I PAGE TWO mdford mail tribune, medford, okiwox, 'itkkday. viwki'ahy o, inia. i I H I I t IOCAL AND PERSONAL Mtv-and Mrs.. Waller B. Kyle, of Waterloo, lown, arrived In .Medford Monday, evening Wo Imvo two fihowensos nt a bar gain. lOfi North Front. 273 Mr. mid Mrs. W. It. Ailnms of l'o'rtland aronmonjj the. inoro recent nrrlvhis In tlio city. Siifdor'n jniro ihlllc nnd cronm nt joifii Notisrvom'; or faNe coic, t.'jib In Medford on buslhww Monday. liny your trunk nml miltcnHe nt 3 OG Norl)i Front street. ' S't Mru. S. 'Ayors nml eliildrim ro- . turned Monday to tiiotr homo near KnKlo, Idaho, nflor n visit In Med- loru wun .inn. au.vmsiiii nu laiun.v. SnIUor'a iSuro milk lintl croam at McDowell's. Mr O. V. Shro of Hutto Falls l'ott Mtindhy for Hutto, Mont. Wo w'nnt to buy Indies' nml gents' cnsUbfr clAlhtrig nhd shoes. Will H. Wilson & Co. 273 Miws Rliwiboth Putnam loft Mon day nlcht for a visit to friends In I'ortlnnd. Sco It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Kr.'d M. Hankers, of Kedwood Falls, Minn., arrived In Medford on Mondny. List en: We pay cash for cast-off clothing, hats and shoes. Will H. Wilson & Co. ' 1!7.T VranV Yl Vnll nf Rnwlo Pnliit. was . ....... ... ....f . ...... v , . in M I'd ford Monday on buslnoss. 1 Ileal homo xuado bread at De Voo's II S. Wilson of the law firm of Huntington & Wilson, was in Med ford n few days recently on business with Dr. F. C. Paso. Two hundred tlor of dry fir wood, $2.15 a tier. Modern Wood Yard. Phone Pac. 7SC1. It. E. Christian of Anplogatc was In Medford Monday on business. Mrs. Ed. Andrews, toachcr of voice nt Medford cqnservatory, Nat build ing. 27C J. W. and J. P. Churchill, of Yreka, and A. J. nosborough, of Oakland, arrived in Medford Mon day evening. Those gontlomen are stockholders in the Itogue River Electric company. Carrio Louiso Alton, violinist and teacher. Medford Conservatory 27C Ed Steep was In Tolo Tuesday on business. Fresh candy daily at McDowell's. Mrs. W. Williams left Tuesday morning for a week's visit with Gold Hill rrionds. Rooms 50c and up. Hdtel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Charles E. Watts, a Minneapolis grain brokor, is a guost of an old time friend, J. W. MacClatcbie. Rooms 50c and up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. Mrs. Leva MciCoo left Tuesday morning for a visit to frlonda in Sacramento. Weeks&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS Day Fliono 3271 Xig-ht Phenti: r. W. Weeks 2071 A. E. Orr, CGS3 J.A.DY ASSISTANT. Arthur Putnam, who has been In Medford for a couple or three weeks visiting his mother nml other rela tive, left Saturday for his homo In San Frauclxci). 'nccomnanlod by Ills nurse Mr. t'untam It win be rtihlenw herod Is Uio noted seulpfojr wlio nn derwont two Vtory serious sUfglfnl operations recently In San Francisco. lie Is fast recovering and during his stay here gained a pound In flesh each day. Tho Medford Conservatory of Mu sic and languages Is tho only music school In southern Oragon with a full corps of teachers. 0. Talllandlor. director. Send for catalogue. "27G Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. McKewon, of Portland, were In Medford over Sun day, guttts of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison. ltartlett, Aujou and Hose pear stock for sale at popular prices. New town, Spltzenburg and Johnathnu applo steck: good clean stock. Heal ing grounds SIR Genoseo avenue. Office with W. Humphrey. Call and examine my stock. li. 11. Warner. East Main and Geneva avenue. 271 ltov. E. 11. Mowre. presiding older of the M, K. church, South, left for the north Tuesday morning. Mr. Mowre's home Is In Portland and he is presiding elder of the ontlre Pa cific coaBt soctlon of Washington and Oregon. Ho has been holding quar terly meetings In Medford, all of which wore well attended and were Interesting and profitable In a re ligious way. Dr. Parsons is drawing large audiences wherever ho speaks. Have you heard him? 273 Mrs. A. Wall, who has been at Jacksonville visiting tho lllghams,1 left Tuesday morning fur her home In Loup City. Neb. Practical Christianity clearly and forcibly presented by Dr. Parsons at tho Presbyterian church. Come and near mm. :u' . G. M. Chlldreth and family re turned Tuesday from a visit to Ash land friends. Helen Van Valkonburgh, kinder garten and primary toachor. 525 S. Grape street. Phone, Pacific 45S3. 274 Mrs. O. W. Hansen, who has been living In Portland for tho past couplo of years, returned to Medford Tues day morning. Dr. J. E. Shearer has taken tho Whiteside place at tho northeast cor ner of Sixth and Grpae streets and Is having the lower floor remodeled. When the Improvements are com pleted the lower floor will be con verted into a reception, consulting and operating rooms, while the re mainder of the building will be used by the doctor as his private apart ments. As soon as tho doctor moves from his present offices In the Gar-nett-Corey building to his new quar ters ho will have greatly Improved facilities for handling his office prac tice. He expects to move to his now location about February C. 275 Mrs. J. S. Orth and child loft Mon day night for a visit with relatives in Eugene. Carkin & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. , J. If. Lys'ter of Rochester, N. Y., Is at tho Medford hotel in the In terest or G. W. Todd & Co,, and reports business good in and around Medford. Suits cleaned and pressed, $1.50. Medford Dyo Works. Both phones. 270 1 J. W Horchardt, of Merrill, Wis., who has been In Medford for n couplo of mouths visiting his sisters, Misses Ema and Mlntile llorehnvdt, loH Tuesday morning fur the south. , lJouoh loft Tuesday morning for SacriAmmt'o and San Francisco. Mr. Ile'udA Is a member of the Palmer Creek Mining company and his trip south at this time is for the puriuise of buy'ng machinery inr operating (he company's mine, which Is said lo bo oho of tlio richest undeveloped proportlos'ln mint hern Orison, Rooms 50o nnd up. Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. T. S. Hutchlns returned Tuesday morning to Hilt, Cal.. after a few days stay with relative In Medford. William llattle and Wasley May Host were married In Medford by Kev. IC. O. Kldrldge. on Tuesday. January 30, 1912. S. A. Newell, ladles tailor, 4th floor M. F. fc H. Co. bldg. The Wells Fargo Express company boys of Medford are sure enough boosters. A couple of days ago there arrived In the Medford express of fice a lady's shoo to which were at tached an hundred or more express tags, each representing the different express offices In which this shoe had been during its several thousand miles of travel from the extreme southeastern states where the afore said shoo had been launched upon Its random tour of tho United States. I On these tags were Inscribed all kinds of little couplets, some very protty la sentiment, others coarse and rude, but It was up to the Med ford boys to boost and they did, by making n large trunk check out of heavy cardboard and upon either side they pasted a splendid lithograph picture of Rogue river valley apples and pears. When that shoe readies the cold northern climato of Urltlsh Columbia, Montana and the Dakota many an expressman will look with longing upon that picture of red and t yellow apples and delicious pears. Try McDowell's Ico croam and sherbets. Roy L. Maule and Daisy J. Hockett, both of Medford, were married by Rev. E. O. Eldrldge at tho Method ist Episcopal parsonage, on Sunday. February 4, 1912. Only a few rela tives and friends were In attendance. Mrs. Phoebe Jano Smith died at her homo in Phoenix, Orogon, Mon- 'day, February 5, 1912, ago CG years ( three months and 2G days. Funeral I services will be held In tho Christian church In Phoenix on Wednesday, February 7, at 1 o'clock. Rev. Matlock of Ashland officiating. In terment will be made in the Phoenix cemetery. STRIKE OF 10,000 LAUNDRY WORKERS IN NEW YORK MAY FORCE MEN TO STAY IN BED OR GO SHIRTLESS i- irU.MJ THE Tiaroi . m clad CF A KTvT It (CHINKTE TCCHNlflX'j 1 ,-p. HJ""i . . s, i r '. . rni i n" " I.I'M . i iJHSSJ lm PivSTKuj" thc I r ITV A I 1 ON TOmi . I'M fiLAh WKARINO C3- PlfKrr CFAKTT -'"'! J ..sPaT flUTi' ... i . ,.,. I ALU Kinrm yrvw Rv' l, f I ,cm S V I 4AWA ..kOL WjUSSKS -t... i f VIA 111 1 c iixxjf--- rmiu,. i i iv-itv rmij r"rf u nan Ljwv7. JmMfjA- Mbi&) yea . n.m- ;. i: i rr 'n"" t"r . n . y it .nut.w waccsi!? r -i i-" jtht( j,', i i& .:nmn s - 4 i 1 1 lv ' .c iiwrm.siii jm P.in -ct- ifc. .TJi i i , fll. - - ? xjF Jim. -TVs. --v J Lr r ' AM nxFrjcx T-AWOCV .taRXEK OW THLL A? A ClAMOt HCW W MC "OUfiLAWORV IV.SC Vr Tile ww tout. vr. utarjmg LoWWttCKUO 5VIT51 AT ' Tin; anuw in awmjk THE Jtat'NTAlN IN CT.NTKAL TARK WILL MAUP A fwMil U'VS1 Ten J lUZt-IMiLsW, The strll.e of tie rtiiat uili;lit iK-mr sin . ne a "stiir front " i-n iiTi thousand or mere laundry ) the trouble iiihtlnue for it ng ilii'ir 'iniili fr i- I i Mill ' wurkeis In Nvw Yuri; has Its humorous powtlillltliH, mid it di'pltirtl by our roi.tlo artist. The uorliein itre piiMiout i f t u Wi n LtiiM-Mtil iut ut the strike.. EW LIBRARY OPENSJHURSDAY Plans Completed fur Openliifj of In stitution Reception to Be Held From 8 to 10 O'clock Program to Be Rendered All Invited. Readers of a iicwj-paiier rightly ex pect to find the news of your store in your store advertising. If there is a dearth of interostins things in your store, they expect to find your adver tising lnckinjr in interest. If there are really interesting sales nnd store events going on, they will expect full news of them. -f t-f f f- -: TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- 4-. - 4-, 4- 4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4- FOR SALE Good milch cow, cheap. 119 West Jackson street. 273 FOR RENT Front room, suitable for ono or two. Hath connections. 23 Ross Court. Phono r.242. 278 this will Plans were completed late Monday night for tho opening of the new Carnegie library, which opening will take place on Thursday owning of week, and the receiving hours bo from S until 10 o'clock. Thoro will bo a Hhort program ren dered, but of who or what this will consist has not as yet been decided tion, suffice It to say that there will bo music and short addresses. An Invitation is extended to every citizen of Medford to attend this opening. The board of directors, who will recelvo visitors, are: Mayor W. II. Canon, Proros- P. J. O'Gnra, W. I. Vawtor. J.-H. Watts. Ed M. Andrews and the Mosdnmoit P. J. N'orr, F. W. Hewlett. F. E. Merrick nnd II. P. ThefM. Tho board Is es pecially anxious that all Medford people should attorn! this opening, bocauso they want all to see nnd ndmlro with them tho beautiful structure which has been erected, and when you call they want to be there thcmsvlvis to show you around; then again thoy want you to soo and understand the uocotwlty there Is for more books and maga zines, nnd they wnnt to ask you at ttitls time to contribute such books nnd magazines which you may have and can spare which would -ho orod Itablo acquisitions to tho library. NEW DINING ROOM HOTEL HOLLAND OPENS The new dining room ut the 1 1 ! ! Holland was opvnt'd Mmulin in a vei v wui'i'O'otfiil umuiier. Fur quiet im plieity nml good lulo lhi dining mum sIiiiuIk unique. The general dee. nrntive scheme in Delft blue and white nnd the fnrntturo nnd Intliee work orunmeiitHtiou it enrried out in the snine plan. The table ate cov ered with plate ln', "v,,t' iinixuled tnpentry, the eeiiteral color of whieJi i the blue of the watt. .Mix. K, (I. Andrew U manager ! the dining room nml hn dmie inu t to give it a homelike Hlinoophi'io Mt. Porter J. Xel'f, whine gmul tn.e is shown in the rest of the Imtel, i ngnin reeeiving cotnpliuietitM for her luteit nVhievemeiitH in a dining muni which is nn tho miinuger wtyn, "the onlv one iU' its kind this ide nf die MicMhwippi, from SfHllle to San Uiego." LA F0LLETTE SAYS ROOSEVELT MUST SPEAK iitiidlihite in I UK. "Im Knl let te started the flht at u time when iirospeels of preventing the reuomliiullon of PrtiNlilont Tuft were rlilli'iiloiiMly smatt. As tho tea noiih for Tuft'H retlreiui'iit grew and liiilli-atlous of progressive streiigtb deeliiped, tho Kotutovelt campaign was tHUiirlieil. This by many was at rirxt believed to be a backfire of tin roKulnrn to split tho progntivii n publlcaus. Tho crUls was rHirbml when many who had pleilKd them ielve to I.K Follutto but who leally had preferred Itnonevelt nuiioiiui't'd their discovery that Ui Fullotte eon Id unl v In. and that the 'nation demanded ItiMteevelt.' IVIilay MIiI'm Itmik. '"Ilie first break ramo Friday nielli, when It pnlletlo, w Iuiim per moiiiiI lonilltlnu was mull that. If COUNCIL HOLDS I TONIGHT RE Public Market nml City Hull Plans Come Up Diift Tux Dill Considered Crematory Plans to Iln Discussed. The city oouiir'll will meet (oiilKht. It lielim the fl't Tiiesday of the inuiith. No meetluMM have been held for three reeTs mid beealiHO of this there is (totiHldemblo iiceiimuthteil work to hi thken nun of. Ileslde the routine urn It of nllow Iuk I'llln nud imi'hIvImk riipnrtH the city itrclilteit will pument plans for a in city I all and I lit ptopimml city public market bullilliiK- The prtipotltlou of puttlux In u ertiiimtory for ime In hunitiiK ami effectually dnliiK away with the nib hlslt ami ilebils of the city Will almi be taken up and iIIsimihsimI, A new iltiK license orilliiauco will alo bo pitwiqited nml passed. 1. K I MM - Hr-JBimiU !- I' " I' properly ciiiicIhhI, he would never Iiiivii iienu allowed to siieult, and who was Hiifferluic from a shuttered net vims Hystem, committed what even bis muni loyal friends udinlt wits a KI'leMilis piilllli-iil blunder by Httitrli In vc without dlHirlmluallnu the pri-M of the untliiu " No Excuse Now for Greaiy Doughnuti A l.uly in lirfciivillc, S. C, trrriuly UfiMc ,i ftieiid at fulluwi; r visirs, nfti-r pmimrliiE ilnimliiniln lfi iiiiiuint irr, I whn iii- "For Willi iKillllril In k llioiil ciililn lllll Hlrjy mill IIIIWtllllt'MIIIIU llMlklllK. Ililttt'ttl. Mrllll my llrnl H lit t'iltiirit f, r tty lll tliBlll, I WHN iltillNhtml, no III,')' .., Iirtitvu, crliqi Mini ilvllrluim, "I'nr ttiitl.lM ilmiMliiiiilo. PHKlry, 11k lit tirfMil nn-1 IliiKy lilm-ulid, I ptrfnr i'iii li'iin lit iiny ntlirr oliertunliih en lti iimr krl. men entry n tll of II mir niuuml cninpliie trlpn Uirtiuti th imiun tuin.'' Cotolcncthc pttlttt nhortritliiK i tn.iilc f ruin vcK-t.iMr ml; it omuiut no liOb' fat no imllKCMioti. fCoiitintit'il from Vngu One.) WANTED Woman work, mornings. to do chambor Phone Hell Till. 275 Errand liov. officoflioy. Klore help er whatever work yon Imvc for u boy menus preliminary work for n want nd in flmlint: the riulil liov. ally released by tho Wisconsin sena tor. Just wliero La Follctto stands Is In dicated by tho stalHiuuut Issuwl from his luwilipiarteni teday: li FollelleV Sliilemeiit. "Ah h projtrmwlvu lender of provitd ability, I,a Follutto was drafted as leader of tho flKhl to lie made at ChleoKO at a time when Iwidnnihlp was believed to mean certain defeat. Roosevolt thon pottltlvuly eliminated hlmseU from tho ID 12 flxlit. His followers for tho most part bolnc sincere admlrors of I.a IVillotte, pledKcd themselveH to tho latter. "Im Folletto clnliun that before couscntluK to make the fl(ht ho had every assurance from Roosevelt that under no conditions would ho be a Revival Services AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PvEV. PARSONS Will eoiitliirf. flu following iiH'rliiijjK on WEDNESDAY ' iMotluM's' iiift'tiii at tlip rhurt'li ii:i!() p. in. Sulijci-t: '"rraiiiiny for Sorvifc." Kvcniii KcrviccH 7:150 p. in. Siibjcci : "I'olitp Iiojcplions." SUBJECT FOR TONIGHT: "'Repairing !ic Law Jirfalcor." : j ' A. t Y T f f T t T T T T t T t t T T T I T T T T t t MEDFORD THEATRE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th Greatest and Most Important Production Ever Staged in Medford ' ABORN OPERA COMPANY PRESENTS A Stupendous Spectacular Revival of the Most Popular of All Operas ; ,''. 1 ' "; , H V '? k SEE: ,. "Tlio Clypny Oninp" "Tlio AVoiidovfiil J HEAR: "Heart Bowed Down" "J Dreamt I Dwelt'! "Bliss tforover Past" i -"Pair Land of Poland", 44 THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" "You '11 .emember Me." I 20 ' 26 Great Cast of Famous Grand Opera Soloists Ballet "Dance of the Hours" from "La Giaconda" Tho Marvelous Tzigani Troupe of Whirlwind Acrobats The First Spectacular Production Ever Presented Horo PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1,00 T T .Oulimici" ' "Tlio Pursuit up tho mouuiain side by a scoro of horsomon" SEAT SALE BEGINS ON MONDAY, FEB. 5TH lOO COMPANY lOO T T .? T T- f t T I ! T f. T t I if; v SP u X .