A v J : i. It's Plainly ' ? ( ct,;. MyTT WIU- Mf 1'iaVMU ) ON HI',. c innm. (NIFW TO PORTING MIN. t,n; j , x OiNV NOCll.lCO (M.u ot.ror. up To nor. cs-iSlT r HH uor fcMU'l) WV.ITW "INN ( USTTGff. COURT HOUSE NEWS New CiiM'tf. Slate of On-goa vn. .1. K. (Hover; iiHHimlt with iiiik'iIis ttcnKiu. Klixuhelh Cmhk h. .loliii Kynu el nl; Mliil to fnreelime coat raid. W. II. Taylor . V. I.. Law Velle; mill to i'iiiil I'niilnu't. I'rolwiie, Ifrlflle litTti (lore; order appoint in .Mttrt'li U, llMJ, mh day lor Anal (Wttll'llient. Ilitlie tiintli'1' of III Hl!tiiui of IV- Iwr S. mhiI AdImU'Y Sleewtrup for lenve 1 adopt Frunee Koni'II; deeree nf adoption. Clmih Com l St'HH, John llhkniwin v. I (I. Oolden Imrjr order niodifjinic emit hill. IMwin P. IIiikIm'm . V. A. Dun )hi; order denying uiolioii for new trtol. hi regard nMiKiiment of W. I.. Ul rii'li; ay in-olvent order llxhig lime for HiihI In-HrliiK. Ailhur .Miir-lmll v. Pronpfct Con klnit'linii i'iiimiiy; onlor KnnitiiiK Mint iN for 'rtititliiiui,i'. riturif IC Tull n. Al Tulf, vi-r-iHi'l in favor of ilHuttil'f in miiui of 4-IJII. KoiiU Wnit v. M. M. Wt-lt-li; vjci't jhoiiI Hlien: oiilir unuilliiK oonlimi hih'm .for trinl. Kiwi I l'ln'lf TiVlixiirtl'uix. 0. Tr!n lo 0. Tmfii. Jr., IiihiI inT). .1(, 4W fl IIhi'v A. IIiiiiih t al to Mnr- I'lltlllf H Snili ,'C 'I'lllnt Co., land in Tp. X, IK (Jnvfii A inn' mlilition to W. T. Alilmiliaut'ii, lot I'.1. Ill I; I), (Jihh'ii Aiiiic mill., Mnilfoi'il. . Binkiyoit lli'iv'ttx Co. to 1 1 it'll - Hiil W. Noilliriii, lot III. hlk I, KirtUyoii IIoikIiIh uilili limi, .Mi'ilfmil W. A. I'wlrifk to Ki.nl U. Tay lor, Inml in Tp. :u, IK .Mary K. (Iiulilt i't al to Alary A. Witlkor, Inml in Smt. 10, Tp. Hit, l'K It. S. National lunik, AhIiIiuiiI. to I'Yi'd Taylor, Inml in Tp. .'Ill, IK llaruailiiit ('iiimlirv Aii. to Win. A. I'attick.lot 'MVit llniyHilino t'liiuoU'ry, AhIiIiuiiI MaryA. Walk..r to ('.('. Walk ir, laml in Tp. n, UK Christian Downing t! al to ,1ns. I. DowniiiK, Inml in Tp. 117, 2r .7. C. Stilitli tnr.iohn .M. Aliholt, proMily hi lli(lilanil pail; mill., Ali1anil V. M. Aliholl to .7. V. Sinitli, Ii.Ih l!l, II, Ifi ami 1(1, hlk II, Moil; In & I'ayiio addi tion, AhIiIiiiiiI 0. !', Ciiikoii lo J. ('. r-VKiisoii, J 1 .Mill 1 1 1 I no i 30 l 10 30 i,r-io 30 land in Tp. Ill), IK. .'...... . SiMilt V. Davirt to II. ( Ki'iil imr, lot It, hlk I, Oak (Irovo MiihdiviMion, Mi'dford Krank ('li'vulmid to N'nonali OniKMi Land Co., Kill norox in T. .TJ. 1W Sarah l. I liiHtinH to X, A. Thompson; power of attoY nuy. Arlliar 1). ('iinllir Land and Ondini'il Co, In .7. K. KolimiH, propurly in (lilnian'ri hii7 ilivUinii, . ,'. Anci'iHtiiH Monro (o lti'ln'Ccn K. M'ooro, HUH luui'H in Tp. 117, IK; proporty in hlk l'J, I'lumiiix If. H. IniaU'd Onilianlrt Inn. to Alhort Aiiilui'Hiiu, laud in i; u. c. dr., Tp, :iu, iw; iiKi'i'i'iiuuit. (K'a, W. Ihimioh, Jr., ot al to 1. V. Iloltlnr, KK ipiarlur Sut'. H, Tp, 117, 1 W. K. llilpM to Olivu H. Worlliiii(;toii, propurly in Hivarnido Hiihdivlwinn vi'tmt'ri addition, Mmlford . . .1 30 30 Charltw W. Nit'liida to MrH. N. J. Wadi), 1(10 iiimw in tp. 10, BW 13,500 TIkih, Woodliff lo 0. II. Mtlln, propiniy in lilk (I, Central mxim v ''"ac MofAc; ' SJSX&vJsNvfL v 1 J'oint. . lttftllit Seen That Mrs. C 1 THlt, it MWIO W0&.K., To HrUL QP,UK&KU.DN "JUT I'D Do rWfTMINO POtJ. tAUTT I To J ' I7M.J Kiln H. HlanlAy to II. I Wlict hli.iii', land in 1 1. I,. C. '' and 10, Tp. '.1(1, 'JW 1.1,000 Lillian C. Day to Ira Tangntf, propel ty in I tin IT add., Iliittn FiiIIm 'Jail Itordi'iii IhnVc to Itmij. M. IIimm', land in Sfc. Ill, Tp. :i7. UK 1 Major A. Carter to II. K. Car iiiii'liai'l, iniaiiiK piuptntv in Tp. -10, IK .... I Sirtlrfyoti Ili'ilit Co. to llieo. W. MiiixIi, HH iu'iiw in hlk til) Kvlt'iiMiou Siskiyou I IrilttH add., Mi'ill'nnl 1 Si-Wiyou IlriKlilH Co. to Viola T. Meirr, projWtv in Sinki viiii HimkIiIh add., Medford. 1 Jmiiick 1,. DouniiiK t John II. DotMiiiiK, 10 aeri'M in Tp. .17, UW 1 Itohorl Mfrtidilitfi to S.-otl V. DaviM, land in D. I,. 0. VI, Tp. :i(l. 2V 10 .7. IVndleton to Seott V. Dain, -10 ihtiw in I). I,. C. a, Tp. ;m, aw r.ioo I. M. Mat'Donald el al to Seott V. Dnvix, laml in Tp. IK!, JW 10,000 It. II. Toft to C. A. Maker, property in Ml; II, Imperial add., Medford 10 It. II. Toft to (!.' W. Taeker, lot H. hlk a, I'alin'rt add., Medford 1(1 Jihua l'atteron to K. I'. Ja eol.f., land in Tp. HH, 1W 10 lmun Harney to Itaohwl Wol ary, property in Kagte J'oint 1,100 MEDFORD MARKETS Hotnil I'ricos. VecetaltleN. Potntocit 1150 per cwt. CatihitKO ,1c. I'amnlpii 20. i Lettuce. Oc lieaJ. Cnrrot--2VjC. lleetu S'4c. Oiilnm 3c. Celery fiOcfl'Jl dox. Cnullflowor lOtfSOc liend. Turiiltm 2 V4c. HnillHheH Co hunch. Onlonu Oroon. Co bunch. I'rult. CoronnuUi 10c each, l'runca Dried, 10a lb. I.einuiiH 2Cc dozen, llanauaa 10c to 30c per dozen. Oranncn lCc to -10c. CrnnborrleB 10c quart. Hatter, I'KKi and I'oultry. Huttor Fresh ranch, per roll, CCo; creamory, BCc Kkb Froali Yancli, 3Ccj BtornKO, 2Gc. Poultry irons, dressed, 18c; llvo 12c; sprhiKS, drenBod, 20c, TurlcoyB 20c to 2 Co, drcuod. Mcatu, Wliolt'Niilo, Hoof Cows, 4c; atcors, Co. Pork 5 UW Co. Voal Dressed, 7010c. Mutton 333&o, llvo; lambs, Cfl 7 We. YTay ami Vwtl, Wholesale? Hay Timothy, $18; alfalfa, $1G; graHB, flC; grain hay, $IC. Grain Wheat, $1-02 IiuhIioI; onto, $87 tou; Imrloy, $40 ton. HaskliiH for health. FOR ItWNT HOUHlaiKKPINU ROOMH FOR RENT Now and up to date apartment tmodorn In overy partic ular, gnB cooking, Btenm boat, etc. Smlth'H apartment houso, 217 So. Rlvorsldo, FOR RENT- Two furnished light hoiiHokeopIng rootfiH, Apply morn IiigH, 425 South Oakdale. 27G FOR ItKNV FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Largo' tdtioplng room, $1,50 and $2 por woolc, Modorn hnuuekoeplng apartiutiutR, $15 and $10. Home phono 2CG-K. 222 South llilly. ' FOR RENTFurnluhod room; )iot and cold wator. bath, light and heat. 221 North Holly. 276 FOR RENT Front room, ttultablo for otto or two. Bath coaueotloiiB. 20 Robu court, Phono 5212, 278 i k jimr ,k?v i .v- 1 1 yt- . mi r. n-i i i i i -' r -1"1 rT WTOKORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, Mutt Had No Intention of Building a Chimney IM Mii'.r (JG GOINt. TO J UO IS IOT OT R.PMItlM6 ON THt; .oor I .rJvL, :. JffaJL . -. --ii J I'oit itu.NT h()i;him KOU HICNT KurnlMlKiiI 0 room cot luco, iiiodorn. CI 8 KIhk Ht. FOR UKNT llockonyoi uuiiKitlow; itiotlurii. 72U WdhI Uth ut. l'liono Main 0C0U. FOK HUNT ()ITIC1C FOR HUNT Over tlio postofrico, with huat nnd light Hco A. A. Dnvln. FOK HKNT I.arrc, romfortahlo of (Iro rooniB with elevator Morvlco, itH'iun hunt, hot nml cold wnt'.T. l)w rates. Ajijily Medford Furul- turo & lidw. Co. KOIC HKNT MISUKIiTiAM'X)Ufl FOK LKAflK Fully equipped placer and quartz mlno. Gold Hay Hnul ty Co. """' I lWM ) .. FOR HKNT Laro and small ranch en. Oold Hay Realty Co. FOR MJASK A produrlni; i;old Jill no equipped with five Mump in 1 1 In. couceutratorif, air rrtmlierH and air roinprcwHorn, all operated by filirctrlc power. Will leaso on cany tomiB for porcontaKe of out put, (lold Hay Realty Co. FOR HUNT Flvo am orchard and Kitrdeu ntlJolnliiK Central Point. Han pumping plant. Inquire W. 12. llrayton, 1 inllu north Central Point. 283 IX)H HAI.i: OH HKNT VOR HKNT OR RALK First class Ktirduu and fruit tract with house, barn and chicken park. M. A. Under. Medford. Ore. I-'OHKAfiH LOTH FOR SAI.K All kinds of building lot rlienp. Inquire of xtreet com iiiIhhIoiht or city recorder. FOR 8ALK ACRKAGB FOR SALK Aero and flvo aero tracta adjoining Medford on long ttmu, easy payments, or intent ex change. Gold Hay Realty Co., 101 lilectrle bldg. KUOKNK PROl'KRTV FOR KX-C'HANOU- -Good resldearo proper ty la Bugene. also Hoho In acreage. Will trade for Honiethlug In or nonr Medford. Address 1. O. box 302, Mudford. 27t FOR SALK An Ideal chicken ranch tract, within tho city limits. Good noli anil easy access to city water. 300 ft. front, and 134 ft. deep. Will exchange as part payment on a lioime and lot. Geo. C. Corultlns, 2 IP W. Main st. 27'J FOR SALK -Ten a mm on main Ash land road, small buildings, for $2750-- $1000 will bundle, easy terms on balance. Flno place for chickens or garden. W. T. York & Co. FOR HALE HOUSES FOR HALE' Seven room modern ' bonne on South Oakdale avenue. Paving. Btnver and wator paid in full. Prlco $1700. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Modorn houso on paved Hlreet, owner leaving city. Inquire 514 8. Holly Ht. 278 FOR SALIC Soven room houso, 8 rooiu bungalow, modern. See W. H, Evorhard, 909 W. 9th. Phonu 007 1, ' FOR SALELAND DON'T WAIT 5 YEARS. BUY CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. $90.00 cash and $30.00 per mouth buyx flvo acres with full bearing fruit trees In tho famous Bldwoll Orchards at ChlcA, Cali fornia. l'n intuitu Include Interest and taxes. Your money hack If not mitlsfled upon investigation. Tho Bldwoll OrehardH ivro tho moat anted and productive In the won derful Sacramento Valloy it Cali fornia. H'h our confldonco In thla laud that prompta this generous offer. Wo'vo peaches, prunes, al monds, aprlcota and Hartlett poni-H, Buyers' railroad faroB, not exceed ing $20.00, will bo credited on purchase price. Land ndjpliiB tho thriving town o( Chlco (14,000 pop.). (References: Any bank of Chlco, American National Bank of gun Francisco and First Nation al Bank of San Leaudro.) Send for valuable Information and fucta to Bldwoll Orchards, Inc., Chlco, Cal. 282 FOR, BAJd'l 2Q0 acrcfi flno alfalfa land under ditch, as good laud for alfalfa iih can ho found hi tho litato. Thin will bo sold choap, This la your opportunity long looked for. Oliver B, Brown, 436 N, Burtlutt ut. ZS 1" -J5b2 ' MEDFORP, OKKCION, TTTrttRTMY. FEBRFATCY R. 1.012. VNjflL.J TlNACt-V J0T IT rtUU Up - (0 HC-'S VI9.IT TON TWtx t-GTTlill. ,MN4 fMrs TO CCXAtl CAC.;. WON'T MG 0C a HA.Ppv;uNf wm?N He CGTt THKT TTdf- FOR NALK lOUIrRV AND KttGS FOR BALK -KgfiB for hatching, am booking orders now for the single roml) Whlto Leghorn, Wyckoff strain, $1.C0 for 1& eggs, ?8 per 100. I'laco orutTi now. A. w. Stone. Phono 7302. 280 FOR SALE Kggs for hatching, sin gle comb Whlto Leghorns, Peta lutna utility stock, l for 15 eggs; 15 per 100.- D. X. Jaunoy, II. F. J). No. l, box 24. Phone: Sub. 500.R-S. 284 FOR SAt.R HatchlnK eggs from my trapnestod Crystal Whlto Orpins tons and Hhodo Inland Hods. Get your order In early. Wrlto for prices. Myra T'uller. Siskiyou Heights. Phono 5182. 28C FOR SALK Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, ?2. Orpingtons, Wyan dottes, Plymouth Hocks, Leghorns, Ilantains, etc. Also ducks and tur keys. Wrlto for circular. Simp hoii'h Pheasant Farm, Corvallls, Oregon. 335 FOR SALK Incubators, brooders, fancy eggs for hatching. Order now at Schmidt's Feed Store. 28C FOR SALK Rhode Island Hod eggs, $1 pur setting of 15. 210 Court st. P. O. Ilox 38. 2S3 FOR SALK Kggs for hutching. Crys tal Whlto Orpingtons, Whlto Wy andottes, Darred Rocks and Whlto Leghorns. Will book orders for early hatches. Come and see tho Htock. 711 S. Central. Pacific phono 5412. U. II. Diitterfleld. 2SC FOR MAi.r; Mammoth Hronzo tur keys from one of tho best strains on tho coast. Phono Tho Canal Company, Farmers 1111. 278 FOR SALE Baby chicks nnd hatch lug eggs from our trap-nested sln glo comb Whlto Leghorns and Crystal Whlto Orpingtons. Prices on request. Mrs. E. E. Oman, Jacksonville. Oro 1.VJH AI.W T.Vi' fnr Intnlilm- Whlto and Buff Leghorns and llnrrnrl IinrV-t nil twirm, vMirml stock and good laying strains. Also a few choke Barred Hock cocker els. Prices on request. D. W. Luke Orchard Home. Phono Pa cific 539-J-l. 285 FOR' SALE Pure bred Barred Ply mouth Rock and Brown Leghorn cockerels. Phono S03-F-21. Bor koloy Orchards. A. P. Stover, manager. 27C FOR SALE--A few puro blood Hou dnn cockerels and pallets and Hronzo Turkey eggs engaged. S. C. George. Perrytlnlo, Medford. 27G FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Crystal White Orpingtons, Rhode Island Rods. Brown nnd Whlto leghorns. W. H. Evcrhard, 909 W, 9th Bt. Phono CG71. FOR SALE Will tako ordors for hatching day old chicks. Zenith Poultry Co., Talent, Ore. 27G FOR SALE White Logtiorn oggs for hatching. Zenith Poultry Co., Tal ent, Oregon, 276 VOll SALE WOOD AND FUEL FOR SALE Big body twolvo or six-1 teon luch fir wood, best wood In city. Call II. P. Flury, G19 So. j Riverside, or phono 5041. Prompt dollvery. Will not bo undersold., -si FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood, $5 per cord In carload lotB. Gold Ray Hoalty Co.. 21S West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE Dry yellow plno (cut from largo timber) for kindling and tho kitchen stove. 1 2-Inch $2, 1 Cinch $2.50 por tier, at the Standard, cor. 9th and T'lr, Pacific 0501, Home 103. All kinds dry wood at popular prices. 299 FOR SATiK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-Vi! h. p. guHofhio eii"" glno and 3 Inch rotary pump In good condition. Cheap It taken Boon. Inquire of O. C. Pierce, M. F. & II. bldg., Medford. 279 FOR SALE One span black mares 5 and 0 years old thla1 spring, wgt. ahout 2800, well broko, sound nnd truo, Address F. L. Titus, Ash land, Ore. 283 FOR SALE Grain nnd alfalfa hay nt tho Geary ranch on Griffin crook, 277 FOR SALE Grain, hay and corn at Isauo'a ranch. Phono 591-K-4, FOR SALK Cheap, a nightly usod piano, first class condition. No. U S. Oraugo. Tol. 2903, 2 rings. . 275 FOR SALE Ono sorrol driving maro good and gontlo, for family uso; 1 harness, 1 old buggy, 1 old wagon. Robort Hariuou, Capital Hill. P. O. Box C2U, 270 & ffiaafc w 2zrfifik &"HfimM VOll HALI5 MJHCKMiAXKOUS FOR SALE Macblntst latho and turbine water wheel. Mrs. D. Sharp, Woodvllle, Oregon, R. R. No. 1. box CC. 28G FOR SALK Good buggy and har ness. Cheap. 8co L. H. Warner, Sr., nt Warner, Wortman & Gore's store. FOR SALK Seed potatoes, Karly Sunrise. P. O. box 834. Pacific 4521. C. M. Parker. 287 FOR SALK Two buggies, set of har ness, good saddle. Cheap. J. C. Hall, 315 8. Central ave. FOR BALE 180 feet ot 4-foot picket fence with 2 gates. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR SALK Good clean seed barley $27 per ton. Hanley ranch. Phono 241-J-3. 27C FOR SALK Horse. Call. Union Stables. FOR SALK Hay driving horse. Ad dress P. O. Ilox 312 or phone 597-R-2. 278 FOR SAIjE OH EXCHAXGB FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 acre truck farms mllo from Medford. W. II. Evcrhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono 6C71. SACRIFICE SALE OR TRADE Flno llttlo bungalow, large lot. Will take horses or other personal property up to ?500, balance any terms. P. O. Hox 51. 277 FOK EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE City property, lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchange for other property Gold Ray Realty Co., 101 Electric bldg. JTRADE 10 acres la Lake county 5 miles from town, under ditch; want small cheap homo in Med ford. Humphrey. 275 'FOR EXCHAXGE- I atltOmOOHO In g Flvo passenger good condition for real estate. Address Box 2, caro MalJ Tribune. FOR" EXCHANGE 10 to 20 acre near Eagle Point for Medford prop erty, improved or unimproved. Ex change price 8a mo na cash prlco. Seo Oliver 11. Brown. 43G N. Bart lett Bt. FOR TRADE Woll located cloar lots to trade for your equity in a houso and lot. Will pay some cash difference. Seo me nt once. Geo. C. Com'tluB. 2J9 W. Main st. 279 FOR TRADE Flvo passenger Over lain! car to trade for good lot. Car is in the host of condition. Prlco $750. Goo. C. Corultlns, 219 W. Mala at. 279 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Competent housekeeper for family of three. Address P. O. Box 257. WANTED Reliable woman wants work on ranch. Call or address 307 East 9th st Medford 278 WANTED Woman to do chamber work, mornings. Phono Bell 541. 275 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position married man with on ranch by orchard expe rience. Address Box 29, caro Mall Tribune. 27S - - WANTED M ISCELLANKOUS WANTED You can't help but mako money soiling our gunrnnteea-to-glve-satlsfactlon stock; freo outfit; cash weekly; exclnslvo territory. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Top peulsh, Washington. 'WANTED To purchaso Bocond hand safe. Address Box 3, caro Mull Trlbuuo. WANT TO RENT OR BUY modem house; must hnvo shndo mid lawn, nicely located; pay soino cash, bal ance payments. Addross 100, care Mall IVIbuno. WANTED Light housekeeping nanus. A L., Mnll Tribune. 277 WANTED REAL ESTATE I need ntoro listings Jot good proporty for sale and exchange. Havo a buyer right now for a 5 room modern bungalow'. Thero nro more buy ers In now than thero haVo beon for flonio time. Hnvo sovoraj good prospects for orchard property. Geo. C, CornltluB, 219 W. Mala at. 279 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accouutmita D. R. WOOD General , accountant. Your booka nudltod and kept for a roasonablo flguro; your business eollcltod. Offico Medford Mnll Trlb uno bldg; phouo 0G11; residence phono G302. 'St GtM6 IM iO(vT(Mfe. evft-tTMINt. COMGS, MB HO UMTi "V.''3 ftwwwm rrrniM o HUSINKSS HIRKOTOKlf Aftuiyer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sli ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects surveyed, assayed and mining maps and reports made thereon by com petent mining nzsaycrs and engi neers at reasonable terms. Capital secured for developing mines and mining prospects. All mine own ers aro earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property, Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, Cth and Fir sU. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 35C. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11, Home 2000. Architect. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8. 325 Main; phone Main 3471; residence phone 744. Attorneys C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Offico Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Not, 1 and 2 Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garnott- MVLKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MULr KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. BllUardB, Ci gars and Soft Drinks, upstairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool placo to spend the hot afternoons. BUI Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and 'Bclon tlflc massage given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk., Medford, Oregon. Collection Agency L. AND F. COLLECTION AGENCY Collections, rentals, real estate and suines. Collections our specialty. Room 412 M. F. & H. Co., opp. P. O. Take elevator. Phono Mali. 2021. Chinese Medlclnea CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso Bnodlclnea will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, prlvato diseases and all kinds of chronic and norvous allmonts. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Oro., to 4, '6:30 to 7:30. Resldenco phono Main 42. Contractors aul Builders. Pacific Tel. 3596, P. O. Box 738. BOYD & SON Contractors and Bulldors. Job Work a Specialty. Cabinet Work. Painting nnd Papering Brick and Stono Work. 283 Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. IIINI KER, D. D, S. Dentists, 228 E. Main. Phone Main 3191. Horn 124-K. - Dlt. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Med ford, Orogon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist, Offico In Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gaa admln'aterod for extraction of tooth. Telophono Main G81. Night phone 4432. Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly stB., Medford. Mission furnlturo mado to ordor. Cabluot work ot all kinds, A trial ordor sollcltod. PAOE jTIVE By "Bud" Fisher ;,rV!'aii, HUSIXESS DIRECTORY Garbage- BEDFORD GARDAOE CO. OAR nAGE HAULED. Learo ordem at 29 S. Hartlett, or phone Rodney Taylor. Pnlflc 3432. llirmet 108-X. Granite Works MEDFORD BRIGIC CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and llmo. Office at their brick yard, West Jacluon at. Phono No. 34C1. GOLD RAY REALTY COMPANY, 218 West Main Street, Dealer-i and Manufacturers of Prcssod and Com mon Brick and Tile. Get our prlcea and see our brick and tllo before purchasing. Notary PhVM c HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at the algn ot The Mail Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not irrigated. We gnaranteo everything put out Wo are not In the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in sldo entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 104 B. Fir. Both phones. Printers and Pssllsbera VEDFORD PRINTING CO. Has the best equipped job offico In Bonthern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ayatcma, cut paper, etc, etc. Pert land prices. 27 N. Fir at. PhrflciaBs and Sbtkcom DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, residence phone 612. Office houra, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic phyaiclanB. Moved to rooms 41G and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main C 351. DR. STEARNS Phyalclan and sur geon, ornco Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phone 7171. Home phone, resldenco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practico limited to diseases ot women. Offices over Ilasklns Drug Store. Offico Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyalclan and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offico 216 B. Main at, over Med ford Hardware company. Houra, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Otflco Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. J. E. SHEARER, M. D. PhyBlcIaa and Surgeon. 419-420 Garnett Coroy Bldg. Pac. phone: Offico, 731; residence. 4542. Home phone, office 48, residence 28G-L. DR. E, II. PORTER Physician and Surgoon. St. Marks Block Offico Phono 4901. Resldenco 70C1. DR. J. W. J. MARTON Phyalclan and surgeon. Otrico Rooms 5 and 6 Keutner Bldg. Offico Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bell 271. Resldenco Phono Bell 273. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Title, Examiners. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Exnmlnor, 320 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Offico 1G South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prlco right. Service, guaranteed, MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY- Parcels 10c, 16c, 26c; trunks 25a anywhoro In tho city. Offico Val ley Socond Hand Storo, 15 N, Fir at. Phones: Main 3072; Home 35.4. Messcngor norvlco. Fred Crocker, Pron. Undertakers. JOHN A, PERL Undertaker' and Embalmer. Office 28 South Bart lott St. Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night, residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered night or day. Ambulance uorvlce.