PXOE THREE MEDFORO WILL BAND GETS F MILL WORKERS STILL CONTINUE BIG STRIKE TD DROP CASE EVIDENCE AGAINST A L l Fill ALSO IDOK ALL A85EIS METTFOTZD MATTJ TRTBUN13, rP.DFOTM), OI?K(10, TrUNPAY, 'FPTITRrA'RY G, 1912. WANTED HUSBAND AKEORCHARDISTS fill DREW DRUNKARD A Dlrcltiors nf Lonal Association Vole i tu Hold Fair Also, Scptiralo From tliii District Or(iniil7titlon Officers Circled. Monday nlxlii Urn MliicliluitiliTM of Oil) IIiikik Itlvnr l"n lr imoi;lutloii Mot III llni Mi'drnrd lintel mill tthteli'd tint following IhiiihI uf (llKHlern: Mayor W. II fuiion. o 1,. Dm in. B. Wolf, .1. I). Hull, H. H. Hinlili. Guorxt Putnam, 0. ,. Hi'uoiiiiitrliorii, ). WorlliliiKloii. W. P. Hun, H. (I. TrowbihlKO. A. IC, Wnru, l. A. Welch, (' Till!, J. V. liMtwIur, Dr. .1. U. IIuIiiih, Tliu liuHrtl of dlrei'lors liolil a incut f UK mill selected Hume officers, and t'emntltt'H: President, W. II. Canen: first vice piosldyni. (I. L. Helim nun horn; n't iilii! vim pruflil'-nl, O. II. Carpenters llilnl vice irHliluiil, W. P. Huns hoc rotmy, A. IC. Win iij tieuniiror, (J. L. Davis. lixmjutlvti conilulltoe I. Worth. Itigtuu, Dr. J. I.. Helms, H. Wolf, K. tJ. Trowbridge, A. IC. Ware. I'liiunrn committee I'iimI Cum IiiIiik. J. W. Drcwilor, H. H. Hinlili. J. D. Ili-ll. Program mill printing -O. L. Da Vis. A. K. Wnro, H. . Hitillli. II was decided ttntl tint ilnto Mr holding tin next fair mIioiiIiI bit from him) including Ki'iii'Miiii'T no ami October B, nnil thht entry ilnyn would In Hoptitmber MO nnil Octo ber I. I A now feature or tliu fair this fall will Ik a broncho busting contest.' pinvldlng lln "busters" of tlm row counties can li Induced to bo hen) llll till llUtC-S IIHIIIC1I. Were will lio over ftJOOO of for.nl In premiums mid tin inaiinKniiK'iit oxpouln to In' able to hit iik ill' purses of sufficient hUh to ntlrnet tint ni tuiitlpii of all tlm fastest homoa on tin I'uitlfle coast. To itiHko iiilvnrlinhiit iuipnivo a yiilir uttirn ttiipnivim --Knw I'Vitn n nilvailci' of your HtornV cronlli -ri1-lli'til nlwn your lon,, I'liurai'ti'r, jHrwmiti am! niM,nmplUliiii"iil Ilii1"!' ant tlin iiKpJrnllnim of a ri'al nu'f I'liaut! a yltlllKl . ' I l$ I J1 tjl ijl 1J1 if T ?. ? T T I I ' T t- T 1 1 SO nn v K MADE Mrs. Myrtle need McCullmiuli, the Novelist, Left Letter to Friend Dr. scrlliliin Her Miislinnd's Sliorleom Inns Ciillcil Him Loafer. niK'AflO, Feb. II. Explaining her Miiii'iili in a Idler wiillcn to Dr. Ed iniiinl Snugs ami mndo public loilav liv lilin, Mr. My i tin Ki'Ml MfCul Iimik'Ii, tlin nntclist, wiiyH Dial she uunled a IiuhIhiiiiI ami a home, liul "lri'v n drunken loafer." Written in ht pielnntstpio h I I . lint li'lli'i h'iiiU: "l-Milv I li'ii rt I huo al Inst opened Hie lit tit' Oonr I" r myself, iuiil Imvif nini' tu tlin mivcr-iiocr Imnl. I liuvi) broken lite promise made lo ynu a yt'iir ago, ami set myself free. It inav not lit' a liiawt way, lint it is inv wnv. iiiul I must (i). "Lust night wax 'tlin tHi'lllli mini viTHiiryoi'mir iin'itiii)c. Il -(.Mfl'nl-IoiikIi)- pi'oiniHi'tl to iwiiiii' liniuii ami lirinu mi' llouiirH, limtiuul lie I'titnc limim it J Iff I oVIiii'k fo ilrnnk In' (ton It 1 tint hIiiihI. So lllix ninrniiiK I li'fl Inniiii uilliniit NajiiiK Koml'liyf. "I linvt' (liiiin llin ln"t t ixinlil I'm' lint iniMTiilili' i'iirw, am faili'il l'llilt'tl I'lllll'll. MlllllCll H llllilllltlll ami a limm I ilii'w a Ihhimc uml n ilriinkt'ii InatVr, lm iiinil" it In- lm-i-iii"i lo Itttl mi' at iv ii point " FAST CHRIST 10 BE I'OKTdltCIIAItl). Wiuli , IVIi. (I. Dr. I.iinln It. Ilarxanl, cinuifti'il of inaiiMlaniilitt'i' l'r tin ilcatli f Mf I'lnirt' WillniiNiiii, prulialilv uill ! HDiiti'iifi'tl liiiiinrriHV. Tin' iiiiiviiiiiini i itiiprihiniini'iit in tltc pi'ititontiitry up to 'JO fnr. u jail It'ini up to mil' year, a Hue up to flOIIO or iiapno'i uii'iit ami it lint'. Mm. Ilarxaril in Mill in tint cimtinlv of tint hIiitiIT, ulilli' Iter lniliitiitl, for tui'r l.it'iiliMiiint llaxaril, .1ih Ni'llic Slii'nuau, lior i'it h t til nutt', ami KiauK l.illit', ulio wax nlmi tiif 1 ! at llic Olnlla lUHtitutmu, m in Seal lit tryuiK tu rmi' tin $10,000 lunl t m' rurit Ikt ri'li'iixi' ih'IhIiiik npiH'itl. MEDFORD lliJi. - .1 V, J -i Tlin Mi'ilfnnl Itnml Iiiih m'cnrnil a ni'W illict'tor In thy jinrHon of H. II. Ilowt'll. ritinully ft out Allmrlii, nti inlit, Mr. Ilowull Ik iwltl to bn pro fli'litnl in UM'ry ilolnll of biinil worh ami tlin iiiuiiiburM of tlm IdcmI ornNiil ntloii it if piiltlin; foilh (ivory nfforl liimiilliln to ritliilii lilin an thalr toailcr. HiipinHiiiitiitlyiw of tlm Imnil will uicnt wltb tint city coiiui'll tonlKbt uml it nit that tint bund bit given fieo tlm lino of t ho coiinull iiliumbitrK two 'Hiiln Mirli wtwk In whlrh to prac tlut Tli opinion mh'Iiim to piovall Kitaorttlly tlmt tlm connt'll would b" ilnliiK n nutrltoiloui not la KrantliiK iliitiu tint room. NotliliiK will no miicli littlp In iniik liiK MiMlfotd'M biirxnlu tlnyn ho much a Hiiri'i'H iik Mill bund iiiiihIc. Tlm Iio)h did I'xi'olb'ilt work InhL Bntur dity and all tlm iiictclmiilK ftl klinl ly (HHpoiicd to the orKiililiillon. LIBRAnY IS ANXIOUS FOR CHILDREN'S BOOKS Tlm library In cmiortully hiixIoiib for : I f t h of I'liHtlri'ii'M bookH, um tbo pr'xttditt collet Unit In M'ty mnall. Home of tbo tltli'M ni'i'tlt'd arc- Atluiim, Wnlltt UrellmrH: Altlrlrb. Ktory of a llnd Hoy;. Attililitn NlKbtx: Curoll. Alliu In WomlitrlHtiil; ldln. Wid ow O'CalluKlmim; J-'rniiPb, Kuun of Kwnnnit IIo)h; (iiluini, Cwnniui llotiHobold TalkH; JolitiNou, IMinotoii ItiiKitrn; KlrtKHlcy. ("ri'i'k llnroiii; Itnnklu, immli'llon ()tt;iKc; Utmkln, Klmc of tbu (loblttu ItlMtr; Ititiulck. (ilcnlixh (ilrln; K'tton, Hoy SiouU of Annrlta: Sbaw. ChmIIm IMalr; Tn Kitrt. I.ltiln C.wy llotnw; WIkkIii. Half a Doxnn lloumtkii'iii'iti. New Cbroulclim of Ui'Im-ith, UitburiM of Sunn) brook 1'nrin: Wblt't. AiUcn turi'it of llobb) Ortlc. BUTTE FALLS TEAM PLAY MEDF0RD THURSDAY Tint Med ford bnnkt't bull UHim In to piny lint lltitto Kill 1b bnttkol bull t"atn on the Nat floor 'llmriHlny vvouIiik. Kt'brunry K. TbU wll Ibo a Reed Khiiik hh tbu ltutto Knl In team won from tbo AhIiIhikI toam liiMt wock. ami wltmMii'il tbo Kamo bi'twiwn Mi'ilfonl ami AHblaml licrc. ami ox pri'ml I bolr tliflro to ndmlitltitt'r n drnbbliiK to tbo MiiUord tomn. TliU will Ik tbo lo-l bo' Hlxtb Kim"', uml 1 boy nro iih ol ittiilcftHilisl. IN Artistic Printing, Bookbinding, Loose-leaf Systems, Posters, Pamphlets, Fruit Labels, Stock Certificates, any and all kinds of commercial and manufacturing printing at Portland prices. We have the largest and most complete plant and biggest pay roll in Southern Oregon, and are equipped to fill any order, large or small, on short notice. Color work a specialty. Exclusive agents for .Old Hampshire Bend all colors the stationery q culture. Complete line of legal blanks. We invite your inquiries. PRINTERS AND BINDERS 25-27-29 NORTH FIR STREET Notlilnn Visible fur Creditors or Stockholders In Wreck of Gljjantlc Wildcat Safe Found Empty Clients Still Comlnu In. sr.ATTLK, 'm-Ii. Fib. rt. Willi I'n'Midi'iit Ibtlttriii V"i' ami tliu book o' tin- WitMliiifyloii Or-biml compmny ami tlii' WNHllftiKt"ii Irrigation anil Fruit i'onimnyjrtit"oi(f. ami no nmuU JMibb, a biHirltiK i" linnkriijiloy m H' ini; licltl today, by Id'luii'o in linnk rnjdcv .lobii I'. Moyl. TI10 pi'lilion in bankruptcy whh Jllctl cxtcnlay by tin- Sinntlanl Oil coiujinny, A. C. Oimn uml Scott Wnl-Imi-i) on clainiH ol I2I.-J7, $8dO.."0 ami $1'J."0 riMjMtotiwU. JInrry K. Wilnon, iiici'ivur HpiKiiutcil by th 1 Htnle ciiiirt, located n n(c blonKiiiK lo the ilufimol coinpioiv. bill it wh iiIiboIiiIi'Iv cnijtly. Niiiiiitoiiw dientM arc mIiII Hocking to thf 1 waiver with Inlet, of Kiivriiloc of their Iioiuch mill lifelong hiiviugA to buy Imnl tcrlifl I'ltlt'K uml Htoclc in tim '.'i)cntit: "wild eal" proM)Kilioii. , DR. RiGG TO MAKE HOME IN MEDF0RD Dr Jinnee It. HiKL'f Mount I'ulns ki. III , who jk oxteiiMM'ty lutoreatcil in IfoKue river Imnl. will hooii take up bin icKiiloiit'c in Medfonl. The fol towiuif IB front the Mount I'ulaki (III. I Now nf .Iiuiuarv M. 11)12: "It baw liitnn linowii fur aevnral yenr that Dr. Jniiif- It. Itiax Iihm lntt'ii itiM'bliinr lieavilv in Drcyoii lamln, until at the prt-cnt lime bin in leii'BtB Iberc nrw ry exteiiBivu and ii'tfrtre Iijh pt'tnoMitl ati'iitHiu. The doctor owiih two rnnclic nuitr Mod fonl, Oic, ami hi molbir owiik a ranch in the Hauit: utility. In order to attend to those mure-In iiroperlv, he ih compi'lluil to Iw 011 the ground, He iiitemls moving to Medfonl, On., about Ausiiit 1 of tbi enr. "Dr. Uiiix hnB lictti uiacticing nictl iciui) hero for tins iwat M years and has innilc boKts of friends ntut eatnli liVbod a practiue and made for biin xi'lf n reputation 111 his profoBniun that few men hero lime attained." Values that arc tincotninnnlv itf ferinl in tlii- cily'B stolen should "be utifomuionlv vellwdvortiiwd. A A . PRINTING COMPANY IAWHKXCH, Mum., Fob. C.Un dnnnlcd by fbo f;uit that nearly all l"Xtllo mlllK Intro am again riiniilnK wltb orlpplod forctm, striking opor atlve br today ar not illacfiiir HKCtl, prttdlvtltiK tbnt tboy wilt yot bo vbjtorloUM In tlm flbt. "Wo will ralao 1X0,000 within the next tltrw vH(,'kB and tbon flxbt thw wi;ol triiaL and Killed ml 11b to a atunilnMM," declarud Vlto I'nmldent Htodol of tbo Induntrlnl Workors uf tbo World, who Jihb arrlvitd horo lo take clmrx'j of tbo strike "Tlm m (Hallftt orKfliilzatlon i now bohlnd thin atriiKKlo. It Iih.i 4000 local ami each will contribute $20 to carry thin flxbt to a KiiccoiHiftil concliiHlori." TELEGRAPH TABLOIDS KVdtSSK, Ore. "Tbo wxporlenco 1 Iihvh nlti9l aa u married man Ik worth Just DO centa to m," John WnUon told IiIm wife. Then bo band ed bur $1 and departed, stio allt)KMi In u divorce ault. SBATTLB, WaKb. William Tal. Cbluofc tonor, who annn wltb the rnlvoralty of Oroon GIixj club, Inter koIiik to tbo WaHhliiKtou Htato unl vemlty, will tabu tbo part of Hia watha, "the Indian maiden," In tbo opera by that uuinc when It Ib BtagGd by tbo DtiidentH this month. TItlNBVIhLK, Ore. "Tho boy aiiaworcd overy ipioatlon wroii(; and I apauked blm to Impreas a 'few facts on bin mind," explained Mlaa Hlta MoorebtniBo to tbo cbool board. "I (intend my cIiIM'b brains aro not where Bho inatlo hor linpriimlonB," oBMitulated Mrs. Lour, who was IrjIiiK to aut tho toucher dlunhMed. IIOSTON'. Maw. Mrs. Mary C. I.oavltt, honorary president of the world ' W. C. T. U. for 10 years, 1b 'dmid bore KANSAS CITY. Mo. After having been a wife for two years, Mr. Julia Scarloroui;b doclaroa that marriage Is a failure. She filed suit for di vorce. She 1b 11 oars of age. l'ASADKNA, Cal. Adolphus much will give $50,000 to bond a hubgcription to build a $700,000 opora house In St. l.ouln. according to tbo dotalls of a plan made nubile A A oi A tH"&& . - V MEDFORD A6AIHSTBEHDER Alletjed Dynamite Conspirators Ac cused of Blowlny Up Hall of Rec ords May Escape Further Prosecu tion In Los Angeles. T.OR ANOELKS, Cnl, Feb. . 'Mint the cnxtM itKninxt Hurt II. Con ner, 1'. Ira Ilendor and A. H. fn1e, (harmed with en'nrin to blow ap th Hall of Itccorda, may be dropped, wax intimntfd today by A wist ant Diitrict Attoniov Itav (1. Horton. .1. H. I lend rick, 11 Loa Anxekt la bor lender, apent ni hour in confer enee with Horton today. It waa aftmr Hum mcetinjf that Horton hinted that the enflea might be dropped. He aaid, however, that a conference with Dis trict Attorney Pri'ileripka would be necpMHtrv beforo flnal action ia taken. f'onncrw has been tried once on the clinrxe, the jury duudinK 10 to 2 for ncfuittal. here today. Tho millionaire brewer would make St. LoiiIb the home of grand ojera In America. SKATTI.E, Wash. K. V. Iloylo wait amaulted and beaten by a man to whom he had just given f0 cents to gatkfy JiIb hunger early thin morn ing. The thug escaped and the "good Samaritan" was taken to a hospital. SACRAMENTO, Cal. IJIIIy Papke, former jn'ddlcwolght champion of tbo world, Iiob signed to meet Frank Mnntell of Ilbode Inland In a '-'0-rotind contcBt here on the afternoon of I-Vbruury J2. WASHINGTON' PremdeHt Taft Taft today sent the nomination of Frank Hoyle of Idaho to the senate to be receiver of publio motiios ut Juneau, Alaska. LOS -AXGKLES. "Woll played, old chappie; hooray!" cried Horace Hoar to a fallen motorcyclist, llonr had ju-t returned front nolo at Pna deim. "This for' you," replied the cyclist. Police httitiuii under escort. POHTLAND Giving one Inst, ile tpnirint: wail, "Johnny," a big tom- I vnt fel1 fro"1 !' UV Kriekson's IRUSI DESTROYED hi Officials Acccuscd of Makliifi Away With Trunfc Full of Documents Upon Which Government Depended to Win Its Cast Against Trust. WASHINGTON'. Peli. 0. riiir. Vice President Prnuk Haeke mot other officialw uf the American st I unit Wirs cofnjmny with iletrMiiif a trunk fnll of tloCHinnta with whi'-h the xovcnimunl intemlud to fttipport iti unit agninat jli ntcol trnt, lh (lojHirtmeiit of justice today nikul H.e Pnitcd Slntea court of itfew Jcriev to enjoin the corporation from lurtli- r dcHli-iiction of imjMirtnnt pupers. Jnatice ilewrlment official-t litre allej-ea Ilnackea helped dotrov 1 or reapondenoe between hiuiMcIf and I',I win .Inekfon, i tcJ ool unpen wr, allowing that J. H. Farroll, thp'i pre-.i-dont of the wire company and nov president of the steel trust, knew of the corporation's "pooling ami bid ding" arrangementa. Special AMfllitnnl Attorney Uickin fion, who is comlucting the atccl tru-.t investigation, charged today that oth er incriminatory paper in posetioiL of the trust are in danger of destruc tion. The petition to the New Jarpy court Specifically nlleguB that the pa pers were destroyed because trti-t of ficial feared they would bo pro c Ptiteil under the Sherman anti-trn t law. saloon to the pavement. The cat was hh. habitual drunkard. Whether it committed swiplde in a fit of remor e or fell while enjoying a aprce has not been nscttrtnincd. ALBANY, Ore. "I didn't mind the beating he gave me, judge, nor the cubing I got, or the fact that be wa-. drunk, but when he twisted my cat's tail, I slammed him with the wtoe lid," explained Mrs. Olive Gregory. Her sjoii!e got a jail term. LOS ANGELKS Flabbily dressed American woman and honorable Jap anese in n theater lobby. A crowd which gathered as the lady chipped off a few remarks, cheered when the Japanese bowed low and -aid: "The ludy'b apology in accepted." I 'I f i t tti .? T T T -T I I f if c '4' 4 V Wf