PAGE FOUR MTCDFtiRD MATTi .TRTBUNTMEDFOUD, OR MONT. rOXDAV, ITOUV U fi, 11)12., Medfoiid Mail Tribune fc -r- i3i , , AN INDKPICNnfcNT NKWRPAW?n rUIIMHMKU JCVKIIY A1TKUNO0N KXOKPT fil'NDAV. HY TI1U MlSliKOKO I'ltlNTINO CO. Tlio Domoprntte Tlroon, Tim MeOrord Mull, Tlio Mcd'ant Trllnine, Tho Houlh era OroRotiian, Tim Anhlnnd Tribune Offloo Mftll Tribune Hulklltur. 2S-37-S9 North lilr street; phone, Main 3031; Home VS. arcomiH PUTNAM, IMIlor nnJ Manner Ktl .l'nttryj as sccond-dnsa matter nt Wpdronl. Oregon, under tho act of Mnrcll 8, 1879. Official ranor of tlio City of Medford. Official Taper of Jackson County. BtrnBonnvrioM xiates. One year, by mall .............. ,.: wnu tuvrnui, lt- mull ........ I'cr month, delivered by carrier In Medford. Jacksonville sad Csu- trnl Point r.0 Rntunlay only, by mail, per year.. 8 00, per year ISO BCTontt cincnr.ATiow. Ually iivorano for eleven months end ing Movcmoor au. isn, XnU Seated "Wlrtv TTnltta Dispatches. Frets Tho Mull Tribune ta on palp nt tho Ferry News Stand, San lYanolfco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland Hownian Nwa Co.. Portland. Ore. W O. Whitney, Seattle. 'Wash. lvrcsrouD, onnaoK. Metropolis of Southern Orejron and Northern California, end tho fastcst Broxvlnc city In Orotron. Ponulatlon IT. S. census 1910 SStO: oatlmated. 101110.000. five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. qlvlnj; flnesr nunpiy puro mountain water, ana 17.3 miles or streets paved Postofflco receipts for year endlnc November 30, 1911, show lncreaso of 19 per dent. Banner fruit city In Orejcon Ttomie Itlver Rpltscnberp apples won aweep- buikcs pnzo nnu uuo or "Arplo Xlnjr of th World" nt tho National Anple. Show, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtowna won Tint Prix In 1910 at Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver,. It. C,. rirat Prlss In 1911 at Spokane National Applo Show won by carload of Ncwtowns. Itojruo Itlver pears brought hlshest price In nil markets of the world dur Inc tho past six voars. "Write. Commercial Club, lncloxlnc 6 cents for postage for tho finest comrau attr pamphlet ever published. I COMMUNICATION. Our Public Schools. To llic Editer: Your editorial on tho subject of tho public school sys- tern voices just what I have oUoa thought, and 1 Immediately figured out tho appalling low percentage of competence shown by the roault of the recent examination. It must havo been a slip that let this information get to Uia public, lor those In chargo of public affairs usually lot only tho good things come to light, or glvo time Tor matters to get righted before mentioning thorn, ns thoy propose to warn public offi cials that "somo time soon wo are going to oxnmlne your records hot tor get them In shape to look good al that tiiuo," ilistoad of dropping In on them unawares, lihe the bank exam iners do the banks. This alarming condition In the pub lic instruction system is largely tho fault of the parents Utentwlvw who siro so wrapped up in the busy whirl of twontioth, century commercialism on the paternal side, and with tho togs of Idle minds of society ambi tions on tho maternal side and the growing desire for continuous per gonal and selfish amusoment of botlu that thoy simply turn Uia school youngstor over to the "school systam" body and soul to havo bis educational '.mil moral welfare looked after by "hired educators," a small percentage of whom are ronlfy "cut out'J to train children In the way they should go, or have ronl personal interest. Hut, on tho other band, as the editor says, many of tho touchers are young, giddy girls, working only .to got mouoy to buy powder and paint and loud clothos and catch a beau, while tho really competeat ones, who havo spent the better iwtrt of their lives and become experts In tills work of education must submit to an undignified so-called examina tion to hold their Jobs, so they quit rather lliati bo humiliated by auoh an unreasonable procedure. Not many parents but that wish thousands of tlmoa thoy liad been educated In their youth, and It is a mighty serious matter to think that a young porson a whole future existence- doponda upon bU early train ing. Yet when u teacher tries to correct and leud a bellgerant youth who 1ms not bad proper homo train ing the payouts think that taaehor Ih a tyrant, and a big row Is raisod and tho toaciiur oustod and that Is wlioro tho teacher is up against it and is lirono to refrulu from doing the ac tual duty, An nrticlo by an wiBtorn governor lu a recent issuo of tho Trlbuno cov ers tho iioeoHBlty, It Is more of tho good old three It's, "rending, 'citing mm 'rlthmetlc, that is nouded in stead of cooking bees, football, gleo club, ttnd frat nonsense, VM. H. SKAHLE. THREE ITALIAN TRANSPORTS FOUNDER OFF COAST WINPON, i-Vb. IS, Cvniiliuiiliioplo i1ibiiit('Uvff received horo today ilo clate llml tlnuo Italian trmiMpuilH foundered off Susn, Tohrukn and Tnnrmlnn. Xo fatalities are mon Jliiiiiril Tin4 n'iorl. are uiuoiiUmicd. IlasUlas for lioaJtb. . At J, fe,w..r,..ifc.i, ic. m arittyjBaJafffl8SKSjgy INEFFICIENCY IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ALL of ilir counties or Oregon made n miserable show ing in the recent eighth grade examinations just concluded. Klamath county is the latest to report. .Hut three out of sixteen scholars passed. All over the state the three It's have been the stumbling blocks. Hut Tew or the pupils have passed the spelling examination, which included the following werds: Ac companied, actually, adherent, alacrity, anxiously, artifi cial, aurora, autumnal, counsellor, crystalline, delicious, dragoon, economy, enamored, endeavor, equipped, mocca sin, paralvsis, prejudice, respiration, ruddiness, rescuing, scythe. Among numerous replies that, The "Mail Tribune's criticism of public school results has called fprth is the following from a .Jacksonville school teacher, in which the blame is laid upon the home training of the scholar and the lack of proper (raining in the teacher, inefficiency alike in homes and schoels: "First. .Ineffieiencv in the home. The school, like church and state, depends for its highest success upon the efficiency of the home in the training of children. Schools cannot supply the lack in the home, but can supplement the home's persistent effort to produce earnest, honest, industrious, law-abiding men and women. It is during those earlv vears, before the child goes to school, that the sure foundation for uprightness of character must be laid. The child nnisl be trained from infancy to regard the rights of others, to be truthful, obedient and to form hab its of industry. If this foundation has been wisely laid the teacher can help continue the building of a good char acter. "If the child has begun to form industrious habits, the school is an excellent place to foster the growth of those habits. If the child's training in neatness and accuracy has had its beginning in the performance of home duties, or even in supervised play, the school will surely further this training. Isn't it 'a lamentable comment on home training that girls, from well-to-do homes, and who have mothers, should have to learn to cook and sew at public expense? In our slum districts, or among ignorant for eigners this work may be a legitimate part of school train ing, but what are homes and mothers for if not to train girls in home arts? "Secdnd. InclTi6ichcy in the schools. And let me re mind the citizens of .Oregon, you are responsible j'or the shameful fact that your teachers are not trained for their profession. "Do you realize the importance of professional training for teachers ? The man who treats your child's ailing body must have had veal's of professional training to learn the Workings of that wonderful mechanism your child's both'. Yet you allow the untrained teacher to practice oil v'our child's mind, utterlv disregarding the fact that there is a science of the mind as well as a science of the body. "The majority of your teachers have never received any instruction in this science excepting the three or four lectures of each teachers' association. They do not know the stages of development of tho child-mind nor the sub ject matter suitable to be taught in each stage. I he ph's ieian must be familiar with the processes of assimilation before he can plan the food tlntt will build up the child body; and truly the teacher should learn the processes by which the child mind acquires knowledge in order to pre sent properly the subject to be taught. "Let Oregon's citizenship equip good normal schools easily accessible to all parts of the state, then require pro fessional training of all teachers. Or reward profession ally equipped teachers by increased salaries and see how quickly other tcachei's will learn how fo teach." Lut what would bccouio of our present, "inbred" sys tem and how many of our tcachei's would be minus an occupation if these coinmoii sense rules applied? GOOD ROADS WEEK. THIS week has been set aside by Governor "West for the consideration of the good roads bills being circu lated bv the State Good Roads association for submission to the people at the general election in November. There are eight of the measures. They were drafted by the state-wide committee appointed by Governor West. Association and committee members believe the eight bills provide the most complete system of highway legislation ever provided for any state. The bills contemplate a total appropriation of approxi mately $22,000,000, including bond issue proposed tor the state, the appropriations the counties may make under the county bonding act, and the maintenance of the proposed state highway department. The eight bills contemplate tlie establishing of a state highway department and the employing of a highway com cem com misseoner: the creating of a state highway fund from vehicle taxes, specifying procedure in regard to state-aided highways; creating a state bond issue of $20',000,000 dis tributed over JO years at the rate of $2,000,000 n year; an amendment to section 7 of Article 11 of the state consti tution permitting the state to issue road bonds; an enab ling act 1o make operative tho county bonding amend ment to section 10 of Article 11 of the state constitution; providing for the utilization of stale prisoners on tho roads, and giving authority for the working of county and city prisoners on the roads. AH of the bills are meritorious and their adoption will solve the good roads problem in Oregon. The one Jackson county is most interested in, however, is the enabling act, enabling counties to avail themselves of the provisions of the constitutional amendment passed in 1910. It reads as follews: "That any county in this state desiring to incur a debt for permanent roads within said county may, by an elec tion called by the county court upon the petition of 10 percent df the legal voters coinputcd upon the last regis tration lists compiled in said county, by a majority of those Voting on the question create and issue bonds, war rants or other evidence of indebtedness or debts for per manent roads or for the construction, maintenance, im provement or repair of the same within said county." , j Ihe proponed $20,000,000 CHOC SOLDIER PLEASES MANY Larnc Crowd Taken by Surprise nt Lack of Chorus filrl Stunts Music anil Slnnlnn Aliuvc AvtTanc In fluence of Wanner Seen. (y K. M. Awhwg.) We like (t elliiR b old tradition, even in our nimi!rim,nK We nwonl binr tnkfn wholly bv Mirprisc. We e.xjicel tlio usual tnnt 1'iiun I lie cho rus Rirl mid the comedian, and d not like U htivn them l'nil u. Hut In "The Choooluto Soldier" vt hnd an other RUrt ftituintf. In tlio t"m strtu'tion of bnUt wi5 and lihrr-tt.i, tho nldhor hnw jfm'" uh mmii'thnur I'lithvly diffurpitt, if imt wholly tu in itial. Atthur Sullivan, 1'luiunu'tte, l.t'CWn nd Odritti wroti bountiful molodio and strong Ihmlon, but thoy uxod thf ordiMltm -imply n h voioo not'omimiiiino-nl; wbilo SI mux, in bi- "Cliufolnto Sqldwr," -stniiiito n it may wont, is dominated by W'HK'ior mil inHuouou. r'r tho mt doondo, YVriier has iiifliwiu-cd grimd iiponi, hilt u oiio uo68od that his oroluwtnil offoots would over ho usod to adorn lijtht oponi. lu "Tho Chooolnto Sol- dior," bowovor, the mpoMr hits uod tlio ou'hotdrii mwt offootivoly So both (Mimed v and romance, lit fnel, "Tho ChoiMjIntu Soldier'' would la? im mwmI)U with a maun aoeompaiti mpiit ; it Mould fall absolutely tlui. A to the libretto, ho aaiti co the wotk of a innnler hand, George Hor nard Shaw. White hn "Anna mid the .Man" lgjb boon eaii-iderably worked over to fit "The CWolft to "Soldier." et thera ia that keen iatiro which would make the Mirettn roooKttixahlc a- Shan's without hn signal ure. The audience of Saturday night ttaa a Imitcb and reprt'tctitaliw one, many pcoplu oiiming from ntljuiuii'v: towifi.. Tho universal verdict was very favonihlo to the iMrforiiiniu"; yet you ootiM t.e that the majority had Mot semi wkat they vwelcd. They had boeomc so aceiiftoinrd t the eajMirs of ihe pretty aire and tin tdapstick work of tb' comedian, th it it took the aitilienre a little time to settle down to a ppijter appreciation ti what una ge'ittf: mi. The cnmmn U a itood one, asji alao the on-heftra. Thu Cliawtbla s?..ldicr" is a d pa it lire fttmi tfie old iraditio'ial com ic tMra, and I baa toirccrdnl. Nu.v wo may looll fwr audi master-. ,i Slnuis and Sb.iw to interest tlnni hoIvoh in wott of llii class. It ha ul ready ritadft u fortune, and thnt which i pn(ahlrt ia usimllv Mpulir in the world If authors and cuuios cr. We liave h nwwvt "The lJhe- mian Oirl" nd "Th Hwi runl'." Kvarynne knWfi "TJie Itoheminn fhil" and it ia MifTiuiMtt to ny that Ihr oompativ and Ui prodiiction are gond pnea. "The Deep 'Purple" is Miinc thitiK new, and oil of the ery lrnn.r iVlHya of the teaaou. Don't ocrl'!. it. Errand hoy, offico liny, More help er whatever work you havo for a hoy means preliminary uork for a waijt nd in fliidmc Urn right boy. Doubt Disappears Xo One in Muliortl Who lint a Had ('(in Igiiidi' Till Double Proof. lh)n your linck over atlie? Iiavo you uapotuil your kidneys',' Ilackat'ho Is Itldnoy aclio. With It enmos illzzy HpcdlH, SIooiiIcbk night, tired, dull diiyK, DUtroMNliiK urinary illrdcrH. Cure tho kiiiueyu to euro It all. Doan'a Kidnoy PIIIh biiiiK tpilck relief. IlrliiK many tlioroiifih, Instlnc curoa. You havo read Mod ford pi oof, Itnad now tho Mndford iiiiol, lleiittwod tftitlmoiiy; tcaiteil by timo. A. 'A. S(urH, 231 Plfth Ht.. Mod- ford, Oro, ny; "SInwi jiuhllcly rocornmondliiK Douii'h Kldnoy PIIIh In 1U07, I havo UKOd thorn orcauioii ally and they havo alwaya broiiKht Kood rt-HuliH. I waa affile tod with Hovoro palim lu my buck and I ofton found It alniOMt ImpoHHllilo to utoop. Tho kidney ccr3tloii pawiod too frcqiiontly and thlH woukueMs wa a Hoiireu of much aiinoyanco. Iloar IftjC I)fan'u Kldnoy 1'llla lilBhly roe ommoiideil, i prociuio'd it box at Ilan klim' druif vtoro and by tho tlmo I hud flulshod tho contnnU, I could mo that they waro nio rlftlit lomody for my trouble. Gradually tho paliw and othor dlffoiiltlo dliuipponiod and my health Iniprovod. I cheor fully lecomiiiond Doan'a Kldnoy fMltft to ovcry ono affjlctod with kid ney complaint." Kor wilo by nil (IooIoih. 1'rlco no canlH. J'ouler-Mjlliurp Co.. Jlurfalo, Now York, hoIo bkoiUb for thb Unltoil Htalo. ncnir-mbor tho iinine ' mu'h and tttko tiu other.' Attention Dairymen ami Stockmen JiiHt received car of roKiutoieil and Knido llolntoln titttlo. Thoy weio tho mortuiiBo ll(lor or tho Ohio Woatern Uohoio nud can tlo It hero. All troin tho notoil HoKol Htralii, Impoited from llollnitd. Ilent herd went ut tlio l.'anoiuloa. l'lloo.i IllO llRllt. Phono ";ia, party it-1 or vhdt our laueh on Hoaa Uiuo. TiruMMC v nooiiirriiK Seattle Appraisals Sovoral Mcdford pooplo havo. omplojod us to npnrnlno Sonttlo real estnto. Such nppritlvnl In usually woith mora than It coaIh, Ira J. DoiIko nt Mcdtord was formerly connected with thin oN rlco. Other Soattlo mid Mod ford rotcroucoa on rcuuent. It. O. KUSUINU COMPANY iioa New Voile llllc, Senttlo (Charter Mombor yonttlo Kirn I Ko- tnta Aiiku.) TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no rnunl on earth In variety of mineral waters and curing dlnoanoA that modlolucrt will not roach. It you nro In need of health, coino now. Wo nro open all tho ear and can give tho best of caro and attention now an well ns In summer. Stago dnlly from Hod llluft to tho aprlnga. Kurthor par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPItlNCSH, CAIi. Dr. E. Kircfig'essner l'rrtclice limiled to clionie disonxen. HOTEL HOLLAND Wediudaxs lloiim, 10 to :t, REAL ESTATE VVillamelte Valley Farms of all deicripliiisf Garden and Fruit Lands, Timber Lands. Some excellent bargain In Afi IIANY CITY PltOPKUTY. Wrilo or call on J. V. PIPE, 20'. Went Second St.. Albany. Ore. No'yes c Black HOI'S!' AND KitJ.V PAINTlNn Up-lo-Dato Auto and Carrlngo PalntlttK, (Sold Inf Slgna and lntorlor Docoratlng a Specialty. Shop anil Offico fi. Orapo and lOtli St. Offico Phone 7771. Ilea. 7212. All Work Positively Gunrantood. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator Heating AM Work nuarantsed. I'rlec-H lti-nul)l.' COFFEEN & PRICE 25 Howard DIocV, Entrance on Oth St. Faelflo 3031. Home 319. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency VOll HMMl 0 aeran 1 iiiIIcm out, $7500. 20 acroH at KiibIo l'olut, $2100. 20 ncroa : miles out, IS a. to pourn, $:$ri00. 2r,000 acros for colony or nub division, i 130 nnroir lu orchard, n flmt claas propoMltlon, xo ncruM, '10 in boarlui; orchard, IV6 inllua out. 100 acron 4'4 mlloa out, $1C0 por aero. TltADI'3 Apnrtmonl Iiouko with 7C rooms In Caii'oinlft. 40 acroH 2 inllon from drcoloy, Colorado. ( I.urRo dwollIiiR in Grand Junc tion, Colo. 1110 am oh In Wold Co., Colo. 1 havo land; to trodo In KaiiHiiH, Iduho, California, almost any wboro. Mst your proporty for, Balo or trade. I havo pnrtloH wlio want fur nlHlicd hoiiHOH, (ilso vacant oneu. MlSOIttiftANKOUB Ilonion for tinlo. List your proporty with. us. HMPraOYMHN'-Ta WnltreHH, Woman to coolc on a ranch. OlrlH for t'onoral housoworlc. E. F. A. BITTNER ROOMS G AND 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel I'liono II It Jloiue, II. BENSON'S BARGAINS We wish lo with Ihe I'acl impress (hal we on are EXCHANGE HEAD QUARTERS 'ritrongh ns yon can ex 'hani;e what, yon donM. want for whal yon do want. What luiie you to oxohutitto for prop el ty in Seattle, Poithiudi WIIIhih ette Valluy, law Autti'liw, South orn Ciilifoiiiiu, Idiilto or New .MomuoY Cull ut our ol'flei mi((ht bo ubhi lo iimloh tradu. v We jour DON'T 0E CROWDED Why lie in Ktuffy, houMcl.ccpiiu; rooiiM furiiiMhcd lacking home comfort and prtac, when. for lot) to :illll a initial pn meut you can buy a reul home, imping balaneoM monthly, like teat 1 Ask u for detail. LegitiiMMle iinueoil ihIiiImk pniftnitioiiH fi- I 'JO aeiea "idehlll fntil miieh, deep soil, ImlbUnim; prion :int)(i; will eoimider e.voliHima for .Modl'ord city pioKirty. WOULD YOU " pay :rjl)ll fr a $."110(1 ieidenre ami lot proMMiiitin Hiiuaieii m Medford'a mtwl oxcIuhIio i evi dence dUtrtal 700 cah handles. Itijrid Invest ijratloii ia ited. A roal bargalti surely. ItoarliiK orchards and orchxnlM jul coiniK IhIo boHiiw, within one inilo in' .Mudford, ill tmiita rauic- in from oklit hcim up. can be piii'iiliasoil throiiRh us al very attmetivu prioos just now. $500 liouioalond vnlo. iiillihpiuihuilint for Will o.veliiiiifli) real oalalo for ittito uiobilo. Will ovcliniijo ripjlliol. liiitbur for Mi or $1200 l) ncioM in I -lib) county, Ore K'iii lo o.xoIiiiuko for Mudford IoIh or equity in lioiuu, $2900- r iicroH, pruotionlly ndioiniiij; city, Hiiiliiblo fur Hiibillvislou or cliiclioii ranch. BENSON INVESTMENT COMPANY REAL ESTATE - MINES ill) I (lAIINKTT.rOmiV lMIIMNNil Phenen: liell, 70IM; lloiuc, ilU-U -. rr, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT yrr4. A TAR THEATRE AliWAS IN TIIK I.UAO loot col of fealino I'llni Itltlll i:Tit.-kpkci.x if li.vrit.v 'A IIKO t'UOSS .MAUTVH or 'ON TIIK PIUINtJ LINK OP TIIIPOIil" ' TliilllliiK foil in) nl or (lie Italian. TuihMi War StlnlliR Action Oicut lliittto Srene "A WW POIt llPSINItSS" UoIiiiii of our faxorlto Miss 1'lur enoo l.awieni'o and Mr. Aithur lollllHOII Till COWllOVS AOOPTICt) CIIIMl" A tense drtuutitle 'Incident In tho llfo of real westerners "TIIK .MIM.IONAIItl'. ItAIIIIKIt" 1000 feet of film and a htiiKh lu every foot. Aii s.vniim Till" "WOOIAVOItTIIS" Tho MovIiik Plctiiro MimloiiiiiM. Vour Own (lootl JuilRinent Will A(knolo(lR(i Our Superiority In ery ltesi"Ct ISIS TH E ATR E TQNI GHT A lr Out Palroiia LEN0RDI One of the WoildV (Ircatc-l Tenor siniiOiH. We ran reoiiniiiend Pn feiw(r lnoidt n lieim the hi"t sinner ever lK''d l"i- Theater. Dpclihitt last niuht, he com polled in count back Ihe third lime, u liia mJiikIok wmm so xreatly up piceiulcd. tflill Amdhcr Ciack"i inck Act RANH & DREW t'oioodv SinuioR and Talkiiiir very li'rtnc.l act, both diplaini; a gtMul line of noiitf and jukcn. It isn't often we can otfer oit mm kihmI a hill a thi. I'.M'iyouo nlunild lake loKootiiifo of tin- op Hirluiiilv and drop in. Mniidiiy, Tuewlay and Wedei.da only. Three Reels, .10110 led .it MOTION PICTURES licit tit MiMc rtpeclat Matlnoc Knturilay and Kituday 2 p, m. KvenliiK Performauco 7 p. in. Valley Second Hand Store Buys nml Sells Si'contl-Hnml Goods, Copper, Rubber, Brass, Etc. M. J. PILCKER, Prop. 15 North F!r llomo lir.l Hell '10713 Clark & Wfight LAWYERS WAhlllNOTON, I. O. Ptibllo I.nnd MntterH: Final Prrtor. Doiiort l.audii, Coutouta and MlntiiR CdHoii. Hcrlp. AiiHoalnto Worlc for Attornoya EVERYTHING FOR THAT OFFICE If jjltort phono us, ..Both Phonos Medford Book Store ,