Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    ereqon Hlttorfiil IhU
City Ha H -
Medford Mail Tribune
m&m t
Fair tonight, rain Friday.
A tux., ,1A; inlii., I'J.n.
Dully- HI. i Hi
forty rimi Vtr
No. 275.
.f "Sjlli
as successer:
President of Farmers and Friillnrtiw- j Mntlero Wires That Troubles In Cill
ers Bank Finds Demands Too liiialuia Arc Merely Mutinies of
Heavy and Resigns to Devote En-
tlre Time to Business.
Meillonl Now Without Reprcbenta-
ttnii Upon Doard Brown
Extremely Popular.
County CoiiiiiilMldiiur (jmirfti I..
Davis Tliiirmlny MfttMiiiMiii presented
bK, nMbjiiMlltiti ! th iHiiiHty court.
to Uho offwl till mouth. Wlilln mi
official RHfiuHuriii"iil In fortht'OiiiliiK
It In rnmwrtHl that Frank Hrown of
1CI I'oliU will Ih. cIkmhii l.y tint
county court an hi aurrcssiir to
HorVH lllltl llltt Hl'Xf general ell'CtlUII.
Mr. lMVt Mtatttd tllHt till' KWlKIIH-
tlun whs thti rwniU or th prcssuru
of private biinttiMM interests, which
hmwssIUKnI his iit'dlM't cither of tha
OflNiity' latere or of tliw Farmers
& FrultgHiwor Imti. of which Iih U
prsslilnnt. Il wn Heeled hh a ro
tralillfMH h ywsr 80 last November
and bad thrs ymr yst to nerve.
Ill rtmluMiitloH waa niwiviM with
rtutrtil both by hi smim-IsIcm and by
t U gfi"rl public
Frtnvk .HruwH, wlo mentioned its
tilH'-sripflHawCbWBII knowir Mini AS
tiemoly popular. Hh Ik 'h inorelwnl
Ml ItMnlH l'Ollll. MHil pStltllHIS worn
already In rlreulallon to nominate
hi hi a iHMinty coiiiiiilMloiier iiM)n the
republican ticket for thf (till olec
Mi. ii
The H'MlRiiHtlon of Mr. Davis leave
M. ilf.. id without direct ifncwnlH
lion In the count) court.
Former Presidential Nominee to De
fend 32 or More Men Indicted for
Participation In Dynamite Out
rages. IN'niAN'AI'OMSj Iml.. 1-Vli. S.
Iiidgu Alton II. Parker of Now York,
formerly dmuoiiratln presidential iuiii
iltilulij against Roosevelt, i to defend
llio 82 or mom Inlior men indicted
I Mini foe alleged participation in n
country-wide dynamiting conspiracy.
Thi iiiforuuttinu wiin given out toiluy
by liiliur lender here, win., it is be
lieved, limy lo among t lit men in
dicted. Admission (lint no coiu'crli'il effort
would lio made In mint) fund for the
liilmr leaders wiih iiimlc. 'flic iron
workci'H, i( wan c.vplniiicil, ulivmly
liuvc ;)'., (HID in a ilcfciiHc fiiiul, nml
tliih will he iim'.I in hclinlf of I lie
imliclcil men.
TKUCKBW, Ciil., I'Vli. 8. After
nwiuliiiiu to ii dyliiK Hlnlenieiit in
which ho ileiilnrcd I', At. Doyle wns
Hie ii mil'1"" "i' mid denying Hint Doyle
nIioI him in wolf iIcI'ciiho, V. II. II.
Smith, mlilor of (ho Truekm) Itcpuh
lieuu, died htiro liiilny, Doyle, who ix
Hie owner of the loeul electrieul pow
er phtiil, in uiuliir iirreMl, churned
with iiiiirdor.
Doyle wfiot Smith yontenltiy in the
jioHloffiee diirliiK "" ulloidiitiou.
Siiiilh'M cdiloriiilH nu'iiiiiHl llio hiiIooii
keepers of Truckce, mid pnrliciilurly
hiw ri'fct'ciicc to Doyle iih n traitor lo
tlto yiilooiiuion, pi'uvukud tho tniKOily,
Undisciplined Soldiers Without Po-
litlual Goal.
Situation Seems Critical and America
May Be Asked to Help
Restore Order.
NKW YHIC. lVh. 8. "Aiihmiimh
inli'ii'uli in Mcmio hnve iioIIiihk '.
ThU in tin miiImIhwp of n (cleuiam
to the t'liitcd Prti.14 from I'icmiIimiI
I'liuicioco I. .Mailvro of .Mexico. 1 1 -hii
"The Irnuhleti In the tHtc of flo
liunhiui ii ro iiiPicly iiiutinii of un
diNelplinetl mililii'l'tt Mini Hie without
Hihlii'nl k"I-
"I iiiti cotiflilewl tlmt within a few
lay trnnipillity ul calm will In
completely ic-omIhIiIMiciI in llicillc
t'1t (hCIll'C I.IiuIin,
"Alter it.' yciir of opprwiion Ihc
prcHH of .Mexico now hIimoIiiIcIv
frui', hut in ccrlain cumoh it 1ih over
itlcpHil (he liuiilN of pruilcuce. Il
will ("hiii eliniiKi iti nttitiule, how
uvoCi M IhaiHihlitf icmIijun it oxiiic
KnrMthoiM noil, RppcHln to mii4mom
Mini heKtiM to loc (Hiiillilence in it.
"tint with the aid of the people
who lire en I ii with me I am i-uif
we will i entile our plaiiH xooit."
WASHINGTON'. I-Vh. S.-I'rcimrn-lion
to wnru Aiuericnnx to leave .Mo.v
leu, in the belief Hint their live, arc
ciiilnuitercil there, i heiiiK iiiiolc to
In v by the tnt ili'Mirtnient here.
Aiuerlciiim Warneil,
Thi- niiuouaccmeiit. comiiiif from a
liu-h i.itii'ial, it n public inlinii-ii(m
b the American Kovcriuneut of the
k'iumIv of the .Mexican Mttintinu.
Dipl'iiuatK hero today believe that
lite aimoiiiieeiiicnt mimim that 1'ieni
ilcnt Mailero in to hhU the axhiHtniico
f the I'nitcil Statcn in icMoriiii; or
der in the lepublic by iutervciitiou
nml Hint 1'rei.iileiit Taft will cuinply
"Mil the rcipicMl. Thi. i believed to
be the underlyinit caune of the warn
ui. " it wiik pointed out that if the
t'uitcd State doea allcmpl interven
tion no opportunity to dcKlroy Ameri
can live or propei ty would he over
looked by the rebel force-..
There are today (11)1)0 American
troops Nlatioinid in Tc.xiih ready to
croxM the border the moment the or
der j Kiveu. In addition II 100 men,
practically the mil ire mobile army of
the t'uitcd State, have been ordered
to prepare to leave for the border on
an iiihtaut'a notice. Aviees received
by the Mute and war departments
from military posts lhrnulnut mi,
(hat the (roopi are in readiness.
NKW YOUIC. Kith. 8. (Nipper
Hharcii wore atroiiK at tho opuuluit; of
toilay'H ntoek market, Amalgamated
Kulului; a point and other mctalH
iiiaKliiK Koiul iiilvaiU'ca. United HIiUoh
Steel, Union Pacific, ami HciuIIiik
iiiiiiIo kooiI fractional kiiIiih. Ameri
can Tobacco fell flvo poluta. Tho
t;ciioral iipwaril tendency did not
hold Ioiik and the tuarliiit foil off on
Hhort koIIIiik. Steel dropped to 5!) 7-S
and Union Pacific and ltoadliiK ajso
loHt their curly ciilna, Atdtlu from
tho wide fliirtuutloiiH In tho tobacco
HtockH, the lnovoiuont, howovor, wuh
not oxtouded.
Tho market cIohoiI Btoudy.
ItonilH worn atuuily.
PORTLAND, Oro. "I can't aland
yollliiK klda," Bald a burglar to It,
A. Rinlth, wIioho homo ho had on
torcd, when Smlth'H baby bouiui to
ucreiim, Tho robbor loft,
New Carnegie Library to Be Opened Tonight
Winston Churchill Defies Orangemen
by Speaking at Belfast Is Subject
to Abuse, But Not Physical Vio
lence. HKI.rAST, Ireland, Feb. S.
ThrtmU of death and violence to
WiiiNtn SiKMicor t.'hncvhilt, llrwt Wd
of Ihe Hriiwh adwiiwlty; .lolm lil
iihmiiI. the Iriwli lender, and Lord Pic
ric, if lliey en n it'll out thttir an
uoiini'Hil intention to deliver nd-
ilrt.HfseK in Mipixut of home rule l'or
Irclaud in ltclfant. fell flut liere to
day. AltluHitli the i-peakci-H were
Niibjeet lo all uiniiner of ubaxe, no
attempt at actual physical violence
wa made, the HioumiikIk of tnio
and police having the rjituuliiui well
in hand at all time.
The only time when actual vio
lence wan threatened was when
Churchill wni en route to the park
lo deliver Id aililiCKs. Ax hi- nin
eliine pained throufdi the I'monixt
occlion of llio city, a lari;e crowd
paraded, carrying an offijjy of
Churchill on a pole. Time after time
the crowd Mopped the ear and hooted
and jeered, mid the police were com
pelled repeatedly to charxu the mob
to extricate the machine.
The niectiiiK at Celtic park aUo
pnaud off ipiietly. While the ad
drexMex were heimc made it mob of
nntioualixU in another xeetiou of the
city hunt: effinic- of Lord London
derry and Sir JMward Camou, union
ist leaderx, to wire trilling across
tho btreet.
N1CW YOMx. Feb. 8.- Theodore
Uoom'VoII, lhroiili Alexander Moore,
piiblikhor of tho PitUhurg Loader,
uuiiouuecd today that ho will take an
active part in the coiniiur presidential
eainpn.Kii, in tho following mea.s-aso
sent to Hie progrcMiivct of tho conn-
"I don't believe my bitterest cnomv
will Miy that I ever was a deserter.
You can miv to (he proKt'CbaivcM that
1 will not desert the cause and that
they will llml mi' Ibihlim; Mile by hide
with (hem lo the llnish."
TIIW TS1N, Feb. 8. AiiKorcd bo
caiiKo thoy havo received no pay, im
perial troops at Uiiehow mutinied to
day, looting the native ipiartor ol (ho
uity. Foreigners woro not molested.
This is tho first serious outbreak
reported miico official
of the nhdieutioii of the emperor and
Muiicuti princes waa linulo,
Men Imprisoned In Bunker Hill Mine
at Amador, Cal., Taken Out Little
the Worse for Their Experi
ence. AMADOU CITY, Cat.. Fub. S. Tim
C" tiilncrx who wore fiitonilu'd In the
Hunker Hill nilnu wfre rcBcut'd to
day at 11:30 o'uluafc.
The men wore Ujikcti out throiiich
tho main mhaft, altllve aiulwell.
N'ot a IiikIc tnanKjAji-liurt or ovuu
Thei'e were emotional mimic an
the bgrlni'Ml miners, who had been
hold prisoner for nunrly l liourn
wore brought to tho top of tho shaft
In an Improvised skip. As they
stsppml from the mouth of the mine,
vvlviMi and miKhera alnniod them and
cried for Joy.
'I'll mluorn, mont of them Aug
trlaua and Itallanti, took tho situa
tion coolly.
AxBiired that relief wag uoar, they
w Id they slept well on tho 200 foot
level last nlKht. Thoy worn not oven
Serious Complications Expected to
Follow Visit of Lord Haldane and
Lord Bcresford to Berlin General
Protest Will Follow Release.
HKKI.1N. Feb s Sorbins compli
cations aio toiliij cxiicutod to follow
tho visit hero of Lord Haldane,
UiUIhIi mlulgtcr of war, mid Admiral
Lord Churlou lleresford. It Is bo-
llovod they Intend to ask tho kaiser
to tllscharBO llortrnml Stewart, con
victod of uanloiiiiKc, and If tho kaiser
grunts such a reiptost tho act will
bo mot by Konoral protest.
Whllo Lord llaldauo has denied
that his visit to Berlin is to person
ally Investigate tho conviction ami
ImnrUonmeut of the alleged siiy, this
denial is accented as a diplomatic
ovaslon. Gorman newspapers oinphu
aUo the faut (hat beforu leaving Lou
don last night for ltoiilu, Lord Hal
dano had a conference with King
GormniiB believe Stewart dosorved
tho punishment iuljutlgod him, and
think that in view of tho offonso
committed ho has really escaped with
a lenient sentence.
NKW YOlilx, Feb. 8. Announce
incut was made of tho election of
Frank II. Davis, partner f tho Into
Kiln-in llawiey, to tho vico presidency
of the Chicago tS: Alton Huilroad com
pany. Tell what llio plnoo is like briefly,
Tho prospective tenant is vvntching
for your ud,
High School Band to Furnish Music
Vawter to Deliver Presentation
Speech, on Behalf of Trustees
Canon to Respond.
Bedford's new Ca magic library
will be opened to the public tonight.
reception hours IminK between 8 .and
The .Medford high school band, un
der the leadership of Profo.-sor Col
lins, will provide several splendid mu
sical selections for the occasion. W.
I. Vawter will deliver the presenta
tion speech, in which he will present
to the city, on behalf of the library
tnifteeis, this magnificent structure.
Mayor W. II. Canon, as chief execu
tive of the city, will acknowledge the
gift in a tilting ihhcIi. Aide from
this there will probably he other short
aililresv8 by prominent citizens of
Medford. .
The directors, or tru-teos, who have
had in charges all of the work con
nected with constructing tho new
library building are W. II. Cnnoii,
Profes-or I'. .1. O'Giirn, W. I. Vaw
ter, J. K. Watts, M M. Andrews and
the Mesdames P. .7. Xeff. W. F. IIol
lis. F. E. Merrick and II. P. Theks.
It is but fitting mid deserving to
ay right here that this board of di
rectors is entitled to great credit for
the manner in which they havo con
ducted the library affairs and espe
cially is due them great credit for
the excellent tasto used in selecting
so splendid a structure.
The architect who planned the
building is ,1. A. Mcintosh, mid the
contractor who built it is Alfred Ivey,
both of this city.
'flic librarian chosen by the di
rectors it. Miss Klizabotli Robinson of
Seattle, who has been here several
weeks superintending the arrange
ment of the books.
Tho floral decorations for the
opening occasion are being furnished
by J. L. Hroadly, the florist, and the
piano to be used tonight is from J. I?.
Hales, piano house.
NKW YOKK, Feb. S. Flowing a
conference of progressives liero to
day, attended by Governor Iliriuu
Johnson of California, Walter llous
er, Modill MoCoriuick, George Rec
ord, former Senator Hoveridgo and
Amos and Gifford Pinchot, admis
sion was made that Theodore llooso
velt had agreed to issue a statement
after the meeting of progressive gov
ernors to lie held in Chicago Satur
day. If tho meeting develops a well
dctlued demand for Colonel Roosevelt,
it was stated that the former presi
dent will reiterate that he is not a
candidate, hut that ho will run again
for tho presidency, regardless of sue.
ocis, if his services tiro domuuded,
'Vigilance Committee Composed of
J Prominent Ranchers Threaten to
i Lynch Rustlers and Force Two to
Leave Oregon at Once.
Hides of Animals Stolen From Her
man Walters Found Hidden in
Brush Confession Follows.
It is generally understood by the
people of the t'nited States that cat
tle rustling, lynching and cowboys
wearing artillery are a thing of the
past, but as an actual fnct it only
needs n few of the old-time outlaw
and cattle rustlors to ftart something
among the law abiding citizens of the
mountains and valley.s of southern
Oregon to convince the public that
lynching is not a forgotten custom,
but is only .slumbering for lack of
Sixteen prominent citizens of the
Applcgatc valley, who for some time
past hnve led a ipiiet, easy going life,
became considerably enraged over
the disappearance of cattle in their
vicinity nnd proceeded to oil their
old "sixes," clean out the rust and
practice bitting pennies nt nbout ."0
puees, ns their fnl hers had taught
them to do some time ago.
Siivm'cCs Arc Hun Down.
The final theft occurred upon Sat
urday, February 'J, in which Herman
Walters lost two of his finest nnd
largest steers from his corral. Be
ing a man of energy, he proceeded
to become real active in trying to lo
cate the offenders. By Mondny
morning, he had obtained information
which led him to suspect Dave Huff
man and Jasper Xeally, who were
comparative strangers nnd newcom
ers in the valley about whom nothing
was known.
He gathered together the neighbor
ing ranchers and explained Hint he
was practically certain that Huffman
and Xeally were the men who had
stolen the majority of the cattle;
whereupon the entire party started
for the Xeally cabin, which is located
about four miles below the Applegate
Dividing into four groups of four
men each, with Walters, Chester Kub
li, Fred Bergesch and Walt Provolt
as leaders, they surrounded the cabin,
covered the two suspected men and
after disarming thorn, they lucked
them in tho woodshed and preceded
to search tho premises.
Kviilenco Uncovered,
In a nearby thicket, they discov
ered fresh blood under n tree where
the beef had evidently been hung and
cut up and, upon further search, they
found the hides with the Walters
brand upon them, hidden deep in the
brush. Some of the party were for
immedinte lynching, but the older men
took into consideration tho family of
Xeally, who is Huffman's brother-in-law,
nnd compromised by ordering
them out of that country before the
following Thursday. The men finally
confessed their guilt and wero very
glad of tho opportunity to get out of
that section alive.
The ranoliors state that one or two
others aro under suspicion for the
snmo offense and threaten to take
the law into the own bauds and lynch
tho next rustler who tries to operate
in the Applegnto valley.
Tho vigilance committee is com
posed of C. Cook, L. Busve, W. Jeter,
J. Cook, B. Fiels, C, Fields, L. I.etle
kris, S. Woitz, W. Provolt, M. Rex
ford, J. York, Chester Kubli, Herman
Walters, George Walters and Fred
NKW YORK, Feb. 8, James B.
Duke is to resign from th'o presidency
of tho American Tobacco company
to become chitirmun of tho British
American Tobacco company, limited,
according to an announcement here
At Meeting of Stockholders, Held
Last Might, Unanimous Consent ts
Secured to Start Work at Once
Upon Theater.
Commodious and Elegant Theater to
Accommodate All Productions.
Immense Stage.
After yeara of almost any old thlnjr
for an opera house, Medford la now
to have a building which will not
only bo a credit to the city but a
sourco of comfort to tho theater
going public.
At a meeting of tho stockholders
of tho Xatatorlum building held
Wednesday plans for tho reconstruc
tion of the Xatatorlum building Into
an opera house were presented by
Architect Uutz and the stockholders,
decided to at once commence tho re
construction work. Fully realizing
the necessity for such a building In
the city and that tho tlmo when
nothing abort of a thoroughly up-to-date
house will fill the bill thoy havo
decided to make of this a house
with sufficient stage room toAatUttio
most pretentious productions which
coino to tho Pacific coast.
Everything in tho building will bo
absolutely modern. That part of tho
Xatatorlum to bo used for this pur
pose will bo tho entiro first floor,
tho present Interior partitions to be
torn out In fact all of that part of
tho building which is now used for
a skating rink and In tho summer for
a bathing pool will bo removed.
There will bo six exits from tho first
floor, five from tho balcony and two
from tho galleries. Thero will bo a
row of private boxes on either slu
of the lower floor with an aisle en
trance from the rear. Thero will
also bo check rooms, ladles' waiting
rooms and gentlemen's smoking
rooms. Another feature will bo largo
dressing rooms with baths. In fact
every appointment will bo as com
plete as will bo found In tho best
theaters of Portland or San Fran
cisco. Tim house will havo a seating ca
pacity of 1200.
New York Banker Pardoned by Presi
dent Taft Passes Through Wash
ingtonWill Sail Shortly for
Charles W. Morse, tho Now York
bunker who was pardoned by Presi
dent Taft after serving two yeura of
a IB year senteuco for wrecking tho
Trust Company of Amorlcn, pussod
through Washington today on route
to New York. Mrs. Morso refused
to allow tho roporters to Interview
her husband.
Morso, apparently, Is a much Im
proved man. Aa tho train ontored
Washington tho formor bankor waH
fully dressed, soutod at a window,
Dr, Fowlor, however, saya that
Morso's Improvement Is only tempo
rary nnd that his death Is only o
matter of tlmo, Tho sudden an
nouncomont of pardon, saytf Dr. Fow
lor, caused swift Improvotnont.
Morso will ro nuil u In Now Yprk a
wcok and will then said for Hud
Nauholm, vvhoro ho hopos to bo nor
manontly benefited by tho baths,
Errand boy, office boy, atoro help
er whatever work you have for h
boy means preliminary work for a
wunt ad in finding the Tight boy.