PAGE FOUR MEDFOttD MAILTRTBUNE, atEDffORD, QTCKOOy. VR11)AY VTORrAKY !), 1012. Medfokd Mail Tribune AM INDrct'EKDHNT NBWRPAl'RR I'WU.IHHKD KVIStlT AKTlSttNOON ISXCKPT Hl'NDAY, HT T11EJ MHOFOKO PItlNTINQ CO. Tho Democratic Times, Thn Medford Mall, Tho Medford Tribune, Tho Houth rn Orotonlan, Tho Asltland Tribune. Offlco Mall Tribune llulldlnir. SS-S7-5J North Kir street: phone, Main 1021; Home It. QICOHOE PUTNAM, Kdltor and Mansitor Entered an second-class matter at Medford, OrtRon, under tho act of March i, lg;. Official Taper of the City of Hertford. Official Paper of Jackson County, SUBSCRTFTIOK HATES. One your, by malt .;...;;,........ 5.00 One month, by mail SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point .SO Saturday only, by mall, per year., S.00 Weekly, per yar 1.E0 UWOBIt CroCUtATIOIT. Dally averR for eleven month! end 1ns November SO. 1M1. 8761. mil X.0td Wire TTnltod rrtti DIptcht- The Mall Tribune la on vale at the Ferry News Ptnnil, Ban Krsnclsco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Dowmnn News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle Waah. MiDroKD, oRrooir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest proxvlns city In Oregon. Population U. S. census 1910 SS40; estimated, 131110.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water Bystcm completed. giving flnesr supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. Poatofflce receipts for year ending November 30. 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Ttogno River SplUenberg apples won sweep stakes prise and title of Apple Xing of the "World" , at the National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and a car of Ncwtowns iron rirat Txf In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C ririt rrise In 1911 at Spokano National Apple Show won by carload of Ncwtowns. Rogue Rtvcr pears brouRht hlchest prices In nil markets of the world dur Ingtho past six years. Write Commercial Club. Inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. 6RAUSTARK AT IDFOjDTONIGHT Exquisite Story of Love and Romance- Which Proved Such a Suc cess in Book Form to Be Seen for First Time Here This Evening. "Graustark," Ihc exquisite story of lovo and romance, which proved so big a success in tho book world and lias scored as a theatrical offering, will be tho attraction for tonight at the !Medford. Tho tremendous popularity of Grace Ilnyward's dramatization and George D. Baker's adaptation of Mc Cutckcon's novel is readily ouourIi guessed at when one Ftop-s to consid er tho absolute lack of melodramntic features and tho presence of so much clean and wholesome dialogue nud in teresting stage pictures. The delightful lovo themes running throughout the play arc bright and entertaining, nnd of as much interest to the male as the female sex. A company unequalled in strength nnd ability is employed in the ren dering of the different characters, nnd a feature of the entertainment is tho magnificent scenic investment in use, with old world costuming to fit tho period and locale. "Grau&tark's" trcmondous hiiccoss tho past two seasons should ho du plicated during its coming engage ment at the Jfedford theater. BRfTIAN 1ST ID WARSHIPS Naval Supremacy Necessary for Preservation of Empire, Asserts Winston Churchill Will Outbuild All Other Nations. GLASGOW, Scotland, Fob. 9. Assertion that tho naval supremacy of Great Britain la nocossary for tho preservation of tho empire was mndo hero today by Winston Sponcor Churchill, first lord of tho admir alty. Ho said: "It Is abaolutoly necessary that our naval program con tin no, regardless of tho ticttvlty of any othor nation. No othor country la confronted with prohloms Identical with ours. In the event ot other natloim continuing In creasing their naval strength, Eng land will continue to lncroaso her ratio. Thus Groat Hiitnln. will eas ily outdlstanco other powers to such nu extcont that It will bo hopeless for thorn to attoilipt to follow. "With Grout Urltaln naval powor Is u necessity, while with Gormany It Is a luxury." Canada's forests oovor moro lliuii twioo tho combined nrou of nil of Uliropo's. REPRESENTS THE HP 1 113 Portland Orejroirimi spectacle of its provincial narrowness by opposition to tho good roads movement. It reflects the mossback spirit of the little Oregon Oregon of the present. .Here is a sample: "Oregon's smallest eonnty in area is Multnomah The wealthiest county in Oregon is Multnomah. It is pro posed U) issue $20,000,000 in bonds for roads and appor tion $15,000,000 equally among the counties and $0,000. 000 according to area. The result wotdd be that in pay ing off the debt Multnomah would have the greatest bur den, while in apportionment of funds Multnomah would receive the least direct benefit of any county." This-is the spirit which ruled the metropolis for many veal's and fairly earned her the sobriquet of Portland hog, greedy for everything, squealing against doing anything in return. Multnomah is the wealthiest county in Oregon but it is Oregon that creates her wealth. Take away the slate and where "would she be? Portland is dependent upon the state for everything. She must look to its agricultural, horticultural, fishing, timber and mineral resources for support as well as for the market for her jobbers and manufacturers. As Oregon grows, so grows Portland. Every one in Oregon must pay her tribute. The more the state is de veloped, the greater Portland grows. Yet Portland, until recently, has done little to help Oregon to develop the resources, to open np the inaccessible thanks to the mossback spirit that formerly ruled the metropolis which tho Oregonian is endeavoring to keep alive. Of course in the proposed state highway plan, Mult nomah will be assessed heavily. It is part of the penalty for being the metropolis. But every penny spent in im proving the state improves Portland also. Portland is about as large, perhaps larger, than her tributary territory justifies. This territory must be devel oped' more to justify a larger Portland and good roads will do more to develop Oregon than any other one thing except new railroads. The people of Portland recognize their obligations to the state, hence are leaders in the good roads project. Once again the Oregonian plays the shrill discord in the band of progress, WHEN it HEN IS NOI H Treasury Department Rules That Birds' Eggs May Be Admitted Free and Hens' Eggs Must Pay a Tariff. "WASHINGTON. Feb. 0. The treasury department having decided that a hen Is not a bird birds' oggs being admitted freo ot duty and hens' eggs having to pay 5 cents a dozen it is now up to the postoffico depart ment to settle a momentous question arising from the ownorshlp of oggs laid In tho malls. The National Association of Poul try Breeders, anticipating the pas sage of tho parcels post bill, recently Inquired ot Postmaster General Hitchcock If polurty might bo sent through tho mall. In an unofficial statement the department answered that, should the parcels post meas ure bo enacted, thero would probably bo no objection to shipping tho fowls, stamped. Tho postmaster gen eral, however, was of tho opinion that some one would havo to bo dologated to look out for tho well being of tho "perishable mall" and then some ono raised the question of the ownership of tho oggs laid by tho hens while In Undo Sam's care. Would they belong to the sender of tho hens, to tho receiver of tho hens, or to the govommont? Chicago Teachers Raised. CHICAGO, Fob. 9. Tho salaries ot G000 school toachors today havo been ordered Increased by tho Chi cago board of education. WASHINGTON. Judge Parker denied that ho had been asked to do fend tho 32 or moro labor men In dicted In Indianapolis. lu a -10 wookb' trip in England and Scotland, recently completed, a motorcyclist covered more than 40, 000 miles. "Our Personal to all We havo been In business In thin town for some time, and we are looking to build up trade by always advlslnc our ratrons rljrlit. So when we tell you that wo have found tbo eczema remedy and that we stand back of It with the manufacturer) Iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon it that wo Klve our iiflvlco not In ordor to sell a few bottloH of medicine to skin sufferers, but ho cause we know how It' will help our business If we help our patrons. Wo keep In stock and Bell, all the well known skin remedies. Hut wo will say this: If you aro suffering from any kind of skin trouble, eczema, psoriasis, rash or tetter, we want you to try a full size bottle of D. U. D. Prescription. And, if Jt does not da the work, thin BIRD LITTLE OREGON. continues to nialco a daily of the past, not of the greater BLIND PI6GERS AREJBONyiCTED Eight Plead Guilty and Two Are Con victed by Jury District Attorney Mulkey Cleaning Up County and Mayor Smith City. CHANTS PASS, Fob. 9. As a re sult of Mayor Smith's crjisndc to clean up Grants Pass, eight blind plggers havo pload guilty and two convictions by Jury havo been se cured. In the caso ot tho stato'vs. Havens, ot Merlin, tho minimum penalty of $50 fine was Imposed by Justice Holman, because tho defend ant, who la a cripple, pload guilty to a second charge. John Sauor of Grnats Pass plead guilty to three charges. Kd Stone man of heland was convicted Tues day and is to bo tried upon another chargo later In tho week. GeorRO Altpetcr plead guilty and was fined $150. Carl Clifford of tho "niuo Gooso" is undor arrest, as Is George Saner of Grants Pass, N. I). liurnott of Leland and J. C. Henry. TELEGRAPH TABLOIDS NEW YOKK.The estate of the lato David Graham Phillips, consist ing of royalties from his books, to tals, It la announced" today, about $13,000. His slstor, Mrs. Carolina Frovert. Ik the sole holr. WASHINGTON. Asked concern ing reports that ho Intended to re sign soon as head of tho department of agriculture, Jnmos Wilson said to te day: "For tho 41th time I answer no." MEXICO CITY. Itobuls captured tho towns of Cocoyotla and Santa Rosalie, in tho state of Chihuahua. A mob at Cocoyotla dragged tho dis trict Judge from his honch, murdered him and cut him to pieces. Guarantee Skin Sufferers" MEDFORD PHARMACY bottle will cost you nothing, You el ono to juage. Again and again we have seen how a few drops or tlilu clinplo wash applied to the skin, takes awuy tho itch, in stant'y. And the cures ull seem to bo permanent. I). t. D. Prescription made by tho D. J). I). Laboratorioii of Chicago, Is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlntergrnen ami othor healing, soothing, cooling ingredients. And if you aro Just crazy with Itcli, you will feat soothed and cooled, the Itch absolutely washod away the moment you applied this D. V. V. We have made fast friends of more than on family by recommending thin remedy to a skin sufferer horo and there and wo want you to try It now on our positive no-pay guarantee, Mineral Wealth lily K. MIJuKrnm. llofofo Mod- fonl Mining CoURrowO ('Olltflsta ot tin liilmul rCglOtl, IS by 150 miles, containing 3S80 squnre tulles tu- 1.8 IN, 21111 arrow. Of (bin 000 iiinro miles Is presumed to In underlaid by tufiU, 2.51 situate miles underlaid by gold bearing rocks and 1(50 siUttrc lullua of copper region. Also thure m' 1-i't tlimro miles of combined gold .Witl roppur bunting country, with tri' sipmro tulles of commercial i;raulti and 10 square UlllOS Ot COlUmOITlKl MlUOHtlllW COlUt- try. besides chole.0 clay beds, utml, gravel niul oUiur deposits without tuul. not to uiunllon mineral sailings of all decrees Uf heat and tasto to suit tho must uxhcthiK. , Ihildttotloit. Wo will tnktt.'th flgufcH for UH0 as it basis for tin) gold ami silver out)tit. as the figures for I'.Ml lmo not boon compiled ns vol, Tho other figure au for 1011. Gold from pincers $ 7,U2t5.00 tlold from quarts mine. -I.R 10.00 Total gold ? Orotwod grnnlto, 1511...$ CrusluMl granite, It'll, Gold Hay U.4C.r..l)0 U.-t 00.00 4,2.10.00 :u.7fi"i.oo a.ono.oo Sand and gravel, Medford Concrvto Co Sand, Gold Hay Quarry products. Jack souvlllo quarry, iwll matod Hrlck yard, Tolo, two million brick at $t0 per M Medford llrlek Co Other companies ...... OQ.OQO.00 50,000.00 20,000 00 10.000.00 $ r o.o oo. oo Grand total $t7l,Si1.00 l.ltuo and Cement. Whilo consldurnble llmu was pro duccd both for local consumption and for shlpmuut to other parts of tho country, I have no Idoa of Its worth. However, I am assured that tho Kanes Crook llmo quarry and kilns havo been securod by eastern capital, who havo representatives now on the ground preparing for tho Immediate erection ot a romont plant having a capacity ot 1200 barrels per 2 1 hours. Their payroll will be $17,000 per mouth when manufac turing. When coiutructliiK It will of" course exceed $20,000 per month. I am informed that there Ik no ques tion ns to the existence of commer cial coal, a combination ot conditions prevent Its present output, but they nro expected to be ovorc-mio soon. CLARK REFUSES SOCIETY CHASE Montana Copper King Says He Is Not a Social Climber Bin Folk Will Have to Make First Advances to Him. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Fob. !. Formor Senator William A. Clnrk of Montana Is not a social climber nnd ho Is on record today with the declaration that If tho big folk do- slro to cultivate tho acquaintance of tho Clark family, thoy nmko thu first advances. "Husluctis and modern society llfo aro not compatible," said tho copper king. "I have my business affairs to euro for, and .Mrs. Clark hor studies, her children and myself. Of course, my hoiiKo Is a 1, ways opon to any responsible ponton who cares to sen my art collections, but I do not con skier what Is ordinarily meant by 'socloty' worth while." Clnrk wants a democrat elected president, also ho believes that Tnft will bo renominated. Ho Is not en thusiastic over tho possibility of HooHovolt's candidacy. There arc 'IT) types of American automobiles on thu market in Eng land. Dr E. Kirchgessner Practice limited to chonic discasus. HOTEL HOLLAND WednesduyB. IfourH, 10 to .'). W. t. Phlpps has removed Ills law office from the Phlpps Btiiltl Inn to First National Bank Bulltl Injj rooms 207-208. Telephone number changed to 1272. and Output of Jackson Uvtonslvo dovolnpmont of iohouiooh Is warranted b what Iiiih boon found and done. Population liiMiirfloloiii, Tho present population In not mit flclonl to do the work; for liiHtanro. wo tuul 2R,7(5I tiu'ii, women and chil dren nt tho (lino of Mm 1010 cciihuh AhhmiiiIiik Hint thoro nio SO.ooti at tioont, that allows muo to rnohMuiiii, woman mid child. Atwuin Ini; further that thoro nro ihroo per son to tho fNinlly. a mutt, Ills wllo nnd one ohlbl; thl would moan that Uio uian'HdoliiK an ho would lmo to. tho work of thu other two, would bn'vt to vl.volop', newt, (jitllo an luiHHwlli1llty. Wo are but uffl- cUnt In numbers to cull for help to ditvflutt nnd almro what wt have dl coveiHd. When you present your claim In pronpcctlwi anltaiu'o. and thoy Hk the oft ropoaled quoatlon. "Why do you offer thU to othei'M when It l so valuable";" toll tlieni that wo are I ot equal to the tank nml that our people arc now doln the pioneer work lu tli Ik country, building the .vtukoii roadM of the country, itavltiK the streets of thu cities, stettlux 'Hit orchnrds, bulblluK power plmits. lu fact do'tiK only the hopdniiliiK of the pioneer work of (ho prevent century, nincti of which still remulii lo be done. We roqutro men and mount; tho day Is ptut when wu could go mil between showers and pick up k)II uiiKKets on shallow bedrock. A lit tle earth and gravel must bo dis placed to KOt tho burled treasure mid that entails the expense of more equipment. I.odo MIiiImj; at Depth. J Where this hntt been tutelllKuutly done, splendid results wore the re ward. Tho oxIdlMd xone intends to a depth of about 200 feet from the surface; above this ivolut thn values are extremely uncertain. It at all true. At times small very rich bunches of ore are encountered but this condition exlU only when Hie gold wan sufficiently iiMlve to re sist the solvent art Ion of the nxbtU Ing sulphide, llelnw this line the sulphides st 111 contain their gold and silver value; this I not theory but facts proven by artunl work. The prlncliml mine I have In thoiiKht In this connection Is the llradeu mine. at Gold Hill. Oregon, when the sul-1 phlde 10111' was rut at a dopth of 200 feet llore sulphide wore en countered that assayed $0 per ton for a width or two feet. This body! was Btopo-d up on and while the sul - In a Fit of Passion a Great Act Was Committed .lust hint evening while a certain Kcntlfiuiiit of this fair city uns going out West Main street his attention was attracted to the window of the Gamett-Coray Hardware- company. where thliiM were mining. .I"t Ih- fore ho started homo he thotiKhl ho might get dry during the iilKht. ho he lakoti cue with a friend and the friend takes one on him, no when ho saw thliiKM moving as thoy Koiiorntly do lu the wludous of the nlxivo iiumi tloned store hi was positive ho had thiuii and resolved to. lake a course of some famous cure. It has over been tho desire of the Gurw'tt-Corey Hardware company to make OiIukh move and If a largi, wolt assorted stock wilt make things go please watch us. It may pay you to watch our windows, for wo ex pect to keep you looking ahead. For the special benefit, ot our orchard customers we havo Just rorolved u lot of spray hoso that will stand tho test, ir you havo a machluo that can bust It do it nt our expense. If you will look nt It you can't keep from buying It for It bus no tnnl. Look out for that cut gluss, It Is going and you stand a chnuco to get a winner. You now people t- ho n st nil I west Home day and stop In and hoo the big store of southern Oregon, exclusive hardware, and If wo cannot treat you right It can't bo done. AS'est Mnln nnd Grape streets. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work 'Guaranteed. I'rlcus KoaHunublo. COFPEEN & PRICE SO Howard Block, Entrance on Oth Bt. Pacific U031. Home 319, NoyesSc Black HOUSK AND H!N 1VMNTINQ Up-to-Dato Auto and Cnrrlngo Pulntlng, Gold i,onf Hlgnu and Iutorlor Decorating a Specialty, Klmp nud Offlco 8. Orapu and 10th fit, Offlco Phono 7771. Ilea. 7212. All Work Positively Quurantood. County, Oregon lihhlis still cnutlliui'd, their value Kcadiittlly dropped down lo between one tuul I wo dollars per ton At leiitlon was uualn turuoil lo the ilcher Miilphldea mid Hi" hdv fol lowed down, kIvIiik I ho best result fur a solid eur that wo ha mo loeord of. The out widened out lo between to mid II reel, all koIiik through the mill and nxau'itMlliiK im the ywir's run of .17.H0.R tons of ore Mattery wimples nvorwKi'd tor the vrnu $!.lili,1ii ami of this we sinod by aniiilKiiiniitlou lift. 78 per cent, b eoui'eiitratloii iil.10 per rout, and lost lu (hIIIiikn Itl.OSi pel' coal. It will let cou that wh made n wnlni; of SD.HS pur uenl Just by tho use of ordinary HinalKmutitoiv mill Johnson ronrvntrMlora. prsiilcslly 90 per cent shuhI Ih tht wi-vallid ill phldo tone. Unlit mid (iiunt IjiiiiI. There ! another feature In this region that l wish to call the atten tion of this coiikiom to. name!.. the hmiiiioiluK uffoet of the misunder stood and ittla-lutorpretod uillioail laud Kraut, as pertaluliiK to the, lulu orals located on tho Krmilod IhuiIk This land dees not carry wllh It mi) minerals eropt coal and Iron, In fact sll other minerals are expressly xcepteil therefroin. 'Iiml bolus; the case, how Is It that our land office falls to accept for f Ulnar any mineral clsluis situated on the baIiI railroad lauds. AkhIii, how Is It (list thiro ouu he no Kraut and still tho rail rood not fully acknowledKe It If you are koIiik to await the slow xrludliiR of the courts ns thoy put the ktrlst throiiKh several tlmo ns Ih their usual practice. It will be several de cades before It Is rolenawl for deil- opinent. The condition would nut ln so bad If It did not affect adJoluliiK outturn, when the iay ore runs fnnn tho doeded urouuil onto inllioad ' land, whutt Inic down th plaiitH, put- litis: a stop lo all work, and causinx ! the owners to wer to never nnn venlura Into anythlns; itertaltttuK t" mlulnK. t strikes me that slmut (he oul way lo ift thla mineral laud re stored for development within au thing like a rettsotmble lem.tli of tltim Is for this cwtiriw to mih1 to tho ststes of California aud Orcaon for their reprsentntlve at Wash- Inxtoii. D. r . to nsk for nn ln.-ll nation to ta made at onr to clear this matter up without nay further delay. I now leave this matter lu the hands of this nilnltiK congi-PM to net oii ns they may sue fit and proper. V A L E N T I N E THE MERRIVOLD SHOP 131 Wt Main. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency FOIt HAIiK: 1R0 acres, IooIh and all. 2.'I7 acres, a first class farm. 120 acroA unimproved. 140 acres; team and tools, K7 acres 2 miles from town, BO, 000 ucroso yellow plno Um ber, about 18,000 per acre. 25,000 acres good for subdivid ing, $2f per aero. 1K00 acroH, flua to Hiibdlvldo, good soil. Hoiisoh for wile. Cull ami sou IIH. 1G0 acres 4 V mlleii out, HC0 per aero. TKADK Hoiisn out with lai'Ko lot for cloHO In house, I,ot noxlt I for it largo lot. What havo you? , Trnilos, I fades of ull kluilii. MlH(JKMANi:oUH A good haibor nhop for sale, ('all nud InvoHllKato. 2 hiiiuII nloros can ho boiicht nt a reasonable price. 2 Ihhhos, harness nnd wngou, 1 horso Very clump, 25, KMl'LOVMIiNXt WaltroHti. Girls for Kunoral hoiiBowork, Hlx coal minors, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposito Nash Hotel I'ltonn 4141 1 Iffllilfl, 14. r-rrtrtrntr4ttt. WHEJE TO GO I TONIGHT r 0 0 00 0 4 vSTAR theatre: AI.W.MH IN THU I.K.l rdMiiiii , -- ltmo-r-of of foutiini , imiti TOIIAV'M PIUHJIIA.M 'NICHGK.X.VT WIMTICS I'Ifillll.' ThllllltiK MllllHt) Hiiiiiiu "MltOWN OV ll.ll'.ltl'' Henry Wi'odrnrfs (lieaiesl llin mnllo Muii-emi rOlll'lHII I.VlMSTltV NKWI'OINIH.WII" IntiM-i'stliiK. I'MinMllmtttl Tin; vai.i.kv tu' iiHGUiris" Pathetic ns the Wot Id Fatuous "Hast I.Mtne" "KHICICINtJ A I NIIK" All Cuiiiedy Al. HATIint TIIK WOtU.Wlll'TIIH They play music and offeits to Hiitt tin I'litttri's. Iteuiember our chtitiK" ilwys Sutidsy. Tuotxlay and Friday Matliiir-s Kvery Day. ADMISSION 10c THEATRE TONIGflT Too Dotibti. Ai'ti ll'illt llivillliirrn tin: .IAI.VAXM (1UIKM l, .lfi(.l.i:r.S AM) M.VUMlANS This act Is direct from I'n (llanos, feint tl. lll.Allt AM) VA.Vr Introducing Their Cmnotly Hketch TIIK (SUM, ON TIIK IIO.Y Three llci-U :illllll I ret of MOTION PICTURES 1 1.--1 .r Mii-ie Rpci lul MntlncMi. Saturday and Sunday 2 p in. Kt titling IVr formation 7 p. m. Seattle Appraisals Several Medford peoplo have employed lis to nppralsu Reattlu real estate. Buck appraisal Is usually worth more than It costs. Ira J. Dodge of Medford was formerly couiiucted wllh this of flco. Other Bcnltlo and Medford references on request. It. V. KIIHIil.NK .V; COMPANY J()(l New Vork lllk., Henttln (Charter Member Keatllo Iloal Ks- tnta Assn.) REAL ESTATE Wlllamotte Valley Farms of nil dt'M-iipfioiiH, Garden and Fruit Lands, Timber Lands, Home CM-i'lleiit bargains in AI- MANY CITY I'ltOPKItTY. Write or cull on J. V. PIPE, 'JO.'I West Second St.. Alhiinv, Ore. I Kodak Time All Prices $1.00 to $65.00 Our kodak mint will lie gliul o explain, Medford Book Store MjMZy IlnBklns for lienltri. I MKiwonn ruAiwAov