaker an Embalmer. Offico 28 South Bart lett St. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Bell 473 Home 179-L. Calls' answored nlghi or tlay Ambulance service. n