Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Attractions at the Medforc Theatre
' f
Eviiniit'llst PiiIsiiiis Tells of Tlirco
Ways ill Uiijcotlnii Hit- Gospel
Violently, Scornfully ami Politely
Tltctitsiintls lii Latter Class.
Tim i'iiiK'litlr iiitTiiiijtK al i In
Frtmbylerinn church nro lil eon
tlmiing In Iip mil f intoicd ami mo
being well iiIIcimIimI, TIh'hi wnrvii'i'H
tin In rlnxK iIiim weoh, An tmlln
Unit in osloinleil to till In ultcml thorn'
JliaptJlldN, Thrnc people wiuit von to
attend; (lirv want vmi l et illil
with tlml; ttii'v want ynii In lend lilt'
t'brtHtlikn hiv. There i nnlhinjt un
fair atmtil tj, Iii'i'hiiho nl' llio i'lii't
llittt hiii'Ii n I ill' umbo iiuy limn it liot
tor oituen, it liolli'i' man In hl In Hi
lly nml hIu'ii a idiiii linx huoti uinldod
NllirilllHlIv HllO (ill ll' lIll'Nf llll Illltlll
tin been dune til tn. Iinl kium! Iiii been
limit' t!n Hum hiniM'lr in Hull IiJm mint
tlHH Ihhhi "II Mil.
Dr. Phihiiiiw ieeil hint nixlil lb''
rntlitwinir lIHe Inr IiIh "I'llinili :
I'lllllll lll'Jci'llullN (if tilt' (IOJM'i,
"That'o hii' Ihioe way oT lojooi
liiir iltn foniil- -iiiltintly, n-onil'iill',
nml polllnly. In my own ii.ti ioiicm
I Iihvo iiinitr I'tii'iiiiiiU'iHif Urn llrM,
bill fow "f tint imiihI Mini literally
Uintmiuidi. of Dm llnnl in llio rutin
of Irivtul oxcihok.
"Them' PM'tiiH the Mimter ib'nll
with in llu parable mi' fittr wuiipe
Unit of llmm him iimwii morn wit
ur )HHiiihlc h III'' yenrn Iikvp heeii
milled In them.
"It in iiKi'li'xx io nrgue litem iin
mro IIihii tin- MhU'I did. I In hIiowciI
Ihoir iomuIU in n w-util jvii-l ttrt. If I
H'OTD lo Himwer ovory eeiio I i'Vir
hoard NUUI0 nf yiui would make tin
IllIlOl whv nut while I WHM Hi it. ,fllt
w r (uiynlii tliifw Mtioilitir eil whmi
yon try in tlroHii linn mil. So. wlmi i
"Ilul buff nro Miiiiit fact nlmiil
0XrIUK Hint (lll'll ftnillt' till' j(OftH'l
itppeal: Tlmy uciu In mt In jimlify
yniir t'BJiu'linii nf (.'limit; llii'y witn
jhiIIIb; they ti t plwijibto, hut (iin
in m whv tlml aoonmlh nht iiiitn n
mnn, bill the end thetoof nt thr
WHy of lb-Hill."
"Tltt'-xit'iti oiitluildillK fur l in (hut
IIidv urn rejection. Tln bow nf m
HIdiimh in iiinile Io do ibity for uli
IHbwimi. In n-nlity Ilit'V fwll hm a
jimiiflfHliiiii liri'iiii' Oml ilnn't 0. K.
i!jtm,ti'HO' M,n " l'i'y nf iiBrHti
inlti limiiiiiw tliBy nml IIrIiIIv all nf
Onit'it inmrHlmti I'nr iiihiiV milvn
lion. Thav a if uiiinllv mm iiiMtill Io
Clint hmmiiPM' in ihnir IhI HiinlynU
tlll'V irflm'l lllli'k nil lli" willtliilll, ITU
Miimlilt'iKitiM ur kiailiit'oM.
"Tlmy an a kmhioIIi, iliiliinn!if
porntNttini'v in iu ami il jjnilt nmt
mmnlly Hin Hi litittnni iri'Miinptitm.
Vim think Cliitl will nIhiiiI it.
"hi Ihi'ir HtiliJHciivc I'flVcU llitv
forMlnll i'fHiiinni'i, hlnul tin inluK
loi'l, hartli'ii (lit I'liinliniio ami lupify
ilm (mmti'itnirii, ami rnh yon nf unliton
0iuiiniiilii'H IhrmtKh lUHii'iHutiiin
II. Ml.
"In limit' niiiii llitnyiiii iiflun'il u
llumt whitK'iiiiK lihixiiht'iaii'H into lin
ear nf Chi ixtiiin, anil if ynii nniM nvr
IhrmiKh tin nl inn. liki'ly thin i
wlnil ymi w i nil t Kii' uht'ii mi M'tnt
hiip lijjhllv In nnr lip In Hiny Iht'
gnnpcl aiii"al."
(Ily A. ('. Ilnwli-tt.)
Hlncti my IiihI 'I'. Ilniviiy Iiiih milil
IiIh iinmily nn .Main ntnot In nnr
Imvn in Mr. N. Wolnry, falliur-ln-law
of Ormit MatthcwM, toiinlilnniltiin
II 100. Tlioin urn two ai'ion In llio
Irani wlllt a wali'f iIkIiI. iih viII aa
a Kianl ilwnllliiK linnun ami untlinllil
low. Mim. V. ltnMi Iiiih ili-clili'il In lo
t'u tn iitnmiK iih, havliiK pnn:liiiHiiil a
lot nu llio rtirniT (if North .Mala ami
Hamllhtmi avi'iinn, anil cxpculH to
liiillil In t lit ut'ar future,
K. II. IMwai'tlti, who Iiiih Imnn Hlop
phiK aliovii Hi owiihIkmV) this wlntor
ami Initiii I'litfatp'tl Imllilliu; a Hiimn
IntlltlliiK In llrowiiHlmro for Miwhih.
Moray .t lltiflei, Hpcnt Ilm nlKht with
iih Mtimlay nn IiIh way In AhIiIiumI.
, J'!iil!iiiiti Mmahln Ih IhiIIiIIiu: a nmv
hmiHti in IikIii IIpIkIiIh. IOiikIo
IIoIkIiIh Ih Mltnitlml on the hill JiiHt
ahovo ami mntlhoniit of KiikIk Point.
Von dor Holloa l)rthorn huvo rin
ally Imialod Ihoir old Htorn IhiIIiIIiu:
on a lot JiiHt oppinillo tho Iowa hall.
Win. Von tlur llollou him hud IiIh
ytyil, on tho old Ulrluk phiro, iilowmi
ti'nil lovolotl and h IiiivIiu; a noat
who fonro put around ll. Ho Ih iiIho
tin vim; I ho old Imrn that HtunilH on
tho placo torn down to tualto room
for i unit family roHldoiu-OH,
(1. W. WaiiiHlny Ih ro-roofliiK llio
Ciithdlle ohuich.
'I'lm momhoi-H of tho HuptlHt oliuroh
havo ralHiid tho tnoiioy, ITiO, to pay
frir tho oxtra lot tho ohuroli hullditiK
HtamlH on.
Mm. .lOHoph Mooaaii wIhIioh mo to
Hay t I ho roadoiH of Tho Mall Trill
ium that hi" Ih opoultiK o fltm iiHHort
nii'iil of nilllliH'O iuhhIh ami (hut hIio
will Hiiiitniiire tho Opoo'iiK l0' ) "'
mmr (til tin Adv.
Mr. Hint MrM. Chun. Calllhnn. who
an lutori'Mli'd In Ilm lltuo .inIk mint'
wito IpKIiik Mr. Htnl Mm. (irico
Villi tier lltillfa lant SiiiiiIh)-.
I'rei'iumi T. Newport, who lm
Iihimi H(rilt'tt with h felon on hln
Ihitml), linn n far reciiveretl tho u
of hhi hand an to ho nhlu to un to
work hkiiIii. Ho In flalxhliiK up a
hulttlliiK (or tho I'm-IMc fi ICnntorn
UHllrtiml i)ii)pnn near tho doiwit. He
tin taken a room at tho Siinuyilili
Mlkn Hldtey Jr. ami Ivnn Tiirr-I o(
Ijiko CriH'k h-hI tho ll Ik tit Mt the
Hiiiiiiitliln Taiwnl nlxlit. I
(Jrnver CtMik ami (amlly "f Hm'
Hunch Krln iimiiitry, iit of Ilutt0
I'allH, t'Htim ttitt hint TtiPnilHy ami '
Mpont Hie nlKht with tit. They Htro,
on their Miy to Medford. !
Th' I, O. O. !'. ha mriinni'tl in
oi'KaiilMi a loilxe liore and lian leiiHiil
tho upiMT Htury of tho Iwiik Inilltllim
(or h IoiIko room for throe yearn
Workmen are arruiiKliiK the rooum ,
(or tlml iiiirptxo. Tlny expwi to
ni'Kaulie Hhmil tho flntt nf Marrh.
Joint NVwuiroiii of Ijtko Cieek
fame nut Monday on tlm liko Crook ,
utiiKi'. wont to MinKord, lelimihiK i
Tiioilay ovouliiKi upont tlm nlRht
with ur ami Woduwilay took tho
Mtajto for homo.
W. W. Willi! mid ilaiiKhtor. MIm
Iiiok, eame mil (rout their homo, at
I'nrfclMt, Monday, ttputit the nliiht liort
and Tuemlay inurninK weal nn tn
MtMlfuitl. MImm loot mih on her way
In AhIiIiiihI.
Our .1. I'. lion, .lolin Watkltm Ih
rnuiidiiiK all tho volern lie can to
ri'K Inter.
tide KriN'tlag of all huueni San Her-1
tiMrdlim iHKiple. The city mum II l '
comlderitiK u tirdlnaiiie rtumuaml
lnn rllltwim to i-Hrry ImitortiK after
ASTOHIA. Oro. When John St
clirnmo. a willor, had hwn pulled
from tho Columbia river. Into whlrh
Alexandtfr MflCovlit. menhani. had
accidentally uhovwl liiiii. MiKevltl
n((ril him Hliulltur null n( ilnthe '
"Thl' nil tlnht; 1 nooded n tmtli
and my ololhM did, too. Korgei It,
kid Sveehroinn.
ii'iiMkln (or lionllli.
We Changed Our Mind
Wo mw lii'lif! it ih mi art. WHY' We walcln-il
nor own .moiiikhU'Im uiu1h-k. Kvcr try hi ll in tritlv
mi inliKiiili'innl wporl, ami an urt too. Hpciikiiix of ait
lliotijtli "ur iiimlerii iii'ilhoiN in Hit' Ireadiieiit of
Htt(h i!rtiHlil'm an Catarrh, Kyo Strain ami tho like, to
jitlnir H"lth our iixtreinolv low prii'i1, coiiploil with the
iaiit nftnir Niita'tinr (lUaliili'ijlHin and tiiont 'omliI!
eijiitpiuilill i'iiiHii'iit nnlio of our Specialty a really
I fins .Art.
M(lbiliic nm Surgery In nn ml not Iihi-hiii it i
luyyturWM nor due to llti fael of tho Hpiiantit ilittiily
llio vory wnnU iiitptv imr lioeauKo of iho MiibKnit' knowl
i'il(tc ur tht'ory or iiiytiHeation of Hit; l'raetitioii'-r, hut
by iltoim wh' arc the heil iiiHlifiui, with lite nateHt
expondtim', wlmnu true honenly with tint patient in ahnve
MiproNiihf wboxe every pruclioo in nm: of Simplicity.
AfOliniity ami (Sntei, with (Iii-kc- we ay I'raelice i an
AKT. QmiliHeaiinii ami Kxperience are Ilm ttrt'HlcM
lenchcru nf hfp. Tin' huix hair or pretention homil do
not iiitlloalc ahutirtaal kuoHlcile, for it in n well known
lat't tlml ceitaiu kiuiU of hay will yield very Itemy
croH on the IikIiIi'nI and nio-t arid noil pinvhlcd, Iioh
evijr, 11 Hleimneo i ilepeiulent iiihiii eerluiu enadi
tinUK of (he air- ounoiucntly InnkH dn nn indicale
Knowledge' nor will a uianV driiw denmnntratt' hi, ability
IHJT lib work iIuck count.
Wo do not come before the public on our lnok. I hen;
Hiirt-ly can he no one who will challenge this lateuien(,
hut nn in our work, ('nine ami mi iih; we win funiinh
you the bol of rcfereticiw from those for whom w
havo worked Hiid we will gladly do so. hut in no ca-e
will we do sii until we have (he con-out nf the patient
in tpmttuu. Our it nn advertising campaign of not
alnue what we can dn but what we are doing each day.
Our prieon make us many friends who nrc very glad
tn liolp us ami in that way help others.
Watch Tomorrow's Paper It Will Be a Habit
roxsnrATiox fkkk.
Clarke K. SmimttTs, M. I). It. K. Green, M. I).
Drs. Saunders & Green
Practice limited to
llaith -hiw in action, the bnmhnnbnent of Tripoli and landing of
j tr.p. out one hut many ipy Klyinjc maehiurs nmt in fact real war
i pn-t'in-- foketi nf the real war. Thin ii not a drama pused for hit
real liil of the war jnit an the camera man wiih able to eatth (hem,
! There are tn reels nf the Itiilinn-Turkih War, also four other
I pii-tiri's an- Jur ten i-entn, TiiiirailnVt Friday and Saturday at the
Medford Theatre, Friday, Feb. 9
The Most Successful, Most Popular and Most Fascinating Romance
of Recent Years
(A Love Behind a Throne)
Dramatized h Grace IIaw.ini. Adapted b Geo. I). linker.
I'Vnrii the Novel of George BatT McCutcheon, Author of
Brewster's Millions
Louise Valentine, Atkm Lawrence,
Cyril Havmoud, Kredene Me(Juirk and others.
I'KICES .1..j0, $1.00, 73e, 50e
J ?ME Bl,'!WC.ra 0CS?i!tB
A Full Line of
Peerless Lamps
All guaranteed. Now is
the time to get your house
wired. Good light adds to
the comfort of "winter
North Grape Street.
Z a'wMJftCCVj (J 01 VVU
LONDON. .ImlKiimut HKalimr
Jack .lolnmon. I'hamplnu piiKillit, for
$70110 for falluro to nlmorvo a eon.
tract wan norm oil hero today by
Frank MeNautthlon, a vaudovlllo
SAN IIKKNAItniNO. t'al - "(Jnotl
ovenlng, DIokoiioh," ma ho the even-
Hair Quickly
Stops Falling
Killing Scalp Vanishes Overnight
anil Dauilruir Is AliolMicil,
Tlmro Ih mio hair lunlo that you
can put your faith In ami that l
It Htom railing hair, or money
Driven out dandruff, or iiinuoy
KlopH llehlug Mculp, or moiioy hack.
Ami CIiiih. Strang, tho tlruggUt
you know ho well Ih tho man who
huIIh it.
1'AUIKIAN SACK Ih a Hploudld
hair tlroHrilng; It Ih ho daintily por
ta mod and ioI'iohIiIiik that It makou
tlm m-alp fool lino tho mlimto you
apply It, It Ih uhoiI dally by llion
hhuiIh of clovor wmuon who roallzo
that DAlllHIAN KAOIC koapH tlmlr
hair ltiHtrouH ami faMoluatlug. If you
havo hair trouhloH got PAKIHIAN
HAOIO today at (Mum. Htrnng'n and
drugglHtH ovmywlioio Largo hut Ho
no cents.
Saving Is Yours
Come and Get It
Our Cut-Price Sale running all this week
ends Saturday night. Don't miss this oppor
tunity to save twenty-five cents on every dol
lar's worth of goods you buy this week
$1.15 go Is you any $1.50 hat iu our store, big stock lo
oliooso from.
$2.25 gets you any $8 hat in our store, a fine new assort
ment. H
$U.:i5 gels you tho choice of our John K Stetson hais.
'" $1.15 gets you any $1.50 golf or negligee shirt in the
$1.75 gets you any $2.50 corduroy pants: three colors,
heavy weights.
$1.50 gets you a $2.25 wool shirt. Here is where you
can heat us out of good money. AVo are too heavily stocked
on fine medium, light weight and heavy woolen shirts, and
men's wool undergarments.
Kspoeially wo want to show you our fine Froneh flannel
men's shirts. All go at less than one-fourth to one
third off.
Our men's gloves surfer the same reductions as other
We carry the Brotherhood Gloves and don't lake off
our hat for any one When it comes to fit and wearing qual
ities. Think of the price, one-fourth off.
Our big lot of Mayfiold Kentucky Trousers all suffer
tho same fate one-fourth off.
All suits, serges, worsteds, cassiniercs, all go at one-third
off. Overcoats one-half off.
Kvorylhiug in furnishings goes at one-fourth off.
Our Shoo Depnvtmcnt prices are simply whittled to a
fra.ol, everything has suffered a cut in price. Come iu
beoforo Sal unlay if possible and avoid tho rush.
The Wardrobe Clothing 6 Shoe Store
West Main Stroot
Rex Spray Companies
Special Attention to Users of
Lime and Sulphur Spray
Notices have boon sent out broadcast by a competitive firm,
claiming u spray of 15 per cent, nonrly one-sixth Htrongor than
any other spray nod recouunendin such spray to be more diluted
than 1 to 11 because stronger than HEX.
Tho following is an oasy tost by which nny grower enn ascer
tain for himself as to whether such roproscntntious arc correct or
not. ' i
The spray soitt out by Tho It ox Companies wilt weif-h lfl.9
pounds per gallon. When diluted 1 to 11 tho mixture will weigh
8.50 pounds per gallon.
Any spray ropresoutcd as being stronger which will not meet
the nbovo requirements is sold under false representations, ami
the person so offering same is subject to prosecution by tho State
nml Federal authorities.
REX LIME & SULPHUR SOLUTION is gitnratitcod at abovo
strength. If niado any stronger thero is dangor of crystallization,
especially if the spray is loft out in cold wenthor.
REX is just what it rcprosouts itsolf to be, and should bo
used according to directions to get best results.
REX SPRAYS nro made in all parts of the United Stales and
Cunnda. We havo had years of experience and Know whereof wo
speak. For ou&h or time terms, see
Producers Fruit Company
Dixtrihuling Agents for Oregon. Al-o for Bolton Heaters.
Revival Services
AVili conduct tho following meetings on
Address to school children from 12 to 20 years of
age, litflO p. ni., at tho church.
Evening services 7:30 P. M.
"Grieve Not the Holy Spirit."