MEDT70TO MATTJ TTOBUTO, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUXttY 0, 1012. PXGE MVE A PHAMPLET FOR VOTERS ISSUED TWENTY M)UR '0GEKS FALL BEFORE KING GEORGE'S ACCURATE All! Secretin y Oluiilt Compiles Exliiiusllvo Mriniiraiiiliim on tlio Election Laws u( Ori'iion (or Frrc Dlslrlliiillon Uiiui Application. An iuiiiMiivi iiiciiM i-it it iltitu i'l' iln' cli'rllun Ihhn uf Oii'Ki'll i'iiiuilli'il n piiliiililil I'm ill Iiiih jiml b i pub- IMii'il under ihn iliii'i'lioii uf Hi'i'hi Inry nl' Slnlo Olciilt. The iminphlM limy In nliliiini'il I'reo uf ciiHt on up plienliiHi to tin NiM'ii'lMt'V nl Snli'in. Illl'llllll'll i Hit) It'llfll't i Hlll'll in riiiiuliiiii iih limy In t'liniiil iiKnf nl tn a cuindidnte 1'iir either it Mtntc, dis trict (ir I'ciiintv office, in llii' prcpiiiii limi mill illiiiK of hi iiiuiiiiintiiiK' pi'li limi, iih wi'll mm liny uheiiii'iil l n t iiii'IiIh I'livciintr I'xpi'iuliliiK'H iIiiiiuk IiIm I'lllliliillicy. Till1 iitl'li'i'M In lie tilled' at ifm t'limiiiiK I'li'i'linii iih imtcil. a-' III H (0 imlilioill ntllldlVlninllH uf tin Mlaiii anil Hid law inlutint; l tin-, priijmnilion mnl IIIiiik nl' iinliiitiw- pi'tlliiinx. 'I'lic puinplili'l in Ha lift llf ilH Icillll til III' IftNIII'll ill OlI'K'UI. ' .Mi'iiiiiriniiliiiii nf jw. - "ty tlit lui'iiinrniiiliiiii ul" tin' law-l rolnliiiK in election," H'liiU tin Hi-i' K'lMry'M Introduction In till' li'lllli'l. "il !n wpt'i'illt'allv inti'iiili'il to iliri'rl llii' nlloiilidii nl' I It elector, tln ran-1 iHiIhIk Pin' nouiiiuiliiiii in' I'li-ctiiiii.l nihI iIhmh that Iiiim tu tin witli ml-' llliliti'liHK tint Imum, tn miii'Ii plnvi-' k'() IIP tllt'KUlf MX 11'lnlc tn nr H'k"'l i lulu Mimo ni't; nr picm nbc mhiu'I duly In ho p'-rl'iiiiiiril mi lln-ir pull.1 ill I'uiiiH'i'liiiii with the iiiiiniiiuliiiii. it lltfil'O MOtlgllt. III' ill till) I'lilllxi' of llii'lr (ilTit'lul iliilict. I'nr nAHiupli', liv I'xaiainiinr niit-'i liii'innmiiiltiiii nf date relating In Imtli tin' piinuirv anil uimiithI dec Hon, t'ldi'tniM, chiuIiiIhIch mnl puli llo official iiiay itfi'i'itiun willwi what titan Hiiy net nr lliiug t iii ! nf llii'iu hIihII Im limit' nr pciTnriiicd. Information I'liiici'iiiint,' tln matter-. H'liitiiiK tn anil tn lie included in inn diddle' petition can alio ln cctirid 1111111 tln ni'Vi'ial aliMractN anil Mtntc ini'iitM I'liataiiiitil in thin pamphlet. Attention in culled tn tln t'ai't llii' pamphlet in iml tlio law, Imt only llm interpretation nivi'ii tn it liy the nniapilgry I'ruui tlin hiwt iiifnriiiatinii nlilainaliln." D.'l Si'tuiralo Iliid'x. Reference tn tlti' chronological ' linn nf tlio pamphlet icveiil Hie in ti'i't'iliiiK taut Hint then' are no le than Hit Meparate dale iliiriiiK the year that have (n ho imteil hy eamli iIhIcm, elector ami pnlilie official who would he. informed at all tunc nf the. various phono nf the electinn law. The Hint dale mentioned in Jamt n ry '-. Tliim In the date on which county I'ltitliH of the variant ootiutie open rephten for tin' pltipone nf ri'XiMtcrinu (he electors refilling with in their coiinlieH. .Vi'vl h March I), the latent date on which ciuiilidiitcM for iioiamation liy a political piuly niav llle pelitioim for iiiiinimitioii with the nccrctary of nIiiIc, provided the ciimliiliilcK or their friends ilewire to llle with the Meerelary portrait out or typewiit ten ulnteniont for patilieatioii in the votern' parly pniiiphlet, i.Imc or orriicH. 1'aeh dale Im piililiMhcd in lilnck let lerM on the iniirnin of the piiuc and the iiiforniation relative to the date in written nlnnpdde thin in smaller and IJKhler type. Then folhiWH a HhI of offices to he llllcd lliin year and an ahhtraet of the election Iiiwh, The lint inelinUm Till itoiinly and preeiaet nffioeH, 11 Ntato KeuatorH, oicjit diNtriot nttor neyM, four proNcculinj; ntlorneyri, four eircitit jiiiIki'h, live eleelora of prewidont mid vice prenidenl of the tJnili'd .Staled, two slate railroad eoiiiiiiiHNionerH, n state dairy ami food connniHHioner, a jtmlico of the Klate Hiipremu eonrl, a Keeretary of stale, thrco roprcHcnlativcs in eon KI'chh ami a United SIiiIch Kenator. KINO OEORCjD ANO MAHARAJAH OV- NEPAL AF1UJ2 OCOiSSPUL HOT In hU htintltiK trip In Ncpnl recently KIiik Rrarcc V. baKj;eI twenty-four tlKers. On one occnuluii UN Majesty iteenrtit n 1 1 k r iiml u tieur 'ltli titi right nail left tmrrclx, Wtien the ulmve plu)toKniii wm taken tliu lvluj; laid JiibI brouglit down n flnc tlscr, which U wa I) lug at (he fret of 111m MnJexly'H cli'l'liniit. .. ASHLAND HOLDS DISTRICT FAIR Commissioners Meet ami Leave Dale (or Next Fair to Be Fixed liy Ash land Commercial Club Staples Elected President. 4 23 MAGAZINES FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY Tiu librnry Iiiih stihserihed for 'Jll niiiKazincH and a limnhcr inoro are promiHi'il hy friundrt who will liriiitf lo the lihrary their pei'Honal unpiim, Home ot Intra du'Hired are! Ainori ciiii iMiiKniiio, Allantio, Itookninn, HohIoii Conking School Jlapizine, I'Miiniiiiuii, Kvcryhmly'rt, Onoit Uouhii kccpiiif,', l.mlicH1 lloimi Journal, iMo Clnro'H, OiilitiK, l'opular MeehanicH, I'nhlio liihrariuK, BiiiihoI, which has hcen (lonsolidati'd with Pnoille Monlli. ly, Yoiith'ri Coinpunion. Tlio library Hubfionhi'H for an in ilex to pmiinlionlH whii'b will niaUn thi'Hii iniiKiizincH Hpeeially iiHi'fnl in rel'ei'eiieu work. Haaltlna for honltii. A meeting of tint hoard of com iiiIuhIiiiutm of tlio Flint .Southern Oregon District Agrli'tiltnm society wiih linlit la tho parlor of tlio Med ford Nut Ion nl hank on Momluy after noon, TIioho iironent woro J. A. l'orry, J. II. I lull, nml K. T. Stapliw, J. A. Perry In tho proHliIonfH ehalr. Tint mierelury IioIiik nhnent, the pre lilent appolntnil 0. I1IIIIiu;h iih hcc retiiry pro toin. Tho mlntitiiH of tho Inst annual nteittliiK ami of tho spiuilnl imietiiit; wero ri'iul ami approvoil. Tho roHlKiintlnn or l. C. llatohnm iih roinmlHilomir wiih roiul ami ne copti'il. Tho A(;rli'iilturo micloty of .lose phlno iiounty, wiih rutiuuHtutl to elect a Hiiltahli perHon to fill tho vaitancy ami mind u nntlflcato of hiioH oleo tion to (lovornor Went and nut; for t'onflrniatloa of tho mum'. Movod, Hui'ondeil nml carried that tho next meotlni; ot tho dlntrh't fair ho held at AhIiIiiiuI mill tho ditto of holding tho mtimt ho fl.Mtd hy tho AHhlaml Comnmri'hil club, not Inter than April 1, 19 la. Tho following offlcora woro duly elected: K. T. Stniiles, proHlilont; J. A. l'orry, vlco proBldontj V. II. Day, Hi'crotnry; J. McCoy, troitHtiror. lOxccutlvo coniinlttoo K. T. Sta plcH, J. A. l'orry ami li. 11. Hall, Flnanco coinmlttco J. A. l'orry, I,. I). Hall ami W. T. StuploH. MAY PENSION FIREFIGHTERS Senator Dixon of Montana Urges Payment of Six Months' Wages for Disability and Year's Pay for Death to Forest Service Men. ROOSEVELT FAVORITE OF NEBRASKA REPUBLICANS LINCOLN, Neb., 1-Vli. (). Tlico dorn Itoomivelt is the I'hoii'o of Ne braska vepublii'iiiiB for tlio presiden tial nomination, mittd ripping Presi dent Taft by four votes to onu, ae I'ordiiiK to u poll just completed by the Nebraska Stato .lourunl. Konalor Hubert l.a Kolletto ulo led I'residutil Taft. ; ilemocratio vole showed William J. Hryau tho l'avorile with (lovurnor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey sec ond and (lovornor Ilarmou of Ohio third, IIiiulUuu for health. WASIIINdTON. Kelt. (!.-Forest service men who ore blinded or other wise disabled ami tho deeudaiit8 of men killed in lighting forest II res can expect no compensation from the government. To remedy this condi tion Kenator ljixou (Hop., Mont.) is making a sturdy effort to have the forest service employes included in the law which awards compensation to victims of luunrdoiis j;overiinient employment. The law, with promised amendments in behalf of employes ol the huerau of mines ami the foroM service, is pemhne; in tlio senate. Speaking of tho widespread lire of 111 10, Senator Dixon said: "1 was in the very center of the groat forest tires of tho northwest during tliat period, ami there were over 7fi men burned tn death in a radius of IfiO miles of the place where Senator Ileyhurn and myself reside. In the forest ranger service during those Hies, us I recall it, six or seven of tho foresti rangers in the discharge of their duty lighting tierce forest tires worn burned to death. 1 know men individually of three or four cases where the eyesight of those men was destroyed ami they are blind for life, "I remember in particular nn old man who lives ut tho southern end of Hilterroot valley, who three years ago in the forest tlrcH had bis eyes completely burned out, lfis coin pauionK resulted him and lie is living them on tho chnrity of his neighbor in the county, "When those great crises occur and men take their lives in their hands nml go into the mountains fighting lire, certainly this government should not refuse them tho slight pit t unci! of six months' pay for disability or one year's pay in imse of death." NOTION. 0, J, I loss Iiiih nurchnsoil Chas. Talent'H Intorost In tho Union Idvory and Food 8tah!en, located on Hlvor slilo avonno. Mr. will rocolvo ami pay till hills. OHAS. TAliKNT. C. J. H13SS. Nothing is surer in this world than that a good servant can llml a good placo through want advertising. CLYDE WANTS TO ABOLISH SENATE SALKM, Ore, Fob G. Tho nbol Ishtnent of the I'nltail States senate Ih tho prominent plnnk contained In tho platform of Itnlph C. Clytlo, of Portland, and nieiubor of tho stato house of ropreiientatlvos, who filed hta declaration of Intention of be coming a candidate on tlio republican ticket for congress from tho Third congrosalonal dUtrlct with Secretary of Stato Olcott yesterday. Clyde gives as his reason for de siring tho Honate abolished tho fact that It has hct'ouie llko tho house of lordn and is useless, v Ho nlso de clares himself In favor of tho gov ernment ownorslilp of tho Alaskan roal mines. MEDFORD MARKETS Hetail Prices. Vegetables, Potatoes $ir0 por cwt. Cabbage He Parsnips a &C, Lottuco He head. Carrots 2c. lloets -aVjC. Onloii9 3c. Colory 50c CM doz. Cauliflower 10 ff 20c head. Turnips 2 c. Radiant's fie bunch. Onions Green, Co bunch. lValt. Cocoanuts 10o each. Prunes Dried, lOo lb. Lomons 2Gc doten. Hummus 10c to 30c per dozen. Oranges Ida to -10c. Cranberries 10c quart. Hotter, Kgga anil Poultry. Butter Fresh ranch," por roll, CTioj crenmory, S5c Kbbs l-'rcsh ranch, 3Go; storago, 2r.o. ' Poultry Hens, ilressod, 18o; Hvo 12c; springs, dressed, 20c. Turkeys 20o to 25c, ilrosaod. SIcatH, Wliolosalo. Doof Cows, 4HCS stoors, Bo. Pork G W & Cc. -Veal Dressed, 7 ii 3 1 Oo. Mutton 3Cf3Vje, Hvo; lambs, G 7 We Hay ami lVod, Wliolesalo. Hay Timothy, 18; alfalfa, $10; Brass, ?1G; grain hny, ?1C. Grnln-Whoat, ?1 02 busliol; oats, $37 ton; barley, $10 ton, WIT WOMAN'S PRESS CLUB HERE Auxiliary Organizations Throughout the Stale Planned Metlford Wom en Asked to Cooperate In Movement. During tho thno tin- State Wom an h Prww Club of Orngon lam bexn In fxlutonto It has oouf lnr.,1 Its an-tlvltli-H nlnioMt oxclimlvoly to tho city of Portland, although an tho name Implies It as a ntato organization. In order that It may fulfill tho great est poHHihllllliiH of u Htrtto organiza tion and bo In effect what tho name HlgtilflcH, a plan has been proposed by tho president, Mrs. M. I,. T Hid den, ami cntlniKlriHtlcally oudnmed by the members whon-by tlio club's field action may bo greatly ex tended. Ilrk'fly stated, the Idea Ik to estab lish auxiliary prose club throughout tlio Hiate In ovory city and town where there are women writers liv ing tu a sufficient number to war rant such action. From Inquiries made It appears then! Ih enough lit erary talent In .Mcdford to constitute a highly successful press club. If the talented women of the city would Join fortes with that object In view. Of all brain workers, writers need the Inspiration that comes through an exchange of Ideas with others of llko tastes. A pre club promotes an IntcIliH'tual comradeship among Its members, which Is truly helpful and stimulating. Among the many advantages the plan of tho auxiliary club offers, would bo an annual meet ing as a happy culmination of tho year's work, where all stato press clubs would bo represented. The benefit, pleasure and Inspiration to all concerned derived from such a gathering would bo of Incalculable value to every ono attending. In accordance wlfti the constitu tion of the State Woman's Press club It Is not necessary that every mem- "'Just Say" HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Foed-'drlnk for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared ia a buhhIc Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. WT Others are imitations. "Over Your Eyes" twm You nro naturally concerned, espe cially If they begin to show signs of weakness. Do not delay, but come at once nml have thorn examined. I have tho confldonco of all my pa trons, for they aro satisfied with my work and with my charges for same. Dr. Rickert Over Kentner's Sledfortl, Ore. Seattle Appraisals Sovoral Medford people have employed us to appralso Seattle roal estate. Such appraisal Is usually worth moro than It costs, Ira J. Dodge of Medford was formerly connectod with this of fice Other Seattle and Medford roforouces on request. It. O. KItSKlXH COMPANY 200 New York Wk., Seattlo (Chartor Mcrubor Seattlo Ileal Es tate Assn.) TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no equal on earth In variety of mineral waters and curing diseases that modlclucs will not roach. It you aro In need of health, como now. We aro opon all tho year and can glvo the best ot caro ami nttontton iiow as well as in summor, Stago dally from Red Dluff to the sprlugs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN Sl'IUNGS, OAL. her ho an actively engaged author. Borne of Its brightest mouthers nt present are only occasional contrll utors to tho newspapers nnd period icals of tho country, whllo othors associate members- novor Imvo re ceived remuneration for their work. It Is earnestly desired that nn auxiliary press club of women writers bo. formed In Mcdford, nnd nny In formation which would help toward (ho establishment ot a Medford aux iliary will ho furnished gladly hy tho conospondltiK socretary, Stato Wom an's Press Club of Orogon, Oswego, Ore, llox 180. The club's year hook, constitution and by-lawn will bo sent on request. t Medford Theatre, Tuesday, Feb. 6 TheDamaticSensation ofihe CENTURY BBBBBb m BBBBBBBBLBl JiBBBBBBBBBH BBBBLBF M LlEBLEfi AND Co.,MANAGERS THE SAME CAST AND. PRODUCTION, AS SEEN FOR 1 SEASON mNWYOm 6 MONTHS CHICAGO Priors $2.00, $1.50, oOo A GREAT AWAKENING Tho Rogue River Valley or that rKirt surrounding Med ford may fully expect some great stunts this spring and summer, for look what people in all parts of the country and some parts of Missouri have had to go through. "We have the garden spot and it's up to us to make it what it should be, and in order to move some of the hidden coin and get some circulating we are selling heating stoves at cost. All our beautiful cut glass goes the same way. Paints, oils, varnishes and stains, the best kind, the kind that covers the earth, at prices that would move any ar ticle. AVe stand ready with the largest, best assorted stock of exclusive hardware in Southern Oregon ta serve your wants. Xo w its up to you to get busy and do some rustling to see if we can't make 1912 the banner year. Beautiful homes properly painted mean progress. Don't forget the old reliable Toledo Range and 1900 "Washing Machines, the kind your neighbors have always, at the big store, "West Main and Grape St. Garnett-Gorey Hardware Co. Hot Antiseptic Oil Treatment which has TH'oycn to be of great benefit in obstinate cases of Dandruff, Eczema and Hair Loss, is given at the Marinello Shop Cora E. Utley, Graduate Operator ' 407 Garhett-Corey Bldg. Main 6751 Home 343-K First National Bank OF i MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $65,000.00 United Statesjmd Postal Savings Depository Wo solicit your business, which will receive our careful attention. F. 1C. DEUEL, I'llESIDENT M. Ti. AFFORD, CASHIER OltltlH OltAWFOItl), ASSISTANT CABUIKIl