tAt3B frOTJK MEDJTOftT) MATJJ TRIBUNE, AtEDPORD, OK KAON, TirTRRPAV, FIOimrARV 8, 1012. Mepfoto mail Tribune AN INDRPUNniCNT NBWMWPRn rUHMHIIKU UVMItY AVTHUNOON KXCIiPT BUNDAY, HY THia MKDFOUO ntlNTINQ CO. Tho Democratic Time, Tho Medford Mull, Tlio Medforrt Tribune. Tlio South cm Oregonian, Tho Ashland Trlbuno. Office Mall Trlbuno HutUllng. 36-J7-29 North Kir strcot; phone. Main 30S1; Home 7S. QEOnon rUTNAM, Editor and Manager Kntcred s Bfconn.elnBii matter nt Medford, Oregon, under tho act of March 3, 1879. Official Paper of tho Cltv of MeiJfoML Official Pi apox of Jackson County. suBscaxraoH bates. On year, by. mall .. 5.00 Ono month, by mall so Vtr month, delivered by carrier In Mcdrord, Jacksonville and Ccn- trnl Point SO Ra tor day only, by mall, per year.. S.00 "Weekly, per year 1.S0 HWORJT CtRCinVATIOIT. Daily average for eleven montho end Ing November 30, 1911, 2TS1. Tv.11 !& 'Wire UnlUd Dispatcher. Txta The Mall Trtbuno Is on Bale at tho Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Motel News Stand, Portland. Howman News Co., Portland, Ore, W. O. JYJlltncy, Seattle, Wash. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ail Brown 4- HIs Last Jump. Ho let on ho was, prospoctln' And didn't bring no name; Wo hadn't learned to know htm Foro ho jumped Dad Sarver's claim. "When tho boys heard tell about it Not a ono had much to say, But began some preparations In a business mcanin' way. A bit of painted shingle now Is standln' on tho plain, "Hero lies a man wot jumped once "Ho will not jump again." just A boy named Horace Nail has been nrrested for robbings hardwaro store at Portland. They arc going to try to teach echool boys to cook at San Jose. Suc cess will depend upon tho looks of tho teacher. Tlio kaiser is going (o snd a squadron of warships to tlils country for a visit. Too bad there isn't a seaport at Milwaukee. Tho trouble with a lot of us In every kind of line: "Wo find the float but do not know "Whoro we can find tho mine. No smnll town Is happy until it has two things, a brass band and a newspaper. - Ono Medford man says it looks as if spring were hero but ho Isn't go ing to take chances on having a hair cut yot awhile. Mrs. Garb Hottll says slio may bo deaf but sho novor yet failed to hear Johnny In tho Jam closet. Undo Kph Says: 13. Alonzo Squash says ho's goln tor file bard fer tho cawso this year but hassent picked owt which cawso yet. What a funny wurld It would bo If tho amount of talkin peepul do was equally dccvldcd. I mil lucky. Last tlmo I wont owt Inokln fer gold I found a buttercup. There Is hopo for tho mossback. Even an ugato so nfflicktcd takes a polish gracefully. LIBRARY APPEALS FOR NON-FICTION Soino books ot non-flctlon tbat tho, library is anxious to have added to Its collectien: Abbott On tho training of par ents. Uagloy Classroom managomont. llulley Country llfo movement In United States; garden making; train ing of farmers. llonuott How to livo on 24 hours u day. Ilryce American commonwealth. Ilutler Meaning of education. Cooioy Ddmcstlo art in woman's education, Crothors Among friends. DanlclB Tho furnishing of a mod est homo, i i . Fletcher A-B-Z ot our own nu trition. Glovor Damo Curtsoy's book of novel ontortainments. Harvoy Prlsclllu Irish croehoti book. Henderson Education and tho lftt'gor llfo. James Catering for two, James Talks to teachers on psy chology. Klngsland Book of good man nors, Krehhlol How to llBtcn to music, Luughlln Complcto lioslosu. Soyor's -Paper bag Qookory. Union Standard oporas. Wntsou Kami poultry. WuiigUAuiorlcau oppIo orchard, THE OREGONIAN THAT staunch old lory of journalism, enemy of higher education, opponent, of good roads and advocate of Ihe bloody noose, the Portland Oregonian, takes a column of its editorial space to praise the inefficiency of the pub lie schools and defend their incompetency as exhibited by their output. The Oregonian asserts tbat, 20 ycai-s. ago there were no schools worth the name in Oregon, and no high schools at all, except in Portland. 'Hie teachers were unfit, the sal aries ruinously low, the schools ungraded. Conditions must have been deplorable indeed J It is remarkable that so many Oregonians call read and write. Indeed, one would think the state just emerging from barbarism into civilization. Compared with conditions then existing, present con ditions may present a most favorable contrast. Few of the Oregonians of today were in Oregon 120 years ago. so are unable to make the comparison. Kut they can com pare the school system of the Oregon of today with the systems in vogue elsewhere and the comparison is not favorable to Oregon. It has become a habit with many native Oregonians to complacently view the faults and i'laws of the present, because their recollection presents pioneer conditions so much worse in comparison. They cheerfully accept the worst railroad service in the country because it is incom parably better than the old stage coach service was. The wagon roads of today are so much better than the pioneer trails that many are satisfied. The fact that in Kenton county only four out of thirty nine eighth grade graduates passed examinations, that in Marion county only twelve out of 118 passed, and seven of these were conditioned hold-ovei-s who tried a second time, in Klamath county but three out of sixteen passed, that onlv thirtv-cight out of ninetv-six passed in Jackson conn ty and similar reports from other counties, shows that something is wrong with the public school system. Xor is the fault due to low salaries, as the Oregonian suggests. Jackson county pays enough for its teachers. In Medford alone the payroll totals $50,000 a year. Schools cost more than government. "Whatever mnv have been the output of Oregon schools twenty years ago, the present output averages poorly when compared with the, output ot eastern states twenty years ago. The issue is not, as the Oregonian holds, how perfect our schools arc today when compared with what the schools formerly were, but how imperfect they are when compared with the schools of other states where the fault, and what the reined v. Oregon pays enough for its public schools. It is en titled to'the best. n OUTLOOK FOR 1"TWS Commercial Agencvhas issued ihs annual trade f-f review of conditions in 1911 as compared with 1912. and favorable nrospects for ing is a summary of the repert: In spite of certain adverse conditions, which were shared to some extent by the this section lor the year just closed had some favorable features. The increase in grain qrop of Oregon, "Washington and Maho over 1910, amounted to about $23,000,000; for Ore gon, Washington and Alaska, fisheries showed a gain of about $7,000,000; the net results of the hop crop for Ore gon and Washington showed an increase; the live stock industry gained in importance, and the business of Alas ka, represented mainly by fisheries and mining, has been larger. On the other hand, there has been a decrease in the value of fruit raised in Oregon and Washington of about $3,000,000, the previous year having been a banner one; wool production showed a small decrease and in lum ber and shingles there was a decrease of probably twenty percent. In Oregon there have been (Jo fewer failures with in crease in liabilities of $117,599, in Idaho five more with a gain in liabilities of $741,057, and in Washington 83 more with increased liabilities of $3,953,009. Real estate has not been active and there has been a decrease in building operations in the four large cities. Dividing the reports received according to lines of business, it is found that practically the same number claimed increases in volume of trade as decreases. Bank clearings in Tacoina, Seattle and Spokane showed a loss, while Portland showed a gain. There has been very little speculation, the banks have been very conservative and carried large reserves, and financial conditions are sound. Prospects for 1912 are .generally regarded as favorable. PARENTS AND TEACHERS FORM AN ASSOCIATION A Parent ami Teacher' associa tion meeting will bo held at the Jack sonville high hcliool ufehombly on Fri day availing, February '.). AH par ents are urged to attend. HofroJni inentti will bo feorved. Tlio following program will ho given: Duet, selected Mr. mid Mrs. Clyde Shnw. Address Sitpt. .7. P. Welle. Solo "Light in I'lirkiicfc," Gypsies Johnston. Address, selected Mr. Joluifctoii. ' Solo, selected Mrs. J. P. Wells.' Debute Huj.olvcd, That Corporal Punishment Should Bo Excluded From tho Schools; affirmative, Mrj fliillop and Mi Gillette; negative, Mr. (Jmen rind Mi Ifila John, Ion, '1 Ilasklns for health. ir,,Vt TO THE RESCUE. YEAR IS GOOD. the Pacific northwest during It shows healthv conditions the comintr vear. The follow whole country, business in PARENTS TO DISCUSS Tho Parents mid Teachers' circle of the Washington school will meel Friday afternoon at .'1 o'clock. Tho following program has hcen pre pared : Miiriiti Hy children of the uchool. Prayer. JJu&inohH. Paper "Public Plnygioiind," Mrs. Andrews. Discussion ot. tho subject. Recitation Mrs. Ralph Webster. Dr. Pickol will talk on "Tho Child and 'Its 'Future,-1' and it in hoped .i large attendance of the membership will ho present, as it is for tho mu tual benefit of parent and teacher in their relation to the child, that this circle ha-, been founed. Alter the talk refii'Mlimenh will Jir seri-cd by. tho committee iu chaise. OLD FRIEND IN FANCY GARB "Bohemian Girl" Up to Date Donr Old Friend, But Mother Can't Bo Made More Beautiful by Putllnrj on Worth Dress in Old Aye. Operas, Jlko huhe' ha 11, after it tiiue go "t of Mlylo. "The Bohemian Girl" is of the old school. It was written at n time when Uellimi, Hon shu and l)ouir.ctts. were the foremost eompoM'rs. They cared but little Tor dramatic consistency. Their solo purpose seemed to he Iu write arias for the different voices and trthg them together with nn Insipid rccitn tive. "The Hohenuuu Girl" is known mid loved for its melody and as stteh will always he entcrtnining. It is, however, more, suited to concert ur chamber nitric than to opera. As to the porfonnanee of last night, it win neither, flesh. INIi nor fowl. Mr. A born hu attempted to embel lish this simple, melodious opera and niako a grand, spectacular affair of it, and iu so doing he has obscured its .simplicity and fallen hoit of pro ducing anything jtwid. The action is stopped too murli W urias to ad mit of anything dramatic. MalTc, the composer, was by no menus u master of orchestration. He had nothing more m luiml tmu u simple aecoiu pnnimeut when he wrote his orches tral score. The Wagnerian leaven luid Hot yet begmi to work iu (he musical world. "The Hohommn Girl" is a deal old friend, hut mother eauimt be made more bountiful to us bv putting on a Worth gown lute in life. As- to tho east, some of them were very good. Mfes niauche Morrimoi made a pretty Ariiue and sang well, as did also Hultie Ilelle Uuld in the part of the rpiem. Mr. Phillips uiRde a good Thnddoue. Mr. l.uckstonc sings well, but w totally lacking iu dramatic ability. He should coulluc his efforts to oratoriul. He does not belong in oM)in. George Shields made a splendid Devil-hoff. Augus tus Vaughan deserves credit for ac cepting the jwrl of Florcstein. He played it well, however as well Ms that iuipid )Kirt can be played. The tmifiielil dircVhlr took nil the tempos too fast aud'iaade the fatal mistake of leading th singer "rather than fol lowing. Taking the entertainment ns a passing show, it was enjoyable. The ballet was very good, as was al-o the cIioiih, and .Mr. Ahoru deervei cred it for the pplundhl setting he hu given the opera. Httd he only taken tho opera of "Cwnnen" instead of "Tho HoheiniaYi Girl," left out the horses and sword fakers, pigs and geese, and put in an orchestia ot 20 piece-, his attempt ut A revhnl would have been an artistic, succe-s. Ell ANDREWS. Ilasklns for-hcaltn. How Brownell Got what lie wnntod, Ik an Inter OHtliiRstory. Wo give It moro romploto In this weck'H Sat urday levelling Post and tho Literary Dlgost. Iirownell uses a Duplex (multiply total) HurrougliH Adding Alaoulno. Tlio Dup lex Iftdirforont from any otb or adding muchliio. It Is dif ferent from any other of tho Sfi HurrougliH adding ma eblneg. Tlio ordinary adding ma chlno carries a gnuid total the only total It can give. The Duplex breaks tho totals up Into any number or group of Itonis, giving a to tal of each Item whllo carry ing a grand total of all tho groups. You probably don't know what this moans to your woik. Drovvnoll didn't. Hut ho says ho'd rathor know than to huvo JIO.OUO iu cash and not know. L us tell you what It moaii8, without a c.ont of cost or obligation to you, Burroughs Addlny Machine Co. Korrls II. Grogg, Bales Mngr. Commercial Club Illdg. Portland TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no erpjal on earth In variety of mineral waters and curing diseases that medicines will not reach. If you aro In need of-liealthi come now, Wc aro open all tho year and can glvo tho best of caro and attontlon now us woll as In Biinimor. 8t"Ko dally from Hcd llluff to tho irlng8, Further pur ticulurs address' E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN BPIUNG8, CAfc. SEVEN BANDITS HOLD UP I Only One Packano of ncijlsterctl Mall Secured by Robbers, After Maklnn, Two Ftilllo Attempts to Dynamite Safo In Express Car. MKM1MII9. Teiiu.. Feb. K.- He-veu haudltM held up Itoek Island train No. IT two miles out of llurlburt, but se cured only one package of registered mall, after making two futile attempts to dynamite tho afo In tlio express wu. Tho explosion was so heavy that It shook houses along Hie rler front Iu Memphis. It Is the second hofdup at the same spot within two mouths. Mall Clerk lUullo escaped from the ear and run two tulle to llurlhuvt to glvo the alarm, lie said two ban dits boarded the train nenr llurlburt and tho others boarded It a moment Inter. The robbers cut Ihe wires on the Arkansas side of the river. II' YOU AltK A TltlKI.K SGNS1T1VK About the slxo of your shoes, It's some satisfaction to know that many people can wear shoes a slo smaller by shaking Allen's Koot-Kuso, the nutUeplle powder, Into them, .lust tho thing for Dancing Parties, I'at uiit Lenlhor Shoos, and for Ilroaklng In New Shoos. When rubbers or over shoos become necessary and your shoes pinch, Allen's Koot-Knao gives Instnnt relief. Sold ovorj whose, 35c. Sample KltKK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, l.o Uoy, N. Y. Don't ae coiit any substitute, Dr E. Kirchg'essner Practice limited to chonle diseases. HOTEL HOLLAND Wednesdays. Hours, 10 to .'1. W. E. Pliipps has removed his law office from the Pliipps Build inn to First National Bank Build Inn rooms 207-208. Telephone number cbanyed to 1272. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASIIINfiTO.V, I). C. Public Land Matters: Finn! Proof. Doaert Lauds, Contests mid Mining Cases. Scrip. Assoclato Work for Attornoya "Over Your Eyes You nro naturally concerned, espe cially If they begin to show hlgns of weakness. Do not delay, but como at onco and have thom oxninlnod. 1 huvo tho confidence of nil my pa trons, for thoy aro satisfied with my work and with my charges for tiaino. Dr. Rickert Over Kentncr's .Mcdfonl, Ore, PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water Heating All Work aunrantonil. I'rlccH KuuHonatdu, , COPPEEN & PRICE as Howard Wook, Faclflo 3031. Entranco on Otli Ot. Home 349, Noyes6c Black JIOU8K AND HJON PAINTINO Up-to-Dato Auto and Carrlago Painting, Gold Leaf Signs and Interior Decorating a Specialty. Bliop mid Offlco 8. Urupo and 10th Ht. Offlco Phono 7771. nea. 7212. All Work Positively (luuraiileed. IN Draperies' '. entrv a very complete line of ilrrtiurtrS. luce euttnliis. fix tun etc. auil.du all elitHses f unholslvrliiK A spevlnl iniiji o look utter Hits woik excllislTelsr ami will. slu us Kood srlco iih Iti imnllilt to got la even tlio tiiriti'xt citli'n. WEEKS & MctiOWAN GO. Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Second-Hand Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER. Prop. 15 North Fir Home il.tl Hell :t07is IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will build you n homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. and H. Co. Building FOR SALE Choice Baled Alfalfa Hay Delivered ill Medford in ton lots at $15.50 PER TON $M.75 PER TON nt car. Send HNtal or telephone (lloinel SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM ROCK POINT, ORE. ( Mir alfalfa is well cured and it not sun scotched Ntid retains all its rich juices and ttnurUhincttt and color. The stalks are not bruincd and broken mill the tender leaves and tom are not liruiNcd and shattered off. T1IK FINKST TOP-VAl.UK HAY THAT CAN' HK PUODUCKl;. Tho fniiu is irrigated from Itogno river. V A L E N T I N E 5 THE MERRIV0LD SHOP 131 Wait Mnln. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency mm ha lie: K0 acres, tools ami all. 2157 acres, a first class farm. J 20 acroa unimproved, 110 acres, team and ttxds. 87 acres 2 iiiIIch fiom town. fiO.OOO acioso yellow pllio llni ber, about 18,000 per acre. 25,000 aerea good for subdivid ing, S2fi per acru. 11100 acres, fluo to uiibdlvlde, good soil, , IIoumi for sale. Call nud huo iih. 1G0 acres Vfr tnllon out, ?1C0 per ncro. TItADK Iloiiflo out with largo lot for close In liotmo. Lot COx! 1 1 for a largo lot.' What huvo you? Trades, trados of all kinds. M1HOHLLANICOUH A good bulbar shop for wtlo. Call and Investigate. 2 small storow can bo bought at a reasonablo prlco. 2 horses, IiarnoMS and wagon, 1 homo very cheap, $25. EMPJiOVMHNTfl WftltroHS. Girls for gonoral houBowork. Six coal inliiuiii. E. P. A. BITTNER ROOMS 6 AND 7, PALM BLOCK Oppoflito Nash Holjol I'lionn It lit Home, 14. lfcMwiO f4rmtn WHERE TO GrO TONIGHT trr4r-,r4 vSTAR T H JL A X R E ALWAYS I.N Till! LKAII .1(1110 feet of featuin Mini -Kltm "TIIK TIM.MNTKIt" A Dandy WtMloru Pleturo "A 'IKltltlllLi: DIHCOVKItY" HloRi-hpli lletiinu "A IIKAIt lU'.VT ItO.MANCK" Story of the Noitbeiu 1'oiomI pat t'laxrvs Aivi:.vrrincs "Star" I'eiiluio Couusly AL SAID Kit Hluglug a llavvnllau Melody WOOLWOItTIIH They play .Mimlti and Kffects to Kull tho IMituien Uenii'iuber our chango days Sunday, Tuesday nud Pilday Mutinies ICvery Day. ADMISSION' 10c JtfcZJJfWU THEATRE TONIGHT Two Double Act Moth llcuillliicrn TIIIJ .1 A I.YANK OltlKVIAL .U'CtJLCIt AND MAtJICIANS This net Is direct from I'sutages, SHllle. Itl.Aflt AND YANT liitrodin-luK Their Comedy HMtle.li tiiic (jfiti. d.n tiii: no.v Three Heels, .'lOIIO Teet of MOTION PICTURES Hest of MiiHie Rperlnl .Matinee. Saturday and Htinday 2 p. m. Kvonlng Performanco 7 p. in. Scuttle Appraisals Several Medford people havo omidoyod in to npprnlHn Seattle real estate. Much appraisal In usually worth more than It costs, Ira J. Dodge of Modfnnl was formerly connected with thin of flco. Other Seattle and Medford roforonces on request. It. ('. KUSKINIJ .'i COMPANY HftO New York Itll., NeaMlo (Charter Monibor Keattlo Knal 1C- tato Assn.) REAL ESTATE Willamctto Valley Farms of all descriptions, Garden and Fruit Lands, Timber Lands. Rome excellent bargains in AL HA NY CITY PHOPKHTY. Wrilo or mil on J. V. PIPE, 'J03 West Second Kl.. Allianv. Ore. Kodak Time All Prices $1.00 to $65.00 Our hedul: man will hu glad to explain. Medford Book Store EWEWWmBWWTlff1" "ilHtrN rriiH-i 1 Trt l ,wff Jt wr -