M " R vir KTEDFORtf CTATti TRTBUNK MEDFORB, 'ORKClOy. TrEST)3Y. TTirmrARY 0. 10115. .- ja, -. rcraig foot -r4 I i i ' it IM Medford M'ail Tribune AN INnKIMCNOKNT NKWSPArRtt I'UIIMHUIJI) KVKIIY AFTERNOON KXCKl'T SUNDAY. HY TUB MKOFOKU l'lUNTlNQ CO. Tho Dcmocrntlo Times, Tlio Mcilford Mai), Tho Medford Tribune, Tho South ern Orreonlnn, Tho Ashlnmt Tribune Offlco Mall Tribune Building. 25-27-59 North Fir street; phone, Mnln 3021; Home 76. QKOIiaiC I'UTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered nil accond-elnsa matter at Medford, Oregon, under tho net of March t, 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jnckxon Counts. SOTISCBXFTXOK RATES. Ono year, by mall IB. 00 Ono month, by mall 50 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral Point ...,.... .50 Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 BWOBK CIRCUX.ATIOIT. Dally average for eleven month! end ing November av, ivh, i.oi. mil Xeaia Wtr United Prtsa SlspatchcB. Tho Mall Tribune Is on Bale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland, llowman News Co., Portland. Ore, W. O. "Whitney, Seattle. Wash. MEDrORD, OREO OK. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest growing city In Oregon. lA Population U. a census 1910 SS40; estimated, 1911 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. giving flnesr supply pure mountain water, and li.S miles of streets paved. Postorflce receipts for year ending November 30, 1911, show lncreaso of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city tn Oregon Rogue niver Spltzenbcrg apples won sweep takes prize and title of "Apple Xing or the World" at the National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtowns won Pint Irixe In 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, n. C rirzt Frlza in 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowns. Rogue ltlver pears brought highest prices In all markets of tho world dur ing mo past six years. Wrlto Commercial Club. Inclosing 6 cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. E OFF ON EXPLORATION Medford's Intrepid Explorer, Accom panied by Forest Rangers Dis guised as Eskimos, Off to Discover Lake of the Woods in Midwinter. Harry Ilnrknell Hfc, Motif onl's Doc Cooke, is off on another perilous voy nge of discovery. Willi snowshoos and cntnera he left Monday for the snow-laden heights surrounding- Mt. McLaughlin, taking with him Chief Forester M. L. Eriekson, Hanger Sam Swenning and M. L. Hubbard to act as Eskimo guides. The party expect to discover Lake of the Woods, Four Mile lake and other scenic gems in midwinter. Last yoar our Doc Cooke discov ered Crater lake in midwinter nnd an exciting controversy followed as to whether it had ever been discovered before in midwinter. This year, how ever, ho controversy is exnecfed. as. so fur as known, the region lias not been visited nt this season of the year. The party will be gone two weeks. GENERAL STRIKE PI Labor Leaders Plan Sympathetic Walk Out Others Claim Strike Is Failure Frequent Clashes But Lit tie Serious Disorder. HWSI3ANE, Au&traliu, Feb. 0.--Leaders of the general strike now on here boast that all (he trades unions in Australia are awaiting the word to strike in sympathy with local mon who are lighting for the right to wear union buttons while nt work. Every man who handles a tool in tho com monwealth will be out in another week, doclnros one of the principals here, On tho other hand it is said Unit the striko has failed. Street cars nro running, though on delayed schedules and each car is strongly guarded, Generally the public patronizos the system and the board of management says that in n few days the full service- will bo resumed. There have been frequent clnshos between the strikers and tho non unioiiists, but no vory serious- disor ders have taken place. Hundreds of volunteor buslnnen well mounted and mined nro patrolling the streots and have kept order. The state govern ment has announced that if any vio leneo occurs there will bo no half measures used and that troops will bo called out nnd armed with ball t ridges, COOK AUSTRALIA IIuBklua for hoaJtu, "KEEPING UP Utt-KEPIXO up with Lirio" is tho title of a tlivorting IV story published during the past year by Irving Baehellor. It is. well worth the' reading, if for nothing but the moral that it points. Lizzie is the village belle of a Connect ieut town near Xew York, where the inhabitants are more, or less lured bv (he luxury of the idle rich and in the words of .Julius Caesar "import those things that tend to effeminate the mind " Lizzie is the pretty daughter of the leading groceryman and sets the pace for the community in its efforts to imitate the smart set. Lizzie's pace is so swift that it involves her father in financial difficulties. The other merchants, whose fami lies are trying to keep up with Lizzie, also become in volved, anil because "it costs so much to live" thev get together and raise prices 15 or 125 percent thus forcing the community to pay for their social flight. Nothing would do for Lizzie but one of those flighty select young ladies' schools, where they teach frills and furbelows, and highfalutin nonsense. Then there must be a European tour and she returns with affected accent and wants to buy a nobleman for a husband. To pay, another assessment is made upon the community, the price of groceries is marked up again. ".It costs so much to live," said papa. Every one-in the village followed Lizzie's lead. 'All the girls were "trying to be princesses with full-jeweled brains." They couldn't cook or sew or sweep, their studs were above it. "Their heads were in Dreamland.'' They trilled and warbled and talked French and Italian. They golfed and motored and whisted. They created the ser vant problem. But they were "keeping up with Lizzie." And the male population were as bad as the female. But Lizzie was a sensible girl and when she found out that she had plunged her father into debt, that her foreign count was an impostor, she rose above her education, went to work in her father's store, set the fashion for house work, and started reforms that saved the village families from bankruptcy. In keeping up with Lizzie, autos and other luxuries became a drug on the market. Common sense ruled once again. There are a good many all over the country trying to "keep up with Lizzie" living, dressing, autoing above their means. High prices are due. not so much to gold production as to extravagance, and the fact that people have left the farms for the cities and production is not keeping pace with consumption. Getting back to the soil and living within your means beats keeping up with Lizzie. Colvig Receives Sympathyand a Watch (From the Portland Spectator.) A few lines that appeared here last week referring in a sad and condolent way to the misfortune that befell Judge William M. Colvig, of Med ford, in San Francisco stirred to speedy and heartfelt commisseratlon some of the eminent attorney's many friends. Judge Colvig's loss it will be recalled that a very lovely young lady, who pretended that she thought the judge was her beloved paternal parent, deftly removed his scarfpin and watch with one hand the while she caressed him with the other touched to the very core the generous heart of Sonator .George W. Joseph, of this city, and drew from him a most sympathetic letter and a hand some timepiece to take the place of the one that was lost. Here is Sena tor Joseph's letter; the first time you see Judge Colvig have him show you tho watch: Portland, Ore., Jan. 20. Honor able Wm, M. Colvig, Bedford. My Dear Mr. Celvig: Herewith you will find enclosed a clipping from one of the leading papers of our city (Tho Spectator) which relates an expe rience you had In San Francisco. Judge, you will reraembor that I was ono of the graduating class at Lakevlew beforo whom you spoke and whom you addressed, and to whom you gave tho best advice, and you told us how careful to be throughout our llvos as to our con duct, and roally, I bollovo your ox prosulons of that uvoning have, up to the present time, had a great In fluence, over my conduct. Only shortly prior to that time, 1 had come In from the sheop rnngo, where I hud beon tho tender sheep lad, and yourself nnd Judge Webster appeared to mo to be great person ages, and for whom I had tho most profound respoct, and I wondorod if I ever would be looked upon by chil dren or young persons as we looked upon you and tho Judge However, it seems that this Hfo Is but a series of groat disappointments, and tho last great disappointment which I have experienced, Is when I realized tho full purport of tho story which I herewith oncloso. You know, Judge, your appearance to mo when I was young wus bo far from any thing of this kind. You were largo, stately, nnd had ono of the kindest facos I over gazed upon, and your greatness In tho estimation of myself and schoolmates was not lesseuod by tho simplicity of your conduct. Ono by ono tho ideals of my Hfo huvo boon nhattorcd. I have seen many of tho old pioneors whom I havo emu lated pass away, eomo of them dis graced, Bomo of them In dtsgraco, but as tlino has gono on during the last 25 yenrs, at intervals I would hoar your namo mentioned, or sco t In tho pupors, and all of tho greatness which I had conjured up in my mind WITH LIZZIE." concerning you appeared, nnd I hesi tated so as to absorb and fully real ize the same and secure therefrom the greatest benefit. Upon reading this article I feel like ono who has been traveling on a road with some happy destination in view, and who, while traveling to gain that destina tion, on a dark night .tumbled off a precipice and was dashed to plocos. Hoping that you will not allow any fair damsel to repeat this conduct with you, and that you may preserve your watch, and not have use for any scarfpin In the future, I am, with klndliost recollections, Yours very sincerely, GEOItGB W. JOSEPH. P. S. I have this day sont you a watch, and tho prlco thereof cor talnly would not deter you from taking risks. However, simply as a timepiece and not as an allurement you will find it sufficient. G. W. J. U COMMUNICATION. Appreciates Mall Tribune. To the Editer: Your statement of the 2Gth inst. recehed this morning, and I am pleased to herewith hand you check for $2.25, which pays for my subscription from August 28, 11)10, to February 1, 3012. I have been receiving your paper regularly and wMi to take this op portunity of congratulating you upon a newsy newspaper, which seems to be the friend of everybody, nnd is not only n community builder in the way of telling about all the good things in your locality, but it show the dofecU and the chances for improvement. This lends confidence to the reader and cannot help but make Koguc Riv er valley the best fruit valley in the world. I urn glad to say that I nm some what interested in fruit land near Ceutrnl Poin and hope to see the good work in tho valley continue. Hoping this will find you in the midst of increased circulation and good collections, and with kindest re gards, I remain, Respectfully yours, GUY W. CHAFFKI-:. Crowds at Isls. Tho big double bill at tho IsIb Is attracting largo patronago to the popular playhouse, Itauh and Draw, In a singing and dancing act, huvo a turn that Is a little better than any thting seen hero in some time. The singing of Prof. Lonordl, tho second sketch, Is away nbovo tho average and received moro upplauso than any act here in months. In addition thoro a ro three reels of motion pic tures. Answer somo classified ads and simplify your hunt for a "livc-room homo." Hasklns for health. CHURCH HETS GROW IN FAVOR Evangelistic Meeting a Great Suc cess Dr. Parsons Speaks Upon "Ye Must Be Born Aflaln" Lurgc Conneyatlons Attend. Kvniuielixtic meetcc:- in tho Pies hylerian elm nib gt in interest. (Iron! sermons, large congregations, much interest. The jxr-.tiinlity of Dr. Pardons and the beauty of hN thought hold the attention of all. Kvcry night at 7:M. Come now the lio-t tonight. l.t-l nijjht Dr. Par--on- spoke in part n follows; " 'Yo must be born again.' "Those words introduce a fact of the spirit mil world that is the chief battleground between Christianity and modern motet inlUtic philosophy one of what Paul cull the mvsterie of godliness and a most comforting fact of the Christina experience. "To understand it we inil stmt with what today is ki.oun as the law of degeneration. Oar fathers ealled it depravity, Hie Itible calls it sinful ness nnd death. If this he not true the words of Jesus are foolishness. "Tlu new birth is that change in character that arrests spiritual de generation, enable ti to realize spir itual things and correspond with Ood. It is a change that lies deeper in the oharaetor than either reforma tion or conversion. It is an essential change of the character itself out of which conversion and reformation grow. "It takes place wheiieer we sincere Iv fulfill the conditions of diciple ship. Then (hid fulfill- his promises and give?, us this gilt of eternal'life. We must not confuse p.isning interest in religion and enlmbtcmeut for this .J'ss1sr "MtS tjaraucjirvn F"l2V:JtR ;s- COPVRICHT. J ' U C0 '3iyi-j w'iMMlMaMraL'!J'wW' 44444444ftt44444r-&W4t4M-04Hf4(4-- Progressive s- UNDRESSING I-, it a science, an art or a habit? You perhaps think this a trivial Hiibjeet, but let ns briefly explain the why and the wherefore of thin ad vertising campaign. FIKST Fact number one undrosned. We do not believe that the public have been getting alne received in many iutnncc. CoiiHoipieutly so called hard limoy, in reality it is nothing more than conserva tism nn the part of the spending public whether from iiei-i'sHity or luxury, ntul the Hctuning expectation on their part of having to pay more than the real worth of the ai tales or services a sold or rendered. la introducing ourselves to the careful thinking pub be. to those who realize the true worth of a dollar, to those uho expect and who should get the mime HervieeH at the same price in thin, the Paradine of tho Went, oh the did in tho'"' "hi homes in the eastern stolen, we now waul to talk. The future Iiiih ill storo for you in our linn exdi-ily the same tilings nnd in the name way and at the fame price a you have been unci! to pnyiubnok home. Wo will K the east ouo bolter when wo Hay that we will give vou mom than you have been used to getting. Wo hnve (do mofit complete officeH north of San Francisco and south of Portland, Come and hoc, if you do not be lieve. We havo tho ability and when wn nay to you that we ere tho only men in thiu community who havo hud the benefit of years of general work, duo preparation for special work, beside ono member of the tlrm Iiiih been ediieatcd in tho greatest ,clinical school in tho world that of VJKNNA, AUSTHIA, and we now como before you as tho llrst, tho originntors, of now ideas, new incthniN, nnd last hut not least wo bring to your doors the elniitco to grasp tho great opportunity, and remember CONSULTATION always Fit KB. Drsiv Saunders & Green Practice limited to KYB, BAK, NOSB AND THROAT. MFIWHtl), QUEQON. QAKNETT-COKKV HMlfl. Reliabh change. 1'nless thov lead to our ac ceptance of Christ I hoy noun lesult tu tegoueiution. No mere lofoituu- lion of conduct will ever go deep enough into eharaeter to ptodueo this change any more than pruning and spraying and foitiliring will produce jour Newtown Pippins, "Tho oulv way to heaven lies through this spiritual stale known as the kingdom of (lod -on eat lb, for it is this new life that enables u to survive the change of euii'oiiment from oailh to Hod's presence. "The onlv way to enter this king, dom is when the life of that higher kingdom reaches down and lifts ns into that kingdom. This is die truth of what Christ does for those, who receive him. "This I rnlli emerge into duly In, those things which fill fill tho condi tions of diseipleship. That is why wo continually urge vou to believe Christ, repent of sm and consecrate yourself to him " No'yesS Black llOUSK AND SUJN I'AINTINO Up-to-D.itu Auto and Carriage. Painting, Gold Leaf Signs nnd Interior Decorating n Specialty. Shop ntul Office R. (irupo and lOtJi Ht. Office Phono 7771. Ilea. 7213. Atl Work Positively Gunrnnteod. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work (Jimrniili'ciL ITIcon Itfiimmntilv. COFFEEN & PRICE as Howard Block, Cntranci on 8th Bt. FaclXlo 3031. Hotuo 3t9. A Full Line of Peerless Lamps All guaranteed. Now is the time to get your house wired. Good light adds to the comfort of winter months. SO. OREGON ELECTRIC CO. North Grape Street. Aggressive Ethical BENSON'S bargain: Wo wish to iiuproHH you with tlit fni't that wo arc EXCHANGE HEAD QUARTERS Through us you cjiu ex change what you don't want for wluit vou tlo want. What have you to exchange for prop erly in Seattle, Poitlaud, Willam ette. Valley, I,oh Angeles, South ern California, Idaho or New Mexico? Call at our office. We might he abb) to match your trade. DON'T DE CR0W0ED Why live in wtuffy, furnished hniiMckccpiug rooini, lacking home comfort and piivaey, when, for fllMI to .:il)(l us initial pay ment you can buy a real home, paying balances monthly, like tent? Ask iih for details. Legitimate mining prooml!nns fi nanced. 120 aere-4 sidehill fruit ranch, deep soil, buildings; price .-j!lt)l)l); will consider exchange for Medford city property. WOULD YOU pay .:W00 for a .r.'OOO reddenee and lot proposition situated in Medford's most cxoludo resi dence district? $700 cash handles. Rigid investigation in vited. A real bargain surely. Hearing orchards and orchards just (Dining into bearing, within one mile of Medford, in tracts rang ing from eight ncres up, can be purchased through tw nt very attractive prices just now. $500 homestead relinquishment for sale. Will exchange ical estate for auto mobile. Will exchange timber for lots or equities. $1200 10 noroH in Lakn cotuily, Ore gon to exchange for Mcdl'oid IoIh or equity in home. $2900 fi ncres, praoticjilly adjoining city, suitable for subdivision or chicken ranch, BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY REAL ESTATE - MINES hoi flAKNi-yrr.coitKV iiuimiino Phenes: Hell, 71)1)1; Home, 1UMC WHERE TO GO TONIGHT vjTAR THEATRE AMVAYH IN Till: I.KAII 10(10 feel of feature I'll in ItllMI K.NTIIANPKCl.tlr H.VritA "A It l-SI CltOHH .MAItTYIt" or "ON TIIU llltl.N'O 1,1 ni: OC Tiurm.r Tin tiling I'otiiitjal of tin Italian- Tui-Uloli War Stirling Aitlon tJicnt llullle Scenes "A IIKAD I'Olt lU'SINKSS" Itetuiu of our favorite MUu Flor ence l.iiwiouco and Mr. Aithur Johnson "Tin: rowuov'M ,iorn:i Cllll.tl" A tciiHo dramatic Incident In tho life of teal westerners "Till! MII.MONAIIli: IIAItllCU" 1 000 feet of film ami a laugh la every font. Ali SATIIKK TIIK "WOOIAVOUTIIH" Tho Moving I'lfttito Munlclaiirt. Your Own !(mx1 .lodgment Will Ai'Luimledgo Our Siis'rlorlty In Kvery Itcspwl ISIS TH E ATRE. TONIGHT A Treat for Our Patrons LEN0RDI One of the World's (Ireatest -Tenor singers. We can recommend Pro fessor I'tiordi us being the best, singer ecr staged in Isis Theater. Opening lust night, ho. was eoui pelled to come back the third time, as his singing was so greatly ap preciated. Still Another Crackerjaek Act RANH & DREW Comedy Singing and Talking -a very Kilned act, both displaying a good line of songs mid jokes. It isn't often we can offer you as good a bill as this. F.veryoue should take advantage of Hum op portunity and drop in. Monday, TucMlay and Wednesday only. Three Keels, .'HKIO feet of MOTION PICTURES Hest of Mithin Special Matinee, Haturdny and Sunday 2 p. tn. lCvenlug Perforinanro 1 p. m, Valley Second Hand Store Buys and Sells Second-Hand Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. H. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North Fir Home Hfti Hell 11072 Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, 1). O. Public Land Mntterti: Final Proof. DcHort Lands, ContcuU nnd Mining Canon, Scrip. ABHOcluto Worlc for Attornoyi Kodak Time All Prices $1.00 to $65.00 Our kodak man will he glad to cxpliuu. Medford Book Store A 1