PA'CIE SEC '"I "V W. misotwu watt; trtbotw, MEmroniJ. orcnoox. TnrnsmT. rtctwatcy a, 1012. ORAUS TARK 10 PLAY FRIDAY Drnmatlzntlon of Famous Story io Appear at Medford Tomorrow Evening -Romantic Plot of a Love Behind a Throne. MICH PLEASED fflFORD FIRE WITH VALLEY LOSS SMALL Former Postmaster of Normal, Ky Charmed With Southern Oregon Delighted With Showing Made by Rogue River Orchard Company. Tlu much ilifwtiMPil piny, "Oraii Mnrk," will bo proMWttcd nt Medfonl theater Fobninry 11 niul loonl bool: l"pr ami tli,aterpurs will have h opportunity f sooln; nntl judging for llienibi'lves the tlnuuntizcri vcrsinn by Ornce Hnywnrd and adapted by Gen. 1) linker of George Bnrr McCuteh- eon's famous story. The author's render nre legion nnd they rally to the support of the piny ns n unit. The op)ortunity for dramatic effort 111 "Grnustnik" is unparalleled in the history of singe productions where successful novels were the source of supplying the plot. Jhiuos W. CtU who stnged the originnl production, wns quick to nee the possibilities of this startling story nnd nrrnnged for the thentrienl rights with the result thnt tndny this romnntic dnunn is the the most tulked of piny in the renhn of thcntcrdoiu. The plot nnd chnracters nre taken bnddv from the novel nnd one who Jins rend the book enn see bis fa onles exactly as described by the author in his charming (ory. A the greater part of this interesting nil- culiirc takes plnue in u country where picturesque dress is in vogue nnd quaint nrehiteeture rules, it gives nu opportunity for a displny of scenie splendor and gorgeous costumes. This had been taken advantage of by the ninuagement to the extent that n tiO l'oot carload of effects are utilized 111 the presentation of this play. FRUIT TREES STILL SUBJECT TO TAXATION OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. S. Do- spite the fact that the state loglsla-l ture has passed a law exempting fruit trees from taxation) the state tax commission, in an opinion to the assessor ot Chelan county, declares thnt fruit trees are not exempt. The; commission holds that the custom of not taxing trees Is without authority John M. Williams, formerly mer chant and postma-tor of Xormal, Ky., is the late-t addition to the "booster clntt" of Medford and ta Kou Hiv er valley. Interviewed as to bis im pressions, be snid : "The enst has no conception of what the Hogue Kivor valley stands for. I wrote a letter to a wroal friend the other day nnd told him the soil cannot be described. It mu-t be seen. I nave read ninny ot the won derful booklets issued by your Com mercial club and inut say they hne not exaggerated in any way the out standing features of Med ford and vi cinity. Your climate i wonderful. "The Rogue River Commercial Or chard company first drew my atten tion to this section and on htdmlf of that eoriorntioii I must ."y thnt con ditions are fnr ahead of what 1 an ticipated. Their orchard is a revela tion to a mind neoustoined to eastern methods of farming and raisins; treo. The property is well fenced, a ditch runs through the entire tract carry- iug.nll the water that may be neces sary for irrigation, the laud has a gentle slope, a feature by the way that appeals to mo strongly, but the most striking feature of all, consid ering the way yon prune, is the re markable growth of the trees. "About my staying here? Well, I have not as yet made up my mind. I came here to sec the Rogue River Commercial orchards, as I have a .slight interest in same and it may be that I will make Medford my per manent home. The orchard coniHtiiy. I am satisfied, is more than able to mnke good on its part of the con tract, ns I understand the men be hind the company nre well known all over the northwest, financially and otherwise. I will be here for two or three mouths nt least and in thnt time exH'ct to become conversant with this section.'1 under tho state constitution. In this connection action of the Hiiprcmu court 1b cited to show that the legislature has no power to ex empt any property from taxes. The total lire loss n Mcdford for tOll was .?lS..'tli;t.:0. nod the tuur mice on same was $.l.",tis;t..Vi. These figures, with many more which tol low. were read by Kire Chief Kugeiie Auiniin nt Hie annual banquet last evening. The chief uNo recommend ed that theaters and moving picture shows be regulated and closely in spected, that all hotel and business blocks oxer two stories high baxe fire escapes, and that all school oxer on story high be supplied with the escapes, tin? piircnae iiv the city of u hook and ladder truck was urged. The chief's report follews: To the Honorable Mayor and City Ceuncil: Gentlemen: The following is the report of the Medford fire department for the year Ittll: Number of alarms turned in, el: total loss by fire, .$lS.:WK..'iU; insur ance on sump, $l.'.tlS!l.5: number of men aixxeriug alarms, Sf:t; tires m residences, i); fires in stows, 0; fine files, 7: sra- fires. Ill; laundry. I; hotels, 'J: restaurants, 12; barns, 12; still alarms. 7, Salaries of two iiihi $18(10.00 Services at fires I WtUlO Other e.H,ise 17127.120 Hose UtIO.OO Total $.lft.!2ll Fire equipment of the diNirlmeui: Total amount of 'J1 i -inch hose, '.MOO feet; total amount of chemical hose, .10(1 feet; three hand chemical, two hose carts, one chemical and combin ation wagon, two horses; number of feet of hose laid at firws. 17,'J.")0; number of gallon of chemical used, 100. I herewith recommend that an ordi nance be passed regulating theater and moving picture shows. I further recommend that fire es cape be put on all business build ings over two stories high, nlso on all school buildings oxer one story high. I further recommend thnt the city purchase a hook and ladder truck. Respectfully submitted, EUOKXE AMANW, Kire Chief. TO CUKE A COLD Uf OH31 DAT Take LAXATIVE IIIIOMO Qulnlno Tab- lets, DruKRidts rufund money If It fall to curr. K. W GUOVITH 8lKnaturi la on each hot 25c. Hnsklns for health. Valentine Post Cards for 5c 10 Wo will put on sale hero tomorrow over lf,0()() Valen tino Post Cards, over 500 different styles and subjects to select from, ami in a quality sold by most stores at 2 for uo. We want your valentine business, hence price ONE CENT EACH or 10 Cards for 5 Cents Marinello Face Powder HcnufitH mul Heautifies The PoWtltT dint Sticks. A I fold xvonderful pioleelion with no danger of injury. Made in three lints while, flesh and limnetic l'i Ice fill ceiila. Auk for u trnxelci's package Tin will cot von nothing but will couxince vii that .1 i Hit UtIO firrfrcl POWlllT. Marinello Shop 107 Garnctt-Corey Dtil. Phones 0701, 313-K HAND COLORED VALENTINES Tost Card size, fancy dec orated, each in box l(ty each Hand Colored Folder Val entines 25c value 15 each RIBBON TIED, HAND COLORED VALEN- TINE PADS Kvory artist, price 125 each B. T. VAN DE CAR will save you money if in the market fol diamonds, watch es or jewelry. The best goods at lowest prices in Medford PHIPPS BUILDING one tho work each in box. ol an Sale Valentino Post Cards, silk center 12 for 5 Valentino Tost Cards, velvet, center 12 for 5 Hand Colored Valentino Tost Cards .. . 12 for 5tv HUSSEY'S !l s Nearly a quart or of a century under tho saino management. THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Orogon It has .succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safoty of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. T. Vawler, Tresidont CI. H. Lindloy, Vice Pros. 0. W. Ale Donald, Cashier" t T Y Y Y T f Y Y Y Y Y Y T f T Y Y T Y Y Y T f Y Y T Y t T T T T T T T t T T T f T T T f T T T T T T f JhJ m OUR TWENTY-FIFTH Friday and Saturday Surprise Sale FEBRUARY 9th AND 10th We are going to continue our GREAT FRIDAY and SATURDAY SURPRISE SALES again. Watch tho Papers for those GREAT SALE NOTICES 25 Ladies' Black Genuine Heatherbloom and Sateen Skirts, $1.50 grade, each 98c 5 dozen Ladies' Sweater Coats, Red, White, Brown, Black and Navy, regular $2.50 grade, each .lust the thing for those cool mornings and evenings AT 1.75 5 dozen 72x90 Sheets each, very special 38c Regular 120 grade each, Huck Towels, dozen $1.00 81x90 One Piece Sheets, 75c grade, each 59c Regular 25c Bleached Bath Towels each 20c Your Choice of All Shirt, Waists in our stock, each $1.00 TWENTY YARDS Best Standard Calico $1.00 42 inch Bleached Pillow Tubing, Extra Special Per Yard 16 l-2c 15 inch Bleached Pillow Tubing, Extra Special, Yard 18 l-2c 12 yards 10c .and 120 grade Fancy Outing $1.00 05 pieces regular 10c yard Ging ham. While thoy last 12 yards for $1.00 5 pieces 65c yard Bleached Table Linen, 72 in., yard 49c Boys' and Girls' 15c grade Black Stockings, all sizes, pair 10c WE ALWAYS HAVE SPECIAL PRICES IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT HUTCHISON & LUMSDEN A i 1 V ? T T V r v Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y A. A Jt T i