s MlODTfORD MATL TttTIVUNTC, MEDFORD, OKKflON, WtlDAY, FFRTtrARY ), 1912, PA013 THREE 10 TO USE NORMAL Progressive Aggressive Chas. L Scheiffelin THE GROCER Successor to W. H. Rardon & Co. 4 THE HOLY SPIRIT PAPER BAGS L 3ATURDAY SPECIALS SATURDAY SPECIALS PARSONS ill! COOK FO BOYSSCHOO 4 rJK' f . . a ( .AJ. .."VT U T I V. Able Dlvlno Speaks to Largo Connrc Ijntloii Pcoplo Aro Especially In ' vlled to Hciir Him Tonlulit tie talks on Stilijccts Worth" While. Friday U In Imi a kith I day ill llm I'rewbytoilnit Vliitri'li. Tonight the people me epeeinlly inviled. H' you itl'H lint Ihcrc, ynn will miim omc llllllK vi) Ih while. A Kiital ii'iiiMHi wan preached liml night. In pml it WMH HN follow! (Si let lug lint Holy H.llll. "In llm Scripture Ilia worlv of lli lltilv Spirit In u In ptencnlcd im junt t'tuMMitlal km thu wnik of Chrinl for tin, "Hi wink in dm i in jmprc (In lililli iihhi inn iiiIiiiIm rind enable n tn ii'iiHho il. It j In ipiichcn, make Htronu M'l hi'iiollivi' tln cotincicueo, to awaken llm emotion i that wc hIhiII Iota thu good anil Imte tin mil; toatrcnlhcu tin) will n tlml wo are able to HlcedfaMly continue our on-dentin- in attain ('iritiitii Idoal. "TIio thing (lial grieve tlin I Inly Spirit are, in llm realm of Ilia inlol Iim'I, piHJiidine, mrUi dabbling with iTmr in picfeieucc l feeding mi (he truth, nail rH'tirthtR In believ (lo in hin wtml. In (ha realm ii' thu emo tion, iupprci.Mg natural affection ami longing l'"i' what in InjiiriniiH tn tin in thin world. In ianiMeiiee, it i any violation of coiihcicuci', whether it ln neglect ' diobcdlenco. In the oplu-re nf tln will, il Im Hip neglect or reftmal tn accept Chfial, thu insert if leHtfioti iltttiim, prayer, the ward, the worwlnp it' Chriat' church, tin aerviee of the kingdom. Toleration nf known otil, however iiiMgiilllcnnl, iI1hImiihh.Iv in ieliuim motive both Iih.vc till MMiitn effect. "The itwHtll nf grieving thu Holj Sldrit ate alway nlrilul denduom. "In nrgtuiiaaliou, chiirchc iiuiy become greal win Id jHtwera without H Kjinik nf piritual lift in litem, nr they amy legcuci-c when they ban UIi tin' Hiit nf JimI, an did ',ngliiu l'i'imhytormiiiiu nf 100 yi'iirn bko, nr tlii' IIhkI Shrll HJt nr Amlnvrr tiiiiiniiry. "In tin iwc nf Chiixliiiim they fall iatn n ntitlrM, nnliiiipy tati' whwiii thi'y nr n mirv to thcni hohc ami iilhm until Oml ii'claimn llioin. 'I'linw lin I'liiiunit thin nii latriin) ontorfilK 'dOil'IT MHJjJlotn Dull away inlo ti1ritunl infi'iidiliilily, in whii'lt Mtntu Ihi'v nmy ha iinliffari'iil nr I'lilliu-iaHlic fmldiHU; Hicv nmy he willmiil 4'inntinii or may linti t lit tiutli; Hh'.v nro iiHiially ninral an ari'hintH, ilaiiiK jiimI an (hey ploam' tn far hm human law pcniiiti. "Whnt .lifim (Hiiirlit " thtt Kin anninft llm Duly Spirit wan (u pr nUI in Krii'viny him until ha IimiK hlx li'lHUtilfi' ami li'fl the inmi' In hl iimii ili'Mici. At that inmitwit t In- hlllll Ik JllK'MT In I," FROM LOS ANGELES TO FLORIDA BY AIRSHIP Prcsrrvns thu Juices nml Natural Tlavor of Meats Some Foods Cannot Du Cooked In Tlilb Manner. VAittVALUlH, Oirt., I'U. II. liir IniX ennkary wtm lint niiIijcoI nf I lie niltlhtiM Ktvon I hi liftiniionii In faun iV wlvom nml IiuikIiU'I'n hy Miw l.nU I'nilyar, a it'aitrtl mhliliaii In thu faeiilly nf Him t'mMllr maiwiff ilf inilmait at Ilia ()n AKeii'iillnrnl cnllani'. Minn l'ailyi'i' nIuiwi'iI Ihi'in vniimiM xixi'M ami miiki'M nf Ilia liaif", whli'h au Ilia iiawont "wrinkla" in I In itiinnniiiy nf lalior in I lie kilclifn. .Minn Kailyar npnhi' in part tin fnl lw: "'Ilia flavor-- nf niiiih fnnilii ara iinpimcil hy (ha iihi of tha pnpur Imn, tvliila lha mlnrit art ki'it. in. Tlnu'ii in a litlla waMli, hn Him hIii Ink n(n in n'lhic'oi! In n minitmiiti, lint in Ilia iaK nT ini'iil Ihara w nuvar a Kiiiiil riah "mvy, nnly a julna wliiah i nnt a unml Miilmtilnta for xrary. Wi lira iudiHml In ifink with Inn nnii'li haul, ami tha liinwiiiiiK nf tha liHK will warn iim in tinai to mva tha nmut fmwi IniriiiiiK. Thara rf mimh fnnilK that aMiiimt jaamihly ha conked in I liana ling". The dixlifw tn lw nnldi'd arc t.niiw, I)iiin, i-alilmt, niHannitii, hula, miiulat ami nerfitnlili'd "Haleut a Iihk In lit (ha fntit tu la cnnki'd hh ni'Hily hn pon-dlile ; nil llit iiiti'iinr with malli'd Iniltar nnlHwt watai in tn ha Hildi'd. Tiini Hie anr IM'Im at tha rlimed and, fanlaa lln'in with Mtir alijw, and lay tha ihm' nr vcKftNlita n he- fiiukad in thu Ihir Il i hatter tn iinu two in(, one in- ina in iiiiaiaer. loin iim mini clMIs iir lime, ahma tn Ilia fianl, turn in Hi annier and fittdan liifiu e 1'iirHy w'llh miar aliiw. ljty il on a wira mak willi the mmihin nf lha liNg iii. It i wall In una a hrailar mi lha nak will nnt ia yn a flat mir faaa, i.iat'1' lha tin in n lanali ninra apt tn liraak hy atiekinir In lha aur faaa. "Tha riMmt nr vegatnljla may ha ptoraii with a Ijiik pin In i' if it hM Itaan aiaikad i'nniih. Whan wall atMikad, lha hat; "hnnld ha pulled fnr wnnl and laid on tha laic, nil nf tha NtH'r lOiaiivt'd la'fnri' iariii'. Tha nvi'ii ulainld la very hnl iliirna; tha llr-i l.'i nr jo minnlei., and linn lha In-at nduri'd. The Nma tune irolii'diila llf artiikinf hy IhTa niPllind iiiiimI imi ha ii-ed ax in cankiajf tha nrdinarv uav, lull tha fund mitnt he (tipil to -cm if it i. lender." Ashland Commercial Club Votes to Offer 0iill(llii3 aiul Grounds to Bishop Scott Academy for Boys, Nov Located at Portland. 10 END BOIL OF BIG WARSHIPS Without dfesettllng vol lha Cnin- iiii'iainl clnh Iihm doeidad In iihd itx heat affnrl In locnio thu Ili-lmp Hcntt Si'hmd for Hyiin KiiMcopnl itiMi it tt( ion in lha old Normal niop aily. The alnh'ii prtidatil and the aniniaillca nltandy in aliHiva nf Ihi Mi'Kilintiiiiis i t;ivaii curia hlam-he In mihi lha mailer In MiiceeMMi'nl inxiie, mh.vd tha Anhland Itecoid. Tlie aaluad in an MlahliMhed iiixtiln lion now operating in Portlnnd. Jt hna n Mlmiii ni'KHiii.ation hack of it and an amply Naaiited amiiial income of .fHIIIII) I'liim nnlMida xniireiM. It prnponaH n enina - if at all- with no hmiUM nr iriinnuili'H of Nehohirhi. Il maralv hm,m fni lha norinal prop ally tor aehiMil piirpomm. The imtller eHina In a hand rallior imiixpeeledly. A enniinillea eonaiHtiiiK of ,MeMHt. 1'' IL Wiilmtn, K. A. Sharwin nml Kev. ,1. T. I.ih'hn rwtnr of tha loenl Kpiheo ml elnireh, pronenhal mi axhaiilive lapmt. M(rii lakiiiK netinii thaeluh called for n rqiort on tha ired hiancli of Hn Oakland Polytechnic xchool. There wn litlla to iHirt. Preaident Oihaon had haen a.xpmitad fo place hafora the meutinK deflidle plnnx and eople of coafracta, at. They wete hoi ''iriiicintiiiijf. Die clnl) wrtM tn ildy diHpMiinted. It dreided to wail no lotiKPr. The eomliliun no far a the Kni- enHl aehiMil in eoiiearned h nhont ax felkiwx: HiNhop Sentt School for lloya in n hijrli elnn mfd well rejtii" IhIimI iiiKlitnlian. It in under xiiper vinian of lliohop Keadilin nml a lawrd of IntHleeM. They are mil .iit illed with Hie location in Porllnml. They liMTa for neveral yeam con Inn -pin led ita relnentiati. Three yearn ago they hmittht till) aenm in Vmnhi'l cMiimty. The (met and improvement have cost them r..OO0. They Ime tin IiiiiMiiich ih yd. SWINDLED INVESTORS GOMBIWE TO RECOVER .lAl'KRONVIM.K, Mil., IVh. 1. Aunther aviator, Kohert (I. Fowler nf Oilrny, (;al., Iiiim croHcd tha eon tinent in Hie air. lie i lima loday, liaviiii; ofliaially coinpleloil Ida loiix 1'liK'lil when ho landod nt .Monorail" pari.-. I'owler lefl San Fnuielaen for New link hcplcmht'i' II laal. lie mo) t far MmiKiiiiit (lap, hut atnrniM drove him hack nml ha nifiiiii elailcd i'rain I, oh AiiKeliM Oclolmr 'J I. In 18 1'l.viiiK diiyH ha went 1 700 niiUw to IIoiihIiiii, Tex. Doacinhcr .'IL ha nr jived nt New Orlenn. Hlonim do Inyed hia llihl hincc, SOCIALIST ORATOnS SPEND NIGHT IN JAIL HAN DIKdO, Cal . Feb. Thirty. oIkIiI men and tin uu women who at tempted to Hiaak on I In pnlillc ntrealH hero uml In the newly created ruHtrlftod illulrlet, atiaiit tlio nlht In tha drunk tanltR t tlio city Jull, ho liiK mfiiHed hull hy tlio pollco. Amnni; thii HiamkaiH worn Hurry McKee and Attoriioy 10. 10, Klrlc, prnmliiuiit an clnlltitH, All mo In ho nrruli'iici'l In court today, i LONDON, IVh. ! It Ih declared lien today hy the I'all Mall (iaxctlc that tile rial purpoiHi of the lmlt of Lord llaldaue. ItrlHah mlnimer of ar. tn llerllu U to dlveuw a plan In end thu OrcmltiHimlil InilldluK rare which U eoMtliiK hnlh KOvermiiuutM many iiiIIIIoiih, nml not to nccuro the reletme of llertrnml Hlewnrl, can- let ed In (iermmiy ami Impildonoil an an NiikIIhIi Mpy. AiMioiiuceiueul that (iermnuy I I'ltiiu'd to Mpand ninny more mil lloim In htillilliiK lnitlleelilpH In Iiii llaveil today to have been the real iiiHplnitlon for tlu hurrli'd visit. VETERAN HIGHLANDER VISITING IN MEDFORD Koherl Mackenzie of Iiivoi'iiohk, Seolliiud, ia viailiu in aledford. .Mr. Mackenzie wiih formally u pi pur in a regiment of thu Senforth llij,'lilaiid erri uml from which u'Kiiiumt he re ceived lliroa mednlH for hia iiffiaiiinay of Herviea. lie ia much plniiHcd with Medford mid iln Hiirrouudluiji. and ia li'.viiiK In Ineule aoma of hm old fridiuU who have nmclio in Ihu valley, JIiibKIiiu for health, GRANTS PASS LUMBERMAN DEAD BY HEART DISEASE OKANTH PASS. I'eh. 51. T. V YVIIIiuuiH, piinliieiit citizen ami Iiii'ko properly owner, died Biidduuly from heart dloHO Weilnandny eve tllnK, need r:t. Ho had heeu u reid dent nf (IrantK I'tuta for 18 yenra nud I oh von n wlfo and two children, lie founded (ho YVIIIIiiiiir Door ami laim har cdinpiiuy, which wiih Mold Inter to thn llooth-Kelly compiuiy mid then fni'iuod the Wllllanirt IlrntherH I.um her company ope nil I hk at .(llendiile. Tlila plant, wiim rocently Hold, .1. II. Moore, u (I. A. It. veteran, wiih found duud In lied Tluiraday front heart failure, agod 70. Ho Ih Htirvlvml hy two noun, Onrnr 10. nml (Iodide Moore, nml n duuRhter, .Mia. I). A. Harmon of Merlin. NAGEL NOT LIKELY " TO WEAR ERMINE WASHINGTON", Feh. (I. Prealdenl Tuft mid hi eahinet today diciihHcil Ilia uppoinliiienl of im ustaieiale ju liee of lha Hiiprenm court In aueeei'd the lute .luslieu Harlan. Attorney Wiekershani, Pohininaler Ooneutl llilehemd; uml Sonrolnry of Statu Knox uracil the uppointmeut of (IhiiiUm .), NiiKol of SI. I.ouia, nl praoout umiretiiry'of eommereo mid lalior. It in heliavud, however, (o he oxtrumnly doiihtful thai NiikuI will ho mimed, 111 iitfo. (Ill yenlx. and iiik lack of previoiiH judicial experience (.'oiiiiIIhk ulioutjly n,i;uint him, rOIlTLANI), Ore.. Kdi ) )t.. olarltiK Hint they worn -.Hindli-d ami itt'terinlnod (o rwovor an much property ntt phIIi!h from the K fnart C'oliinililii Hlvor Oreliard com imuy ami lirlnK proceodlnga analast any oHIctahi of tlio wrockwl liubhlc whom they hullevod to ho culpHlde, holder of ISItO.OOO liomln In the unaltered con corn havw lmuded to Kctlier herv mid ennaf;! attoniejs to make u fl-lil. It Ih oxiiactwl that n meeting of (ho liomlholdeni will ho held in it day or vo for tlio purpono of map pliiK out a plan for action. It In hullevod the Oregon organiza tion will roprctmnt $750,000 of the hoods when action Ih finally taken. H U known that the orchard coni piyiy Iihm ttoiuu property. Equitahlc to Rebuild. NHV YOHIC, Keh. 1). Hqultnlilo I.lfo Aamtrauco offlclalH announced today that thtoy Imvo decided to re build on the old alto of their burned btilldltiK In the financial dlwtr'ct. Vile Cared In O to 14 Dr Vnur itriiKKtHt will renwa inouoy If VA7.0 OINT.MKNT fdllH to euro any case nf llchlm,', Illlml. ItliMilltiK or I'rotruuttiff I'ltoH lu C to 14 itnyw. too. I FELT BAD ALL IE TIME Shcllhorn Lady Suffered a Great Deal, But Is All Right Now. - Shollhorn, Aln.In n lottor from thin pltico, Mm. Carrlo May aayB: "A abort tlmn npo, I commenced to lmvo woak bpoIIei and hendaebca. I fult bail nil tlio time, nud soon grow oo bad I couldn't atny up. I thought I would dlo. At last my husband 'Rot mo n bottlo of Cnrdul, and It holpcd mo; ho bo not fiomn moro. Attor I had taken tbo Bocond bottlo, I was ontlroly woll. I wish ovory lady, BiifforlnK from womanly trouhlo, would try Cardul. It In (ho best modlclnn I know of. It did mo moro ijood than anything I ovor used." Cardul Is re woman'a tonic ft ntreuBthonlnR mcdlclno for wqmen, mado from liiBrodlontB that act bjiq clflcally on tho womanly orBana, nnd tlmn lioln to build up tho womanly con uUtutlon to kIowIiir good health. Ah a rcmody for woman'a llla, It has a Bitcceusful record ot ovor CO yearfl. , Your druRclat soils It. TleaBo try It. N.n.-irrlfo. IJlM'A4vliorynrt.. ChMt. root MeJUIn Co., Cltatumus, T;-nn.,or hcuil Jiitlructwiil, nj OI-p.U'o buok, llonm Trfliuut (vt WwiKiV'.tMln puin rnrpr,a K)utit, The Proof of Habit We told "ii .VHlerdny in wnleh (hin apnea. WHY? Tn xtil flio luibil. Ymi did or ele you .would not Intro" Mean (III today. ,Jiit, the aattie habit Hint yon have t,iulrllil;-it,,ll',d in (he Hrn old way, lookitiK 'for ear lain (JltrTW in eettaiti place, dniiiK e'jrluin tliloi! iir ;i eiirluiii yVen way, all Ihette w ay nr habit. Now wo want ytfll in itrt w (ha habit of olicitin your iidviea in mHllet1 K-rtmnini( to ftmmt of the head from tin, not only lieenuxc of Hie XmcI Ihrtt w would lamellt from Hie Hifio but for tk nittwii Halt we know ydu will muluiilly be Iwaeflled. We do thiiif- difforontly from nt beiii; in ece e cannot help you we will loll you mid il will not iiel von a einl and in enma we emi do any thitijf lor J"" will do it if you like uml at Hie time will loll you exactly what (lie total col will bo and you will Ins llto one that will net Hie attrjirlHe when wo do tell you, for romeinher we nr doitiR cvcrytliini for lost than anyone diet in Him country nnd nt the mum price flint you may hve been tmod lo KOtthiK it done for in any jmrt of tlio Fnt.1. An illiiHlrHlmn of Ihi mixht be appropriate nt thin lime. Wo Imd a pntioul eoma into our offiue tbia week who needed wane Miirgirttl work dono; wo looked hhn over earufiillv, (old him what the price would be nnd he remarked, "I) it now," unying at tho time he had ox pccted lo be forced to pay just double the amount we nuked him.) Why are we doinc thin? To nhow the pub lic Hint we wool lo do tboir work, that wo are more than merely uppreeinlie, that wo can do the work better thmi tbev expeot. We are udvt-r(itiiu; tlicne things; wo .iro doiiif tbora !. We are not rtiHhiiij; inlo print by ny itif thpt we were in tlic niok of time lo huvo a life or in methods other than tlioe of the strictest buninoHB prin ciples. Wo want the help of the money gnvinc public. OurH is n flcht on principle and not on the practices nor in any event in it at nil personal. WATCH Sunday wc won't gny so much, but it will contain ment. rOXSLTTATION always FREE. C lurke E. Saunders, M. I). II. E. Green, M. D. Drs. Saunders & Green Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ' ' MKDFOIH). OHKGON. OARNETT-COKEY BLIHJ. Reliable Ethical Revival Services AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DR. PARSONS Will preach tonight, on the subject: "Strivo to Enter in." 7:30 p. .in. Nete: There will vo no services on Saturday. See California Now See its attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels and resorts, magnificent scenery, delightful climate. Outdoor sports of all kinds and pleasant drives through miles of orange groves. All reached by the "Road of a Thousand Wonders' lw-ff SUNSET 1 (OGDEN & SHASTA) I V R?viES rf X. . -5-sszaS!U M jm "Road of a Thousand Wonders' LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to California, in effoct daily with long limit and stopovers going or returning 3 THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 3 SHASTA IdMlTKD -rullmnn cars and observation cars. CAl'IPOltX.A KXPKI'SH Pullman tourist cars. lUsh-class has vitAN'ClSCO i:XlUK8S l'ulliuati nnd tourist cara. (loaohea. Vno.NColled ilhilnit i'np Horvlco courteous nml nttentlvo employes finii on our noarcat S. P. ngont for Intorestlns lltoraturo dcscrlblug various resorts, or wrlto to JOHN M. SCOIvl General rasJicnger Agent, PORTMSTi,' ORKGOX coaches, lllgh-class tho 7,V KtiKlieli Hreakfaat TentSpC- clal, the pound fJOtf 7"e ffieolori'd Japnii Tea, Special. the Pound f ... .50c .I0e Coffee (No-Ono Illend); Spe cial, the Pound 25 :.'( Coffee (No-Twei Illonil) ; Spe cial, the Pound 30c Sussman & Wormser or Royal Club Tomato Catsup Miule of pure, whnlewme tomatoes, requiring no chemicals of nny kind to preserve il. Special Saturday only, tho bottle 20i Violet Pancake and Buckwheat Flour The two-pound package. Special, the Package, only 10 Extra Fancy Soft Shell Walnuts 2,'c radc nnd worth it. Special Saturday only, the pound.... 20J Frou Frou, the Dainty Dutch Delicacy Sells everywhere ni (10c. Special by the pound, only 45 Special Prices on Hams and Bacons Everything tlmt the mnrhet affords in Fresh Fruits nnd Vegetnbles. Coffee Coffee Coffee We have scctirod the exolusivi HKonoy for Dwfrjhf Edwards Co.'s Tcai and Coffees, inoltidhig such wisll known brands as Superba nnd Dependable. Superba, ns perhaps yon know, is steel nnd packed in vacuum (airtight) tins, whioh improved maohines. cut, nil chaff removed is done with the latest Wo guarantee this Coffee to give entire satisfaction in every respect or money refunded. We lmvo socurd the service,? of Mr. Norris, an expert on tea and coffees, who 1ms entire Qhnrge of our Tea nnd Coffee department, and de-rote his entire time in finding Sat isfactory Tea and Coffee to suit your personal Uttc and price. W wmh to call youn Special attention fo one line of Ten-". W hai the bot kind grown in the world. Wt can wait even t:-(-prices ranging from 25c to $2 the pound. We will be ploasod to fur nish you with samples. Remember, we have the largest assortment of Teas and Coffees between San Francisco and Portland. Free Demonstration Saturday w A JlV Battleships in action, the bombardment of Tripoli and landing of troops, not oue but many spy Flying machinos and in fact renl war pictures takon of the real war. This is not a drama posed for but renl bits of tho war just as tho camera man was able to catch them, There are two reels of the Italian-Turkish War, also four other pictures uto for ten cents, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at tho U-GO THEATRE WA R GENUINE AVAIt Medford Theatre, Friday, Feb, 9 The Most Successful, Most Popular and Most Fascinating Romance of Recent Years GRAUSTARK (A Love Behind a Throne) Dramatized by Grace Hayward. Adupled by Goo. D. Baker. From lite Novel of GeorflO Barr McCutclteon, Author of Brewster's Millions Louiso Valentino, Atkins Lawronee, Cyril Raymond, Frodoric McUuirk and othors. ritlCES $1.50, $1.00, 75o, 50o SEATS ON SALE. JSJJJK. TMB IPCSXtMllUSi'a ETUKJlR 'rasa; B7nrnMJ ? i! I vf4v4 ..uraW W"' A Full Line of Peerless Lamps All guaranteed. Now is tho time to got your house wired. Good light adds to tho comfort of winter months. SO. OffEGON ELECTRIC CO. -North Grape Street.