Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    awn WMfirtaa MMg
City Hall "
Medford Mail Tribune
OccuMonnl rnlu tonight mill
Wednesday; ma. 00, tint. J1H
Inlly HlKtli Yi-nr.
I'otty-l'lrnl Year
MI3D1T0RD, OR MOON, Tl'KSDAY, l-'KHIirARV (i, 1012.
No. 273.
liiMiriji'iit Leader Declines to Gel Out
of Race Unless Teilily Most Pub
licly Adopt True Principles of Pro
nresslve Govi'rmujnt by People.
Governor Johnson of California Is
Practically Only Wo, Fiuiire Re-
malnluii Loyal to La Follcttc.
0, 'iiui mil)- torniH on which
m 1'nllolto will accept Hoihiin
villi iih pniKritiwIvo rnintilpiin
cninllilMiH woro niuili) public
Inilny In a pcrimiml Hlaloiiuttit
by the WIikhhihIii mmntor. II"
f mIiI:
"I have been tho Htandnrd
lmrr of principle, not of
llUllvlllllHlM. N() pONHllllO
cIibhh" III I'lrtMiuiiitHiico can
alter' I lio grout Iwniiit for
which I fought ami will con-
tluiio to flKlit. I can onlbit
In thu ranks with no man tin-
Iihw ho uioif piiMlcly, In -
hlnillni: torimt, tln true prln-
' clplo of progrfonlvo govern-
t niiint hy tho people."
OYSTKIt MAY. X. Y.. Fob. C "I
rojjrut Hcuntor l.a Follotto's nine
ami inmt Iih tuny recover." wiih for
imr President HoohovoICk comment
today on tho rollnpHo of llio WIhcoii
nIii progrPlvo lender. "One iiiitn
may lotnrd or ndvnnco tho progress
Ivn uinvtiinont." ho added, "hut tho
movement In not dependent upon tiny
mail or group ot men, anil In houml
(O 1)0 HllCCIHWflll.''
Anil I hat wiih all hu would May on
tint Mubjoct.
AhI(uiI his opinion of thu Florida
convention toilay, ItooHovolt Halt!:
"Oh, that will ho a Tafl convention.
It would ho nbnurd to expect other
wlno." Iicclariillon Wiinlcil.
WASHINGTON', I). C. Fob. 0
UiiIokh Monio hai'Kaln In struck with
(.'olouul Kotwovolt, iiiiIohh tho former
pi'ONlilunl inn law hdiiio declaration of
principle to which Senator l.a Fol
lottu can Hulumrlho l.a Follclto pool
lively will ontor tho Chicago conven
tion ngahiHt all comers and will f 1 k. t v t
for tho presidential nomination to the
liiMt ditch.
Thin, In brief, In tho Hltuatlon In
tho repuhlleaii progressive camp In
ilny, following tho practically general
deinaud or IiIh chief ImpportorH that
l.ii Fnllotto unit tho race.
To clear tho ulr ho that effective
opposition may ho presented to 1'iohI
ilunt Tafl and the Hlandpat element
of tho parly, iieveral IuiiiIIiik progres
hIvhh toilay are trying to bring ahout
correHiioiiilenco hetwoen Hootiovolt
mid l,ii Fnllotto, hophiK to Induce the
colonel to declare himself and to map
out tho gonurul Ilium on which IiIh fu
ture uctlvltliiH will ho directed. They
hopo tluiH to convince I.u Kollotto that
In their fuudiuuental hollefn ho and
UooHovelt u rii on the hiuiio ground.
It In planned iiIho to mm the declara
tion ir HooHiivolt will make It
nt;aliiHt President Tuft.
iIoIiiinoii Hllll Loyal,
It Ir frooly admlttod that should
HooHuvelt not nuiko hoiuo Htateinent
of IiIh poHltlon satisfactory to l,a Kol
lotto tho Wisconsin man will go Into
tho Chicago convention to fight for
IiIh own nomination.
Practically tho only bin flguro who
today HlandH loyal to La Kollotto Ih
(lovornor lllnini Johnson of Califor
nia, In an Interview with Uoosovolt
JoliiiHou told tho ox-prosldont that ho
wiih pledged to l,a Kollotto and will
not transfer hlu Hunnor.t until pormin
"" """"ICbidTnued' oa puue Ti.)
.1 Vi -ti rliiml
in i li n ii ten in 'i :f.
In a Auui'li'M ilixpitti'h, .1. .
W'i'mIciIiiiuI uf .Mcilfonl, well known
liorlieulluriNl anil part nwner of the
new HoIIhiiiI hotel, ih limited an gii
inf the Rogue River valley the l'ol
lowiuic liooMt :
"When 180 imoii from one town
in a iiciKlilioriiic xtate charter a xpe
I'inl train ami trinel 1(100 mile to
nit your city, they muni certainly
have n likiui; fur I.u" AuK'leH," hii id
J. A. Wimtcrlund of Mcilford, Ore,
wlm in u visitor here, nl the Hattimore
"Now that Ih jiip! wlmt wo did in
our oily, mid on (he L'Htli day of He
cemher IumI we left home houiiil for
l.o AngcliM with tiekeln uuoil lo
carry iik hack home any time within
HI) ilny. Some uf us htoppcil on the
way ilouu Mini have junt arrived, hut
we are all here for the limit of the
ticket. To make the trip the party
ju-t put up llllllll lii round iIoIIiuh.
"Ahout .Medfonlf It is the mctnm-
olin of the Rogno River valley, one of
the KrontfMt apple cntwini; reioiiw in
the world. We have 8.1,000 acres
planted in nrcluird in the valley,
Npcciallio hciui; made of Spilxeuher);
and Yellow Xewlowu l'ippiiw, one u
hrixht red and the other, u its name
iiulicntoK, yellow, anil hoth are of the
hihi'M iimility, highly uttraetive ami
long keepers. The hulk of this crop
goes to hnglnud, hurope, Russia,
South America and Australia. We
iiIko speeialire in pears of the Cornice
"Kight venn ugo when I went to
Medfonl we had a population of 1.100;
now we have 1.1,000. Apples made it,
just as citrus fruits have erected
cnimnuuitic in your state.
"No, this is not my llrmt visit to
l.os Angclen. Twelve year ago I w;ns
here and again three years ago. Not
only have the changes between my
llrst visit mill this one been aston
ishing, but tin. change in three years
has been marvelous. What has be
come of the lamhuarksf They have
nil disappeared. Ami tluwe sky
scraper, there is no cud to tliciu iiuil
more building. And they lire nil full,
too. Where will you go to in the next
three years? Kverything indicates
that you will he tho greatest city on
tlui coast mill one of the greaatest
cities in the country. It is the push
anil progress you show that causes
Rogue River valley people to come to
see you and to make long visits."
NHW YORK, Kob. C Stamford
hIocUh, especially tho Ilarrlmau, wore
In hotter doiuaud on tho stock ox
chaugo today and pi'Icch ndvancod
guuorally, covorlug of short contracta
giving 'Home HtotikH pronounced
strength. Lehigh Vulloy roao 2,
Reading Hi, Union l'aclflo 1 and
Hoo Line preforred 15 Vi. Tho action
ot tho nmrlcol was ho pod hy tho In
difference to tho weakness In to
bacco and other specialties. Amor!-
can Tobacco dropped G 'j and Amer
ican KxpresH -t polutH.
Tho marltot clouod with an aver
age reaction of Vi.
DoiuIb woro firm.
Dor CHOICE r '...
Plnchot Issues Statement to Effect
That Opposition to Taft Has Con
centrated Behind Former President
and War In Party Will Continue.
Roosevelt Not as Advanced as Wis-
cousonite, But Satisfactory as
Against the Trusts.
f -f
WAHIIIXOTOX. 1). C. Keh. -f
0. I'mgruHHlvvri In tho hoiiHO 4
and semitu. accettlug Senator
f La Kollette'H withdrawal iik -f
acrompllHheil, conferred thl -f
iifteruoou n ml nro preparing -f
f to accept lloonovelfH leader- 4
4- Hhlp. It Ih iimlerstood that -f
Senator llourno of Oregon
and Senator Clapi of Mlnne- -f
sola will soon Ibkiio Htntc-
mentH favoring Itoonevelt. -f
4 -f -f -f -f -f -f f
NKW YORK', Feb. .0. Amos Pin
chot, brother of Clifford Piuuhot, for
mer chief forester of Uhe United
States, today discussed the progres
sive republican nomination imbroglio
in a statement to the United Press.
He said:
"When tne small group of progres
sives met in Washington to discuss
placing a presidential candidate in
the Held, it had two dofluito euds
llrst, to bind the progressives to
gether as mi effective lighting force,
ami, second, to prevent the nomina
tion or reuomiiiatiou of a reactionary
Tafl. for lUg Interests.
"We believed that in practically
every ease where the interests of the
average man conflicted with the in
terests of the Htaudpat machine and
great business interests, the Tafl ad
ministration would be found lined up
with big business, Sineo the organ
ization started, largely through the
work of Senator La Kollette mid tho
men supporting him, political leaders
have clearly seen that the only way
to save the party in 1!U'J and make
it serve the average man is to nom
inate a progressive candidate for the
"Seuulor La Kolletto's withdrawal
from the race would simply mean that
the progressives realize thai owing
lo the demaiiil for Theodore Roose
vent, mid owing to the Wisconsin
senntor's health La Kollette cannot
himself accomplish the purpose which
has always meant more to him tliuu
individual success. With La Kollette
out of the race mid his followers free
to get behind Roosevelt, the old light
with another republican leador will ho
HooHevclt the Choice.
"Many supporters of La Kollotto
feel that Colonel Roosevelt is not as
advanced as the Wisconsin senator
in progressiveisin, but is clear that
Roosevelt and Ln Kollotto agreo in
most of tho fundamentals and above
all have the same convictions Hint
tho country belongs to the people and
tho government must he an instru
ment for the people's henellt.
"It seems clear that Senator Ln
li'itllnl lj'ij tt'iHwl t!iun1 Jo Hut nnlv
Uliviiv r iMMUuiintii in itiw ' Vi
menus ot uniting nil progressives."
Charging coimplrnoy to violate Unit
ed StutcH laws hy transporting ex
ploulvoH on piiBHOugnr trnliiH, engaged
In lutoi'Btnto commerce and with con
continent of their Uuowledgo that
foloulos had boon commlttod, 32 In-
Salt Lake and Butte Operators Said
to Be Back of Deal Dredge Land,
Then Plant It to Commercial Or
chardsNew Dredge Ordered.
That the Orceuough' interests of
Salt Lake, lliitte, Spokaiw and Xew
York City are behind the large Foots
Creek placer deal closed yesterday,
is the story circulating the rounds of
local mining men. Claude Ininnn, the
man who made the $292,000 deal,
wtien interviewed this morning, would
neither affirm nor deny the story.
The Clrecuoiiglis operate placer and
quartz proHMtions in loutanu.
Utah, Washington uiul southern Cali
fornia and all are worked on a large
soale, no money being spared. Alex
Unll nml W. 11. floss, the Salt Lake
mon who bought tho 2100 nercs
through Mr. luaiaa, are former Rutte
men. Jlr. lnniau will manage the
Koots Creek operations and retains
an interest.
It is tho plan of tho company to
dredge tho land and then reclaim it
for orchard purposes, A largo bucket
dredge has been ordered. This
will work upslreain, largo hydraulics
being used to wash tho upper benches
down to the dredge, hi this maiinor
tho laud will not bo washed invay, so
that as fast as dredging is completed
orchards muy bo sot out for coinmer
ciul purposes.
Tho property bought includes the
Howling, Mnttis Lance, Osborne and
Matthews holdings,
dlotmentH were handed down bore
today hy tho federal grnnd Jury.
More than 10 labor mon aro said
to bo Implicated, This Is caused
through a grouping of nntnos In the
uaino liidlctmentst.
Selling roal estato in this city is
neithor n doubtful nor nn expensive
tusk it's a want nd tusk.
Six Thousand Additional Soldiers in
Texas Awaiting Orders for Inva
sion of Mexico If American Inter
ests Are in Any Way Jeopardized.
four thousand American troops today
wait orders from tho state deport
ment lo leave for the Mexican border
to protect American interests
jeopardized by the Mexican situation.
Orders to prepare for immediate duty
were sent to the troops yesterday,
following the receipt of dispatches
that President Madero of Mexico had
ignored a note from Washington de
manding protection of American citi
zens mid American interests.
There are today (1000 American
troops in Texas nml if the IM.000 men
now in readiness to move aro ordered
south, practically the entire mobile
army of, the United States will bo pre
pared to enforce auy demand made by
Washington upon the Mexican gov
ernment. Announcement was also made to
day that the South Atlantic squadron
was under orders to prepare to sail
for (luautauanio, off tho Cuban coast
ln explanation of tho move, a state
department official said that "it was
possible that some of tho warships
would go to New Orleans for the
Mardi (Iras celebration."
Miss Mnrathaim Harrison, grand
daughter of tho lato Presldont lien
jnmln Harrison, today Is the brldo
of Harry Williams, Jr., of Norfolk,
Vn. Only relatives and intimate
friends nttoudod tho wedding.
Trial of Bay City's Grafting Mayor
Begins Six Jurors Selected at
Noon Accused of Bribing Super
visor for Higher Gas Schedule.
Slx permanent jurors are ln the box
In tho trial before Judgo Lawlor of
former Mayor Kugeuo E. Schmltz, on
a charge of bribing a supervisor In
connection with the fixing of gas
rates In 190G, following the exercise
by tho defense today of five of their
12 peremptory challenges.
Tho prosecution used ono of Its
five peromptorles on Edward It. Mof
fett. The six men who will be on
tho jury which decides Schmltt' fate
are: Walter It. Snell, Edward D.
Dachman, broker; Daniel Hagerty,
Ramus llasmusscn, Oscar Harris and
John J, King.
Drawing ot tho other six jurors
was then proceeded with.
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. G.-"If
elected governor, 1 shall start a tight
to wipe out tho stato militia."
This is tho declaration of Sheriff
Robert T. Ilodgo of Seattle, progres
sive candidato for governor in an in
terview hero.
"Tho militia costs tho taxpayers
$200,000 u year, has been tilled with
corruption nml petty grafting and its
only puroso is to break up strikes,"
says Ilodgo.
"If elected I'll veto any bilh carry
ing nu appropriation for the 'tin sol
diers. "
Rogue River, Hood River and Wen
atchee Fruit Unions Report Favor
ably Upon Consolidation to Handle
Combination Is Next Step in Organ
izationSystem of Distrlbutimj
and Selling Needed.
.Manager K. 8. Miller of the Rogue
River Fruit nml Produce association
has returned from Hood River and
has issued a circular which gives the
result to date of the effort to comhino
the three big fruit districts of the
northwest Hood River, Rogue River
nnd Wenntchec in one seliing
agency. The circular is os follews:
Rogue River I'oduce Association,
Medford, Ore.
To the stockholders of Rogue River
Fruit nml Produce Association :
Your board of directors during De
cember sent me to Hood River and
iWenntchie to see if these two sec
tions wouia consider combining with
Roguo river in maintaining a selling
agency. Hlierctofore nil movement
toward co-operation was Halted be
cause no way was provided in tho
plans for selling the fruit. The prac
tical business arrangement of taking
over the control of the Northwestern
Fruit exchange, the only existing sell
ing agency covering all the markets,
seemed to your board of directors
well worth looking into, not as the
only plan but as a workable, feasible
Committees Appointed.
We succeeded in getting commit
tees from the Weiintchie nnd Hood
River sections to examine the system
and methods of tho Northwestern
Fruit exchange with the result in each
case that the exchange was found to
bo u most excellent, highly specialized
fruit selling agency. Tho next step
is to have committees from Roguo
River, Hood River and Wenutohie
meet and formulate seme plan for the
combination of the three districts so
that they can work together. Hood
River, at a large nnd enthusiastic
meeting, has appointed such n com
mittee; Wenntehie valley will appoint
on this week, and if you approve of
these steps already taken you will be
a.skcd to appoint such n committee
at your annual meeting on February
These committees will then meet
about Fcbrunry 15, nnd tho plan then
determined upon, after considering nil
the possible plans for co-operntion
between the three districts, will bo
presented to the growers of each dis
trict for their final approval or dis
approval. This is as far ns your
board of directors have gone in this
important innttor; theso steps are
only preliminary, the final nction will
rest with you.
Comhluntloii Decided Upon.
Combination is the next step iu tho
organization of the fruit business. If
we are to conserve the largo fruit in
terests of tho northwest it is neces
sary that wo evolve some system of
distributing nml selling, out of tho
chaos now existing. The morgor of
those three fnnoy fruit districts will
protect our fruit; will ho a start in
the direction of an inclusive Belling
agency for tho northwest; will inject
a steadying influciico into tho mar
kets of 1012; will eliminate wasteful
competitien: will uivo us thoroughly
comprehensive distribution for our
irtiit on an economical basis, since
wo shall use ono machino instead of
throo; it will preservo our identity ns
a fruit section and enable us all to
extend our markets.
It is the liCL'inniiiL' of mi ntfomnt to
nut svstcm ucmiiist idinnnu In thu (Villi
business and so attain an organized
industrial basis.
Very truly yours,
B. S. MILLER, Moiuiger,